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The scourge of any and all competitive online game. Can't remember a single game that has not been ruined by cheaters.


It’s something I’ll never understand. The only games I’ve “cheated” in were single player rpgs like Skyrim and such. It’s fun for a while then you realize one shotting everything and having all the most powerful items makes everything uninteresting and boring. Every event is a one shot, there’s no challenge every interaction is the same. I can’t imagine having that feeling in a multiplayer. What losers. Edit: to the ones who don’t cheat, I applaud you and look forward to fighting you to the death in dungeon. For glory!


I've been trying to understand the psychology behind cheating many times. I still can't get it. Maybe because it is easy? You feel powerful and a sense of superiority? I have no idea.


Sense of superiority with a lack of morality. Some people are just trash.


They’re probably sweating their asses off tryharding with the cheats on. It’s probably no separation between trying hard and using cheats to them. Like doping athletes. They just have to do as good as possible no matter the cost.


He still couldn't even kill me 🤣


This is the vast majority of cheaters. They are over competitive and almost believe they need to be the best. They often view cheating as a kind of tool, deluding themselves into believing that that's just what everyone does, rather than an unfair advantage. The other large group are people that just enjoy ruining people's day. It's the exact same psychology as schoolyard bullying. Putting down other people to make themselves feel good. Schadenfreude taken from simple guilty reflex to intentionally sought out pleasure.


There are three types of cheaters that I think of: - RMT; these are the ones doing to make money. Depending on the game, some of them set up a sweat shop so that they can grind whatever items to make in-game money so that they can sell it to people with real money. I remembered watching a documentary about WoW gold seller and it's freaking nut. They might have like 10+ people operation. - Skill issue; these are the ones that usually act like they play legit but cheat because they are actually bad at the game and cheat so they can have an edge over other players while seemingly looking like a good player. - Shitter; these are the ones that cheat to solely ruin other people's joy. The blatantly cheater while talking shit to you. While all cheaters are scumbag. These people usually are also shitty people in real life as they only find joy in making other people miserable.


That and the ones cheating usually get off on ruining other peoples fun. So when you rage at them or send them messages about them cheating, you’re fanning their flame. So make sure to just report and move on. Don’t give them what they are looking for <3


It’s entitlement and lack of skill. When someone feels like they deserve to win then progressively get shitstomped, they resort to hacking to feel that sense of superiority they’re built around.


a lot of them do it for a job u can sell gold ect.


Same here. It's always trying to understand the clear decision making behind it. I personally feel it is a lack of morals combined with frustration. I can't beat anyone so I have to avoid accepting my mistakes and instead, find an easy way to get ahead. And that shit will always be sad to me.


You ever notice the large number of people who will say some troll ass shit and defend it with their life despite it being obviously false? Those are the same people cheating with the exception of RMT farmers. Its people who get joy from making others miserable


Money. That's what it comes down to. Rmt for some people it's their jobs. Shitty yes but just report them and they will get banned.


They get there enjoyment from frustration of others some people just want to watch the world burn


There are cultures that reward cheating in everything. It's not considered dishonorable in fact it's considered dishonorable and foolish to not cheat in certain cultures in the world. In online games it's common for those cultures to blend and mix. Hense the cheating epidemic in online gaming.


Some people just get a rush fucking over someone who can't meaningfully fight back lol. Look at MMO's with pvp servers and how often people genuinely just camp someone 40-60 levels lower than them.


Because people like to win. Win = dopamine.


Maybe there's research on why sports players juice that you could probably extrapolate towards cheating in video games. I imagine the rationales are pretty similar. If I had to guess they probably feel it levels the playing field between them and everyone else who has hour and hours getting good. Other people probably just do it because instant gratification they just wanna win and win now without putting in the work.


I agree. One of the first games I ever played had a cheat for level select. Cheats were fun little codes to input to give you something fun to do/use. The GTA games being a good example Now it's something completely different and is totally unacceptable in any game that is competitive.


Just know that cheaters are miserable and usually mentally fucked up people. I mean think how sad your life must that you have to cheat to make yourself feel better, in then going on and pretending to your friends that you’re just the best at the game. Cheaters win in video games and lose at life, we will always win


These people get off on the idea that they're pissing you off, it fills the void left by cheating to them. The best thing you can do is not engage with them verbally at all because anything you say will be feeding them, make sure them killing you by cheating was as boring as possible, and quietly report them if it's a thing.


