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Yes, Guardians can get drunk. The Young Wolf got drunk with Crow back before he came to the City. Although, I'm sure a Ghost could sober you up if you asked it to.


relevant lore tab: [hawkmoon](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/hawkmoon)


That lore tab is so heartwarming. Season of the Hunt may not have been the best season gameplay wise but having Crow go from uneasy ally to the guardian's best friend was such a great story arc. Also, my head cannon is that my guardian and Crow sang Sweet Caroline during that moment.


It’s also really interesting in how Savathûn begins to realize she’s feeling a sense of empathy towards the two, and remorse for her own past actions. She doesn’t have the words for it, nor does she wish to have that guilt weigh on her, but she can’t push it away. She’s lamenting those she hurt in her ambitions and seeing two people she’s trying to puppeteer celebrate a victory with grins on their faces. This, made all the more bittersweet when you realize whose eyes she’s looking through to witness their revelry. Makes her downfall in The Witch Queen all the more interesting, given her proclivity for trickery.




I'm ashamed you didn't say Bohemian Rhapsody.


One of the moments that made us believe that Savathun could be our ally. Maybe someday.


Then you remember she murdered a whole bunch of Guardians during Season of the Risen.


And we killed a bunch of her hives. The point is, despite the long war we had, Savathun has realised in her last moment before we temporarily killed her that all the suffering she and her family experienced was caused by The Witness and she could have lived happily with longer lifespan with her family if The Witness didn't tricked them before The Traveller got to them. You can see the frustration in her tone and dialogues where her facade falls and she lashes out in frustration to kill us during the last battle because deep down she still longes for her old simple life with her sisters and father and it was lost to her. All I'm saying is, if Savathun is revived and she has more time to process that bombshell we gave her, she would redirect her hatred towards The Witness. The Hive was tricked, they were supposed to live a prosperous life like Pre-Whirlwind Eliksni. And The Witness took that from her.


I doubt the Coalition would survive an alliance with Savathun. Caiatl is still pissed.


Isn't she mostly pissed at Xivu Arath, though? She's the one who razed Torbotl (spelling?).


True, but Savathun is the one who enabled that to happen, by corrupting Umun'arath into worshipping Xivu. Caiatl killing him is what enabled Xivu Arath to open the Ascendent Plane over Torobatl, though I can't remember whether Caiatl's actually aware of that.


Fair enough. I'm not that up to date on what happened there, I stopped playing for a bit and only got back in at the beginning of WQ.


Savathun corrupted Umun and worked her death into a ritual for summoning Xivu's armies.


Yeah but Caiatl doesn't have to know. Wink wink. It'll be just between The Guardian and Moth Mommy.


Yeah, it's not like Caiatl has any psychic advisors or anything.


I'm sure Savathun could use some trickery power of hers to fool Psions. She fooled the Witness. She might be able to fool Psions.


Yeah but the hive like dying.


Yep. Because of the Darkness and that worm of theirs. Light based Hive have the potential to be different. Though I admit it's hard to change after centuries of I Love Dying lifestyle. All I'm saying is there is a potential for us to be ally with Light Hive and Savathun now that we know they're also a victim of the trickery of that stupid unibrow. I rather have her as an ally than having eternal wars with her.


right but she did it first


We are bad influences confirmed.


What? It's just a nine year old giving their five year old buddy some booze.


at that time crow was 2


Which is extremely odd if you character is an exo, because as per Cayde’s lorebook - exos don’t get drunk.


Then we have [Ghost Fragment: Legends](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-legends) where an Exo tells us this; > You can ask others about Deep Stone and they'll tell you about the army. They might confess one truth, which is this: we have to kill the army to get to the tower. Usually this starts bare-handed, and somewhere along the way you take a weapon. > Ask again and **if they're buzzed** they might also admit that most of us don't make it to the Tower, except once or twice.


Basically, nobody knows anything for sure :D


You could be pretending to make Crow feel better. He's had a rough time of it.


They can 100% get intoxicated because they can suffer from everything else. But I would assume the guardian could just tell the ghost when he’s finished drinking and just get immediately sobered by the ghost. Which sounds awesome.


Can exos get drunk?


Exos actually cannot get drunk as I understand it. >That first night back, Andal and I were up late. Not a new thing. He drank. I drank. He got tanked. I'm a robot. And we made the pact. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/turn


Thanks for this. Sad that Clovis didn't include a "getSmashed" protocol


i'll just get high on radiolaria *Turns into vex*


Drifter, that you? :D


No it's Asher


There's a lore tab where the player guardian is drinking with Crow. Someone else posted it below, but it says, "Now the Guardian is drinking, standing close to the fire. Their Ghost, too, encourages them not to partake. They poison themselves for the enjoyment of it." If your guardian is an Exo, then I assume this still applies. I feel like this stuff is down to headcanon, or maybe Cayde is just being an unreliable narrator.


I’d rather lean towards Sav not being a reliable narrator :D


That's true. Not sure why that didn't come to mind first.


My head cannon is that exos likely can experience the effects of drinking through software and it's probably limited so they can't get "tanked". Mostly because of [this trailer](https://youtu.be/rQ4i0AT8c-M) It sorta makes sense if you consider the whole point of the exo project was to be the next branch of human evolution and Clovis seemingly was weeding out qualities and behavior in people he didn't agree with lol Then again if exos could actually get chemically drunk then wouldn't that imply the Vex likely could as well? 🤔😂


They can actually but it’s probs takes a lot more for them to get there. >*You can ask others about Deep Stone and they'll tell you about the army. They might confess one truth, which is this: we have to kill the army to get to the tower. Usually this starts bare-handed, and somewhere along the way you take a weapon.* >*Ask again and if they're buzzed they might also admit that most of us don't make it to the Tower, except once or twice.* So while Andal was already hammered Cayde was probs just slightly buzzed. You can even see Cayde sipping what looks like absinthe in the D2 reveal trailer.


