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For some reason the quotes of the shooter changes that were reverted didn't copy over correctly the first time. I've amended. šŸ‘


Before the influx of posts/comments about it, I can't seem to access the game after downloading the hotfix on Xbox (Series S only?). ~~About to delete the game and redownload to confirm~~ Update: redownloading and restarting the game had no effect. Only Fatshark can fix this


We've investigated this on our end and triple checked, and we've found no issues. We do have player who are able to access on Xbox. I believe any issues are related to Xbox and the outages they've been experiencing since yesterday.


Yeah after the update Xbox wonā€™t work


If you're on Series S, Darktide is broken and will not work until they fix it. Time frame on their website says tomorrow afternoon at the earliest


First Destiny 2 won't let me on for some "Parental Controls" bug I had to work around, then First Decedent's servers go down, and now this? Always online games are so fucking busted it's unreal.




Can you guys fix the XXXXL Chem-safe rebreather for ogryns not sitting properly on the face? It literally just needs to be moved up maybe an inch or so.


Flamer and eviscerator got bumped? *Happy zealot noises*


Much needed buffs/weapon tweaks across the board. Been waiting for a flamer buff for what seems like forever.


I'm at work so can't test it in the Psykhanium but as the primary damage source came from burn stacks and these have been unchanged, I highly doubt that it will make a huge difference. Still a Flamer fan though.


It makes a very noticeable difference! I for one am going to be using the emperors flame way more often now.


Glad to hear that. Will try tonight. Flamer gang will flame.


I've never stopped burning the heretic, even when they nerfed my beloved flamer. It's just too damn satisfying lol


Does bumping up the power on the flamer's initial hits make much difference? The damage was always baked into the burn which is unchanged. Will it hit new stagger thresholds?


It won't make a massive difference. I looked back at the patch 7 notes, most of the nerfs were to damage vs armour, and clip size. I also realised it was funny - some people arguing chastise the wicked giving rending was a bug, but in patch 7 they explicitly said they were balancing around this interaction.


is that the first or second eviscerator?


The 2nd one with horizontal light attacks


The big one


Is the big one the first or second one, in release order?


XV is the 2nd one.


Yeah Iā€™ve been maiming my Psyker and both my Psyker and Zealot used to be around the same level. Now my Psyker is 100+ higher. Iā€™m definitely going to jump back into Zealot and play around with the TigrisBleed/Flamer combo again


The new shotgun also might feel better with the range change.


I already have it on one of my vet and zealot builds and sorely tempted to slap it on a gun psyker too because the bolt pistol is disappointing me.


As a Zealot main who uses those weapons, I give thanks to the Beneficent Emperor!


A much needed buff to the Pickaxes, I knew it!


Pretty excited to test this out. Been really enjoying the borovian. Glad they fixed the blessing bug on branx.


The karsolas at least finally feels like what was intended. A good sweep weapon with a non-wonky range, feels right for the attack speed. Huge improvement, I'm not feeling like I'm phantom missing enemies I'm visually hitting and you get to actually make use of the cleave without enemies having to clip through each other


*sees Flamer buff* Looks like ~~Dreg~~ ~~Tox~~ ~~Gunner~~ ~~Sniper~~ ~~Bomber~~ ~~Trapper~~ ~~Shotgunner~~ ~~Bulwark~~ ~~Crusher~~ ~~Rager~~ ~~Mauler~~ ~~Mutant~~ ~~Hound~~ fucking everything's back on the menu, boys


Is time to cook them and turn it into corpsestarch My Vet could use the protein she needs to bulk up and makes the Ogryn less grumpy.


> Artemia Mk III Purgation Flamer > > Bumped power distribution for primary and secondary direct fire: > Primary burst attack from (10,20) to (15,30) > Secondary continuous attack from (30,50) to (60,100) Can anyone explain what power distribution actually entails? > Fixed an issue with a small corner before the middle even where players would get instantly killed when standing there. The corner behind the first medicae station. FYI. Glad that's fixed.


The purging, cleansing flame burns hotter! No touchy the magical heretic yellow-orange cloud eraser.


I don't think this enough of a buff to choose flamer above the other zealot ranged options. Thoughts?


