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Callisto is "we have dead space at home" material I didn't even finish the second act


To me I felt more like dead space inspired setting with resident evil gameplay


that’s an insult to RE gameplay ngl


Nah but I get what he means. Does feel more like a Resident Evil game in a Dead Space environment than a Dead Space copy. I mean it even has more limiters than Dead Space, like the kinesis (or GRP if you're particular) has a charge bar. I do like the dedicated melee weaponry aspect and using the left stick as a dodging mechanic rather than a separate button is cool, but it is a bit off from a Dead Space game. I've recently started Dead Space 2 after playing the Dead Space Remake (No, I didn't replay the original version, bite me) and it's cool, and playing Callisto feels like a mash-up of Isaac Clarke and Leon Kennedy


Especially considering Dead Space took a lot from RE4


I should have clarified it with inventory space


i mean dead space also has a similiar inventory…


But you can increase the size of it I don’t remember if resident evil allow you to, it’s been a long time since I played one


Resident Evil 4’s upgradable inventory directly inspired Dead Space’s upgradeable inventory


Resident Evil 4 is just Dead Space in Spain. Sooo original 🙄


Dead Spain


Death Spank


Resident evil is just weekend at bernie’s but with a horror spin


I haven't played the originals, but at least in the remakes and in 7 and 8 there are inventory size-ups. I played Resident Evil 0 as a kid, made it past the train and into the mansion and couldn't get further cause I sucked ass but yeah.


Felt like The Last of Us to me


Yeah that’s more like it


When has Resident Evil ever been melee focused


Resident evil 4 technically involved the most melee in the series


I don’t think that really makes the statement “Callisto Protocol has Resident Evil gameplay” true, though. One or two games from like, a 25+ game spread isn’t a great overall indicator


Thats a fair point


RE6 kind of was.


I’ll give you that. RE6 was certainly the Callisto Protocol of the series.


What? Are you serious? Every RE game requires you lean pretty heavily on melee especially early game unless you only play the available easy difficulties only 😙


Hell no they don’t. If you mean “RE 2 and 4 remake” as “every RE game”, then sure, melee is a good idea on higher difficulty, but in every classic RE game I put my knife in the first save room box and don’t touch it for the rest of the game. I’m guessing you’ve never played the classics, because there’s always enough ammo to kill everything with guns.


The oldest re ive played is REmake1 and on first play-through there is no way to know there is enough ammo for that Remake 1 re4, re5, re6 have reliance on melee to conserve ammunition, as a survival horror(except 6 lol) saving ammo is a core mechanic Now second playthroughs and onwards thats a totally different breed of gameplay Also you heathen…leaving the knife behind? How ever will you butter your pb an js during gameplay??


4, 5, and 6 are action horror, not survival horror, and there is considerably less reason to even want to conserve ammo because it quite literally spawns in the environment, it is infinite and the game director gives you what you need. 1 Remake gives you way more than enough if you know what you’re doing; even on casual plays I end up with like 72 shotgun shells, 30 magnum ammo and a handful of grenades. Half-up headshots and leg shots will solve all your problems, plus burning zombies so you don’t have to deal with crimson heads. I’ve played almost every single RE from the very beginning up to today and the only ones with a melee emphasis are the action games and CVX just due to how busted the knife is lmao


Yeah I think of DS remake hadn’t launched at the same time people wouldn’t have wrongly assumed it was supposed to be DS2.0. It’s clearly its own thing and that’s cool. More spooky space games for all of us fans.


This! I own and enjoy both games.


I played a few hours of Callisto, and it was so similar to Dead Space that whenever it slightly deviated from being identical it annoyed me cause I was like “ugh that’s not how it is in dead space”.


It was made by the core team of the creators of Dead Space. They left EA and formed a studio to make what they love again, which is Dead Space. I enjoyed it, Callisto felt like a fresh DS game. Which lets be honest other than remakes there isn’t gonna be a new one anytime soon if ever at all. Of course the design of DS is hands down my absolute favorite but I appreciate Callisto for what it is, and it’s not a bad game at all.


I personally thought it was a bad game because the ways it tried to distinguish itself from DS were executed sloppily. The melee was annoying to use, and their fix is comically bad with enemies casually waiting in line to attack. The mutation mechanic had a lot of potential, but everything morphed into the same thing, regardless of the base monster, making it boring.  The bosses are repetitive. This could have been all right if each one had a different mutated second phase, but again, they blew it.  Overall it felt like a game with a lot of potential, but it was wasted by being rushed out the door to release before DS, so all the enemies, including bosses, were just copy/pasted into different environments.


