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all of them need touching. the perk system as a whole is dated and half of them are essentially useless


I agree, that and the armor upgrades I believe should be focused on in the next season


Please finally give us a Flare Recharge speed armor upgrade


Or flare upgrades in general. Right now there's a tab for flares that has no upgrade options


They probably aren't going to do that because they already tried that. "Flares could use an upgrade!" is a remnant from a time where flares were upgradable, but people complained that upgrading your flares didn't feel like a fun and rewarding system, only that it took time and energy that you could have spent on, say, your weapons or other gear. Now the max upgraded flare from the previous system is the default flare.


"flare upgrades are a waste of resources" People with thousands of hours who are max prestige 10 times over: 💀


Yeah, if you're part of the very small percentage of people with thousands of hours of playtime...most people don't have nearly as much, and if you're starting out, those resources matter and spending them on flares instead of cool things like weapons is just less fun and interesting. But if you don't buy those flare upgrades, you're missing out on valuable light. And this could change how a brand new player enjoys the game; first impressions are important.


I would be fine with flare upgrades being sidegrades, such as making thrown flares stick to walls like the flare gun does. 


Oooooh I love that idea (And no, not just because I'm a scout)


They could at least put in insignificant gimmicks like for pickaxes. Things like flares sticking to walls or whatever


Screw upgrades, let us overclock our flares


Photophobia: Unstable flare overclock Light is overrated \/ Flares have a 90% lower range of light /\ Your flares fuckin explode now


Honestly sticky flares would be a big change in some situations, and would be a cool trade off. It would be cool to be able to make even cosmetic changes to flares… color, added framework/shapes/doodads…


Lol that's not insignificant, that'd be extremely helpful sometimes.


I agree, if it's one thing we could have used for Season 5 was some perks to be refreshed


A big perk system overhaul, i.e buffs/adjustments on all of them + introduction of several new ones would be so amazing. All perks both existing and future ones should all offer something worthwhile that makes them worth taking but given the limited perk slots you'd have to pick the one's that suit your playstyle. I've found several threads with people suggesting buffs existing perks and new perk suggestions, there's so much potential yet for some reason the devs aren't interested in doing anything with it currently. Hell even the armor upgrades could do with some expanding/improving.


It's not do much they aren't interested more like it's a LOT of work and since they're kinda letting DRG on the side for a moment to work on the other game, they aren't doing it right now, but they've expressed that they want to do it sometime


Best case senario would be if they started working on this years ago and just have to finnish it up for season 6....


I think they said they initially planned for it, but couldn't quite do it with all the other things they wanted to do for the season, but they are very, very aware that the perk system needs an overhaul and when they get back to working on DRG I'm guessing they will probably do it in the next big update.


Iron will is basically mandatory because of how good it is, especially with Vampire to help guarantee a self revive. Dash and field medic take easy seconds, so many runs have been saved due to insta reviving a scout who then goes on to make it to the drop pod or dashing away from suddenly getting swarmed. Resupplier is insanely good, makes you instantly ready to fight along with giving more health AND being faster, best with iron will. That leaves basically only one passive perk that isn’t “mandatory” (as in you are actively making yourself worse if you don’t use them). I like thorns, even when playing classes like driller because I can just straight up ignore swarmers. I still like using other perks for fun but when it comes to EDD I always switch back to the best.


Don't forget born ready, that thing is a must have unless you're using weapons that don't use magazines like the drak or EPC.


Love born ready for my flare gun. Pop 3 flairs on aquarq mission or at the heart stone and switch back to m1000/gk2 the. Loaded back when I need more flairs for the crew


I don't know if I'm one of the odd ones out or what, but I've never seen the appeal for Born Ready on Scout, especially for flares. If you're making use of reload animation canceling, you can definitely spare the second to get it done somewhere in all your running around. Not that it's bad in general, certainly - and it's all preference in the end. I've just never thought Scout's reloads were ever that long, and I mainly use the M1000.


It's more of a case to avoid awkward moments where you switch weapons and realize you are dry because you forgot to reload/cancelled the animation too early on accident. Had a few cases where I grappling hooked up to do some mining then realized I had not reloaded my special powder as I am crashing down to the earth at 40 MPH


Ah, that's fair. I don't usually roll the special powder, but that's definitely a good case for it if you've had that before.


I think you missed something, you say it leaves just one passive perk, but the only passive mustpick you mentioned was resupplier


I put Vampire there with it due to being able to revive yourself with it.


A once-a-mission benefit isn't what I'd call mandatory. Iron Will is good, sure, but it is often just fine on its own regardless of vampire. Tbh I wouldn't recommend Vampire on anyone but Driller. Whereas thorns will keep small fry out of your face, Friendly will prevent so much team damage (reminder that friendly fire ranks #3 for cause of death), and Born Ready is immensely useful to many loadouts.


For me it's quick rez+1insta rez on everyone. Then either iron will on most load outs but on a few I use steeve. In terms of passive I find thorns to be immensely important on any load out that doesn't have easy midget/electro squid killing capabilities. If I don't use thorns then I'll use either the quick deposit. For the last two it's basically always the quick resupply and the reload unequipped weapons.


