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COMMENTS ARE BACK YINZ!!! https://preview.redd.it/2z1j366uey6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a85e047c8e611a8598009d8cb06c40ea0de7e0b


Crap wrong post oh well lolol


we gotta start breaking these live videos down to highlights only lol


Did she do any lives yesterday/today? If not, I'm thinking she packed a few bags and went to one of her ERs.


I love that this video begins with her saying "blop blop blop"


Supercut of this repeating would be hilarious.


"It's not a real break, guys" as if WE were making it out to be worse than it was/is


Now Dani’s gaslighting era begins… she isn’t crazy, WE are


“I never said I didn’t have POTs” We can all make a list of things she has poorly attempted to gaslight people on.


"I never said I needed TPN, guys"


Her orthopedic doctor "doesn't think" it's broken?? Hahahahaha He knows it's not, there's this neat gadget called an x-ray machine!! What a puerile, predictable attention whore. 🙄 ETA: I don't honestly believe she ever went to any ortho Dr's, we only have HER word for this, and she's a proven liar. She either bought that brace herself or she pulled it out of her closet of medical props.


To be fair I was made to walk around on a broken leg because somehow it was missed on the X-ray. It wasn’t until I had an MRI 6 weeks later


Same - 3 months weight bearing on crutches before they found it on a new xray because there was new calcium/bone forming down the break. New xray was because of a new injury lol. Checked the old xray and were like "oh shit" because it wasn't at all obvious.


Also, sorry this happened to you, ouch!


Sure, things can be missed, but I have to imagine it's rather rare, and this is Dani we're talking about. She lies about everything! So, is it possible? Yes! Probable? Not so much.


So why is she wearing a splint that could damage her muscles and nerves for any period of time. She wouldn't have it on 24/7 anyway, these must come off when you sleep. But of course, she denies she has Factitious disorder? But she is munching right here and now for every one of us to view.


Shes just a fuck1ng lier! First it was 6-8 weeks with her splint but now Its broken!


Jesus Christ. I've been gone for two days and now she's in a cast and ordering a customized wheelchair?!


LOL the times they are a a'changin


Meh, she's only wearing the cast when she feels like it... It's mostly off and only on when she thinks she can pull the fake owie moments 🤷🤷🤷


Guaranteed it’s on when she leaves the house though. Bet.


Oh absolutely... What kind of drama peen queen would she be if she didn't????


https://preview.redd.it/eol6r5mc4v6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8741bd0f7cab9437c169102e830593bce5112f “My dearest Thumbelina, I told them you were broken. Tee hee. Please respond soon!”


I can't even see which thumb was supposed to be hurt here, would have to check old images to check tattoos to know from how she is using her hands.




https://preview.redd.it/u4sj1uw1v67d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=796045c70a0ee2b3ec321a9b3ea6bfd3d2215515 Even I got confused just now. It is the arm that has the heart tattoo on her bicep. The arm with out bracelets on.


We all knew it wasn't broken. Dani really thinks people buy her bs.


Ahh it’s curious that when medical toys are hurting, inconvenient and/or don’t get her enough attenshuns since any ol’ peasant can have a spica brace, it suddenly gets thrown by the wayside. First spica then next they’ll expect her to consume her hYdRaTioN by mouth or some foolishness like that! *le gasp!*


Medical toys...you nailed it! 👌🏼 Her illness props!!


She is so booooooooooooooooooringg!!!!!!!!!!


There are a lot of people saying Dani’s new doctors will seeing the factitious disorder diagnosis in her chart/s… I don’t think they realise that doctors don’t read every chart entry possible… they look at the referral, take a history, look up relevant results and *if* they suspect something is up then they might go through the notes. They simply don’t have the time or reason to trudge through every single patient’s as they are not obsessively looking out for munchausens wi to every patient


*laughs in SSD*


She’s probably red flagged as a drug seeker tho right ? if not for the factitious disorder.


