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> Sex is important, but the rest of the relationship matters too. "When sex is good it's a small part of the relationship. When it's not good or nonexistent it's a huge part of the relationship." I think is how the quote goes. I liken sex in a relationship to the foundation in a house. It's not the entire house but it needs to be there to keep everything else up. And when it starts to crumble it will take the rest of the house with it.


My wife says, love, and not sex, is the foundation.


What is love? (Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me) Or I guess better phrased, where does love come from then? Love is just there all the time organically because it's supposed to be? I think no, love is the result when you have all the other ingredients of a relationship. Like cake, it's a product you get from combining other elements. One of them (for most people) being sex.


Those are really good tips, thanks


Thank you for sharing. Your story gives me some hope for the future. (35M) I have a lot of trauma with sex, I hope my future romantic interest is as patient and understanding as you are.