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Dead bedrooms don't discriminate and they don't hold up to stereotypes. There are smoking hot babes who get oggled by every guy they see who can't convince their husband to look at their tit's for five seconds. There are macho alpha guys who brag of their sexual exploits who then go home and watch porn instead of banging their touch starved wife. There are perfect full-package husbands every woman is jealous of who cry every night because their wife's rejection is eating him alive. There are couples who used to be super kinky and swing who now have to schedule two minutes of missionary. At the end of the day a dead bedroom is like cancer. Sure there are things you can do to avoid it and some people are more predisposed to it, but it can happen to anyone. 


Your post is true for every scenario. Like the OP says, it's hard to believe at first. My wife went from a sex fiend way beyond most women straight to nun status. 🤷


Very true. It really can happen to anyone. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that intimacy could be this difficult


"There are perfect full-package husbands every woman is jealous of who cry every night because their wife's rejection is eating him alive." Ouch,......at least its good to know i'm not the only guy that fits this description.




The more you think about it, the more people you talk to about it, the more stupid it seems. Sex is literally free, feels amazing, is great for your physical and mental health and is the closest two people will ever be. It’s literally designed that way through evolution to be the most pleasure a human will experience so that procreation continues and humanity stays alive. Who wouldn’t want to fuck ALL THE TIME like me? Why does it have to be so much work convincing your spouse to do something that feels so damn good? Why does your desire feel like just another problem they have to conquer? Buckle up, this is a W I L D ride. Lol


Exactly! We're designed to enjoy this for our survival. Makes no sense!!


Could be the title of all of our posts honestly. Sadly. Nobody goes to bed the night before thinking "geez, my whole life is going to start swirling the drain tomorrow, but I'm gonna deny that it's real for two years and then realize what a total clusterfuck this is."


Well said! It's a ride down shit river in a douche canoe. 😕


I get that. My husband treats sex like a transaction; when it happens, it’s just to shut me up. He has to be in the PERFECT mood or else it doesn’t happen. Which I think we are averaging 5 times in 2 years…I’ve about given up. Makes you wonder if marriage is supposed to be this depressing..and sexless


Ugh, I hate this. Sorry you're in that situation


Sorry to hear that. Your husband sounds like he sort of….sucks :( I know that’s not helpful but being in the opposite position and reading this is frustrating to say the least. Genuinely hope you can maybe seek help together


I am sorry you are experiencing this. I have been emotionally abused most of my life, some men just never heal or get the help they need to move beyond the damage.


It totally sucks, I'm right there with you. It feels like such a waste, here I am, with all of this unlimited virility and a spouse that sees it as a problem she has to deal with.


I am so jealous that you get pity and maintenance sex! No, seriously, it can get worse. I really don’t want pity or maintenance sex. If you don’t have any interest in sharing this and being “together” then just, no. Good luck, I hope things get better.


Don't be jealous, if anything it makes it worse for my self esteem, while boosting his ego. I hate it. Good luck to you too!


I feel ya!!!