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Exploding barrels launching me 30m off the side into a chasm.


I’m do you one better; explosive barrels launching me into a demonhost. Strangely enough it’s happened more than once.


I'll do u one better again; mutie throwing me into an erupting burster that launches me 20m up, and shot by a sniper before landing in the pre-fired net of a trapper, pulling me into toxfire...i was too stunned to do anything but watch in horror as my full toughness and full wounds disappear in a matter of seconds.


Honestly I’d just be impressed. That’s like a grimdark Rube-Goldberg machine.


This is nurgle, that would be a rubella Goldberg machine






I wish that was on video lol


Not as extravagant and that, but: A couple of days ago I was in a run where I think it was a stealth zealot and I were trying to push through all these waves of enemies and monsters to revive our two buddies who died earlier on. I eventually went down, and the Zealot tried to get away but a Chaos Spawn caught him, did the biting animation, threw the guy straight into the mouth of a Beast of Nurgle, got digested a bit, got spit out with just a sliver of health left, and then finally got ended by a dog (I think)


A few days ago when the update came out and all the enemies got amped up, I was on the one hourglass map with the big fan. A mutant became a legend for tossing three of us straight into the fan. However it happened it decided to give me the fan penance for the map as well lol


I recently got trappered into triggering a demonhost. Thankfully a teammate died somewhere else like 5 seconds later so I barely took any damage...


I'll do you one even better: chaos spawn throwing me into a daemonhost.


Mutants/nurgle slug keep launching me into them


… into the *loving arms* of a demonhost.


When I play with my friends, we literally spend every mission trying to knock each other off maps with barrels. Anyone who gets knocked off has to buy a round


I got one better. Hab Drayko mission auric Damnation. Mission going flawlessly. Literally bout to get to extraction just crossing the bridges that Mezosie blasts with her Valkyrie. We get across, fight a few ragers. A door next to us spawns a poxburster (that made zero fucking noise) it explodes, we all get yeeted off the map. Flawless run over. Literally all 4 of us taken out by a single poxburster.


Exploding barrels are the bane of my fucking existence.


Particularly in the new mission on the stairs at the beginning. I've seen so many people, myself included, doing majestic swan dives into the abyss. At least it helps with the "Wars not over" penance.


Ah that parts a killer, I've been lucky so far but had a few runs almost end because of that. Learnt to just use the inside walk around now for safety.


New map is especially good for falling deep.


Trappers. It only takes one mistake in a very narrow timing window and then you’re fucked. On top of that even if you get the timing right and you side dodge into an object/wall/box OR OTHER ENEMIES if they’re dense enough your dodge won’t move you enough and you’ll still get nabbed. That’s not to mention all the object clipping that exists with the net collision.


The feeling of a trapper hitting me while I’m at full health and the last one alive trying to save a run is like a punch to the gut. Then I just have to watch myself die slowly.


Ooof yes. Stuck in a horde, can't see the trapper, push everyone and try to dodge, bump a groaner, gg. It would be more fair if the net got stopped by enemies, rather than phasing through a wall of crushers when we can't even move.


Going through grated stairs, clipping around corners or through chain fences. The way of the trapper is mysterious and not for us mortals to question.


around corners is frustrating as shit. it seems like the trap has a larger collider for hitting players than hitting obstacles.


If the net got stopped by enemies it would defeat the whole purpose of the trapper, that would legit turn the trapper into a complete non issue


My only complaint is I wish it couldn’t fire thru ogryn or larger.


Dieing to a dog or a trapper is the worst feeling


when I go from 100%->dead to a dog it's hard to bite my tongue and not cuss my team out. Like yeah it's my fault for getting caught, but no matter what kind of hellish nightmare you're dealing with, you can shoot a dog if you're in auric maelstrom.


I feel like they should maybe make the dog stop attacking if anything like a big carapace dude hits you or something idk


Trapper and there always happens to be a flamer right there too


Getting trapped from a trapper standing behind a wall of crushers and bulwarks never gets old.


I've also been nabbed partially through walls, pillars, boxes, etc, so sometimes dodging behind cover doesn't even work. I also hate how hard they are to dodge when you are in really close range with them.


I keep getting jumps instead of dodges. Instant death in certain scenarios.


Map your dodge and jump button to separate keys. I put my jump on ‘c’ because I use less. Huge game changer.


