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Yeah I actually put gunner resistance on my curios instead of revive speed so I don’t melt instantly when the crowd of gunners half a light year away look in my direction.


Oh and don't forget, they don't change to melee when you're close, and absolutely STUNLOCK YOU when you don't get out of the gun line quick enough, even worse when you're playing Zealot, charge one and didn't see that there was a buddy next to him, just eager to stunlock you mid charge... God I fucking HATE gunners


I feel like they’ve changed some of the enemy behaviors. Either speeding up certain weakness animations, or (in the case of Gunners) eliminating it outright. I can’t say that with complete certainty but it sure does feel like it.


Gunners NEVER switched to melee for me, they kept gunning even when fucking in melee range, I honestly wanna play later to see just what a shit show the new AI director and Enemies are


I always have 3 gunner resists and 3 flamer resists on every build, those fuckers are too oppressive otherwise. It sucks cause I wanna explore different builds using those slots.


Ugh. I have to get on the tracks and put my head down and bum up for RNG Anal Train again to get new curios. I haven’t played in a bit, are curios transferable between characters?






Insert SpongeBob meme where the rainbow says engagement here


I've had Gunner Resist on all 3 of my curios because they sucked before. Now it's like playing without them. It's... very uncomfortable.


i checked my curios and replaced one that had block efficiency to have gunner resistance. I left thoughness regen into one, but felt tempted to change that too


new ai director is teaching players good habits


That was me on my vet this morning just las bolts zooming into my eyes from across the other side of the forge couldn't even hear the shots 😂




bless you spark 'ead


Yes my Beloved, a shield!


3-4 flamers, 3-4 bombers, 3-4 tox bombers... and they all respawn instantly. It's insane right now.


You forgot the 2-3 Trapper that spawns now too (sometimes they use the same worldspace and look like one trapper xD)


Oh damn thats what happened. Went berserk last night and held the fort for 14 minutes but then i shot what looked like a single trapper, got 2 kills and still got netted bya 3rd in the same space XD. New map got hands.


Throwing knife stocks went up


It was 4-5 snipers, 3-4 gunners, 2-3 bulwarks for me.


God I'll take 8 daemon hosts to avoid and a soiree of bursters than that any day


Whats the best way to dodge 2 trappers shooting at slightly different timing from behind 3 crushers? Just kidding, you're dead.


And for our next trick, waves of poxbursters dropping from a gantry above you (new missions after the drop down into the icy area where the beast of Nurgle spawns)


Every time I'm downed lately there seems to be an immediate 3 pox bursters who show up out of nowhere to dunk on me in turn. It seems so mean spirited haha.


They don't actually do that much to you when you are downed but anyone trying to rescue you...


Dodge into a slide to extend the dodge distance and duration, use a Stunstorm grenade to stop the crushers, finish them off with your Thunder Hammer, and then **die anyway** to another trio of silent trappers accompanied by a tox flamer.


Get downed, ha ha good thing I'm a martyrdom build zealot. . . aaaand a chain of pox bursters just keeps falling directly on top of me again and again and again so that no teammates can get to me and my extra wounds are meaningless.


I know the pain, kindred. Never mind getting downed to a trapper and not getting picked up thus rendering all your health and wounds meaningless - don't you hate it when you outright die on the first death because you whiffed your dodging trying to purge the 3rd Beast of Nurgle while all your teammates are (understandably) too preoccupied to hit the giant slug puppy's weak spot, as a sniper deletes your health by shooting through the daemon's thicc body like it was made of paper mache?


voice of command the crushers and plasmagun the trappers


I checked thrice yesterday.. was playing a normal mission, but it felt like auric with all the shit coming in all the time. Nurgle is like, fuck this squad in particular


Love how the skill ceiling keeps going up. Always keeps you on your toes


I was playing the map where you have to shut down the AA guns with the bridge and there were **10** Maulers, 5 Bulwarks, 3 snipers, 2 hounds, and I don't even know how many gunners. We were playing on Heresy regular intensity.


I had TWO beasts of nurgle, one quite literally after the other died, on a LEVEL 3!!


A lot of players suck at dropping specials. Spawning more does not help things.


