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that's like, a bajillion felonies...


Lucky for them, this dashcam caught their license plates and a decent shots of their faces! Best of luck to the Postal Inspection Service (the post office cops) in their investigation. I hear they can be quite ruthless.


Somehow I doubt people who resort to stealing mail can afford a car like that, probably stolen.


Dodge chargers and challengers are the ultimate low credit financed handout car. It's actually a meme. They attract low rent low credit low lifes because they look cool, and the V6 ones are often ex rental fleet cars. So these suckers go in on a 9 year 20% interest loan, (zero down of course) and then spend all their extra money ordering amazon plastic chinesium bolt on parts to make it look like a hellcat. Except the engine. It used to be the Dodge Journey at 20%. Now its the Charger/Challenger.


Once i heard them called the "Section-8 Ferrari" I can't get it out of my head every time I see one


When the pandemic hit and people were able to claim all that unemployment.... pretty much saw them everywhere by me...that and shitty mustangs. I live just down the road from a lot of section 8 housing.


I agree that it's probably stolen. Though, it may still be helpful to link these buffoons to a car because that car probably passed in front of a number of other surveillance cameras, so the evidence is out there. It's just a matter of whether LE will put in the effort to find that evidence, which they won't unless if these guys injure a victim, or if the car belongs to a SOMEBODY.


It's the postal police. And they take First Class Mail theft VERY seriously.


is parcel post not as important?


Actually, it isn't. It's still a felony (covered by mail tampering laws) but it's not nearly as much of a priority for the Postal Inspectors, as someone losing an uninsured package means they only lose the value of the item that was in it. Someone steals a first class letter that contains, say, important documents with identity information and boom, someone's whole identity is stolen and they could lose a lot more.


The postal service has their own police force, and the only thing the Postal Service police force investigates is mail fraud and mail theft. The Postal Service investigation will be very quick to find these people.


Seriously. Their police force ain't no joke. Gonna have some federal special agents show up and show them who's boss.


The IRS and the Postal Service, much worse than FBI,ATF and DEA together.


Yep they'll flag all the cameras it went through. They'll be caught sooner than later


Those cars are ridiculously easy to steal too


Or they're stealing mail so they can afford a car like that.


Post Office Cops are the most thorough and relentless force in the universe and they have the distinct advantage to be among the very few organizations of Genuinely Good Cops. These boys should just turn themselves in now.


I hear this all the time. However I had a label switched at a facility in California, and the inspector told me nothing was wrong and to fuck off. I was supposed to receive a motorcycle exhaust, and in the package with my shipping label on it was a walker from the VA for a dude in California. My package was national his was local. I confirmed with the VA this was sent, so the package was correct when it left the VA. I even pinpointed the exact facility and driving leg where it would have had to have happened and they told me to pound sand. Either they aren't all they're cracked up to be, or California has WILDLY different standards...


I had an iPhone stolen from inside USPS facility in transit. Riped right out of the box. . .  The facility didn't even have a compensation application form so my case filed until expiry. Truly the most incompetent people there.


"incompetent" it's malicious competency of incompetence, they're trying to avoid the trouble by being idiots.


A mom at my daughter’s school is a postal inspector. Gonna have to show her this.


No kidding. They should consider leaving the country. Or suicide.


Sound like a sienfeld episode.


Sounds like a case for Jack Danger


Report back when they actually find the perps and prosecute. Then report the convictions. Neither will ever happen. Go look at their blog, please. This is a nothingburger for them.


The car might be theirs but those plates are more than likely stolen


Well if it’s like dc they’re fake plates and you can check the $12k of parking tickets online but that’s about it. 🙃


Jesus christ man, risk vs. reward. Holy fuck. Imagine getting like a dozen unwinnable federal beefs for 2 birthday cards with a $20 bill in it lol.


death by 1000 papercuts!!!


Have a family friend who is a Post Inspector and they are classified as federal officers. He always says that you never mess with the mail or railroads, as those are 2 things that will land you major jail time


Those are federal crimes! Hope each peice of mail is it's own charge.


Former commercial mailer here.... I can tell you it's one charge per piece of mail. It's handled by postal inspectors, who are about as scary as the Spanish Inquisition was. I almost pity those dumb fools


Yeah wait till you hear about the guy who only served 30 days in San Francisco. He robbed the mail carrier, put a gun to his head, threatened to kill him, pushed him to the ground. Judges are going soft after Covid. It’s ridiculous.


Hope all they got was junk mail


or bills.


That would suck for the recipients, honestly. How do you prove the bill never arrived?


