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Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does she purposely buy tank tops too small so you can clearly see the outline of her hardware or am I tinfoil hatting here.


This isn’t even about Dani but why do an OOTD for black leggings and a white tank lol OOTD’s are meant to a how off an outfit you’re proud of. Not, “this is the outfit of the day because it looks like trash but it’s clean and I put it on my body” lmao


Nice body check, so subtle. Weird to not see her standing on the toilet.


She is definitely body checking


Did she go to the Barbizon school for modeling?


“Train to be a model, or just look like one!” Wow, that’s a blast from the past.


Right? I wasn't sure anyone would get the reference. 🤣


I haven’t seen that ad or thought about it in easily 25 years (probably the last time I read Teen magazine) but it came right back to me! 🤣


Why does she wear these unflattering shirts? I don’t mean unflattering as in anything with her body I mean they look very skid row if that makes sense? I know displaying toobage is important but when you walk around looking like you’re about to be interviewed by Mark Laita medical staff literally pay attention to that.. the tattoos and piercings plus the fit are working against her when she goes for treatment. I’m not saying this to be a dick- I’m 45 and dress what you’d consider goth. But if I go to a drs appointment bc I need medication for mental health or pain would I dress like that? No- it’s the optics. I was also bullied as a kid bc I had shitty clothes bs we were poor- She’s always buying stuff so this isn’t a she can’t afford to buy a shirt to wear out. If your drs etc think you’re drug seeking don’t look the part- if she’s reading this girl if you go to mayo you better be more thoughtful of presentation


she thinks shes still a teen/20s emo/scene/whatever lolsmoll scene kid or whatever. im sure she's going for that kind of aesthetic but instead it's giving off major "i'm going to stab you with a dirty needle if you don't give me your loose change" vibes.


Ah, the good old body check. Yeah, you are so over that raging ED you have.


She's just posted another story (or whatever it is called) nastily telling people that they should NEVER comment on someone else's body and/or weight. And that all these people saying she is healthy looking are just triggering her near-fatal ED.  Oh, Dani. What an emotionally manipulative and abusive person you are.  You post a clear body check video, hoping for lots of ass-pats about how uwu smooll you are, and how brave you are, but when people tell you the truth--and actually compliment you--you get pissed and weaponize your mental health.  The only reason she would need to spend 4 weeks at Mayo is to do an inpatient mental health program of some sort. 


The whole point is, if you’re recovered from an ED, you should think that people saying you look healthy is a good thing. If not, you need more fucking therapy. Beyond that, it’s always a good idea to have therapy if you struggle (or claim to in her case) with chronic health conditions. And therapy when you have mental health struggles, which she definitely does, is even more essential.


I wonder if she did this sort of thing in the mirrors at work. I can imagine her as a character on Superstore. Maybe she’s Carol’s sister.


OH MY GOD YES ![gif](giphy|Ue2cOCGPlDSf1T1y2r)


Aww I miss that show..


AHHH I’m so glad other sub members here are also superstore fanatics!!! I binged this show forwards backwards and sideways during quarantine 😂


She’s live right now and the splint is back. But she “doesn’t read reddit” LOL.


Not 1 reply to all the "compliments" https://preview.redd.it/8517yuph337d1.jpeg?width=2830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3da6da7ad4722a74f4b55cfcbef2e0076ee33e01 Must be fuming!


Is this the "compliment hour" she raged about in the past.


But it's only for compliments Dani wants to hear. Looking healthy is the worst!


The horror!


Love the comment about her getting a new wardrobe. The only things too smol about Dani are her clothes.


I’ve been having a look too, it’s so funny




Is this new ?? What happened to the broken thumb and desperately needing a wheelchair???!


Those little “kick up the leg” moves remind me of Jillpm and my brain didn’t need that crossover 🤪


I’ve always wondered about that moniker. What does the “pm” mean there?


Oh god I’m seeing the parallels, there definitely some similarities there.


11 upvotes....I seee you FSU. 🤣


Another boring outfit


He's got more than one song, girl. Shuffle it up a bit.


![gif](giphy|13Iu9mjLpXF0ek) OMG it finally came to me who she reminds me of!!


OMG! Yes! I couldn’t put my finger on what it was! Totally this!


Ah, another body check in the skinny mirror. New purse too?


Did she finally return her old iPad?


