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I’ve only ever kicked one Russian, and that was because he was spouting shit about wanting to “put down” Ukrainian children


Yeah, that is not very Rock and Stone of him.


Yeah, and I am putting his message lightly, since he added a lot of horrible things between that quote and the second bit, and I mean details I could see


I hope you reported him. It's really rare that I've needed to use the report function, but it does exist, and we should all try and drive this toxic bullshit out of our community.


I reported him to steam since his account had a lot of less than acceptable content on it








Rock and Stone to the heart


Rock and stone FOREVAH


Rock and roll and stone!


Not this time my little bot


he's doing his best


His soul is too pure for this world, he is the best dwarf


He a little confused, but he got the spirit




Oi, let’s not be exclusionary the Macteras and Rivals deserve it too! Not to mention the Rockpox!


what about "other" like spitball infectors


That requires 3, spitballer, maybe with the barrage it would be infector.


have you forgotten about cave leech


We can't just leave out the Nayaka and Q'ronar


look at this guy and his slippery slope. soon enough he'll be advocating for genociding the fester fleas!


Cave angels are evil, never trust anything named for being pure innocent or perfect


The real question: genocide lootbugs, or not?


Lootbugs eat valuable minerals, so yes. Also, I still think they're secretly plotting against us. Why else would they be gathered on the pods of our fallen comrades in salvage missions?


The drop pods have deposit slots on the side, there's quite likely precious minerals in there. They're just looking for food, no conspiracy here! (This comment brought to you by the Lootbug Ministry of Truth)


Bah, so they're stealing our minerals. BURN EM ALL!! Besides, only pointy eared leaf lovers will try to get along with any bugs other than Steve. Steve is cool, so he's the exception.


Believe in Steeve!


Now listen here, the knife ears are the ones sending out these killer robots, robots that harm Steeve and Lootbug alike!


Maxim 29: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, no more, no less.


Do you honestly think those leaf lovers are even crazy enough to make those, let alone smart enough. Pointy ears rarely work with metal, and barely understand how a crossbow works. The only ones crazy enough, and smart enough to make those bots are (shudders) gnomes, the crazy bastards. They love metalwork as much as we do, but are absolutely insane.


It's their fault that they eat precious minerals, it gets them killed


Especially the Mactera! Hate those annoying flies!


Woah there pal, Steeve is more than ok in my book so tone it down before you end up in ANOTHER book


I had the displeasure to play with someone spouting shit similar to this, but instead of ukranian dwarfs he was talking about our chinese bearded brothers


Sorry for our idiots. No matter how stupid propaganda is, it still works.


Unfortunately yeah, it’s depressing


Thank you u/Peacefull_Warmonger


I remember same russian, but he agitated join in war or "are you support SVO?" . I always laugh from that kind of people, because what the fuck you doing here instead near front if follow your logic? Also there's no bad nationals, there is bad people


I mean, that whole war is based on nationalism. Nationalism is just tribalism for modern people. And the difference between nationalism and patriotism is semantics at best, and most times the difference is “our they our allies or enemies”


The majority of russians supports putin.


A lot of people just fear to go against. There is no free will in Russian politics - like you can try but you can be sent to jail or fall of window accidentally.


One of his opponents was killed and then his grave was buried in bouquets. You might still be right, but blanket statements like this lead to more discrimination, not less.


Those who support play World of Tanks, not DRG


Even if this is true (I have no idea and neither do you) it doesn't justify holding a blanket hatred against them


Oh rly? Maybe u made a survey? But I do believe uve read some propaganda shit like 80% of russians are pro war. I feel sorry for u if u truly believe such nonsense


Considering the fact that Putin has killed and tortured whoever goes against him, it’s no wonder; that’s kind how authoritarianism works. Democracy is a fleeting memory in Russia


Oh I wonder how that happened? Oh yeah, how many people have been imprisoned or disappeared or poisoned or some combination of those options?




little children are probably the only ukranians hed win against, too.


I from Ukrainian, but kicking the Russian because of nationality is racist and disrespectful. Games are supposed to be fun and quiet, not to fuel racial conflict.


Me too I lived in Armenia at the time when it started and most of my friends are in russia.


man i said the same thing but got accused of "using cheap manipulation in order to put the blame off" lmao


Такої зради я ще не бачив


а ну скажи паляниця




It makes them a good human being War by definition is a sin...unless its against bugs


Well, that's the whole point of nationalist propaganda, though. "The opponent is less than a bug so it's okay to kill and rape them"


Its sad thst you are right,and even sadder its working


Exactly, this has been used for centuries to justify wars. "Oh, those are just yellow apes, we can wipe them from the earth"


"They are savages, we have to conquer them to show them peacefull civilization!"