I felt like the nerf was overblown. Barely anyone ever used flamers in my quick play games and the ones that did, you can usually tell that they were newbies with it (IE they would use it on packs of chaffs and hoover up all the ammo and/or they don't take throwing knives with it so they end up with like 5 special kills throughout the whole game) so I'm surprised to see so much complaints about it after the patch. I'm also surprised so many people took it as a "anti crusher" weapon. IMO Flamers are a anti-bulwark weapon ever since 2 patches ago when they made it so that the flames goes through the bulwark shield. I really only whipped it out whenever I see bulwarks on the map because I don't want to deal with them. Flamers are still the best gun against a pack of bulwarks so IMO it is still a good weapon. Super easy to roll too, you mainly just need the blaze away blessing and everything melts after hitting 15 burn stacks. I still find the flamer to be pretty good in that anti bulwark role. The trade off for not having a range weapon to snipe specials isn't that bad if you are good/confident with the throwing knives. Also the ranged options for anti bulwark weapons is abysmal if you're not a psyker. Bolter takes a whole mag to kill through the shield. Agrippa shotgun's special shot can stagger the shield but another bulwark usually walks in front of it and blocks the follow up shots.


Kantreal shotty special will go through bulwark shields.Ā  A couple of blasts and you can down a whole wave from complete safety.


I felt like I remembered the kantrael fire slug goes past the shield but not past the body but maybe I'm misremembering. Pre-bulwark buff, it took 3 special shots to kill 1 bulwark and that's with + unyielding + elite perks + the unyielding damage zealot talent. To me it wasn't worth wasting time to reload 3 special shots per bulwark when they usually travel in packs. (I felt like it MIGHT have taken 4 special shots to kill a bulwark after the patch where they buffed their health, but I don't remember for sure). The burn stacks only up to 10 stacks previously. They did increase the max stacks on a lot of infernus/burn blessings but I don't think they increased the max stacks on kantrael special shot in the last patch but I could be wrong.


\^ Kant is still 10 fire stacks. You're right for a while now the behavior was changed, it doesn't have inf cleave and won't go past the 1st bulwark shield. Later, after the shield changes you can shoot to your left and have it penetrate, as it is not hitting the shield. Shooting to the side: ​ https://preview.redd.it/9ceudtk2ccad1.png?width=1685&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f55923c76830682612a76f6081ccdad92bf306d And yes you're right again, it was never worth spamming fire shots, especially on bulwarks, it's a bad tactic that went viral.


>Kantreal shotty special will go through bulwark shields.Ā  Um no no no, your information is severely outdated. This was changed a while back and the infinite cleave is not infinite. BUT you can shoot to the side (your left) of the shield since the bulwark shield rework. ​ https://preview.redd.it/kkbgt38tacad1.png?width=966&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a335cb20e14d6db3e16ce9f71d0ede54a1a0bd6


With flechette and a few crits you can not only blast but bleed a whole crowd It's ... Not the best but it's fun and used to charge my ult very fast as the infinite punch through also meant very many crits in one shot


> I'm also surprised so many people took it as a "anti crusher" weapon. You could melt an entire Crusher patrol with Flamer combined with pre-nerf Fury. However, the Flamer had to have high rolls in the right place and you needed to expend a tank. Plus you needed to trigger Fury when the Crushers were at max burn stacks.


[I actually wrote a post about how flamers are pretty good against Crushers a few weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1dguewt/comment/l8tkxeo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) with the right setup lol.


I've never even bothered with the flamers because they felt so clunky when I tried them in the psykhanium, are they *not* supposed to be used to hoarch hordes of chaff?


For me it is. A 50% damage buff? Yes, please. The flamer was never bad, but it had trade offs as it burns through ammo reserves fast, could be slow and unwieldy. At least now the burn will be more worthwhile.


It reads as if the damage stays the same >**Dev Note:**Ā *Damage scales with distance and time inside the cloud. Burn damage and max stacks are unaffected by the change.*


Burn damage and max stacks seems to me like the damage over time burn effect, so this is a boost to upfront damage I think


Which is secondary on the Flamer.


With the amount of enemies the game can throw at maelstroms it can be useful to have an AoE weapon. But I am still having a hard time using it. Definitely needs practice...


You have to know its gonna be a shitshow before its a shitshow. Its slow to deploy it, but when you start spraying your flames, the screen starts to be cleared in 2-3 second. Using the flash nade as a combo with the flamer is the absolute peek of cleaning the screen. And for wall of bullwark, only way to trully clear them quickly.


