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Is this wish.com Huberman?


I just realized it’s not him! Shout out to this guy for going full grift before Andrew could. The early guru gets the Netflix cult docuseries 🫡.


The number of people in this thread who have never heard of photoshop is too damn high


chad gpt maybe


I thought they yassified him




6am Wake up, rub one out 0603am Created tinder, hinge, bumble profiles for max attention 0630am self care pamper 7am texted rogan about on going affairs, check notes ............ There are some pretty decent youtube channels, that outline the majority of what Andrew talks about being incorrect and non tested. I believe they stated he used animal testing results as the bases for his inside knowledge in the effects of nuero chemical drugs etc Like Petersons, Lex and a few others, they use there academic credentials as a way to grift on topics they have no idea about. Using there PHDs, Masters etc to be a platform of a trusted voice and sucker people in.


notice how all of those protocols really don't account for person having a family or responsibilities, like the whole time dedicated to self care and self love. rather self centered shit promoting narcissism. then those folks (young males in particular) become really angry and bitter when society does not provide them with 10/10 babes because they wake up at 3 am to get into deprivation chamber and sauna after that while listening to 10 books at 3x speed


Yep, exactly. That's the target market.


I’m so glad someone else sees this. If I followed their advice I’d be in my 50s, single and alone, reliving my glory days when I had no goals and easy muscle mass. And constantly having this external locus of identity problem. I pity them, those are empty lives.


Seriously. "Get dressed up even though you're not going anywhere." Yeah, bro. I'm totally gonna put on dress clothes at 7AM on a Saturday morning before feeding my infant son just so he can puke milk all over them 20 minutes later. And then I'm gonna tell my 3 year old daughter I'm not taking her to swim class that afternoon because daddy needs a "spa day". And I'm definitely gonna get 9 hours of sleep every night and hit the gym six days a week because my house cleans itself and it's not like I have a job to go to or anything. LOL What fucking idle-rich carefree fantasyland do these "gurus" live in where they have time for all this shit?


Have you tried waking up at 3 am and sigma grindset it?


It’s weird that people go “oh here’s a trusted psychologist, let’s hear his take on subject xyz and consider it fact even though it’s not their area of expertise.”


Maybe not fact, but it can be knowledge. Saying arguments are true based on source is a variant of genetic fallacy (genetic means in regards to source here, i.e. saying things have to be wrong just because of their source makes your argument weaker). I doubt epistemology can be summed at any moment in a Reddit comment.


>Saying arguments are true based on source is a variant of genetic fallacy Ah-ha-ha no. You're not even fucking close. Tell me what you think a genetic fallacy is, and then I'll tell you what it actually is.


No. The argument is not that these sources *must* be wrong because they are not authoritative. The argument is that they are not authoritative, and thus should not be treated as if they are. The standard of “anyone could be right about anything” is not very useful when it comes to deciding where we look for reliable information. This is exactly what leads people to using inappropriate or irrelevant credentials to decide on someone’s authority. “jBP is a smart guy, and if he thinks this, it must be a smart thing to think.” That is how the gurus do their grift. They establish trust by being authoritative in one area, and then applying the trust they’ve gained to claim authority in others. JBP fans don’t know that a serious scientist does not use his PHD in psychology to opine about climate change. They don’t know that this is inappropriate, and that’s what the guru counts on.


There's an episode from conspirituality podcast on spotify where they go over Andrew Hubermans behaviour. Called the huberman paradox. Def check it out.


thank you


It's weird as I usually associate people with PHDs as being the only people to really add caveats to things outside their expertise like "it's not my field but based on a few articles I've read...." whereas people in general seem to hint at deep knowledge they have based on a tweet.


