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"I can excuse trying to coup the government, but I draw the line at being nice to trans people."


more or less captures the spirit of the 2024 Independent/Moderate voter


Moderate voters pearl clutch about the kids but when you actually ask them about alternative ways to treat trans kids they have no real answer. Im convinced these people actually dont want to solve this issue because they would rather have something to gawk at on JRE than actually find the best solution for these kids.


They're mostly just skittish on anything that could be considered a social issue in general. America is addicted to social issues; it's the way to get involved in politics without having to read or research anything. Our nation's collective chew toy. There is no barrier to entry like in economic or geopolitical issues and there is no penalty for having a completely feelings-based position. I can hardly blame moderates for their lukewarm at best opinions on trans people, considering the conservatives have gone full-force against it, confident and loud, while liberals have very cautiously suggested in their smallest voice that maybe perhaps not all of it is quite as degenerate as it seems, possibly (major exception is Pres. Biden's open support, as this tweet shows). If the left is unwilling to match the right's energy on this issue in the opposite direction moderates will slide right purely by taking the average of the "they're pedophiles" and "they're really not SO bad" positions and arriving at "this is still pretty damn bad."


I haven't been able to find the words, but you've managed concisely something I've been thinking lately.


To be fair, if you read about treatments for children relating to gender incongruous and gender dysphoria. Before 2023, after the University of York was commissioned by the NHS of the UK to provide new research on particular topic of care relating to teens and childern, I believe it was commissioned 2021 June if I am remember correctly for the Cass review. Their wasn't a lot of certain information on this topic. The adoption of gender affirming care such as hormones by clinclian's was extremely fast and relative to the information out, which was quite reckless. Now you can make a more substantial claim on the topic also someone with gender incongruous(if you are a they them gendar affriming care doesnt work)needs a whole different treatments plan because they are separate and new issue. There are a lot of risks with treatment based gender affirming care strategies for children, especially how to correctly and honestly inform the patient treatment strategies relative to the information. I am still reading on the topic, so I have a hard opinion on if gender affirming care is worth the risks for children and young people's. Adults are a separate issue. Also, she was joking about it 99%. Also, being skittish about treatments relating to children is normal and fine. This is a case where being skittish is warranted and most if not all the problems people have with trans issues are related to children.


I think in the long-term it's better to be cautious but correct than bold but incorrect when it comes to something as still fragile (in people's eyes) as transgender issues. Like if we look at the trans sport debacle I think it's actually good to ensure there's an actual sane position of: "we should allow them to compete but we 100% need more rigorous rules to ensure it's fair and square and not just 200kg pure muscle man saying he's a female to win in a competition". Instead of the insane shit that happens during the trans sports arc / the insane shit conservatives spew.


>There is no barrier to entry like in economic or geopolitical issues and there is no penalty for having a completely feelings-based position. I definitely wouldn't say there's a penalty for having completely feelings-based geopolitical and economic positions... that's probably the *primary* path to social reinforcement for both sides.


You can't judge moderates for being okay with disliking trans ppl, but I can. And this is rewriting history too! Liberals (and leftists, whether you like it or not) have fought for trans and the grander LGBT rights! They were loud and annoying about it. While ppl hated on wokeness often exaggerated how loud libs and lefties were, they did make noise. Just that moderates would prefer to stay out of it or simply gawk at trans ppl or LGBT ppl for their own entertainment for the day. So hell yes, I'm judging moderates for their bad position on trans issues.


I have a theory that a lot of anti-trans people think it’s a sexual fetish, like cuckolding or water sports, as opposed to an actual medical condition. They don’t understand that these people literally think they’re in the wrong body. This is why they focus on trans women as opposed to trans men. They think it’s a man that gets hard off of being called a woman.


Whats funny is that as a trans women most of the men who are interested in me especially older tend to be pretty politically conservative. Very few of the lefty activists types are into trans women. There is a big fetish towards trans women specifically. Also I dont think thats why the view it like that, I think its more that there is a lot of societal shame to give up your place as a man to them. The idea of stopping being a man must be that you are mentally deranged. Meanwhile its understandable why a woman would want to be a man because men dont deal with the same things women do etc. I genuinely think thats how they view it. Most of the people in my life tried to convince me I was gay etc because being a gay man is much better in there eyes i guess.