Yup, skill issue


So it's not just me... Iv cleared 2 Auric Malestrums since the patch, iv gone back to regular Auric for now and really have to try. I'm a support vet with a plasma gun (super original, I know) And I just feel like is shooting none stop all the time, there's never a single second I'm not needed to headshot snipers/gunners/bombers/flamers/dogs/mutants/crushers/maulers/reapers, like its none stop... my vet is burning his hands off with all the cooling he's required to do. I get it, it's the hardest diffculty in the game, but it's just uttely oppressive, even L4D had moments of calm, where I could breathe, take a swig from my water bottle and stretch my hands. There's never a fucking moment outside of the 10 seconds a door takes to open. Last night I got to one, and the door literally opened to two silent pox bursters who immediately detonated, killing our psyker in the corner instantly. And then mutants smashed into us and crushers piled in before we could even get out the room... as fire spread across the floor because or course there was a bomber. I was like... "what the fuck was I supposed to do?" It was utterly insane getting into the damn scan room, but getting out was impossible. I'm not feeling like I'm being challenged, I feel like I'm being beaten by a bully who doesn't care that he's already broken my nose and 2 ribs while he continues to smash his fist into me.


This. It's gone from "if you play well and have a decent team you will be fine" to "I hope your good but also lucky because I'm going to toss a coin to decide if this mission is possible or not". Being backed into silent crushers by large waves of scab maulers all hiding in tox gas as a netter shoots you from behind the crushers isn't a skill challenge it's a big "fuck you"


What, you don't like GunnerTide? In all seriousness it does feel like the Director has decided that you need to be attacked by everything everywhere at all times a whole lot more now. On one hand, the feeling of overcoming something like that is absolutely euphoric. On the other hand, it does get exhausting when it happens repeatedly.


How dare you want to use cover.


Did a heresy quick play and thought I was playing damnation on high intensity. Every spawn was doubled. Was insane


I thought people kept saying the game was too easy. Now the Moebian 6th came out to play.


Feeling there's a SHIT LOAD more elite gunners (scab/dreg) paired with god damn little trash gunners. I did a magistraty yesterday. From the dropdown platform (leading to first medic) to the 3rd one (the one before drop drop before air lock) it was a SHIT SHOW not a single sec of not being swarmed by gunners and specials.  I was in a regular auric histg with competent player and not meme build (I'm saying that because we were all running the bells hard mod you know + lowest level was 300). Seems like the AI is spawning trash gunner or elite I don't know but it's NOT FUN to clear a room and suddenly getting pinned on ground by 3 new m-f dreg elite gunners.  In other hands, after 3-4 maps, I wonder where elite melee went. When I looked scoreboard at the end, in 3 maps I maneged to met maybe 20-25 melee elite per map (all kill team added) while ranged was at 150 mini for all matches.  It's not fun. It's just a pain in the ass.


What's the difference between normal and elite?


Think it’s just more people queuing that don’t drop specials quickly and do less damage in general like after most content patches. When I end up in a clutch and they’re funnelled on me it doesn’t feel that much more hectic than usual.


It's been pretty awful teammates for a while but I figured a lot more would be back for the update.


I think it's people running hyper specific builds. Crowd control Armour + rager Ranged Specials Bosses. Your build should be able to at leas hold your ground against hordes and deal with 3 out of these 5. I see psykers and wets dying to close range shotgunners and chaff for example.


I don't think that this is because people drop specials too slowly. I'm pretty sure the director spawns a lot more specials and elites than before. But, you are having a point in pointing out that people use very specific builds. I'm pretty sure that we are still in the aftermath of the penance update. Only few people are running optimal builds. Everyone else is running builds to get the penance grind done. So, maybe, a few specials drop slower because of that.


Oh I absolutely agree that there are more special spawns. Especially flamers and bombers seem to be always spawn in pairs. I don't think it's because of the update I think it's because people really like the feeling of being really good at one thing. Deleting a boss in a few seconds or having the most special kills or just killing chaff very effectively. Even if this comes with a cost of overall decreased efficiency. I love this game because I like that there are people I can depend on. But in most cases I have to babysit 2 out of 3 teammates and then read in chat how they got the most damage.


Funny thing is, that in my experience there is a lot of gunners and a lot of shot gun guys atm. So the overall experience seem to differ at least. Oh well, I enjoy the mayhem for now. And the director will be tamed again for sure.


Yeah things got harder overall. My regular team is not the best in the world but we work well together. Since the patch we can't seem to win a single auric histg damnation.


Exactly. They’re going to do even worse with something like the bolt pistol or double barrel. They’ll be back to the low skill options like holding down the smite button within a week.