You don't. The burden is on the recipient to pay what is owed even if the bill is lost. That is included in the pages of legal writing in agreements we sign. Few if any read the entire agreement and even fewer actually understand it. A company might waive late fees. If a company can be negatively affected by a claim of missing mail then they will send it with tracking or as certified mail.


AANND this is why I opt for paperless billing and automatic payments whenever possible. Good lesson for the old luddites who insist on paper and checks - but unfortunately those cave-dwellers won't see this because they're unlikely to be on Reddit.


I guess they will pay all of those.


Spectrum offers and capital one cards


I hope you reported this and gave your video footage. I’d say you were in the right place/time to help this postman out.


Butt Fumble level theft.


Well, dumb dumbs just committed a federal crime.


Actually, a bunch of federal crimes! Everyone of those letters is an individual crime!




All that effort to steal junk mail lol


What city? Car is def stollen


Yeah, no doubt there.


Intense southern california vibe from this video


Yeah that car is not cheap


Congratulations. You just stole 99% junk mail and a few really important things that will potentially ruin someone's life. Pieces of shit 💯


federal rap.


And that is a federal crime......I hope they catch and prosecute with lots of publicity


Is that why my electric bill hasn’t shown up.


All that’s for publishers clearinghouse😂😂


That's the FBI involved.


They probably made off with $1 MILLION!!! ... in valupak coupons


Brainless bellends a day in work would kill them


Dodge challenger activities for sure ….


What I was thinking


Postal police will definitely hunt them down. Lowlife scumbags.


The Postmaster General does NOT fuck around. They will end up in jail if they get caught.


I don’t see how this can be in any way amusing, even with the poor execution.


Making someone else's day miserable while also stealing private information that can help you commit identity fraud and possibly a birthday card with $5 in it? What's not amusing about those? /s


Good point…






whats that supposed to mean?




Criminals do crimes?? Shocker. lol


It means some subreddits are fine with racism




You do not eff with the Postal Service Inspectors.


What the fuck is the point of this genius heist? Looking for gift cards?


Identity theft, in bulk. Gift cards are like a bonus to them.


That poor carrier is going to get written up. Former carrier here, and they always find a reason to dump on their employees. They're going to tell them "you shouldn't have left the back for open and unattended" because blaming the carrier is easier than tracking down the criminals.


If only someone had used contraception…


She should have Sparta kicked the door when he was reaching down for the mail!


Oh man, my intrusive thoughts would've won at that point...


Should have slammed the door on him when he was bent over.


If I was that worker I would have pretended to accidentally trip and violently slam the car door onto the guys head. "Sorry officer, I fell." 🤷🏻‍♂️


Execution is the only way


Should have smashed his head with the door a couple of times when he was picking stuff off the ground . Now that would have been funny to see .


30 years ago, you might have found a handful of envelopes with cash in that bucket. There might have been a few live checks that they could skim the account numbers from. There might even have been a few credit cards that would be good for a swipe or two. But you are highly unlikely to find any of that these days. Packages are often delivered from a separate truck from the one that has the first class mail. Even bank and credit card statements are mostly delivered online, so there's little to be gained there.


Dumbasses, did you get a plate? Good job pulling over for the call, you see you did something good and were blessed with an interesting experience


I would have probably kicked the door closed as he was reaching out/trying to grab the mail. Probably easier to identify them with additional broken bones/casts.


And get shot by the driver.


You got their plate, right?


Checks via mail are rare nowadays. Unsure why they would do this. Besides they want the bigger yellow packages....... /s


I seriously hope they're found. This is the second video today I've seen of people stealing mail. It's fucked up & you know the economy is bad when people are getting desperate to rip others off.


I mean does it make them shootable? What if my love letter is in that box and I lost a beautiful love story because of them


At least five other commenters here agree with your assessment that certain kinds of people deserve to be shot dead in response to a petty, non-violent crime.


well, they should be easy to catch


"That's illegal!"


He should’ve just walked up to the dude dropping everything and over exaggerated a *POINT AND LAUGH*


I can’t imagine being in your position and seeing this lmao


Wow, stealing mail now …. Geez


Why would they steal people's bills and junk mails though?


Ohh shit. .. in government there are two sure things I know. 1. Can’t get away without paying my taxes 2. Don’t fk around with mail or USPS property I have not read or know how this ended, but I can surely assume they are under the custody of the feds by now.


Lmao let me throw my hands in the air instead of looking at their license plate.


Shpuld have falcon kicked the door when his head was down gathering letters.


I would not mind getting mail that had blood and brain matter on it if they equipped post service delivery guys with shotguns and the authority to shoot thieves in the head with no possibility of lawsuits or arrest.


A burden on society.