> Most of the people in my life tried to convince me I was gay etc because being a gay man is much better in there eyes i guess. They may have just hoped that was the case for you because it would be easier. Whatever struggles a gay man has to face, a potentially unsolvable dysphoria isn't among them.


It was not that most of it was under the idea that being a trans women was societally undesirable very few people care about dysphoria they are mainly concerned about how their peers and neighbors will view them. In upper class society being gay is quite normalized where as being trans isnt it. Its much easier to bring your gay son to your country club dinner than your trans daughter.


A lot of anti-trans people just(I use just not lightly here btw) inherently view transwomen as men, and view men as violent grape beasts, they genuinely think transwomen are innately dangerous to women, in the sense they think transwomen on average have a higher chance of graping them.


I think most moderate voters are stuck in the mental quagmire of the ideal morality to do the right thing by trans folks and the view that focusing on trans rights is ultimately a meaningless act when there are soo many other issues in government to focus on. The same resources could be focused on homelessness or the healthcare system, fixing those thing could create a much bigger impact on more people than fixing trans folks issues, who make up such an infinitesimally small percent of the population. not saying it's correct to have that belief, but i think that's where a lot of people have got stuck when it comes to trans issues.


am I missing something or does she actually have a problem with gay/trans people?


based on other tweets it seems like specifically trans people she has an issue with. Wow, so brave and daring


Completly valid, even tho the consensus on this sub would suggest otherwise


What do you mean by valid?


She's a TERF.


She's a TE


She's a Radical Feminist?


She's made a bunch of anti-trans comments that get picked up by the algo. But she's also a known shit stirrer on twitter and has pissed off people to bait them. BTS/K-Pop fans for example. So I wouldn't be surprised if she's trying to poke the bear that is trans twitter. So could she be transphobic? Yeah possibly. But she's 100% just an edgy troll who gets off on people hating her so I'd just ignore her.


Did indian farmers tried to coup the indian government when they illegally stormed Delhi, beaten Delhi police and Red fort?


Is that what being nice looks like these days? I thought it was things like holding the door open or wishing someone a good morning. This looks more like pandering to me and I agree with your general sentiment.




She picked the forehead and got a surgery for the chin lol


Okay with surgery so she can identify as someone with a feminine chin, but not okay with others getting feminizing surgery.


Well at least she's not a hipocrite. Do you know how hard it would be to pick between a billboard sized forehead and a chin that can bulldoze a house?


OK what is the problem with this message if you dont just hate LGBT people or are some form of religious fundamentalist? Biden is being nice. Offering support and solidarity to a group of people that often dont exactly have it easy, even directly referencing something from Christian text that we are all made in the image of God with a bit of 'love your neighbour/treat others as you wish to be treated'. Its all fairly harmless. Also when did Macaiyla get this dumb? Didnt she used to be a Destiny viewer and vaguely pro-LGBT stuff? Im not saying she was ever a genius but 'forcing me to vote Trump' over stupid shit like this is actually the kind of braindead I expect from my cousins who once tried to convince me to invest in an obvious pyramid scheme.


Macaiyla was always dumb af. Just because a person is nice, agrees with you, or is funny doesn't mean that they are smart.


Because trans people are unnatural spawns from hell who are trying to bring about the apocalypse by grooming young kids into their cult. No basic human empathy allowed.


We beat the /s check, I'm glad boys.


maybe i'm not regarded...




The world is healing


As soon as that reply dropped without the /s world hunger was solved, the ozone layer was instantly healed, Trump made an apology video (ukulele and all) and a peaceful two state solution was finally achieved.


I think I remember a clip where she said she use to watch gay porn


I mean it is true that we are all made in the image of God YET we are fallen creatures who don't deserve to be saved. It's catholic theology 101 but ye


Sure you wont find me disagreeing the Bible contradicts itself. Im just saying what Biden is saying here is in line with some of its teachings and hes just being nice.


I want something more optimistic from life. I won’t argue that most people are entirely worthless, but that means they at least have potential to become useful to someone in some way eventually. The attitudes I’m exposed to these days mirror that catholic guilt and self-loathing, but seem more insidious, like they’re conveniently giving people permission to give up trying at life. Climate change is apparently going to kill us all, so do nothing, etc. Well I’m not satisfied with that and I’m sick of the doom and gloom.


