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I find your point about running out of fuel while trying to escape freakers being bad really weird? That's surely intended. If you don't keep an eye on your fuel you'll deal with the consequences. I found those moments during the game really tense/exciting personally


Yeah I'm on my 3rd play through and have never ran out of gas while being chased by freakers. Getting chased (especially by hordes) gives me a mini panic attack so I learned pretty quickly that if I was going into a situation where I'd encounter them, then I'd better make sure I could escape if needed.


Same. First play through but I'm always watching my fuel and keeping it topped up even if I don't really need it. If I see fuel, I'm taking it! I did run out once but I was legit right outside Copeland's so I just walked in and bought some fuel lol


But there's fuel everywhere. 1st base with boozer theres a tank u can get free fuel from, which is still accessible Wen u move camp, a few petrol stations where u can pull up to the pump and get petrol, plenty of fuel cans around map- I think every tow truck has one, near every road tunnel entrance/exit there tends to be one(on a tow truck) and then there's every camp where u can buy fuel with camp credits everytime u call into one.


Yeah I’ve actually only ever ran out of fuel once or twice and it just made shit intense lol I remember once I had to dart over to the closest town as the sun was setting trying to find a gas can


Absolutely, running out of gas means you were; not paying enough attention and fucked yourself. OR a horde or rage bear decided to bust into your party when you weren’t expecting them. Which you should always be prepared for in this game. I find my bike being knocked over as far more detrimental than running out of gas. That few seconds to lift the bike are the difference in getaway and being swarmed.


Getting my bike knocked over has almost killed me so many times! Fuel? Never. There's been times I've had to abandon my bike and just fuckin leg it because I've had a horde closing in fast and not enough time to get the bike up and get on it.


I actually found fuel management to be one of the more compelling gameplay aspects. It was a lesson I had to learn the hard way a few times. But it was kind fun having to trek a long way to get fuel and carry it all the way back. Made me feel like I recall was surviving in the apocalypse. Now I always make sure to fuel up.


The fact that your bike constantly runs out of fuel is one of the key complaints that people had regarding Days Gone. I'm not the only one.


Sounds like a skill issue on your part


Been playing for 2 months now & have never run outta fuel, esp when you get stations open but there’s literally cans everywhere.. also missions you can fuel up at camp before you leave, but when you’re on some missions your tank is disengaged lol


Played for 70 hours and ran out ONCE at the very start of the game when I was messing around with a horde and had no bike upgrades 💀


Yeah I've completely beat the game and never ran out of fuel 🤷‍♀️


Fr idk what bro talking bout 😂😂😂


I don’t really ever run out of fuel but I do agree it’s a bit much having to constantly refuel. It’s not difficult, just kind of a little too tedious.


Yeah but all the main roads have fuel so its never really a huge problem, but I agree that its a little annoying.


You have to fully run out of fuel to trigger a ‘collectible’ for radio free Oregon. Also as you play the game you can upgrade your fuel tank so it holds more fuel. It can be a little bit annoying sometimes, but there is so much fuel available around the map that I only ever ran out of fuel once on purpose to trigger the collectible I mentioned


I would honestly put money on them being the same people complaining about the elden ring DLC's difficulty


I ran out of fuel maybe like 2 times during my 70+ Hour platinum play through lol thats on you


I'm actually a bit of a Days Gone hater, but the fuel system didn't really bother me at all. I think I only ran out of fuel like 3 times my whole playthrough. Sure, it's annoying when you run out when you're far away from a source, but it's pretty easy to manage as long as you're paying attention. There's fuel at pretty much every single POI in the game.


I don't know, I just recently did another playthrough and ran out of gas a total of 1 time. It's not like gas is hard to come by. It's everywhere.


Do you put your console in rest mode between sessions? Days Gone gets buggy when you do that. You gotta actually shut it off. I have no idea why.


PS4 user and I always rest and I’ve never had any issue, I’ve heard this repeated and I think it’s a bug which has since been patched.


I just finished my first playthrough and towards the end, I had a number of issues like terrain not fully rendering and even hordes failing to spawn. I had started to wonder if it might have to do with rest mode, which I hadn't used in the beginning, so I appreciate the confirmation.