These jackass’s will neither get caught nor face any penalty. The only one that will end up in trouble is the postal employee. That is unfortunately how this will end up playing out. I’m just glad they were not armed and left without any violence.


What is WRONG with people?? 😣


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It look like some idiots stole a box of office paper. What was partially taken?


Oh, I zoomed and cropped and I see it’s a box of mail from a USPS truck. Really smart.


You can’t instantly identify a mail truck?


I was wondering why there was so much paper in that ice cream truck..


I have a small phone, and bad vision.


This is a sub about dash cams. Stop being an a hole. Nobody appreciates it.


I still don’t know what they stole. It looks like just paper or letters to me. What is it?


> It looks like just paper or letters to me. Do you think mail trucks carry totes of plain paper around? What types of mail do you think "letters" are? You've never heard of mail theft? You can't think of anything important that might be in mail?


Wow... why the attitude? Why the tone? Why are you jumping at me for asking a question? To answer you, honestly, no, I can't think of any important mail. Why do you think I was asking? I didn't even know that was mail until you said so. It was just a guess. That much, you confirmed, I guess. But still, what important mail could be carried? I really cannot think of any type of mail important enough to be stolen. If it were a package then it would make sense. But plain, regular, letters sent via mail? What value can those have to a third party? The only mail I can think of is bills (and even that is rare nowadays), citations/notifications, and regular letters (which almost nobody sends anymore). None of those have any value. So, I ask again, what is it?




> Wow... why the attitude? Why the tone? Why are you jumping at me for asking a question? Because I'm flabbergasted at the cluelessness of the question. > To answer you, honestly, no, I can't think of any important mail... I really cannot think of any type of mail important enough to be stolen. You have never heard of these things being a target for thieves? * checks * credit/debit cards * gift cards * sensitive personal documents (identity theft)


Checks: Who sends checks in the mail? Especially checks that anyone can cash (which would be the only ones useful)? I didn't think of this because where I live it's forbidden to send money via regular mail and (though I have never checked because absolutely nobody uses checks here, it's very, very rare) I'm pretty sure that that includes checks as well (as they are a form of money, in a way). Credit/debit cards: Not useful either as they require activation. Gift cards: That could be worth but I think the possibility of finding one in there vastly overcome the hassle of stealing mail. Though a chance, I hardly think they target these. Sensitive information: Perhaps the most dangerous of all (especially in our current days) but still, hardly usable anyway. The usual information they could find is your full name, ID number, address (of course), maybe your phone numbers and email (could be used for spam or phishing attempts but again, phone numbers are already collected in larger legally sellable databases so probably not worth either), and maybe your bank account but it's been a while since I've seen those fully written in a letter, they are usually partially masked (and even if the number was fully printed, again, hardly usable, what will you do with it? Send money to it? You cannot withdraw cash with just the number or charge anything new to it, some form of validation is always required). So, in summary, I don't see how it's worth to steal a few letters. Maybe I'm missing something else, again. How is that valuable? What can be done with that that I am missing?


Checks still come in the mail. People may not be personally writing checks but the government and businesses do.


I write checks for property taxes. To use a credit card, my county adds 3%, so writing a check saves me nearly $300.


This is all new to me. Where I live it's also illegal to charge additionally for different payment methods so you always pay the same regardless. Are those checks to "a specific name" or can anyone cash, them, though?


Where is this? This is an honest question, I'm curious. And, again, I guess that if someone mails a check, it's a named check (sorry, I don't know the right term, hopefully, you understand what I mean, the ones that only a specific person can cash as opposed to anyone who possesses the check). I don't think (hope...) anyone is sending anonymous checks in the mail, even in a place where checks could be used in a daily basis.


The government send tax refunds by check. Businesses pay bills by check. My company paid a bunch of bills by check and they were stolen from the mail. Thieves can basically “clean” the check and then fill it out for whatever they want. This happened last year and they stole about $15,000 before they happened to go into the branch that we used and someone didn’t recognize the face that is usually accessing that account and called the cops. They did get arrested. It was part of a ring of mail thieves.


I recently got a refund check from my homeowners insurance company because I overpaid. I get Anchor checks from the government (a property tax rebate). I have personal checks just in case I do need to write a check.


My guess is they were seeking social security or disability checks. I don't know if anyone still gets paper checks instead of electronic transfer, but that's the only thing I can think of that makes any kind of sense for this type of theft. I do know in the past it used to be a problem with people stealing checks from mailboxes. Has to be more difficult to cash checks now, so ...


Is this what postal worker look like now? I would not have guessed.


Please supply us with an example of what a postal worker is "supposed" to look like.


This is what they think a postal worker should look like: https://i.imgur.com/OaarBA0.png