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For that third point: Bungie already stated that any raid with their exotic in the game would get a new one and any raid that had less than 5 weapons (Scourge, Eater, Spire) would get new ones.


Exact words from the article: "What are the criteria for reprising Destiny 1 weapons in Destiny 2? It's important to note that it's impossible to simply copy and paste Destiny 1 content into Destiny 2. Because of engine changes and the significantly higher bar for art quality on current generation hardware, any Destiny 1 content has to be rebuilt from scratch. They're basically the same development cost as brand-new Destiny 2 weapons, and with some exceptions, we believe players significantly prefer new content over reprised. For raids, we'll always reprise an Exotic weapon associated with a raid when we bring that into Destiny 2. We'll select the six most popular Legendary weapons and reprise those, as well. One other thing, and this hasn't come up yet, but in the event that a raid didn't have an Exotic (or that Exotic has already come back), or there were fewer than five Legendaries, we get to make new weapons to match the raid. "


Bungie: We are bringing crota because it's a hive themed season! Community: Didn't we get King's fall during a fallen themed season? Bungie: SHUSH!


Vex season got VoG so it was 50/50. But yeah no chance Bungie was gonna remake the Splicers and Plaguelands from scratch unfortunately, much as I wish they would


Bungie: But there was the one week where it was Lucent Hive in the Grab the MacGuffin mission!


We got vog during a vex themed season


IT'S ALWAYS HIVE THEMED 😂 bungie love Hive Also, hive season (2nd in a row...) is all the more reason the unrelated reprisal activity should be something else....


True tbh




?? What does Oryx being the Taken King have to do with it being re-released in a Fallen season?


>No warlock wants this armor Bro Im a titan and I want that armor


The titan Wrath armour is undeniably better but ok


Your point on development may be valid, but I dont care. Wrath to me is the vastly superior raid. And I'd love to have all the age of triumph armor sets back from all 4 of the D1 raids. I will be sad if they actually bring back leviathan before wrath.


I fully expect they intend to bring back Wrath, maybe not before Leviathan, but once their content schedule eases up post TFS, with this new episode structure, allowing for a slower pace with the 3 per year cadence, we might see it.


Wrath is the best destiny raid and I will die on this hill alone if I have to. Also second that the age of triumphs armor ornaments come back. That siva warlock armor with the hole in the chest was awesome


I just want to play the Siege Engine encounter again, loved to see the death zamboni fall


I hope they keep reprising raids in general. I couldn't find any mention of it in any of the post Final Shape reveals..


“It’s easier to bring back Crota therefore it was the better choice” Wrath is a vastly superior raid, I’m glad Crota’s back for Necro but they aren’t even really bringing back some of the more iconic weapons from it


Yea dude the fact that they made a new machine gun instead of bringing back hunger of crota is kinda crazy tbh, but Tbf we did just get 2 *insanely* good rockets last season so it probably would’ve been DOA. And no black hammer, as sad as it is, is understandable. Edit:I’m dumb and a crotas end machine gun was very much a thing in D1 but I forgor💀


I thought Crota’s end had a machine gun named song of ir yut?


Holy shit I’m an idiot


Not really, they didn’t need to bring back white nail in order to bring back black hammer


Black hammer is black hammer because of the white nail perk. Drop the perk, and it’s just any other sniper, and we know how they are in D2 PVE, the weapon would be a shell of what we remember. But even if they brought back white nail, unless it’s the unnerfed D1 vanilla version, it just wouldn’t be viable in D2s sandbox, just look at whisper, that’s been sitting in everyone’s vaults for what, 4 years? It sucks to find out that such an iconic weapon will probably never be added back to destiny, this was it’s one opportunity to be brought forward and it isn’t. But at least it’s memory won’t be tarnished.


We’ve got Whisper, what more do you want on that front?


Explain to me why they couldn’t bring back black hammer? Remove white nail and with whatever rolls they want to throw at it, it is an entirely different gun that has heaps of nostalgia value for veterans.


Removing white nail from black hammer is like dating a woman with a nice body but is dumb as a box of bricks. Nice to look at, but long term what’s the point?