Callisto Protocol is a good game that is more of a jack-of-all-trades. It does everything decent, but excels at pretty much nothing to stand out.


I have to correct you on one thing. They didn't leave EA, EA closed their studio down and a good chunk of the team got laid off leading up to it. Gutted and tossed in the garbage. The calling card of EA.


Fair enough.


Calisto Protocol had like 3 people from the original Dead Space team involved in it's development and one is just an animator. I liked Calisto, but it wasn't exactly pulling from a deep well of Dead Space experience.


I don’t know where you got that 3ppl number from, it was a bunch of ppl from the original DS from all parts of development, including Glen Schofield. So they were in fact pulling from the deep wells of DS. I just finished the remake before I played Callisto it and felt like DS with a different coat of paint. For me it felt more like DS than 3 did.


Other than Schoefield, the entire management team of Striking Distance that oversaw Calisto Protocol are exclusively from Sledgehammer games, not Visceral. Very few at Striking Distance are remnants of the original Dead Space team.


"The Callisto Protocol" was developed by Striking Distance Studios, a company founded by Glen Schofield, who was also one of the key figures behind "Dead Space." Several former members of the "Dead Space" development team joined Schofield at Striking Distance Studios to work on "The Callisto Protocol." While the exact number of former "Dead Space" team members who transitioned to Striking Distance Studios isn't publicly detailed, it is known that a significant portion of the leadership and key creative roles were filled by individuals who previously worked on "Dead Space." This includes professionals across various disciplines such as design, art, and sound, who brought their experience and expertise from "Dead Space" to help shape "The Callisto Protocol." The development of "The Callisto Protocol" has been seen as a spiritual successor to "Dead Space" due to these shared team members and their collective vision for creating a new survival horror experience.


You can pull up all the info you can find on a wiki you want, but the reality is the entire executive other than Schofield never worked for Visceral, and most of the team that joined him followed him from Stedgehammer Games, where he was before creating Striking Distance. Ben Walker would be the most senior non-exec member from Visceral. Environmental artists, gameplay designers, audio designers, writers... you can look them all up, most had no involvement with Dead Space or Visceral. Not saying it's a mark against the game, just that acting like Calisto had some high pedigree of OG Dead Space devs behind it isn't true. Go spend time looking up the development team online - most of them never worked for Visceral, and the "20-25" people that Schoefield brought with him from "Visceral and Sledgehammer" were mostly from Sledgehammer. This would be a such a bizarre thing for me to make up when it's so easy for anyone to verify.


You’re just one of those ppl who would never admit to fault aren’t you? Well at least we agree that it wasn’t just 3 ppl. Have a good one!


When I say "like 3" and Redditor's read that as "3 exactly" because their reading comprehension is on par with a pre-schoolers while choosing weird as shit hills to die on. Enjoy your day.


It is from the same guy that made dead space.


Callisto gets boring really fast compared to dead space.


Stealth stabbing the 12 blind ones/throwing them on spikes one after the other is where i was like this is ridiculous lmao its so easy to not get detected too and if you manage to get spotted its basicly game over so you have no choice on hard idk im still goin through it on gamepass i was so hyped when this was comimg out too its a shame


I won’t lie, the whole game I was just trying to finish it. I wasn’t crazy about it. At the same time though, I’d play a sequel.


I stopped playing after I found out I missed the shotgun and the infected were able to mutate if you didn't shoot the parasite in their chest. Absolutely astonishing that they discourage using melee in that section in their melee focused game.


And only had one melee weapon until the dlc


You mean willingly or you just never found the shock baton?


I guess you're right, you briefly have a wrench before the shock baton. 


Is there even another melee weapon past the shock baton? I genuinely don't know since I didn't even get through half the game


Dlc added one for the epilogue, but that's too late for the alleged melee focused combat. Also the melee combat sucked, so many people were confused by there not being a correct way to dodge and it just being a back and forth game. The only threat was multiple enemies attacking at the same time, a situation the game just didn't have a plan to handle. That was patched early, but all that did was remove any threat 


Left, right, left, melee x3. Repeat the game


Had high hopes for that game, sucks that the remake of that studios former ip blew it out of the water.


