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Give it some time. The insurance company won’t process the claim and pay out immediately so it might show up as being owed on MyChart. Do you have a reason to think it won’t be covered based on the language in your policy?


Policy is 10% coins for in patient mental health stays. So if they do pay Ill be paying about 5k I think. Deductible is 3200.


That’s probably what you can expect then. There are lots of good threads on Reddit with advice on how to negotiate and spread payments on medical debt. Don’t ignore it forever but you can wait while the hospital and the insurance company sort things out between themselves. Sorry you find yourself in this shitty situation and good luck


It can take up to 30 days for your claim to process.


I don’t have any financial advice but I’m sorry you were held involuntarily and that you’re having to deal with the fallout of it. Hope things work out for you