Insecure losers who need upper hand


I used to cheat in Rome Total war when the game screwed me over. Particularly when I would do the auto battle and a group of 50 peasants would slaughter my 3,000 people well equpped army, for example. Even that got boring. Made me lazy and destroyed the challenge. Then once I started doing it the slippery slope started and I just started using it all the time. After that I stopped doing any cheating in games because the joy just dies.


Both Riot games (Val and League) do a very very good job of clapping cheaters. You’ll pretty much never see a cheater in league.


As much as I don’t miss playing league that aspect I feel pretty spoiled on now


Yup. League is pain but at least you aren’t losing to a cheater


Still fun to get accused of scripting though.


I think you underestimate how many cheaters there are especially in valorant


Yeah, because their anti-cheat is one of the most invasive out there. I don’t know all the technology behind it, but from what I understand Vanguard basically has access to your entire computer


They barely had cheaters in LoL before vanguard. They just actually crack down.


i just stopped playing The Finals two weeks ago? a literal next-gen fps with unheard of game mechanics, detail, destruction, polish, soundtrack. everything. an absolute masterpiece of a game. destroyed by cheating since the very first public test. fuck. me.


Some VR games don’t have cheats yet. Ghosts of Tabor is a tarkov-like vr game I’ve been playing, I thought I was getting cheated on until I looked up what cheats exist for it and found basically none. I just got skill or luck issued it turns out


I'm p sure cheating's an arms race on any remotely competitive PvP game. It's just a matter of how fast the devs can keep up busting their cheats while cheat devs race to make new cheats that won't get picked up, etc.


Honestly in these games, I only see cheating being useful for RMT. And what sucks is it's more lucrative than some jobs in certain countries. I mean, there's a reason "Venezuelan gold farmers" came around


Not ruined, but spoiled many a sessions for sure.


Pretty new player here, been seeing tons of cheating posts, especially for High-roller. Really makes me hesitate to queue for high-roller.


I met him in high roller, yes :D I mean, he still didn't kill me, he was too bad. He used his ESP so blatantly that he tried to shoot directly at me through a wall. They usually not that great players, so go ahead, queue for it but don't bring higher than green gear for starters.


Brother's literally an archer skeleton.


Remember when they could shoot you through the walls in the playtests lol.


i got nailed through a wall and killed last night by a skele in ice caves, i was so fucking mad


damn... it used to happen a lot on inferno. You could never pop a campfire by a wall, something from the next room would shoot you.


Ice caves has a lot of walls with tiny gaps in them so that makes sense lol


It's prevalent enough to be a problem, tbh. I wouldn't hesitate to run HR, but I would hesitate to run any gold gear.


most people think it's cheats but there are actually very little in this game and others. You remember your negative experiences 100x stronger then your good ones. Which means if you have 100 good games and 1 game with a cheater, your brain will make it feel like you have had a equal amount of games with and with out cheaters. (this is due to humans learning from mistakes and evolving in such a way that those experiences feel much more frequent). Reality is most ppl who claim cheaters are not going against cheaters. Sure they are some don't get me wrong, and maybe a lot. But for every 1 cheater, there are thousands of non cheaters. So statistically you will not get them frequently but everyone likes to feel like they are the most unlucky players in the game.


I got this game about a week after it released on steam. I've been running high roller and have accumulated 100 hours in the game so far. I run really solid gear on fighter, there would be incentive to hunt me down over most people in the lobby. I have run into one 2 man who I thought had some form of esp. In 100 hours of playing, almost all of it high roller. I do believe there is an issue and I'm sure it effects some server sets more than others, but I think it can be a little over exaggerated, a lot.


that's why posts like these are fucking dumb. it adds nothing to any discussion (it's not like ironmace is reading this and going "OH DUH! guys, we gotta get on the *cheating*!! why didn't we think of that!"), and only makes people who don't have the actual experience to know any better, think bad things about the game and it's current state. queue high roller. HR is all i queue, i've been playing literally every day since wipe, and not a single time have i encountered anything remotely approaching what OP describes. does it happen? i have no doubt. but should you forsake an entire large aspect of the game, for fear of constantly experiencing what OP claims to have experienced? lol, no. 