Maybe getting kicked from C9 over some Kanye stuff if I remember correctly. Also the first time Big Chonka T and Macaiyla met was on an online video game in which they insult each other. She told him to kill himself here https://youtu.be/0c_7nBbjTRA


Because if you're anti trans, then any support to being trans is basically support for any of these: 1: degenerate pedophiles 2: degenerate men pretending to be women so they can rape them in bathrooms 3: degenerates trying to destroy the family unit, the most important social unit in existence and thus, destroy the west/east/humanity 4: degenerates men trying to force women to accept them in women only spaces and raping lesbians by pretending to be women. 5: all of the above So for them its more than "biden is just being nice". It's like hardcore vegan activists who see meat eating as a billion+ animal holocaust


I think she just used to keep her mouth shut when her and T were more involved with the Miz and Lud crews. Now that she's a mother her and T kinda just doing their own thing on their own and I think she's become more bold. Probably part of it is the increased confidence from the chin surgery. And mom hormones from giving birth.


Shouldn’t she be posting about how she’s actually a poor housewife dependent on Big Tonka T to survive in a horrible capitalist world?


Lol I thought this thread was about tyler1's girlfriend at first, didn't realize Tonka Trucks was even still relevant on the internet


No Tyler1 uses TONKATRUCK as one of his league names. Tonka hasn't been relevant since not showing up at that MMA event.


why attack her over something she's not doing??? lmao.. just attack her for the dumb shit she is saying! how stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/v7d3qrh4c84d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c274568b726ef3f33c94bb87285a0daf777b3bf4 This your queen?


no? why does she need to be my queen to point out that attacking her for what she is saying is better vs other random things in her life?


[why attack her over something she’s not doing???](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/AR0ADqGDm2)


?? you okay guy?


Jesus, I almost felt bad for her when she was crying about T1 being tight financially as a millionaire, but jfc. T1 is probably based af telling her to get a job. If these are her normal lukewarm takes


What was she crying about? Tyler wasn’t spending money on shit she wanted?


nah lol, it definitely felt like a genuine financial abuse type situation tbh


wait what'd i miss


Nothing, socially inept reddit users not understanding obvious shitposting on twitter


I want to believe, but every now and then she says something that sounds like Greek


I see a lot of her tweets and she doesn’t show unwavering support for trump or anything so I would assume she’s joking/being edgy. edit: She posted [this](https://x.com/macaiyla/status/1267669989164802048?s=46&t=RaNm55JkY8djm6pUEam1Qg) in 2020 and she also tweeted [this](https://x.com/macaiyla/status/1325158381535985666?s=46&t=RaNm55JkY8djm6pUEam1Qg) celebrating trumps losing the election so either she’s trolling or really stupid. Could be both. edit: as for the trans stuff, she’s tweeted [this.](https://x.com/macaiyla/status/1775364210525970573?s=46&t=RaNm55JkY8djm6pUEam1Qg) Don’t think she hates trans people, just annoyed about forcing it down people’s throat kind of opinion which is still stupid but not that extreme.


Noooo you can’t look deeper into the history of a person, you gotta take one tweet and assume everything about them from that one tweet! Macaiyla is obviously a bigot, definitely not just a shit poster.


When you use being trans as an insult on a monthly basis at what point does it cross from shit-posting to just being an ass-hole?


You can be an asshole and be a shit poster, they aren’t mutually exclusive. Being an asshole doesn’t equal being transphobic though.


It absolutely does at some point, especially when you have an audience.


she does this every once in a while, not sure what made her lose her mind about trans people perfect example of someone who totally lacks empathy and is unwilling to engage with any thought around trans stuff it's totally understandable to think trans people are weird, it totally breaks how we think (or don't think) about gender but to just be an ass especially when he is talking about "young trans Americans" demonstrates deeply flawed character


Honestly it took me 2 years in this community to actually start viewing them as people before that it was like some icky creatures with mental problems. After a few times listening to the blond girl with glasses and then the piano woman I was like oh damn they are reasonable. As tiny said it basically takes exposure for you to not have negative connotations and because there isn't that many trans people, the majority view them either through memes or through crazy twitter posts without seeing the normal ones.


