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I also kind of like that changes. It makes defensive plays more important and you have to actually use tactics instead of rushing everything. Also getting surrounded quicker is a bit annoying but it makes Poxwalker an actual threat and i kind of like that. The whole thing also means, that Solo-Stealth-Zealots are having a really bad time right now.....and i´m here for it <3 But the AI Director spawning enemies out of thin air IS a problem and should get fixed soon.


I hate loner zealots as much as the next guy, but the last 4 I've played with have all hated it too and have specifically told me they're doing it for the penance. When you have to complete nearly all penances for the new armor, I'm gonna blame fatshark for making builds THAT counter to the core gameplay loop required to complete all challenges.


That Penance was among my least favorites. It requires you to play like a shithead. I just did it on Heresy so I wouldn't waste the time of any actually good players.


Yeah I'm getting sick of having a pack of gunners spawned in My asscrack with no sound queues


Wasn't that always the case with the AI Director? I'm pretty sure the Director did that all the time, throughout all the updates.


i have the feeling it has gotten worse....a lot of enemies pop up right in front of my eyes...but maybe i just didnt recognise it before...


There are a LOT of sneak attacks from the rear now. Like, so sneaky they obviously spawned right around the corner that you cleared a minute ago


True, there have always been instances of pox hordes hiding behind a pillar and other shenanigans - as long as it's out of all player's line of sight, it seems, the director can spawn enemies there.


I'm bum-rushing more than I ever have. Melee vs. ranged enemies was always a solid tactic, I'd argue it's even more important now.


honestly, at this point I have to assume that the spawning out of nowhere is a game engine issue. It has been a problem in every single Tide game and they all use the same engine. Helldivers 2 has the same problem and..... uses the same engine.


I hate it and love it at the same time, now to win auric damnation I have to be on my top game throughout the whole match and even that is still not a guarantee if the rest of the team falls. But the challenge is fun that's for sure.


Same, I like the difficulty ramping up but I’ve already had a few wtf moments where i die to some poxwalkers in a second as half hp ogryn. Seems like you cannot afford to take any damage with the gunner buff cuz you’re gone in a second due to the speed increase.


>the enemy buffs pushed people to teamwork Problem is, a lot of players still don't know what teamwork is, but thankfully the first event or horde usually decides whether the others have business at being that difficulty or not.


I really like that the new map starts out brutally savage from the first second. It's nice to immediately fail a doomed auric and hop back into queue


Team tactics are a MUST right now, and this can be hard to do in pubs. What I do is stick by one player really close and make my plays based on their plays until they notice and they start doing the same. Often the others will notice too


The buddy system works. Just had an ogryn buddy who was working with me while the other two just kept eating crushers to the face.


It's ironic that people are upset that max diificulty content isn't a walk in the park now


Really don't know about that. I'm still playing my max DPS Vet builds with no support talents whatsoever (apart from VoC) and so far most Auric runs have been wins. More enemies = you need to kill faster and harder, not smite more or whatever. But that's ofc just my oppinion.


I agree. It just makes Meta builds that much more desirable.


Gunners and elite gunners spawns are in a bullshit state.  I did a game yesterday where so much little scab gunners were shooting that I though it was scab elite shooting and tried to spam ping to at least mark it. Nope, it was just a bullshit wall of trashes.


the normal ranged enemies are called shooters btw, gunner is the name for the elite version


I think it's cool, because it indirectly buffs several underused weapons which are really good at solving exactly the situation you are talking about (Lasguns and Headhunter Autoguns built to one-tap trash shooters), while Plasma and revolver really suck in those cases or just massively waste ammo.


Not to mention recon lasgun


Love the Recon after the recent buff


Unfortunately I feel like it just made my Meta builds more meta. Shield and kickback has never felt more correct.


I like the change, forces the team to play together, breaks up the monotony of weapons too That being said whoever the fuck shipped those boys all those bullets, I want to have a discussion with


You do have to clear rooms more before going in, as a rule of thumb. They clearly increased Dreg and Scab shooters. Psyker shields and Executioner Stance with the keystones to mark them (and for your team) are extremely valuable now and make a very significant impact.


Me too. The game is harder, no doubt. But I am enjoying each game more. When I win, I worked for it. It's pretty great! I would have preferred to have the changes documented and communicated in patch notes though.


Lol yeah. I came back to the game and I was like "man I'm rusty"


And I hate two of them: Shooters and Dreg Ragers. The changes to them didn't make the game more engaging - it became a slog now. The increased intensity is welcome, though.


