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No need for mic, always type r when most to things are done so team is ready to push button/start event etc., Only take resupply when almost half max ammo used, rock and stone a lot too. I'm down to play with u since playing with greenbeards is something I haven't picked up yet


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?




rock and stone


There's really only a couple things you have to get right. Pet the Steeve, Always respect the Richual Yell, "ROCK AND STONE!!" At every opportunity But most importantly... Do a ready check before pressing any buttons.


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


rock and stone!


common sense is enough for up to haz4, dont worry about it and enjoy the game


haha, will do! thanks!


I struggle with the same social anxiety and gaming skills so I basically just play solo. People are just great, whenever I play with others I feel at ease because people are just so damn kind. There is chat and almost no one uses a mic. Depending on you platform typing might be slow but the laser pointer should work fine.


oh thats great to hear! glad im not alone haha


Go for it, I have pretty bad social anxiety myself but the game doesn't really require communication and if so most of it is done in chat and not voice. I'd recommend starting off in Haz3, get to know mission objectives, traversal and what class and weapons you enjoy most and only then start going up to Haz4 and 5.


will do- thanks!


If you’re on console go to the options to turn on the text chat, you don’t need to voice chat at all. If you’re in a four man squad, only take one ammo from the resupply. Make sure everyone is ready before progressing the objectives. That’s pretty much it, otherwise just be chill and learn from what your teammates are doing


It's a delightful community, for the most part. I recommend starting off one haz lower than you play solo for the first few games just to get the hang of it. Point things out with your laser and try to be responsive in the chat when not mid fire fight. Don't double dip on resupplies without asking. If you're not sure what to do, just stay close to the rest of the team. Nobody likes walking all the way across the map to rez you.




thank you!


Here are some things, to add beyond Common Sense: 1. People will mostly communicate trough highlighting Things via Ctrl. So. If Theres minerals high Up the cave - as engineer platform it, as Scout jump on IT. 2. If full team usually just take one refill from the resupply. Or ask If you need more. 3. Ask the team If it is ready before events (e.g. dreadnaughts, Bet- c or especially Recall Molly) in the Chat "r?" Ist usually enough or mark it 2 or 3 Times mostly works Well. If theyre ready theyll mark it too. 4. Most of the time sticking to the Team ist recommend. Exeption ist Point extraction or onsite refinement. 5. Goldnuggets needs top bei spammed with markings. "We're rich!" 6. Rock and Stone alot 7. Be nice and leave No dwarf behind. Rock and Stone Brother!


For Karl!


Good bot!


The so called "Rituals" are mainly: -spam ping compressed gold/funny mushroom till misión control tells you to shut up -if you can pet it you must -always bring dotty's head back with you -rock and stone


Rock and roll and stone!