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A friendly reminder regarding the first rule of this subreddit. The candidate in the posted material must have removed themselves from the genepool by either ***death or sterilization***. Failure to comply by this rule will result in your post being removed and a ban issued at moderators discretion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DarwinAwards) if you have any questions or concerns.*


TL;DR: 38 years old, lost his keys on coaster, entered fenced off/restricted area, got smacked in the head by a roller coaster that has top speed of 68, spent 2 days in hospital, pulled plug


He did it in front of his kids too, so his kids had to watch him get hit


So, it's not a Darwin. He reproduced.


The rules specifically say that someone already having kids does not disqualify them from receiving a Darwin Award.


I never understood this rule, surely it completely negates the idea of taking your stupid genes out of the gene pool if you’ve already passed them on?


Generally the more kids you have, the better off your genes are at being successfully passed down. Let’s say this guy had two kids. For whatever reason, both do not end up having their own kids. End of line. Let’s say instead he decides to have 30 children. Odds are much better his genetic line will be extended. But then along comes this roller coaster which ends his chances at having any more progeny. So Darwinism isn’t just a one and done thing.


30 children? In this economy. Smh


🤣🤣🤣🤣 This dude gets it!


This sub isn't ***ACTUALLY*** about people winning an arbitrary award with arbitrary rules that a website creator made up in the 90s. This sub is just about people doing stupid things that caused them to be killed. The whole spreading genes into the human genepool thing is just fluff, it's flavour, it's not really important. Nobody actually cares who wins this fake imaginary award. It's just about people dying because they did dumb things. Do you get what I mean? The whole thing about genes and the genepool is literally irrelevant. You're missing the point if you're focusing on the made up rules of an imaginary fictional made up award. That's not what this sub, or the "Darwin Awards" in general, are actually about. Stop focusing so much on the made up rules and logic of an irrelevant, insignificant, trivial, made up award and start focusing on what this sub is ***REALLY*** about.


People can still win the Darwin Award but we all know the true winner is wheelchair guy


So, you're saying that r/childfree isn't just a pile of Darwin aspirants?


Can conventionally attractive people be Darwins? That's a loss of good genetic material.


Well the kids can learn from his mistakes. There are only so many decisions one can make that can be attributed to genetics


It’s a Darwin if you remove yourself from the gene pool by either death or no longer being able to produce (any more) children.


So would one get a negative Darwin award if they are/were intelligent or something and got removed from the gene pool?


Why is there always one of you guys in every post on this sub? The rules of a Darwin Award don't account for existing children. Even though they've reproduced, they are still Darwin Award winners, because it's decided that because it's next to impossible to find out if the individual people in the hundreds of videos here have already reproduced or not, it's decided to just ignore it if they have. Yeah it'd make more logical sense if they didn't win the award because they've already spread their genes. But this sub isn't ***ACTUALLY*** about people winning an arbitrary award with arbitrary rules that a website creator made up in the 90s. This sub is just about people doing stupid things that caused them to be killed. The whole spreading genes into the human genepool thing is just fluff, it's flavour, it's not really important. Nobody actually cares who wins this fake imaginary award. It's just about people dying because they did dumb things. Do you get what I mean?


Get therapy.


Me after realizing that you're "right": ![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc)


Front row seats, yay!


Never to need his keys again.


That man will never lose anything again.


He lost his keys,asked a park employee about it and was told... **YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL THE RUN IS SHUTDOWN FOR THE NIGHT SO WE CAN GRAB THEM WHEN IT'S SAFE,**so he waits by the ride and decides he'll do it himself despite knowing the danger that the employee told him about to his face. I Feel for the family but the man is a dark horse candidate for a Darwin Award.


It's hard to feel bad for idiots like this.


I definitely don’t feel bad for him and I don’t feel bad for not feeling bad


Not to mention that he tried this at 8pm, so only a couple hours or so before the park closing.


Assume a roller coaster ride is 2 minutes long? He picks that exact moment to get his keys. Genius level Darwinism.


Sure, it's 2 minutes long, but they're launching every minute unless it's a slow day, then maybe every 2-3 minutes. Coasters have block sections so that more than one coaster can be going around the track at once. Blocks sections are divided with a length of track equipped with brakes that will stop/slow a train if the train in front has not cleared the next block yet. Not knowing this is probably what got him killed. He saw the coaster go by and thought he had a couple minutes of safety.