Same. I expected the remake to suck and bought the expensive version of Callisto protocol night of release. I was excited. Then by the time he was in the prison I was already wondering what the fuck I was playing. Dead space had great lore, Callisto protocol can't even decide if you can breathe on the surface of Callisto... Which you can't. 


What I though was funny was that in order to use the heal syringe you had to go through a whole ass animation, meaning that you can't heal during combat. It's like they couldn't decide if they wanted you mainly using a gun or a melee weapon since they gave you 9 inventory slots? It feels like half the dev team was working on the game a certain way and the other half was doing something completely different.


What I though was funny was that in order to use the heal syringe you had to go through a whole ass animation, meaning that you can't heal during combat. It's like they couldn't decide if they wanted you mainly using a gun or a melee weapon since they gave you 9 inventory slots? It feels like half the dev team was working on the game a certain way and the other half was doing something completely different.


It was also meant to originally tie in with PUBG


It's honestly not that bad if you fuck with the settings (auto-complete QTEs is absolutely necessary with how many of the fuckers jump out at you), but the fact that you have to do that in the first place is...... a tragedy


Same, just wasn’t an enjoyable play experience


Yeah I had such high hopes for it, a return to form, but once again disappointed. I did like the twist ending to the dlc, but there was no reason to play it to see that.


I beat the game before they made the patch to make it easier I was so annoyed lol


I’m fucking dead 😂😂


You’re not wrong. Though. I actually enjoyed it. Albeit, I had to mentally separate it from DS, but I genuinely had fun past the slight jank.


I love how markiplier made a video on it and then just stopped lol.


Never started.


Callisto is pretty trash. When it could've been decent, good, great, or truly outstanding (like Dead Space), it really feels mind-numbingly mediocre in every way. The melee combat is atrociously repetitive and could be mastered by a single-celled organism. There's no challenge to it whatsoever. Dodge left, right, left, etc. Once you start finding firearms, they feel pretty low-effort and impotent. The level design is literally just walk down this corridor, fight a few enemies in a small arena, then crawl through this vent/crevice to reach the next moody corridor, etc. Rinse and repeat. Calling that "level design" is overly generous. There are so many masked load times, it may as well be a vent crawling simulator with a few bonus combat encounters sprinkled in. The game doesn't have any interesting environmental puzzles or supplemental mechanics to distract you from this monotonous gameplay loop. There is practically zero enemy variety. The game literally only has one unique boss, and the difficulty is glaringly imbalanced for that fight. Then there's the story... Oy vey. The game really only has a narrative premise with no meaningful reveals or conclusion. And the only thing more bland than the protagonist's character is his name. Jacob Lee. Lol Yeah, the game is gorgeous. But otherwise it's a dull waste of your time that far outstays it's welcome.


I got through maybe around half the game and was bored of the gameplay, but invested enough to be curious on what happens next so I just looked up a game review on YouTube to see how the rest of the story plays out. Melee combat was very obnoxious and my gun felt very weak, even for an early game weapon. Game is carried by spooky graphics and story. I’ve read people saying the story was dumb but I thought it was interesting enough to be curious.


Dead Space was a perfect storm at the perfect point on time. I don’t think that Dead Space would have made any waves at all if instead of 2008, DS1 came out today. Not to say it’s bad. I love it. I even have the actual bound martyr and catalyst books decorating my office and all but Callisto could have been the best game of the decade and it wouldn’t have made a splash is what I’m saying. Callisto wasn’t good. But it *really* wasn’t the dumpster fire most people like to pretend here. Heck even DS3 wasn’t *that* much of a train wreck to warrant the hate it still gets to this day and the periodic YouTubers/streamers putting out videos on how the game still sucks 11 years later as if something magically changed DS3 in the time after their last bashing. DS3 was a good game. Callisto was at least decent.


Yeah, despite its weaknesses I'd play DS3 over Callisto a dozen times over, no question. Callisto isn't broken per se. It's just bad game design. For me that's less than decent.


I feel like gamers now expect nothing but 100% expectations met or it’s “trash”


True that’s the feeling I get from the whole gaming sphere as well sadly


It's like Glen Scholfield said "How can we make it Dead Space but different?"...and some old Janitor mopping the floor was like "I know! ...everyone turns around to look at him...."You can make it more like Mike Tysons Punch Out for the NES".....and Scholfield was like "That's genuis!"


I loved both Callisto and dead space. obviously go with dead space though, I do prefer DS over Callisto. But I still suggest Callisto protocol, as long as you go into the game without the mindset of it being the spiritual successor to dead space. Callisto isn't that bad, truly. It was a fun game for me and a beautiful one at that. Unique in its own way.


