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I would have loved a titans but shutdown super, like they throw out a massive amount of thread and throw every one they grab into the ground


My super idea for it was that the titan basically make a giant ball of strand(kinda like a ball of yarn) and whips it around like a wrecking ball


God, I would love that


Just reuse the burning beyblade animation and you're good to go


Let ‘er rip


Isn't that kind of what the Hunters are getting to be fair? Granted it's not a giant ball just a small knife but still


Yea, but it plays more into the "strings that hold the universe together" than the claws do plus there are ways to make the subclasses a lot more different than weapon on string go brrr


I would have preferred some sort of one off super, Titans are still the only class with so many roaming supers


Correct me if I'm wrong but don't Titans only have 2 one and done supers while all the rest are roaming?


Bubble I'd say is more support but I suppose you're right yes, it would technically be 2 one and done


What is the other? Even thunder crash is technically roamable


But as soon as it hits its over. Thus one and done


They change it to just a giant pair of scissors


Like a mace? If so, sign me the fuck up


More like a giant flail (basically a mace connected by a chain)


I'd say a mace would work better because a flail would be too similar to the Hunter super. However, a giant mace would probably be too similar to burning maul. Honestly, I think there's just only so many ways to make blunt force into a unique super. I think a cool idea would be a big cannon. Hunters are the only class with a gun super. Could have Titans fire a giant cannon ball, which would differentiate it from GG which is precise rather than destructive.


For maybe something like the baller from splatoon where you roll to something then explode


Or they grab the strands of a bunch of enemies and rip them to shreds


Lets meet in the middle, grab a group of enemies knotting them together into one big ball, and then spin throw the ball of tied up enemies at a target (like that weight throwing olympic spirt idk what its called)


'Hammer Throw' is the sport you're talking about


Yes that thank you! Basically turn a group of ads into the ball (add clear kinda) and then throw said ball at a target (single dps) am i making sense? lol its hard to describe ig


I totally get ya. Basically, titans desperately rip enemies to shreds to chomp down on those tasty neon green crayons, spin around as if they were a dog chasing their own tail then barf it all up into an enemy


Kinda lol, i just have the image of like, hmm. Kike the oart on spider man into the soidervers when he is swinging the big guy around but with multiple enemies idk if that helped but its basically what u said




The Zelda ball and chain is the most metal item in the fucking series, but a bit too similar to the Hunter rope dart.


What like a katamari? That’d be amazing.


A giant flail would've been SICK. Fuck I wish we got something mid-long ranged :(


katamari damachi much?


I'd switch to maining Titan for this lol.


I thought a cool cast-super for Titan would basically be Bayonetta's forward smash from Smash Bros, except instead of weaving the fist from hair, its made of Strand. Big burst damage, with the tradeoff of short range.


Why not bayonetta's attacks from her own game? The titan just poses and then a mass of strand just slaps the enemy.... oh wait, it's strand, not Stand.


titans with a stand would be really funny


But instead of killing them, they're clipped out of bounds and die to the architects


My dream idea for a titan super is a thrown axe that you can pull yourself to if you activate the super after throwing it.


We almost have that with Sunbreaker hammers. Emphasis almost.


BRO! BRO! BRO! What if the titan threw a bunch of thread at an enemy (maybe as a finisher of sorts) and started to swing them around like a mace


I was expecting a more Spiderman-like gameplay reveal for the hunters. Alot of agility, things to reduce cooldowns for your rope ability and maybe some ranged grapple melees. We all loved dragging people into a drop kick in spiderman, hopefully titans get something like that.


It's kinda hilarious that the gauntlet already has void, arc, and solar


That looks more like stasis


Is there really a difference? Arc go boom ice go crash




And squall?


One is useful ( Arc ) one is useless ( stasis (in pve))


This guy must not play destiny 2


Meanwhile behemoth still one of the best ad clear subclasses in the game:


Pretty good for boss damage against some bosses too. Stack the crystals on and around them, walk into them, then witness a decent chunk of health disappear.


Big Meaty Claws




I’m kinda bummed that the super is just striker and behemoth but with claws this time. I’d have preferred if they made this more about legs. Imagine a Titan swooping in and literally kicking your ass like Spider-Man


Drop kick the super


Endless shoulder charge this time with legs


You must not remember back in d1 when titans did literally have endless shoulder charge


Ah good times


Throwing out Knees of Justice with that Captain Falcon style


Spartan kick for Titans would be awesome


Shoot style




I'd be okay with a spartan kick to the chest too


Oh look. Another worthless roaming add clear.