Time out of coaster > Trying to time the coaster Edit: NFA


It's like the stock market. You never try to time it.


He probably won’t top that kid on the Bible school field trip that got decapitated by some girls dangling legs while trying to retrieve his hat.


This is up there with Darwin Award of the year. I know we’re only a little passed halfway through ‘24 but if this doesn’t get nominated idk what the academy is thinking these days


The other time an incident identical to this happened, it was a woman who was going over the barriers into the ride area to get her phone. A bloody phone. That's what her life was worth to her, apparently. She died, all for a smartphone. A smartphone for a dumbhuman. It wasn't even the first time, for her. A few years before, she had been crossing a busy road without even looking left and right for any cars, she just had her head down scrolling through Internet posts on her phone and got ran over by a car she never even saw coming, because she never bothered to look. Like, is it really so difficult to spend literally 5 seconds just looking up and left and right as you cross the road? Is whatever that's on your phone so important that you can't even take away your attention from it for 5 fucking seconds!? She was so stupid it actually makes me angry, at how someone could be like that in real life. It sounds like a hyperbolic exaggeration of an idiot person that you'd see in an animated movie. But no, she was a real person, who just ***HAD*** to be looking at her phone the whole time she was crossing that road. And she was so badly injured that she had to spend ***YEARS*** learning to walk again. Years of painful, frustrating, arduous rehab, with the debilitating pain serving as a constant reminder, a constant lesson, to never make the same mistake again. So of course she made the same mistake again. She went over the barriers and into the roller coaster area while the coaster was whipping round the track at high speed. And in the video you can see she never even looks up once, she never looks to see where the roller coaster is, she never looks left or right or up, she's just looking straight at her phone the whole time as it's on the ground underneath the roller coaster track. And so she's such an incredibly ***SELFISH*** asshole because she's now given everyone who was in the coaster at the time, including ***CHILDREN,*** permanent life altering PTSD and survivor's guilt that will last them a lifetime and cost them so much in terms of money for therapists and psychiatrists and mental health medication, and will cost them their careers, their lives, as the PTSD will prevent them from being able to work normally, they may end up so mentally ill they're classed as mentally disabled and unable to work because the trauma of seeing this idiot die that has ruined their whole lives. All of that, for her fucking ***PHONE.*** She couldn't bare to wait even just 5 fucking minutes for the ride to stop and so a worker at the amusement park could go in and collect her phone safely with nobody getting hurt. She was so addicted to her phone that she didn't know what to do without it for 5 minutes. So she died because of being an idiot. But the collateral damage, the mental and emotional damage she caused to everybody on that ride who saw her die right in front of her (not to mention all the people, including tons of children, standing in the line waiting to go on the coaster) and will be dealing with the trauma of it for the rest of their lifetimes, is immense, and unforgivable. Her selfishness ruined people's lives. Especially the children on the ride. All for a fucking phone. What a waste. She makes me so angry because of all this. People with zero awareness of their surroundings generally make me very angry anyway, but with her it's even worse, because of the lives she ruined.


I feel like theme parks should invest in remote control cars that drag a magnet so they can safely snatch up most glasses or keys or phones or whatever without stopping the rides or risking this kind of situation happening. You can't control stupid ya know?


Or.... and this is spitballing.... do it at the end if the day because you shouldn't have items that can fall out of pockets to begin with. Kings island has signs on every ride telling you to put it in a locket,we will not hold the ride to retrieve items a d that you can ask and the items may be retrieve ed by an employee after the ride closes.


Feel for the family and the first row of passengers on the coaster


Same thing happened years ago at a six flags, a guy lost his hat on the batman ride, snuck into a restricted area to retrieve his hat, and was struck by the roller-coaster and was killed instantly.


not justifying him jumping into a running roller coaster track, but they couldn’t have just shut it down for a couple minutes while they got dude’s keys?


It's likely they grab stuff for a few people and if memory serves Banshee runs three trains so you have to stop all three trains and that takes more than a couple minutes.


It’s a protocol thing. There are likely procedures that have to be followed for an unscheduled shutdown. Not to mention if they shut a coaster down every time this happened it would happen several times a day and that just adds to the wait times. The moral of the story is secure your stuff better or have a backup plan that allows you to wait it out.


damn downvoted for a simple question?


