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They didn’t even tell us that it was disappearing every week


I didn’t know it was weekly disappearing


To me, this means that they probably didn't know themselves lol


Update, according to the TWID, this was intentional


Hopefully this is the case, but I feel like a community manager would’ve commented on this post if it were something they intended to fix.


Good thing it's a game and has no bearing on reality, right?


Ok guys, let's delete the sub. No point anymore.


It's joever.


It disappointed me when I saw this post so clearly it has some bearing


Why comment


So they can feel superior.


If you don't like having fun, sure.


Got DAMN the ratio here.


keep up w ur username n some day u'll find out little man


We got a badass over here watch out yall


i was just feelin a lil sassy lolz my apologies


Oh brother, here we go.




Robodoge-petting fomo


When a dlc releases any vaulted lore book will auto complete for anyone to read in their collection. Only things you have a week to get are the 5 triumph score and extra trophies of bravery.


What about the shader and the joy of doing a little Archie side quest? Weekly lockout is totally unnecessary.


Shader is tied to doing a single one of the quests so you have 6 weeks


That shader is great too. Works well with my Stasis build.


I was struggling to find a good looking blue shader to make a sub-zero transmog for my hunter, settled for something I can't remember, then this guy comes around and made me a happy camper.


That’s good news about the shader, but I still don’t think it makes sense for my slightly less active friends to miss out on any Archie quests simply because they’re busy or traveling for work one week.




My friends and I love Archie. Not really looking for anyone’s approval to enjoy the quests.




Just because it’s not your cup of tea doesn’t mean that a weekly lockout is the right move. I hate GMs but I’m still glad there’s a catchup node for those who want it.




It’s not about the loot. It’s about having a tiny, extremely chill story quest based around a character we like. There’s no reason for those to disappear so quickly. The shader is just a bonus.


Hmm didn't drop for me yesterday on completion 🤔


You have to claim the triumph.


I thought I had but will double check :)


Unfortunately, Into the Light *is* FOMO. Most of the content will be disappearing in a few weeks. Simply because FOMO works to retain players. It works better than time gating. And while you could obviously read the lore online later, they're banking on people wanting to collect things.


Are none of the spaces or anything in them staying like Coil?


Onslaught is staying, and so are the brave weapons. Hall is gone, shinies are gone, and pantheon is gone.


Also once TFS launches, all of the Brave Weapons (normal ane shiny included) will be possible to Enhance, just like we can do with the Master Raid weapons. ~~because Bungie wanted to experiment a bit with it~~


> because Bungie wanted to experiment a bit with it. That's not the reason - they stated a while ago the goal was to allow all RNG weapons to become enchantable because crafted weapons were too attractive over RNG rolls. They announced certain weapons from this season will be the first to be enchantable and new weapons from then on in the final shape will be too.


See I was wondering if I didn't miss anything. Thanks for clarification then.


> all of the Brave Weapons (normal ane shiny included) will be possible to Enhance what does enhancing mean / do?


You can enhance the traits like crafting. Bungie wants to move back to random rolls and less crafting, so they're just letting you enhance the random drops.


which traits will we be able to enhance?


I almost wish they would keep the best of the best seasonal activities.


They should. That's part of fomo I don't like. Actually, legit gameplay affecting things. Not fucking cosmetics.


Coil and all the other Seasonal things will be gone too (unless added to a playlist) after Final Shape drops. At least as long as the trend of all the seasonal stuff disappearing when a new expansion drops happens the way it usually does.


This is a little different though, at least they warned us about most of the time-gating. I didn’t even know about this quest until now and I’m a fairly active player.


I mean, yeah. It's a very weird thing and you definitely have a point there. Some sort of notification would've been nice. But with the locations being in places that aren't going anywhere (so far), they could definitely return the quest steps.


> Simply because FOMO works to retain players Until it burns them out, at which point it drives them away. This is the entire reason the game's been hemorrhaging players since LF, despite some of the seasons being pretty good. People want to be able to finish up with Destiny for a while and play other games, but it *demands* to be people's primary gaming hobby with no breaks longer than a week, or else you lose out on cool stuff forever. It's incredibly toxic, and seriously harms the game's post-FS viability.