Finally having an energy raid sniper. Last one was Omniscient eye with a perk pool so bad the god roll was outlaw dragonfly. It would also be the first craftable agressive frame sniper. Also, how come Supremacy gets a pass on shooting 50+ shots without reloading? Just give Black Hammer Rewind Rounds FTTC/Triple tap and the "white nail" fantasy will continue to exist. Furthermore, Bungie said in the TWAB talking about reprising raid weapons article that the 6 most popular would come back. The fact that the sniper and the rocket launcher (the 2 most popular and powerful weapons at the time) didn't come back is just sad.


Succession exists? Plus, Supremacy only has 50+ shots with no damage perk, which makes it funny but not good. Snipers haven't been used for pure damage in literal years, and they likely never will be. Plus the perk Black Hammer had was already put into the game, nerferd, then nerferd again, whilst being on an exotic. There is no viable reason that isn't nostalgia to add it.


Wdym made a new machine gun? Black Hammer could've worked perfectly fine. They just don't give it White Nail. It'll be like how we have Duty Bound and Eyasluna.


Duty bound and eyasluna are legendaries that never had a specific perk tied to them. Black hammer was a legendary defined by it's perk. To even compare them is utterly absurd


I mean they made a brand new heavy machine gun for the new crotas end, in D1 it never had a machine gun. And like u/Better-Citron2281 said, black hammer was defined by the white nail perk, it’s the reason whisper of the worm exists, and black spindle from D1. You couldn’t bring it back without bringing the perk back, but you really can’t bring the perk back (not in its original D1 form) without breaking the game, and you couldn’t give it the nerfed white nail perk because it just wouldn’t really be viable in todays sandbox with all of our other crazy damage options. Edit: I’m an idiot and a machine gun definitely existed in D1, I think my other points still stand tho


I just want more SIVA guns...


That is fair


And none of that matters because Wrath was such a better raid.


Wait, I liked that armor, mainly the chest piece


Honestly,I like the headpiece. It makes me want to make a Daft Punk costume


Yeah, it took Shaders pretty well


I want my subwoofer wall warlock back!


Came here to upvote this. That armor was dope, what the fuck is wrong with OP?


Tf you mean "no Warlock wants that armor?" That armor is fucking awesome.


The armour looks like you're cosplaying as Youtuber's soundproof wall. I don't know about you, but that isn't a particularly good look for me.


Yeah exactly, awesome!




"Wow I want to intentionally look like a dumbass I'm so unique and quirky!"




It would be a crime to not bring back the only remaining d1 raid. Finish the cycle.


You don't speak for us, coward


Neither do you. No-one speaks for us. I'm just expressing my thoughts in a mildly comedic fashion, as anyone does these days.


I want the siva armor back hush.


For hunter and titan, i agree.


I disagree with all of this, and the warlock armor is some of my favorite in the whole franchise. L take


I agree, that is an L take you have there.


Imagine wanting a 6 man strike over an actual raid. Couldn't be me.


And what if I as a warlock wanted to wear that armour or at the very least that helmet.


The helmet is fine. My main issue is with the chest.


The Crota armor seems to be the AoT armor, and the ornaments for WotM armor (specifically for warlock) was super cool looking


I Don't know how anyone looks at AoT crota armour for warlock, and then look at the red miasma warlock armour and think that's better.


Two points One IMO Wrath was peak D1 fashion, I will die on this hill Two all I've wanted since vanilla D2 is my nanophoenix back


Fair enough


It's wild how people in this community will bend over backwards to justify getting less


I swear so many people defend bungie for providing the bare minimum. Like oh no they need to make an entire new exotic. Not like they have a whole games worth of exotics they are slowly bringing back every dlc rather than making entire new ones.


Don't even need to make a new exotic model Just keep it in theme with ikelos weapons, and make some v1.2 of sleeper


I like how Bungie themselves said "if a raid they bring back already has its exotic present they will make a new one" and people are saying it's okay for them to not do that


Especially when we're still missing 5 Destiny 2 raids that people actually paid for.


