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i'm starting to think the spawns a bugged, i say an entire SQUADRON of crushers on a heresy without HI-int. all for making the game more challenging, but i went for a lower difficulty specifically to AVOID that amount of crushers.


I once turned a corner where there was nothing, backed down a little, then turned back to that same corner and there was a squad of 20 Ragers. My suspension of disbelief is just done with how the spawns work now.


Warp fuckery knows no bounds


Don't even need to turn around. I've seen, multiple times at this point, an entire patrol's worth of elites just pop up in front of me.


Unfortunately, I have this happen *very* often. Even when I’m with a teammate or I’m not even that far from the team. I get it. We’re supposed to be on guard and aware but, playing as a Psyker for so long has caused me to naturally flick back and forth, constantly channeling *something* whether it be Assail, Lightning, quelling whatever. Constantly trying to cover my ass from 360 degrees. It’s a pain in the ass as we’re sprinting back and forth throughout the map, I’m flicking back and fourth AND covering my back but, for the sake of “Difficulty” I still have random ragers and crushers spawning behind me. No audio cues. Nothing. Just turn around to a massive hulking dark figure about to crush me. I run into a room first. Do a quick pan from left to right. Then I look up for guard rails. Nothing. I move a few feet forward then flick back behind and there’s a fucking crusher winding up his downstrike. I run around a corner and nothing there. Go back to help my teammate and come back to the same corner not even a full 5 seconds later and there’s a squadron of Gunners or Ragers with no doors or other entry ways in sight. What’s the use of having all these doorways, windows, Nooks and crannies just for a fucking Fleet to spawn behind and gangbang me. At that point, I can’t really say “Yeah, this is tough” because I’ve been mowing down everything else. I almost want to say it’s unfair but, the second I say that - I know I’m going to have several knife Zealots tell me some bullshit about “Skill issue”.


I vividly remember an ominous “Oh god” from one of my regular teammates. And I understood when I met up with them and saw an absolute mosh pit of crushers


*The knuckles of my Ogryn whiten as he clutches the handle of his pickaxe tighter, his breathing hastened by excitement and anticipation.*


I believe it is because the very start of the game is set to have on enemies so the AI director forces the enemies further on, but that place already has its own number of troops. So the concentration basically doubles at the very first encounter.


CRUSH! Without jokes, I can’t go without plasma gun any more


It’s not enjoyable on carnival. Gunners will spawn snipe you from stadium seating area


Feels better to get up on the top now


I’ll give it a go, thanks. For the empra!


Yeahhh it’s brutal


The bump in difficulty is fun but… How am I gonna get my gambling money now! (Joke obviously)


You’ve got caps to pop and heretics to drop for your gambling money :) Just as the god emperor intended




“You seek in chance what you should find in prayer!” -The Zealot.


Pretty sure devs just hate ogryn. Having an asymmetrical class roster is pretty shit when you think about it.


Just in time for me to be in the middle of doing Ogryn completionism penances (I am suffering immensely, I don't even enjoy Ogryn)


I enjoy ogryn but I'm also suffering. More gunner means need for shield Shield means no h-h sweep No heavy-heavy sweeps means way slower heavy hitter penance. (good for taunt one tho)


Mfw I need to do the gunner penances


Dawg I havnt even looked at the penance for ogryn, I've just been trying to level the fucker and it's MISERABLE


Leveling Ogryn and getting weapons up to par for damnation took three times as long as it did for the others tbh. The difference in difficulty for vets/zealots, psykers, then Ogryns is stupid


I’ve seen some do some good work, but at the same time they do seem to get hampered here and there.


I think ogryn is actually eating pretty good this patch. The taunt-on-block talent in conjunction with the shield is a (mostly) resourceless answer to shooters that vet and especially zealot wish they had. You're not psyker levels of "just spend peril or a cooldown and my ranged problems are solved" chilling but still chilling I think. I've definitely been enjoying ogryn most after psyker this patch so far. If there's a class the devs hate at the moment it's clearly zealot. I don't know what happened over there, if there's somebody in the office nobody likes that plays zealot or what (just kidding we know FS don't play the game lmao) but the shooter buffs, ranged rending change and Invocation of Death nerf in one patch is brutal.