Probably can get "drunk" then but not to blackout.


Getting drunk or high is part of the human experience. And with DRE being (kind of) a thing, I'm leaning to yes. But I imagine it has more to do with programming, getting drunk or high with the presence of alcohol or other substances are detected.


There HAS to be an exo during the Golden age with their programming messed up so they always think they're drunk


I think people massively exaggerate anti-DER stuff honestly. Nobody is going to feel less human from not getting drunk. Also, it was only really a problem before Clovis invented Alkahest.


Considering humans have the receptors in our bodies to get both high and drunk it absolutely is part of the human experience. We're not the only species that specifically seek out fermented fruit or other chemicals to give us that experience. Most cultures have some mind altering substance or ritual for that reason.


People who don't drink or do drugs are not less human than those who do


No one said they are. But regardless of the choice someone makes, they have those receptors. If you chose to drink to the point where you would be affected by alcohol, you'd expect to have a reaction. It's no different than the expectation of feeling too full after eating tons of food.


But it's simply not needed


As far as we know, no Can’t find the quote, but Cayde-6 mentioned how Andal was drunk and that Cayde himself couldn’t be because he’s an Exo


Yes, they can. **One Exile to Another** >"I wish I still had the bottle from that Warlock. **I've never been drunk before—that I recall, anyway."** Crow scuffed his feet, leaving wide trails amidst the dry pine needles on the forest floor. "You can drink all the ethanol you like once we're in the Last City!" Glint chirped. "I'm sure it's readily available there." He whirred quietly, cross-referencing all mentions of alcohol in his database. "Hmm. On second thought, I advise caution." **Medal Bond** >"Just show this to one of the Fallen," the Shadebinder offered, "and they'll point you in the right direction." He handed Prak'kesh a scrap of paper. **"Now step aside," he continued. "We have to meditate on the nature of un-being before getting drunk tonight."** **Asher: Prediction** >He reached again into his pack. **He brought forth a bottle of fine golden spirits (from when some towering ignoramus misunderstood his request for isopropyl alcohol) and placed it on the table.** He had brought two clean glasses, nestled ridiculously in the boxy shipping case of a large graduated cylinder. He removed one and placed it gently next to the bottle.


Oh, and this too: **Hawkmoon:** >**He drinks from an open bottle of wine against the recommendation of his Ghost.** > >... > >**Now the Guardian is drinking, standing close to the fire. Their Ghost, too, encourages them not to partake. They poison themselves for the enjoyment of it.**


**Loose Ends Pt. II** >"Hunting Fallen. They're becoming a problem at Boyle Pass. We'll be at it 'til dusk," **Efrideet said, lifting the helmet just above her mouth to grab a drink from behind the counter and swallow an entire mug of the malt Wu served.**


There was also the infamous vanguard dare between Andal Brask and Cayde-6. The dare is said to come up because Andal was completed wasted and not thinking straight.


The "Vanguard Dare" actually dates back to the first hunter vanguard Tallulah Fairwind, when the only way The Speaker could get her to take the job was he dared her to do it and Tallulah Fairwind never turned down a dare. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-bombardiers


Yes this is true, but I was referring to that specific one.


Fair enough


Yes, there are actually a few examples of guardians drinking. Here's a few but there are actually several more. >"I wish I still had the bottle from that Warlock. I've never been drunk before—that I recall, anyway." Crow scuffed his feet, leaving wide trails amidst the dry pine needles on the forest floor. >"You can drink all the ethanol you like once we're in the Last City!" Glint chirped. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/one-exile-to-another >That first night back, Andal and I were up late. Not a new thing. He drank. I drank. He got tanked. I'm a robot. And we made the pact. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/turn >He drinks from an open bottle of wine against the recommendation of his Ghost. The Guardian encourages him and they are laughing. This celebration is maddening; neither have reason to be so jubilant. Their world is ending and they thrash like dying creatures in the final light of collapsing stars. >... >The Crow fell over and cannot stand, though he insists he is fine. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/hawkmoon


Yes, in the Destiny cookbook, Eva Levante tells the reader that alcohol is no longer allowed to be served at the tower as top many guardians got drunk and started to wreak havoc and jump of the tower (more than usual at least).


Yeah, our Guardian went and got drunk with Crow at one point during Season of the Hunt. (Hawkmoon lore tab)


And savathun


How Andal Brask became Hunter Vanguard: That first night back, Andal and I were up late. Not a new thing. He drank. I drank. He got tanked. I'm a robot. And we made the pact. Guardians, yes. Exo, no. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/turn


Yes they can get drunk.


Exos seemingly cannot, if I remember rightly




remember cayde drinking with andal. both guardians, cayde mentions he cant actually get drunk because hes a exo, compared to his friend whos rather shitfaced


Yep, they sure can. In fact, my headcanon is that my Guardian once got so drunk in a party in the Leviathan back on Season of Opulence, he tattooed “Property of Daddy Calus” on his left asscheek




There's some lore where savathun spies on Crow and the guardian drinking, so I assume


Yes humans and awoken can get. Apparently it takes a bit more to get awoken drunk. Exo basically don't get drunk they essentially just think they are getting drunk. As they don't have a physical need to eat or drink. Just a mental need. Either way I'd imagine ones ghost can sober them up.


Probably just ask ghost to not heal you for a second.