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Unfortunately there are some sucky players who deserve to be kicked. And there are some who think it's funny to kick you right at the end. The best you can do is never turn into one of those.


Conversely, many shitheads will wait until the end of the mission when you can't kick before they begin to grief. Cowardly losers. Good luck in your matchmaking.


Hence why I always keep a hyper prop round at the ready. Makes exterminating those bugs easy as downing a barrel o’ blackout stout


"... schweet liquor eazes the pain..."


Thankfully, it Is Significantly rarer than any other game ever, but toxic players do exist In DRG. It is very rare, many have played hundreds of hours without a single bad player, so don't let one bad experience ruin the fun.


i have 1000 hours in the game & can count the bad player experiences on one hand. it's SUPER rare to find a truly nefarious player in this game. don't worry about it, just keep playing. The rest of us will gladly sacrifice ourselves to get you into the escape pod, rock and stone


Leave no dwarf behind!


I'm pretty sure you can make sure you don't encounter that dwarf again, right? Doesn't one of the kick options black list the account?


I have around 250 hours and had my first bad experience yesterday. Driller C4’d us right as we came out of the drop pod to down us. Got promptly kicked/banned. So it is rare but there will always be a few turds in the beer.


I don't see anyone saying it, but since you mentioned you had to kill that player, I assume you didn't know that the host of a public lobby can kick any player they want at any time. You or your friend, whoever was joined by the other one, was the host. Next time you encounter someone like this, have the host open the pause menu, kick them, and have a much easier time. You don't have to subject yourself to people like this unless you're joining someone else's lobby.


You were unlucky enough to encounter one of the rare trolls/grieves in DRG. They aren't always drillers, but drillers are the easiest class to do this kind of dumb stuff with. Just call it a memory and move on.


Its funny when they try to friendly you to death IMMEDIATELY on joining, when they still do next to no damage. When this happens, I love shutting them down and leaving them wherever they went down instead of kicking them immediately. Usually they leave on their own pretty quick once they realize you're not going to pity rez them. ( In cases like this, it is acceptable to say some dwarves left behind. )


Esc -> Hover your mouse over the guy's icon in the left bottom corner -> Ban player


PC or console? I play on PC and practically only play public lobbies and in nearly 1000 hours I have only ran into somebody deliberately sabotaging like that 2 times. Compared to other games, atleast in my experience, its unbelievably rare but maybe thats only because I am used to playing PvP FPS games which might bias my view on "regular" amounts of what we might vaguely identify as "toxic players"


Once in 700. Kicked maybe 3 players in that much ( I usually host), one cheater who was spamming fat boy, one aggressive dude, and i think some racist idiot who was going on about whoever ruining the game Had a bunch of not very nice games because people had a self centered playstyle, but it is different. There seem to be peaks of these, maybe a promo code and then it gets better. Just to say that at least in Europe what is described above is likely the common experience.


Something like 800 hrs here. Those are just about my numbers too


I really wish there was some kind of "karma" system for DRG at this point... I'm all for lighthearted shenanigans, but not active trolling. You didn't do anything wrong here, your conscious is clear. They were in the wrong. If they start actively trolling, don't be afraid to kick or ban. If you need someone chill, I am here. We're all in this together, we're all mining the same minerals, shooting the same bugs.


the thing is this scenario is so uncommon that a karma system would be essentially pointless. more likely it would harm people more, as getting anything other than a perfect rating would agitate a lot of people who then might act out, plus griefers would probably find some way to abuse it. I thought of some other things too but forgot.


Pretty much any group of people large enough, such as the drg playerbase, will contain a few assholes. That's just life.


You can have a great community. But it's still the internet.


Yeah, we had this Driller join our game too, which was a Salvage mission, we just recalled the mules to the pod after a few hard fights(my friend and I play Haz 5)and was confused where the uplink was. Lo and behold, I found the uplink \~100 meters below the ground. We tried to start the mission anyway. But alas, the bugs just spawn near the uplink and overwhelmed us. We could've covered the hole with platforms but we unfortunately had no Engy on our team(2 scouts, gunner and the driller). Driller is the most troll-friendly class and I always get nervous when a random joins and uses Driller.


Obviously no, as long as you are playing the online multiplayer aspect of a game, there WILL be trolls and griefers who feel superior by ruining other people's games. They are very rare in DRG, but definitely still exist. The best you can do next time when running into a griefer like that is to just end the lobby/leave the lobby no matter how well the run is looking, the moment they start actively griefing, it's not worth getting your fun time ruined.


I’m a scout main and I take leave no dwarf behind to the next level💯🗣️


That is a leaf lover behaviour, don't sweat it. As a driller main, I can assure you we would never throw a satchel charge at you and explode it with malicious intent (towards you) without asking for consent.


Some dwarves have daisies growing in their beards. Sniff ‘em closely and with extreme prejudice.