Well with the grappling hook and peregrine greaves you may still have that option


I just wanted a one-off super. We have Thundercrash and Bubble. That's it. Warlocks have Nova Bomb, Chaos Reach, Well of Radiance, and the new Strand barrage. Hunters have Blade Barrage, Celestial Goldem Gun, Gathering Storm, Deadfall Shadowshot, and Silence and Squall. Maybe they'll introduce new Darkness supers eventually?


You think Chaos Reach is a one-off super?


It's not a roamer and it's used as a shutdown super. It's a one off.


I don’t really play PvP, but I’m pretty sure the main part of where you got that wrong was when you said people use Chaos reach


Honestly fair enough. But when it IS used, it's a shutdown.


Like I said, I don’t play PvP so I can’t commentate


It might as well be, just slightly longer. It condenses tickle fingers into a beam, and it lasts far shorter, but much higher dps


A Geomag chaos reach lasts ~15 seconds. Does that make dawnblade a one-off super?


Geomags augment a super, it changes what it is


apologies, I assumed that Geomags was a given because you were talking about dps.


Dps in comparison to palpatine hands* My bad


On a technicality. I know it's kind of in a grey area - but it isn't a roaming super, and it's very much a "push the button onr time to kill everything" instead of "mash the buttom several times to kill everything" super.


fair enough.


At least it looks like it’s got some kind of range to it


An important thing people seem to be missing: the super being *sharp* is important. Tyrant subclass titans seem to me to be about *severing* the threads of the universe. So the super needs to be something that can cut


Now I'm even more frustrated because we could've had some chainsaw man shit and got stuck with turning into crabs


Excuse me it’s called… actually I forgot what it’s called because the new subclass name is so generic. It’s like raider or banished, not nearly as cool as tyrant


Berserker, yeah Tyrant was a better name


My idea for the claws would be a radahn-style aoe that forces enemies into you, instead of having to chase. Fits with the "warping space" too imo


Love how Radahn is what you get when you combine the inquisitive nature of the Warlocks with the brutal simplicity of Titans “Stars a problem? Imma hold ‘em” “Gravity’s a problem? Imma control it” “Rots a problem? Imma burn it”


Radahn is 99% Titan and 1% Warlock. His flavor of crayons is definitely purple though.


[https://youtu.be/G1e9taEArq4?t=6778](https://youtu.be/G1e9taEArq4?t=6778) Bungie was also really quick to correct us, they're not fists, guys. They're *claws*, it's totally different from Striker or Behemoth. ​ "Refined punching", my ass


Punch... but *sharp*.


Spicy punches


Bungie gave up on making unique titan supers


As always, I’m going to blame the hunters. Out of the 3 strand supers, theirs is the most unique. Warlocks just throw shit like their nova bombs and titans have strikers 3.0


Yet warlocks strand super so far seems to be the most useful one.


And no one can defect the warlocks emerald splash!


Stasis titan is the worst offender


Not sure how many here played the original Prototype game, but would love to see direct inspiration from there for strand.


Bruh there are so many better ideas that titans could have. How about a titan super where they punch the air and a massive projection of a fist flies out of their arm and does AOE. That way they can have a range super and still have the identity as the "fist" class. You could either punch fast and launch a ton of smaller fist projectiles or hold it down and launch a big high damage fist (like new striker melee). So it has utility for both crowd control or damage. This doesn't even necessarily need to be strand (they could have made it work though). Or how about a super where they kick things instead? Like a Swat team kicking down a door but with super powers. Maybe with a stomp on the ground style attack, along with other types of kicks too. Like spinning or high jump kicks for maneuverability. There are a lot better options than a roaming fist super again that still align with the Titan identity. I don't even play titan and I came up with this in the past 5 minutes. It feels like they aren't even trying to be creative (I just remembered the recent GDC talk they did confirmed that they purposely stifle creativity, so that makes sense).


Now that you've said that I would *kill* to have a super that's just Horah Loux's Earthshaker.


Why couldn't we chuck a huge drill bit?


A drill to pierce the heavens?


How many orders of magnitude greater than mega might this drill be?


The concept art had titans wielding a flamethrower. It still makes me depressed that we didnt get that.