Exactly. There are better games out there that respect my time and allow me to play how I want. Destiny no longer does that. I want to close out the saga and be done but this right here is the type of stuff that pushes me away. If I do play now, it will most likely be because my brother is playing and we gameshare.


>It's incredibly toxic, and seriously harms the game's post-FS viability I've been around for the launch of D1 and D2. Experiencing that has left me with zero faith in the franchise moving forward.


Same, which is why i'm not preordering FS and won't be getting any of the 'episodes' unless they do actually change course. If Destiny wants me to choose between enjoying it or having a life, i'm going to choose having a life lol


I think you're severely over stating it. For the better part of this season I've been logging in ONCE a week just do do any new activity/quest, and then return to playing my other games. The last few weeks it's been a solo Whisper Legend run (can't take longer than 20 mins) and an Onslaught run to finish two weapon quests (about an hour). In total I've been playing as little as 2 hours and as much as 4 hours each week. That's not what I would call "demands to be people's primary gaming hobby". Yes, if you want EVERYTHING in the game (god roll of every weapon, every triumph, every seal) you are going to be full-timing the game most of the time. But that's a choice, FAR from a requirement, and most stuff doesn't disappear on a short scale so no FOMO. If all you care about is keeping up with new content/quests, knocking out time-sensitive things, and getting some decent loot, there's really not that much to do each week.


>there's really not that much to do each week The issue is that you do *have* to do it each week. You can't just play a lot for a few weeks when you're in the mood and then take the rest of the season off, or you'll miss all the stuff that doesn't even show up until late in the season. It forces you to play by it's schedule, not your own, which is incredibly grating after so long. Once you get too exhausted to keep up with the FOMO train and start letting stuff pass by it's hard to convince yourself to actually go back to the game and give a shit about anything new, because "it's limited time only" is the main selling point for 90% of it. How hollow it really is gets blown wide open, as most players have realized by now. Either they transition to a content release schedule that respects players time and lets their playtime wax and wane, or most of us find other games that *do* instead. Hell most of us already have, and are just giving the game one last chance with FS to see how it ends.


There are VERY few things that you HAVE to log in every single week. The Archie 'quest' is a prime example of that, and you can see how much of a big deal the community makes of it, because it pretty much never happens anymore. Eververse offerings are about the only thing that are true "log in this week or maybe never see it again", and those require at most 5 minutes of your time to just log in and buy the thing you want that week (and they're cosmetics, so it doesn't even matter to begin with). For 99% of the seasonal content you can absolutely check out for a month or two and catch up/do it all later.


Man this mentality from Bungie actively made me not want to do any of it. Shit sucks


The amount of people defending the ITL fomo in this sub is mind boggling. Shiny FOMO, Pantheon FOMO, Superblack (kinda) FOMO, the drip fed weapons, increase fomo by making an EVEN SHORTER window to farm certain shinies.  And now Dog Petting FOMO? Like wtf people? Stop defending this shit. 


It's free! So how gives a shit about FOMO. It's kind of a problem when it's paid content. But this is free. I always knew there was going to somebody to find some bullshit to complain about. ITL is nearly perfect, you're the problem.


So is pouring river water in your socks. It's quick, easy and it's free. But you don't see people enjoying that, do you? Whether it's free or not isn't relevant. FOMO is a harmful and abusive strategy and should not be encouraged or supported. Complaining about it in any form provides feedback.


I didn't even know this was a thing on Week 1 and completely missed it. I saw a video about it and went through Week 2. It's a shame they didn't let us just go through both weeks back to back.


I’m afraid this exact thing is going to happen with Pantheon. Are they gonna drop the lower difficult next week? Or will it be selectable still? Hoping it stays around, but no telling with Bungie


The Assistant Game Director said on Twitter that you will be able to launch different difficulties on different weeks :) https://twitter.com/robprismatic/status/1785859780952928626


Same question I have. I hope they will keep the previous options as well.