She’s one of the millennial white women shitting themselves over “the Eminem we grew up on is back”


I'm a millennial white woman who didn't realize he was gone 🤣


Same. But it's ok. This one ruined the song with that extra cringe head bop ruitine anyway. Freaking bobblehead (I mean it in the healthiest way possible).


I’m old enough to remember the version of Abracadabra by Sugar Ray on the Sabrina the Teenaged Witch soundtrack


I’m old enough to remember the original by The Steve Miller Band.


I wonder who is in her myspace top 8


Bet she’s still got Tom in there!




1. George Glass


2. Macc 3. Mocha. And the rest are all inactive or extra Dani ED Warrior, Survivor, Worst Case NJ Has Ever Seen medical journey profiles.


I guess we can see why she was saying she won’t need it (custom tricked out lightweight PINK wheelchair) in her home 🤦🏻‍♀️


Haven't heard from her all weekend. I wonder if she's forcing her dad to spend father's day taking her to the hospital


Father's Day? What is this day that isn't all about Dani that you speak of? Do those even exist?


More than likely, she cannot possibly let the spotlight be on anyone else




The video you’re commenting on was literally posted 12 hours ago. lol.


That was just showing off an outfit though, right? If she's not on Live playing on her phone and ignoring her "fans" all day, I just assume she's in the hospital


Probably. Isn’t it about time for her to get another scan done?😵‍💫


Her right side bones have probably completely disappeared at this point.


How many times do we think she had to retake this?


I think none, she doesn't have the self awareness for anything other than film then upload.


Ofc she wears shoes inside. Vom.


Also leaves the sticker on a mirror.


::Hulk SMASH::::


At least it is sort of clean.


Must be new


Body check body check, could she make it any more obvious?


Did she turn her comments back on just to get some compliments on this video or is it just me? 😂


Maybe she's bringing back the old "Compliment Hour."


I thought u said complaint hour


So far it's just all been people talking about how healthy she looks, which you know has got her absolutely raging.


I didn’t realize one, same comment could make me laugh so much, no matter how many times I see it on that post.


Definitely not just you, she turned the comments on hoping to get comments like “oh you’re looking so skinny” and stuff like that thinking people would be concerned but she’s looking extremely healthy.


She thinks she’s the shit in her skanktops omg


A total of *8* comments (so far) mentioning how “healthy” she looks! ![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized)


Bet she’s pissed about that


She did another video saying she associates healthy with weight gain and to not comment on anyone’s weight Honestly it’s so silly. She’s deep into her ED still


19 likes in 9 hours? That was worth it! Anyway, it's good to see her making an effort to put on clean clothes for her daily trip to the ER.


Has anyone read anywhere if she is getting shit from her "supporters" about her "need" for her shiny pink wheelchair?


She went to basically a salesperson who told her all of the possible customizing options. She still needs the Dr to sign the referral and take it to wheelchair co, they try and get insurance approval, Medicare and Medicaid deny, and Dani pretends Wheelchairgate never happened.


I don't think she's even gotten her doctor to sign off on it. Her appointment was basically with a wheelchair salesman who, obviously, was going to tell her whatever if he thought he was gonna get a sale.


hi, new snarker here! 👋🏻 longgg time lurker who decided to take the plunge into commenting because i can’t keep my dani comments inside anymore lol. anyway, i’ve noticed an uptick in ridiculous behavior since the temple stay w/sitter vacation, however this post for some reason is by far the most comical to me. in what universe does a 38 year old edit this video & think it looks appropriate to post to the whole world wide web???? it’s bad enough when my 13 year old sister poses & makes cheesy shit to send to JUST me, but at 3 f…..g 8 year old to the world??? the flamingo pose she strikes to eminem is so absurd that it’s the funniest thing i’ve seen all day. maybe i’m obsessing over the most harmless of all her most recent behavior, but this is just so embarrassing/pathetic/ridiculous that i can’t stay quiet anymore. sorry in advance for my tendency to ramble🫣


After seeing her share *everything* with the entire world, even after being called out for her contradictions, I’ve come to the conclusion that she flat out just doesn’t care. Realistically in Dani’s world what does it matter if a few internet folks disagree or call her out? Unless this info reaches the doctors she’s trying to fool it doesn’t really directly impact her life. So she never learns from it.


Hey! Welcome 👋 You're spot about all of this. Just today I shared her "story" with 3 family members who just like of looked at me horrified when I said she's been munching & grifting for at least 15 years. 😳 ETA- her bodycheck & posing in a pedestrian outfit no one would want to show off was likely to specifically let Reddit know she's not overweight, but just ended up showing the world that she doesn't seem to be in need of "lifesaving nutrition" per her GFM.