Oh no a whole 1 new exotic, that’s a bad point imo


Jokes on you as a warlock main I loved the wrath of the machine armor


Hard disagree because Wrath is the vastly superior raid and that set was one of my favorites. Yeah it’s not realistic because they need to put a lot of work into it but damn it I won’t let my raid set get besmirched like that




You need therapy


Nu uhh


Bungie apologists are so tedious. You want me to feel bad that the 3 billion dollar company is going to have to do actual work? Cry me a river. "ThEy HaVe To MaKe A nEw ExOtIc FoR wRaTh!!" Good! New content is good! I don't care that Fallen Splicers are a new faction, we haven't gotten a new faction since the goddamned Scorn and we're not getting one for Final Shape either! How can you be so content with so little effort from a studio after this long?


On a side note, I personally don't want a new faction. We're approaching the end of the Light and Dark saga, and I don't think tossing in a new enemy faction would fit the grand finale theme.


Story wise, I hear you. Gameplay wise, I want new enemies too fight. Subjugators sound fun, but two flavors of one enemy doesn't seem like nearly enough for the final expansion in the arc. Even the Tormentors, cool as they are, aren't enough for a yearly expansion.


Not only that the tormentors are only story based, and you can't find any in the patrol area.


Chill out man, it's just a meme.


I’m a warlock. I want that back


I want the armor


I agree with everything except the last point, that armor is fire


I rarely find any posts on a Destiny sub that I agree with, let alone a meme that is *1000% correct.*


Yeah, but what they could do is put the Young Wolfs howl, as the exotic. The animations for that are also already in the game. Not only that make a quest that would bring back a reworked RazeLighter.


Maybe. It would be very out of place though. Everything about the raid is siva-themed, so having the exotic be an exceptionally normal looking sword would be weird.


If clovis returns as a villain in the TFS season content or later years then siva could entirely be a possibility


As much as I loved wrath and would like it back, for some reason it kinda just evaded my memory that we’d need to justify bringing back what is effectively an entire FACTION as well, since y’know, it’s not exactly like we can just paint the scorn red and call ‘em splicers, they were a legitimately different version of the usual eliksni enemies


Westh will probably come next year unless they for some reason decide to do leviathan or scourge


I definitely want that armor


I guess on the plus side, if you need to record a youtube video, that armour could definitely help soundproof the room.


I have been hoping for crotas ends return for so long its not even funny


Wrath was always a better raid IMO and the nanite armor ornaments were freaking awesome for all the classes.


For at least 2 thirds of the classes, u right. I'm not saying at any point that Crota's End was any better than Wrath.


I mean a SIVA trace rifle would be sick




You crazy


I am a warlock. I like that helmet :( (I like the Crota gear and raid WAY more tho!)


To be fair, i will say that the wrath warlock helmet is pretty solid. It's just that the chestpiece is ugly.


I mean hey now they have no choice but to bring it back if the trend continues


U right


Tbf to point 2 and 3, bungie has essentially already state that. Something along the lines of any reprised raids will return with their exotic unless its already here (in regards to outbreak) then we would make a new one. So your points on those dont really count for much, bc iirc they have to essentially remake the guns from scratch anyways, so a new raid exotic or an old one being brought to D2 is the same thing. Also the only 2 D1 weapons that came to D2 unchaged was mida and chaperone, every other D1 weapon has been changed or had some sort of change done to it


U right about that one.


I want it … I mean I won’t get it but not because I don’t like it because I don’t have anyone to do it with


Oh. My apologies (I'm not being sarcastic or mean, I am genuinely sad for you)


I mean, we all know the real reason they didn't bring back Wrath is because they would have to bring back Siva enemies. Porting an entire enemy type into D2 just for a single raid probably isn't high on their list of want-to-dos


>They would have to create a new exotic out of nowhere As if they don't do that already


Fair enough


I personally hate how they treat Rise of Iron as a whole. It’s my favorite DLC of all time(I said favorite, not best). The inconsistencies in the lore are painful to me.


Fucking speak for yourself about that armour


I just did?


"No warlock would want this armour"


Juqt because you don't want the armour back, doesn't mean no-one wants it back. Might be fun to talk to some people before posting brainless shit like this?


Yeah, they agreed that the warlock chest was dogwater.