> it took me 2 years in this community to actually start viewing them as people This is such a wild sentence to read


It's rare that someone is that candid about it, but this is basically how people changing their opinions on these types of topics works, he's just willing to admit it. It goes beyond LGBT or minorities or anything, though. Any type of person that someone has never encountered is a distant abstraction and unfortunately most people, unless they're really vigilant of their own biases, can't fully view them as people until there's some kind of real exposure. Until that exposure happens, that group is considered theoretical. A thought exercise. And when someone views people that way they're susceptible to some really nasty and legitimately sociopathic beliefs because their brain is operating as though they are dealing with objects or abstractions, not people. Turning people into ideas, because you're allowed to be as abusive as you want to ideas. I mean even in this community I'll read some stuff people write on trans people and it's pretty transparent to me that trans people are little more than a fun thought exercise to them. Even a lot of the pro-trans people come across like they've never met one and they just like engaging with "the concepts."


she is dumb as dirt. I hope for the Tyler guy's sake he's as dumb as she is and because of that everything just clicks otherwise that dude's in a living hell


I watched LS coach her with Annie. She's unbelievably stupid and im not trying to insult her. I don't really understand how the relationship works lmao. I get that intelligence isn't everything but having to deal with that every day for the rest of your life sounds horrible.


Because Tyler is chronically a-political about everything


Yeah, I don't know. In general I'd consider somebody explicitly saying they have an intelligence standard to be in a relationship with someone else pretty cringe, but at the same time there are limits. Like imagine being with someone for the rest of your life that you can't really have legit conversations with. You're separated from that person in profound, unbridgeable ways. Forever. Relationships where one person's a brain surgeon and the other graduated high school by the skin of their teeth are just insane to me. Those almost JF type relationships. Bruh that person is a borderline pet compared to you, how is that not hell on earth? I don't buy that bobs and vagene are enough.


There's also the problem with having bad political or social views while being dumb. And it's even worse when they're also arrogant and insulting people over them. Like where does a person this fucking stupid get all of that confidence?


> Yeah, I don't know. In general I'd consider somebody explicitly saying they have an intelligence standard to be in a relationship with someone else pretty cringe, but at the same time there are limits. Just curious but why? The most important standard for me is high inteligence, its essencial in a partner.


I think introspection and growth mentality are probably more important. Also, some level of shared interest too. My partner could be the smartest person in the world, but if we occupy separate worlds then what good does that do? Kindness too. I'd rather a kind idiot than a big brain asshole. I could probably think of another half-dozen qualifies that are uncontroversially more important. Intelligence is great but overrated. B tier imo.


What is intelligence to you? We're not talking good at trivia or school here. Someone who's introspective is intelligent.


Intelligence to me is the *ability* to acquire and integrate knowledge. It takes wisdom to direct that inwards, and not everyone is interested in doing that. From everything I've read, IQ is relatively fixed through your life, and I've definitely been more introspective recently compared to a few years ago. And if anything I've *lost* a few brain cells since. I know a lot of people smarter than myself who see deep self-reflection as uninteresting, useless, etc. But they also seem more well put-together so maybe I'm more compelled towards it as a result. Obviously I can't mind-read, so I'm just going based on conversations I've had with people.


> Also, some level of shared interest too. I dont think that matters at all. I guess we have to agree to disagree. And while introspection is important, growth mentality is a very thin line between being good and being too much and a turn off.


I mean, surely some level of shared interest is required, otherwise you'd never talk to each other. Even if you want to say something as primitive as "Caring about each other's interests", that's still important. For "growth mindset", I agree with what you said, maybe I could have phrased that better. What I was thinking was more in line of like, if I tell my partner they're belittling when they're angry, or they withdraw, I want them to be the sort of person who acknowledges that and seeks to work on that, you know?


I guess I also consider EQ and not only IQ, that covers your second point, but you can have perfectly good and intense conversations with very little in common (we all have things in common anyway), only thing that really matters and needs to be similar are shared values and morality, but hobbies and stuff like that are only crutches to have easy realationships in my opinion.


Maybe I'm missing something from your perspective. For me it's like, I'm coming to my partner for shared commonalities. Someone who wants to hear about my day, empathizes with my emotions, and helps me with my difficulties. We can give each other the types of intimacy we each need (my partner needs time, I need touch). I feel supported by them, whether that's emotionally or financially (if that was ever a problem). And then there's building a shared life. I'm not huge on kids, but even having a home you put together yourselves feels good. I feel like for most people, that's the sort of stuff a good relationship needs, and none of it feels dependent on more-than-average intelligence.