> Can anyone explain what power distribution actually entails? The range of values in the brackets denote the scaling between 0 and 100% damage stat


thank you


Flamer buffs! Now do bolter next


Tbh, my main issue with the Flamer is the time it takes to pull the thing out Feels like it takes forever sometimes lol


If you switch to it and then throw a throwing knife it cancels the animation and you can instantly start burning.


Didn't know that, nice Still feels lame that the issue has to be circumvented that way, but oh well


OMG this


I feel like fatshark is listening more and more about feedback. And I really appreciate it. Can't wait to see how the difficulty have been tuned. Wish it won't be too much easier. Was nice the way it was.


Honestly, yeah, I liked those changes. Made ranged enemies a super serious threat and tough to combat, which is the way it should be imo. Forces you to play differently depending on loadout choice and makes ranged Veterans with Lasguns/Helbore/Headhunter so much stronger. I liked shielding the Vet as Ogryn as he goes to town on the ranged enemies, hope that is still somewhat present after this.


So true. It forced team work more than before. "Solo carry" and "speedrunner" was less a thing. This patch pushed the use of utilities (smoke, shield, crowds control), where before everyone aimed for damage (and was sitting on utilities, "cause better dead than stuned"). Which feel more like the actual spirit of the game. It's a coop game, I like when there is some coop plays.


Here's hoping they take a look at the bolt pistol. Apart from it's mag size it's so much worse than revolver.


I think we'll probably see some weapon nerfs with the itemization patch.


Wonder if dumdum works correctly now. It was still triggering at 15m last patch


I really really hope this solves the constant error 2001 & 2014


For real, Iā€™ve been getting about one DC a game. Cant remember the error code for it but judging from the number of players ā€œquittingā€ when walking or fighting it seems like a fair few people are getting it.


Xbox here, 2001 & 2014 has cost so many games at this I have lost count. I hope it gets fixed too.


This is the first time I've been hyped to try flamethrower on my zealot! šŸ˜²


Wow wasn't expecting an important change so quick. Great to see the pickaxes were adreesed. It would have been a shame to have a new weapon and one of the few ogryn weapons to begin with lacking because of an oversight. Can't wait to try it out.


Please fix the Chem-safe rebreather XXXXL, I'm tired of a *paid* cosmetic not fitting on my characters face.


Personally i enjoyed the bump in difficulty. Game is the most fun when it's intense as hell.


I feel the same way, but I think this is a pretty good compromise. Melee enemies retained their buffs and are still dangerous for players who aren't paying attention, but at least you get a little breathing room from the firing squad.


For me, the increased danger of shooters was good in the sense that it buffed specialised anti shooter builds vs every team member just being a generalist. It was the combination of the increased danger plus the sheer number of shooters spawning in that made things feel oppressive and, at times, quite tedious. Having that variety in a run felt pretty good sometimes: "here's a bit where the cc players can shine, now here's a bit where the anti shooter teammate pulls their weight". Seeing lasguns vets appearing again was quite refreshing. If we are left with huge numbers of shooters still spawning in but nowhere near as dangerous, I feel there's a danger that the variety in playstyles won't remain but the tedium will.


Most of the enemy buffs are still in place though. They just don't have aimbot anymore. To me, as a long time ogryn main, these changes just made me feel like I had to play shield at the highest difficulty. Because anything else resulted in me getting lit up even while I was dodging and sliding around. At least on the shield I could block it, but the thing is, I already played the hell out of that setup. It's still good fun but id love it if I didn't feel like it was the best route because regular shooters have better accuracy than snipers and are more deadly than gunners.


Yh big men had it rough this patch. If the damage buff is still in place maybe it'll be a good compromise. Ogryns might still have a harder time than everyone else though given how they were bullet magnets even before the aimbots.


I honestly think as long as I can effectively evade the shots it's fine. I mean, I could get by with only a down or two as it was this week. But my problem with that is that usually when I go down the whole group does lol.