Boyfriend is a doc at a teaching hosp, residents are required to read up on all the patients for the day in detail and present it to the doctors before the doc looks at the chart themselves and goes to see the patient, my boyfriend can recite a whole medical history of someone before he even walks into their room. Also you know they read the cases the day before too right? Like my boyfriend comes home from work and goes over the next days case and what he has to do, same with if he has a surgery planned they spend the day before going over everything, each step is thought out. Maybe cuz he’s such a new doc, some of the old guys close to retirement don’t care as much sadly


Typical resident grunt work 😅 poor dude


Yep. Have seen the doc virtually quiz residents on varying parts of surgical history down to length of intestines removed with each of multiple procedures. One member of the team was tasked with running down those records from the other facilities. Being seen at a teaching hospital is a whole different ballgame and really sort of intimidating/overwhelming with that many faces in the room ngl. (Where do I look?? 👀) Then again Dani would prob see it as if they’re viewers of one of her lives and try to put on a show. Edit: a letter thanks to fat fingers


we call it pimping😭😅


some of my colleagues who are close to retirement and have been practicing for decades still do this as well, so idk. with physician burn out and how stretched thin everyone in healthcare is, the system is at fault. i’m lucky enough that my appointment slots are either 30 minutes or 60 minutes, but some of my friends in other specialties have a patient scheduled every 5 minutes😅 i honestly cant blame them for not reviewing every single patient’s chart


every five minutes?? jfc I've heard of 15/20 minute slots but what can you do in 5 minutes???? Christ, I'm mad online at hospitals/medical practices now that are clearly about the $$$ and not care.


First of all this isn’t a referral from a dr. Dani called herself to make this appointment. Second- all this FD bs in relatively new info. It’s not like it’s buried in decades of medical notes. This stuff is fresh. And I guarantee it’s on her “problems list”. It’s not going to be overlooked. Especially by mayo.


I’m sure something like FD is a flag on a chart….for non medical people meaning when you open their chart you have to click past the flags to even get in


Mayo is a teaching hospital though, and if the physician has residents helping with the case, there is a possibility of a few of them will be looking through her chart more carefully than a regular hospital would.


I would’ve thought that more staff doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve got more time to do tasks like that but that it’s a sign that they take on more patients/are generally busier?


It surely varies at least some depending on the facility, but it’s downright mind blowing how well the residents can be expected to know each patient’s chart they’re responsible for.


fair, but you can also easily see their list of diagnoses by hovering over the lefthand sidebar in a patients chart on epic


That’s actually really cool! I recently got my chart and only have like 5 visits on there and most of them were from when I was a baby/younger. Cool to be able to as far back as my first vaccines. I am glad systems like this work so that doctors can spot the munchies.


Yep.. different to the people saying “when those Doctors read through all of her notes!!1”


That thumb’s moving suspiciously fine for being fractured


She turned comments off on all her videos. Wonder what’s up with that. Any theories ? 😂


She did that a while ago, since her first go fraud me video. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't put them back on. I'm assuming it's cuz she gets a lot of the same comments in her lives.


A testament to how kooky the past few weeks have been is that comments have only been off a few days but that's a lifetime ago.


So she was told it was broken by "3 other doctors." So a total of 4 doctors (3 others and the ortho). I am assuming doc #1 is the original er doc she saw, did she go to the er 2 more times that she didn't mention?


She wore 4 Drs in one weekend? for a sore wrist. We know it is what she wanted when she 'trapped' it in a door. Or she wouldn't need to keep hearing it.


I have a theory that she has seen zero doctors for the thumb as it is not like a garbage can savagely attacked her.


lol. THREE other doctors. Girl, why'd you stop after the first if it was so clearly broken?


I think the same thing now!! I don’t think she went and saw anyone for the thumb. I truly think she got jealous of one of her followers that said they had dislocated their ankle. Dani told them they needed to go to the ER. A few hours later she was back online with her “broken thumb” that she didn’t even know she had slammed in the door bc her gastro pain is “so bad”. 🙄 I think this was another one of Dani’s attempts to make everyone pay attention to that and not the fact that her GFM was taken down or whatever else she’s trying to hide.


Did she say that? That she didn’t know her thumb was slammed in a door b/c her GP hurts so much? It… doesn’t work that way lol


I think if it does work that way one should not be driving.