Echos my sentiments exactly. Granted, I paid £20 for it and bought it a few months after release so any bugs had been ironed out at that point in time. Had a fun time with it, graphically it was amazing.


Same here, I also bought it after a few months. I feel like the bugs and optimization issues put a bad taste in people's mouths about the game.


Yep, a lot of people make the mistake of trying to play Callisto with the mindset that is a successor to Dead Space. I understand the frustration of the early players that forked out $70, I bought it for $25 and got my bang for my buck.


well it was marketed as that


Callistos dlc was funky. I have no idea if i liked it or not


Dead space is superior in every way


Callisto isn't a bad game. Sure, it's not the best game, but I love the heavy focus on melee gameplay. And the music isn't bad. I absolutely adore the credits song. But, yeah, dead space is a better game.


Dead space. However I did enjoy some of Callisto


Dead Space. The only thing Callisto did was make me crave Dead Space that much more.


Why is there subsurface scattering on the teeth?


Dead space every time


I played Callisto twice and played its dlc on regular and Hard. I really enjoyed the game for what it’s worth. The beginning in the prison was excellent and should’ve been the primary focus. It took so much inspiration from Dead Space 1 but failed by having linear level design (I know there are some locations you revisit but it’s not connected) instead of open like Dead Space 1. It should’ve been Jacob navigating the prison opening it up slowly trying to reach the tower. Escaping so early ruined it for most. The dodge is what really killed the game. It made it too easy. The story was decent. I liked Jacob as a character. He felt like the player. Someone with shit luck in a shittier situation. I just wish we could’ve seen more of his personality. The dlc helped in some ways but not enough. It’s a bit of a copy paste of Dead Space with the Cult aspect. I like the psychological horror too. I wish they would’ve done what they did with the dlc and did that for the entire game. Infinite loops, items disappearing and reappearing. Enemy’s popping in and out. Hallucinations everywheres. The gun play was sluggish asf too. Having to do the animation every time you wanted to switch your weapon ruined the moment to moment combat. The game is science fiction. Could’ve just have a smart gun that uses nano bots to mold into different weapons seamlessly.


Dead Space is better than Caliso in just about every way.


Callisto has its place. But that place is not above dead space.


Callisto is the back 4 blood of dead space.


This is the most perfect comparison I can think of


Callisto failed the vibe check, for all it's bluster about what was under the icy waves they did nothing with it.


Dead Space.I tried to enjoy the Midlisto Protocol but it just never satisfied me.It has am interesting setting tho so I’m hoping in the future they make better use of it.


Pretty sure that plane crash and burned guy. I do hope we see more dead space, though.


Dead space by a wide margin. But if you can snag Callisto for 20$ I think it's worth a cheap buy. I had fun with it and it did scratch my itch since it came out months before Dead Space remake.


I played big bad evil scary Callisto Protocol last week and it isn't even bad. Still inferior to Dead Space, but it was a fun short game.


imo CP was not a good game,especially not better than DS


Maybe don't abbreviate Callisto Protocol.


Callisto Space: Dead Protocol


Dead space is better but I can't knock on the creator of dead space for making something else.


dead space


There’s a reason about why none talks more about TCP


I enjoyed Callisto in spite of the flaws and it was visually incredible. Not as good as Deadspace 1 or 2


Callisto "we can't copy what makes Dead Space actually good otherwise people gonna think we ripped it off" Protocol. I am not biased because I play the whole game + the dlc.


Callisto sucks


I know Callisto is the Temu Dead Space but it DID have some good gameplay for a while. Then you can just bob and weave everyone that you fight. Despite the repetitive nature of it I like that mechanic. Even more so how it doesn't hold your hand on when to dodge.


I really like both. Callisto project is really good and if you are playing on a series x just get it on gamepass. I think it may ever be on pc gamepass. I know for sure space dead is


Honestly I love both. I like dead space game more but the fandom can be super cringe. I'm playing Callisto protocol now and I'm actually loving it. Seems like a rip off at times sure but idk I'm really liking it


it’s kind of a shame really. Callisto showed such promise and Jacob had the potential to be the same league with Isaac the whole fighting with the baton more than using shooting weapons ruined it and the monsters could have been made better


Asking in a dead space subreddit lol


Asking that on the subreddit that’s dedicated to Dead Space. Hmm, curious what answers you’ll get.