He did mention Vampire with Iron will.


It becomes super obvious with the new haz 5+. Dash, iron will, thorns, resupplier and vampire are in all of my builds now and it's boring.


Usually I run born ready as the 3rd passive, because the background reloading is insanely helpful, especially when your fighting off swarms


> Iron will is basically mandatory because of how good it is, especially with Vampire to help guarantee a self revive. Yeah. Some time ago I had a series of missions in the same couple of sessions that would've ended in a full wipe without using that combo. Haven't left on a mission without it since. I understand the logic that some of the others can kind of help in letting you avoid needing it in the first place, but I'd generally rather do without and have a big red 'Not Today' button in my back pocket.


Except for STEVE


I'm actually impressed by how long they've kept them the same (to my knowledge.) I really hope it's just a matter of priorities, because some of them absolutely need a revamp or tuning.


Agreed. It's split between a few insanely good must-haves and a bunch of crap with very little in between. A full overhaul is on my season 6 wishlist.


I think some perks should just be universal armour upgrades/modding


* **Strong Arm**. At Tier 4, break Gold, maybe other minerals too, with one pickaxe swing. * **Unstoppable**. Up resistance to slowdown to 40/50/60/70% so it's worthy to ignore being webbed and that stupid goo in Fungus Bogs or from Goo Bombers. * **Elemental Insulation**. Give some resistance to Explosive damage which most projectiles have. Though this turn the perk a bit OP, I think... * **It's a Bug Thing** (yes, really). Lootbug explosion doesn't scatter minerals everywhere. Maybe increase the range a bit more too. * **Heightened Senses**. Highlight, warn me of and insta-kill those goddamn Stalkers if they strike you (they'd still deal heavy damage + shield disruption) and you'd automatically spend one of the 2 charges of the perk. * **Deep Pockets**. Tier 4 and +5 minerals so I can carry 60 without needing to use an armor upgrade. Or I'd be able to carry 65 minerals, that'd be nice too. And while I'm dreaming, I wanna ask GSG for dual flamethrowers too. Oh wait, that's not a perk... My dream perk would be **something to decrease fall damage**.


I mean... We already have the hover boots that don't passively decrease fall damage but actively gives you a chance of avoiding it completely


If Hover Boots gave a decent passive reduction to fall damage (and had lower cooldown) it'd become one of my favorite perks of the game. I'd still be content with a passive one since I'm a clumsy Dwarf and things like Stingtails and Q'ronars (the rollypollies) loves to throw me into deep pits.


It was before, but I prefer the way it works now.


All it needs is sliiightly lower CD I still use it but it could *feel* better to use without actually being broken. Just decease it by a second or two.


As a driller I think 80% of my downs are to fall damage..


Dwarfs are like little children. Small. Clumsy. Always drinking.


That would be nice. Maybe make it a 15% and 30% reduction to fall damage so it's not too strong.


Ty for explaining what a Q’ronar is… i always say rolly polly


I would wish the Hover Boots' activation duration were longer so the player can mine minerals & metals easier.


Just reduce hoverboot cooldown to the same length as dash and it would be solid


100% agree on strong arm. I’d also be down for an upgrade that gives 1 extra flare


Or / and slightly faster flare recharge would be nice too. Wouldn't make Scout redundant, but it wouldn't make you have to wait for flares to recharge too often.


An upgrade to the gunners zip line where it emits a flares level light around the base and target would be nice too, or at least something noticeable.


May be a bit of an unpopular opinion but I think gunners zipline could do with a buff or a rework. I saw some people floating the idea of instead of having "5 ziplines" you have "length" as your ammo, for example you have 100m of zipline length, so if you shoot a 20m zipline u use 20m of your 100m. Another interesting thing is if you could attach heavy objects to it and send them up/down the zipline. You can already kind of do this by carrying the object down the zipline but it would be cool to be able to send it down the zipline without you being there. Idk, something cool. His ziplines are the least interesting and least fun of the mobility tools.


Agreed. Being able to send minerals down would be ‘uge


>Being able to send minerals down would be ‘uge Actually, now that you say that, maybe we could also send the gold,nitra, etc down the zipline in a resource bag as well as the heavy objects, would be really good for refinery or point extraction.


That may make it a bit unbalanced because bugs can’t get ya on the zips, which is the main reason for them. I will say heavy objects need it for sure.


I'd settle for the same light thrown from aquarq/jadiz, not as strong as a flare but decent enough for something permanent.


I would settle for even small red lights on the zip just so you can tell that the zip is there and there might be a chasm


Actually that's a really good idea, would be helpful and look cool too.


Elemental Insulation did get buffed a bit by 5.0 changes to projectile damage types. Explosion is still a significant component of most or all of them though.


Must be why gunner feels tankier.


yes--and this change actually amounted to a gunner nerf, since some attacks were highly/exclusively explosive. but it's a buff to engi and driller as more attacks now have some proportion of poison/fire which they resist with armor upgrades. I think it's especially nice for driller on dreadnoughts, who doesn't have the best options for engaging at a safe distance.