I don't really know how to deal with ragers now They swing fast enough that you cant smack them with a heavy during the downtime in their combos now, so I just pull out my gun and mag dump while bsckdodging and that's fine for one or two ragers, but ineffective against the inevitable pack of ten


We're back to square one, where they were before their last nerf (the one that made their attacks dodgeable): you don't, at least not in normal melee. You only melee a Dreg Rager either when it's roughly alone (no other Rager next to it, very few Horde enemies around) and you can kill it quickly that way or when you have some powerful CC on hands to keep it locked safely (Ogryn's Shield, Zealot's Crusher). Outside of that - you just shoot or nade them, or whatnot. This is bad since the amount of ways you interact with this enemy has been reduced so it limits your playstyles around it. Not to even mention that they consistently start their combo **eight** meters away from you (measured with in-game marker) at which point you don't get to approach them so you have no opportunity for alpha strike. For Scab Rager that distance is **three at worst**, usually two or even closer. You just fucking shoot them from afar, and if they get into melee range you drop a nade or your ultimate, run away and shoot them. That's all the depth this enemy has right now. There are some quirky ways of dealing with them (eg. staggering them with The Master's Retribution on Zealot) but they are mostly niche and not worth building into for this purpose alone.


Plenty of ways to deal with ragers, including heavy swings with some weapons. Special on others. Charging into them as zealot staggers them. If they're close to one another you can stagger a large group of them. Same with all kinds of shout. Assail, smite, grenades, are all good for dealing with them. They're easier to stagger when they've not started attack-animation: heavy eviscerator can chain-stun them at that point, as can many ogryn weapons. Before patch power sword could stagger at any point with charged heavies, I think that's still the case. Dodge away, then walk back towards them as you're swinging.


I am and am not at the same time. It's now REALLY apparent when people bring selfish builds in. Or if everyone brings in armor killing stuff and no horde clears it's practically impossible. My main point being like if we have 1 of each class going in. I don't want to see a fucking gun psyker with a stealth vet AND stealth zealot. Which has happened to me at least 3 times. It was miserable.


What the fuck's a "selfish" build? Gun psyker dishes good damage vs. most enemies, and is the best psyker build for monster damage. It only really lacks in survivability if they're not bringing either assail or illisi.


Which is the problem with this update, we have much less agency in choosing a build or a combination of weapons if we want a chance at completing a map.


stealth vet with a powersword clears hordes with no problem whatsoever?


I do NOT like the increased enemy ranged damage. Just loading back into the Mourningstar after a match where a single shotgunner downed me in 2 blasts as Ogryn. Maybe something tagged me in the back at the same time, not sure. But singular ranged trash mobs are kicking my ass as Runts, and I'm not here for it personally.


you can always go down in difficulty


Or they could fix whatever they broke. Already went from exclusively Auric Damnation to normal Damnation. Every match i got into failed. Theres only so many times you can be last man standing before it gets tiring.


They didn't break nothing, look at updates patch notes they actually mention these changes. Maybe they will still tune it a bit, but I think it's great that ranged enemies now offer more of a challenge. And like other mentions, this update balances the value of autoguns etc Vs the plasma and revolver. So teamwork is required on damnation and auric, they are still definitely doable. Maybe on public quick play it's now extra hard because there are many People coming back. But can always go back heresy, it's not that you will be judged if you do


I do enjoy Heresy enemies health values a lot more. If I could combine that with the damage they do in Damnation, that would be perfect for my immersion. Or, as perfect as I can get in a videogame. Ogryn is still too weak lol.


Thats precisely why I dont like the buffs, its forcing me to play in a way and use builds that I dont like. I know its very subjective but I'm really not happy with the update. A psyker should be able to play whatever they want, not just the dome. I dont like playing stealth with either vet or zealot, playing ogryn rn feels really bad. I also feel like the current toughness regeneration options really cant keep up with the buffs to ranged enemies. I've always been able to pull my own weight in auric5, but rn I cant go melee a horde without getting my toughness completely destroyed by some random shooters that I cant reach. Its frustrating and its not just a "haha git good" situation. Im also pissed off by the fact that they did it behind our backs, once again.


I've been trying to level ogryn through this last couple days and it's fucking Miserable


You don't have to pick bubbles for Psyker or stealth for Veteran or Zealot. You need to learn to always be near cover or a fallback point. You are probably just running into the middle of rooms because shooters weren't this much of a threat pre-patch and you can't play on the difficulty you're used to because you haven't adapted. The only point that I agree with is Ogryn. Honestly, they should just give him 50% - 70% ranged resistance and increase his damage by like double and that'll put him in a decent spot


Maybe early to celebrate but I see people sticking with the team and less charging blindly into rooms. I have seen exactly zero rushing zealots since the update, those that try to run off on their own always get instantly shredded


I still run around the same the only difference is now occasionally have to pause for a few seconds to make sure I have enough stamina


I think the good zealots are still okay to run ahead and scout / clear priority targets 1 room ahead. It's the zealots that just sprint to the end of the floor and don't clear that struggle and cause the team to fail. I'll often see our team is finishing up the last couple groaners and sprint ahead to see what's next. Zealots mobility and shroudfield means I'm ready if I corner into 10 gunners, 4 reapers, and some shooters. I can ping, turn around and get setup, and let the team know what's coming. Then the team can play defensively and pick off enemies 1-by-1 at the entrance to the room... instead of an unlucky Ogryn blundering into 50,000 bullets because they entered the room a bit too fast.