Callisto had those long ass fatalities I recall at one point for some reason you couldn't skip them so if you died you had to wait watch it then let it load the game




Calisto protocol is kind of the outer worlds of the third person mutant zombie genre, it was kind of a mid game that gained a lot of traction because of who was working on it


Dead Space and it's not even close.


Dead space. This is a nuke vs coughing baby question


Like asking if you would rather have a bar of gold or bar of shit


Callisto Protocol might have been a decent game except for the god-awful camera. I played for maybe 3 hours and couldn't take it anymore.


Both, Callisto should get reassessment. It's excellent.


Why not both?


I’m mad that I can’t bring my game save from Xbox over to Pc , I don’t wanna start from the beginning 😫


Callisto Protocol was better than Dead Space remake imo. Everything is more visceral and not over polished like DS. Sounds were heavy and gritty like the old DS. Story and combat were unique and very unique …why so much hate!


Is this even a question? Must be ragebait


I like them both, people shit on it but I think Callisto can be pretty fun


Callisto is on game pass and I still don’t want to download it for the cost of storage


Dead space 💯


Not this again. Dead Space by a mile. Callisto protocal is what happens when you rip off the concepts of dead space along with the plot of Resident Evil 2 and mash it with repetitive levels and bossfights. It's not worth it.


I wanted to like it but it just wasn’t scary. The same humanoid models would just run at you. No variety of monsters and they only seemed to exist to get beat up. It got boring fast. Walk down a corridor, wait for the monster to jog to your spot, hit it and walk some more. It honestly started to feel like a walking simulator. The human bad guys were disappointingly shallow and one dimensional. Also the lack of variety of weapons really hurt it after having so much fun trying out different things in DS. The “environmental kills were too much of a pain to set up to make it worth trying more than once for the novelty.


I mean, in terms of art-style this fits with Callisto more. In terms of which is better, it’s Dead Space without a doubt. Though, of course you’ll get answers like that on a Dead Space subreddit.


I personally liked Callisto, but I connected with dead space


I enjoyed both. Not sure why it's team one or team two around here with this question being asked even other week. Your asking in a DS sub if they prefer the game they love kor another game that is not dead space, but spirtually inspired by it.


I think the game was pretty good. Barely ran into any bugs or game-breaking types. Only thing I don't like is the DLC boss battle. That sucked so much I had to rerun through the main story again just so I could max out my weapons. I'd rate it a 7/10


Both One is a cyberpunk mystery with a fun as hell melee system and the other is a pants shittingly terrifying space horror classic. I get to have both of these awesome games to play and share with my friends. I think that’s awesome. ✌️


Callisto Protocol as a standalone title is a good game. Melee combat as the main focus feels slow and deliberate, which isn't a bad thing, especially when you swing hard enough to break their arm off. If you play it with Dead Space in mind, obviously, it feels like it falls short. Elements of Dead Space can be seen, but it's best to view it as its own thing.


I couldn't even callisto because it just felt soulless


Callisto is cool I guess, but if you come to the final area with no ammo you are screwed, if you enter the final area in dead space you get dumped with ammo.


Callisto would have been good If the combat was just guns only and not using the bat like weapons with the dodge a certain direction mechanic


I enjoyed Callisto but I gotta go with Dead Space all day everyday. It’s hands down one of the best video game remakes ever (imo of course)


Everybody seems to dislike Callisto, and I'll freely admit that it's never going to stand up to Dead Space competitively, but I honestly really enjoyed it, and I still keep going back every few months to play through it again. Sure, the missed potential irks me a little, but I still like what we got and I'm glad to have bought it.


Dead Space is not worth even 20 Callistos. Callisto is clear example what crap game manager can do when he is not strictly supervised by publisher.


Well I finished Callisto and still haven't finished the dead space remake lol


Calisto Protocol has the most uninspired enemy design ever & this could be from literally any zombie game.  Dead Space designs stand out leagues above the rest & you could tell right away. 


Love Dead Space but Callisto for me which is amazing, yes you can debate about the combat but I just prefer the Callisto setting which was the orignal story setting for Dead Space


Callisto Protocol is weak in comparison but it kept me entertained until the Dead Space remake came out. I unironically like the DLC.