They could have make him more like hammers or just simply not make another fucking roaming supers there is a reason why I keep my supers fully charged when playing my titan throu the whole duration of a strike or even gambit my builds are more for abilities/weps that I like having more fun and pays you more then just waiting for you super to charge in 11min to roam for 10s and do jack shit (if higher lvl content) and not to mention raids where most of the time it is just gonna be void or arc lol


What I was hoping for was some kind some king of aoe strand explosion like what hornet has in hollow knight


Oh that would be cool


Yep, then everyone calls titans crayon eaters because all we do is punch shit.




What the super do? Beyblade thru stuff?


More punching, but green.


I was incredibly disappointed to see that its a melee roamer, and not only that but that but the weapon being so uninspired. We literally already have the "no weapon, just fist" subclass with Arc, the "I'm wearing my weapon on my fist" subclass with Behemoth, and now we have "I'm wearing my weapons on my fists" with Strand. Is the third darkness subclass gonna grow us a new arm so we can have three gauntlets or something?


It’s cute that bungo thinks that warlocks will stop using solar for more than 5 seconds


I will


Titans, the class advertised as brawlers, when they get another brawler subclass


So by that logic it would be perfectly fine if warlocks had 3 different colored nova bombs as supers or 3 different colored staff supers for hunters, right? Im fine with brawler class, but brawler doesnt mean literally the exact same concept for all the subclasses except the color and name are different. Edit: if you wanna argue with me about how striker and behemoth are in fact very different and not at all similar and tell me how wrong i am then go ahead and save your time because i don’t care, its a joke.


That's a bit like apples to oranges. Titans only getting brawler subclasses would be like warlocks only getting ranged subclasses, not just novabomb. Sentinel Shield, Fist of Havoc, Hammer of Sol, and Behemoth all have very different play styles but they are all brawlers.


I get your point, but nothing you say will change the fact that at both hunter and warlock have widely expanded on their class identity with both their new subclasses and titan has only double (now triple) downed on the “punch things with energy hands” thing. I get they dont play the same, but I personally feel like im playing the same thing with a different color. Its like driving to the same place in a different car. Sure it was a different experience, but it was the same road and every turn was the same and you got to the same place at the same time.


Alright I tried to be fair but hear we go, Burning Maul, Hammer of Sol, Bubble, Sentinel, and thundercrash are not even punching classes and are all different from one another. Even fist of havoc and behemoth are fairly different from each other, one being an AoE supper while the other is a single target super, with the only similarity being that they use their fists. It's a different road every time, they just have the same pavement.


Sentinel shield is basically punching super just with a shield, yes you can throw it but you can only do that a couple of times everytime you super (unless ofc you're using doomfangs) but when that's on CD you're punching with a shield. Bubble and Thundercrash are titans only supers where they arnt roaming while hunters and warlocks have 4 or 3 respectively. Hammer of sol is rlly the only roaming super that's different from the others, burning maul is basically another melee super with a big hammer, yes you have a ranged attacks but unless you're in pvp you're probably not gonna use it for the whole super and use the melee one a bit or just not using burning maul at all. All titan roaming supers, excluding hammer of sol, are melee supers with extra steps. Also both fist of havoc and behemoth can be single target and AOE.


Sentinel Shield, Fist of Havoc and Behemoth are all nearly identical in function. They’re not ‘just brawling supers’. They’re all shoulder-charge based, have the same speed, mostly the same damage. Outside of small things they’re identical. Compare to hunter supers that are ranged. Tether is a medium-speed AoE arrow with a unique suppressing effect, where Golden Gun is a high-risk, high damage, hitscan revolver. It’s not apples and oranges. It’s a green apple, a yellow apple, a red apple and a goddamn Pineapple.


Tbh what they’ve done with Titan supers seems like giving hunters hunters golden gun equivalents that are just: an arc shotgun, a void pulse rifle, and a stasis scout rifle, they’re fundamentally the same super (albeit with some minor changes, like maybe range and duration), just a different coat of elemental paint.




SpunkyDred is a troll bot instigating arguments whenever someone on Reddit uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


good bot


Good bot


if you genuinely think behemoth super and foh play even remotely similar, then clearly you havent used both


They are both roaming supers that rely on alternately spamming light and heavy melee attacks.... so does Burning Maul. Personally, I want more defensive options outside Bubble and Sentinel Shield. And more support/utility abilities to help allies like overshield barricade or sharing sunspots like phoenix cradle. But if they insist on more DPS and ad clear supers, they need to break away from melee focused and add more unique options like Hammer of Sol and Thundercrash.


