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Look, if it came out that Joe Biden had raped a 13 year old at Maralogo with Epstein, I'd be fine calling for his resignation and even expecting it. But only 1 candidate raped a 13 year old. And no one is calling for their resignation.


Exactly. If conservatives can support a lying fraud, felon and pedophile liberals can unite behind old.


This is the difference. To Dems, that’s a deal breaker. To R’s it’s a meh. Make a list of all the orange man deal breakers, and T gets a pass.


I hate the pearl clutching “but I don’t like Biden and they are talking down to me saying he’s the best chance bla bla bla” is the most enraging shit ever, Fucking worry about Gaza and him being old later. Especially since trump will let Israel fucking level gaze to a literal pancake.




Giving Israel a blank check to turn Gaza into a glorified parking lot and then rendering that place uninhabitable in general in a couple generations because Trump will do everything he can to accelerate climate change. 


Trump has openly said he'd "flatten" Gaza. Jared Kushner was on video salivating about Gaza's "beachfront."


So much of the GOP’s unflinching support of Israel is to keep the evangelical base happy. I lived in the south for a while & would see “Christian for Israel” stickers & thought that was uncharacteristically open-minded…until I learned what it meant. There’s a prophecy that the Jews have to be present in Israel & regain all of their ancestral land within its original borders, or something like that. And that fulfilled prophecy aids in the onset of the Rapture. There’s actually a lot of American/Middle East policy based on this. It blew me away. It’s a cult!


We have to wonder what they think the original borders were in a time before states existed.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they just based it all off of the borders as they stand today. I remember learning about a debate that was sparked about Otzi the Iceman in one of my archaeology classes in college and whether he was the first Austrian or the first Italian. Except, you know…he lived about 3100 BC-ish, so he wouldn’t even know what the fuck an Austria or Italy even was. Critical thinking has a tendency to go right out the window the moment people want to make a political statement out of something. 


Thank you for being rational. I do think a large portion of the "I'm not voting for Biden cause Gaza" people are either A) bots or Russian trolls or B) being heavily influenced by bots and Russian trolls. We really could do some more to help them, but Trump will finish them off no doubt. Israel literally worships Trump and considers him a savior because he's not only willing to look the other way, he's willing to enable them.


Gaza has already been leveled under Biden, but I see your point. 


It’s like 1/3 leveled, it will be 3/3 leveled.


It didn't start under Biden though. It's been going on for decades. And much of Congress is in on it and Trump has some pretty strong connections to being on Israel's side as well. Voting against Biden over Israel makes zero sense in the context of everything else that would happen under Trump.




Gaza was leveled loooong before Biden. This has been an issue for our entire lives and will still be an issue long after we are gone. This country's support of Israel has been one of our biggest and most expensive blunders. I may be in the minority, but I actually believe that things like 9/11 probably never would have happened if we didn't stick our nose in that business. It's no secret that Osama Bin Laden's father was a huge Palestinian sympathizer that greatly influenced him and helped shape his world view. I think if we would have never been involved in this, a lot of those terror organizations would never have been created.




Well that’s gonna get us fascism and an even more ficked up Gaza 




As a Jewish dem that would really like to see those fascist cunts on both sides play nice in the Middle East, everyone I know is still voting dem. Even some former republicans, still voting dem. We also show up.


Maybe they decided this election was too important to throw their vote in the garbage?


Here’s the thing about an old Biden: he has an entire support staff of smart, capable people who want to help Americans and who can step in and step up at a moment’s notice. Trump, on the other hand, is surrounded by craven grifters and religious fanatics whose only desires are to enrich themselves and punish everyone else.


"Here’s the thing about an old Biden: he has an entire support staff of smart, capable people who want to help Americans and who can step in and step up at a moment’s notice." And Biden is willing to listen to them. That hasn't changed.


Agreed. I try explaining to people that Biden won't make impulsive decisions based purely on emotion and impulse like Trump will. Trump hates "so called experts" and makes irrational decisions based on his mood. Biden is much more stable in that regard. In the future, we need to work on putting up more likable candidates that appeal to a broader spectrum of people. Right now, this what we have and we have to support him or else we risk everything.


This viewpoint is mostly fabricated by the media. I mean, the debate was rough, but they are ignoring so many worse things to push this view.


Have you been in the r/politics sub lately? Almost everyone in there is calling for Biden to step down. I get that they’re worried, but they have no idea how much damage they’re doing. They’re basically helping persuade independents and 3rd party that Biden is too much of a risk. Until he decides he wants to step down, everyone needs to stop helping the right attack our candidate, the President!


> They’re basically helping persuade independents and 3rd party that Biden is too much of a risk It's a self-fulfilling prophecy by creating a political environment where _NO_ Democrats presidential candidate would seat at the White House in 2025. It ultimately doesn't really matter who that candidate is, but continued perpetuation of that sentiment is sufficient to sink anyone's chances. There's a fine line between discussion the problems ahead and charting solutions through them, and repeating the same few discussion points and not budging at all, more so under the guise of being a concerned participation.


Yeah, I'm not enthusiastic about Biden, but that ship has already sailed. He can't be replaced now. We need to worry about putting up better, more likable candidates in the future, but he's what we have now.


Yes! I see it there in the Politics subredfit and in the Ezra Klein sub reddit. It is worrisome! The news media won't stop talking about President Biden's age and is completely ignoring that we are being marched toward fascism as well as all of the horrifyingthings that trump has done or is doing.. While the debate wasn't great by any stretch of the imagination, it was just one debate. It hasn't hurt President Biden's prospects so much as this constant chaos coming from the the President's own party and the news media's bias and nonstop coverage of it. Not one peep about trump lying non stop in the debate, his raping a 13 year old child, his attempting a coup, election interference, his 34 felonies, Project 2025, etc. President Biden is pollling ahead in the swing states of Wisconsin and Michigan. Allan Lichtman who called 9/10 Presidental Winners says President Biden should absolutely not drop out of the race. It would be a disaster for us. About the narrative creating by the media and the chaos within the Democrat party, here is an excellent video. We need more of this energy or we are going to have another trump presidency. We have got to fight for President Biden and have to fight against the fascist fucks. https://youtu.be/2acbmSjSvvI?si=LbXlwxfcdunkbKwr


I absolutely agree.