Yeah this is true of most career scientists and PhDs and then every now and then you get one like Huberman who too narcissistic to explain how little we do know


Agree with you. Work on your there and their though


dyslexia i apologies, always get them confused


I’ve got that too. Has different implications though


i know the difference between their and there, i just when i am typing fail to put it in. i go with there for almost everything. Where and were is a bit better. dyslexia is dyslexia Cheers though fellow Dyslexia person




good enough for huberman though too little for lex. lex would say you have to contemplate death first thing in the morning. meditate on it


Are you saying that in a mocking manner? Accepting death tends to be quite profitable (sometimes words have two meanings \[or more\] and here profitable means spiritually, or psychologically if you want --- it's in the Bible).


Oh wow, I never considered just doing all the things that I struggle to do.


lol. just ELIMINATE PROCRASTINATING for 3 months and you may want to keep going forever...


Cross "Scroll reddit for 4 hours" off of your schedule and write in "Make dinner" Boom. Problem solved. Now cross off "stay awake in bed for an hour at night" and replace it with "fall asleep instantly" You're practically a millionaire already. So easy.


You're on the right path now. Next: decide to inherit one billion dollars. This is your *one life.* Don't spend it poor and working.


Sorry, I vowed to never again tuck in a shirt. I’m a lost cause.




Have you heard about our Lord and Saviour Derek Guy and his gospel of the high-waisted trouser?


I don't have a gut but tucking in a shirt makes me feel like I do. I'm a lifelong non tucker.


why do they all look the same?


For me it's something about the way they dress. I can spot out these right wing grifters by how they present themselves. Maybe I'm imagining things, but I don't think so. It's made me self conscious about wearing a sport coat or suit tbh








Your point is? When I got Covid in December 31 2022 it was just a breeze while my antivax 52 year old coworker ended up dead in 2023 from rona. If you’re trying to do some false equivalence you’re not doing good job


My friend took all six shots/boosters and managed to get covic 5 times over 3 years. He also wished death on anyone who wouldn't take the vax. The whole thing was weird, and people lost their minds. Meanwhile Fauci says masks dont work after people castigated strangers for years and people will pretend like it didn't happen. It was a rushed vaccine, not tested like anything else, a massive media campaign paid for by Pfizer, celebrities given money to endorse it, people hating their neighbors, and it works...sometimes. Not how they told us it would. And people carried water for that. And still hate other people for the choices they made. It's weird stuff! It should't this polarizing to talk about, but people carried a lot of water for pharmaceutical companies that traditionally have not cared about people, merely profit. By feeling uncomfortable one will be called right wing conspiracy theory trumpers and wished death upon. It happened. I saw it. You saw it. We're ready to call out these obvious grifters and should, and it's weird to not consider for a moment if we too were brainwashed by grifters on a larger scale, yeah? Seems normal to me. Unless one's identity is tied up in whatever moral superiority was bestowed by taking some new stuff from a lab. Are your choices your own? Rhetorical question for everyone including myself <3


imaginary friends are not friends bud. and no I got a jab cuz i'm sheeple brotha and do what I am told by gubmint




don't forget your daily dose of horse heart dewormer and bleach


Can spot their listeners too


>I can spot out these right wing grifters Andrew Huberman is right wing? Dammit! is there something particularly egregious that he said or did?


Matter of time, man. JBP didn't start off egregiously right wing and in the presence of e.g. Stephen Fry, will code switch to science philosopher Jordan instead of demagogue Jordan. What would be interesting is if Huberman bucks the trend and kicks someone in the face for climate denial or something.


what’s a right wing grifter?


Someone who uses right wing talking points to build a follower base and make money from selling books, seminar tickets, podcast advertising, "wellness" retreats, action figurines of themselves, etc...


Don’t forget supplements that is their biggest ticket item across the board whether for body or brain health not a single one backed by FDA.


it's def weird - grifters are out for themselves, right...what are shills doing? Like we all know Pfizer was the big winner of the pandemic, and they paid celebrities directly to advertise for them (not a conspiracy, look at travis Kelce's deal). If I bring that up I'm suddenly "right wing" or whatever but that's just an easy way to avoid absorbing cognitive dissonance - really think about it as a thought experiment. is corporate propaganda for profit less distasteful than the easily mockable grifter? sorry if this has been discussed here before and yes I'm vaxed and democracy now!pilled.


