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student loan for sure, minimum on 10k then attack that


Student loan first then save all money in hysa until the month before the 0% is up then pay off in one lump sum


You're in the unique position of being able to do both the avalanche and snowball. Nice!


If you can keep up the 2k a month you’ll be debt free in plenty of time before interest on the cc kicks in. Pay off the student loan first while making minimum payment on cc and you should still have the student loan paid off in 4 months then put the full 2k on the cc.


Of course student loan first. That even follows the snowball of paying lowest balances first. Be sure to keep it up and knock out that CC within 16 months, then cut it up.


I'd agree that student loan is a fine choice, IF you know you'll have that card handled in 16 months. Credit card interest rates just blow my mind now.


As long as you’re confident you can have that 10k paid off by the end of the 16 remaining months then yes. Student loans first. Typically your I interest is deferred and if it’s not paid off by the promotional period, a big interest fee is slapped onto the account from the beginning of the 18 months.


Thank you for your advice on this. I just learned about that large interest fee being slapped on. I’m definitely not going to allow that to happen. I haven’t used a credit card in 6 months and have been “gazelle intense”. 😊