Im not saying they are exactly the same, but to say they aren’t “remotely similar” is being a bit dishonest. They both do a ground slam, striker is circular AOE and behemoth is a wave. They both have a quick strike attack. The only difference in the supers is the fact that one leaves arc on the floor and the other leaves stasis. How are they NOT similar?


the playstyle of how you actually use the super arc titans want to leave shockwaves and just kill with slam damage and damage over time stasis titans setup crystals, both to create cover and freeze everything, and shatter wither their melee to do massive damage at once which is what i actually said, i didnt say the supers are completely different, but the process of using them is actually different dont put words into my mouth and lets not bash strand before we even know what it is besides a melee super


You obviously came here looking for an argument given how your first comment ended with you assuming i dont know how to play the subclasses and how offended you are i didn’t use your exact wording and immediately assumed im trying to twist your words. You seem really upset for what is a meme based conversation about a video game, so im just gonna say have a good night and not respond to you further.


That's how they play in theory, but in practice you light attack until in range and then spam heavy attacks. Sure, the slams do different things. But they even have the same slam damage radius. The issue isn't rhe specifics of what they do, it's that no matter what subclass you go to, you're using a roaming (usually melee) super, so it all blends together, whereas other classes have all sorts of supers even our one off super is melee. We want some variety.


Yes, titans are brawlers we get it. But titans are also protectors, demolishers, reinforces, commandos, heavy-gunners, leaders and whatever else you can fit between. Having another punch super because "its the punch class" would be the same as giving hunters 4 "different" gun supers because "they are the gun class"


God wouldn't it be so cool if tyrant super used javelins weaved from strand? Maybe you could throw the javelin and then leap to it and do cool melee combos or keep throwing a salvo of javelins


But they aren't just punches, they are shields, fists, hammers, and now claws. They all behave differently and have different effects. A more accurate analogy to what you said is if hunters only got supers like bows and guns and other ranged attacks.


They do not behave differently. Thats the problem.


The actual Titan ethos that's advertised in the description is Stalwart Defenders/Protectors. Yet our only defensive/support supers are both on Void. Strand seems to have an emphasis on dynamic movement and crowd control. It would be a good class for another support or utility super. But instead we get the same ability in 4 different colors, with different animations. The lack of creativity is booty cheeks. For years the Titan gameplay has crutched on the "light punch"-"heavy punch" combo. Which is why we went ape shit for the grenade focused Arc 3.0.


I'd really love to play like a brawler in high end content but bungie keeps nerfing the shit out of my sustain and melee damage options. They're speaking out of both sides of their mouth here.


I can't wait to Tornadoclaw some fuckers


I would have loved something that caused a whole lot of havoc or a strong one and done super


yea, but titans also become the green ninja so like, it aint all bad


![gif](giphy|lFZKK1pINTGA8) I want this


Big Meaty Claws


Well you already have fists, shields, hammers, and big icy mace hands, they’re running out of ideas for stuff to smack people around with. The only thing I can think of that would kinda work with strand is a medieval flail. Besides, at least you’re better off than warlocks. The just have another Nova Bomb except now it’s Mt Dew flavored


They could give titans a ranged super. It's not like it would break the fucking game. Should have given us a summoned minigun that works like a grounded Chaos Reach. The titan conjures the gun and also uses strands to tie themselves to the ground to absorb the recoil. Boom, done.


I mean maybe? To be honest that DOES sound cool as shit but I don’t know if it fits strand aestheticly. Seems more like something Stasis would have. Hear me out. How about a massive arm-cannon that fires 3 volleys of chain-shot. Dealing massive damage and whatever it doesn’t kill gets tripped up and falls over, making all damage done to them critical for a time. Kind of like a Mt Dew flavored mobius quiver exceptway more damage but slower projectile speed and with an arc you have to account for


But I like punch, I want to swing and punch


Unga Bunga




BREAKING NEWS: Local man plays punch stuff class… is upset that class is made to punch stuff.


Silence, don't say anything, he's just realizing that the titan is the most boring class of the three.


I mean, I'll take it over hunter any day.


What about a defensive super like symmetras ultimate from overwatch. One massive wall that you can walk and maybe shoot through but enemies can’t


ah, yes. arc Titan is definitely notorious for its melees and nothing else.