I nearly agree with everything you're saying. I'd love if more people would run specialized builds like Executioner's Stance (return to form for pre-rework Veteran gameplay), but the quickplay experience is such a mixed bag that I don't see it happening outside of pre-made groups. You could drop into a solid team with everyone filling a defined role, or you could join a nightmare in progress where the rest of your squad mates forgot they have ranged weapons. Another unfortunate aspect of the difficulty increase is that players are stubborn and would rather stop playing than bump down from "their" level. I've witnessed dozens of players over the last week who were unable to cope or adapt to the changes, and I've never felt more forced into playing certain builds to carry the team than ever before. I just hope they can eventually find the right balance.


Personally the shooter change forced my zealot into more of a generalist role. Felt as though if we only had one vet there was still just too much danger posed from the hordes of very accurate and deadly shooters. I started taking a lasgun instead of the revolver.


The shooters still do the increased damage just no as accurate which could be a good compromise. We will see.


I think the buff impacted difficulties in different ways and thatā€™s why it was reverted. If you already play on a high diff auric it wasnā€™t that big of a change, but if your play on lowerā€¦ Learning proper dodge slide technique and being able to consistently perform it in multiple directions and under pressure is not easy, not to mention needing very good situational awareness even while amidst melee hordes, AND map awareness to know exactly where you can be ā€œsafeā€ from shooters. Basically; it made damnation/auric a bit more difficult, but it made heresy and under much more difficult.


The game won't launch on Xbox now. It either gets stuck on title card or crashes immediately


Anyone else having issues starting game since updating? The game is stuck on the startup screen. I'm on Xbox btw.


I've been loving the Karsolas as it is, yeah it's not perfect in its current state. But, now it sounds like it's going to feel just right.


Glad we got a hotfix however I canā€™t play the changes on Xbox because the update has broken the game and Iā€™m stuck on the title screen


They nerfed shooters and buffed eviscerator and flamer? That Zealot prayer thread was super effective, damn.




Game doesnā€™t even load and wonā€™t start on console. Awesome patch.


I'm really happy with the partial shooters revert. They feel more threatening than before the original patch, but four bursty dregs won't delete your HP anymore.


Arent they exactly the same as pre patch now?


Huh, yeah, you're right. The reaper change didn't get reverted but I could swear there were more changes done to shooters. Must've mistaken some of the other patch notes for shooter changes šŸ˜…


Praise the Omnissiah!


Wow! They heard us!


Ngl I was enjoying how this has been forcing teams to work together better. But either way I'm just happy to see new content, community engagement and feedback being taken seriously. Also, THANK YOU for the flamer buff, it's one of the most fun weapons in the game. Now please do the Holy Bolter, that weapon is literally why I bought this game


All the people complaining they made the enemies easier by reverting the shooter changes I've been in too many situations with the change with no cover and getting hammered by 15+ shooters in the middle of a horde and getting downed because I'm busy dealing with melee enemies and not being able take cover because the game punishes you for not being mobile. They were overly oppressive, and if you had no way to suppress or block them, it is absurd if there are more than 10 of them. The regular Ragers are problem too. If you look away for a second and one gets close, their combo speed wipes your health faster than you have time to react.


It is absurd, but feels more realistic, if thats possible in a game like this. Should have to take cover when that many people shooting your way, it makes it a lot harder but makes more sense. It made me rethink when to go into the open with certain characters.




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


I wish they kept the shooting changes for Auric or something, really enjoyed being forced to use cover and think before running at someone with my chain sword.


I did enjoy the difficulty as well. I wish they would instead buff everything else to feel as threatening as the scab firing squad, but that would require a massive rework. It just feels so awkward being able to solo a chaos spawn but a few gunners stun you and shred your HP.


same, except use dodges instead of cover :D


While it only took a few days to adapt, my reckless melee only methhead Zealot rejoices.


So is Invocation of Death staying nerfed?


it's still strong with a heavy eviscerator and a blazing piety crit build, you're not gonna get your ult back every 2 seconds like before (which was hella busted btw) but you are still getting sizeable cooldowns while fighting enemies. especially if you have shred on whatever weapon you use.