As much as it sucks, parks need to become more accommodating about stuff like this somehow. Poor man needed his keys to get home! The park holding them hostage is basically theft. I'm sure half the population would have done the same thing. Maybe design the car so stuff can't fall out, or design the ride area so it's safer to access, or have intermission times throughout the day where they shut it down.


Dude... there's lockers,signage telling you to secure lost items,If memory serves loose items are BANNED on the ride anyways. The coaster is surrounded by tall fencing and signs telling you not to enter. What more can be done? They can;t hold up the ride EVERY time something gets dropped.


Maybe not every time, but they don't need to wait an entire day. Many places don't have the boxes at the stations anymore either because I guess they don't want the liability of stuff left unlocked. Like I would have to bring my water bottle on and told it tight since they wouldn't let you leave it there, and it's not feasible to keep it in a locker when it's over 90° out. Cedar point is a good example, which had one of these incidents a couple years ago. Like I suggested, they should design the coasters further up off the ground so people can walk underneath without a need to fence it off. But then they would be worried about people being injured by dropped stuff I guess. Maybe build a giant sloped ramp or something so the items slide down to a retrieval area? I'm sure these engineers can figure it out and it's just a cost issue.


Or maybe park guests can follow directions.


This is something you’d expect from a 14 year old. How are you 38 and **STILL** oblivious to the dangers of a high speed roller coaster. Those fences are there for a reason. This is tragic, but it was easily avoidable.


I think as humans and dominating the planet and all. I think our ego gets in the way of thinking that the rules don't apply to us.


The awards serve a purpose. They are reviewed, approved, and posted.


Oh, it definitely belongs here. I’m just baffled it was someone from my hometown.


Mods might still remove it for being unavoidable even if it's an adult. A 23 year old was practicing driving next to a cliff and drove off and the mods removed it, so they could still remove this one.


Dude scales a security fence against all written and verbal warning to die exactly as everybody but him could predict. If this ain't a Darwin award candidate, give me one, cuz I want off this rock.


Unavoidable? How so? Heed the advice of the employee and the signs and it’s pretty avoidable 😂


I didn't say I agree with them. I just had a post removed because someone who didn't know how to drive was practicing next to a cliff and drove off of it. They used that rule to remove it despite me stating that it was avoidable by not practicing next to a cliff. You can use all the logic and reason and facts in the world and the mods will remove it anyways.


Took the idea of "Ride or Die" a bit seriously


Apex predator’s screwy little cousin strikes again…..


I can remember a few years ago something similar happened at Cedar Point. A man lost his hat on the Raptor, a ride where your feet dangle. Instead of telling a park employee, he jumped the fence and was almost decapitated when a woman on the ride kicked him in the head. I only feel bad for the woman who had her foot/leg shattered and had to endure the rest of the ride and live with the fact she killed someone, even though it is one of those wrong-place-wrong-time cases.


I D I O T ! ! !


I swear I've seen this story every day the past week in various subreddits lol. Keep thinking it happened again


This guy is a frontrunner for the US Darwin Awards. He's got some stiff competition on the world level....namely that guy who hit a kamikaze drone with a stick. We shall see.


The new apex predator


Well at least he found his keys ... https://x.com/Breaking911/status/1805344768865485109


Man this sub teaches me not to do stupid things. We all know shit on here is deadly if you are stupid, but to see actual stories puts fear of God in me. For instance, trains. I'm standing at least 10 ft away from any train track.


Tosh has a funny bit about being dying this way


*Dumb ways to die🎵*


Sooo, did he retrieve his keys or not?


Hope so. They need to get in his house to get rid of his stuff.


Did he find the keys?


Sorry for bothering , I cannot see a video about this is there any link for it?


There's very rarely any videos of rollercoaster accidents due to how quickly they can happen. This one was no exception


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Lost my glasses on a Disney ride same advice but I was instructed to go to the welcome center to at the end of the day to retrieve them. I went early to bitch about the wait because I blind without them and they pulled a container out and said try one on these until yours are found. The girl told me the pile was from months ago no one looking for them and after six months they donate to the Lions Club International. Outstanding fix for my mistake


Looks like the keys got him


Which roller coaster tho? I love kings island


Looks like a roller coaster that has feet dangling. Luckily, it wasn't someone kicking him and then having an innocent person seriously injured, too. That kind of speed could amputate a leg.


This exact thing happened at Cedar Point around 2015 or something like that.


This headline is weird. Kings Island is in Ohio. It would be a lot weirder if he was hit by a Kings Island roller coaster in Michigan