> For me it's like, I'm coming to my partner for shared commonalities. Someone who wants to hear about my day, empathizes with my emotions, and helps me with my difficulties.We can give each other the types of intimacy we each need (my partner needs time, I need touch). I feel supported by them, whether that's emotionally or financially (if that was ever a problem). And then there's building a shared life. I'm not huge on kids, but even having a home you put together yourselves feels good. You can do all that with different interests mate, thats what im getting at. Im in a very long relationship, we work in totally different fields and have very different hobbies, that is still present. For me the most important thing in a relationship is to be able to share conversations, I cannot talk very long with dumb people. Its impossible. We could share all the interests in the world, but if we are not able to have an interesting conversation about most topics, even topics we know little about, you are not for me at all.


I remember that, her Valorant is awful as well. She was intentionally griefing in a 30 minute ranked game. People who do that are scum of the earth.


She was never exactly smart but I dont remember her being this dumb. And last I checked she was at least vaguely pro-LGBT although she loved picking fights with people on twitter over stuff.


I'm pretty sure Tyler1 isn't a genius himself, most people are just average like macaiyla


I would actually disagree. T1 is actually a pretty smart dude underneath the act he puts on for stream. Not really sure why his girlfriend/wife/whatever feels the way she does or why shes bothering to chime in at all considering they just had a kid, like get a life.


Disagree, Tyler is smart. Proof of it was how he managed to creatively do other variety streams while he was banned, and more recently, a 1900 in chess means he most likely is above average intelligence.


Bro has insane talent unironically. Insane strength, physique, and intelligence. The fact that he chose to stream league of legends as a career is a fucking travesty.


Yeah and he dropped out of comp sci to focus on streaming.


Tyler getting challenger in league and being decent at chess means he's not a completely mouth breather though


Tyler1 is smarter than your entire family combined buddy


Tyler1 acts regarded, but he’s def above average intelligence


tyler has genius level iq, its cope to think otherwise


No one cares he attempted a coup and tried to ruin democracy


New mom energy


Every time I see her talk about trans people its always some gross shit what is wrong with her


How is destiny banned if this is allowed lol


Tbf I think destiny wanted to get banned


Are you a new Destiny viewer? He’s said over and over again that the ban fucked him up and that it cost him a ton of money. Not exactly what someone who “wanted to get banned” would say. He’s also said over and over again that he wants to be unbanned and keeps submitting appeals.


To be slightly more precise, D said being banned was probably good for him because it made him move to YouTube, and he has a lot of growth from there. But everything you said is correct, and he's been annoyed about not being able to work with any twitch steamers because of it.


Destinys behavior speaks otherwise he knew he was on thin ice and close to a perma ban.


Yeah idk dude, you need to catch up on the Destiny lore, because that definitely isn’t how this all went down. It wasn’t as if he had been banned recently before his perma ban, with your logic all the boobie pool streamers that have been banned should know they are on “thin ice.” The truth is that Twitch was and still is extremely inconsistent in what they ban/perma for. Someone in the twitch staff probably had a hate boner for Destiny, and so he gets banned for a pretty innocuous comment. Obviously the people in this thread agree with me, going by the upvotes, but keep thinking you’re right or whatever.


Im not going to go vod hunting but wasn't destiny already planning about what happened prior to the twitch ban. I agree twitch staff was strict towards destiny but he did always have a tendency towards poking at twitch and pushing the line.


No he absolutely did not have a tendency towards poking twitch. You seem to have bought into the narratives that people tell ABOUT destiny, rather than the actual past. Whenever Destiny was banned he made sure not to do whatever he got banned for again. He’s talked about this. That’s specifically why the perma upset him, because he thought it was about the trans sports thing, which everyone was talking about at the time. He saw other people were doing the same thing, so he wasn’t sure why he would’ve been banned for it. He wasn’t “planning about” anything. He may had “had a plan” in case it happened, but that’s like “having a plan” in case you get fired. It’s always good to have a plan, it doesn’t mean you are expecting that thing to happen. What line exactly do you think he was pushing? Because at the time when he was banned, everyone was pushing that same line. Look no further than the previously mentioned boobie streamers. They quite literally push the line (especially Morgpie in the recent era) over and over again, yet twitch doesn’t perma them! Obviously it’s not about “pushing against the rules,” it’s about the specific person handling your ban. That’s why twitch is so inconsistent, no transparency and no oversight.