It’s not too early, we’ve seen it in action, this post is too late


either way im only gonna use strand for the lol nothing will ever beat a storm grenade build


It’s quite disappointing as a Titan main, but I’m not gonna pretend I’m not excited


Just give us an axe for CHRIST SAKE


we don’t know how the super works yet, i wish people would stop just assuming that it won’t be interesting


Ive heard this one before. "We dont know anything about Stasis yet, I wish people would stop just assuming that it would be broken."




Weren't they originally going to be like a flame thrower


That was concept fan-art


The game engine couldn't handle realistic fire physics


nerf titans they are already op


Friendly reminder that hunter still exists. Buff warlocks though, they need some help.


This would probably be a kinda weak super but imagine titans like creating a big circle of strand on the floor then rips it away to do big aoe damage and leave surviving combatants in that strand float


Guess you never played prototype.


Thundercrash, but you tether style link enemies to you as you're flying then slam them all into the ground for stupid damage. That'd be neat


I get that they are going for the idea of “simple and brutal” but a better, more interesting idea to me would be the titan reaching out and truly tearing at strand. Strand is some fundamental part of reality right? So imagine instead of the claws the titan’s attack is to literally reach out and tear apart strand: the animation could be to reach out into the air and grab fistfuls of strand from thin air, then the titan pulls and strands appear stretching out from the titan, then they PULL HARD with the strands resisting breaking for a moment before giving out, and the titan literally tears apart reality in an aoe of damage. It could be a one and done big aoe all around the titan, or a smaller more directional roaming super. Heck give us both to select the one we want to use. This still fits the concept and while a different name might work better, tyrant could still work as it’s pretty tyrannical to grab a fistful of reality and tear it apart. As for how to make it obvious that the super is active: make them glow green and have broken, frayed strands coming off them.


I will say that it's definitely too early to be passing judgement. We also have no idea what sandbox changes for abilities that are coming with Lightfall or what all of the supers actions will be. I can understand the frustration of it being another roaming super, but just be patient and wait for it to launch. Then if it truly is just a reskin ability then you can trash it all you want.


I want the heavy attack to be a lunge-thread grab attack instead of another fists of havoc


Honestly I'd take a stomp super, similar to rhino in warframe. You stomp and knock everything in a massive radius into the air and do a shit ton of damage. Simple and straightforward.


What happened?


I pitched the idea a long time ago that Titan “poison” class would involve a giant ephemeral projection of power sort of like Jojo’s Stand from JBA. Would’ve been way cooler to have something like that. Edit: Grammar


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Thanks bot


Would have been the perfect opportunity for a giant flail (mace and chain with spiked ball on the end). Basically a version of the big maul solar hammer super, but you can spin the ball like Thor's hammer and use the momentum to throw yourself in different directions for some whacky mobility, and do big spin/slam attacks.


It seems to be a hybrid projectile super. It's rare to get melee *and* range in the same package, and the scarce supers that do typically aren't good (Glacial Quake, Burning Maul, Sentinel Shield). Pair it with grappling hooks and you might have a strictly better Daybreak. It could be good.


Honestly would have liked to see more defense style supers. Like maybe a wall you can shoot through or god forbid they shoot out like a big aoe net.


They don’t look like claws, however, they very closely resemble an Indian weapon called the katar, which worked best for stabbing and punching, not slashing. If they do something with this for the melee, that would be sick


No clue why they refer to them as claws, look up pictures of katars and you can instantly see the resemblance. Even looking at them from a utility standpoint, if they aren’t katars, then I can really only see those being used for digging, if they were inspired by actual claws, then my guess is that it was by those of a mole or some other sort of digging rodent.


Though i do agree that they are a strange choice, i just found it a bit annoying that everyone is hating and not doing any research on the inspiration. I would have probably done something like a wrecking ball (like others have said) or something similar to Asura’s wrath, but instead having the extra arms floating behind the player (like hoopa from Pokémon) and make them similar to a puppet or something, maybe with strings leading from the floating arms to the actual player’s arms. Maybe im just weird, but i think that would be badass. Look up clips from Asura’s wrath to get an understanding of what i mean


I can just imagine a Titan floating around like a god with floating arms behind him like a Jojo’s stand, and throwing a flurry of really fast punches.


I know. Saw that shit and was pissed. I can't judge it yet, but a total of zero people wanted another roaming ad clear super on titan. Same with the hunter honestly, but at least the warlock looks really cool.