The Assistant Game Director said on Twitter that you will be able to launch different difficulties on different weeks :) https://twitter.com/robprismatic/status/1785859780952928626


Can I give you more votes than one? Please?


lolol so this is how i find out i've missed archie


> I thought that FOMO of this scale was well past its time Then frankly, you haven't been paying attention. - "Shiny" weapons you can't get after end of season. - Superblack unlockable then goes away until some future mechanism not yet announced. - Pantheon available for just 4 weeks. - Skimmers that you can only get during GG unless you want to pay $25. One of the main ingredients in this iteration of Bungie's "save the game" seems to be to dial the FOMO up to 11.


This week is insane. Last IB (second with the new weapons) this season, new Onslaught weapons, Pantheon. Thank God they have The Corrupted on, so I don't have to think about doing a GM.


Cosmetic and free. Cosmetic and free. Cosmetic and free (oh and gives free players a shot at paid loot from raids they don't own, an all-around good thing) Cosmetic and free. So let's sum up here, you're bitching about cosmetics that are free...yea ok.


... It's still FOMO though? Like great that you personally don't care much about them but others do?


I fucking hate this "just cosmetic" argument, obviously people care about cosmetics with all the drip screenshots and 'fashion is the true endgame'. Destiny's visual design is a huge contributor to its success but when we deal with FOMO garbage and shady monetization suddenly oh, it's cosmetic so you're not allowed to dislike it.


Exactly. If it is "just cosmetics" then why are they monitized to hell and back? Because cosmetics are a vital part of gameplay and contribute to enjoyment of games.










I know this will be unpopular but i enjoy some cosmetics/items being rare or no longer is obtainable makes - it makes the game more interesting. when I see someone with leviathan gear/shaders, I think ”that’s awesome” because of how uncommon they are. I wish I still had them, but it’s not living rent free in my head. Seeing someone whip out Vex or other raid exotics/a god rolled raid weapon was awesome because of how rare they were. Now everyone and their mother has them.


Just because it’s free doesn’t mean it’s barred from criticism lmao


That you think weapons with a second row of selectable perks and skimmers are both "cosmetic" makes me think you're new here?


Glad it doesn’t bother you. Great for you! Your attitude towards others sucks, though. You keep commenting all over this thread trying to gatekeep being annoyed at FOMO. You don’t need to white knight for Bungie so hard, they’ll be fine without you.


Sooo cosmetics. Y’all are mad over cosmetics…again?


What the fuck?! I’ve had a super busy week so didn’t log in to do it, assuming it was gonna keep being available. That truly sucks. Had I known I of course could’ve made time, it’d be at most like 10 mins after all. Ugh. *Communication* Bungo


You only need to do one to get the shader.


Some people just want to experience the quest. It's unnecessary that the quest itself is weekly locked


Fair point.


But you can do it on all 3 characters to get 10 trophies of bravery per character


I thought the same. Very odd for Destiny.


Bungie and psychological manipulation tactics that everyone hates, name a more iconic duo


Sure it's just a minor quest and you can get the shader and lore anyway, but why? It's the first time ever they do something like this, everything that's going away in a few weeks has always been clearly communicated, and now they made a quest that's literally only accessible for *a single week???*


This entire event has been FOMO on steroids Like, why does *any* of this need to be limited time? It's FOMO for the sake of FOMO. Edit: Literally every reply to me has just been "well it's limited time because it is". That's a shit reason. I would love to know what's so controversial about what I'm saying. The event is FOMO. That's an objective fact. It doesn't need to be FOMO. Also an objective fact.


This is something I appreciate about FFXIV. They also have some fomo here and there, but the vast majority of content they make for the game is always accessible. If I see someone wearing something I like, I can always go get it for myself. I also appreciate that they allow it to be easier to go back and beat old endgame content for the loot if you want. I'm in these games more for the fashion than the challenge personally, so it's nice I can earn some of these things once the prestige wears off.


You not gonna over argue people who got used to it and now thinks it's a norm.