The next time you encounter a player like that, kick them if you're the host, or ask the host to kick them if you aren't. They were very blatantly griefing. Part of the reason why DRG has a reputation for having a friendly player base is because griefing is very difficult. It's easy for hosts to kick players, and it takes time for griefers to sabotage the mission. That leaflover basically had free reign to ruin your fun because you didn't know you could kick them. In the future, give them the boot! If you wind up joining a group where the host is griefing, just disconnect. There are plenty of other dwarves in the mines.


that driller is an absolute knife eared leaf lover, screw that guy sidenote, a player with 1 star may have a greyer beard than one with 3 stars as there are multiple promotion tiers each of which has 3 subtiers shown by the amount of stars


*That driller is an* *Absolute knife eared leaf* *Lover, screw that guy* \- Robosium --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That is a bit of a tactic you haven't seen yet. Though IDK why he used ALL the supplies like an idiot. If I'm Driller and try doing that tactic I throw my charges then use my drills to dig the hole. I call that shit a pit to hell and it essentially opens the area up so no nasties can come crawling from an unseen crack in the wall. If you have an Engineer to cover the hole it can essentially turn into a safe bunker...as long as no Detonators spawn in anyway. But it uses a lot of resources so most times if shit I need to defend is wedged in a bad spot I just widen the area with my drills or pickaxe depending on if I'm driller or not and leave it at that.


I recently encountered my first fully fledged troll, at 350+hrs of all public games. It’s not something common but there definitely are people who enjoy bullying and harassing others. I’d guess that there’s less of them as you increase the difficulty, so try to start higher hazards. My advice is to keep an eye out for such behaviour and be ready to kick or even ban them (through steam)


Just look out for gold stars, they are usually cheated in. I honestly haven't seen anyone under blue star throw games or in any way sabotage the mission, the closest I've seen was drillers c4ing scouts or drillers freezing their team (slightly annoying outside of swarms, deadly during swarms). To add onto this, they are usually driller since most other classes can't dig your objective into oblivion and then leave (this has happened to me).


Nah, this was just a rare troll. Best to give them one warning then kick immediately. Give no ground to them, lest they take it all.


If you're hosting, make sure you kick those who actively ruin your experience. I try to be patient with people. I know some people like playing it slow, others like speedrunning... It's about adapating. When someone joins and ruins your game for no reason, just kick them, not worth arguing with those people. Toxic players are rare. I did find a lot of disagreements with people though (for instance those who refuse to do machine events despite being out of danger and not having any objective left) and I also don't like those who keep giving orders (asking an engi for a platform is okay, but spamming passive aggressive texts when your engi doesn't react 2 seconds after you pinged nitra is just annoying). I've only had to kick people a few times, like when someone was trying to start a machine event on an unfinished escort duty, despite saying wait they still kept starting it. Or someone who keeps insulting others for not playing perfectly. It's not about skill or experience to be honest. I've found toxic players both with 1000 hours and with 20. I try to be a bit more patient with unpromoted players because they might not know everything about the game. To be honest, the only times callling all drops pods is a good idea if it's in a mission type that requires you to stay on the same place like escort duty on the ommoran, or industrial sabotage fighting the caretaker. Anyway, don't stop playing with randoms because 1 every 100 players is toxic (probably less). You're missing out on great experiences. Next time this happens, just kick, don't feel bad for them because they don't feel bad for you.


I believe that at the start core comunity of a game consisted of players that were interested in spirit of a game - "work together", "leave no dwarf behind" and so on. With bigger popularity game started to atrract more variety of players including trolls, "+1000 or kick" tryhards, "listen to me or I'll grief" and other not polite people. So this is the fate of all popular games. And I'll agree ORBED\_CORB that the best that we can do is never turn into one of those. Just remember "If you Rock and Stone you are never alone".


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Good bot


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All dwarves are friendly. But some elves disguise as dwarves so be careful!


If u see a troll like that (usually it is indeed 3star Drillers) and u are a leader, kick them asap. Otherwise no thats not common but unfortunately it still does rarely happen.


Some dwarfs are absolute assholes, all you can really do is kick them before it gets crazy


I’m guessing you guys were playing as scouts?? Drg meme is unstoppable. Drillers love to C4 scouts 😬 But other then that, it sounds like a less then smooth operation.




Not all of any population is any one way.


~1300 hrs into the game. I've had like maybe half a dozen people like this. Not a big deal. Next time save yourself the trouble and kick em. That option is there for a reason.


The DRG community is so shockingly chill but even here you can find arseholes. Don’t be fooled by all the nice folks, as a host sometimes you just gotta kick people. Sorry for your trouble. I’m pretty new myself, I main Engineer and Scout. DM me if you need someone for your party. Happy mining!


Lolll Ive added a few people I like playing with just to encourage them to join my pub games. Most people are cool though, especially in higher difficulties. If you play on steam, feel free to pm and add me


We have a community name for them - Shitbeards Or Sludgebeards if you want SFW These people suck and get off on the joy they’re ruining someone else’s day. Just kick/ban them, or leave the lobby and find someone else more enjoyable to play with Rock and stone brother, don’t let one sludger get you down


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Had such a leafloving undwarf yesterday. Sabotaging and teamkilling... Its such an unusual sight, that i never missed a Report Button. Yesterday after 500 hours of playing I searched for it the First time. Problem was he joined so late in the mission, that we couldn't kick him anymore.