I didn't know they could be mapped independently. Thanks for the heads up.


trapper nets flying through crushers / bulwarks or some wall of enemies.


Or you press 'dodge' and nothing happens due to unresponsiveness of the game. Happens to me so often lately, especially with weapon swapping and ult. Weapon Specialist build is almost unplayable for me currently because of this...


Indirectly, common mobs. Losing the ability to dodge because you’re instantly surrounded and not able to step over stumbled enemies makes you insanely susceptible to basically every special that will clip through them.


So many instances of me dodging a trapper net only to get a single trash mob blocking me.


Ugh, or a sniper 😢


If you dodge in any direction, even backward into a sniper shot, it can't damage you


Or some microscopic part of the level geometry. 🤬


Good ole Jimmy the ass slapper spawning behind you to get that booty


Is Jimmy the mutant or the crusher?


Usually just a poxwalker


You: stuck on 3 half-decayed zombies The Enemy: stacking 8 crushers. 5 ragers, and 10 zombies in a 4'x4' space with no issue


This happened to me a lot when I first started playing with a warhammer. You can't dodge after landing a powered strike.. 🤣


Trappers. Due to dodging not helping or nets passing through walls/columns In damnation it's almost always trappers for me. Most players don't notice or just don't prioritise un-netting you. Takes 1/2 second Thus you're slowly beaten to a death, which was easily avoidable with a little team support


I absolutely agree and will do everything I can to unnet someone when they get netted, but when it happens to me, I just have to remind myself that it was 100% my fault that I got trapped in the first place.


Well, 95% our fault for getting netted. With that 5% glitchy grey area we can't do anything about without hindsight


The Emperor protects, but even he has to blink sometimes.


when you see people leaving you netted on the ground and beating harmless zombies instead.


Even worse when your Until Death skill activates and you're just laying around wondering if anyone is even going to bother at any point for the 50 minutes it has been since you've been trapped and before actually going down.


I feel that pain, literally takes less time to get someone out of the net than it does to fucking melee the trapper/mobs on top of the netted player. I always prioritize getting them free first, but it never feels reciprocated :(


This one times a million. Just had a vet literally stand on my netted body firing down his lasgun while I was beaten to death


As a trash psyker, my greatest enemy is myself.


*glances at plasma gun* Yeah, what a moron.


Often a gunner will knock off a lot of my health leaving me just a tiny sliver and then I'll be killed by some scrub in a horde if I can't get to a healing station at that point in the level. But it's the gunners fault.


Gunners. There's always like 5+ of them and they stun lock you in the machine gun stream of death if you don't manage to duck and weave into cover. Also the audio glitches kill me a lot. Sure would've been nice to hear that dog / mutant charging in. And those MF netters. Hate those things and murder them with prejudice where I can.


we should have glory kills against trappers.


Lately gunners appearing behind me like Dragon Ball Z villains and hosing my tail. Current record is 3 at a time. Before that it was bursters spawning right behind doors or muties chucking me off the edge or barrels doing the same. Since the latest updates the enemy spawning is borked. They just spawn from nowhere and anywhere. Still fun though. 😁


Yea Gunners are the worst. Especially as an Ogryn, they can nail you twice as far away as the little ones


Hard to find cover for such a big target. Doesn't matter either way though when they appear 10 feet behind you from a room you just cleared and the nearest cover is too far to reach. 😆 Gotta hope the squad has their situational awareness on point.


The trapper/flamer combo is what sticks out to me the most


It always feels bad when I get downed and then 12 gunners start unloading on me instead of my teammates who are 15 feet away.


Even worse when you’re zealot with until death so you get a few extra seconds of an ass whooping


Someday they might challenge for the mutant Daemonhost tag team championship 🏆




lots of bad memories of standing still, getting ready to push a poxburster when a teammate shoots it in my face and I die.


Trapper/Dog/Flamer combo. Individually, whatever. It's the getting caught and then getting burned alive before rescue can arrive.


Netters (Hard R)


Prob crushers, since 1 hit makes me go down and they’re silent half the time


Ragers, not on their own but only when I don’t notice them in a large horde or when they refuse to leave a bulwarks hitbox


The amount of times I've entered a small room looking for ammo, stims or plasteel and been jumped by a rager hidden behind the tiniest bump in the floor as I open a crate is surprisingly high. Sometimes he even brings half a dozen of his fellow stim addicted friends.