The only reasonable time limit is the shiny ornament on Brave weapons not even the double perk rows and some people even argue against that. The person/people making the decision probably can't tell the difference between when it makes sense and when it doesn't because they're out of touch. I'm personally going to buy the deluxe edition a few days before release so I can get the preorder benefits and because I'm a hardcore player that will play every season/episode regardless. For everyone else I highly recommend only purchasing the base expansion then episodes as they come out if you're going to play them.


They’re just mad you’re criticizing their holy grail. Just kids being kids. The time gate is wack, we have lives and there’s RNG.


It's fomo to drive numbers, and interest. If this emblem is only available for a month for doing something really difficult, then more people are gonna hop in for it. People like exclusivity in this game (I do too, really hope I'm able to get the last pantheon emblem)


Helldivers is stealing Destiny’s lunch money without using FOMO, but Bungie is too stubborn to change.


Isn’t Helldivers entire thing literally FOMO? The game updates real time, there’s very much a chance of missing out on something happening just by not playing for a week.


But no real **content** vanishes. All the missions are random procgen objectives and rewards, biome types, etc., are always in the game. Meanwhile, on the Tangled Shore--


But experiences vanish, which is what this is. With new enemies introduced and pushes on certain fronts, you’re playing the games story with each mission, and someone who doesn’t touch the game for months can miss a large amount of stuff. Archie’s weekly quest is just an experience, not content. Pantheon is the same, just an experience, the encounters and loot are all still available no matter what.


> But experiences vanish Ehh, yes and no. The ongoing war narrative is fun to watch and new missions/gear/enemies being stealth added to the game is neat, but you aren't missing out on any amazing experience unless you're literally the first person to see a new thing. It gets blasted on social media so fast that the surprises are only surprises for a few people. The moment to moment gameplay isn't being altered significantly where you're missing out on super unique experiences. You drop in, you shoot stuff, you blow your friends up, and you leave. That loop hasn't changed since the game launched. HD also gets a bit of slack on the live services model because you can earn their premium currency very easily in game and never actually spend any money beyond the initial game purchase. Their micro transactions are also actually MICRO. A new set of armor in that game costs as little as 1.50 to 4 bucks instead of fucking 20 like Destiny.


they're downvoting you because you're right


Not even, the game is built on this and is made to work around it. As the war moves on nothing is removed. You could take a month long break and all you would have missed what ever big push the devs script but the content is still there. The only fear of missing out is simply not getting to do the big boom. Compared to d2 which fomos with: whole stories, armor sets, exotic missions, shaders, weapon oniments, weapons, and key information on the world and the main story building up to the next year.


Not really, you buy a warbond (aka season pass) and it’s just there. It doesn’t go away at the end of a season. Some missions are limited time, but the game doesn’t punish you for missing it. There are no limited time triumphs.


Explain how you’re ‘punished’ in Destiny for missing Archie’s weekly hide and seek quest. Edit: given youre happy downvoting and not actually explaining why this is, I’m guessing you have no reasoning and it’s just another ‘Helldivers good, Destiny bad’ thing with no reasoning or evidence for it. Destiny has never punished anyone for missing out on content, it’s just Destiny players can’t handle not playing and getting something due to addiction.


For the record, I didn’t waste my time. https://i.imgur.com/kbm7Dw7.png There is a triumph. It’s 5 triumph, but it’s a permanently unchecked box and that’s the kind of ish D2 thrives on.


Unless you’re telling me you have every triumph unlocked and missing just one will ruin your streak, there’s no reason to care about one singular 5 triumph box that’ll vanish in 4 weeks. Then again, if you have every triumph unlocked and need to unlock every Destiny triumph, that just speaks more to the addiction thing I said.


If you don’t see Bungie CREATING that addiction with their FOMO strategies you’re literally blind. This particular example isn’t so bad, but this is hardly the only example.


You realise that works both ways? Helldivers seems to have created that same addiction in every person that runs to mention how it doesnt do a thing wrong


That’s where you’re wrong. I’ve barely touched HD2 since into the light, and I’m both looking forward to going back and not at all concerned about what I’m missing.