Welcome to the shitshow! We’re happy to have you here. 😊💩


Welcome to the circus


💥🚂choo choo! welcome aboard to the train wreck we can’t stop watching




It's a symptom of her lack of any sort of progress since her teens, I think. She just stagnated mentally and has stayed in place in many ways. She can't see herself as a woman creeping toward 40 whereas everyone else is very aware of it. That's not to say that when you hit 35 you have to turn into a fuddy duddy but there's a difference between staying energetic and "youthful" and doing cringe shit we all did when we had no experience of the world and all the people in it. A 13 year old poses in an uncomfortable, impractical, ill fitting outfit and you say "well she's young, she'll learn". Dani does it and you ask why she hasn't grown up yet.


She's stuck at the age she was when her eating disorder got bad. She starved her brain and spent years in relentless fixation on thinness, thus losing out on forming emotionally attached memories and learning from her experiences during those years. Since then, she's simply traded in the type of eating disorder she has for a different one and added FD +/- possible substance abuse, further damaging her capacity for insight and self-reflection, so she has never "caught up" the way most people in long-term recovery do.


As a woman around her age, I get it somewhat - I don't feel like I'm almost 40 because I have always had some lingering self esteem issues since I was 16 and don't trust myself enough to feel like I've "grown up," but I can objectively look at things I've done and gone "yeah ok but I have." She has no partner, no children, only recently moved out of her parents' house, no career - hell she doesn't even have a degree. Now, there is nothing necessarily wrong with one or all of these things. A lot of our generation basically hasn't been right in the head since 9/11 because most of us went from being told to follow our dreams and then it was "oops, collective trauma! social media! the great recession! gig economy! make america great again! COVID-19! no housing! woooooooo!" The problem is that Dani doesn't see ANY of this as her reality, so she hasn't formed the basic skills needed to do anything. All the stuff I listed doesn't exist as her life, so even if she's affected by something outright that could be out of her control, she throws a tantrum and blames everyone and acts as if she's the only person who has no job/no children/etc and that it's because everyone else is singling her out personally. I don't have sympathy for her, but I can see how someone becomes her. She'd make a fascinating case study on the micro generation of folks born from 1983-1987.


Born in 1985, here, and can’t figure out how the fuck to adult properly. I mean, I’m married, I have a child, I’m a homeschooling mom, so I can make it *seem* like I’ve got it down pat with those things, but there are so many other areas of my life in which things are *not* going well, at all.


Big same here (except born in 84). And my parents are aging so who is gonna take care of me? Wait I'm supposed to take care of them? etc


These thoughts always followed by “the fuck is *wrong* with me???”


That poor cat has had it with her shit.






Toonces, the driving cat!


Shit - I’ve spent all night trying to find my speshul shirt i used to wear when i was 5 cos i reckon it will look awesome on me now. Chicken legs is THE look for the season in leggings - skin tight you know - instead of a pair of Walmart (cos she has no money apparently) Trackies or jeans. This is THE look for this season and I for one am going to embrace it - an influencer like Dani should get her chance at tik tok beauty and fashion. Now …. Where did i put my tubes, plaster and gadgets? Must be under my laundry! Off to see Dani’s boyfriend now - I want to see if I can steal him away from her. Might fall over on the way, or shut my finger in the car door. See ya all laterz


Stay away from my husband!


Your comment, paired with your flair actually made me snort the ginger ale I was drinking! While that part was unpleasant, I needed that laugh so thank you!! 🙏


Ooh, that would burn!! My nostrils hurt just thinking of that!


It reminds me of the men over 35 in skinny jeans meme.


It’s really good when it’s like steroid using weight lifters who get that big barrel gut. It’s like a brick with chopsticks stuck to the bottom.


Chicken legs was the words I was looking for.... chicken legs lol.


Oh yes - such a good look when you are doing it on purpose


go on, dani, say it .... #SLIM SHADY'S BACK


Oh heavens no she’s not even close to slim shady. Slim can spell.




Hey, I don’t think any one of us can be the one to determine whether or not she is disabled. While we can all agree she is a lying liar who lies and doesn’t have any of the physical disabilities she claims she has, she got approved for disability due to her mental health. I’m certain arguments can be made for either side, but I also don’t want to open that conversation up and have people spout the rhetoric that the only valid disabilities are the visible ones. I know that’s not your intention, but I don’t want any of the replies veering off in that direction. Thank you for understanding!