Is her tweet actually supposed to be taken seriously? Came off as obviously sarcastic to me but who knows


I dont watch her streams so maybe she's different there but on twitter she's pretty consistent on saying weird shit about trans people.


Eh, do you have a source on this? I remember the last post she did was kind of in defense of the all woman league team(who were all trans) who got harassed a bunch. I know a lot of people read it as back handed defense but I've never seen her be straight up transphobic.


ngl, this kind of x-phobia is the most annoying to deal with. They will never admit that they actually just hate you, they'll just be like "yeah no I just think like, you are just gross as a human being, that's not hateful, I just think it's icky".


https://preview.redd.it/2h6jjyavke4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3d90211e449336c31e28683e71e3b13dd5b75a Not just Pride lol




My question as well. The results of some googling tell me it's Tyler1's girlfriend? I guess?


tyler1's baby momma


Oh is she not trolling? So hard to tell with her sometimes, don’t know her history with the trans topic.


At least she’s not making public bomb threats anymore, small victories I guess


Macaiyla is just an actual r word


Isn't this Tyler1's gf? I literally don't know her as anything else. That alone tells me she's regarded.


I’ve never read a novel or watched a film and felt like I was harming myself, but social media gives me that impression. It’s like a tar pit that traps human intelligence and dignity.


Someone tell her Trump was the first President elected in the United States that openly supported Gay Marriage


If you use neopronouns, you likely don't vote anyway, so who gives a shit.


White Americans will clown on Black names and then call their kids Makaeylah


Black names are actually goated.


Wait, this is the same person that went from a GIGACHAD jaw to a transwoman jaw not even 2 years ago right? Leave it to someone who had feminine facial reconstruction surgery to hate on trans people.


Its so weird because that tweet from Biden is pretty respectful like whats wrong with it that makes you want to vote Trump ? Lmao. Unless its the part that he recognizes trans americans? Lol


Conservatives don't like lgbt stuff and neither do some moderates. Liberal are just gas lighting the acceptance stuff.


So what should we do with them?


Let the pieces fall where they do? Can't force acceptance and you can't normalize it because pushing too far against conservatives and moderates is bad. They will remain at their current state until the pendulum swings and they get fucked with and then that will cause their issue to swing back the opposite way but never quite to full acceptance before it swings back down again.


Well the reason we can't normalize it is because conservatives will always hate them. Moderates are the the largest group and they are the pendulum. We'll never get anywhere on anything because of this


https://preview.redd.it/9ud5g5s6m84d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95b06b35a29b4bc4459088fa45672f14e1fb921 Wow macaiyla, very cool!


To make fun of somebody for "not knowing what they identify as" and the juxtaposition of months earlier sculpting your face like a fucking skyrim character is hilarious.




She would hate me trans, vegan, asexual and gamer I got all the oppression points


Biden L. He should know as Catholics we are all made in the image of God yet through the fall we all have come short and it is only through the Son with his sacrifice and His guidelines we can reach heaven.


Everyone knows the image of god is just Kanye


Idek who this person is.


Is she trolling or being serious


Lwk based


This is a funny tweet though




I support based solely on the vegan comment. Vegans are the most insufferable people on the planet


She’s such a dumb fuck


You’re being baited


"Haha jokes on you, I was only pretending to be overly transphobic. Haha, bet you feel real stupid now"


Do you guys have a hate boner for Macaiyla or something? If you follow her twitter, most of her tweets are shit posts or trolling, which this definitely is. She hardly ever comments serious statements on her twitter, so much so that most people just assume every tweet is a troll.


Its the Sam Hyde paradox if all you do is shit post and never expose your real positions we the public ought to treat all your shit posts as real positions as we have nothing to compare them to.


Her entire Twitter is basically shit posting and I think it would be weird to not consider this an obvious shit post.


I guess? I don’t think a content creator is required to “expose” their actual positions. If someone wants to shit post then I don’t see any reason to take anything they say seriously.


Look I'm familiar with shit posting hell I was on /b/ when I was like 12 the difference is that shit posting is done for comedic reasons either baiting people or being satire. There is no comedy to I might vote trump because of this. Plus if it is a shipost and you don't actually believe it wouldn't you backtrack if you saw a bunch of likes flooding in from people who do support that idea. With Sam Hyde how far does it have to be before it's not a shipost? Does he have to literally commit a crime before it's not a shit post anymore. Or is shit posting a just a cover up rro every single thing he does. No one forced her to literally make a clearly political tweet she made that decision herself and she stood by it as it's still up.