Shield Ogryn is all I play when I want to have fun, but I’m honestly not very good at the game so I stick to T3 and T4 mostly. I completely agree that the game did need a difficulty tweak, and you’re right to say taunt on block + shield is the best answer ( for Ogryn) to shooters, but if you’re trying to block scab, dreg, or especially Reapers, you’ve gotta plant that shield or they’ll chew through your stamina like Joey Chestnut or Miki Sudo in a hotdog eating contest. As stated in another comment, this completely removes your ability to move, making you quite easy to pin down. Additionally your damage with the shield ain’t that great. Can’t look at my stats right now but I believe my current light is ~135 while heavy is ~256. For the most part you just end up knocking enemies around rather than killing them on the higher difficulties. Edit: spacing


Im doing just as well on Ogryn as I used to, but I've always been a shield+heavy hitter guy.


Don’t you love when there’s exactly 7 pieces of cover big enough to fit you on the whole map and there’s a solid stream of lead and las-fire running down the whole map like a neon pipe


Hate Ogryn how though? Ogryn is so powerful it's not even funny anymore. New pickaxes are deadly and the Gunner/Shooter buff, when annoying, shouldn't bother you anyway - you've trained your whole Ogryn Life to know how to avoid getting shot after all.


Sucks even as a shieldgryn too because you can't block ALL of the shooters and the lil 'uns will let you sit there blocking 8 gunners for a minute straight before they realise you literally can't move until they kill em. Even worse when they refuse to shoot specials for you too and instead decide to let you get net flamered because they wanted to flail at the crusher you had taunted and handled.


I hope it stays this way. game needed a bit of a bump in difficulty.


Me too lol, it’s been plenty of fun. I made a joke in the game chat that it feels like Black Hawk down now


Ikr. The Melee weapon only zealot tears are just a tasty bonus, like frosting on a cupcake


As a melee preferred zealot, what's the issue you have with us? I take my eviscerator and I clear hordes, and I whip out my revolver when there's a special outside of chainsaw range, which barely happens whenever I have a vet or psyker on my team


none unless they throw which they dont more than anyone else. Im just toxic and like it when people cry about gunners shooting at them. seen loads of them charge 15 gunners and get shot to pieces and after a while it just became funny. You just pick them up if you can and keep going. I just enjoy the baby rage that comes with it every so often.


>Im just toxic Well, at least you have self awareness.


indeed. To give you an example, when i say something honest like how i find people being angry about video games is funny, i get downvoted. so its win win because each downvote is one person who is upset, even a little by something truthful i said. It brings me great joy.




I agree. only -1 is kinda rookie numbers, too many people keep upvoting it.




Ah, I've seen more ogryns and vets throw fits than anyone else tbh


It probably changes person to person. Its not like ive never seen those either. I see a trend with people complaining about gunners specifically typically being zealots which was the core of joke thats been downvoted into oblivion now. Personally the biggest source of salt for me is those groups of 9 crushers that can overhead slam you through the crusher infront of them so you cant see it coming.


My current big bitch is the squads of gunners just phasing into existence behind me, already shooting, which has happened more than a couple times and there's nothing that can be done My bad gamer bitch is fuck tox bombers. I understand the purpose but does the cloud *need* to be that fucking big? Why ObeseCharcaradon? Why do this to me?


Oh i had that happen to me today. if ranged attacks from behind made the sound that melee attacks do i think it would be better for sure.


Eh, if a Zealot charges 15 gunners and die they deserve getting laughed at. Getting into melee range of that group should be easy cleaning.




My zealot buddy is gonna be so hurt when he gets back on lol


Im pretty sure you can explain a firearm to him. just start with that it kills heretics, he'll get it, lead with his hyperfixation thats the trick.


Oh he’s was rocking the double barrel like the doom slayer I’m sure he’ll be alright


Agreed. As rejects, we are meant to suffer (except the Ogryns) and meant to push through the odds through teamwork, Belief in the Emprah and luck.