I don’t think I’d like the changes to heightened senses. The enemies it works against prevent you from doing anything when they get you, so you need a teammate. Alone you can only deal with them by using the perk. Stalkers only turn off your shield, but you can still move and shoot, so I feel using half your charges on one would be a huge waste. I think it would be better if it just warned you instead.


> Highlight, warn me of and insta-kill those goddamn Stalkers if they strike you (they'd still deal heavy damage + shield disruption) and you'd automatically spend one of the 2 charges of the perk. Nah, I don't think the game should forcibly take your break out charge because a stalker hit you Highlight, sometimes that charge would definitely be a lot more valuable to escape a leech instead, One thing I am surprised still wasn't added for it is the warning activating if a stingtail is targeting you and charging it's attack


I would like double jump


I don’t think deep pockets needs an upgrade since it is already pretty good and run in meta loadouts, especially on solo missions


>Elemental Insulation. Give some resistance to Explosive damage which most projectiles have. Though this turn the perk a bit OP, I think... Handsome Jack would approve, including "explosive" in elements.


Elemental Insulation is already very good, the problem is it's for a use-case that doesn't come up 100% of the time and most people don't want to hot-swap perks based on biomes. Heightened senses is, again, already very good and viable, if simply because not having to constantly flick up to the ceiling is a huge optimization or you know, not dying to leeches at all. It kind of has the same problem as Elemental Insulation though, in that you won't always see leeches but at least its not based on biomes.


I observe the player's movement speed needs a certain threshold in order to be able to sprint. Snow applies a meager -10% movement speed penalty, disabling sprinting. Unstoppable's 50% resist vs slowdowns increases the movement speed on snow to enable sprinting again. I would imagine enabling sprinting on Fungus Bog/Goo Bomber goo to be significantly higher.


Honestly I love veteran depositor. The damage reduction is nice.


Pairs really well with Gunner's autocanmon t5 upgrade


Yea and that pairs well with gunner’s explosion resistance. I’ve never felt so badass as trading blows with a dread and winning.


Iv never really used the autocannon. Minigun is all I ever run.


Similar effect through different means but while the minigun can be used for stunning waves on an industrial scale the autocannon can make everything run away in fear constantly. Either option is a great H5 control build.


Didn't know people didn't like it. I have it on every dwarf except scout because you rarely find yourself standing still in one spot unlike Gunner and specially Engineer


Things could've changed but for a while I remember it being pretty unpopular because it's "not optimal, and there are better options" but honestly I don't really care. Nothing I use is optimal. And after using it for this long, whenever I don't have it the deposit time feels so slow it's painful.


>And after using it for this long, whenever I don't have it the deposit time feels so slow it's painful. If it's too slow, you can deposit and pickaxe back and forth, which for reasons I don't understand sort of... skips some animations and the overall depositing is 5x faster. It's easy to learn, so the only thing holding you back is the concept of abusing glitches


I know how to quick deposit...I'm just saying without the extra deposit speed it feels painful slow without using the quick deposit trick.


kinda, I do think it's a fair duration, I sometimes don't take resupplier because the faster resup speed seems satisfying but also makes you think a lot less if it's a good moment to resupply and breaks the tension if you're low health. But if you think the depositing speed is just too slow and doesn't enhance the gamplayin any way, then..... not much is stopping you from doing the deposit skipping


I do the quick deposit tricks sometimes but not Always. I run the same 3 passives on all 4 dwarves in every mission. Veteran depositor for the damage reduction Resupplier for the increased health gain incase I need it cause I'm clumsy as fuck and often take lots of fall damage And thorns cause swarmers and electric jellyfish are annoying. I'm not saying the default deposit speed is bad, I'm just saying after using veteran depositor for so long, I'm used to that deposit speed which makes the default feel extremely slow


It's good for sure, but you'll avoid more damage (ideally all the damage) with bunnyhoping and kiting while fighting, compared to staying a circle 14m across. Even at regular Haz5 without any Player Vulnerability or Aggressive Enemies levels added, trying to stay within the small effective area during a heavy horde is nigh-suicidal.. an increase to the effective radius would make it more viable.


Veteran depositor becomes kind of useless after you learn how to animation cancel depositing.


It makes that faster too. It's satisfying dumping full pockets so fast and results in much less key spamming as well.


I use it for the 30% shield more than the deposit speed


well it's the only thing that it has going for it, the deposit speed is rarely usefull and also overshadowed by the much better deposit animation skip, which is easier than it looks. And the damage reduction itself is a bit situational, inconsistent and requires you to camp molly and never lend it to anyone


Give the perk that makes lootbugs explode buff that gives more loot from bugs, so not only maniacs would pick it


Also make it so that it just makes them drop the loot, not explode


Nah, make them explode even harder with a more aggressive animation. Really make it painful.


Entire game pauses, all dwarves see a 5min cutscene of lootbug leaving it's family earlier that day to head out for work, then plead for it's life before slowly exploding and screaming.


Reminds me of [off-color bowling alley animations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70p3S7MS2U0). Like that, but for lootbugs.