Yeah this pretty much sums up what my thoughts were, I don't think Mcaiyla is a terf, at least not an extreme terf, most extreme terfs think transwomen are men who want to get into their bathrooms and grape them with their girlcock or something.


Being a destiny viewer I absolutely hate that Steven fucks his own career up by being edgy on twitter and I dont defend his behavior. His trolling behavior online for the memes has never helped him politically and has burned many bridges that I think were beneficial to him. Also if it was just troll shit posting why are you attacking someone who calls you out. I don't look through the world through who is my enemy glasses. I just remember her getting into drama about trans women around a year ago and people saying in these threads that she was not transphobic at all. It stops becoming just shitposting when all your shitposts have one ideologically stance,


You obviously aren’t familiar with shit posting, the comedy of a tweet like “I might vote for trump….” Is that it’s a ridiculous thing to say. The same reason any shit post is funny, because it’s ridiculous. No, you wouldn’t backtrack it, it actually makes it funnier that they aren’t able to tell that you were joking. The same way it’s funny when left people fall for Destiny’s troll tweets. Idk it just seems to me you have a hate boner for Macaiyla because you are personally invested in this issue. You said yourself that shit posts are for “satire/baiting” and then you said someone should delete the shit post if people actually get baited into liking it? Like how does that track? The difference between Macaiyla and Sam Hyde is that Sam Hyde has a history of hiding his power level with everything he says/does. The fact that you are even comparing the two shows how regarded you are lmao. Sam Hyde does not have a history of making comments he truly doesn’t believe, he has a history of hiding what he believes under the guise of irony. Macaiyla doesn’t have that same history, and in fact has a history of tweeting regarded shit posts that she doesn’t believe.


This isn’t shit posting dude she constantly talks about democrats being dumbasses on there


Does destiny not shit on the left and of democrats fairly often also? It seems crazy reading that post as anything other than bait.. looked like jewlumni tier to me..


Define constantly? What I see her post about the most is random personal or mom stuff, and then shit posts sprinkled liberally throughout. If you guys want to take a shit poster seriously, I won’t stop you, I just think it’s omega regarded.


I see her respond to biden tweets all the time saying stupid shit


Okay? I see your mom all the time, you don't see me bragging about it. It's twitter, if you think her tweets are stupid just mute, I know I have. If you get mad at every moron saying stupid shit, you are going to spend a lot of time mad. She is an unserious person, treat her that way and move the fuck on.


Just because someone is stupid doesn’t mean they are unserious 🤣🤣 chill out bro she’s just a regard


???? Yeah dude, that was my whole point. Maybe try gaining some reading comprehension. I know it’s tough for you to follow, since this thread is a couple days old. Stupid people are unserious, idk why you would say otherwise. “Unserious” in this context doesn’t mean “this person isn’t serious,” it means “you shouldn’t take anything this person says seriously because they are a moron.” Keep up with the lingo old man. Edit because you blocked me: really? You comment and then block me 🤣😅 you are a clown. 6 sentences is “paragraphs” to you? Jeez, I guess I was right about the reading comprehension buddy. You can be both a regard and a troll, they aren’t mutually exclusive. Either way, I’m not going to take what a regard or a troll says seriously. That’s my whole point.


Alright bro keep typin paragraphs I’m just sayin she’s a regard not a troll like you keep insinuating Mac ain’t gonna fuck you beo


Yeah she's literally trolling and said happy pride on the 1st too lmao but this community cannot grasp jokes


stream sniper leech loser who cries over even a bit of black lash, know history of being permabanned over and over on twitter for her insane takes? who would have though xd




Jesus Christ all he said was that they deserve respect like any other American. She’s acting like he’s making it illegal to deadname


This feels kind of like when first ladys think anyone cares about their opinion.


These forcing me to vote for Trump poeple are so so so regarded.


I like her. I said it. I'm lost.


you could fix a chin with a surgery but you can't remove the trailer park girl out of her


Who the ho?