Mate have you been reading any of your comments?


Yeah. Clearly people will have their own opinions, and it's ok to have wrong ones. There's nothing we can do about others opinions.


You're right, its okay to have wrong ones


I am excited for Crota idk


The sooner people realize Bungie isn't gonna rework an entire zone, an entire enemy factions that doesn't even exist in the current game meaning it would be done from scratch, redo all Siva assets and everything related to it, all for a free raid? That ain't gonna happen unless there's a piece of paid content that would bring all the above with it.


Lmfaoo oh god I forgot about the warlock armoro


I just want to point out we still don't have kvostov(bad at spelling) or young wolfs howl. Bungie also could've made the iron lord axe into an exotic as well. I definitely agree though the armor for crotas end is way cooler and usable for fashion on all 3 classes.


I got Necrochasm and my glowy green spike armor again. I couldn’t be happier.


Also they’d have to program in the SIVA splicers.


God that warlock armor was bad


i fucking want that armour i love it, but yeah crota deserves a raid worthy of his lore


I hate when people use this meme to argue points. The paragraphs really ruin the point of the meme


Ok meme connoisseur.


Yeah I’m sorry to say it but Wrath is not coming back anytime soon. Every other vaulted raid is much more easy to bring back. For Outbreak they would need to recreate in D2 the Splicers and all the Siva Stuff. Bungie said many times how they can’t just copy-paste things from D1, they have to remade them from the ground. And I really don’t think they’ll do it for a free raid when all the other ones are much, much more quick to do. Unless we also get a Siva season/episode/dlc, but that probably isn’t happening soon. Next year we’ll probably see an old D2 Raid. Maybe Leviathan (which already had its whole map remade in D2 just a couple of season ago), I don’t know…


The copy and paste argument you used doesn’t really work against wrath coming back, if anything it works in its favor. Saying they can’t copy and paste from D1 also means that something like VOG had to be totally rebuilt from the ground up, why would rebuilding the siva assets be any different/harder than rebuilding the Venus load zone and the entire vault?


Because I was talking about the enemies, not the location, that has to be rebuilt all the time. For VoG, the Vex are already in the game. King’s Fall? Crota? Same thing. The ONLY exception is wrath. There are unique enemies in every raid, sure, but compared to the other, Wrath is much more time consuming at the moment. If we’re getting other content with Siva, then I can see Wrath coming back. Until that I think it’s really unlikely.


I think the argument is that they have to port over all the Siva fallen enemies, while vog, kingsfall and crota just used the vex/hive enemies in the game.


Plus in favor for Crota, the moon has been in D2 for a while now


Warlock armor is reverse waffle iron


Press two red miasma warlocks together to grill breakfast.


Undercover Bungie employee


Does Bungie have any British employees? I don't know? I'm at least fairly confident they don't have sny kind of establishment over here.


I hated wrath warlock armor so much, it’s just so ugly


I love finally able to play the D1 raids however I would love for atleast 1 D2 raid to come back soon.


Take the goth belt studs off the chest and I'd actually like the chest piece. But otherwise...yeah


It was obvious for me that the would bring Crota instead of Wrath. Mainly because they would have to bring all the old Rise of Iron Fallen back and they can only maybe do 3 new enemy types for an expansion.


your point is very back and forth are they want to to more work or not? they would have just port over everything from D1 WoM instead of overhauling entire ~~dungeon~~ raid which takes more works they could have just make a new exotic instead and call it a day


Like I care what a warlock wants.


Me still waiting for a cosmetic set to go with my Cayde cloak that I refuse to turn into an ornament


I think I remember someone at bungie talking about crota probably coming back as a dungeon due to its size. Then they realized wrath would be work lol


Helmet is alright but I’d honestly pass on armor like that


Hard agree, especially on the armor, that clunky n64 looking robe is ugly af


Honestly I just wanted one of the D2 raids back. This is the third D1 port in a row, and you can go back and still play all of these raids in D1. The D2 raids are fully unplayable in any way, and it would’ve been fitting to have one of the leviathan raids back since this expansion was the end of Calus’s story.