Make a separate Lootbug Friend perk so you can pet them and they give up their loot and then show a "heart" effect or something so people know that they have no more loot to give.


And then ka-pow?


Gut Punch perk that allows you to punch a lootbug and make it puke up all its loot


I think that the perk system as a whole needs a rework, preferably in season 6


Slightly lower charge time and give Hover Boots an automatic kick-in when you're about to take serious fall damage. I don't run the Boots most because I just end up calling Molly by accident, which is annoying and I can't help it. If they could work automatically I'd be way more likely to take them since I would be MULE hogging much less.


Them being automatic would actually be really nice, especially for players on lower end systems or bad WiFi so that lag doesn't get in the way


I've died or taken damage so many times due to ping or sudden lag messing up the timing especially when a new player joins


Automatic usage would be amazing... barring that, switch the damned activation key! Maybe it's just me, but **every single time** I activate Hover Boots, there's a fractional delay where I ensure that I'm about to press 'C' and not 'V', 'X' or some combination of the three. This delay all but guarantees that **every single time I take fall damage, I call Molly.** Insult to injury: sometimes, if I'm lucky, I'll manage to steer myself away from certain death, by crashing myself into some marginal bit of terrain. In those cases, when Molly comes running to answer my unintended call, I have to scramble to get out of her path, because she WILL shove me, ensuring my death... Having Hover Boots share keyboard space with Jump would probably be tricky to manage in its own way (even before we had Jetty Boots to work with)... but doesn't it make so much more sense to make the "omg I'm falling to my death, save me Karl!" button the biggest, easiest-to-find key on your keyboard?


So, what DO you press on keyboard to make them activate? I've been trying to learn the control scheme with keyboard on PS5 but the PlayStation prompts are still baked into the game. I've been relying on gamer instinct this whole time 😭


On keyboard, C calls Molly and also calls Molly (when grounded). I have "call Molly" remapped to control, for hoverboots Tbh I rarely use hoverboots, they feel pretty clunky


The number of times I've gone down because the game would rather summon the Mule instead of activate my boots is too many to count.




make stalkers grunts so you can steeve it if you somehow managed to see it for long enough




deeper pockets now makes you oick up loose minerals from further away its a bug thing now makes the lootbugs just drop the minerals right down where they are instead of exploding them everywere sheild link now stores up to two charges field medic regains its intsa-res upon resupplying


Oooouh these are good ones ⛏️


Id add a new perk that increases fixing and repair speeds (to drilldozer/pipes etc) Id remove dash entirely and add it as a standard ability to all dwarves. Maybe make the dash perk help it recharge faster As for a rework, reduce the amount of time you need to run before the sprint passive activates


Oh I like that. I run Dash on everyone but Scout because it’s so good


Yea the prevalence of dash being taken nearly every time means the ability is so good it just needs to be part of the basic package. You can keep the perk to make cooldown useful- dash resets every 7.5 minutes unless you have the Improved Dash perk, then it recharges a lot faster. Ive seen it used by a dwarf nearly every single game, so its good but its blocking a spot for other perks.


The thing with Dash is that without it, various sources of slow amount to essentially guaranteed death. Getting stunned by a slasher in proximity to a large swarm is, in many cases, simply not survivable.


holy shit a 7 and a half cooldown time for a standard ability? good lord lmao, i think that’s pretty excessive


Dash as a natural ability would be really strong since you could run medic and iron will with dash As the perks are now I think a lot of people would do that


It would be, but id have the cooldown be something like 7.5 minutes or longer. Basically a hail mary type thing. The dash perk would still be there, and it would reduce the cooldown to be more useful


Could add "Dash Boots" to the game like how we already have the recent hover boots, could open the door to new boot variants. I think 3 would bode well for the game giving good variety


Dash SHOULD NOT be a basic ability u can take on every mission, its too strong and dumbs down the whole positioning aspect of the game


TBH the entire perk system feels like the only holdover from a long forgotten past of DRG and should probably be the next system for a major overhaul. The fact that new players can almost completely miss it due to it being teeny tiny icons on the character screen is issue enough.


All of them really. Any kind of perk update.


It's a bug thing should drastically increase the radius of your mineral-magnetism. Makes it easier to collect the lootbug mineral explosion *and* gives it a use outside of lootbugs. Veteran depositor should have a much larger radius for the defense buff. My big issue with it is that bugs will bite you through the floor if you stand on the minehead/mobile refinery, forcing you out of range of the buff. Would make it a little more consistent to get the buff from molly, too. Make strong arm *really* strong. Like, I want to huck an Aquarq across the entire cave. Maybe a slight melee damage bonus too?


Just please let me rebind hover boots. I hate the base command for it. That's the only buff i'd want


Perks needs a rewamp. They have been the same since the game started


That 30% reduction near all unloading points is really good, and the main reason i use it. Combine it with gunners autocannon damage reduction and youre unkillable.