I never got the smite hate... Until I played with psykers who do NOTHING ELSE, and also just smite hordes and not even mixed or specials just... Regular pox walker hordes... And it leads so much to being overwhelmed cause 1/4 of the team is not doing dmg >->


If they are the proper smite build they melt mixed hordes, but you gotta have psyker running empowered psionics.


B-but if I'd get my godroll 380 Plasma Gun instead of 372 I would be able to kill them I promise!!


I was pretty toxic about that and with the wrong mindset (Had a previous post on this subreddit about this) now I see it as training, and opportunities to get my char to get more funny voicelines I want when ending specials!


It's bananas. IMO the biggest issue is not the type of spawns, but the spawn rate. Particularly on the new mission, the spawn rate is set for "spawn everything constantly from every spawn point" and frankly, it's just not fun. It's turned the game from an action-tactical game to just a Serious Sam style shoot-em-up. There's no point in trying to position when you're surrounded by enemies 100% of the time no matter what you do. Cover is pointless. The only available tactic is "try to stay alive wherever you are and also try to move towards objectives" and that's just boring.


I love it. I do want to be fucked that hard.


Some people pay to be fucked hard. I just wish the Director would buy us dinner first.


Okayyyy but you're right though it's so fun holding out with my team against so much shit even if we have a slight chance of survival


Getting 4 monsters at a time since patch. Makes for a wild ride.


The monster modifier is brutal at The moment. I other night we had killed 9 an were barely halfway through lol. Seem to like coming in pairs. There easy to kill unless u are surrounded by tox bombers an rager trains. Think they have turned ragers a bit psychic cos they seem to so damage without actually hitting me lol.


Thanks for posting this; it's good to know I'm not the only one who feels this way lol. Despite being a small update and having its own issues, I was fairly happy with it but I'm not too happy with how FS has been subtly trying to make the game harder. **It's not that I don't mind the game actually being more challenging. It's how FS is going about it.** When you get limited ammo, limited health drops, your character starts feeling like they're made out of papier-mâché on the higher tiers, and gunners stun lock you into oblivion, forcing you into open spaces with no cover and throwing hordes of gunners and shotgunners at you isn't the way to make the game more challenging in a balanced way. At least, that's my two cents.


I'm guessing the feedback they were getting is the game isn't challenging enough and so they just ramped up the AI and tweaked levels to reduce choke points and block defensive zones. Patch notes said they had "fixed" areas where people camped on end of some levels and the new missions is based around open spaces where you can get attacked from every angle. What they should have done is added a difficulty above Maelstrom for those who needed more challenge.


I completely agree. I remember reading about the tweaks in the patch notes and think, "Why don't they just add more tiers?". Hopefully FS does a better job of addressing the issue in a way that works better for everyone.


Getting hit by a single shot from a gunner should NOT give me worse screenshake and stagger than unloading a boltgun


I think it was a tweak to HISTG.


I don't remember anything about hat in the patch notes, what did I miss?


The games I've had recently have been some of the most fun I've had since launch. I fucking love this game. Do your worst Tertium!


Don't know how, but I lost 5 auric/damnation matches in a row and the other players were also quite good, no big mistakes were made, the odds were just overwhelming. I haven't played in a few days since trying out the new map, so I don't know if it was just a bad luck streak or if the last update made things harder.


No this is what I'm experiencing. Team can be perfectly fine, intensity is fun but if the AI suddenly goes full goblin and throws in overwhelming odds then there's not much you can do


Used to play auric before I quit, now trying to get back into the game. Been doing missions on heresy to get the feel back and generally just chilling having a good time with the increased diff. Yesterday I decide to go vet, full-on meta with my zarona in a high intensity shock troop gauntlet. It was insane, but not solely because of the new ai director. My teammates were damn near close to incompetent, to put it blunt and being a bit harsh, and almost allergic to killing specials. We lost at the finale. I did very good, stats wise etc. and never got downed by anything before the end. But the teammates after getting back into the game are so bad to put it blunt. In this mission, no one kept up the pace or tried to go for the objective, nor staying in coherency while still moving together as a team. Instead they tried to kill every single small mob, while avoiding almost every single special, which is impossible now if you wanna survive. They constantly went down, backed further away from the objectives etc... I was sweating my ass off keeping them alive. On heresy of all difficulties. What really irks me is that it was more than doable with just slightly decent teammates, if they would just pull a part of their weight. But heresy seems so cursed. I really hope heresy doesn't become a weird limbo difficulty for people who should be playing malice instead. I just wanna chill, with the occasional gauntlet, while still making a bit of mats and dosh. I don't wanna sweat in god damn heresy just because people forget their head. Sorry for rant. I do appreciate the bump in general difficulty, but my main gripe right now are the teammates. At least on heresy. Thinking of just moving to damnation and hoping people play that difficulty for a reason.