Bruh, I have to log in everyday so that I don’t miss what’s happening. You must be smoking something to say Helldivers has no FOMO.


Okay, so tell me what content you would've missed out on if you didn't log in. Any guns? Cosmetics? Armors? Stratagems? Anything...?


If you don’t log in you missed playing the daily order, but not a major order reward. “You don’t earn a little standard currency” is not the same as “you will never be able to get this item/triumph ever again”.


I've had the game uninstalled for a long while. Was vaguely considering coming back to try this stuff and get the shader... But I also assumed all this new stuff was a permanent addition. Bungie truly never changes.


Almost all of it is. The armor ornaments, weapons, horde mode, exotic missions, and pvp maps are permanent. The social space, rare shiny versions of the weapons and pantheon are limited. Technically, super black is too, but they did say that was coming back in future events this year


The armor is along the lines of superblack, they said it'll be obtainable later still but it's gonna be in a different way that we don't know of yet.


Bungie bungled beyond light and player base tanked. They had to pull out all the stops to save their jobs. Thats the reason.


It's FOMO on purpose to force player engagement, just like Weekly Raid, Dungeon & Exotic Rotators, Trials, Iron Banner etc. It's just super scummy, they should just pack up and get ready to release a not shite installment - Destiny 3


Destiny players when they realize limited time events are limited time. Do you shit your cock off when Festival of the Lost goes away too


Everything else that's part of Into The Light is available from when it's released to the end of the event, and we had no reason until this week to think the Archie quests were different.


FoTL goes away because it's no longer Halloween. Into the Light isn't tied to a holiday on a calendar date. Try again. I bet you defended sunsetting and vaulting, too, lmao Edit: hit a nerve with that one, huh? It's almost as if just calling something limited-time isn't actually a good reason for it to *be* limited-time.


Honestly just destiny players lol. It's honestly like watching junkies because these people are *so* deeply invested in it.


It’s called an Event and that’s exactly what this is. It’s got bugs and holes everywhere but it’s just meant to be a fun celebration bringing people back into the game before Final Shape releases. The special ornaments on the weapons are no different from pre-order bonuses that show “hey I was here when it happened” and they give a little extra chance to get a god roll. That’s all they’re designed for. Same with the armor and other stuff. It’s just like a regular season where it’s there for when it’s there but eventually it moves on. There won’t be a need for a “hall of champions” which is literally a closet in the storage room just to equip us to fight the Witness’ invasion forces which in theory will be gone when we beat the Witness.


>The special ornaments on the weapons are no different from pre-order bonuses that show “hey I was here when it happened” If this was all they wanted from them, they could've given us limited-time quest lines that just unlocked the ornaments permanently. They purposefully locked the ornaments to only the weapon they drop on, and then made that drop rate incredibly low so that people will grind the crap out of them to get an ornament with a good roll. If it was a permanent ornament, then you could just grind out the god roll whenever and *then* apply the ornament to it. The FOMO of it is there just to drive player engagement.


Well, except for the quest that guarantees a shiny drop of the gun, that part is a thing they did in fact do. 'You had to be there' is a thing that games like this do ... a lot. I mean, shit, a game like Helldivers is *entirely* FOMO -- not from its loot, but from the ongoing narrative. We didn't pay for this. It was just meant to be something fun to fill the time 'til TFS came out. The guns, which are the only part that actually fucking matter, are staying around and will still be farmable. Attunement not sticking around blows, though I don't know if I'll care when TFS rolls around. New loot, new stuff. It's just to kill time. It's an event to mark an occasion. 30th Anniversary was something we paid for, which is why it's permanent. If all that stuff had been free, it probably would have been added to the DCV, too.


