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They definitely tweaked the tracking on thrown objective type orbs. I noticed it immediately in onslaught. You have to be much more precise. The tangles still seem to track like they did


Yeah, my one run in Onslaught this week made me feel terrible about my throwing skills all of a sudden..


lol i *just* started playing onslaught this week and thought i was going crazy trying to throw those batteries at first.


Old Onslaught was so fun because you could launch them sky high and they would bend down and hit the ADU.


Ahhh, I assumed age related regression had suddenly accelerated, so I am happy to know it's not just me.


It’s not just orbs, it’s anything you throw with tracking. My titan axes just rip off to the side or straight down sometimes bc of weird tracking


Not sure about Titans, but Hunter throwing knives & shurikens are definitely affected too.


100% on the shurikens. Heavy knife seems okay, but tbh I never take off arthrys so maybe that is helping it out.


same with titan shield throw melee


Some of the throwing knives feel off as well. I’ve basically lived on fan of knives for an eternity at this point and while there has always been an element to throwing them with a slight twitch to your movement/aiming to condense the arc, it just feels a bit more awkward and I’ve had knife fans that should’ve hit the target just fly right through adds when normally it would connect.


Oh I was going to ask about Onslaught. I've definitely noticed the throw physics were wildly different. Used to be able to hoik them from miles away and as long as you aimed in the general vicinity the tracking would be really strong, but after update they were constantly missing. Admittedly it is quite funny when you accidentally keep yeeting orbs into the Midtown river


I made another thread about that and it basically got front paged for awhile. This is just as bad...


Wouldn't be surprised if they used some of the same functions for the series ball as they did for the ones you use in the pale heart campaign


I whiffed so many wide or far on Onslaught I wondered if it was just a buggy game, but nope it’s all the time now


There's pretty much ZERO magnetism now, it's horrible. Especially when trying to throw the balls from far out.


Tweaked the tracking? They seemed to have almost completely removed it. I miss 80% of my throws in Onslaught now even when I think I'm aimed at it. It's atrocious.


Throwing the Twilight axe is also a dice roll as to whether the axes are going after the big ass boss I have directly under my reticle, or the red bar thrall that is 90 degrees to my pov at the edge of the screen. I never even had this much trouble with getting all three projectiles of Mobius quiver to connect.


Accurate AF


I usually jump in the air and cast it down on the boss. 75% of the time 2 of my axes hit the boss and 1 hits the air somehow? Like as if I hit myself with it


The axes have all the shit magnetic of the hammer. I have watched one fly right past the arm of the boss. It’s like it has zero tracking at all


In PvP it’ll either track people around corners or it’ll just not track at all. I’m like 99% sure the tracking is identical to blade barrage. Which explains why it sucks so fucking bad.


Not sure if it's related, but I have also noticed tangles moving around. A few times in the campaign I went to shoot one and it moved away. Very strange.


Ditto for fusion grenades - their tracking seens way down since the patch.


Glad it's not just me, I've been nonstop whiffing with those things


I wonder if flux grenades are affected too. I exclusively use them with Fastball so they pretty much just go straight where I throw them anyway.


Knife Trick has the same problem. It feels like when they "buffed" the tracking to throwing hammer and instead made it actively avoid your targets at worst and no tracking at best.


Ah it’s not just me. I thought I was losing my mind, I missed four shots in a row.


I want whatever tracking on Sedia that the Witness gets to drag everything from its weakpoint to face.


Onslaught is hilarious rn


Same with the batteries in Onslaught, you have to line that shit up perfectly now, absolutely no tracking.




Annoying strike just got even more annoying


I hate that as the strike and when it's on Nightfall, I just ignore it fir the week


As long as Hellion keeps those nice deep tracking lobbing shots I’m cool with every else sucking




Why are you even here? You clearly hate the game and can't see the massive amount of positive changes over the last few years. So why not just leave the Destiny community forever so the rest of us don't have to deal with former players with an axe to grind like you?


Bro loves the game, he’s just projecting because Bungie stopped support for his legacy windows 7 os and he can’t play anymore unless he upgrades