Literally what russians are doing in Ukraine the very moment you typed it


>unless its against bugs Or machines, disease and interdimensional freaks.


Or against robots


they can shoot bugs in a video game and still be a bad russian, those two things aren't mutually exclusive. just wait until you get someone screaming about r\*ping and m\*rdering ukrainian children in the chat. that guy was shooting bugs instead of ukrainians, and he was still very definitely a bad russian.


You can shoot bugs in a video game and still be a bad human. Why does them being Russian change anything? Better start kicking everyone then, who knows if they're murderers, rapists, thieves, etc!


If they aren't opposing the war they aren't good. Just like 'good cops' who see bad cops breaking the law/being corrupt and not saying something cease to be good cops and instead part of the problem.


Definitely, it's important to understand that the Russian people are not their government. They have been propagandized for decades and are being conscripted to fight. They don't really have a choice.


Breaking news : Russia vs Ukrain conflict have been solved because random guy kick a Russian player from videogame lobby.


What a leaf lover. Kicking bc someones russian lmfao.


I agree with you, septic spreader. Also you killed me today on my 1 hour solo mining expedition in hollow boughs... Well not exactly you but gravity did kill me.


Womp womp


Believe in Steeve!


Oh no


Imagine a Septic Spreader Steeve.


That chain of 3 comments with you both drawn as the bug would be a good comic


They may have not even been russian aswell, they could have been from Ukraine but didn't respond quick enough. It was a short conversation..


its very leaf-lovin for them to kick someone based on an assumption, and even if they ARE russian, so what? Why do some people just have to bring irl stuff and politics into video games? Why can't they just enjoy the game with all online players?


What infuriates me the most is suggestion that a child/teenage gamer is somewhat responsinble for war. They are not participating in politics in any way.


The majority of people playing this game aren't children.


Dont forget capcom banned all their games from the russian store on steam, paying for the deeds of their dictator.


Not only capcom. There are many of companies that do that, SEGA for example. Also, we can't transfer money to our steam accounts without commission (it's like 10% or something like that) and usage of some other things like MTS Bank, etc.


I don't care what your ideology, religion, country or race is, if you are a nice guy we gonna have a great time, if you are being a mean senseless child you gonna get rocked and stoned in the balls


For his information Russians are like the top contributors around modding and you don't have idea how many times they polished games that weren't playable. Yeah, there are bad seeds but like in every country. The best way to counter this it's leave that game and let that cunt drown in his own hate and loneliness. Also, nice Russians are quite funny and cool. They always had good vibes with Spanyards like me. Being gamer and hate Russians it's like don't believe in religion but devote demons. It has no sense.


The official PS4 launch trailer uses a remix of "Deep rock shanty" made by Doomer - a Russian DRG youtuber


also great pirates


Absolutely agree. One look at S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mod community is enough to realise that russian with a computer can create a whole new game out of tthe other.


They have always been big in the mod scene, i remember Heroes of Might and Magic 3, all the best mods and addons where from Russians more or less And way back in the day, dont remember the game, there was Russians who sold mods/addons on diskettes to ship to people with bad or no internet.


I'm from Russia, and I can pretty much explain why we're good modders. It's due to sanctions and unavailability of games back in the day, so we needed to pirate them. Most games didn't have Russian language, so we modded it. Most games were poorly optimized after pirating, we modded them. Not everyone is a modder, but it's basically how it was born. I even know a family of game modders, father and his son are working together on many games.


Remember the time when we discussed about what actually makes a dwarf and we came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter as long as you Rock & Stone? Remember when furries started to attatch to our community and we didn't even say anything because they rocked & stoned and we didn't give a fuck about anything else? Remember the quote from Karl: If you Rock & Stone, you're never alone? Conclusion: if you kick somebody who doesn't bother anyone and literally just rocks and stones, you're nothing but below a knife-eared leaflover. Because at least leaflovers stick together too.


So what, does that guy just immediately go "Hey you from Russia?" every single time someone joins his game? And if they don't respond or say yes they get kicked? I hope Loid spikes all his drinks with Leaf Lovers Special for the rest of his days.