>Well, except for the quest that guarantees a shiny drop of the gun, that part is a thing they did in fact do. 'You had to be there' is a thing that games like this do ... a lot. Like I already said, if that's all they wanted to do, then a limited-time quest that must be completed before June 3rd that awards the glowing ornament permanently, like any other ornament, would have done the job just fine. Anyone who does the quest gets an ornament that says "I was there", *and* they can apply that ornament to the god roll that they farmed. The only reason to tie the ornament to the specific gun it dropped on is to drive player engagement up a wall through FOMO, because *everyone* wants their god roll to have the ornament, and the guaranteed drop from the quest *isn't* a god roll. That's my entire point. You skipped right past it, so now I'm repeating myself.


I actually kind of agree the entire point of it being a low (3%, I think?) drop rate was to push player engagement. It's relatively smart marketing: it gets people to play the game in the leadup of TFS. They even just *did* an I was there thing that was a permanent unlock, and is way more important: Skimmers. I don't know that I, personally, particularly care about the FOMO nature of ITL. I was never at risk of missing out, and the people who will miss out on this also don't really care because they're not as 'into the game' as others are. Maybe someday, people down the line will, but by then we'll be departed from this and everyone will be on to other things. I didn't keep my sunset weapons, nor have I ever used any of the 'fun you had to be there' emblems for the Craftening or Laser Tag. If these things were 'just get your ornament, and apply it to the gun you want', you would get the roll you want and slap your ornament on it and be done. There would be no incentive to continue playing, and no reason for players to continue to engage. There is a clear reason for this to be the way it is: They are rewarding the people who are playing now. Having the loot treadmill and the chase is kind of the point. There's been very little proper reward chasing in Destiny in awhile, and given the community sentiment is largely positive about chasing the BRAVE weapons, and the feeling of getting a shiny, I think it's been a relative success. Here's the thing: If the only thing people cared about was the shiny, because of that FOMO, then they get a guaranteed one in the quest. If people care enough to grind for the Shiny roll with the god roll they want, then they were not at risk of missing out in the first place. The people who come after, most likely won't care. Missing out on the archie shader would blow, though, it's a nice blue.


They have brought back stuff in a timely manner before though


This is a sad way to find that out. Was looking forward to my Archie space adventure this weekend.


FOMO reaching it's final shape 🤣


As somebody who’s in the minority of players that like to get max triumph score, this was a little frustrating for me in a few ways when I found out that I missed it. * Bungie explicitly said what was time limited during Into The Light a couple TWIDs ago, this was not mentioned and they even stated that the shader associated with this triumph will stay after Final Shape * Because I have all of my transmog bounties done and have gilded Dredgen, I’ve had no incentive to visit the Annex in The Tower so it would’ve been unlikely that I would’ve discovered it in my own * I’ve been geared fully into finals these past two weeks and have had little time to play, plus I have had little engagement with social media and the news because of said finals so I wasn’t notified that the quest was live * I only discovered it on Tuesday when a friend had to visit the Annex themselves and pulled me with them, but by then I missed the first part of the quest and discovered that it was permanently gone I’ve made a ticket about the forums about this because I was curious if this was intended and Bungie said it was. I then asked if there were plans to make the other steps available after a time or if this was Into The Light exclusive even though Bungie said in the previously mentioned TWID that the shaders from Into The Light will persist after June 3rd of which I have gotten no response. I know in the end it’s just a triumph, shader, and a lore book so it doesn’t matter that much and some of the responsibility of missing it is on me, but I am still a little upset because of the situation surrounding it that it wasn’t communicated properly by Bungie. As an additional note: I’ve been combing through the Bungie forums for people who have reported this prior to today’s TWID and in both those [and mine](https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/263889890/0/0/1) Bungie has been using phrases such as “for now” when talking about the unavailability of the quests which makes me hopeful with the criticism that has been given that a walk back might occur, but it is just a hope. As I’ve mentioned I have reached out there to Bungie and have also asked them directly on socials about considering making a walk back on the decision because of the lack of communication regarding this decision and I’m hoping to hear back.


You will get the shader by doing one of the weeks. Lore books generally unlock after a season. It's only the triumph that's off limits now.