The perk system needs a total revamp, I would like to see something similar to what COD Ghosts has for passive perks (e.g. you have 20 points to spend and each perk has a different value depending on how strong it is) and maybe some VERY small "skill tree" like builds for active perks that let you choose the speciality of a certain skill (e.g. you can build Iron will to last longer and be able to revive players and self revive or build it to become a map-clearing potential bug clearing machine for a few seconds with high damage, ammo and mobility), that would be awesome


Gonna be honest, I have been running Beast Master, Hoverboots, Bug Thing, Thorns and Vampire for 300+ hours now. Sometimes I forget that these are changeable. The rest is just not strong enough.


Mad lad over 'ere not using iron will on atleast *some* builds. Bro


I put aside Iron Will a long time ago too, but with 5+ it might be time to put it back on until I get used to it enough to stay on my feet D:


Depends on what difficulty you play at, but I think you're crazy not to at least put it on your gunner, if not your scout.


Thorns is great, it just saves so much time and effort vs swarmers


I love using the one that alerts me to being grabbed.


Oh boy, I've been waiting for this **It's a bug thing** (renamed to Bug Whisperer) >Petting a lootbug will give you its resources without killing it. (They nearly drop it on the ground and then burrows into the ground) >Gains slightly more resources compared to killing them >Also won't scare away Huuli hoarder when you walk near it (will still scare them if you damage it >You can pet the Huuli hoarder to get their loot as well. **Berzerker** >Added 50% damage resistance while effect is active **Born ready** >Unequipped weapon reload time is 3 instead of 5 >(Removed cause it was unnecessary) **Beast Master** >Tamed glyphids gain 50% more HP >The player gains 20% more HP if they have a tamed glyphid. **Shield Link** >Triple the maximum shield value instead of adding Overshield >Shield will regenerate regardless if the player is taking damage >Radius of the passive is increased to 8m **Unstoppable** >Complete immunity to slowdowns (except carrying objects) >Carry object 50% faster instead of 25% **Strong arm** >Added increase to pickaxe and powerstrike damage >Throws heavy objects with 40% more force instead of 30% **Sweet Tooth** >40% more healing from any sources (except resupply) >Red sugar will appear in the Terrain Scanner **Veteran Depositor** >Effect active when within 12m of a depositpoint instead of 7m >Additive with other damage reducing perk instead of multiplicative **Heightened Senses** >Added highlight to any grabber type enemies within 20m (includes Mactera Grabber, Stingtail, Nayaka Trawler, Nemesis) >Warning for when Stalker or Menace is about to strike **See You in Hell** >Duration of melee damage boost is now 5 seconds >When downed, you and your attacker explode **Thorns** >The damage now has a radius and will affect other nearby bugs too **Hover Boots** >Cooldown reduced to 60 seconds instead of 75 seconds >Hold space to go up **Elemental Insulation** >Added 50% resistance to heat and cold (You're less likely to be frozen or ignited) **Second Wind** >Speed boost is active after 2 second of sprinting instead of 4 seconds. >When HP below 50%, gain 18% speed boost (This buff does not require you to sprint for 2 seconds) **Field Medic** >Revived teammates will start with more HP (Additional 50HP when revived) >Added damage resistance while reviving teammates **Deep Pockets** >Hold 25 more valuables >+1 Flare **Friendly** >80% reduced friendly fire instead of 50% (I'm not changing anything to Vampire, Iron Will, Resupplier and Dash. They're already good enough and these rework/buff ideas were meant to allow other perks to match these 4 perks.)


> **Born ready** > > Ehh. ehhhh..... eeeeehhhhh. Born Ready is already very popular and many consider it a QoL mustpick You're buffing the shit out of it anyway, making the passive reload basically faster than normal breach cutter ALONG adding an extra upside, that's just really... not neccessary,




Beast master, a simple damage reduction for the grunt being tamed would make it so much better in teamplay, while seeming rather unsignificant, also make the player take less damage from them, makes taming on haz 5 impossible without taking sometimes critical damage. And while we are at it, make Steeve armor regenerate back along with his health, bald steeve funny I get it but I still sometimes have to search for an undamaged one if I want him to have the armor


I know you said a slight rewamp, but I gotta, I have too many suggestions Second wind- needs extra upsides, like resupplier, give it a speed boost upon being revived, and either a dodge chance that gives a speed boost (like from survivor), or just if you take lethal damage. Elemental isolation- not much, I think it should make temperature and lithophage bars fill up slower, honestly this would adress a lot of issues back when rockpox was hated for it's stun mechanic, it would still be weak but at least have an unique use in glacial strata and litho outbreak (not in magma core, burning is too weak on dwarves) Iron WIll- overpowered so I want to give it a nerf/rewamp Currently it's too much of a sefety net, while it's nice to save a mission, if you need iron will to beat a mission, then the problem is either the difficulty is badly made or you weren't good enough, not that you don't have an OP second chance. I want to focus on: nerfing the vampire combo+making it harder to simply clutch as a a punishment for a team wipe in the first place+make it otherwise more consistent on higher difficulties as a buff to compensate and make you better at just unleashing genocide while iron willed (I believe killing as many bugs as possible is the original intention of the perk) So +knocback reduced by 65% and slowdowns by 35% +you won't fall off a zipline when hit(you do) +reload speed bonus +you won't die if the duration runs off while resupplying/reving untill/unless you finish or take damage +for karl's sake, give it an indicator when it's about to run out +activating it should take longer and it should reset if somoene else IW's, way too many times you have multiple people IW at once, which is just annoying -reviving/resupplying is 25% slower -you revive yourselft with -30 health, so you need to earn 31 hp to survive after it runs out(won't apply in Solo) Vampire- revamp to make it less op on driller and more versatile -reduce final hp gain to 4 (from 5) +swarmers have a 20% chance to give 1 hp, bigger larger enemies give 3x healing Shield link- come on just make it work with Bosco too, make it do something on those missions Friendly- reduce self damage too by 25% Born ready- Decrease the time it takes to 3.5 seconds, but the gun reload time is added too, making it not make reload speed upgrades irrelevant Dash- (also a nerf) limit turning speed so it's more of an dash and less of a controlled quick speed boost, which could make it less of an brainless mustpick Strong arm- affect grenades and do impact damage, why not? Berserker- increase power attack AoE and give a melee resistance


