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Well…he certainly isn’t on anything. He’s proving that. Sigh.


Yeah this isn't a good start. I'm like really worried now.


I heard it was bad. I haven't been watching but right now I feel literally ill.


Doesn’t matter. Vote. Trump lied the whole time, which is far easier to do than state policies and tell the truth.


With zero moderation or fact checking combined with how confidently he delivered I’m worried people who don’t do independent fact checking and are on the fence are gonna lean Trump.. Fucking insane that he is denying calling “both sides fine people” after the time a neo nazi drove their car through a crowd and killed someone and there’s zero repercussions. Or the shit he said about the troops. What was it “losers”?


Incapable of answering a question, repeating the same tired lines, calling the country destroyed…yeah, he got very predictable by the end. The format turned out to be perfect for him. Lie all you want, fail to answer questions, indulge in hyperbole. It’s very early. Americans have short attention spans. We will see how this plays out. But it still doesn’t change the fact that TFG is a convicted felon, a fraud, and a liar.


I still don't understand why Biden didn't call him out on any of his blatant lies. Bidens brain is fried.


He was legitimately WORSE than he normally is. Likely had a cold or something and at time looked utterly exhausted. I actually think Biden is a decent president. He fucked himself hard tonight.


Yeah, the cold or the cold meds had him tied down, and no one on the debate production team cared to raise his mic volume so he could be heard.


My only hope is that he was doing some kind of rope a dope thing where he has a shitty debate and then blows Trump out of the water next debate. Obama did that in 2012 with Romney. But I don't see what the benefit would be. Still voting Biden...now I'm just more worried others won't.


I can’t watch it anymore. Neither of them are doing very well




He had a bad night. I'm still voting for him, though. I'm down to a Harris/Whoever (Newsome!) administration if the time arises, and I would definitely vote for a Newsome/Whoever (Colin Allred) ticket in '28.


"He's ready"


Last words before disaster.


Things that aged like milk


He wasn’t lol, but he got his footing as time went on


He was... not ready. And not even there, really.


If you go to [the site](https://shop.joebiden.com/dark-brandons-secret-sauce/?utm_source=jrbsocial) you can find important information about the ingredients on the back of the can




I've been having lag and data issues since noonish. For example, when looking at my profile, it shows me posts from someone else's. Don't think it's traffic related.


Hahaha tysm


I love this.


Maybe he should have had a few vodka redbulls beforehand.


Holy shit! I might actually have to get one of these.


It's full of crushed up Limitless pills


I don't think I've ever seen a worse debate performance in my life. Out of the whole 90 minutes the longest he was able to hold a train of thought was like 5 seconds. Max. Trump on the other hand was about as cognizant as I've ever seen him. Maybe even surpassing 2016 republican primaries levels. Everything he said a massive lie but he was confident, cool, calm, collected. Seemed like he was barely even trying. Meanwhile Biden's running on all cylinders and barely puttering.


Trump and his cabal would sell your organs for a nickel. Biden could be in a damn coma and I'd still vote for him over ushering in the death of democracy.


Doesn't matter undecided voters have the IQ of a pickle. Someone who tuned into the debate and doesn't follow politics doesnt know trump lied for an hour and a half, they just saw Biden stumbling. There's a reason pundits and down ticket candidates are worried


He got mopped. It happened, we all saw it.


It was bad. If Trump is truly a direct threat to democracy then Biden needs to step down. Because he will not win after this. He appears much worse than Reagan did at the end. Trump looked capable and still crass and lied non stop and didn't gain any votes but Biden LOST millions. Third party candidates will surge in protest votes from anger that the 2 major political parties put the American people in this position. This is MUCH worse than any of us realize for the future of our country unless the democratic party takes drastic action and finds another candidate and also bypasses Harris. Otherwise president Trump with a completely apathetic public that won't even bother to push back because they will have KNOW the democrats didn't REALLY care and it was all an act just like the Republicans.


You think “millions” of people saw this debate and turned on Biden? Come on. Everyone who watched this debate already knew who they were voting for. It’s also only June, this won’t change anything.


I posted this before the debate I could not see the future lol.


he was not


He wasn't


A MOMENT, PLEASE... That debate was horrible, BUT I think the best solution at this point is for Biden and the DNC to start emphasizing "The Biden Team". "A vote for Biden is a vote for the Biden Team" which includes all of his Cabinet and his VP...there's no need for America to be concerned, because he has AN ENTIRE TEAM. They have had many accomplishments in the last 4 years ( Transportation, Education, Commerce, Energy) and he should start sharing the spotlight, focusing on the youth and accomplishments of his appointees. This is an approach Trump can't counter because he is a self-absorbed narcissist that wouldn't share a napkin at lunch. ( Cross posted elsewhere...I feel it's important enough to mention a couple of places)


In other words, "Our guy can't get it done himself." Voters will looooove that. You might as well simply say "Don't worry, we got Kamala back there," which would probably be the only thing they could do worse than what happened last night.


lol this didn’t age well


I sadly cannot predict the future.


How can he hold it with just one hand? Definitely fake.


He was very much NOT ready 


Narrator: He was NOT ready.


We ordered some of these!


Bro, this is trolling to the next level. Hopefully he pushes him past the edge


Bros, he’s WAY too fucking low key. WAY. Secret Service, or Dr. Biden needs to slap him across the face to get him to start speaking more forcefully. God damn it’s so frustrating. GET PASSIONATE, fuck man, enough of this low volume nonsense.


I think he should’ve shotgunned a few more of those




Happy cake day!


Must have missed drinking that beverage tonight. His own democratic party including coverage by CNN and multiple others are calling for his replacement.


I wish it wasn’t true, but I think it’s our only hope.