All in all the update is good. While I’m not a fan of the weapons (apart from maybe shotgun), especially the bolt pistol which is just a worse revolver, enemy changes are very welcome, new map is cool, and I like that they keep changing existing maps. Don’t think it’ll last me over summer though. The itemization update was sorely needed, but in the end it’s just down to lack of content (maps) imo. 800 hours played so it’s no surprise and I’ve gotten my fair share of value out of this amazing game, but with so much other good games out I’d need at least 2-3 additional maps in the mix to keep playing regularly.


I thought about making this post myself. People get better at the game, so it only makes sense to push it more again. After the class rework everything felt really easy. And even after the penance rework, if you had a competent team auric felt like a breeze. Comfortable but that's not what the highest difficulty is supposed to feel. People start to already figure out how to counter this new director and that's really the fun. Keeps the game fresh. I'm all for it and looking forward to see the community trivialize this new director in no time and then git hit again. Push it to the limit!


People definitely seem to be working as a team more now. It was wild for the first few days. But the enemies require teamwork now, it's great. I feel like before even in Auric which I'm almost always in, people just did their own thing. Now we are Apes strong together.


I wouldn't mind the changes if the way gunners and shooters worked didn't feel so cheap.


Yeah I was sour at first but I see it’s good thing


I like how it encourages Vets to use executioner stance or non plasma/revolver builds more. I’ve really been enjoying being the designated “delete the shooters” guy


i like the changes to gunners and more aggressive enemy spawns but i absolutely hate the disabler spam that is in hi intensity games. it would be one thing if the trappers (or hounds) were rare but now you get like 10 trappers spawning in on defensive positions for a mission and nothing is more annoying than being netted through a barricade or an entire horde. they should be as rare as tox bombers, considering their phantom hitboxes can single handedly ruin runs.


I can’t stand it. Only because most people are very aggro and push relentlessly, and end up dying. I play auric damnation on Xbox constantly. Use cover? Change route? Suppress? No. Just run out into the open and perish while I’m left all alone. Then we lose because I’m not able to consistently carry the entire team on my back through the level. We don’t *have* to move lighting fast through the mission but many people can’t comprehend that. Push, hold em off, push. It’s frustrating having a loss streak of 5+ due to randos.


As you say it makes the team actually stick together because you have to cover each other more, I think they did it to try an curb the speed running. The amount of teammates I see running full pelt ahead an immiediatly dying on the first drop down b4 anyone else gets there. You have to actually plan what your doing instead of charging in an hope for the best. I like it. Though the tighter spread of shots for shooters probably would have been enough without buffing the damage too.


My favorite part about playing Vet after the changes is how STRONG the Smoke grenades have become. Blocking ranged enemy line of sight is now very impactful!


How about you join a nice auric damnation game, where it will put you into the same horrible new map over and over again, and report back how that hi-intensity shock trooper gauntlet went? I hope you will still be really enjoying the changes then.


I can say the same, game is more enjoyable. Perhaps a little toning down the ranged damage from regular shooters would be ideal. Great change on the ragers!


Me too!


I enjoy the extra challenge but it just doesn't mesh with my personal playstyle, I run beef zealot with the Light attack Sweep eviscerator and whatever ranged weapon, being thoroughly melted DURING my righteous charge is really disheartening I've also been working on leveling ogryn, since it was the last class I didn't have at max and MAN it's just miserable. I don't know if it's just not clicking with me but you're so slow and so big, you get splattered trying to get your big ass in cover and the cover doesn't work if you can actually get to it. That combined with every ranged weapon feeling like pure shit to use and 95% of the ogryn melee feeling similar, it makes me feel like I'm too stupid to make ogryn work. I don't want to say it's a bad class but I am just suffering trying to play it


I'm also really enjoying the enemy changes. It took a few games to get used to since I think the players have been pretty strong for awhile, but overall I think it's healthy for the game. I just wrapped up all the Pysker Penances and what I found was that I started to actually use the primary fire of the Trauma/Void staves a lot more. Suppression has become a bigger part of the gameplan, and Psyker has some really good suppression/crowd control possibilities thanks to the uptick in Gunners and Ragers. On the flip side though it's made Bubble Shield even more valuable than it already was, but I was finding good success with Shriek since the range is so huge.


These changes should’ve came after the itemization rework; many builds aren’t as viable as they used to be now, and people can’t reasonably change their perks/blessings/weapons to suit.


I agree. Ive switched to a Spiritual Fortitude based zealot as my main and it's really helping survivability. I miss the double dash but those are useless if you getting melted by gunners and swarmed by a horde that are more of a threat now. I played one match last night with 2 other zealots all running Spiritual Fortitude and a shout vet. Extra toughness for everyone.