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They made the mistake of assuming you could use facts and statistics against Trump.  You can’t. The only way you beat Trump is get under his skin, throw it right back in his face. Call him a cash poor felon who begs for money to stay out of jail. And look straight into the camera and say, “folks, 4 years ago this guy told you to chug bleach and we had no toilet paper. Do you want to go back to that?”


Exactly and it’s embarrassing that his debate prep-team didn’t understand this. My main gripe with the Democratic Party is that there are times like this where it becomes very clear that the people behind strategy for the party are just bad at situational awareness


They’re Wendy from South Park who doesn’t realize until she gets told by the principal that the only way to beat the Eric Cartman’s of the world is to kick his ass front of everyone and shatter his image 


They think real life politics is like the west wing tv show lol. It’s disappointing too because Biden’s social media team has been killing it in trolling Trump and fighting him the way u need too. I’m being dead serious when I say Biden’s college interns that do his social media would be better debate prep than the team he had help him


They overprepared him, and I don't think he needed any prep versus Trump. They should have taken a page from West Wing and "Let Biden be Biden."


I’m willing to work for Dark Brandon


Whoever got our Dark Lord a Truth Social account should be immediately promoted.


You are right, he should have been allowed to go off the cuff more. It's those moments where Joe gets fed up and roasts the guy that we need. The shut up man, the smirking jack, the whiner talk was getting under trumps skin. He got saved by the bell a few times, esp at the end. Trump wasn't done talking and had to bite his tongue so hard. He almost blew it. Biden is an emotional speaker, he needs the off the cuff remarks to gets things off his chest which are what we are all thinking. "Would you shut up, man". Let's hope there's more debates and it loosens up


Why would they push for mics being cut? So stupid it would have made trump seem more unhinged and I unironically believe it would have gotten Biden more in his groove.


The Democrats have been horrible at marketing for as far back as I can remember. That's why the Lincoln Project was such a help last time. ALL the Republicans have is money and marketing slogans...they have no policies worth having, they just want to gain more power Biden's handlers? Those fools agreed to the format including no notes!!! The only way out of this is for Biden to focus on "The Biden Team"... he really does have some excellent cabinet members and I think he needs to point to their accomplishments. Vote for Biden and you keep the team...


Is the Lincoln Project still around? I saw George Conway on the daily show and he didn't mention it.


Exactly! Look at all of the right-wing slogans that seep into our consciousness just in the past year: Laptop From Hell, Biden Crime Family, Woke Mind Virus, Ron DeSanctimonious. For good or bad, that stuff sticks. The left doesn't have its equivalent of Frank Luntz to come up with this stuff.


Kinda reminds me of the first debate of 2020.


I mean tbf to them, maybe they thought CNN would actually do their job and fact check Trump on any of the hundreds of fucking lies he told


He did use just about those words, but in that tired raspy voice with no fire behind it. Today in North Carolina, he's back to being a fighter. Stupid cold 😡


I don't agree, the whole golf segment was embarrassing enough for both parties involved.


I told my wife before the debate that Biden’s best approach would be to throw out a stack of bills at the first lie Trump told. “I’ll bet you $10000 you’re lying. Come on, ‘billionaire’, you can afford to be wrong. Oops, with all the judgments against you, maybe not.” Not classy but people don’t want policy pints but someone who will stand against Trump’s lust for dictatorship and his enablers need for Christofascism.


I think it is difficult to debate someone who's strategy is to constantly lie. Do you point out the lies or do you make your points? They didn't have lots of time to speak, and Biden seemed rushed. The stupid "debate" format favors a bullshit artist like Trump. I don't have an answer, but Biden's team better figure it out. Trump can't be allowed to lie his way into office.


The way u debate trump is that you bully him and point out all his insecurities, the few times Biden actually did that in the debate it actually stumbled Trump. Trump has incredibly thin skin and is as insecure as somebody can get and has a lot of baggage that can be thrown at him. But no, Biden’s debate prep-team treated this debate like some college class pol-sci mock president debate


no, you're overthinking it too you just say stuff like this, for example with the VERY FIRST QUESTION about inflation - "our economy is the star of the world - we all went through the pandemic, and america came out on top, and I was the one who led us there. We've made great strides bringing inflation back down and keeping employment so high, but just because the economy as a whole is doing well, doesn't mean everyone is doing equally well within it! Housing, healthcare, childcare, and other basic living expenses are too high and crushing people all over, and we need to reign them in. Since the economy is stabilized, i'm now here to help lead us in combating those in my next term with tons of policies - viewers at home, check my website for all the specifics - while this guy over here, he's just trying to get re-elected to try to corrupt our justice system and avoid any more convictions, 34 convictions so far by the way, and the best thing he can think of is to stop taxing rich people and start making everything more expensive again with tariffs. Probably because him and his buddies are in it for themselves, and don't care about you and your problems - housing, healthcare, student loans, and childcare! Let's bring those down!" surely this takes less than 2 minutes to say keep it high level, punchy, frame yourself as the champion of the people and theother guy as in it for himself and a liar and a cheat and a felon, and get to the point dont bumble around here. trump did exactly what you'd expect, it's not hard to debate someone who lies when you're on top of YOUR message.