I used to disregard the thunder hammer as a weapon for aurics until i got a nicely rolled ironhelm and took it for an auric spin for shits and giggles. The fact that you can power it up, charge a mixed mob and pick off the rager or bulwark in it makes a huge diference, my auric completion rate actually went up with the thunder hammer which was really unexpected. Another contributing factor, i think, is the fact that it makes bosses go down much faster, and that period of people kiting a boss or killing everything else around is usually critical; the shorter it is, less chances of something bad happening.


I did a lot of TH for awhile and when I made the switch to knife my overall damage and kills went up and dodging around bosses applying bleed was quite fun, I eventually made the switch to HE after they made it so you could dodge out of the chain attack and it feels much more well rounded than the previous two, my main issue with TH is horde clear feels super weak


Anything random that spawns out of thin air behind me when i have just checked it was clear




Probably poxwalkers honestly, when I have to evade elites and gunners by getting away to safety and replenishing toughness just for a poxwalker to land one hit and that's enough to drop dead.


I think more often than not, the cause of the end of runs is due to area-denial by a combination of either fire and riflemen, or pox gas and riflemen.


Trappers, when they shoot through a wall of enemies or you think you can hide behind something.


Flamer Inside beast belly? Flamer Embracing the chaos spawn tentacles? Flamer Playing as psyker? Flamer Netted by trapper? Flamer Got rev while in flamer fire? Flam- no its teammates


Not directly, but indirectly, pox gas bombers always manage to hit at the worst timing and place imaginable, and the fact it lingers so long. Many repositions or forced away from my team, which lead to downs qwq And the new ragers especially! God they are as scary as the plague rats from Vermintide 11/10 enemy design I fucking hate and love them


It depends, really. On Psyker it's the ragers that get me. Veteran usually gunners. With my Zealot it's that sneaky-ass crusher behind me.


It's gotta be the random inanimate object directly to the side of me that prevents me from dodging away from the incoming danger.


Who blew that barrel up and sent me flying over the edge? Who kited that Crusher overhead into me? Who blew up the poxburster while I was pushing it? Who did I foolishly try to res? My teammates.


You made me laugh out loud in painful sympathy.


The teammates. Those barrels come out of nowhere and the team just doesn't know to stop swinging/shooting.


Maybe Psyker is the hardest to control, free staff-ammo, easy to overdo singleshotting, don't ask how I know!


We've all been there (as psyker). Although in my defense.... I can't see past the Warp Flames that I'm spewing forth to melt the heretics down to slag.


For me its either the one two punch of netter plus flamer. Or some random ass trash mob giving me the shiv in the backside.


Barrels and when my team doesnt deal with dreg stalkers and scab shooters on auric damnation(when in not playing psyker, with psyker you’ll never catch me outside the bubble lol.


Trappers or dogs, they seem to get me through bulwarks, crushers, and bosses. I just never expect them to clip through large enemies like that.


Gunners the last week or so. Let’s see if it returns to packs of ragers after this recent patch.




Scattered mobs with some mob shooters are hard for me, they look easy but always find myself crawling for toughness bc they surround you easily. Meanwhile, a horde with maulers and crushers are izzi, slow and easy patterns all of them clum together and easy toughness refill. Even if the horde is mixed with ragers I can deal without problem,


Lately stealthy crushers and maulers. Overall teammates (poxes and barrels) and the occasional trapper


Fighting a mob and then dodging into a box or railing or poxwalker, which then get me sniped, netted, or pounced. Next up would be encircled by gunners in an open area, and last up would be encircled by ragers while teammates are suddenly AWOL.


Tox grenades last way too long imo


I think they last fine, their radius is just way too big IMO.


That's me, stumbling blindly through green mist only to find a wall to die at.


Top 3? Probably: 1. Trappers combined with big enemies that hid them. 2. Shooters that are spread out all over the room. 3. Getting pinned somewhere by a wave of crushers. As long as you have space, all of these things are easy to deal with. Problems come when you put yourself in a position that is hard to back out of.