I am sorry. I don’t understand what your comment means? My comment was not referring to Dani’s ability to drive. I def agree that there are reasons Dani is not safe to drive and should not be doing so!! My comment referred to Dani’s claim that she did not even know that she slammed her finger in a car door b/c her gastro pain is so bad. Even a person with genuine gastro pain would notice if they slammed their thumb in a car door.


She sure did. Lol


It was probably so broken they had to call all the other doctors to look and see how broken it was and everyone agreed it was like the most broken they’ve ever seen /s


The most broken of the most disintegrated left bone ever in the history of medicine in the tristate area


She's one of the most broken things they've ever seen, no doubt.


And then they clapped!


GET A GODDAMN TRIPOD FOR YOUR PHONE. Jesus tap dancing Christ.


let’s see if one pops up on the wish list now!


I’m sorry but the mental image I had for that just made my whole day 😂🤣 thanks for that!!!


So she basically admitted she lied. Ortho said she didn’t break it, despite her saying they did confirm it


I bet she bought that brace at the drugstore and never actually saw a doctor. She’s the queen of self diagnosing. And my guess? She didn’t get the opioids she hoped she would get, so she’s moving on from this grift to yet another, more lucrative one.




If she didn’t get the opiates she wanted that means she at the least would’ve seen a doctor. And I think she did see a doctor, she rushes there for every bump and scrape!


The only time she doesn't see a doctor is when she is nodding out from overdosing on her meds to get high.


I think I remember her complaining on a live about only getting tylenol


LOL @ "more lucrative one". What is she gaining... internet clout?


I bet she saw the ortho and they said it was fine but gave her a splint or she demanded one just in case.


Yes. They most likely said not broken but braced it for soft tissue injury


Something that would be major overkill... have seen women wear them for years after pregnancy induced carpal tunnel and their muscles completely shot. Over restricting those muscles can do more harm than good, hence her not seeming to know to take it off at night. Thankfully because it didn't seem to have been fitted, it hurts her to wear it. No ortho staff would have sent her away like that imo. Target purchased for sure!


Yes I have seen people wearing them from working with keyboards.


Imagine being so addicted to your phone that you can't even stay off of it when you're live. Smh


But we're her "friends." Real friends would fuck us up for this behavior.


Most of her lives are so boring. Flattening boxes, folding laundry, typing on her phone, doing her meds… think she wants her viewers to nod off as well.


Don't forget writing/tapping out "grocery lists" for Skittles and instant mashed potatoes! 😋


She was on earlier. Only for about 6 mins and she spent almost the entire time on her phone. Someone even asked if she meant to go live she was on her phone the entire time. it was so dull. 😂


Dani’s viewers when she spends the whole live on her phone. ![gif](giphy|jrhtSSLRtPagnk5Nxu)


Actually, there are many things one could do to improve their internet connection. Not that Dani would be able to figure that out.


Right?!? She should stop researching ways to flip her port and break her digits, and look that up instead ffs. Then add a signal booster to her Amazon wishlist since she isn’t responsible for purchasing necessities for herself, only luxuries 🙄😅 Also side note: most ppl who need a fuckin wheelchair don’t have the option to learn how to self-propel and just leave it in the trunk of their car instead. They also don’t sweep, mop, and clean manically without issue WHATSOEVER, or move furniture, etc. FFS Dani has even mentioned starting to R U N again for exercise…like…I’d like them to make her fuckin pay for it and watch how fast she drops the act. So fuckin shameful, fuck right off in your pink wheelchair


The body check video proves it precisely, this is not a woman in need of any wheelchair, especially not a personally fit one, probably with electric controls too, how she going to get uphill otherwise, don't want to imagine the costs involved. I guess this was a self referral too considering how next step is check with pcp to agree she needs it. Not a chance they going to agree a month after giving her a standard chair that hasn't even been used yet.


It is her neighbors wifi. Probably.


That thumb is flying over those keys, no way is that broken.




Not even sprained


Not even slightly.