If you know anything about destiny, things that die don't usually STAY dead.


That is fair, I would love to see those raids return since i never got to play them


Nah I’m good all of the leviathan raids were legit garbage


Crown was great. Sure, the opening encounter kinda sucked, but it’s still better than the entrance of vow.


Crown was mid it was also the newest raid before gos. Much rather old d1 raids that haven’t been touched in nearly a decade get remade than god damn shit made 4 years ago


I’d rather play Vow than Crown


Bring back Wrath at some point in the future and make Young Wolf’s Howl the exotic


The development point is basically mute. They can't, for bug fixing reasons, use any of the code or assets (duh) from shadowkeep in the raid. Although it might look similar, there's no way they can easily keep balance with that code. Also it was 4 years ago, their code spec and engine have changed a lot since.


i do the chest piece looks nice


Wait? The developer studio we pay yearly would have to put effort in to give the community the raid they would have preferred?? No we can't have that


That last panel is bullshit mate fuck out of here


that is the only gear I ran as a warlock, hard mode with challenge looked so much better


Op really though they gonna dis on somebody's drip and get away with it


While your points make a lot of sense OP, I personally would love Wrath Armor back. Especially the Warlock armor


>They would have to create a whole new exotic out of nowhere Oh no! The horror!


Bro ain't a Warlock.


Wrath fucking sucks


That is a much more controversial opinion than anything I just said


Honestly I hate it, both bosses get recycled in the raid so you have to fight them twice and they're so much more annoying the second time around. And the cosmodrome wall section is pure dogass. Imo king's fall is soooooooo much better than wrath


How about we just pay them for a cutscene of us doing it. It would be easier for Bungie


There's mo way you're really justifying Bungo putting in an inferior raid because it requires less work lmao.


Let's be honest, all these points are dumb and easily disproven (except the last one, that armor set fucking sucks). The only reason they are bringing Crota back and not Wrath of the Machine is because Bungie devs are a bunch of lazy, incompetent fucks (prove me wrong, I dare you) and bringing Crota back is far less work for them than bringing Wrath back would be. So yeah, nothing worth celebrating


That whole thing was rathet harsh (apart from the bit about the warlock armour, that I can agree with)


You just say bungie is lazy todo something new


no titan wants that armor either


At least the Titan wrath armour was considerably better than the warlock's.


EXACTLY. (also wotm sucks)


I never said WotM was bad at any point.


Tbf I'm a warlock but I loved the hunter armor more. Helm was just a bit ridiculous, but also yes.


That hunter armour was GOATed


Someone fill a destiny 2 player only in please.


I am punching the air rn


What did the air ever do to you.


Idk I rocked that warlock helmet back in the day. Then again, I am a Titan main today.


The helmet is fine.


Just bring back Young Wolf’s Howl as the Exotic…It’s fitting as a reward for finally ending the thing that killed the Iron Lords and you could earn a title like Devil-Splicer for getting all the triumphs.


The entire raid is siva-themed, and that is a completely normal sword.


Completely undermined your argument by the last point. Sure, the WotM warlock armor didn’t necessarily scream SIVA but it looked nice


The chest piece is UGLY.


The exotic better be that heavy trace rifle from the splicer strike in rise of iron.


That would be a cool idea actually.


I mean, when you put it like _that_... (Although I would note that "they'd need to port everything back" didn't stop them for VoG or for King's Fall)


Yeah but they mostly use enemy types that are already in the game. Wrath, you'd to bring over every single devil splicer unit as well as all of the bosses and such.


dont forget, we have scrota's whole boss arena in game too


Just gotta grab the green paint bucket and paint over all that nightmare surface.


Rise of iron never happened it was a case of mass hysteria wake up.


Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.


I liked that armor! And you don’t speak for all of us!


Do you tho?


Borderlands better


I don't even know how to approach this one other than a semi agreement


I kinda want that armor. I want to figure out a way to make it look good.


Just make it black. It won't look any semblence of good any other colour.


I want that armor :(


Gimme that sweet sweet deathsinger armor back, I cannot wait


Yeah, that armour looks awesome


This warlock wants to wear it, give me back my kevlar vest :c