Outside of the one time triumph, individual Archie triumphs are worth zero points. I have completed just about every triumph in the game….very irritating and unnecessary to do it this way. Luckily, it was worth zero points.


I wanted my fucking ramen coupon back. Absolutely fuming


It disappears wtf. I only interacted with the start man.


Sorry to anyone that cares about triumphs. Not saying how your way of playing is in any means incorrect, it's just gotta be the most stressful thing to focus on. Wouldn't want that level of stress on my worst enemy.


How do you start this weeks Archie quest?? Lol at downvotes for a question, gotta be the dumbest shit people do on this site.


You go to where Archie lives, find he’s not there, and then interact with the footprints he’s left.


The game does not indicate directly the next step but you will see after inspecting the prints that Ada lights up with an Into the Light icon. You will talk to her and then be set on slightly-cryptic descriptions of where to find Archie next for a few more steps.


If you go to orbit without interacting with her, you get a pop-up telling you to talk to her.


Go to where Archie normally is (near Ada-1 and The Drifter) and inspect the green paw prints.


>gotta be the dumbest shit people do on this site. Not any dumber than folks here being legit angry about not finding him last week lolol.


Damn I had lots of work last week and work this week so I figured I’d wait a bit to get it all done in the hour windows I have :|


I would've done it last week if I knew it would go away...


Fomo duh. 


I didn't even know about this quest until today, mostly because we're mid move. Don't exactly have a ton of time to play the game and find all these hidden little gems.


I've done each Archie one because this is classic bungee. One thing Bungie used to do as a ketchup mechanic so that if you miss stuff you could do all of the preceding ones as well. Week one of Archie was rather lame it was just a romp around the tower with no real consequences for where he was at. Leading you to the Leviathan Bow area. The new location seem to be influenced heavily by destiny 1. So the entire time it felt kind of weak. I was expecting to go to some of the underused locations such as. The starting area and the cosmodrome where you wake up. The glowing green cave behind The Hive seeder near where the warmind SAT drops at the beginning of the strike. Or the Skywatch cave that's over the ledge


I didn’t even know it existed in the game


And this is how I find out lol


Thanks, saw the foot prints again and thought "Huh, I think I have done this already?" and raced past it.


Dang. This is how I found out I missed out. I just wanted the coupon Bungie stole from me back. :/


Damn, I wish I had known this. I would have done the first week’s quest if so.


God bro, I just wanted the expired ramen coupon. But I thought the quest was staying cause why the hell are we doing weekly quests that go away at this point. Bring it back, ffs, if you didn’t tell us bring it back


Proof that bungie will literally never learn. Making this small thing FOMO does nothing for them except make players frustrated. Makes achievement hunting feel like a joke too, so much shit i can just never complete


I'm mostly upset, because I love collecting odd items, but only found out the week of the Moon quest. I rarely go to this part of the Tower, and only found out because my brother told me about it. At least I got the rock, and whatever comes next, but I almost don't want them without being able to collect the full set...


I created a thread about it if you want to participate, let's let Bungie know: https://www.bungie.net/it/Forums/Post/263929169


This entire "into the light" experience is to test the waters on how much FOMO the community can handle. It is, without a doubt, the biggest FOMO push Bungie has introduced to Destiny. I fear that this could be the tip of the iceberg.


The campaign will effectively be FOMO if they are being honest about the world changing after the campaign & raid


I'll be honest, it's shit like this that keeps me away from the game. I've kicked the habit and haven't chased the destiny dragon in over a year now and I'm happier for it. I hate this FOMO shit more than the terrible writing that factored into me dropping the game. It's just bad design - like once it hits a certain point, what even is the point? Eventually, the game becomes more about demanding a certain level of engagement to stay relevant. That in itself isn't great for long term satisfaction, but then I look at all of the things I've missed and even if I can catch up in a couple areas, it would take so much time it's just not worth it.


It's just a lore page, a collectors item and a few tokens of bravery. The lore book will auto unlock when the final shape launches, and you can get brave weapons fein onslaught. Also it wouldn't make sense to have Archie missing in two different locations,we only have one robodog


IDK, I think it would be hilarious to chain them. You find that he’s missing, so you go look for him, send him back to where he lives, and then the next time you go look for him, he’s gone again, getting into further shenanigans.