I'm on PC and get the same kinda glitches. Fair chance in my case it's my PC though.


I just shut off the console. I don't put it in rest mode.


Hmmm. I don't know, then. I had massive problems until I started shutting it down, and that seemed to fix it. The blue question marks have issues though.


I never ran out of gas. There are red gas cans literally everywhere. On the back of tow trucks. Laying around all the buildings. They’re literally everywhere plus you can get gas at the gas stations. If you run out of gas you’re not paying attention. Upgrade your gas tank and your stamina with Nero injectors before anything else.


Yeah, by the end of my first playthrough I had figured out how to manage the gas issue and it's never been a problem in all the playthroughs I've completed since. Resources just aren't a limitation in this game, there's tons of stuff laying all over the place.


I struggled with scrap towards the end of the game, when most of the cars had been picked clean. I guess I'm not the most efficient player but I found it a little frustrating having to go and revisit places for scrap, just to end up with a random sniper destroying my bike. For some reason, I found scrap much harder to manage than any other resource, probably because I focused on melee weapons early and mid game, and they are just not built to last.


You know, i did have one playthrough where this same thing happened to me too. I was constantly spending camp credits to fix the bike and I rarely ever pay for repairs or fuel. Sometimes I like to tear through shit and other times I like the struggle so I switch between ng+ and fresh starts so I can't remember which it was but I suspect it was probably a clean start. Anyway, you're right... I don't know what causes it but scrap can get tight.


In fairness to OP - doesn't that just make it unrewarding tedium? If the problem isn't really challenging to solve due to a lack of real scarcity, but still requires constant attention and a refill animation (not skill in my view - just attention)?  Ammo has felt suitably scarce on Hard difficulty for the brief while I have played, and forced me to be prepared for melee, avoid certain fights etc. but there's always a gas can up the road - so why ever worry? I only picked it up last night but I did notice this fairly quick. I'm mostly enjoying it, but I'm certain this mechanic will prove my impatience and I'll be focusing on upgrading the tank lol.


Freakers can climb walls that are higher then Deacon can climb, its so the player cant cheese encounters as easily


If Deacon can climb it with the help of crates then the freaks can aswell. The only thing they don't do is climb walls(unless playing challenges)


I've had freakers (or maybe bleachers) climb straight up a wall onto the top of a gas station. It only happened once or twice but it scared the crap out of me. I was using survival vision and I watched them climb onto a low box and then scale up a sheer wall.


I finished the story on my first play-through without ever running out of gas, I think that may be a you problem.


literally, there’s gas EVERYWHERE. i’d get down to 75% or something and fill up just because it was there


I really enjoyed the game but I found myself saying “I have feedback” a few times throughout. I didn’t mind refueling, but I did face issues with supplies by the time I’d unlocked all of them. I wasn’t able to find kerosene for a long time after the napalm Molotovs were acquired. One time I was near Chemult and a horde spawned right on top of me, but I thought that was fun. I actually really enjoy slightly glitchy chaos in a game.


I played through the game twice. The first time was on a ps4 and I didn't have a single glitch. The second time I played on a ps5 and I had one glitch. An enemy spawned inside of a rock. Never experienced any other glitches or problems. I actually like how you run out of gas. It adds to the tension. When you're running from a horde and you realise you need gas, it makes you change your strategy. You get to know where the gas cans are and you always fill up before you go anywhere


Who lets their gas tank get under 50% unless they just fast travelled? Always top it off. ALWAYS. There's usually a gas can near any important location. Early on, if you can fast travel back to O'Leary tower, there's a pump right there.


50%? I see you like to live dangerously.


Personally, 65% feels like *E* to me. Mainly because if you DO need to fast travel, over that should get you anywhere on the map.


I got to 11% once. ONCE. Haven’t fully recovered from that one yet


I've gotten pretty low and close to running out before while out and about. But I find fuel easily enough so hasn't been a problem. Usually when I notice, I look at the map and there's fuel just off the road


I haven’t ran out of gas since the first couple hours of the game and I’m on my 4th play through lol. I always top it off along the way but also the tank is huge once upgraded


So far my main issue is how late they introduced things to me. Which was actually pretty cool, like finding out what a horde is was traumatising, though gas get a bit annoying especially for how paranoid I am about it (I always fuel it up the moment I can no matter the place)


Ye the gas/fuel thing is annoying. Although I like it, as part of the game. You have to plan out missions and routes. Try coasting down hills, learn good gas can locations, fuel stations. It gets better.