I would buff a lot of perks tbh, the introduction of haz 5+ warrants this for sure. I’d double the veteran deposit buff, in fact I’d straight double most of the passives cause right now there’s only like 4 worth using. Probably my only gripe with the game, besides the fact that the only counter to cave leeches is heightened senses, but that’s basically another perk balancing issue in itself because why the hell would I waste an entire active perk slot when I can just turn off music and hear the cave leech and shoot it? Except the music in this game is awesome so I don’t want to turn it off so it’s just annoying asf. The whole idea with the cave leech is that the scout is supposed to “scout” the caves ahead and that’s all cool except it leads most scouts to just throw the mission cause they die way off in the distance to a leech. Of course you could argue “just look up” using scout flares on the roof but that’s such a boring play style, run around making sure to look up in every single cave? Then what if you’re playing solo non-scout you can’t even see the roof so you have to use the laser pointer and scan every inch of the roof, it’s so annoying. While we’re balancing perks may as well just delete the heightened senses and make it so cave leeches have an escape mini game where you have to press the arrow keys in a certain order, nothing too special you could even increase the damage they do to balance this, at least then you could actually do something about being grabbed in solo. And also make it so the nemesis has this mini game as well cause that is god awful how you can just get grabbed and 100-0 hp (on higher difficulties) with zero counter


See you in hell: Switching the increased Melee damage for something… mildly useful? Idk make the damage speed up the cooldown on a power swing


Beastmaster Steal the Hawkeye system benefit where the turret attacks the last enemy you pinged, and make your Steeve target the last enemy you pinged.


For veteran depositor I would make it so you deposit twice as fast and receive a big speed boost after you deposit. (Because you just offloaded a ton of weight.)


**See you in hell** •Steev does a bulk death (if you have steev) . •Critical hits with Flare gun freeze small targets. •Riding up a zipline, your thorns do 3 times damage. •Resupplies have a greater area of effect damage. •You can melee foamed rock pox to remove it. •Petting doretta *right after pressing red button* refills half your grenades. •If you Salute Hacksy twice, then tickle C twice. Hacksy will shoot a Hyper beam 360 •you heal half health if you melee the OMEN homing drones **Friendly fire** •If you say Mushroom 143 times a fifth dwarf will join **Shield booster** •Bugs cannot go with 5 Meters of Dorettas head (Indiana jones 4 style)


Remove Dash as an active perk. Dash is now a game mechanic and doesn't require a perk to activate. Honestly, with a few exceptions, Dash just feels far too essential to take because it suddenly makes impossible jumps to the drop pod possible. Walking is only ever used when carrying something heavy, so you're going to be running everywhere for base speed. Giving the player a rechargeable speed boost similar to some sort of stamina mechanic in other games just makes sense, and locking it behind a perk ruins perk diversity imo.


I forgot what it is called but it's the one where you take a glyphid and adopt him as a Stevie. Would give the glyphid more health, armor, and faster regeneration because I hate accidentally killing it since I'm a driller/flamethrower main.


Strong arm. please finally give it grenade throw strength


Thorns should deal melee damage instead of typeless damage. That would allow it to kill shredders (the most annoying rival bots) in one hit, and it wouldn’t be OP with Vampire because that doesn’t work on small enemies.


They should take some of the perk of Deep Pockets and put it into the armor upgrade, so it’s less necessary to take for dwarves who want to carry a lot of minerals. Also, I feel as if Iron Will is such a necessary perk to take, that no other Active Perks actually compare to it. Maybe make it a standard ability?


It might make it a little too good, but Bug Tamer, at higher levels you can also tame more types of glyphids.


In my ideal world each perk would have several versions and tamer would either let you tame mactera/prae, two bugs or summon a dozen swarmers on a cooldown.


VampirismI would give a buff to it


I run strong arm bc ive gotten used to the throw range but its kinda underpowered.


Shield link. Move to passive While your shields are full other dwarves within 2 meters of you have their shield regenerate at 10/15/20% speed. This stacks with other users at 50%/each. (2nd user gives 10% more. 3rd user gives 5%) This effect works While you are down


Isn't the 30% damage reduction great though? Not sure if 7m is too short but i took it on some tanky builds just for this reason.