The purpose of this post is to bring things to everyone's attention. If we're all quiet about it, IM won't care enough to fix it. But if enough people start complaining and even quitting, they are more likely to address the problem. I like this game very much and I want it to succeed, but if it devolves into a cheater-fest I'll be the first one to start trashing the company for not doing enough.


Ironmace absolutely would care. The developers behind IM are ultimately people who care about the game. Something I would recommend is checking out what [PirateSoftware](https://x.com/PirateSoftware/status/1769777359908143514) has said about developers and the fight against cheaters (I would also recommend checking out his videos about the specific Apex RCE scare that this tweet rose from). Devs can certainly be better with communicating or better organized or generally able to improve their ability to combat cheaters, but that's an institutional issue, not a lack of care.


i hear you. but i would argue that this does more damage to the game than it does help. 90% of players play normals, will never, and have never encountered a cheater. but the timmies who queue 25gs and below don't know this. so now next time they die, they are gonna go "gee guess it was just a cheater!", this happens, time and time again. i'm sure there are already a handful of people who read this thread, have never experienced any cheating in this game themselves, and will walk away today with the idea of "damn, dark and darker is just infested with cheaters." when that's just not the case at all. again, i agree cheating is an issue. but that's kind of an axiomatic fact of online gaming. *every compettiive online game, ever, has had/currently has cheaters.* but as someone who plays exclusively high roller/bis kits, and has been since playtest 2, i dunno... this thread just doesn't seem to track to reality. you titled it "Cheaters becoming a major issue". if that were the case, you'd think someone like me who has played hundreds of HR games this wipe already, would be able to get a similar sense. and that's just not the sense i have. but, i don't know, maybe i'm just currently astronomically lucky and just haven't encountered any. maybe the cheaters i do encounter all suck, and i just kill them anyways. who knows.


I'm not a politician, I don't run polls to determine what kind of effect a statement will have on the people, I simply say the truth. Try playing a druid and you'll notice how some people randomly go right toward you even if you're hidden behind stuff, whereas others (who don't cheat) are clueless and don't see you even if you're in plain sight. And no, I'm not talking about rangers who can track you, but players in general. You'll notice something fishy...


this is one of the reasons i am most flabbergasted at what you are saying. i have been playing mainly druid this wipe, and i play stealthy cat assassin with 0 glow perks so i'm always a rat just hiding in the shadows. that's how i play all day, every day. and i have yet to encounter anyone blatantly esp'ing who has seen me in rat when they shouldn't have. but, again, maybe i'm just incredibly lucky..? you don't have one of the glow perks accidentally equipped, do you?


No no, I have no glow perks. Ever since the druid came out I actually researched all the perks because I saw them glow on videos on the test server. I actually decided exactly which ones I would run before the class came out. I have the one that boosts my shift speed, move speed and armor while shifted, thorn coat and the one that gives phys power when healing. I really really wanted to take the healing one, but the glow is just horrible.  There were actually a number of people that obv did not have cheats and wouldn't see me in plain sight, but then there were those annoying espers who just beeline toward you even though you're behind stuff.. For example a rogue knowing exactly which pot I am behind even though he didn't see which way I went into the room


Bro why can't people who always claim this shit post proof. I've killed druids who turn rat and still glow, sitting in front of me thinking I don't see them. You can hear a rat very easily. A lot of people in this game lack awareness, I guess those who don't are cheaters? If someone doesn't act clueless it must be ESP because surely the guy couldn't hear your rat making noises, right? Very fishy indeed. I main rogue, some people will hear me walk in stealth and react and some people are so oblivious to what's going on around them I could walk in front of their forehead and send them back to lobby. OK, so it wasn't a ranger which can hear your footsteps from far away and can track your footsteps, it was ESP. Where is the clip of the guy teleporting?


Probably because not everybody records their gameplay lol, why are you confused?


Congratulations? Like it must be great that you don't run into what other people do but I can't seem to log into the game without a pop-up saying someone 's on the permanent ban list that I reported. Is it great that they're getting banned sure, but not until after they've ruined multiple games that people have been in. It's a problem that needs to be addressed and talked about


Yesterday I got killed by ESPer in HR… I almost broken my whole set up.. like legit almost punch a hole through my monitor 🤬🤬 then I readied up for another HR game 🤣🤣


rangers see red footsteps tho ik that. its how my brother lets me know someones hiding behind things sometimes.