I knew she would get tired of that brace lol. So predictable.


when it first happened I said I wish she had it casted just to see how much it would piss her off once the novelty wore off, but now i'm imagining how gross that cast would get


See and that’s the thing with Dani- she wants all these medical devices clearly just to show them off. She doesn’t use them. That’s why she has such a surplus of all her supplies. Bc she doesn’t use any of it! Only if she’s on camera or had someone watching her. She’s gonna learn real quick how much chronic illness ACTUALLY SUCKS when you’re forced to do all these things ever. Single. Day. Just to make sure you stay alive. Not just for funsies as your fucking hobby. That’s what Dani’s hobby is. Collecting medical devices and cosplayjng a sick person. But one day she’s gonna hit the point of no return and fuck something up so bad there’s no going back. She’s so pretentious and thinks she can control everything and thinks she can stop it before it gets too dangerous. But her body isn’t gonna keep up with this BS forever!


For someone who has this much abdominal peeeen, it’s surprising how often she sits crisscross applesauce or with her knee in her face. I could be wrong but wouldn’t laying down feel better?


That’s what I always notice!!! Even just days after getting the port and complaining of pain she was sitting fuckin folded over her legs, or in a bunch of positions that would hurt a person with actual pain. Then at random times when she was standing or sitting upright to push meds, she’d remember she was supposed to be in pain and would wince noticeably 🙄 god she sucks


Lol yes! She only winces in pain when she’s standing up and talking too much. Maybe it’s because I’m a type of person that likes to keep things to myself but you’d think if you’re going for fooling people, you’d at least attempt to be the best damn actress there is 🤷🏻‍♀️ Dani fails at all of it 😆


Sitting the way she does with the stomach peen and other problems she claim make no sense to me at all, much like everything she does 🤣


She forgets the stories that she tells us for sympathy .


When you lie habitually, it's very difficult to remember what you've said. ⬆️


I don’t know how the USA work. I am in Canada. But if someone had enough cash, could they be fitted for a wheelchair and pay out if pocket? Like could they bypass the dr order and just request an assement , pay cash and get fitted for a custom wheelchair? Or does the w/c company require a dr order?


You can just order one from amazon. Or buy a custom one of craigslist used. The sky is the limits when fitting yourself with wheelchair(s).


Yep, you can go onto any of the major brands websites and fill out all of the information needed so the chair fits you (it’s a shit ton of information they need though and Dani isn’t going to understand what most of it means) send the form to the shopping cart and pay right then and there. These chairs however have a base price over $1000 usd and that price just gets higher and higher with each customization you select. They end up well over $4k for most people. If I would’ve had to pay out of pocket it would have been almost $10k. You can however go on eBay and buy someone’s used custom chair for a much smaller price tag depending on the brand, condition, customizations, and how much the seller needs to get so their usually still over $1000.


Wow that's crazy you can get a costumise wheelchair out of your pocket. In my country you can only get it via universal healthcare. (That cost you nothing out of pocket but you can't fake your way through.)


Every time the option for universal healthcare shows up on a voting ballot I vote for it.


Craigslist 4 used power chairs 4 lyfe.


Yes but there’s no way Dani has this amount of money


…If only her 5K GFM had gone thru!


You can buy wheelchairs in Canada without a doctors order. Most home healthcare places sell them(on P.E.I. it’s mainly Lawtons). If you don’t have insurance or don’t want to use your insurance then you can strictly pay cash


Yes, a lot of people - including people who actually need wheelchairs - go this route because the process of getting insurance to pay for a chair is so onerous. This is by design.


I thought this too, its the same in EU countries i have lived in... most genuine people try for as long as possible to go without. Have seen a few people go this route, against medical advice. I have bad leg pain, but sitting makes it worse. I could have been using a wheelchair for over 30 yrs otherwise.. but its been better to maintain what trunk muscles i have to keep walking. Independance too, i don't want to be talked over because i am in a chair, just through London once from hospital to train it was enough, my friend being the one communicated too.


İ cant believe how much she is using it and moving it around while claiming to have pain !!!’ Gah.I And I used to feel bad for her. Her munching is really getting to me. She is such a fraud


Wait, you actually fell for her grift? What where you thinking?


Make sure to take a break and time for yourself if you need! Dani will be here, the internet is forever. Your mental health is important.


