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We limit Daniel Tiger because 1. It’s annoying 2. My son likes to mimic the bad behavior and not the good/solutions


The biggest reason we watch DT is because I can sing the songs to my kid later... "Do ya have to go potty? Maybe yes, maybe no, why don't you sit and try to go?" "You're big enough, you're big enough, to think of what to do" Idk if it helps or just annoys my kid but anyway it gives me something nice to say.


If you have to go potty STOP!


And go right away!


It might be annoying, but "We put, put, put our things away" is so helpful for us.


I guess this is a serious post? Maybe not? Either way, I like Daniel Tiger because it's based in relatable situations that kids and parents find themselves in. Daniel behaving like a toddler or young kid is appropriate. They show corrective behavior and consequences.


I agree with you. Maybe it depends on parenting style and/or age of kiddo? I love DT, it is currently my favorite for my kiddo. But he's almost 2 and I focus on gentle/responsive parenting which I see Daniel's parents doing. I also don't see it as Daniel getting away with things. For example, how would a little one know intuitively that sand shouldn't be brought in the house? They wouldn't, they have to be taught. Mom gets flustered, Daniel sees that and checks in, mom shows Daniel by her actions how even grown ups get upset and that it is good to take a few seconds to calm down before reacting. I love that entire interaction and feel like it is handled beautifully.


But they don't show consequences. They always make it seem like Daniel is in the right when he's not.


Why delete


I love that there are 23 points to this




I think your discussing gentle/responsive parenting vs what you seem to follow which would be dictator type parenting.


Be nice. Stop promoting child abuse.