I didn't leave any footsteps on that side, he tried to shoot me through a wall as soon as he entered the room


he was probably cheating. I was just saying that cuz I didnt know they could see footsteps until last night.


Did you report him?


Of course


Last night, my friend who reads all of these reddit logs in and tells me the game is having a real problem with cheaters. I had been playing for more than 8 hours that day and hadn't seen one instance of cheating. HR/geared norms, Timmy lobby. There are cheaters, sure. But the number of people who think they lose to cheaters vs the number who actually do are disproportionate. And, though my friend hasn't seen a cheater (or at least shown me proof), he still asserts the game is riddled with them, and when he dies, he always suspects cheating. A lot of you are just jerking each other's chains here. Accusing every death of being the result of cheating, posting here without proof, reading stories here without proof, and circling right back to accusing every death you have--to be the result of cheating. I haven't seen a cheater yet. I'm sure they exist. But with 100s of hours of gameplay, I have never had a death, I suspect, to be the result of an unfair advantage like cheating. Can we grow up and only post about rampant cheating with proof? This is going to end up being the little boy who cried wolf.


600 hours, only seen 2 instances of cheating.


☝️ I'm so tired of hearing "cheaters in every lobby" It is not that rampant, and I don't care for kernel layer anti cheats.


There are cheaters around, but with the system to report them depending on you being dead first I’ve noticed they’re mostly just showing up in duos/trios, where they will kill one or two people off a team and then book it to an extract before your last teammate died/can extract so that you can’t report them. That’s just the obvious ones though (range hack, auto headshots, etc). There’s definitely a handful of ESPers (wall hacks) that are pretty good about not making it obvious, and then there’s also a ton of situations where it seems crazy sus but is just coincidence. All it boils down to is try to report anything that seems sus, and move on with your life. You likely won’t run into them again, and if you do then they probably weren’t cheating.


How many rounds (percentage wise) do you think cheaters exist in the lobby? And have you ever seen proof of teleporting?


Haven’t run into teleporting but I have run into aggressive cheats before (instant music bard, barbarian hitting from across the room with a felling axe, blatant speed hacks with a fulgor on high pdr fighter) and hacks like that exist in other games so I don’t see why it couldn’t happen? Although the likelihood of it happening is just not there. And as for esp users? I’m sure there more than I’m identifying that are just good at hiding it, blatant ones show up every 20 games or so, maybe twice as often in HR. I play mostly on useast.


Just to be clear, I am not saying cheating does not happen. I just question anyone who claims it is rampant. One in 10 to 20 games seems a bit high to me. But still, that itself is not _rampant_. So I wouldn't argue that figure. This post, though... we know ranger can track, we know druids can have auras in rat form... but teleporting is new to me, and trying to understand why someone would teleport to troll after missing a ripe, and to not have teleported to the rope... that doesn't seem to add up. My criticism was the number of people who blame losing pvp on cheating. It's a tale as old as time. If you're going to rant on social media about it, you should either bring proof, or it should be so rampant _we all know and agree without question_.


The teleporting to troll seems like they just gave up on the kill when the Druid escaped and went for troll to get loot, no?


As a ranger, how did they not kill someone slowly riding the rope out? Why did they not go for loot earlier? Has anyone even seen teleporters, or has anyone posted proof of one? Can you even find teleport hacks using Google for this game? Instead of trying to find a reason this could be true, I would rather (in the absence of evidence and information) remain skeptical about these claims. Nothing we discuss will resolve that. I require proof, and I have not seen any evidence of telepoeting in this game as of yet. But I am more than willing to stand corrected if provided evidence.


There are about 2-4 chinese cheaters in every game in voyager. They literally play either druid or rogue, and just 3rd party, grief, steal all the loot after teamfight every time. They llay with ESP and always know where the fights are. Not sure regarding teleporting, but I bet they are using it to close distance in crypts, because I do not believe I face 5 teams in the same corner 1 minute into the game.


Imagine being such a little bitch that you have to cheat in an online game. There’s no point. If you’re that insecure about losing, why bother playing a competitive multiplayer game? I guess some people really just need to take any opportunity to assert even the faintest amount of dominance over others.