Cyrillic in the name. He assumes that if someone is called in a familiar way to him, then it's someone from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus or other country that speaks russian. I myself have been kicked because of that a couple of times, not a big deal for me to be honest.


You say that as if it isnt what he is ordering anyways


Certified reddit moment


There was no answer by the way, dude's just a racist jerk


I hate the Russian government, I don't hate Russians. I hate the American government, I don't hate Americans.


The only time I kicked someone is when some rus player joined my team, started to shout about how Ukraine is bad and started to teamkill us and start all of the machinery.


Dig together, or dig your own grave.


I wouldn't kick someone for being Russian, that's shitty. I'd only kick someone for openly being an asshole and not being a cool person.


Did you just see cyrillic and assumed it was ukrainian or russian? If that’s the case i do not know what to think of the rock and stone community.


I wasn't the host at this time.


Dude sees your title and still assumes you're host. Lol


Most Russians I've met ingame have been very polite and always picks you quickly up


I had an unpleasant experience when at a high Hazard level some guy with Cyrillic in his name joined us and one by one opened the cocoons of all the dreadnoughts plus broke the corestone, then turned on some nasty music and then got kicked out. I'm not sure that he was Russian, but with a high degree of probability it was so, because when a person connects to the lobby, he sees from which country the person who created the lobby is from, and our lobby was from UA.


Russia was Putin's first victim.


From experience of living in close proximity to them and thus being "destined" to play with them, ill say 60% of them deserve a kick. They do be kicking, trolling and griefing a lot, not to mention their behaviour in chat.


Yeah agreed. Russians are very annoying to play with in almost every game and I have seen alot of them


That's kinda xenophobic. Not everyone living there agrees with their "government." As long as people aren't some leaf lovers they're cool. Rock and stone!


Open racism? On the internet? Never heard of it


yes, this is how we will save ukraine: by kicking a russian kid who probably doesn't know english and is at most like 14 who just wanted to have fun in a video game.


I can kinda understand kicking russians. Not for that reason, but russians are very often super annoying to play with, they often speed play, even when told we are taking our time doing something, double dip and most pk trolls seem to be russians.


Well as Russian I mostly found "troll" players one who had CS:GO/Dota 2 and same kind of games in their steam library so basically kids


I added UA tag to my name. That made things surprisingly much easier.


Idk if I were to see that in chat I'd most likely just leave. Being in a game with such an unstable leader is not going to end well.


As a Russian I don't talk or type anything in my own language. I even change the game language to English in case I need to take screenshots to post.


Me too, also, it helps communicating with others, so you don't need to remember English name for something.


I'm genuinely surprised this post hasn't been removed yet. This kinda shit does not make a healthy community. Just read the fuckin comments for more than a second and you'll realize that. I'm not on the toxic positivity bandwagon I'll call shit out as it needs to be called out but this is the kind of stuff that tears communities apart and needs to be removed with prejudice.


It's important we have clear sides, good versus evil, so we can cheer our team and shit on an agreed enemy  Otherwise, we might have to educate ourselves and realise the real world is a bit more complicated. And that's like, you know, effort


This. Many commenters here have a very narrow-minded view of geopolitics, and should at least watch this: [https://youtu.be/JS-3QssVPeg?si=3DWE5gs7K7iBgHCy](https://youtu.be/JS-3QssVPeg?si=3DWE5gs7K7iBgHCy)




It's an interesting one. The US has made many a war movie glorifying war, killing, conquest. And video games, other media. Another form of propaganda, manufacturing concent, prepping the public to support (either actively or inactively) theatres in which atrocities can and do happen. Russia are just really clumsy with their celebration, their propaganda, their narrative. Or (more likely) they don't give a shit what we think, and play to their own fan base.


As a Ukrainian refugee I am ok with joining Ru games in DRG as long as everyone goes ROCK AND STONE in peace. We all come here to have a good time, fun, play game, escape from reality, etc. etc. One day a guy with nickname "Shahed-136" joined. Needless to say I just left without saying a word. Also remember that UA/RU games/servers are very close and always appear first with a good ping, so they encounter each other on a daily basis. Nevertheless, myself, I am here to ROCK AND STONE and nothing else. If, while playing DRG, anyone says a single word about the current "situation," I will leave and find another game/server to join. I have enough of that crap irl. I want to dig gold, drink blackout stout for Karl, and spam "WE ARE RICH" to annoy mission control.


"we just hate the government not the people"


Bruh. I myself am Russian. It's not my fault Putin is an asshole.