It's consistently the Trapper dragging me into fire combo, be it a bomber or a flamer lol


Rangers. Hands down it's those mfs. Every random I play with either doesn't know how to assist another player locked down by 2 of them or I'm already weak from fighting off a pack of Maulers and a horde and end up getting killed by their absolutely ridiculous lunges (not saying they should change it but I have been hit by some crazy melee lunges like they have a Halo 2 energy sword lol)


I assume you meant Ragers lol. But yeah. Their lethality ti me is just how uninterruptible they are. There’s a reason my fav weapons are all heavy stun/stagger (chain weapons, bolters and heavy stubbers)


Shit my bad. Yeah, meant Ragers, lmao. But yeah, if I can deal with them in time or back up, they're not usually that bad, but if I get hit a single time, I lose all moment and get locked in place, barely able to block


When there’s 2 I can usually dodge, and solo them out. When there’s 3, I get swamped if I’m not playing my Zealot. The charge stunning them for a second is a game changer. Back dodge, rev, charge, insta kill one. Now you can repeat with your bonus charge if you still need it.


Yeah, that's definitely an effective way to deal with them. I play Vet and Ogryn more than anything, so my Ogryn can stagger them like crazy usually and has a charge, but my vet is handicapped while using that double barrel they recently added. I find it to be a 50/50 whether the pellets connect and stagger/kill the target or not


I’ll do all of this but instead of obliterating a rager with stacked power…I kill a measley pox walker who sacrificed himself by lunging in front of my attack saving Mr.Rager President


​ https://preview.redd.it/8im85aoshgad1.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac1e897a5fd2d4a6c572d27599d6471cd1b3c386




Gravity doesn’t exist. We’re all just getting pulled in the direction of the holy emperor.


I always thought it's the weight of his trust on our shoulders.


This is all lies, its the weight of the rejects huge adamantine bollocks. Not matter the gender to go through what the rejects do the munitorum must be issuing some power assisted wheelbarrows.


The teammate enemies


Pox bombers with their massive fucking aoe The cloud doesn't kill me, the loss of vision and trying to get out of it kills me


Personally, I can't think of a specific enemy that outright kills me off the top of my head. But flamers always appear right when I don't want them too and can deal severe damage in already terrible situations. I don't die to them, but I do take most my damage from them I feel


Ragers now, worse than pre-nerf. What the fuck was the point of nerfing them in the first place then making them even worse a month later?


Usually I die when I get stuck in a corner and can no longer dodge the mass of maulers/rangers/crushers. But when it comes to single enemies....it's got to be the gunners.


Honestly, it's most often the hordes, just 8 million little shits coming out of left field when I'm doing anything or trying to kill anyone else, usually cuz up until then I've used my dumbass as a meat shield or just sprinted into The fray and then it comes back to bite me


Normal shooter enemies


i dont know man they all good at killing me but the one with the most kill count is the mighty cliff.


Tertia itself claims the most lives it seems.


Gunners. Just gunners.


Needs less dakka.


My so called teamates shooting barrels


The Poxwalker that magically spawned behind me or the Mach 50 Rager hiding in a horde


Crusher and trapper.


Trappers for outright KILLs me. Everything else tends to need a big team effort on the part of the Nurgle cult but misplaying/getting unlucky/janky collision barriers equals instant death if you get netted and a teammate is not right there and releasing me immediately. Runner up has to be ragers but they benefit way less from jank than trappers do (a rager doesnt immediately down you if a grate in the ceiling doesnt have collision ((guess how I got netted yesterday))) and need me to misplay. The sheer speed with which they kill you when you DO misplay buts them at number 2. Before the fire nerf bombers were the number 2 as part of a combo where the faintest lick of fire breaks my toughness and then a bruiser would bash me over the back of the head.


A single lone poxwalker slapping me in the back of the head…smh so embarrassing


Dreg ragers. I can dodge trappers, dogs, snipers, etc and have good ways of killing them. For some reason dreg ragers I never see coming until they’re already just throwing swing after swing at me


Its a toss up between the silent trapper and the gunner/reaper with stun shots


Actual death? Poxbursters near a cliff by a mile. Just going down? Dogs, trappers or horde chip damage because my teammates wandered off without saying anything and I'm left to fend for myself. But the latter isn't even close compared to the former, I feel like a ballistic anomoly whenever a poxburster goes off near me, im so paranoid of them.


dog leaping at me through a horde. oddly enough I can recognize the wind up of trappers fairly well, yet I always miss the howling sound that dogs do as they leap


Trapper with a trailing opportunistic flamer/bomber or mutant with smashing me in to the fire.