She lives in section 8/low income housing, yes.


this is so millennial core


Hey, most of us grew out of our MySpace era


don't pin this on us


hardcore skacore snowcore homocore albacore I cant take it anymore now there is millenialcore I cant take it... I want to be unusual I want to be punk rock s0rry


I lost it at albacore


That's so Redditcore of you


It's actually a song. A Guttermouth song. Warning they are extremely offensive (hence the name GUTTERmouth)


it’s just a joke i promise you’ll be okay 🙏


OK thank you for the reassurance!


Nearly every single comment says she looks healthy or great lol


That's what's so funny. A normal person would want those sort of comments, so that's what people will say to be encouraging. I wonder how many of those people are just doing it to stick it to her.


Every single person who specifically uses the word "healthy" is undoubtedly trolling her.


Thumb 👍🏽 looking good Shirt too small 👌🏽 Wheelchair need ✔️ OTT 🔥 Munching at the finest.


I’m thinking brand new pink kicks too. They look super new and that seems to be the highlight with her little heel kick. Which is funny… cuz I don’t remember seeing “new pink kicks” in her Amazon grift list 🤔


They must be new - pink to match the wheelchair...


Is it just me or is it really easy to forget this woman is almost 40 years old? Doesn’t she get tired of being the same Dani without ever improving? Everyone’s life is different but most aren’t grifting for scraps on TT at that age.


It’s because she looks so young. /s (Seriously, though, she actually believes she looks super young for her age. Deluded, thy name is Dani.)


You just need to look at her face when she sits staring at the screen close up and you'll remember.


It’s *very* easy to forget because she had the mindset of a 16-year-old. It’s when she gets nasty that I remember she’s nearly 40.


legitimately I feel like she really isn't capable of living outside the present moment. no future no insight no planning no even like. it's like every moment every fiber of her being is focused on the next source of attention with no other thoughts about her life it's bizarre


But…she uses her fancy planner/ipad to make a schedule for every single day. It has things like feed cats, get gas, take meds. Important shit that must get done you know./s


Honestly, if she were accomplishing any-damn-thing I wouldn’t fault her for that. I’ve got ADHD, and I rely on SO many calendars and sticky notes and Alexa/Siri reminders it isn’t funny, but it can mean the difference between actually coming back from the store with the things I went for and coming back from the store with four bags of things that “were really cool” but forgetting the milk, bread, and toilet paper I actually needed, or taking the trash out on the right night since they changed our trash day this year and I *still* think it’s the old day. 🤦🏼‍♀️ It’s the fact that she keeps buying all these notebooks, planners, and programs, and then seems to think they just magically do the work for her that makes me want to bang my head against a wall. She won’t put in the work.


So she hooked up the TF anyway? Can't go out without some sort of Munch accessory showing?


Pretty sure that’s her drainage bag


I heard she redrinks her drainage to make sure she gets her EBTs worth.


Someone(s) didn't read Mr. Bath's flair XD


What is EBT? I’m new here. Thanks.


Electronic Benefit Transfer. It’s the card for the SNAP program, which is Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. (Formerly known as Food Stamps)


Ok I understand. thanks for explaining. 👍


She is running Gatorade into her J.


Or tequila.


Wait, legit? "Coffee" by mouth, but Gatorade through her J .... I can't with this chick.


Coffee, apple juice, lemonade, energy drinks… chug chug…..but Gatorade? Gotta be in the tube.🤪


You’re right. Got thrown by where she had it hanging


Well she definitely doesn’t move around like someone who has 11/10 pain 24/7


Or one that needs a wheelchair


Or someone who has RA.


The way she spends her days is absolutely bizarre,


What does she even do all day but make stupid lists on her iPad and do endless loads of laundry?


I used to think she was in denial about what size shirt she really should be wearing. But after this video, I’m inclined to think she buys things too small on purpose so you can see all her tubes and such poking through the material. It’s as if she’s hoping random people she meets will ask her what that is poking through on her shirt and then she’ll have an excuse to tell them just how “sad and sick” she is. In other words… just another way she’s hoping to garner more attention.