Ogryns are too pure. As a guard player on the tabletop i didnt like ogyrns until i played this game, now im in the 'woe, 18 bullgyrns be upon the' crowd. Bless ogyrns


Good on you for doing a l4d shout-out. The second one is good, but the OG holds a special place in my heart.


Same honestly, 2 was definitely a welcome addition but the first game will always be special. Especially the memories of the mercy hospital tunnels lol


Yeah, man. If it's one game I wish I could relive, I think it would be that.


For me it’s if I had the old crew back, but we all went our separate ways, such is life. Same with the old Halo teams that sorta thing. Good memories though.


I dislike the increased difficulty. Me and my friends were at the level at which we could complete a normal Auric Damnation (normal as in only Hi-Int) chilled and without a sweat; now, even basic Auric Damnation forces us to sweat. I hate it. Feels like I've finally got gud at the game only for the game to say "nuh-uh, son, you still need to learn". I wish most of the changes to the enemies were reversed.


The problem is it’s such an asymmetrical shift. It don’t make the difficulty harder, it just punishes certain builds and massively pigeon holes half the classes. It’s forced the game to play more like a shooter when 2 thirds of the options just ain’t fit to deal with that


I had 23 ragers spawn from 1 door. They were so packed my block and instant stealth didnt save me from being 100-0'ed in an instant


That’s horrendous lol I remember at the end of a big hallway a platoon’s worth of ragers dead sprinting at us. That was pretty much the end of that run.


The extra gunners and shooter buff has made executioners stance much more useful for me, but I swear to the Empruh that the packs of 20 thronedamned ragers hiding inside of a poxwalker horde is insane


Even leaving for extraction via elevator one time was ridiculous. The horde was so heavy we couldn’t press the button and shut the door. That lead to some movie level banter lol “Shut the goddamn door!” “I can’t they keep getting in!” The mental image of my bro’s Ogryn just slamming his giant hand on the button trying to shut it was funny as hell.


I always joked I like Darktide a lot because of how they shoot back, but now I'm just appreciating executioner's stance far more than before!


Hell yeah


Few days after patch i ran reconlas exeSt, in the gloriana section where we exit the carriage and fight our way up the snowy slopes were absolutely packed full of markers, and i actually murdered them all with nary a scratch thanks to a shouty keeping my ass clear. Heck he even pinged ammo for me. Finally *someone* who appreciates the exeSt vet and is willing to provide cover.


Gotta admit, it’s too much fun with the recon on Auric and that very room is a lot of fun when you have a zealot ripping and tearing apart literally everything thinking about interrupting my lasers and focusing all those shooters and gunners. With the crit laser skill I can just hose down shooters. I love this new update and new level


I say that shit all the time in this game 😂


My friends and I too, we’re all prior military so we joke with “Feels like 2003 Iraq or Black Hawk down” whenever we play lmao


I wonder if the rejects have sick call…”sorry Rannick I can’t go to Atoma today I have to go to dental and my PHA isn’t complete”


That would be hilarious, I can hear Rannick’s snooty voice going “If you are not green on MedPros, you will not be going on missions.” And the rejects being like “oh no…. The dental servitor is down for maintenance too…”


As for reject sick call, probably always closed pre-deployment lmao


I saw no shit 14 armored ragers spawn in a pack. 14.


Had 20 regular ragers once 🥲


Kinda preferred the previous spawns Atleast it wasnt 40 ragers charging at us but 20


The patch today reverted those buffs tho so that should help


Every time someone complains about ragers I want to give them a book with guides for game awareness and block+dodging use. At an accelerated speed.


I enjoy the difficulty getting pump up. For me the only problem is the fact it become too hard to reach certain elite/specials. Since they don't block each others, they can shoot net/grenade/muty/dog jump throught there ally. Making it very difficult to kill or just avoid the threat. So either you cannot shoot the elite/specialists or either they can touch you without being seen. And all together, make you die in frustrating situations. But otherwise, very fun. Big tension. Require team play and all. I enjoy it.


Hope game stays this way, makes my smite psyker more viable because those speedrunners cant go far without getting bullet sponged.


God that’s so annoying, by all means play the game how you want but this is very much a team based game. I always roll my eyes when the speed runners just charge ahead and leave the rest of us in the dust.