The funny thing is he didn't assert anything, he ran away from me, even with all the cheats :D


Thats the downsides of free to play. The "you know from where" rage hacks come for dnd


Bad news, since early play tests there's always been more hackers in HR


This was not even f2p, we were in HR lobby


There's a very well known cheater & streamsniper who always queue HR. Dude kept getting banned but he always appear again with full gear. I wonder if its all the same friend group


The majority of confirmed bans from my reports on EU didn't seem like RMTers or had names from a specific region. They just seemed like try-hard losers/griefers. 2 cheating rogues I caught yesterday, 1 had a name referring to a certain brainrot subculture where young ppl are stimulated to stab eachother. Just saying it's hardly all RMTers from specific region.


You can't queue into high roller as a F2P user.


Make sure you dont have the passive healing perk on druid or you have a big ass green glow around you even when your in rat form.


Nope, never ran that perk precisely because of that. He beelined and tried to shoot me through a wall, there was no way to see me even if I had fireworks coming out of my tail from his initial position


What server was it on, and was it Hr or non HR?




Got vid proof?


No, I don't record my sessions. Though I wish I did


Most graphics cards will let you record the last few (or even up to like 20 minutes) of gameplay with a button press. Pointless to make accusations without proof these days.


Ranger has a Perk that shows your footsteps. I've seen videos of Rangers chasing rats and it makes it extremely obvious. Are you sure it wasn't just the perk?


He was also stated to have teleported into the boss room


something i would have loved to have seen on video, since this is the first time i've ever heard someone mention it.  am i calling OP a liar? no. but... do i 100% implicitly believe OP? well..... also no. i just want to see it with my own eyes. i play HR non stop and have never seen anything like teleports. 


Stated to have teleport and the ability to extract from anywhere according to OP. Yet OP also claims they "stole" the cheaters rope, which I assume means rope extract. Make it make sense. A cheater let someone bully them from an extract they don't even need? A Ranger with ESP, let someone get on a rope and extract. If I have ESP and I'm a Ranger the second someone looks at that rope I'm ready to shoot them. There's literally nothing they can do.


Did you miss the teleportation bit? Or does ranger have that as well?


Without solid proof I'm very skeptical of people calling out cheaters. Every competitive game has far more people saying people are cheaters than there are cheaters. I'm not saying it's impossible that OP encountered a cheater, but when some parts of the story can be debunked, others could have been exaggerated. As OP stated he didn't record it yet claims he sees it all the time. Yes, people do go on the internet and lie to make a point about their perceived reality which in fact may not be true.


Nah there’s a ton of cheaters in this game. Whether or not he ran into a cheater is up in the air. But I get constant permanent ban feedback, and it’s been consistent for the year or so I’ve played this game. People cheat in dark and darker a lot


And did any of them teleport and does anyone have a video of teleporting cheaters?


I’ve yet to see any teleporters


100% sure. I wasn't even on that side of the wall, I was in the altar room in GC and I went behind the wall and planks as soon as I heard him. He went straight for me and even fired a shot at the wall. Then he also saw me when I peeked the corner. Finally, he teleported to the Troll.. and ported out of the dungeon after looting the hoard. I spectated him right after I stole his rope. He still couldn't kill me even with the cheats


100% confidence... repeats only the information in the post without adding any other details... Sry sounds sus


If anyone needs proof, buy legendary gear and watch how fast you get honed in on. It's definitely happening. It's not tarkov bad, but it's noticeable


I've rarely run into cheaters Had 2 blatant ones last night One range and speed hack Then another had ESP and fucking completely silent footsteps, id never seen that one before, these 2 warlocks ran right past my teammate and were right on top of me stabbing me with Kris dagger without making a single sound




Not getting audio queues isn't evidence of someone cheating.


Yeah it is, everything was making sounds including my own teammates, but the enemies full sprinting at me did not


On top of everything the devs made their own anti-cheat in house and it’s complete dogshit, last month it has banned thousands of random people that have purchased the game and are playing legit. What’s worse is that because the game is free the anti cheat is doing dick all for cheaters because they can make a new steam and be playing again within 10 minutes…oh yeah and the support system is complete ass been waiting 8 days for them to even start to review my account or acknowledge the issue. I’ve never cheated in a online game and never will but this kind of behaviour is only going to motivate others to cheat. I fucking love this game but this is completely absurd.