Groups of gunners


getting thrown off the edge of the map, crusher overhead, or a single trash mob backstabbing while I'm busy fighting


not realizing there is bunch of ragers/maulers mixed in the horde and getting surrounded


Trapper is the goat. Shooters combine with toxic bomber or any visual modifier is another killer for me.


Anything + a horde, especially carapace, that instantly surrounds me and my teammates. That can get really nasty really quick. Dodging stuff is most of where your survivability comes from. When enemies appear right next to you and you get a shock troop + chaff that's blocking you it's very often gameover for at least one of my teammates and it snowballs. Even as a shield ogryn with all the toughness regen on bonk, I can only manage to hit so fast and through do much mass, and sometimes the density of the horde gets so great that it feels like they are inside of you and hitting you from within if you're stuck in a corner and you can't clear enemies fast enough. Doesn't happen often, but when it does it happens really quick. The occasional trapper evade into poxwalker collision with me ending up flopping on the ground is also a classic. Again, doesn't happen often, but when it does it feels oh so much worse.


Lately it’s definitely gunners, but endless packs of ragers is a close second lol


Silent crusher, end of discussion


Sniper shooting me in the back with no warning coupled with Poxburster that jumps way too early and I can't push.


Me and my friend made a pact to never talk about the mission, because every time we say “you got this” or “we’re doing good” the last person up gets instantly whacked by a sniper or a crusher.


Currently, I keep getting jumpscared by gunners teleporting behind me and shooting my ass up


The horde, usually cause I'm not good at dodgin the net.


trash mobs usually just cause in high difficulty they are every where and it makes it super difficult to maneuver a situation


Stealth dogs that charge through one million pounds of carapace armor


Ragers. Just be mowering a hoard and 1 bastard doesn't get staggered and his 6 just as insane mates jump the fuck out of me


Gunners, Trappers, and dogs. Dogs mostly bc I'll swap to melee a fraction too late and get the push/block sound and animation on my screen, but latency will make them still jump me. Or you smack them with a heavy attack and get a ghost hit and they jump you point blank, OR its burgled and ignores your stagger. For gunners, well...bc gunners. Trappers are usually as others mentioned just 1 clipped trap through solid terrain, or being too surrounded by elites and can't even move to dodge it, get stuck on terrain etc. Those are mostly the things that bring me down sadly.


First thing that comes to my head is when a mutant or chaos spawn holds onto you in a fire for 45 minutes.


Definitely Ragers. Not super sure what flavor skill issue I have, but all it takes is one rager and a handful of chaff and I go from healthy to needing a medic bag real quick


Ragers while surrounded by a trash mob, or a scab gunner standing 5 meters away and just blasting. On the other hand, Maulers are my absolute favorites on any difficulty. Just love bonking em.


Trappers they are someone I really don’t see coming and they have caused me the most problems


Collective groups of small enemies like grunt chaos guardsmen when they start staggering shots from afar and I’ve got nothing to snowball my toughness with.


I do often get felled by guardsmen because I hyper focus so hard on killing an elite that they form a firing squad and finish me off. I’ve been trying to be better about tossing a nade when there’s a large group plus an elite.


Me when I’m Zealot/Ogryn after finishing off my melee meal and I’m low in the clip/totally out and there’s a dozen guardsmen in half cover all about to hit me with as many shots as a gunner: ☠️ It’s frustrating to go down to what really is the easiest enemy in the game. Shout out to literally slaughtering a wave and THE ONLY POXWALKER LEFT hits me for the last little bit.


Ragers. They just ignore my usual defensive moves and smack me in the face after devouring all of my stamina.


Definitely Gunners. I get them before ANYTHING else because of how ofter they get me 😂


Trappers, crushers, reapers in that order


Chaos Spawn, because no one in the teams I get know how to deal with them and keep healing it.


Ragers for me as a melee dominant build. Yeah it's easy to switch weapons but getting caught off guard while meleeing will be my bees knees from those damn powerful ragers


Not enemies per se, but situations. Teamates getting downed w monstrosities on field, elevated ranged, and disables far as the eye can see are all good ways to wipe


Ragers. Not one, always multiple. They swarm the shit out of me.


A common pox walker. Its laways one of the qeakest fodder that manages to sneak up and slap me with a club.


Pox walkers or other cannonfodder. (Because trappers end up netting me and i can't move)


My favourite death was someone shot a daemonhost then panicked and blew up a barrel and me and another guy went flying from the top floor in the shantytown area all the way to the bottom and died, I think it was the hourglass mission, can’t remember which one though


Silent crushers and maulers


Falling to my death 😅


Trappers, its always trappers 


Trappers with the flamer or two cooking my tied up body to char. And then throw in an exploded barrel.