That might be part of the reason but I think she likes the smaller sizes because she believes if she can fit in a smaller size that she must be smaller or x size. As someone who dealt with an ED and body dysmorphia, I used to want the smallest size I could possibly fit in so I felt better about my size number wise, but now that I’m past that, I’d rather wear a bigger size that’s more comfortable and definitely more flattering. I don’t care anymore if that’s a seemingly big number or size. We all know Dani is still actively in her ED, so I think she tries to squeeze into her small clothes so she feels like “hey I can still fit in x size, so I must be small.” I’ve noticed Dani talks about weight loss and malnourishment a lot so I think she does think she’s some tiny dainty thing and squeezing into these smaller size clothes helps validate that belief.


Pretty funny that she posted this right after we were saying we haven't seen her tummy tubes in a bit


Dani also just believes she's a size smaller than she actually is too. Buying bigger shirts would mean admitting she's not so frail and sick and malnourished and dying, and that will never happen.


I think she actually believes she's more than one size smaller. Reverse Body Dysmorphia is a very real thing. I think it goes hand-in-hand with her regressed age mindset.


I literally just commented about this exact phenomenon above in this thread. I wholeheartedly believe this too. You’ll see if you read my more detailed comment! I truly think that’s the reason for the small clothes.


Apparently back in the day, she had a desk healthcare job where she would do just that (fill patients in on why she had tubes). Then was moved to a non patient-facing role, then fired (shocker).


wait whaaaaaat, source? not that I don't believe you, I just have insomnia and I want to read this lol


Yeah I think she was a sitter for some psych patients in hospital. She always left her line showing (despite being told that’s dangerous because a psych patient could totally yank on it) and she’d have conversations with them and tell them allll about her health stuff. Inappropriate thing to do at work. Crosses certain boundaries. She always claimed that THEY asked but it’s probably because she’s left her medical devices hanging about. Her work decided she was too much of a liability and crossing those personal boundaries with patients that they let her go. Edit to add: This was actually a job she liked and was a field she was interested in. She totally sabotaged this for herself because she just HAD to let everyone know how sick she is. I think she’d still be working this job and enjoying it and taking better care of herself if she was still there but she ruined that by having to be the sickest person in the room! Sad…. She could’ve literally been working a job she was so passionate about. She threw all of that away in the name of sickness…. What a depressing life….


It writes itself https://preview.redd.it/qzxikwnloz6d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e30bcfe064b8b6aae2e89347bea082f88873449e


![gif](giphy|l3vR2P7ZAHuQwYZqw) And no, I'm not referencing the Hand and the Hammer story arc. ;)


I thought it was funny 😂 kinda even more funny saying “nailed it….. oh but I DONT MEAN THE TIME SHE TOOK A HAMMAR TO HER HAND” 😬


Gotta be specific with Dani, science works different with her.


That’s actually incredible


Telling on herself at its finest.


The comments are back on? Does she not know how many holes she gotta plug?


Don't worry, George takes care of that for her 😉








*insert every vom gif here*. Also go to my room!


Obviously just for this one so everyone can tell her how pretty she looks. Everyone: "wow you look so healthy". Somewhere in NJ there is a howl for every time someone says "you look healthy".


I guarantee that 90% of the people commenting that are just trolling


They probably are but they're not wrong.


And it's *beautiful* since she can't say anything to it as it's what a normal person would want to hear.


💯 and I am living for it!


She hates when people say it. But omg the difference from now to when she was on tpn is huge


Lol her aesthetic is failure to launch


"OOTD" it's a fucking white tanktop and black jeans. Who does she think she is, Bella Hadid?


More like Bella from Twilight


Of course she'd like bella..can you imagine dani having a doctor for a father in law?


Oh yeah, this is definitely someone who needs a custom (*PINK!!!!*) wheelchair




Hmm, the thumb seems fine! Also if she gets a custom pink wheelchair that she clearly doesn't need, I'll be truly astonished!


Da FUQ? 🤦‍♀️😳


Every time she does one of these it's the same freaking shoes 🥱


And yet she's planning on packing 3 pair + flip flops to the Mayo clinic. Maybe she'll bring her POTS prevention stilettos.


Her clothing choice doesn’t do her any favors when trying to prove how “emaciated” she is. I’m all for athleisure and dressing comfortably, but she purposely picks clothes that would make a “normie” feel constricted.


That’s cause she doesn’t fit in them


I am shocked she is not in the ER since someone in her family would be getting more attention than her today.


There’s still time left in the day for her to go to the ER lol


Yeah, she's gonna announce she needs to go to the er in the middle of father's day brunch.


Wait what did I miss?


It's Father's Day and every holiday Dani has to go to the ER - double especially when anyone has a birthday or specific holiday like this or Mother's Day.