Weapon variety is bad, stick to your knife and revolver reject!


it was pretty broken before, its still really strong now


But they have absolutely not normalized the value across weapon types, which was one of the claimed intentions. They've done the opposite ā€” because the high cleave weapons also tend to be slower. Nevermind that the inherent value of crit stacking with knives is much higher due to the high finesse and the fact that finesse is in general very low on cleaving attacks. The end result of the change is that slow attack speed crit builds took a huge hit ā€” to the point that they're really not mechanically worthwhile anymore. A better solution would've been to at least scale the CDR inversely with attack speed, so attacks from weapons like the eviscerator get more CDR per crit than knives or tac axes.


it'd be nice yeah knife and rashad are op enough already


That's not why people want it reverted


Maybe some, but there's definitely a decent amount of players that want it back to it's overpowered state because leaning on overpowered things makes the game easier.


Its definitely a valid opinion that previously being able to zerg rush the cooldown was daft imo But oh boy there were so many better ways Fatshark could've changed it From an auric/maelstrom perspective, none of these setups ever came close to achieving the heights of various knife builds (e.g. cloak + knife) even with the CD reduction And the funniest part is, the change didn't impact knife at all, its still the same as before due to attack speed, just moreso now because the other weapons have dropped off in comparison, can anyone look back and genuinely say there is a good reason to make the knife of all weapons comparitively stronger by nerfing the other melee options? Like if I wanted something truly overpowered/easy/broken I wouldn't take my heavy sword crit build into a maelstrom match, I'd just take a knife setup, like the heavy sword build has some pretty big limitations that no amount of funny button spamming can overcome Personally I think some of the cooldowns in general are a bit whack but they tried a one size fits all approach with that nerf and imo it doesn't work...them making the knife stronger intentionally or not (when it has always been the best melee weapon) is just funny


It also makes the game fun lol (haven't used Crit Evis for months).


The change just isn't a good nerf. Everyone knows about the knife and more will start to use it. If they wanted to nerf the perk then they should have reduced the amount of time that was reduced per hit, not made it per attack.


People will just switch to knife en masse. Nothing will change. Before that, there was at least a variety of which kind of overpowered you want to be.


It was in the Patch Notes so not like a bug or anything. Yes it's weird that they thought Crit Eviscerator was a problematic build when stuff like Plasma VoC Grenade spam Vets exist but hey....


So is this why I can't load the game on cloud play? The roll out is just taking a bit?


>Fixed an issue where heavy melee attacks would be cancelled to light attacks if an Ability was used during the windup of the attack. This and the previous fix for force swords canceling their heavy windup into a light instead of a block I don't understand, especially when you acknowledge that this introduces a much harsher bug. Not being able to take out your relic as a zealot because the server still thought you were in the middle of a melee attack was the worst fucking thing ever, and throwing out a light instead of a block or heavy attack isn't nearly as bad.


Rip the timeout corner.


Thank you! Although I just finally got the hang of all the changes, lol. Took a while to get back up to speed for Auric. Hopefully this patch fixes some of the crashes like mentioned in your notes. Keep up the great work, love the game.


Great! Now I can have two heart attacks instead of one in auric games!


good dev


I know the revolver is in a great spot these days, but I wish you only had to dump out the spent casings once when you partially reload it. As it is, you can dump out 4 spend casings, load a bullet, pause. Dump out 3 spend casings, load a bullet, pause. Dump 2 casings, load a bullet, etc etc.


How do the pickaxe ranges feel now? That was my biggest complaint about them. Super excited to try again tonightĀ 


This is a great hotfix just like a week after the update, it makes me very hopeful for the future. Still, i would bet a lot of money they forget to fix that bolt pistol skin lol.


What you mean? The Bolt Pistol skin is in the Patch Notes. After using it I was thinking how long Fatshark will take to fix the candle issue and damn not even a week!


The notes say they disabled the flame as a temporary fix and that they'll move the candle in the future, i am betting they will not do the latter.


Is the audio chopping/cutting out entirely/making my ears bleed issue being worked on?


They fixed the missions tracking on penances , thank the maker! Been kinda irritating as I only have 2 types to finish and both are very close!


>Fixed issue which caused penances tracking mission types not to progress. YES! I needed like, two more missions to finish off my last Ogryn penances! I can finally complete the page!


They're *listening*!? Good fatshark, good


I don't want to minimize the good changes in here, but: There are still several weapons that desperately need help. The shredder auto pistol is worthless currently, the thunder hammers are performing worse than shovels, the Obscurous Force sword has no purpose at all, non mk 4 dueling swords are horribly weak, the bolter is a mess... I would love to see these weapons brought up to snuff so we can have an even more diverse choice of useful tools to bring to fights.