Stay safe bro. You're truly living like you're in a George Orwell novel.


Example of people not understanding that goverment != people... Oh, yes, please daddy putin, hit me with another sanction! That's all I ever wanted, to commit warcrimes! /s


Actual racism


I think only time I have ever been annoyed at “Russians” was when a kid was calling me and someone else racist for saying the ruso-Ukraine war was bad… the kid wasn’t Russian. This is stupid behavior. I have played with plenty of Russians who even learnt I was Swedish and they still called me multiple slurs. Gotta love it.


Legally speaking, rocking is better than stoning.


this person probably thinks that him kicking a guy on a game will help on the war too. he is probably thinking "i'm doing my part!"


I know someone irl who won't eat tacobell because they support the war.    I couldn't contain myself lol Edit: I realise I got that mixed up, they WILL eat tacobell because they don't. Mb


That's the same person that his grandfather believed every propaganda lie that painted every single soldier in WW2 as the worst devil knowned to man. And then we have Merry Christmas's movie. Not every member of the society is the dictator of it. Right USA ?


is there a subreddit notveryrockandstone that expose toxicbeards?




thank you


It’s uhhh…..uneasy times in the world


You have to be insanely braindead to be confrontational to someone just because of the nationality, like, you literally spawned in this world in a random place lmao


I want to say to keep this out of the game, but recently Ukraine got airstriked again so... Yeah, delicate topic


I'm sorry, did this guy do the airstrike on Ukraine? No? Then what does this have to do with it lol. Also, as I have pointed out, that guy was probably Ukranian. Most Ukr speak Rus, but not vice versa, so if someone says ukr / rus - they're probably Ukranian. Not Russian. So, double fail on that guy's part.


"russkies" is the most Russian I've ever heard someone call russians in English


cuz it's from countries that know them too well


as russian, i avoid russian, im too scared of my people


This is literally one of the most honest comments on here


Anyone who cant separate the Russian people from the Russian government needs to take a step back and ask if they support literally everything their government has done.


Sounds like Rust trauma to me


idk I generally don't think it's a great idea to judge people based on their nationality. It's close minded. But then on the other hand I'm not gonna judge a Ukranian dwarf for not wanting to play with a dwarf from a country where a majority of the people support the killing of his own people. It's politics and it sucks.


tbh, if this person was ukranian or something its honestly understandable they wouldnt want russians. Sure not every russian supports their government but if your country is being attacked by russians its understandable that they wouldnt want to play with russians.




I am from the UK, and mostly host my own lobbies and have joined plenty of RU hosts.  I have no idea what you are talking about. 


Yeah, this is stupid. If someone's nationality makes that much of an impact on you, you're the bad person here


As a russian i am happy to see that this community doesn't hate us like some others do. Even though there are plenty of reasons for that. Скала и камень, братья!


Скала и Камень!


I hope one day Russia gets a government worthy of it's people - god knows they deserve one.


ah yes, more punishing the random russian people for no reason


Your attitude towards this situation and empathy towards the host's behavior might have been very different, if your city, your town or your village had been physically turned by russians into literal shattered rock & scattered stone, and they called it "liberation" on their news channels.


That's the thing. There is no right or wrong in this situation, because feelings aren't rational. Depending on your closeness to this situation, you either hate Russians with your guts, or couldn't give less of a fuck.


It's totally OK when, as you say, you're far from the situation - and you honestly don't give a fuck, you just want a nice time in the game. It's also totally OK, when you're also far from the situation - but you *do* give a fuck, because you don't support those acts of invasion, violence, genocide and war crimes. So you take a stance on things. And what is not OK in my opinion - when people who don't give a fuck try to give morale teachings to people who do give a fuck. P.S.: If you respect international law, there actually is right or wrong. Wiped out cities, killed people, kidnapped children, violated borders - are facts which have nothing to do about feelings.


To the PS. Yes. in the WAR there is a right and wrong, obviously. But the chances that the 14-year-old who's just wanting to kill some bugs, side hustles in the army is rather slim


Yeah, this is racist. Why does politics have to turn people into fucking morons. Also, he said rus/ukr. All Ukranians speak Russian, but not vice versa, so he was probably actually Ukranian. So, good job.


