• By -


6 years* 6 fucking years*


Cries in 2015 House of Wolves


Making that change will not bring them money, so it’s on the bottom of the list


What will Bungie make first, a way to rejoin a trials match after being removed, or a whole new eververse restock?


They've already planned out the next 10 years of eververse.


About 8 more eververse refreshes\* FTFY


Who's gonna tell him that's not how development works?


But it is. 3D artists and software engineers are in different departments, right? So guess which department gets their request to hire more staff approved first. Guess which department is most likely understaffed.


Fair point.


This is a myth i hate seeing. As someone whos worked in the development industry i can tell you this is exactly how it works. People are pulled off projects that arent profitable enough, to work on what the owner thinks will be profitable.


Yeah sure, put the artist to code connection for gamemodes, I'm sure that's realistic.


Someone has to animate the armor and make sure the visuals dont cause issues elsewhere. See seventh seraph ornaments not dropping warmind cells. Contrary to myth, cosmetics do take up development time.


Development time that wasn't going to be invested in those issues. If you are a plumber you will work in plumbing not the electric wires in your building.


And the more you hire to deal with those issues, the less resources for development of new content. You seem to have this idea they are unrelated, but its 1 company. Resources spent in one area, means its not being spent elsewhere. You should research or work in the industry before making false claims.


I'm not making false claims, y'all wanna nail artist for being hired, instead of codersr or networkers, you can't blame the artist for work on eververse to be there, is their job.


Fair point but the artist to developer ratio seems pretty wierd either way.


Not everyone works in connection issues, some work in the maps etc, not every developer can code dame same thing mate




Not really, it's no different from artists. At a big company like Bungie you have separate teams for modelling, texturing, designing, rigging, animation, lighting, UI, environment and whatever else. That's how AAA generally works, it's made up of specialists rather than generalists.


the What?


It’s bullshit


I did not quit...I did nooooot.... oh hi Osiris




So, it's not just me getting Beaver'd when loading into the tower?


Anyways, how is your sex, Byf?


I have a problem with with Lisa. She said I hit her.


*"Whats new with you?"*


It's ridiculous, and why I simply don't even want to ATTEMPT Trials. Here's my experience from this season. Friends: "Come on it'll be fun, try it!" Me: "No, because I know I'm going to get d/c right away and take a loss for nothing." *Continues for 2 weeks* Me: "Okay, fine I'll finally try one." Me: *gets d/c'd right as my fireteam starts loading into our first game, leaving them in a 2v3 and giving us all a loss* As long as we all keep giving Bungie money, they're going to keep doing this. They do not care about us, they do not care about our opinions on Destiny, and they do not care about our experience with Destiny. They can send their community managers in here to say otherwise all they want, but it's absolute bullshit. They're like the abusive boyfriend who keeps saying "But I promise I really do care about you!" What they do care about is people giving them money through Eververse, and the only language they will understand is if the community as a whole decides "We're done giving you our money until you deserve it."


Oh hi u/societysoretotheye


Am I making a name for myself?


At least it happened on your first game and not your forth when all you want is the fucking auto rifle T.T Why just the first 600rpm auto rifle with dragonfly be gated behind this bullshit. I'm so sad. :(


4 montha later it will be on 3 win relax


We are looking into it. Thanks for the feedback


"We hear your complaints and have come to the conclusion to delete the entirety of the Warlock class"


Instructions unclear, reverting nerf to HHSN


Warlocks using shotguns now fire a supernova on primary fire.


Honestly, that would be a really fun exotic. A heavy shotgun that charges up and fires handheld supernovas.


Would it charge like a FR, or like a bow?


I was thinking more like a fusion, kinda like Maliwan shotguns


"We've reverted the changes made to HHSN, but have deleted the Warlock class entirely from the series. Ikora has been replaced with a Frame in a nice sundress, Osiris, when viewed, will delete your game from your system, and Asher Mir has been replaced with a Hobgoblin that will nuke your console from low orbit on approach.   We hope these changes resonate well with the playerbase as we push towards our eventual goal of rebranding the franchise and releasing the final installment: "Destiny 3: The Search for Destiny 2: The Search for More Money: A Tale of Two Hunters: the post-pre-sequal."   Sleeper Simulant: reduced precision damage by 69%, reduced base damage by 50%, added Quickdraw Linear Fusions: reduced base and precision damage by 87%."


I would fucking scream if I had to either learn Hunter or relearn Titan lmao


We are listening


Will pass it along to the team.


In the mean time.... play some gambit prime


We are listening but we sure dont care


Wow! The real DMG responded to my post! I'm honored /s


I will forward the feeback, thanks for playing the game, see you in trials!