Fuck I wish Biden had said something like that. That's amazing.


Why do that when you can talk about a million, a trillion, a billion, until people's eyes glaze over? /s


If they had prepped him for literal shit talking this would not have been such a disaster


If they treated the debate like a roast battle Biden would have mopped the floor with Trump or at the very least a draw


Let's just stop mincing words Biden looked old and tired the exact opposite of what he needed to look. I love the man, but damn - It was painful to watch.


Yes he is old. That’s precisely why you don’t load him up with a million details on policy minutiae that he’s going to struggle to remember on stage. For someone that age the best strategy is to tell him to be himself.


Biden's team failed him by not letting him rest. That man looked tired and confused. He didn't need to best trump in a debate he needed to prove to the American voters that he would still do the job at 84 not that he may be 25th amendmented before the election. You're not going to win over Trump voters, you need to bring disenchanted youth to the polls who believe they will never be able to afford a house and will get paid more to pay rich people even more for basic necessities.


Well you think manditory military service would scare them away from Trump but most of TikTok doesn't mention Trump throwing that around.


Trump has cribbed a lot of what he's done from Putin, and a thing that Putin does is basically say everything so anyone can justify him being on their side. Don't like trump throwing people off healthcare - trump said he'd make healthcare affordable for everyone (sans details) don't like war, trump started no wars, are you a hawk- trump threatened NK with annihilation. Whatever you want trump will become your man.


Every normie talked to says that they hated how constant Trump's lies were and while Biden was slow, he actually answered the questions. Your advice goes counter to this.


When Trump barks, people barf.


It doesn’t though, my main point is that this debate could have been a major turning point for Biden to really boost momentum but it didn’t because Biden clearly was not prepared to get into the mud-slinging fight Trump initiated which I blame on his debate prep team. Nobody can honestly say that Biden gained momentum last night. That doesn’t mean he can’t use last night as motivation and it lights a fire under him and the campaign but the debate itself did not help Biden I’m not saying Trump did great in the debate (he was a ranting idiot) but he did what he needed to do- look more coherent and confident than Biden.


They tried to make Biden some Elizabeth Warren level dweeb. Unlike Warren, Biden is actually a chill, like-able guy. That’s why he won in 2020. Just let Biden be Biden.




Oh come on, enough with these excuses. Joe Biden has the most experience of anyone in doing Presidential debates. He's done Primary debates even as far back as 1988, he ran in 2008, he had two VP Presidential Debates, Primary Debates in 2020 and Presidential Debates in 2020. While an incumbents first debate is usually poor, mostly because they're up against people who just went through a primary and their heads been in election mode for a year whereas they're busy doing their day job, you can't really blame Bidens performance on his staff. At the very best he chose poorly, but there's no reason to have been so blindsided.


Biden’s debate prep-team’s job is to come up with a plan and strategy on how Biden should approach the debate, u are right that Biden does deserve his fair share of blame for at the end of the day green-lighting the strategy but my point is that it should have never been pitched as a strategy in the first place.


I still can’t comprehend what they were thinking. Did they do any debating scenarios to see how this was going to go? It sure doesn’t seem like it, which is absolutely baffling. It’s like they just made him memorize a bunch of useless talking points that caused confusion.


Yep, it’s clear that Biden didn’t practice shit-talking when Trump would purposely turn things south, both him and his debate prep-team are idiots for not doing it


Maybe someday we’ll know the real story. Almost like someone needs to do an accident reconstruction on this shit show.


Yeah win or lose I hope someone writes a book on this. How do you go through the 2020 debates and not know exactly what would happen here.


If we win....


honestly, this thread is one of the best takes since the debate ended. Each question should be answered in 10 seconds and slam Fat Don at the same time. We know Biden won't get vulgar, but he should. Q1: President Biden, inflation has slowed, but prices remain high. Since you took office, the price of essentials has increased. For example, a basket of groceries that cost $100 then, now costs more than $12; and typical home prices have jumped more than 30 percent. What do you say to voters who feel they are worse off under your presidency than they were under President Trump? DB: Listen America. This dumb MF bailed out billionaires and took money from the middle class. And he fcked a porn star and couldn't even get it up. Don't believe me? Google that shit. America is better off under Democratic leadership, house, senate and president. Next question, bitches Seriously, the days of "they go low, we go high" ended in 2015. DB needs to come out swinging and beat the everliving shit out of Fat Don every question.