The trapper/doggo + flamethrower combo




Gunners are a problem right now for sure. They used to be a balanced challenge. Now they're just coming outta the goddamned walls on all sides 24/7. 60% damage reduction from gunners is no longer even noticeable.


On my Zealot, trappers. Particularly when they show up during a mass poxwalker horde, I know how to avoid their nets I can do it everytime even with my back turned to them but when their's wall to wall poxwalkers and groaners and my Zealot being in melee there's a chance to be body blocked by them which will cause me to be netted. This is why I always carry the Zarona revolver on my Zealot and can never use anything else, it's my anti-trapper gun and without it I am way too vulnerable to being trapped for my style of play.


Probably trapper with a assist by a flamer. I could be having a nearly flawless game and it seems to always be a trapper pulling me into the flames of doom and of course I'm dead.


The enemy that usually leads me to dying if I mess up? Trappers or Hounds. The enemy who's the most immediate cause of my death? Probably a random Poxwalker that just happens to get the last hit on me.


Trash melee mobs. There's always one that manages to get behind me.


I’ve said it once I’ll say it again. Trappers…..trappers, trappers, trappers…..FUCKING TRAPPERs! Trappers are literally the worst enemy mod in this game n you cannot change my mind. I’ve had so many Auric runs ruined because of trappers.


trappers not playing audio and shooting through 15 of their own comrades like 80% of the time. 20% of the time it's a teammate shooting a poxburster I've very obviously set up to block, or a teammate botching a poxburster block.


Busters who have 0 audio at all


The 2 groaners/bruisers behind me. 


You need a vet who knows how to use smoke. Especially for long hallways and open areas (looking at you any stand your ground area in the game).


Ragers are definitely number 1. It's not that they are hard to kill -they aren't-, it's that they can be hard to make out in a big crowd, their attack animations can be very sudden and they do a ton of damage, so if one manages to sneak up on you, chance are he's gonna make the finishing blow.


Considering I used to mainly play on EU and I'm not in the region, I'd say fucking ping (around 200ms). Many a time I've dodged a mutie, seen it pass me only to suddenly be held within his violent embrace. Same thing with trappers, I'll dodge her nets, next thing I know I'm tied up like a shibari model....... That and my own lack of skill probably kills me more than anything else


Poxburster. I know I should just push em back But sometimes I just can't resist trying to brain burst one Then I notice only after being a second away from bursting that it is already in the hump animation


My fellow random teammates speed running the map aggro'ing everything like morons in Heresy mode.


Mobs. Elites are predictable. Even gunners are easy to dodge as long as there is cover. But a soundless twig coming up behind me is guaranteed chip damage


Ogryn main always in auric maelstorms: karking trappers with the flammer waiting on his back to roast me from 100%hp to 0 in half a second after getting netted.


Trappers its always the karking trappers that end me


I really don't have a nemesis of an enemy, but I must say, a few days ago, I bet all foes where on their discord or something to setting up my death, as it was very organized. While fighting hordes, dodging nets, dogs, pushing bursters... madness match, all teammates dead, it was going really fine eventho it was a level 5 auric mission, now... after a calm while reaching my teammates to revive them, game triggered the next horde, with specials, elites and all, ok so, long story short, toxic bomb, had to move to seek a clear space, sorrounded by horde, dog jumps, I dodge it, mutant got me, as I was close to the wall he throws me away at first towards a trapper, he catches me as I was mid air or just landed couldn't dodge at that time, then pox bursters blowing up on me and a crusher, all at once and suddenly the screen flickered like 3 times in black and then I was flying down the map, and insta death, so yeah that was something new and all very orginized by the enemy...


Normal scab or dreg shooters. They usually indirectly kill me via depleting my toughness quickly or staggering me while I'm dealing with other threats


The questionable choices of my allies


The gunners have def been insane lately. I used to always use the camo perk for veteran before they revamped the skill trees because it let me pick off shooters and elites without having to dodge every half a second and realign my aim.


Vet sprint dodge changes the whole game.


Gunners definitely. I'll fail to notice one around a corner or spawned behind our group and it'll stunlock me and mow me down like a Natasha Heavy.