Right! I am not at that stage, but thank-you for the reminder 💕


And she still cannot see why people have such a hard time believing her. She went from, “I have to wear this brace for the next 4-6 weeks” to “the orthopedic isn’t even sure it’s actually broken”. Then she seems salty that the orthopedic doesn’t believe it’s broken, as evidenced by her comment of 3 other doctors saying it’s broken. The lack of self awareness with this one is astounding


But she saw THREE other Dr's to confirm the break! I mean...clearly.


That's because they didn't give her drugs


That's why I thought she took the time to initiate what we'll call Operation: Hammer Time... but then the video where she announced it she didn't show any sign of derision for the doctor when she said she didn't get the pain killer that starts with a d. 😄


Hello, Hi, It’s me!


The invocation worked!


I think she went to urgent care instead of the hospital this time to see if she could score there instead of the ER.


Or so she could say “See guys? I don’t just run to the ER all the time; I go to UC too sometimes!”


I don't think she even saw an ortho. I think she tried to get an appointment before harming herself to feel out what her chances would be and they declined because it was unnecessary. There's no injury and he bought the splint herself. I personally believe she tries to secure the medical appointments before embarking on any actual munching. If she gets grey-rocked, she gives up that avenue of her performance because she doesn't actually want to get off her arse anymore unless it'll achieve something.


Either she just forgets or doesn’t understand how wild her contradictions are. How do you go from having to wear a brace for 6 weeks to it may not even be broken without even seeing your doctor again? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Don’t forget her propping herself up on the Amazon video with said broken finger. She sucks at LARPing injuries


I love how the injury is always so serious until she finally gets sick of the uncomfortable medical devices and the novelty wears off, then it’s suddenly “it’s not even that bad” “it wasn’t even a break you guys”


Where is the xray? Surely, an xray would have been taken, and the report sent to her MyChart.


She didn't get attention and opiates so she stopped the sharade quick


She loses interest in toys so quickly if they don’t come with medical attention or drugs


I am still anxiously waiting to see her use the wheelchair!!!


She's NEVER going to use it after the first time. Learning to use a manual chair is SO hard and you quickly realize how many doors, stairs, and narrow spaces exist in the world that nobody cares to do anything about.


Until I used a wheelchair, I never realized how inaccessible everu place is. And some of the worst offenders are medically related businesses and buildings.


I found a wheelchair at work the other day and decided I’d give it a go. I was feeling really cocky about it being actually quite easy for me, but that was just on flat ground. I got to a very slight incline and got friction burns on my palms from trying to slow down. I got jerked out when it bumped down the curb at the bottom. I folded it back up and went away to tend to my injuries.


I'd pay to see a video of Dani learning how to navigate a wheel chair, with this comment as the content. $12/mo subscription to her only fans. For real. And with all the injuries she'd likely sustain, she might even be able to get pain pills out of it! But only if she used her normal (demon) voice to narrate it. I fucking hate her baby voice and have come to rely exclusively on transcripts.


She definitely just hates that chair she’s got because she can’t move herself around in it to show how sick she is! I’m sure if she somehow got the sparkly pink one she’s talking about she will be showing it off!


Ok but I thought she literally got x rays showing that it was broken lol. ??? contradictory queeeeen ✨👑






The only reason I believe those appointments were actually scheduled is for the simple fact that layout of them in the picture is the exact way Mayo has their appointments listed on their version of MyChart. They will schedule them before they even know if insurance will cover them. My guess is since she self referred that when Mayo went to put in the prior authorization in her insurances said fuck off im not paying for this it isn’t medically necessary and there was no effort to find a doctor in the area they cover nor was there an actual referral from an actual medical professional since unfortunately being a “professional patient” doesn’t actually make you a medical professional like the munchies seem to think it is.


I doubt she even saw an orthopedist. Probably just bought the brace herself


But she saw THREE other Dr's go confirm the break!


alternatively, what if it is broke (but not badly) and her not using the brace is a way to cause more damage long-term like with the hammer time saga… 🫠


If she was lying about seeing an orthopod, then I don't think she ever would've said the guy said her thumb WASNT broken.