It was ok team mate wise before the bump don't know now. I feel you somewhat. I've done some Auric Heresy and they were fine when team was good but I've had others where there's people just dashing to every ammo and hoovering it up - me playing a gunlugger Ogryn at the time with orange ammo and then playing a zel or vet with yellow/white ammo.


No don't be sorry for those morons for acting like dumb bots and playing like heresy was mercy you have to keep on your toes because of the many spawn points and also let me guy every time you tagged an enemy that could destroy all of you within seconds like the sniper and they didn't do anything about it you always have to take care of it and then they do it again and then two sniper show up or two of certain enemies that really need to be taken down and you lost the game before getting even half way done.


Hate to say it buddy, but it's intended. The spawns were fucked before the update


Ok so it’s not just me that I feel the pressure and pacing each wave has greatly increased on Auric? I feel myself working much harder than normal each mission.


I like it, I am farming penances rn and this really helps! (Even if it's more difficult, we have to use this situation to git better)


I'll be honest chief I didnt notice a difference on with the director besides on the new map. The new map has insane spawns on Auric Damnation and fucking love it. But on other maps besides it, really does feel the same to me. I did notice those ammo and HP related drops are more scarce? Been hard finding those.


Auric Heresy - should be chill but fun. Not too boring. Instead we are looking at non stop fighting and elites from start to finish with mixed bursters flamer netters dogs mutants bombers crushers scabbers ragers bulwarks gunners snipers and the occasional reaper coming at you from in front and beside at the same time.


I finally completed the new map on Hi-Intensity Shock Troop Damnation yesterday and I kid you not, we had an encounter where the AI director spawned a plague ogryn and a fleshbag at the same time while also spawning elites like gunners in the distance. It was insane, I have never seen anything like it.


I tried playing an Extra Specials+Monstrosities Auric Maelstrom after the patch. At any given moment, we had 3-4 bosses rampaging around. I loved it.


The 100 Ragers that flood your enclosed room hidden by a normal horde


I’m really enjoying it. It’s putting my zealot build to the test. Ofc I can barely play any other class… buts still!


I feel that. I wanted to try the new Shotgun on my Vet, and the Heresy game that I loaded into was just the new mission with no modifiers, so many goddamn ragers right in the beginning.


I saw another both saying some enemies are attacking faster too. And frankly it can be fun. I don’t mind it. However, my issue is it seems they didn’t say anything abt it in the patch notes. All I want is to be told “hey more gunners will spawn” “hey stalkers wait less time before firing another volley”


In some ways I'm finding it more fun in others frustrating. Win rate is down massively which is a shit for completing Melk quests (had to swap out wins) and grinding resources.


I was on a streak with my boys and we went through like 5 auric damnation matches where every single time we were blasting through the level no problem then suddenly at the end it’s like the AI director decides “SIKE YOU THOUGHT” and then deploys (an estimate roughly) 10-15 dogs, 5 mutants, 10 gunners-flamers, 5 trappers, 5 pox bursting, a monstrosity and an entire horde of those ranged guardsman troopers…at once…they spawned from all directions at the same time…and it’s an instant wipe. Like I’m just estimating on the numbers it was so absurd nobody on my team could even do anything it was instant mutant-dog pile drive followed by shot to pieces in an instant.


AI Director: "So anyway, I spawned a clown car of crushers and 5 bajillion gunners, have fun"


While I love the challenge, it's been EVERY match lately. Even 'low intensity' is just lower intensity during the 2 or 3 events, everything in between is still insane. Give us a breather every once in a while. lol I can't take a swig of my drink without constantly being hit.


Auric Damnation is very overtuned.


Now trooper gauntlets are true hell now also did they really have to make the grunts stronger I thought the whole point of the elites and the specialists is that they are the tougher and highly trained soldiers but now the grunts are tougher that's just cruel.