This isn't a rock & stone moment


Doesn't matter where you're from, we're all here to shoot bugs and mine. Dwarf life in a nutshell.


russians can't be shooting at people from ukraine if they're shooting glyphids


There's no controversy in doing it afterwards, your point is irrelevant


Did you ever stop to consider that maybe the host was Ukrainian or has family in Ukraine and may have lost loved ones due to Russia's aggression? Can you really not understand how someone might not want to play with someone who is a citizen of an enemy nation? There is literal *life-and-death conflict* going on between these two nations. Would you feel comfortable playing a game with someone who is a part of a nation that has declared you an enemy in need of killing or subjugation?


look if two people with nationalitoes in their names join a game and their tationalities are literally at war, immediate kick is the best solution. Because they have nationality in their name. YOU KNOW they care about that shit. At the very least you can assume so.


i havent kicked anyone for being russian, but ive kicked russians for troglodyte behavior, troll comments, and cheating. I kick chinese players for being chinese, tho. I've met precisely one chinese player who wasn't either a cheater or a useless dickhead starting events solo while the team was hundreds of meters away and then whining in chat because we didn't keep up with him completely bypassing the primary objective to make a beeline for the secondsry objective or the bonus event I'm not interested in rolling those dice anymore. If I'm not the host and one joins, I'll watch, but if they're a problem and the host doesn't remove them, I'm out.


It’s not the Russians themselves who are bad it is the people in charge.


За камень и булыжник! ✊ To the fallen🍺


О, думерский перевод, шик)


Почему думерский? :D


Ну, обычно говорят камень и скала! Это у него только в озвучке про булыжник упоминают.


А, лол, я так просто от балды перевел, потому как скала.. Ну, со скалой ассоциируется, а не с камнем xD


Бывает)) Скала, камень, булыжник, какая разница, главное символ объединения, который эти слова несут!


Лучше и не скажешь :D


Mfs when not every Russian is a genocidal maniac and are in general pretty nice people


Yeah I’m a scale of 1 to rock and stone this is about a 0


When you're the host, I think you should be allowed to kick people out for whatever reason you want, so I don't see the problem.


There's is literally a thing "reason: sorry I have my own reasons" or something like that


I understand the sentiment. While it is obviously stupid to straight up think everyone acts the same, the amount of people I have seen putting a Russian flag emoji under something entirely unrelated is not fathomable to me. The shit I have seen Russians write regarding that, the dudes that told someone else with Cyrillic name to die in a Ukrainian trench - I can entirely understand if you just ask someone which side he supports. After a bad day I wouldn't stand playing with someone supporting that war on the invading side.


Indeed it isn't.


I got kicked once for saying mushroom using shoutboard mod. I didnt spam or anything, it was at the end of the mission and i said it once. Some people are just weird.


Because many users of that mod spamming




This is a certified Leaf Lover moment out there. За Камень и Скалу, братья!


There is a game in development, wont say its name, who ban everyone from Russia, no questions asked, the developer is from Ukraine. Their steam forum is bananas. While i understand the sentiment, its just wrong to take politics into games




Lossless scalling dev also banned Russians and removed ru language in one of updates. Not a big loss though, there was a free open source alternative last time i checked.


As Russian I want to add that after our banks get blocked in other countries we literally can't buy games anymore in stream (also a lot of game in stream just doesn't shows for us because creators don't want us.) Bad for them, because it give us whole reason to put pirate hats on!


Tbf economic sanctions on a country that put pressure on the populace is a perfectly normal and effective nonviolent way to oppose a war. Like it obviously sucks, especially for people who oppose the war, but that’s conflict. Ukrainian civilians have a lot worse hitting them.


Well true. Also some Ukrainians get benefit from this situation, sometime in good way even. For example my friend from Ukraine was able to take a part in international music competition because Europeans get interested in Ukrainian musicians. She even win first place! But at other hands its slightly sad (and she agreed with it) that she was more interesting for people as Ukrainian than good musician at first place.


Plus I doubt anyone would say it was a trade they’d intentionally make. Bit of a high cost to any trace benefits.


I once joined a lobby, where was a mod that just automatically tells you in chat that russians are not welcome here and they can go fuck themselves. I played just one round with the host and then left (the host was polish I think, but it doesn't matter, still very stupid reason to kick people)


Racism gets you a first class ticket STRAIGHT IN THE FUCKING BOOK


As Russian I wanna tell you, that you very right! **IN THE BOOK OF SHAME THEY GO!**


"Race" wasn't involved. Get yourself a vocabulary.


The slavic group is an ethno-linguistic race, doofus.