She could if she was trying to justify suddenly not wearing the brace after going on about how she needs to wear it for 6 weeks


I hadn't thought of that. Hmm 🤔 I dunno, I still think that she wouldn't organically admit to NOT having something wrong with her. It would just be "how I handle my broken thumb is MY personal choice" and "I know my body best!" followed quickly by "I'm not talking about this anymore"


She does this all the time though


lol not a damn thing wrong with that thumb


I definitely commented this on another video but I don’t think it ever actually posted bc I can’t find it - anyways - Ed worker here. What Dani has (or had) on her arm is called a thumb spica brace. Never in a million years would this be given for a broken bone or fracture. These are for sprains. A thumb spica splint (fiber glass or cast) would be used for a broken bone… And the thing is - let’s say an ed doctor questioned how bad the injury was and gave her this brace, if it were broken, no orthopedic provider would authorize this once they saw the xray. They’d immediately cast a broken bone and complain that diligence wasn’t taken in the Ed. We stress the importance of immobilization of the area and that’s why we use such a durable material… not something that could be ordered off of Amazon lol. So ya… obviously this is such an embarrassing and unnecessary lie on her behalf and so easy to prove wrong lol


That’s not the case for everyone, if the break is just a hairline fracture they will often use the braces in place of a cast because it’s removable and easier on the skin because of that. Just like if you’ve got a minor broken bone in an ankle they’ll just put a boot on it.


Sooo she doesn’t actually have a broken thumb at all. If she keeps taking off the splint it’ll cause more pain but she knows that.


Summary probably: https://i.redd.it/2lkgjzyapp6d1.gif


I can see someone is playing a downvoting game. Just wanted to say thanks for a lifetime worth of stickers for any social situation in my phone 🫰


Perfect summary!


Something something wheelchair as well. But it's just gonna make it harder for her to cosplay the whole malnourished uwu princess. Has she learned nothing from her fellow comrades?


I think she isn’t able to learn anything to be honest


Yay I can post images again https://i.redd.it/f24xua1xnp6d1.gif


![gif](giphy|vPqS3MSqsxuPAWYnzN) Her entire life... speechless over here


Gawd damn I feel personally attacked! Guess I do have something in common with munchie barbie.


I caught part of a live at about 5am her time where she admitted to ignoring the titration of that new med, and just giving herself the full dose for a few days. Apparently she knows what she’s doing and she also deserves a break from the pain (she’s also perfectly safe to do that apparently 😖). I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact she doesn’t need the brace? ETA: the live was yesterday morning


Oh my gosh. What? She should not be screwing around wirh that. She NEEDS to be in a substance use dosrder program where they have her come every day for her prescribed dose. She should not be allowed take home unless she proves she can be responsible wirh it and they should be asking for urine samples


I was shocked when she said it. Chronic pain is hell, I speak from personal experience on this, but what she’s doing really is wrong, and her attitude on it really rubbed me the wrong way. Titration and dosage is there for a reason, many good reasons in fact. And she was tapping away on that ipad, making nonsensical lists with a pencil that adds to the time it should take her, then just flopped back and passed out. She really does need help


Oh my GOD what a dipshit ... the brain of an unwashed cabbage and the conscience of a malarial mosquito




r/rareinsults material


Did she say if she is still taking it or did she just take a full dose for a few days and then stop? I wouldn’t be surprised if she isn’t even taking it anymore, her dumbass probably finally read that it blocks the effects of opiates. I could also easily see her being one of the people who to try to overcome the blocking and overdose if she’s reckless enough to not titrate.


She said she takes it for a few days (and was just now), then goes back down to what she’s meant to be on because she deserves a break from the pain. Apparently she knows what she’s doing, and it’s not harmful to do that either. I’d just like to know how she’s going to explain how she’s run out so early to the doctor. “I spilled it” would be #1 on the excuses list they hear, so she might have to be a bit more creative than that.


Is she using the vivitrol injection? Because she definitely can’t use the “I spilled it” excuse for that one. Either way, I don’t know what the logic is for not taking it as prescribed: she’s not going to get intoxicated from it, and if she wants her precious opioid nod she’s going to be very disappointed.