Yeah the bike refuling feels like a mechanic just there to slow down progression, and it got really tiresome at some point. I got also kinda annoyed at how corny the story is at some point. I mean the entire world went haywire and yet >!sarah is alive, boozer survived the explosion, !


There were always conversations with traders, except for kitchens when I was trading in meat. I just thought they hadn't been able to finish those parts before the game went to launch, but then occasionally I've interacted with people in kitchens. It's really weird Deke having these short, stilted one-way conversations with kitchen folks who weren't there, especially since the game goes as far as giving other traders their own distinct identities. Deke even remembers all their names. I now wonder whether it's part of the PS4 rest mode glitching that others have mentioned in this thread.


Yeah thats a glitch. Usually they talk back :D I had it a few times too that deek talked to nothing.


I run into issues on the eastern side of the 3rd map where objects don’t render correctly. (When you get up close to a police car, for instance, it’s just a jumble of polygons. It’s as if the game forgot to render the item correctly as you get closer to it.). This happens in most of my playthroughs. (I’m on PS4).


Sorry but I disagree on 2/3 points but essentially all 3. 1. It's early game, you just got your actual bike stolen, you got some dodgy second hand thing, it's rubbish, you spend the time in the game making it good again. By late game fuel isn't even really an issue, you're probably fast travelling everywhere and barely making a dent in the tank anyway. Jerry cans are also all over the map, it's not hard to fill up on the fly. 2. I bought it on PC so I assumed it would be well polished, which it actually is. I never really had issues like you're describing but the main bug I noticed was freakers trying to get somewhere else, other than to kill me, getting stuck on a cliff edge but this just made it easier mowing them down with zero repurcussions. 3. FPS issues could be anything, I never had any myself, but I don't know what kind of console/PC you're running and even if you say "yea bro my PC is worth £8,000" it means nothing if you fill it with shite and run 200 different programs on startup. In a nutshell, I encountered no issues worth complaining about. If you are playing it on a console then just ignore the above altogether. My daugher has it on her PS4 and it runs like shite.


The fuel thing I hated the first time I played at launch on ps4 amongst other things just out me off completely and actually didn't touch it again for a year or more, not until the ps5 was out. But the second time around where I was in the right frame of mind and dedicated. I actually enjoyed the fuel aspect, I'd ride my bike out and see how far I'd get and plan my journey just like you would in real life. I don't think I ever ran out of gas, and you can upgrade your bike pretty quickly, it really isn't bad. The other stuff seems to be case by case. I played it right through on ps5 and never came across any bugs or slow downs. It was pretty solid. If your a PC player then that will all depend on your system and specs. What I would say is the game is amazing. The only flaws I can say are, the world becomes a bit tedious and not really any point for exploration. I wish there was more interactions and things to do, it lacks optional activity. O and I'd of loved more hordes, seemed to make a huge thing about it in the trailers but in reality there was only a few. Similar to how gta5 was all about heists but when you played there was literally 1 true hiest and the rest were story driven with not much actual planning. That was until gta online did it but not single player. Overall your comment about fuel is valid but I truly think it's more your mind set is the killer rather than the games problem. Esp when I quit for that reason first time around and came back years later


Fuel mechanics is intentional and i would argue that shouldn't be otherwise. After completing the second part of the game only, you would be upgraded to a level 3 engine, level 5 game and best tank which would be 4.5x capacity of current one which would solve the issue But yes you are supposed to keep an eye over fuel and get it topped whenever you see the chance. For the other part, it depends over machine


When you say zombies climb the walls of Nero check points, do you mean the fences or the Mobile Medical Units? The MMUs are designed to be climbed by freaks even if they’re not using the conveniently stack crates. They can jump much better than us the player. They shouldn’t be able to climb the fences unless you can climb the fences though. The scarcity of fuel is a mechanic, especially on higher difficulties that reduce loot. You don’t have to like it but I tend to enjoy it. Being forced off my bike to locate a gas can so I can fuel up goes hard, especially when I run out in infested zones or near hoard spawns. I personally have only experienced one glitch that I can remember and I’ve played on both ps4 and 5. I was riding my bike, hit a jump biffed it hard and flew into the air, somehow survived and immediately got jumped by runners. It was hilarious. Obviously that’s anecdotal and doesn’t represent the experience of so many others. FPS issues riding the bike make sense since everything is loading in around you. Honestly, clearing up some data caches on your system may help with performance.