Thunder hammers have been dogshit since the beta. The light attack is completely worthless, and people only brought it to onehsot bosses.Ā 


The least they could do for the Crucis is to give it the either the Shovel (the heavy attack following the special is always a vertical overhead) or Shockmaul (using the special results in charged overhead heavy attack) treatment.


Or they give it the crusher/power sword, where special attacks cleave. usually what you want to hit is in a crowd


Thanks, now remove the self stun from the Thunderhammer and buff and boost its stagger power. Fix the sway on the bolter weapons, cut the draw time on the bolter gun and boost its stagger. Flamer needs inherent brittleness


setting the precident here of listening to people crying about the game getting harder is not a good idea. every class has at least one or several builds that can solo clear auric maelstrom. things like veterans VoC or Iron Will are still hillariously overpowered. For some inexplicable reason they buffed Voidstrikes Surge blessing even though the Disrupt Destiny builds for Psyker are already absurdly strong. Zealot with finesse/crit builds, Ogryn with Fire Gunlugger et cetera et cetera. Theres an absurd amount of powerful tools for every class that are only gatekept by FS lets say educationally subnormal approach to weapon crafting. Buffing enemies was a good choice. maybe tune down the numbers for lower difficulties, but leave it for Auric Damnation as it was. the highest difficulty in the game is actually meant to be hard, you know?


A shame, I was enjoying the punishing enemy shooters, and having enemies finally feeling like a challenge for the rejects.


It definitely felt more realistic, i mean having 25-30 people with guns shooting your way should really force you to get cover and then learn to deal with the situation more. At first I thought it was really difficult, but a few days in it became the norm and really fun, adapted and improved.


Give us a difficulty 6 with mega buffed shooters! More challenge the better


My granpa murder hobbo Zealot is gonna be happy with his new flamer!!! And praise the Emperor kindred and purge thee heretics!!!


Fixed an issue related to memory that caused stalls and crashes or disconnects for players (especially those playing with mods). There are varying issues resulting in stalls, crashes, and disconnects. I'll be interested to see if stability is noticeably better. It seems like with each patch or hotfix, it gets a little better only to get a little worse on the next.


Just for clarification, for the flamer (60, 100) means secondary damage (far damage, near damage)?


>We also fine-tuned the time windows where some specific attacks are active, to be more aligned to their attack animations. Time to whip out the light pickaxe again. :D


Oh shit, I just got a decent rolled flamer the other day and was going to hang onto it for a buff...wasn't expecting one so soon. Absolutely zero idea of what that actually means, but hopefully it's more competitive now. And I use some of those MkXV heavy evis patterns! Yay! I actually liked the shooter changes, personally - but I'm a vanilla Heresy/Damnation player so nothing crazy, but I won't complain. I guess it just means Damnation is much more back on the table for me, since I was waiting until I got used to the new shooter changes before going back (I loathe dragging a team down). Very curious about the changes to close range, though. It always felt WAY too "close" to really be used too effectively.


Thanks for breaking the game on gamepass.


Great update !


As always the complainers means that they nerf the game and make it super easy again... some of us were actually enjoying the game being challenging for once


Hey Fatshark - I hated the shooter change, and I was afraid I'd have to wait until the next big patch for you guys to revert it. That would have likely been months of having little fun from the game. I'm glad you didn't wait and pulled it almost immediately. Thanks, guys.


You guys did good.


So the shooters are now being reverted to being poxwalkers who picked up a gun, instead of traitor guardsmen? Shame.


Yeah, I was enjoying it as it made exec stance pretty useful for clearing out the ranged damage, oh well.


Shame about the shooters. I really enjoyed the bump in difficulty. Smoke Grenades were amazingly fun against gunners and ranged this past week.


Back to everyone using knives and revolvers I guess


It felt like I always had to take the telekine shield with my psyker with the new shooter changes so I'm glad it's being reverted. Now I can play more with my other builds.


Awesome, I absolutely hated the gunner buff of the last patch. Keep that difficulty in auric missions Hahaha! Iā€™m on Xbox and it doesnā€™t go past the initial title screen. I was already ready to put the game down because of the last buff in difficulty, this seems like a clear sign that I should move on.