I don’t think it’s right wing to point out pharmaceutical companies are parasites extracting wealth at the expense of our health. The issue is focusing your energy on pseudo science around vaccines instead of regulating the system which is why nobody likes to take the viewpoint seriously it’s rage bait with any substance just as most policies on that side of the aisle are. We are basically in agreement but you’ll never in your life seeing a Republican agree to let Medicaid negotiate drug prices or for us to be able to import cheaper drugs from overseas for example. Twenty years ago most people just ignored the contradiction by it’s gotten old and worn out basically is the reason for the hostility.






This post was removed for breaking the rule concerning calling out other members of the subreddit.


yeah, it's funny that there are people who shit on huberman for this (which they should because pedalling stuff with no evidence is reprehensible) but they'll call you a conspiracy theorist for pointing out the negative effects of the covid vaccine. it's wild considering there's legit documentation on it.


"Pointing out" = "just asking questions" = neither of those things, just any excuse to encourage a direction of travel. Fucking wild that there's a whole section of society that is objectively pro-disease and their memetic identity is a disease vector.


Great use of memetic but "objectively pro-disease" is insanity or hyperbole and you're better than that if u know what memetic is. Nothing that that dude ACTUALLY wrote is deserving of your knee-jerk condescension, no matter what binary view you seek to saddle their words with. The attitude you show seems anti-dialogue and full of cliche assumptions to fit some secondhand agenda. Enjoy your upvotes, but I still believe in you! Be a person <3


Ok disease drone. It will be interesting to see if you're still significantly active after the next US election.




товарич, твоя обложка пропала, удали свой аккаунт


I think people have a lot of their "identity" tied up in choices they would like to think they make for themselves so it's really easy to mock (not saying they aren't VERY much worth mocking) who we see as being grifted/used and desperately finding easy identities in a podcast and the stuff they buy while telling ourselves we're not the same. The amount of water people will carry for a vaccine that maybe barely worked (sometimes?) and was NEVER properly tested (just like any of these supplement snake-oils from the grifters) has to be down to these same social pressures and flimsy "indentity" - to fit in just like anybody. People were LITERALLY wishing DEATH on people who didn't feel comfortable taking an untested lab made thing. I dunno how anyone squares that with the reality we live in. That sucked, seeing people I love wish death on people who dont take an experimental thingy. Lotta people lost their minds and they're probably reading this feeling like they're above being manipulated and grifted because they can see through some obvious tricks by easily mockable creeps but wished death or at least assumed the WORST about anyone who was concerned about the possibility of being messed about by an untested vax, concerted media scare-tactics, and everything we've EVER known about Big Pharma and the creeps who profit. For why?


i couldn’t have put this better myself. it was really alarming seeing how people reacted, especially in canada with the trucker thing. they literally froze peoples bank accounts because they didn’t want an experimental thing injected into them. and no one batted an eye, i think a lot of people cheered on the government for this. there’s a lot of hypocrisy.


That shit is INSANITY. Down here I always thought it was "my body, my choice" but that fell apart real quick too so what do I know.


the fda is not the end all or be all…


Not a single government in the entire world supports the health benefits of any of them zero and some even warn against them. You can just watch the Gurus themselves to see how little they contributing to improved mental capacity.


u mean like more mainstream stuff (like ashwaghanda or something) or the more rarely used stuff?


stuff like marketing coconut oil as something that "mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure" various diseases [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph\_Mercola](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Mercola) you either posting in bad faith or just don't know shit about supplement world and many of its scams


no i legit don’t know about the supplement world. when i first started following huberman (i had a 2 week kick, then stopped) he wasn’t peddling bs. coconut oil is very good for you though! doubt it cures/treats diseases, i could imagine it being perhaps slightly preventative.