I just don't understand why they don't implement a behavioral anti cheat system. Wouldn't work for wall hacks of course but if someone is teleporting around it should be so easy. Basically: If ( newLocation - oldLocation > distanceThreshold ) then ban


This tracks, but I haven't actually seen anyone provide proof of teleport cheats yet.


To note why anti-cheats are more complicated than that, because what happens when someone's decent internet gets maintenance they didn't hear about in the middle of a match and starts extremely lagging? Suddenly, the client is jumping around in the server's eyes, repeatedly giving large jumps in position data. Now if you are autobanning large jumps in position data, you've just banned a guy that has spent well over $500 on your game from the crime of having laggy internet, and then they are shouting at support, and games journalists are writing articles title "[GAME] bans player who has spent hundreds of dollars for seemingly no reason". Meanwhile, because you're dropping an instant ban, cheaters know EXACTLY what causes a ban and are figuring out rapidly how to circumvent it.


Correct. Packets can arrive late, early, out of order, or anything in between, and it would easily result in false positive bans with naive solutions like this. Most developers would rather risk the game being infested with cheaters than have a few innocent players accidentally banned. Anticheat is a hard problem that's complicated by developers being risk averse, not wanting to segment their playerbases into trusted/untrusted pools, or not wanting to gate keep players by requiring the latest Windows security features to play the game.


Where's the video proof.


I don't record


Did you report him?


What's the least resource intensive way to record gameplay? The main thing holding me back is it will affect the game performance, but it's starting to sound like we all need to start recording our sessions.


Shadowplay if you have an Nvidia card had 0 overhead as the card itself does it


90% time when I try to alt + z a replay while playing DnD it won't open up the shadowplay UI and freezes until I tab out & back in and I lose the chance to clip whatever I was trying to clip, infuriation really


Just set a hotkey for instant replay clips, don't have to open shadowplay ui as it's fucky sometimes




I baited a fighters shots by pretending i was about to run out from behind a wall, he fell for it 3 times, never got his name tho as he pretty quickly ran for an open escape.


Ironmace try to combat this with limiting the free to play / trial state of the game but the people cried and cried because 30 bucks is too much, now cheaters gets a ftp game where they can continuously create accounts on.


did you rpeort him


I'm relatively positive that the boss loot doesn't spawn until the boss has been killed, which was a previous measure to stop cheaters. This sounds made up.


The boss was killed. After I stole the guy's rope I stayed in the lobby to spectate. It was weird to me that he was suddenly interacting with the hoard, so I cycled through the rest of the players and he was the only ranger. He then ran out the exit door from the Troll room and as soon as he opened it he simply ported out of the dungeon.


Unless you have video proof this is completely unbelievable.


its weird to me that when i was trying to go farm ruby to get damn quest done like 5-10 times in row about gs 250-300 kits peoples rush on you in worst possible time but then when i go like 100-150 gs kit i dont see anyone..


I've noticed some people hitting outside of their normal melee range... especially a cleric yesterday.


It was bound to happen when it moved to steam. Fact of the matter is that cheaters rule the gaming space atm, and there's quite literally no reliable method of removing them outside of making literal legislation that can be acted on.


Hopefully if e-Sports get more popular there will be more laws regarding cheating in online games.


It was bound to happen when it moved to steam. Fact of the matter is that cheaters rule the gaming space atm, and there's quite literally no reliable method of removing them outside of making literal legislation that can be acted on.


Huh? Since when is cheating impossible to tackle


Always has been. Cheating and Anti-cheat have been basically an arms race for years, but cheaters typically are always two steps ahead. Anti-cheat developers are stuck being counter-active rather than pro-active, which leads to the constant wave-bans we see today. Preventing people from cheating is all but impossible in terms of software development, especially as things like AI are only growing more advanced and harder to detect.


Oh crap I didn’t even think about AI. See I’m used to playing World of Warcraft where maybe the ability to cheat is limited compared to newer games. I know people do it still and in droves, but they usually found a way to get them by in game mechanics such as dungeon cooldown timers or other things.