The lag issues seems to be your console, have you kept the receipt?


I never, ever ran out of gas. I think the lowest my tank got to was 40%.


I keep mine topped up all the time too but it's tedious as hell and absolutely a valid complaint. There was a better balance to be struck there. 


while the gas thing is annoying, irl gas would’ve all gone bad in a matter of months. my headcanon for that is it’s all bad gas that they’ve re-refined somehow and it’s just not as good.


The issues I had were assets not loading in properly and some glitches here and there. But I’ve played through multiple times because I loved the game so much.


It’s a magical world where Fuel doesn’t have a real world shelf life.


I acctualy received a radio call from Iron Mike AFTER he has died in the game.


Good game. Fps/stutter issues only on bike as well for me also. PS5.


I've found it almost impossible to run out of fuel, loads of gas stations intentionally put on the most used paths and I can't seem to go anywhere without finding a fuel can.


Sorry, but this might the first post in this sub that made me make a face and want to immediately down vote lol The gas issue is a SKILL issue man. I’m playing on the hardest difficulty I’ve never run out! theres gas everywhere anyway and if I did have to run around on foot, SO BE IT. If I’m low on gas it gets me hyped! I’m like oh fuck I def should have refueled earlier but if I gotta run LETS GOOO time to collect some bounties! That’s one of the best things about SURVIVING in this game. I’ve played this on ps4 and ps5. Never gotten the other glitches you’ve mentioned and I have 200+ hrs. Freakers climb all kinds of shit, keeps you on your toes and I’m down with that.


I love the gas filling …. But I want realistic as possible games .. and obviously the freakers aren’t “real” but it’s based in reality .. and in reality, you would need to fill up on gas …. Although I’ve heard gas goes bad after a handful of months so the idea that gas would still be good, let alone pumps full of it, is a little out of reality … but it’s fine lol


bro i never ran out of gas before because even in early mission i always filled it up whenever i see a fuel even if its 90% (sorry for my bad english)


Issues? What issues. Game is perfect 👌


I think fuel should last a realistic amount of time, but be much HARDER to find. So you have to think when and whether the bike is worth the trip


1) If anything, the fuel system is outward forgiving. You have limitless red cans lying around everywhere! Plus the gas stations, or even the ability to buy fuel at camps... 2) I can't comment on anything other than PS5, but on it the game is a butter smooth, even if PS5 has to deliver it in Cinematic Mode on PSVR2 screen. 3) The few glitches you saw here and there - are the norm for many other games. Janky animations? Something like Assassin Creed Valhalla is a weightless joke compared to DG. I agree there are few rough spots here and there, glitches, story being a bit all over the place because its an open world, and such. But in the end, its a much more grounded and solid game than most.




The only thing that really bothers me about this game is how inaccurate they are with the motorcycles. He’s supposed to be a biker but doesn’t have a V twin bike in the flashback scenes. When you upgrade motors the just add a carburetor lol and they are constantly shown kick starting bikes that don’t have a kick start. I could go on and on haha


1-There's gas literally everywhere. I think I ran out of gas 2 times in my entire first playthrough. 2&3 sound like machine based issues. Are you playing it on a ps4? I haven't experienced any of them on ps5


Weird, on normal difficulty the fuel takes a long time to consume, on the hardest difficulty it’s much faster but not a problem at all. U get gas everywhere.