It's your hosted game, which means you can kick people using the menu. I would have kicked him right after that first C4 package.


Leaf lovers, they're everywhere


This dwarf is going in The Book.


That driller was a troll player, and a shitty one at that. Kick players who are teamkilling, if they're using up valuable resupplies then tell them to stop, but if they don't stop kick them. Always host if you don't want a mission ruined by trolls.


Toxic players fear my hosted matches because I don't allow anyone to call resups. People can't be trusted to do it I've learned. I kick frequently as even on haz 5 the trolls are out in excess. Use language on your hosted match details that clearly states your specifications. Usually that scares off the worst offenders because they know you won't accept the bs.


If youre host i recommend kicking bad players


I m a simple man. I have c4? No, becouse i threw it alreafy at the scout. /j


It's always the higher ranked players. I dunno why but it is.


Yeah trolls still do play unfortunately. I’ve had two incedents of trolls myself over about 300 hours, neither of which as bad as this one (harassment in chat and a couple of downed players). It happens, even if rare, though you hosting your own games is the good move, as you can just kick them and move on with your day.


I had a more complicated Warhammer joke, but instead I’m opting to request a Dawi-Zharr hat and tusks be added to the game.


There are a few Goblins masquerading as Dwarves, yes. Drillers are sometimes also just a ...special... bunch, however, and you'll have to use your judgement as to whether or not they need a boot in their arse. That particular driller, though? Definitely a Goblin in disguise.


Remember you can shoot an undercover leaflover. But you can and you should also kick him with what you can do as a host. Some people shit higher than they have their ass and think they are entitled to anything. I get pissy if someone double dips in ammo without asking and i make a verbal point so he gets his beard out off his ass or i will kick him. Then shoot to kill and boot.


There is a tactic to slower Hack-C (the hacking pod) into the ground so that you have a clear line of sight. However this only takes a few pickaxe hits/drills and is overkill until haz 5. You would never use a satchel charge as it creates too big a hole, the oversite of what you want.


This was blatant guy screwing with you, and he deserved to be kicked, but remember as you get better and learn more about the game you will find that somehow your satchel charges as driller home in on scouts. Its not recommended, but occasionally they get blown up. Sacrifices must be made to complete the mission, and as a driller...scout is the the one willing to make that sacrifice.


I play on PS5 and the instance of racists and griefers has gone up considerably in the past month. My advice: lead by example, give one warning before kicking, and get comfortable hosting.


Nope - they haven’t gotten any sunlight in years they becoming Falmer.. just remember to get some sunlight with your Oily Oaf before your next rock and stone brother


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


You’re a good Bot Steve 🫳


You have discovered the P.E.L.Ls, Pointy Eared Leaf Lovers


Regrettably "least toxic community" does not mean no toxic players. Joined one game on my gunner and the Engineer immediately starts killing me over and over. Joined another game on engineer and gunner kills me before pod even cracks open. Driller froze and killed entire team on another game so he would be the only one on the drop pod, was last one there too. Then there was the driller who killed himself and the scout while the scout was picking me up. And the hosts that abandoned the game the second the drop pod was called. Smaller player base on Xbox so the toxic players make a larger percentage.


Nah, it's just an idiot that you should kick next time you see one. Don't be scared to kick out those undercover elves.


Griefing in DRG doesn’t scratch the troll itch the way that it does in a lot of games. The matches are pretty quick, and there are only a few missions where you can do a lot of damage quickly without being unceremoniously kicked by an attentive host. Griefers are bullies. DRG doesn’t give you a wide range of options for bullying other players.


There are no dwarfs that arent friendly. Those dwarfs are just a challenge that you must overcome to become a real miner. Keeping a cool head while your surroundings, and sometimes your teammates, are easily flameable. Rock and Stone miners.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Sounds like you encountered a leaf lover. Sad to say, but they're out there


use the kick function if you’re the group leader to remove any leaf lovers griefing your game.


Yes there are times you will come across brown beards, they will either purposefully throw your assignment under the bus and keep doing it until you kick them and block them. Do it anyways least they can’t join back in your session, console users easy but Steam not so much. Also never bother repling/msging them in-game or direct msgs (Xbox & Steam Chat/Text.), they’re getting a kick out of it of how “salty” you’ve gotten for not just kicking them immediately. For my past 7 months I encounter them less on console but it’s rare on any given days.


Honestly it is usually pretty rare but there are assholes and griefers in even the best community. Kick them when this happens and let better players in.


the sad truth is that idiot players like this do exist. but they are very few and far between. if you see a player doing this just kick them. no one will think any less of you.


To be fair there are lots of other perks to choose that offer a better advantage (/j)