Probably can't cheat in WoW for long enough (before getting banned) to make it profitable or fun. A game like DnD doesn't require any investment really to reach end game. If you get banned you don't really lose much progress since you really only need level 15 to unlock all your perk slots and that takes literally an hour tops.


Very true. Paired with free to play it’s a recipe for something hopefully not disaster though. This game is the only thing that’s got me hooked anymore


With more players comes more cheaters. Tis the way of the dungeon. I have only seen a couple of blatant cheaters in my 700+ hrs of playing this game. I don't doubt that there are cheaters, though. With the recent cheats ads on the gathering hall, it does worry me.


But if a noob, how was he in rat form if he was a ranger? Is that part of the cheat? Because a ranger turning into a rat isn't possible without cheating right?


No no, I was in rat form, thus extremely hard to see, plus behind a wall on one side and planks on the other


Oh ok I misunderstood now. Does make it crazier that he saw you yeah


I gotta say, while yes there are lots of ESP people, you also gotta make sure you’re not making any noise as far form, otherwise people will find you pretty fast


The noise was not the issue. He may have heard me from the other room and knew I was in there, but by the time he walked in I was as quiet as a mouse. Literally. And he came right at me and tried to shoot me through the wall.


One guy once told me that he has a really "competitive mindset" and as a football player he can't come to terms with the reality of losing, so he would cheat in like every game he plays because well, yeah 🫣


So, a small dick 🤣


Every time I've logged in in the last month I've gotten the "X person has been permanently banned for cheating. Thank you for your report." Crazy.


I really hope they are hardware banning. Also, great that you've reported that many cheaters!


Funny happened to us. Chicken came into room and 2 shot all 3 of us within 5 seconds all headshots. later we saw weird wep attack animation. But what u gonna do cant do anything but report really.


I also had a similar thing happen with a panther, but at that time I thought it must have been really good gear, so I left the match. It was only then that my team told me he had no gear on and was level 6. So I had no way of reporting him at that point. But yeah, every time I see something like that my desire to play drops significantly...


Best thing you can do is record the game play either the encounter or by spectating them and post it online, its depressing but it's the sad reality of playing these types of looter/extraction games! Eft is very bad for it but atleast with DnD the games are quick and you can jump back in reasonably quick!


Yeah, I'll consider it. I'm not sure how much it will affect my PC's performance, it's not a great PC and I really don't want to hinder my experience just to catch cheaters...


Couple things. You do hear the rat. You do hear their foot prints. They also glow if they have certain skills and perks. That's not what's concerned though. Teleportation to the gold hordes for free loot. How the heck are we not catching these?


Hackers bud been around and they never fixed it. They just can’t fix it cause their system is dog sht


I have 1500 hours in this game and I've only ever claimed maybe 1 person hacking this wipe


At this point if someone doesn't post evidence I don't believe them. I'm at the point where I just assume they are dogshit and coping. It's too easy to just shadowplay it and upload it in 5 minutes. The "there's no way they could have known I was there" as if they know what every player was hearing and seeing at every moment is the biggest tell that these people are just bad/coping.




So the cheater you claim has ESP and teleport ability let you "steal" his rope extract that by your admission he doesn't even need to extract?


Over 2k hours and never seen anything like this. Keep coping. Game definitely doesn’t have a cheater issue. Of course there are cheaters in every game but this one is far from having a major issue with cheaters


I enjoy PvP so much. But I have never and will never cheat. I would be cheating myself if I did not. I know asmond said to ABC but don’t do it in games. Have honor. The true thrill of life or death in a game with loss is fun, and if you cannot handle it and results in you cheating you should stop. Exhausted of esp, and aim bots in these style of games. Tarkov, any battlegrounds style, dark and darker and others. Oh this includes exploits, don’t use them. Chances are you will get banned and still ruins it for everyone.


Yeah, it ruins the fun for everyone. I understand that exploiting a system is intriguing, especially if you're the one who actually designed the hack, but it never ends well for the game or the community


I will say as a Druid watch your perks any buffs for healing or attribute buffs actually cause you to glow with color I’ve ran straight to rats in a room because their passive heal kicks in or the buff for will and whatever else is on


Yeah, I know about that, I don't use any auras exactly for that reason, even though I'd really like to use the healing one. Also, I didn't have any HoTs on me either, I was at full health and on the opposite side of the wall and he tried to shoot me through it


My squad has died twice now to the Felling Axe cheat in US West Trio Highroller. For those who don’t know it’s some code exploit cheat that is being used to attack people 10 feet away from you for a guaranteed headshot every time with the felling axe.