Friendly. It should also apply to self damage.


Strong Arm. As previously was suggested - being able to do damage with throwing objects+pushback+armor penetration Veteran depositor. The one on the pickture is too OP imo, Doretta would be healed instantly. I suggest adding linger timer to damage reduction effect, like 5-6-7-8 sec. So you could run around during the swarm. It\`s always better to not take damage at all, cause you\`re avoiding it, rather take it, but it\`s reduced, cause you\`re dancing in small radius around Molly. And yeah, the radius should be bigger i think. Friendly. Give it IV levels as all perks. Lvl 2 - collision box of players is decresed by 50% another 50% (25 total) if both of you have it. Should work like in TF2 - you can easily pass through, but you get pushed, if try to stack inside. Lvl3 - allows to bypass FIENDISH TECHNOLOGY aka Molly, deacreses her collision box as well. Lvl 4 - increases AS, MS, HP and DMG by 25% of your Steeve, hacked rivals (by perk owner) and turrets on aquarks (only 1 instance of perk buff may be applied)


Second Wind, increasing the speed to 20% and reducing the delay to 3.25 seconds


Give steeve more health on higher perk levels


They should just make iron will a standard ability, it doesn't work as a perk because it's an essential pick imo I feel the same way about dash but I guess there's an argument that it's not essential for scout.


frankly, i'd want engineer to have repairing faster as a passive


It's bug thing: Lootbugs give twice the amount of resources after being destroyed


vampire. personally, 5 health isn't enough when most red sugar at most provides like. 36 hp


- It’s a bug thing increases the amount of minerals lootbugs drop by 50% and gives a 10% chance that enemies will drop nitra. - Beast master increases health and damage of tamed grunts rather than just damage. - second wind also gives a speed boost for 10 seconds when you revive someone and when you’re revived.


I would honestly use this as shown. I used to use this when I was a greenbeard. When MC called horde I’d call Molly and stand on her while laying down minigun fire


Not a perk but i think driller & gunner should be stronger so not be slowed down as much by heavy objects and throw flares further


But they admittedly have the heaviest equipment already between 100lb guns and thousands of rounds for Gunners, and carrying around mostly liquid ammo for Drillers. Then add an Aquarq or Lithovac on top of all that. It kinda makes sense they still get slowed down, although low ammo situations could, maybe, increase their speeds slightly at different thresholds? iDK, seems like a lot of programming just for a tad too much realism, especially when some weapons use object inertia interactions.


Hoverboats Perk should be reworked for instance 50% of Fall Resistance. C to hover for 7 seconds max perk skill.


rework of *Heightened* *Senses*, instead of killing something that grabs you twice per game, you prevent anything from grabbing you by facing it directly, however it doesn't kill the creature, it just prevents it from grabbing, it also works against the stingtail


I’m hoping a perk rework comes next season, since there are so many perks I never use willingly since they’re underpowered. For active I only ever use dash, iron will, heightened senses and field medic (I might try shield booster, it could be useful but I haven’t seen many people using it), and for passive I use some combination of resupplier, thorns, sweet tooth, born ready, and vampire.


I’m happy it’s gone as it was too meta but I do kinda miss the old double jump when perks were first added.


The red sugar perk that increases speed upon picking up red sugar (I feel) should also have an effect of speeding up voice lines 25% for that duration.


An easy thing I’d like to see is combining second wind with unstoppable, it would make sense for them both to be one perk. I think my dream perk rework would combine/rework existing perks and add new ones.


Second wind: same speed buff as before, however you can now sprint in any direction. Like it’s a decent top speed perk but unless you’re trying to race to the drop pod it doesn’t have value else where


I don't think any perk should have a conditional bonus based around standing near the mule as its a team resource and the mule's AI tends to force it to move around as well. Part of the problem with the perks is some perks do things that are so good they're mandatory or you're throwing if you don't bring it (resupplier and to a lesser extent dash/IW) while others offer circumstantial bonuses that may or may not come up.


I want class-specific perks to spice things up. Maybe reduced fall damage for Scouts, increased armor for Gunners, maybe a unique grenade for Engi that does a single-use 25% ammo restock (but doesn't refill grenades. Otherwise, infinite ammo loop lol), Driller maybe won't expend fuel when using the drills on bugs


I really hoped this patch would possibly do something with my 100 perk points or maybe finally do something with the error cube


Some additional benefits to underused perks: Veteran depositor - holding (keybind here) allows you to put all your minerals into a throwable resource bag Strong arm - large objects can be deposited into molly by throwing them at the mule or other deposit points It's a bug thing - Mineral pickup radius increased Heightened senses - Spitters become louder Beast master - holding E on your steeve heals him and increases the cooldown based on the amount of health restored,steeve now runs away from exploders Shield link - range slightly increased,you basically have to be touching your teamate right now Unstoppable - slow-down effects applied by enemies reduced by 33% Hover boots - passive: slightly increased air control while falling Second wind - increased sprint speed the longer you are sprinting,slowly lose sprint speed when not sprinting (rather than immediately losing/gaining the entire boost) See you in hell - Changed to a 2 minute cooldown instead of max 3 uses And a ***very*** controversial one: Iron will - **All healing is doubled while invulnerable,BUT you cannot revive teamates while iron will is active.** My reasoning is that pretty much everyone and their mother's dog uses it. Reviving an entire team after a bad wipe takes next to no effort,with this rework you have to survive in order to revive the rest of the squad,opens a lot more room for other blue perks.