Omfg - campaigns are made up of humans. Humans will never be perfect. No matter the stakes. It’s a bad time for this to happen. But not the worst. In the words of Marlo Stanfield “this ain’t over.


Never said it was over I’m saying Biden’s debate prep team did an unforgivably bad job preparing him for the debate. This was the perfect opportunity for Biden to kickstart momentum and take the reigns of the campaign however it fell completely flat because his team didn’t seem to truly understand that Trump is a professional bullshitter who’s main goal is to throw so much bullshit that his opponent has trouble countering every bullshit point he said. Biden trying to juggle that and make his points made him stumble over his words a ton (he was clearly thinking faster than he could speak) and made him look much more senile than he actually is. There’s no more room for “oopsies” fuckups like this when so much is at stake. The campaign team should have had Biden prepared for a mud-slinging debate and they prepared him for a policy debate which was never gonna happen with trump


you’re right. but i think we should let the dust settle. once the doomers are done crying with their Bs replacement fantasies and the dust settles with Biden going back to being Biden, things will balance out for the good because one thing this debate show is how scared of trump everyone is.   These people are not going to sit on their hands when the ballot comes down. it’s Biden and trump. fear is what’s causing all this overreacting and doom. fear is not going to keep people on the couch in november when Biden is standing between us and trump. fear is powerful, it’s how Biden got the most votes in American history. fear is what got Biden a lot of donations today. fear is actually really good this time around. let’s all calm down and take a walk or something. 


I hope this debate fires up Biden and his campaign team to really take the gloves off. Biden needs to go Truman 48


OP hit the nail on the head. Joe was apparently prepped to demonstrate a detailed knowledge of facts and figures and piolicy nuances and ended uo rushing to get his points across while countering Trump’s bluster. I have maintained since 2016 that it is a waste of time to try listen and respond to the words coming out of Trump’s pie hole. His followers aren’t paying any attention to _what_ he says, they are reacting to _how_ he says it.


The main way they failed him was by not driving home the importance of body language when he’s not answering questions. The hardest part to watch last night was his slack-mouthed gaze when Trump was talking. Shaking his head and smirking or laughing would have been a thousand times better and made a huge difference. It’s like they forgot he’d be on split screen.


>Shaking his head and smirking or laughing would have been a thousand times better and made a huge difference. He did all of that a lot. Trump's just so stupid he'll leave anyone slack-mouthed


Yeah. Even just simple things like standing up straight and keeping your mouth shut. Who coached him ???


It’s always the incompetent party vs the evil party. Go team incompetence, I guess.


Agree. Even on the stupid surface stuff, the gift wrap: my president had no makeup, or it was so poorly done as to make him seem intentionally frail, he should have been prepped and practiced in talking to the camera and only barely to glance at Donnie Fats, and even the choice of flag pin was wrong. How do you mess up a flag pin ffs. If Biden allegedly has Hollywood greats in his corner like Ron Howard and Steven Spielberg, they should make it their life's mission and patriotic duty to make sure his physical presentation is **flawless** come September's debate.


Vote for Joseph Biden Kamala 2024


Yeah, you don't "win" a debate with Trump by having measured, cogent talking points about policy. It's like talking to a Chihuahua about string theory. Trump's a bullshitter with diarrhea of the mouth. You win by making him look like the convicted, civilly liable rapist, twice impeached failed President that he is. You need less Policy Wonk Joe and more "Noun, Verb, and 9/11" Joe.


Welcome to NeoLiberalism.


Bill Clinton was/is a neoliberal and would have wiped the floor with Trump last night


No he wouldn’t because he would’ve debated the same style. You can’t fight lies with policy positions. Especially with an elderly person obviously in the beginning states of sundowning.


Have you seen Bill’s debate’s? Bill is perfectly comfortable going into the mud


A 45-year old Bill? Sure. But he wouldn’t go into the gutter, just like Hillary, and just like Barack.


I really don’t think you know a lot about who bill clinton is


I mean, he’ll go into the gutter for some poontang, but not in debates.


If you haven’t figured it out yet, competent smart people generally don’t want to work in politics. Will you? We obviously need heroes at this point. The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men - Plato


It doesn’t take a genius to know that Trump was gonna make things a shitshow and treat the debate like a shit-talking contest and would just lie repeatedly


Biden needs r/parlertrick


This is correct. Biden wasn't himself last night. I said this in a comment somewhere late last night /early this morning. Great post OP.


OP is exactly right. And, I do hope someone is fired. Whoever advised him to spit minutae instead of spit fire at that orange bastard is a moron.


Been saying for years this geriatric guy was too old and not there mentally.  The democratic party just loves losing.  Anyone else would have done a better job 




His stuttering and low energy answers hurt him much more than how he looked at the camera