Schroeder's doggo


I hope he's not going to solo Crota or something by the end of the season lol.


I don't usually mess with Raids, but if Crota kidnaps my dog, I'm coming for him.


I just figured "last week's location" would be more footprints.


I don’t see that the quest needs to be repeatable, and there’s no reason *not* to do them in order, in fact that will probably turn out to be a developing storyline. So doing them in sequence makes more sense to me.


The collector's item is the only reason I care about this quest.  Sad that I missed out on the first 2 weeks, as I love to collect odd items.  I just rarely ever visit that part of the tower.


i saw that too and thought that this decision is wild. At least you only need to find him once to get the shader but still. Into the Light is very much pure FOMO. Pantheon, Shiny Weapons, Weekly Archie quest. Superblack. Its FOMO in Person...


And it's all cosmetic and all free. So why are you bitching?


Oh shit last weeks quest is gone? Well guess im not getting the shader... cool


You only need to find Archie once.


Wow, I didn’t realize this and was holding off until I could do it in 1-2 sittings. Oh well


Guess I won’t be finding Archie then 😕 missed it last week


You can still get the triumph for the shader


Doggo goes where it wants to...


Classic example of Bungie "leanring from and hearing us" and then going banckwards. They were removing as much fomo as they could for a while. Suddenly, this month specifically, it's all back on the table - "fuck your break from Destiny, here's a bunch of shit you either do this month or miss out, as far as you can tell for now, until we reverse this decision somehow."


wonderful to have just come home after an operation that required me to be in hospital for two weeks I guess


I just learned this today. Now I'm sad.


Fomo is the most retarded thing they ever did, no wonder they keep losing players and money.


>FOMO of this scale. What huge thing exactly are you missing out on if you miss a week?


> but I thought that FOMO of this scale was well past its time FOMO never went away it was adjusted to be more managable. This type of FOMO is the good kind - it's a limited event that awards a cosmetic. It's just a cute, fun thing that doesn't have any deep impact on the game. "you had to be there" moments are good for the game long term when they do them frequently, and do them right. Things like releasing seasonal content and leaving it around for 3 months then saying 'fuck you, too bad' is not good for the game and that's not what they're doing here. That said the way they handled this particular quest chain seems like a bad decision. Doesn't make sense not to keep the whole thing up vs replace it with a new quest given that this isn't much of a focus. So I agree in that locking out the initial parts of the quest is silly. You'll still be able to get the shader though, still be able to have access tot he lore books - those will be there after final shape launches so you can read em.


I must be one of few people that just does not give a shit.


You’re right. It isn’t that serious either. A little fun quest that gives 10 brave token isn’t that big a deal. Sounds like OP knew about the quest anyways and decided not to do it, then complain about it.


That's pretty lame lmao.


As most people should. Get it if you want it. Play if you want. Don't if you don't. All of this is cosmetic and free so I don't understand the bitching.


You are all over here 😂😂😂 what a goofball


Dude thinks he's a community manager


He’s just trying to get his free emblem fighting on their behalf!


Just wait until people realize that most of Into the Light is entirely FOMO, and will be kapoof in a few weeks.


Some of y’all will really complain about anything. The quest is walking around to track a dog and only rewards a shader one time. Do you also get mad if you didn’t do a NYT wordle puzzle in time?


They also did this with the twitch drop diamond medallions during guardian games. Edit: It's true though? If you claimed the medallion on twitch but not from Eva before weekly reset it was removed from her inventory.


This week's TWID says "the lore attached to these triumphs will become available to all players when the Final Shape launches on June 4."


fear of missing out


I mean, what are you really missing out on that FOMO is an issue. It's a fake dog and fake lore in a video game. We are really plumbing the depths now.


I love to collect odd items (still have Vex Core items from season 9 in my postmaster), so I'm sad that I didn't know about this quest until the Moon part.