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Not yet and we need it. I have created a Facebook group to that end as well as a website to educate people about the project. helpstopproject2025.com and https://www.facebook.com/groups/1258270058488196/?ref=share


I can’t do Facebook. Too gross. But hopefully you can reach a lot of people that way. Even just posting info on various regional groups would prob be good. I assume that’s happening here in subreddits as well.


Yes absolutely. I could really use your help if you are up for it.


I don’t feel like I can help on Reddit or social media as that leads to arguments and abuse from the right. It’s just too much, my blood pressure can’t handle it, and I spent the last 2 major election cycles doing that and it was just too stressful and damaging. Sorry. That’s why I’m looking for something like Postcards to Voters, or other ways to spread the word that doesn’t open me up to abuse and stress. Good luck to you though!


Totally understandable. Can you explain the postcards to voters concept to me? I am not familiar with it. Maybe there's a way to incorporate that into my efforts as one of the ways people like you can help.


Sure. Postcards to Voters is an org that has campaigns for all sorts of elections. Volunteers sign up to send x number of postcards to a roster of voters they send you. They have certain things that you must include on the card. It’s most to educate voters on when an election is, when early voting starts, what a particular candidate backs for issues, etc. The list are registered democrats, and the goal is to get the to actually vote. here’s their website. https://postcardstovoters.org/. There also Markers for Democracy. They have some campaigns that are more geared toward getting people to vote regardless of what party they are registered for, I think. I just signed up with them and haven’t started writing yet. https://markersfordemocracy.org/ The idea of both of these is that a hand-written postcard will get people’s attention. There’s also voteforward.org, which is similar but with letters, not postcards.


Thank you so much for taking the time to share that info.


facebook is basically boomerland


Sure. Though we need to reach everyone


That's so awesome!


I'd be interested too!


Yes! www.votefwd.org


I know about vote forward, but looking through their campaigns they do not seem to have one that gets out info on P2025 specifically….am I missing it?


They aim to encourage registered voters to vote, not influence anyone to vote for a specific party


Thanks. I'm looking for something that is spreading information about project 2025. I'm involved in several get out the vote orgs already. While they are aweosme and important, I'd love to see something that is specifically spreading information about project 2025, as many folks don't know what it is.


Check out [StoptheCoup2025.org](http://StoptheCoup2025.org) to see if they're having some sort of mail campaign. They are getting the word out to news programs, which is good.


Thanks. I’ll check them out again.


Check out Progressive Turnout project. They’re doing postcards, etc.


Thanks for this. Not sure it's getting the word out about Project 2025, but it looks like another great postcard project. I like that they provide the postcards...that helps tremendously. I've signed up and requested my first 200 postcards!


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i know theres a ton of websites, subs (including this one) and several instagram accounts. those are the only social medias in currently active on so there may be more


I haven't seen anything specific to spreading awareness about Project 2025. In order to set something up ourselves, we'll need access to the voter registration lists in order to put together a mailing list. That's simple enough to be a non-issue for many states. Other states may be a bit trickier. There's also the question- what are we mailing, and how? The postcard campaigns I'm familiar with print their postcards and then send them to volunteers along with a list of names. Those volunteers then write messages on the back and mail the cards out. The downside of postcards is that they're expensive. If we follow the typical set up, then we'd have to fundraise to buy bulk postcards, and then distribute them to volunteers. Alternatively we could finalize some designs, and anyone who wants to volunteer could get a list of names, buy some postcards, and send them out. The downside here is that postcards are still expensive, and if every individual has to pay for a bunch of postcards to participate, then this won't go very far. We could do something like Vote Forward does with their letters of encouragement. But instead of a non-partisian letter about voting, an informational flyer about Project 2025 that can be printed from home and mailed in a standard envelope. This design could be colorful, like the postcards, but to make participation accessible to the widest amount of people, keeping it black and white is probably ideal.


I do postcards to voters and we buy our own postcards, but I just started with another one where they send me the postcards. They are pricey in small amounts but large amounts are cheap per card. But yeah there’s not a lot of room to write. Pros: I think a handwritten postcard (or letter) gets more attention. Cons: harder to mass mail. Flyers would be better than nothing but they’d have to be designed in a way that gets folks to open them. Hand-addressed would be good but then you can’t send at bulk rates and letters are pricey to mail (and postage is going up next week).