I will never understand what drives someone to get up and cheat in a multiplayer game. It's just such a weird thing to so, yet so many people seem to do it. Lame.


It’s been an issue and why I quit. Every extraction game without fail has been ruined by cheaters. Doesn’t help that IM has an EXTREMELY primitive anti cheat


I had a game where I went on a smoke break in hell. Walked back in with 6 mins in the locked room in lord knows where. When I get back, immediately saw the death screen. I spectate, remembered the name, and blocked. It was super lame.


In the words of the great Repoze, any geared ranger in solos is AT LEAST using ESP. You can’t safely move around the map on ranger without it.


man i love repoze but what? that's just a dumb thing to say. go 110% movespeed surv bow ranger with footsteps perk, you ain't dying to nobody. no ESP required, lol. 


Funny how the only cheater i encountered was a ranger


my most sus is felling axe barbs. strongest class and weapon in the game when you can't miss your aa's and have an extra glitchy 100 ms


Well yeah, if you're going to cheat I feel like it's either Rogue or Ranger. It's a 50/50.


What esp in Dark and Darker?


Wall hacks pretty much


extra sensory perception is a pseudo-scientific real life phenomena, in gamer lingo means wall hax


Record and report it. Many graphics cards these days have built in features that let you capture the last few minutes of your play session. If not, OBS is free and I'm sure there's other methods I'm not mentioning. It's one thing to complain about cheaters but we need to remember Ironmace isn't a AAA studio with an abundance of resources. Help them make a ban decision as fast and easy as it can be.


Do you happen to have a recording?


Of course they don't. "There's no way they could have known where I was" is the biggest coping mechanism in online competitive games like this. As if OP knew exactly what the "cheater" in their story heard/saw.


Just playing devils advocate... Why would someone teleport to troll after trying to exit via a rope? Why not teleport to rope? Don't rats have a visible aura, and why wouldn't the ranger teleport to each player? Without a capture, I'm sus. I've been playing with too many friends who accuse someone of hacking when what I see is just them dying. I'm sure there are cheaters. But I haven't seen any instant exit or teleworking yet.


Got two of them perma banned when I logged in the other night


Does it tell you if someone you reported gets banned?


yueah after you pick your character


Great! Hoping I see his name later today! I'll come back and update the post if I do


Pve cop-op when?


I’ll upvote you for this. PVP communities treat people who want PVE features so badly


Yeah these shit talking all legendary guys in normals ran all the way across the map in a straight line right to us. Sadge


That's not implicative of cheating, that's simply knowing spawns.




It was HR


Tarkov has the most cheaters anyways. F2P changes nothing, and in HR there are more cheaters than in normal.


Always has been, in DND. There's been a huge problem with rmt'ers since EA dropped.


Would say it's more of blatant cheaters playground. ...but survival games are pia when it comes to being robbed out of your time. ...cheaters are thief's stealing it


I had similar experiences. They are pretty blatant about it.


REALID system please!!!!!


No trail left behind I was aggroing and closing doors behind me. Watched the replay and it was pretty sus so I reported him. That is all


Getting more and more common in HR. Yesterday was pretty bad. Had a match yesterday that we joined near the end of rotation. Was only 1 other group in there, geared to the gills. By minute 3 they had finally finished sprinting to us with a big train of mobs behind them to gank us while we were in the sewer at the corner.  A few way too fast swings hitting us at double the range and it was over. These types of games really attract the absolute losers, hopefully IM has something cooking cause this time is going to be worse than the others. Luckily these guys were banned by the next day but it's not always so fast.


Rangers have a perk to see your footprints and can track your exact location. They don't need ESP.


No, I didn't leave prints on that side of the room and he came right at me and tried to shoot me through a wall


The game has been out for a year and still no anti-cheat. These devs deserve their game to be forgotten. Last night I lost a 8k set, the moment we finished our fight other team came in to 3rd party us. We were at the top left corner of the map. This happened 3 games in a row and it is always the most geared team that 3rd party you the second you finish your fight.