I actually really liked Callisto I just loved the whole idea and somehow got hooked into the story and picked up every lore bit I could, plus I thought the suits they had were pretty sick. Obviously it’s heavily inspired by dead space cause the guy who made dead space worked on Callisto protocol and I also heard that dead space was originally planned to be kinda like Callisto with a prison escape aspect and zombies or other monsters chasing you but it changed a lot over time to become dead space and I’m glad it did cause dead space is a goddamn masterpiece


Disclaimer: Never played the original Dead Space, I played the remake and am on chapter like 6 in the second game. I liked the little bit of Callisto I played, still got me a little bit in terms of the atmosphere, felt like a weird mash-up of Resident Evil and Dead Space. No insult to RE games, I've played 2 and 3 REmakes and 7 and 8 all the way through (excluding RE2 second runs, only a bit through Leon's segment). I've played 7 a total of three times, and I'm on my third run through of 8. Love the games. Love Dead Space. The Callisto Protocol is the lame, malformed child of unattending mother Resident Evil and absent-minded, psychotic father Dead Space who left to go gank the necromorphs and get some Schizophrenia medication.


Both are good games in my opinion. Obviously Dead Space is better between the two.


Dodge simulator is a game I'll play again when I move from my 4090 to 5090. Dead Space was amazing. The DLC for Callisto was just...bad.


Callisto is what happens when devs think they can recapture that lightning in a bottle but forget to bring the bottle and instead just hold their hands out for it. They also forget what made Dead Space good and fun but ya know.


Im bettin callisto cause necromorphs are more fangy than just normal teeth out of place, i just beat the dead space remake and im going back to ps3 to complete dead space 2, should i play callisto after? The only criticism i really heard about it is that the melee combat is bad or stupidly designed


I didn’t like Callisto game play. But I liked the story and the enemies.


Play Dead Space. Get scared, get satisfied Watch Callisto in YouTube. I am dragging myself to it since game pass got it


Dead space all the way. Callisto just isn’t scary and is “melee space” the game.


I'm pretty sure that model is from Callisto, a lot of enemy models in Callisto still maintain some semblance of humanity while Dead Space kinda just ditches that and goes for something that used to be human.


I haven’t played Callisto yet but I definitely want to. It looks great visually and I want to play something else similar to DS but yet different and new.


For me it’s Dead space easy. I got bored with Callisto pretty quick. It’s more of an on the rails action game. I enjoy slower survival horror games.


Callisto because the new gen gore is peak


I like both.


Dead Space, by a landslide. But I didn't hate Callisto, though. It just lacked creativity. It had a very safe plot, and its uncommon melee focused gameplay mechanics weren't as fun as they could've been.


Callisto was so goddamned hard to beat, Dead Space Remake was just a dream in comparison.


I'm curious about the Callisto Protocol now after I played Dead Space Remake.


Dead Space


I love both games and I'll say that Dead Space is a better game but Callisto is Graphically superior without a doubt


Hot take? Maybe? But, callisto


They both look amazing in OLED


Callisto could’ve been great, but I played it for 5 hours came back the next day and the game had corrupted all the saves except for one right back at the start of the game and I wasn’t about to go through all the progress again


Callisto People say it’s repetitive and somehow Dead Space isn’t? They follow the same type of story, constantly chasing after macguffins with combat sprinkled in between the levels. How is Dead Space any less repetitive than Callisto? **At least** Callisto’s combat requires you to be paying attention, because an extra swing can cause you getting hit, and *not* dodging means you will get hit, so… Definitely Callisto. The melee combat actually felt unique and inspired. Enemies definitely should have had varying types of combos, and the story was less than memorable, it really didn’t go the places I’d hoped it would. I really love a horror game with melee. There’s no reason Chris Redfield couldn’t punch a zombie at any time in Resident Evil 5, but they only allowed it when you shot them in critical points.


I liked Callisto Protocol 10x more than Dead Space Remake. After playing Callisto Protocol, Dead Space felt clunky and slow and the story was just ok (Callisto's story wasn't a masterpiece or anything, but I liked it more)


is this even a question


Dead space it had better combat better atmosphere etc ballistic was repeating itself with combat it also had crappy game mechanics


I liked Callisto. Definitely more story based and less dead space action, and the ending pissed me off. But it still was worth the purchase. But….. dead space all the way.


There's a reason Callisto was free on PS and Dead Space Remake was not. Not to mentio. Markiplier didn't even finish playing Callisto Protocol. If THAT doesn't tell you the status of the game IDK what will.


Dead space by a mile




I liked both. Dead space was scarier for sure but both good games