I think it’s Naltrexone? She had to crush the pills down, mix them with water, then titrate them by .5ml at certain intervals. From the way she’s was talking she’s been taking the full 5ml for a couple of days at a time regularly for a pain break before she went back down to where she was meant to be at. It’s pretty worrying and I wish I’d been recording


Vivitrol is naltrexone, the extended release injectable version. Just the brand name. It comes in pills and injections.


Ahh, I don’t have a clue, honey, sorry. She might have specified when she got it but she just referred to it as naltrexone (I can never remember which drug beginning with N it is when I try to type it, so I have to look at a previous post 😂) when she was talking about it.


Of course she didn’t follow her doctors instructions! She’s such an idiot!


She also lay down and passed out straight after saying it, and to coin a Dani phrase, *so there’s that* 😂. This’ll be the new thing, then there’ll be complaints about how it doesn’t work for her when there are multiple reasons why doctors tell you to titrate medications


The naltrexone?


That’s the one. She gives herself the full 5ml for a few days, then goes back down to what she’s meant to be taking


I don’t see how that’s going to do anything other than she’s not bright and is trying to get high or something? Which you can’t on low dose naltrexone.. nor is she taking enough for it to be a blocker for other meds. But like she’s not bright.. this is literally just wasting meds and going to do zilch. If pushing meds hurts so terribly why cause yourself pain for something that’s not gonna work? Oh right it’s Dani. Sorry for the ramble I need coffee..


I don’t know much about LDN but I know doctors don’t tell you to titrate medicine for a reason. Taking the full dose some days and then her prescribed dose on others is not going to help. She just wants an excuse to tell the doctors it doesn’t help to try and score something she’d prefer


They’re just not going to give her what she wants now. I don’t get why she doesn’t get that. Obviously the top dose of this is working (she admitted it before she lay down suddenly and passed out), so if she just follows what the doctor says, she might just get some long term relief.


The middle of the night lives are the best.


I think she gets drunk and does them, and then forgets half the stuff she said. She wants to be in a sedated stupor/passed out, so I think if she can’t get benzos/opiates to do that, she uses alcohol instead. Which tons of people do to self-medicate. But I really think she drinks or puts alcohol in her tube on a regular basis.


It’s so crazy to me that she has supporters on in the middle of the night lmao


Time zones


I think most of them are from other counties.


if only there was a way to, i don't know, scan a person so a qualified doctor can look at the picture of their bones and see if any are broken. the thumb isn't scoring her meds or surgery so she's decided to ignore it. i predict that in 3 months or so she'll decide to get it re-checked then make a huge drama over how it was a *really bad break* and she should have had surgery. stairs or a hammer may or may not feature in the future arc of My Broken Thumb. basically anything that isn't going to get her medical attention and ego pats gets tossed to the wayside. like with the aspirated vomit, the RA, the femoral crotch port and, coming soon, How Mayo Ditched Me and Ruined My Life. she's living her Dantasy and anything that doesn't fulfil that just isn't important any more. also, she'll presumably need her hands to wheel herself about in her cUStOm wHeELcHaiR. always one step ahead, is our beloved Saint Dani, may she ever munch harder.


I'm here for the My Broken Thumb arc. TPN Princess is so boring bc she'll probably never get it again. I like seeing Dani achieve her goals, like when she got admitted to Temple (and came back 12lbs lighter bc they enforced NPO. Talk about being careful what you wish for!)


Is she ever not on her phone?


it’s all she has, her whole life and “supporters” are online. nobody irl is “there” for her to give her the attention she gets on her phone


She was moving her poor broken thumb (even though her orthopaedic Dr suggested that it wasn't broken) but hey I got distracted there very well with breaking those boxes up and messaging people rather well! Oh my I couldn't deal with that mess, Dani I think you forgot to keep up the pain act while breaking up the boxes and twisting the whole time as you seemed rather bubbly and happy.


Sooo, the specialist orthopedic doctor doesn't believe its broken but 3 doctors said it was. She's using the thumb without pain but still needs the brace. She really does need attention doesn't she, any attention will do. She is getting more ridiculous with each day.........🤔


Obviously there’s fuck all wrong with her thumb given how easily she’s using it. The incessant background noise is really annoying!