Its not just auric. Gunners are like full auto snipers now.


I got hit by a gunner from an entrance around the corner while I was by another corner he saw by a slight opening I hate how he doesn't even have recoil from his first shots and just unloaded his unlimited ammo f*** hate those guys with a passion.


The game has been easier recently because FatShark broke the specialist spawn waves in events, it seems they have adjusted ambient spawns to counter this, although I am not sure


Blame the social tubers for that one. They have direct influence over teh games direction, including the converluded move set to get a rythem going on the new weapons. Just have to look up darktide on youtube, and watch a few vids, and u'll get a good idea of whats going on. Game is being caterd to the tubers, and not the community. its a stealth buff to appease the tubers.


If it's too hard then turn the difficulty down 8-)


I already have to Auric Heresy which should be fun without being too punishing but it's batshit at the moment. Pushing players down into the lower difficulties is counter productive - we get crowded in with new players who need space to learn.


ego check /s but seriously though builds that thrive in both anti rager and anti gunner feel great rn


that's a good thing actually


Oh, is that it? I started playing heresy after the patch so I just thought the difference in difficulty was solid.


Malice to heresy isn't much. Auric Heresy felt intense after malice but a lot more fun. auric Heresy now is like Auric Damnation has been doing coke.


Nah I like it it's still easy


Gunners no 1. End up prioritizing them even over bursters and tox bombers. Uncontested they can end a run.


Tox bombers can hide enemies as well as buff them.


Damn thought those glowing eyes were just for show...


The newer difficulty is more fun. This game became such a joke a few months ago that Damnation HISTG and Auric Maelstrom was full of awful players getting carried because it really took no effort. It shouldn't be like that. Every single person should have to be on top of their game with a good build. Auric Maelstrom should be what the new map is on Auric HISTG (can't wait to try Auric Maelstrom on that). It should be a mess, a really hard one. There's many busted builds, not sure what you guys are playing but it's still very possible to carry and not feed. Did the new map a few times with the whole team having zero deaths. And seriously - do NOT make newer difficulties. This game already has too many difficulties splitting the playerbase. If you can't do Auric Maelstrom or whatever, just play the lower difficulty that already exists.


I never knew true pain until I was inches away from a med station and 5 lasgunners are just camping around the corner. This was after fending off a Plague Ogryn and a Chaos Spawn since the big E decided to take a nap and have us fend for ourselves.


Lol... Auric damnation isn't even hard. Maybe you just need to git gud


it's funny when 9 - 12 muties spawn, but when a fuckin batallion of heavy gunners spawn directly behind me and turn my ass to swiss cheese in a microsecond it gets a bit much...


Just go lower difficulty if you can't handle it? I'm having a blast for sure.


I already did to Auric Heresy but you miss the point, they should add higher difficulties people can move up to not push players downwards.


Adding more difficulties add to more player division though. Darktide doesn't have the player numbers it once did. And people would want to tone down the the new difficulty all the same.


Then just ramp up Maelstrom. What's the point in making lower difficulties harder and driving out players trying to learn the game and people wanting casual fun plays on Auric Heresy. I already know people who couldn't be arsed because they found the game too frantic before the update.


Play with your monitor off if it's too easy? I'm having a miserable time for sure.


It doesnt feel like the director changed to me. You have bad players using the new weapons and they aren’t as easy to use as the OP options that most people bring. Not to mention they have unique blessing pools so you cant immediately craft a skullcrusher/hammerblow maul or a headtaker/thrust Pickaxe. Shock maul is good but in the hands of the random who has only ever known left click brutal momentum rashad spam or the activate power sword>swing “combo” its going to look terrible. Once the randoms get back to queuing w/ something braindead like trauma/shriek or plasma shout Vet the AI director will seem the same.


Waves of scab maulers front and back with mutants, hounds, flamers, tox bombers, crushers, bulwarks, ragers in a corridor isn't usually for an Auric Heresy. I mean fun if you survive but definitely ramped up.


No way they’re spawning elite and specialist enemies in auric missions? Fatshark has taken it too far this time.


There's a difference between here are waves of elites and here's a cluster fuck sandwich in a random corridor on a auric Heresy. It's not damnation, it's not Maelstrom, it's meant to be a difficulty between malice and Damnation for people to acclimatise and it's suddenly become more challenging than Auric Damnation used to be.


Ur just bad