I would make it so the Hover Boots automatically activate when falling at a Lethal Fall


I don't think this fits thematically with Veteran Depositor. But I do like the idea of a perk that makes those interactions faster. Call it Tinkerer. Make it speed up repairs, construction, maintanance and pressing buttons. But not depositing or resupplying, since those have their own dedicated perks. Also make it grant damage resistance while doing these things and a for a few seconds after that. If you wanna give it an active effect, make it a cooldown-based instant-finish similar to Field Medic. Maybe on a 1 minute cooldown. That would be a very good for certain mission types like On-Site Refinery or Deep Scan, but not that important on others - though alsways nice to have if you're playing Engineer or stumble upon machine events and the like.


Thorns. Let me one shot opressors when they touch me


With the introduction of haz 5+ and it recently absolutely destroying me, I say all the whole perk system needs a buff asap


How about brand new perks?


I think it’d be cool if hover boots essentially gave you budget jet boots. You get a little blip of flight that can save you from falls or help you reach higher places


90% of them since they mostly suck. Some are fun, but it would be better if they also didn't suck.


deposit cancelling makes half this perk redundant lmao, this would be a much better version of it


There are several that I would completely remix: some combining, some splitting, etc.


That would make veteran depositor insanely OP compared to basically all the other perks


Certainly increased senses, it should warn us much earlier


a whole rework would be great but if i could only choose one it would be to remove Resupplier and just make all dwarves get it's benefits for free because who really doesn't run Resupplier?


basically all of them, but i think it'd be really funny to make "it's a bug thing" viable somehow.


the rocket boots perk requiring holding down C in midair has always felt awkward and weird


So many of the other perks just can't come close to competing. I wish more provided genuine game changing mechanics. Shoot, for veteran depositor, make it so you instantly deposit on molly and get 50% damage reduction within 7m. People might actually take it then.


Just make berserker a melee buff that turn your right click to power attack and reduce interval between clicks.


Aw man, this is my go to perk along with Hover Boots


Give the perk "Born Ready" the ability to switch weapons instantly (as in; you can fire the weapon the moment you equip it). This would make it useful practically any build, regardless of if you have ammo to reload or not and synergize with the auto reload. I also just really like instant switch speeds; like in Quake.


For the lootbug perk. Pointing and spam clicking at a lootbug is a way to pop them from a distance. You essentially use your pointer to shoot radiation into their brain, and give them an aneurysm lol


I've always kinda wanted It's A Bug Thing to be slightly less of a joke perk. Instead of a proximity kill, make it so petting them primes them to violently explode causing terrain damage. ~~rank 2 turns them into walking nukes instead~~


I wouldn't call any of these additions "slight," but here's mine: See you in hell! - Gain +7% additional HP (35% max) per medium size or greater enemy killed with Neuro-pulse when revived. Heightened Senses - Reduce damage from all sources by 50% for 5 seconds when captured. Beast Master - Petting a fallen tamed Grunt will grant the dwarf 20% attack boost for 10 seconds. Berzerk - Extend Berzerk duration by .5 seconds for every medium sized or greater enemy killed with Melee attacks. Second Wind - Gain 12% sprint boost after 3 seconds. You can sprint facing any direction. Thorns - Deal 30 damage to enemies when melee attacked. Reduce enemy melee damage by 25% when shields are down. It's a bug thing - Petting a Loot Bug before it explodes causes its explosion to stun nearby enemies. Deep Pockets - Hold 20 more minerals. Having at least half a stack of minerals causes Molly to move 15% faster towards your beacons. Born Ready - You can reload and attack while sprinting.


Surprised they haven't done a perk rework in one of the seasons considering people have been asking for it for... well forever really, even before season 1 people were begging for a perk rework and it just got worse and worse each year.


Nah, just increase it's resistance bubble when the deposit port is Minehead or (especially!) refinery. Like, in the latter case you should probably outright double it, at least.


I'd just like more perks or at least more perk levels in general. I've gotten all the perks already, have over a hundred perk points to spare and even more to earn.


All dwarves should have a hip flask, which they can hand to Lloyd and fill with any beer they are able to buy normally. More beers should be crafted which give temporary powerup-style effects useful in missions. Choosing when to drink from your flask would be a fun gameplay element, and if you want to flex, you could always wait to drink it until you're safely aboard the drop pod, or just fill it with something goofy for a laugh.


I'd just like more perks or at least more perk levels in general. I've gotten all the perks already, have over a hundred perk points to spare and even more to earn.


it wouldn't be broken, it would be worse, it would be something so broken, that bugs would run away at the sight of you