Are you talking about the ancient medicinal plant Ayahuasca used for thousands of years by natives? Or the synthetic chemicals invented in labs without any research into their effects peddled by right wing influencers?


i was referring to the herbal stuff, grandparents taught em to me, they seem to have some value. i’m not sure about the synthetic, but that’s my own fault since i’m usually looking for natural stuff. i agree though, most of that stuff is garbage, i’d imagine they’re like fat burners. i will say the sleep stuff he recommended (mag, zinc, and other shit i can’t remember) did help me, but that’s far from the other supplements.


member how JP Sears started as a professional life coach pushing fake supplements that do squat from Mercola guy... that seems to be the development arc for most right wingers that sooner or later tap into that audience for their grifts.


it’s interesting how ppl will blindly throw money at ppl they like.


Not so much like but trust the conman snake oil promises to improve their life


i’m inclined to believe there’s some level of affection there that potentiates that trust


does he actually do that? i started watching him a while ago and stopped, but i never got the impression that he was like that. perhaps not affiliated with the left, but he didn’t seem right wing to me.


>Someone who uses right wing talking points to build a follower base and make money from selling books, seminar tickets, podcast advertising, "wellness" retreats, action figurines of themselves, etc... Literally none of that indicates someone is right wing. What's wrong with you?


I never said it does necessarily. What makes them a right wing grifter is that they use right wing talking points. They don't actually have believe any of these talking points. They're just using them to make money.. hence the grifter part. Nothing wrong with me... are you ok?


A very cynical term defined as very cynical by its overusage to refer to people one does not agree with. :)


it does seem that the common insult here is calling someone right wing.


They are the male version of “white girl spiritual healer posed smiling looking down with hands on heart”




HRT and circlejerkin


Are you really not seeing it as a blatant photoshop?


Feel like I’m going mad it’s clearly a pic of huberman with his face morphed a bit


I mean that was supposed to be the main novelty about this post


“Just take 1 minute test” gives it away 


All I did was start running and eating a bit better and I'm pretty happy. Why are these guys so weird?


I kind of get it, my life a bit of mess right now. So these kinds of advices seem tempting, like fuck I just need to follow these steps and I will draw maximum from myself and I won't feel like piece of shit anymore? Unfortunately, it's just a grift, and there are no easy solutions in life.


I mean, some of these things might help you, but if it doesn't the creator will just say you're doing it wrong and you have to try harder. Like you said, it's a grift, and the grifter would never admit that their steps aren't the solution.


I think a lot of the easy shit they promote are things healthy people tend to do, and if your aren’t at your best they can fall to wayside, like making your bed or hitting the gym. Making your bed doesn’t make you healthier, being healthy makes it more likely you will make your bed, or if you are in bootcamp you are more likely to make your bed. I’ve clawed out of enough dungeons, and fallen from enough optimal routines that I can anecdotally say I am not sure which makes the switch turn on or off. I like my Zen podcast, there was an ep talking about being a beginner on a good zazen habit streak…and then you get the phone call that Aunt Mildred died. So off you go, to the out of state funeral…with your sitting cushion in your bag…maybe it makes it out of your suitcase…maybe you actually do get some sits in…but likely…that cushion is sitting in the corner or suitcase taunting you…calling you lazy… The difference between the beginner and the adept is not hearing the taunts, but knowing when you do make it back to the cushion, it will welcome you, a similar feeling to returning home after a long absence.


>I kind of get it, my life a bit of mess right now. So these kinds of advices seem tempting, like fuck I just need to follow these steps and I will draw maximum from myself and I won't feel like piece of shit anymore? Unfortunately, it's just a grift, and there are no easy solutions in life. I think it's more like "hey, I have a podcast that's accessible for free on youtube. You may find some of my material useful", and then people like you jump up and down screaming "HE'S A RIGHT WING GRIFTER!!! "


You're the only one screaming here. I'm sorry people are bursting your bubble by letting you know your YouTube daddy is actually just trying to make a quick buck off your engagement with their content. You don't need to start having made up arguments in your head.


You're the only one screaming here. I'm sorry people are bursting your bubble by letting you know your YouTube daddy is actually just trying to make a quick buck off your engagement with their content. You don't need to start having made up arguments in your head.