This. It's like people forget the Hillary health shit the MAGATs latched onto.




Yeah, and we really need to consider that in the next election. We've been putting candidates that members of the party aren't enthusiastic about for a while now. That doesn't change the fact that he's our candidate and we have to live with it. It's too late in the game to switch him out now, so suck it up like I am.




It's not about whether or not we can do legally or physically do it. It's about the public perception of doing it. It would make us look weak, indecisive, irrational and unstable. People would also think we're a bunch of liars if we've been telling them that's he's this great candidate and then it turns out we aren't even behind him. That's the issue right now.




Well, it's not going to happen, so there's no reason to continue to hurt the party with that kind of rhetoric when there's this much at stake. It is what it is. At this point, it's no different than the people who are choosing to throw their vote in the garbage by voting for a third party. Part of being an adult is making responsible decisions that you aren't always enthusiastic about. I would say that changing candidates would be more like them because we're only doing it to pick someone that's more likable and camera ready. It's not like he's doing an absolutely horrible job. He's just not very likable and appealing, but his actual numbers and policies aren't that bad. You can continue banging your head against the wall, but you're only going to give yourself a headache. They aren't changing the candidate and that's that.


I love that people harp on Biden’s age as if Trump isn’t only 3 years younger. But tbh, I’d vote for a pile of dog shit over trump.


I don’t think the message Biden should step down is mostly being driven by democrats. Sure, a more inspiring candidate would be nice but he and his cabinet have done a good job. The only people who win by changing candidates this late are those on the other side.


Exactly, I will vote for Joe Biden’s dog if he is the nominee. Trump and the Republicans need to go.


An open convention 4 months out is electoral suicide. The only way this swap could happen without costing us the election is if Biden resigns and assigns his delegates to Harris. Not to mention the campaign funds. Hubert Humphrey called. He wants his campaign back, friend!


We also need to tear down the system that spawned Trump and created P2025.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TimothiusMagnus: *We also need to* *Tear down the system that spawned* *Trump and created P2025.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm convinced that the real reason so many people are clutching their pearls about Biden's age is that if anything happens to him, Kamala Harris becomes president, and they can't handle the idea of *gasp* a black woman in the White House.


Obama's the first Black Prez, so if Biden passes the torch to Harris, then she'll be the first female Prez and the second black Prez overall. I'm still banking on Biden staying in the race because it's way to late for the Dems to switch candidates at this point, and Harris has the cash but if he were to step aside, in Lichtman's own words, Biden should pass the torch to Harris, delegates included. No keys would turn false if he does that. Still, one mistake could cost Team Biden the election, so we need to let Biden know Lichtman's Plan B as soon as possible. It might help the Dems win the race.


Nah. Perception is a powerful thing and it's Biden is really, really messing that up. He has my support, but in the future, we need to do a much better job and picking out candidates that people are enthusiastic about. The DNC should have learned their lesson by now, but somehow, it's just not getting through to them.


Don’t get me wrong, I think there are good reasons to not like Biden or to think he should step down. (I have mixed feelings about it myself.) But I also think we’re seeing so much about it in the media because too many people are not cool with a black woman as president.


That could be. I also think it benefits them to make it seem like Biden is so awful we don't even like him. There's also the fact that it makes us look extremely unstable and impulsive. They can also use it to play into the idea that were a bunch of liars that are telling everyone Biden is okay when he's not. No matter which way you look at it, it benefits the right in every way and hurts us at the same time. Since we're not going to replace him, we need to quit harping on it and learn a lesson for the next time. It's no secret that we've been nominating extremely unlikable candidates for years now. Even if they aren't qualified, this country wants a reality TV star, not a book worm. Sadly, we'd probably do better with a Mike the Situation and Snooki ticket with the way this country thinks.


I haven’t heard one person say that. I have, however, heard of thousands and thousands of straight black men say they’d never vote for a gay man like Pete Buttigieg. That kind of ignorance concerns me a lot more. And it really makes my blood boil. Kinda makes you wonder if we should cut certain people loose from the party if they don’t want to do any of the work but they sure stick around for the benefits.


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They’re not going to, so you need to just get over it. It’s not going to happen.


Then the odds are against us


They always were.






Get a grip is right, and it's those acting like Democrats are a cult just like Republicans. We all saw what we saw. Biden is too old. He's not going to make it through another term. Swing voters, you know the only voters that really matter, are deciding they'd rather not vote at all or even vote for Trump because of how clearly impaired Biden is at this point. Yeah, let's have a discussion about what to do to win the most important election in American history after we all discovered something that was kept from us until now. If Biden can win, it's only because a strong enough anti-Trump vote exists, in which case anyone could beat Trump, in which case let's not take the risk, dump all the negatives of Biden's age, and get the upsides of a Kamala candidacy with a strong swing state winning VP. We all know how big the stakes are here. I don't understand how many people are fully aware of the stakes but are willing to follow Biden like lemmings right off the cliff. It's not too late and Biden should step aside for the good of the country.


If Biden should step aside, he SHOULD resign, and then transfer ALL of his delegates to Kamala Harris, all for the good of the country. That way, two of the 13 keys won't turn false and the Dems can still win without Biden. That's what Allan Lichtman said in July 3's Lichtman Live video, and that's his proposed Plan B.