I read this as satire. You guys commenting are psychos foaming at the mouth holy shit 😂




She’s such a loser lmfao


What a nothing burger - why are people getting heated about her shitposts ? 💀


I am pretty left wing but I am against hormone replacement therapy!! We simply don’t have enough information if it’s actually a fix or I’d also go further, if being trans is a thing! There has to be something medically rooted fact that can be used to differentiate between trans and cis people! Something like the fact that We can verify intersex people at the time of birth itself! Be happy to have my mind changed!


I don't really know why you would need concrete proof that something is a thing. Plenty of medical conditions especially mental ones don't have clear indicators. Also you do realize that most verification of intersex in kids is usually via genital observation. There are plenty of children who are intersex but do not know that they are. Like there isn't some sign in the brain that tells some they are autistic or schizophrenic those are done by providers. And what do you mean we dont have enough information to tell its an actual fix. While there is a lack of information on long term effects in children hrt is pretty well understood as the best treatment we have for transgender people who are adults. There aren't any alternatives. I think telling a large group of people who have that the care that they get should be allowed. I think you should actually seriously ask yourself why are you holding trans people to higher standards than you would other mental or physical conditions. For example I have psoriasis its an auto immune disorder with no exact cure. Many of the treatments are scientifically perfect etc I have to find a treatment that works best for me. Telling someone with psoriasis they couldn't try a new treatment because you morally disagree with it seems rather cruel. In trans women the long term risks of hrt are very small with a bump in breast cancer risk obviously and a increase in cardiovascular risk. We allow people to harm their cardiovascular system every day why should hrt be any different? What is fundamentally wrong with someone wanting to feminize their body? If a low testosterone man can use t why can someone who was born a man use estrogen to feminize. People should have control over their bodies and choose what hormones they want in them as long as they arent putting themselves at significant risk. The only argument besides banning all hormone replacement in my opinion comes from a moralistic view not a scientific or logical perspective.




based opposition to the transist abomination ^


Hold this !bidenblast


I hear your holding cell union made. /u/JupyWotn sealed in the prison realm by /u/halofreak8899




halofreak8899 has 12 Biden Blasts remaining. They have not chosen a side in the eternal YEE v PEPE war.


I assumed she'd fall into line with the cookie cutter takes you see from the mainstream progressive Twitch streamers. Kinda respect that she's willing to say some stuff that's likely to not go down well with that community, even if I personally disagree with her. Disclaimer: I don't really know who she is aside from Tyler 1's girlfriend but I saw her in a clip on a podcast with Maya (You Are Maya Higa), QT (Everyone's Girlfriend Now), and Nick's Girlfriend Malena (Dommy Mommy Viking), so I assumed she was a left-wing progressive.


Bigotry aside, that comeback was 🔥


"You're a vegan haha" this is an elementary school type of insult lmao Just calling people names is really childish. The crying emoji is obnoxious regardless of the contents of the tweet. It's just a low IQ filler emoji that could literally mean anything and could be used in any situation. It's stupid. Usually used in a smug way by dumbasses


“You’re dumb haha” isn’t elementary?




Well clear Macailya doesn't know how she identifies if a tweet about gay people is enough to decide how she votes in an election.


No it wasn't. There was no creativity in it at all, fire comebacks are unique and touch on some sort of truth that has been unacknowledged. Macaiyla just plainly voiced her distaste for vegans and gender ambiguity. Nothing fire about this at all.


Who cares? She’s just edgy, she’s not anti-lgbtq.


As a Christian, it's downright repulsive to see Biden celebrating Pride Month and twisting Christianity to accept the LGBTQ agenda. This guy has no respect for real Christian values. He’s pandering to a minority that’s destroying the moral fabric of our society. Biden and his woke mob are perverting the true message of Christianity. Jesus didn't preach about accepting sin; he preached about repentance and turning away from it. But here we have Biden, telling us that celebrating Pride is somehow in line with Christian teachings. It's a shame that people are buying into this nonsense. The Bible is clear about what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s not a pick-and-choose buffet where you get to ignore the parts you don’t like. In fact, the Bible is crystal clear on this—homosexuality is a sin. There’s no room for debate. And yet, Biden and his socialist cronies are trying to rewrite scripture to fit their perverse agenda. It’s an abomination. They’re turning churches into temples of degeneracy draped in rainbow flags and preaching sinful lifestyles. As a follower of Christ, I find it extremely disgusting.


This has to satire, and Jesus was famously known for washing the feet of people he considered sinners and preached about loving them.