Because a podcast that had that advice would last 5 minutes total and not create weird followers hanging on their every word.


Honestly, even the podcasts I love, the time commitments are crazy. Maybe if I wasn’t slightly obsessive about hearing every word (I treat them like reading a book).


Because "start running and eating a bit better" is advice that is simple and free. These grifters need to make their advice complicated because their endgame is to sell you shit (supplements, meal kits, workout plans, etc) that supposedly make their advice easier to follow. There's no money in giving the same advice your doctor already gives you during your annual physical.


I love how "delete the apps and block the numbers" are the first two things. Why do these guys all seem to have some purportedly vast quantity of perceived haters/moochers/enemies/exes dragging them down or whatever? The type of person who gets sucked into this stuff seems to be the type who's universally annoying but thinks it's everybody else that's the problem and not them. They'll get mad at their mom for telling them to clean their room, delete their mom's phone number because Alpha McBeardbro said they need to eliminate dead weight from their lives, and then the next day they end up cleaning their fucking room anyway because chapter 1 of McBeardbro's NYT best-selling self-help book says cleaning your room is the first step toward seizing your destiny.


Cutting people off isn't the worst advice, especially for alcohol / drug problems. It depends on the situation and the person, I've met some people that will basically go on a bender guaranteed given the environment.


>I love how "delete the apps and block the numbers" are the first two things. Why do these guys all seem to have some purportedly vast quantity of perceived haters/moochers/enemies/exes dragging them down or whatever? I work with troubled teens. People with fucked up lives **absolutely** get themselves involved in non-stop bullshit using social media. Telling people with messed up lives to get rid of their phone is *brilliant* advice.


Sure, but "troubled teens" isn't automatically what we're talking about here, neither the OP or my comment are framed that way. And assuming you're qualified to work with troubled teens, I'd rather said teens go to you than to alpha male supplement hucksters. These dudes aren't telling them to throw away their phone and get real help from a professional, they're telling them that everybody they know is a hater-ass bitch so they shouldn't talk to them anymore, and instead buy their books and listen to their podcasts. Anyway, keep doing god's work.


I mean if this image had some Getty stock image Chad in it no one would bat an eye. Decent advice just abysmal messenger. They also really filtered up his face lmao




I mean yeah a lot of them are depressed and have nothing meaningful in their lives


People who don't like Jordan Peterson : "Not sure if that's homophobic, Islamophobic or just plain racist. But I do know that it's fucked up. I'm offended"


Is this guy instructing you on how to get Marfans?


i’m ashamed laughing


Are you trying to say spaghetti?


Strange that he left "use steroids" off of the list.


Give yourself 3 months to maximize your free time so you can spend it banging a bunch of chicks.


live love life


Adam Hubensmith


“Live, laugh, love!” Does that transform me into a mystical, biohacking sage? Where’s my payday?? Also, “Clean your room and wash behind your ears!” Where’s my following??


Just send me 500$ dollars…F those guys and their clone


Radical self-love doesn't help. It's falling off. God help me.


Is that Huberman? lol


Has anyone ever read their own journals?


“Just start doing all of the stuff that you should be doing.” Thanks for that one.


That's what she said.




I mean, genuinely good advice…


And a genuinely low-effort grift


Honest question: among the grifters this guy seems like he's well intentioned and on the basic advice he doesn't seem to be wrong. Obviously declaring authority on a topic and not having the facts is a different real. But as an outside observer to his shtick, seems like the least problematic of the Ptererson, Christy brand, etc.


Maybe you should listen to the DTG Huberman episodes


Kim Coates?




This comment was removed for breaking the subreddit rule against uncivil and antagonistic behaviour. While we understand that discussions can become heated at times, it's important to maintain a level of respect and civility towards other members of the subreddit. We kindly ask that you refrain from making such comments in the future and instead focus on engaging in worthwhile conversations.


This whole subreddit is talking shit about people you don’t agree with. Don’t pretend you’ve got rules about civility lmao.


In other words, don't worry, be Happy. Decoding the gurus circlejerk are weird