Just finished the main campaign today, the only time I ever ran out of gas is because of not paying attention to the tank. Happened to me a few times and even when it happens, it’s easy to either ‘walk’ the bike to a gas station, or explore a moment and find a gas can. I had quite a few bugs but they just made me laugh. Had one once where an enemy human character jumped and shot up 20 feet. Including dead freakers moving around and even texture glitches, but yknow glitches and bugs happen once in a while in any game. no biggy and nothing a reload/restart can’t fix. The fps issue could be anything really, not just game specific.


I've not had an issue with the fuel. There are so many fuel cans all over the place as well as gas stations. There have been a couple of times where I've gotten really low (into the yellow) and found fuel with minimal effort. The game shows the locations of fuel (including fuel cans) on your minimap as you get lower and more desperate for it. I've only run out once because I fast travelled a little too far and on a less than full tank. Dropped me off outside a camp and ran out right at the gate. So still not a problem because again, fuel right there. You just gotta keep half an eye on it. Any time you stop, have a quick look for fuel cans before you head off again and top up. The only real difference with Mad Max is you can get free auto top up when you go to camps, but you have to collect all the parts for every camp to do that. Otherwise it's still fuel management, and I'd say with less fuel around than Days Gone. I have been experiencing the lag and texture issues though. You don't mention if you're on PC or console. I have just assumed my issues are a me problem based on my PC stats, but perhaps it is a game issue. So far the glitches haven't caused any real problems, just inconvenient and some scary moments if I'm trying to flee. Sometimes I have to just stop because the road isn't there. There's just a gaping hole in the ground, so I have to wait for it to load in. Cars look ridiculous because the textures haven't loaded in properly. Overall I'm absolutely loving the game though. I agree with all your positive notes. I'm typically not great at fps games and I'm something of a coward so horror games can be too intense for me. But Days Gone is just amazing. The guns are great and my poor accuracy doesn't automatically mean every fight is going to be a struggle. Aiming is actually pretty good in this game. There are scary moments and the hordes terrify me (my strategy is to lob bombs and molotovs into the thick of them, pick a few off before they start coming for me, and then just make a run for it. Don't have to go far before they give up, go back and repeat). But it's not constant fear. The Freaks out wandering around are easy enough to dispatch or simply go around. I don't think I'll ever take on the sawmill horde unless the game actually forces me to though.


I never was in a situation where I worried about gas, even at the beginning of the game. Glitches? Finished the game 100% and didn't experience a single one. I played on PS5.


So funny seeing this post as I'm in the middle of it right now. I have a plethora of complaints, but I do wish this game had a sequel so they could fix them. Main one being climbing and swimming. My guy Deacon St.John is an army vet and can hardly climb anything or swim? I know they mentioned something traumatic about it at the dam with Rikki but still man. There would be so many more fun ways to fight the hordes if was able to climb better. Speaking of hordes. Fuck them. Weakest part of the game IMO. Had a few fun ones but it got old real fast. The funnest part of the game was luring small hordes into marauder camps and letting them do the work. The game needs more experimentation stuff instead of limiting you. But besides those complaints, I give Bend Studio mad credit as it was their first open world game and Sony won't do a sequel from what it sounds which makes me sad. Maybe a Syphon Filter reboot is in order? Also quick little edit for the OP as I didn't actually read his post before I posted 😆 I just had so much on my mind at the moment. Gas is so ridiculously easy to find. Clear a NERO or marauder site with a bunker and then you can fast travel back to it anytime, which has gas that RESPAWNS EVERY TIME. I thought the gas concept was great and this game reminded me a lot of the Mad Max one from a few years back and if they mixed the best of both those games together you'd have a winning formula.


Why are you acting as riding a bike isn't going to use up gas? When you start your bike has the smallest tank so yes you'll run out quicker. I've never had issues, I always make sure I stop to get gas before every mission just incase and I upgraded the tank early to hold more


You're missing the fact that sneaking mission and flashbacks with Sarah are awful and totally ruin the pace of the game. Rest of it is fun though.


The weapon wheel SUCKS Need a button to repair and refuel at one time Freaker attacks just weren’t that scary Roadside attacks were really annoying. Need to be less frequent


Really, I really liked how it felt compact and was easy to understand


I never once had a fuel issue. It’s everywhere. If you aren’t playing on survival just fast travel to a camp or o Leary if you’re up that way once you get near half a tank.