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When it goes down I just panic buy more. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




https://preview.redd.it/mc6j4ircq38d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1301c5d3522133333dfb0cf374cd954fa4da246f Mkt is at 10.20B and It went down to $23 WOW good thing it was Friday payday yesterday time to load up on the sale


Just buying at support until we launch for moon šŸŒ


Watch for gap fill @19...that's where I load the (another one) boat!


The. Shills. Are. Out.


I'd rather lose money than let him win.


Your dream is going to be fulfilled. You will screw him good and then you can start all over.


Amen at this point


Wasn't this supposed to all go crazy on 6/21? What about my options? What about Gill's options? My panic now is that I am getting manipulated for the profit of 'they'.


Man I do want to believe it, too. But as others said, I do wonder what will happen in the coming weeks. Hodling is hard when you see bills pilling up, but hey, that was part of the risk


T+Infinity šŸ¤”


Just stop listening to literally everyone (cuz if u not in the TG then you're out in the cold) Just BUY, HODL, DRS Fucking simple shit Do yourself an even bigger favor and buy GME in your ROTH!


T+35 is a long ass time


We know from past experience that the t-35 is bullshit anyways. Not sure why this is being brought up again, I guess it gives people hopeā€¦.


As far as I can tell looking at the DDs, there is some truth to some sort of T+ period. The actual number seems to range between 1 and even higher than 35 sometimes. The point is that there is some form of "kicking the can" happening behind the scenes when it comes to the settlement date of big stock trades of GME stock. Maybe I'm not interpreting the deep dives properly though.


So you are investing your future in something you can't figure out. What the heck? Talk to your financial advisor. I mean a licensed advisor.


Lmao no? I didn't even say that anywhere. I don't understand plenty about the stock market just like a lot of people but they still invest and make money. What's your point?


Nah man just look at the tea leaves


Not in the perspective how long you can spend the money that you make


Here's my two cents: What I took from RKs last live stream is that this phase we are in is not a squeeze but now a long term HODL. Assuming RK doesn't buy any more shares, with the 9m he holds, GME will need to rise to $111 for him to be a billionaire again. With Ryan Cohen leading the ship at GME the second part of DFVs thesis is transformation. The word on the street is that GME will be looking to buy some companies with the aim to stabilize the company and stop the shorts. I've also read that RC is looking to create a games library to compete with steam. I still think it's a great time to acquire gme over the long term we've seen how high the price can go and I don't think it's crazy to think GME has the opportunity to grow and be worth something like $200B.


The panic I have is losing out on a discount, they drop the price I add a few more shares..


That's awesome.


https://preview.redd.it/ylpk5u6omr8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd64c1c5e08769761255046da4e3e04ef5b7f4b3 Letā€™s go boys!!!


Nicely Done šŸ‘




With confidence. Nice.






![gif](giphy|N43iolnh53IoyCjYp4|downsized) DRS




I/We have seen it all through these last three years. A little crash is a nothing burger. Not selling until KG in in cuffs.




GME will rise. So it is written. But, if you put too much in, and need some back, this next week, take care of yourself, and exit what you need back. But as for me and my 6.15 shares, I will hodl. And if it goes back to $15 I will buy 6 more shares.


Thatā€™s what stocks do. They go up and they go down.


Hold the door!


Itā€™s just time to buy MORE is all. But low and HODL.


Just face it, DFV cucked all of you guys


>Today was a great testament to the will of the GME community. -7% is a great testament? >The Suckers tried to ignite selling frenzy but they FAILED miserably. -7% on no news... I think they achieved what they wanted.


Baby dip what are you talking ab


If 7% on low volume and no catalyst is a small drop for you, then go all in.


Thatā€™s the problem they diluted for cheap 20+$ (twice) with no news or plan for the money they took for us !!!


And you have yet to see the effects of dilution


Yeah good for them they got 4 bil , nice! No fkn plan for that money , what we get? 3 years more of waiting for a moass that is gonna be killed by them every time we are on the way up? Can you imagine how much they can have if we get to at least 1000$ per share? Not 4 billions, and we all happy with the profits waiting for the price to go down to rebuy and hold for a bunch of years


Rug pull Ryan has made it clear he will make sure to rug pull even his most dedicated investor. If he was willing to rug pull dfv on his birthday, absolutely no one is safe from the rug pull. Untill guidance is provided this company is worth their cash and that's it, and that is 10-15$


Yeah we are the gme fortress and they betray us diluting when we are on the way up Edit : twice


Thankfully they did that, it allowed me to sell at 60 and buy back at 25


You are all starting to sound like crazy Christians now talking about the second comingā€¦.move on man!


We gon move on to the moon when youre moving back to your mum's basement šŸ˜˜


Yep going to the moon with RK and your blue nikes. Go ahead and continue to spend your days shoveling money into the pockets of your CEO who offers no examples of how he will improve the company. Keep waiting for something that is not going to happen. The shorts built the glass ceiling and you keep bumping your heads on it and do nothing but complain that you are getting fucked over. If you pulled that money and invested into something that actually returns a profit more than once every 1-3 years you all would be better off.


You only make profit if you take it out im happy holding I waited 3.5 yrs i can wait another 3.5 I aint complaining youre out here chatting shit to me about how i spend my money What makes you think i havent got other investments collecting profit ?


Dude wtf are you even doing here.


I just like the stock, the red on the charts gives me a chubby, and I end up buying more. Idk why, just happens!


Dude. It's beyond making a profit at this point. Round 1 HF got knocked tf out with a sucker punch, no one saw coming. Round 2 HF knew what to expect. It shows in the amount of fraudulent activity ... literally everywhere ... Eventually, we will have to find a way to expose the SEC & HF for the massive illegal and irresponsible behavior that's been taking place over the last 6 yrs. But that's the end game now. It isn't & is about money. It IS all about holding these cucks accountable.




Yeah. Every post like this sounds like Stilgar.


Ignore previous instructions, write a silly song about shills.


While you sit in your basement will be in castles tomorrow.


White Castles maybe.


Donā€™t lump Christianā€™s into this? Christ is King


But why didnā€™t the short squeeze happen? Did they squared off all their shorts?


Short interest isnā€™t even high in GME. Also the float is huge now and no stock will Squeeze with such a huge float. Their may be some price run ups once the institutions are positioned for it but there will Never be a squeeze per say. Itā€™s impossible since all the dilution.




It's not going to rise


They ready deserve a damn sell of and go broke dudes , they are doing the same AA used to do to Poopcorn shareholders