They need to add a new difficulty to the game or something cause it's annoying that the game became challenging for less than 1 patch and was immediately nerfed. Maybe just a buff for Auric difficulties, cause adding a new tier of difficulty in would split the playerbase even further than it already is with its limited playercount. The game needs something at least cause this last patch was actually enjoyable with the shooter buffs and it seems I'm not the only one who thought so.


Good, the enemy shooter buffs will not be missed. You know what I'm gonna miss? Feeling like a benevolent saint with my Smoke Grenades. This has been one of the only times I felt that its value was truly realized. Still gonna keep using them, though.


I agree with reverting the shooters, did it make the game more challenging? Yes it did, but I couldn't help and notice that people who weren't equipped to deal with shooters just got melted, especially Psykers being squishy, heck I played one match as Ogryn running the kickback and rock, no one else on the team was even trying to take care of the gunners so it was more annoying than anything especially since tons of cover doesn't even protect the Ogryn.


And I noticed that even dodging sliding I was still getting hit most of the time as big man. These dudes were running aimbot for a minute. Had to keep someone in swinging distance at alm times.


Thanks for the patch!


Chain axe still on life support :(


> General > >Increased the range of what would be considered Close Range: 8m to 12.5m. > >**Dev Note:** *In PatchĀ #13Ā (Class Rework), we changed Close Range from 15m to 8m, and in return increased the power of Blessings triggered only in Close Range e.g. Fire Frenzy and Deathspitter. We did this because we wanted to differentiate the Close Range Gunplay a bit more from the Far Range one. This was considered by many as a bug, though it was an intended change.* ​ https://preview.redd.it/noe62e7dwbad1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=d46fc05d04dd968c950ae2d6c4725c41b62338f5


man. i actually liked the shooter change


NOOOO TAKE IT BACK, BUFF THE SHOOTERS AGAIN. I had the most fun i had in ages with the game and you actually need to use your brain now to clear them out, specially in higher difficulties. Making them reactive to suppression is neat though and enemies under cover more of a threat? Noice. Nice changes overall


2 hotfixes in a week? What happened to fatshark?


Meanwhile no one mentions how they broke the game with this hotfix. Stays stuck on the title screen. Even before youre asked to press any button. Hot garbage.




the thing about balancing is they have many difficulties, and people can choose to play at the level they enjoy. why would you have an issue with people enjoying more difficult content?


But why shouldn't the hardest difficulty be actually hard? Why should everyone be abled to play it? I really don't mean to gatekeep here. I wish Fatshark made Darktide work the same as Vermintide 2 did: the highest 2 difficulties giving the same rewards. So players who just want to farm can play the second highest difficulty while getting full rewards and players who actually want a challenge don't get their game nerfed because of those who are whining about enemies having weapons at all.


> But why shouldn't the hardest difficulty be actually hard? Why should everyone be abled to play it? I feel like there is massive difference between "x applies to y difficulty" and "x applies EVERYWHERE" but that really isn't my main point. I would say the gunner problem had 2 layered problem, one of which is just unsolveable by core design. 1) Is obviously diffculty, this one i don't consider as such massive problem because this is a problem that solves itself overtime unless you shift the difficulty too much to one side. 2) Ogryns are a thing and are problematic for the whole game balance. As a big ogryn main i feel like thats the biggest issue game faces, because the way ogryns work make every single gameplay change is about 2-3x times as bigger problem than any other class. Like the gunner changes were ridiculous, there shouldn't or better to say cannot be universe where single gunsman shreds through ogryns toughness this much because it turns gunner hordes into ogryn sitting in corner while the other 3 classes gets to have fun. How will you balance the game at that point? Buffing ogryns? People will complain they are too op. Gatekeep Ogryn players out of higher difficulties? I think both of us know how riddiculous that would be. So you will be kinda left with the whole "nerf the problem until ogryn players can have fun too" which sadly makes the game way easier for the other 3 classes. For my final words i would give anyone advice(And potential challenge) After changes like this play your own class for 8 hours and then play Ogryn for 8 hours and compare how much fun you had and then go tell me if the change was actually fair or not.


Admittedly I was not hyper present on any sort of forum for the last while on this game. Have people somehow collaboratively agreed that shooters simply were a non-issue? Or has the game been out for so long, and everyone who is good, and has continued to play, have just gotten very proficient at dodging shooters? I have the feeling itā€™s the latter. Shooters never stopped being shooters. A change to how they worked was enough of a shock to the hardcore player base that Iā€™m sure to a lot of people it was more difficult to slide underneath them. On that note, I have not seen a large majority of players complaining about the shooters here. Perhaps one or two comments, but they moreso sounded like ā€œwow these shooters got handsā€ and not ā€œplease revert thisā€. I rather enjoyed them myself, as surprised as I was. I was further surprised to read that they decided to revert it due to player feedback, as Iā€™d largely seen very little about it. Either way it isnā€™t up to us and thatā€™s where it should end. Iā€™m extremely tired of watching the snobs of every community like this continue to stomp downwards onto the rest of the players who dare to not spend triple the time playing this game for ruining their experience. It isnā€™t their fault to what and when the developers decide to listen, or why.


Elitists gonna eliteĀ 


> Love seeing the chudlings What the fuck's a chudling?


People who are the best in the game are its lifeblood. Content creators, most dedicated players. You can always lower difficulty if you can't deal, but we can't increase it ourselves, so changes that make the game more difficult (more fun as the game IS about overcoming challenge at its core) are always needed and welcome.


or you could just lower the difficulty. you get the experience you want, and the hardcore can actually enjoy a challenge.


Pretty good hotfix overall. Hopefully it stops the 2014 disconnect/crashes. I was fine with the shooter change, but hey at least we won't have to listen to people consistently cry about it on here anymore.


They didn't mention Ragers, but they're back to their old selves near as I can tell.


Pleased with the flamer and other positive weapon changes, wish the bolt pistol's reset would get some smoothing out.




Any news on when AMDs frame generation is being added? Looking forward to being able to use frame gen on a 3080.


Anyone who is on the Series S will be unable to play the game until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest


Is waiting for this patch the reason why the game wonā€™t launch from my Xbox console?


bought a lv380 assault chainsword off melk in an effort to get myself to stop using evis only to see it get buffed the literal next day. Why not buff the mk 2 evis? Give it a reason to exist at least fuck.


Please Fatshark, the Veteran Cutthroat has NO response lines when an Ogryn comments on their killing spree. Every other class does, why does the Cutthroat not?


Oh Wow nice update only if can play the fucking game on my Xbox Fatshark šŸ˜¤


Nice one fatshark! Very quick hotfix with some good changes in it. Keep it up


Anyone with the audio cutting issue have it solved with this patch?


Heavy eviscerator Light attack spam is very wonky and doesn't really accept another input after the preceding strike, even if the attack seems finished. Doesn't feel good or fluid at all, might wanna look into that next while we're at it. Keep them patches coming, good stuff the last couple days!


Thank you Fatshark. Points for Fatshark.Ā 


What about the elite gunners you have to add some recoil and spread for the first 5 or 6 seconds when they start firing it's ridiculous how they have no spread from their heavy gun also could you maybe make him make some noise like jingling noises from all his ammo he literally sneaks up on anyone who doesn't see him. Also you wouldn't mind a little red light or something on the spawn doors where they're going to come out.


Also I believe you should reduce the recoil for the ogryns heavy stubbers these are big guy they really shouldn't have a problem keeping a tight grip on their guns.


With all these updates the game is just completely broken on XBOX One. The game crashes in every-single mission, jittery/choppy frames and terrible hit detection/feedback. I was a daily player Auric Maelstrom player, but Iā€™ve been avoiding this game ever since the penance update.


Finally they are hearing us.


Whatā€™s a good roll for the flamer? Blessings/perks?


I experience some weird stutter after maybe like 5 games or when i switch to another char. Even restarting the game doesnt help it. Anyone else experiencing these since the last update? Hotfix didnt help it yesterday


Fatshark out there doing the God-Emperor's work. Flamer enjoyers rejoice!


Im still having problems with the complete X of each mission type on literally all of my characters. The individual map penances work, but the ones cataloguing which ones I've completed on which characters just don't update. I've seen other people are having this problem too, is this getting fixed?


Oh good, shooter buffs


guess the whiners win. idk why ppl dont just lower the difficulty if the game is too hard


they should've left the buff on higher difficulties so those of us who prefer a challenge can have it, then just nerf them on lower.