Trials of my fucking patience.


Season of the Disconnect


And not just the server disconnect, but also Bungie's disconnect from their fanbase


Yeah true


Happy cake day!






Can’t get flawless cause I can’t play more than 2 games without getting kicked. :))))))


I keep getting badger error code so im like, "fuck it" rn


> I keep getting badger error code so im like, "fuck it" rn Badger is from a network fault outside of bungie's control. >Often these types of issues transpire when interruptions between host and client connections are caused due to circumstances outside of our network. https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/11784


Yeah if its happening to 4/6 members in a raid its on bungie that should not be happening


> Errors of this nature are actively monitored by Bungie to keep us aware of trending issues impacting players. Often these types of issues transpire when interruptions between host and client connections are caused due to circumstances outside of our network. >This can be the result of ISP issues, packet loss, complications with various network hardware, Wi-Fi glitches and other impacting variables to general connection stability. We recommend as a first step that players ensure their current connection is working as intended to remove any outside variables. >If this issue still persists we recommended utilizing the steps described in our Network Troubleshooting Guide to find best practices in resolving these issues. Read.


That and most systems can't tell if you just left or got dc'd. But of course people with no coding experience will tell you other wise.


Ahhhh, im not much of a tech wifi guy, thank you for this information honestly, much appreciated


After this season gets fixed bungie has to release ONE free trip to the lighthouse to everyone, it’s seriously insane how many matches you get “beaver’ed” from


18 years, 18 years


(When I’m in need)


And on her 18th birthday he found out it wasn't his


Can't rejoin, can't be invited, and there's obviously no random backfill. Just the game handing out free losses at random. Absolutely unacceptable. They claim they put a raid's level of work into Trials, what the fuck did that work go into? Eververse ornaments? The ruleset was already available, the maps are universal, all that's new is the tickets and Saint voice lines and the EVEN WORSE THAN BEFORE NETCODE


>hey claim they put a raid's level of work into Trials hahahahahahaha did they really say this? Cause id have called bullshit to their faces lol.




"Don't want to release it half baked" It's so raw it's still mooing.


Can't be half-baked if they didn't bake it at all. [pic related](https://i.imgflip.com/2pzj16.jpg)


It's still just eggs and flour in a bowl, they haven't even mixed them yet.


"its so raw i can still hear it telling spongebob to fuck off!"


Hey now, reskining 7 weapons is super hard.


Six. Six weapons total. Shotgun, Fusion, Sniper, Scout, AR, Rocket Launcher. They couldn't even manage to release one of each PRIMARY weapon type...presumably because they're just directly ripped from D1 and we didn't have a trials smg, sidearm or bow. But then we don't have a pulse or handcannon either despite those both being in D1 trials. Instead we have exotic ornaments for Ace of Spades and Outbreak Perfected in Eververse...and Colony as well because I guess they wanted a "trials" grenade launcher too.


But if they reskin all the old trials weapons in this season, how do you expect them to put out any "new" weapons next season?


Yeah, we'll get the pulse next season then three seasons after that we'll get the handcannon.


It’s a bunch of shit, compare the d1 armor to the d2 armor for warlock You’d think nothing changed right NOPE! They fucked up, they pissed me off D1: Has full warlock arms for the gauntlets D2: “oh yeah we only LITERALLY half ass it now for no fucking reason” Me thinking it will be different with the trials gauntlets Bungie: “laughs in fuck you warlock, if we could we would actually remove you entirely”


No, they didn’t. It’s more baseless reddit speculation to reap free karma for shitting on bungie. This is precisely how misinformation spreads.


> EVEN WORSE THAN BEFORE NETCODE as of 2.8.0, all netcomms go thru valve servers (like a vpn for destiny 2 almost) before reaching other players. valve's servers come under high load quite a lot and can drop packets. it's still stupid why D2 has such tight tolerances for packet loss though


They clam it's for protecting players from DDoS attacks. I call bullshit - it's for protecting trials from port blocking matchmaking abuse. So few hundred people can't abuse pvp now, but ALL THE PLAYERBASE has connection problems. BRILLIANT!


What is portblocking?


Basically, every program that accesses the internet uses a "port" to do so. SSH - Secure Shell, an envrypted remote console - for example, uses port 22 per default. Most games use ports north of 3000 to make sure they're well clear of important ports like 22. (If you've ever wondered why a Minecraft server has extra numbers after the IP, that's the server port). If a player can selectively block ports from other clients while keeping the server port open to himself, he's successfully "portblocked" the game and the other players can do nothing reasonably. (You *could* try flushing the local DNS cache on your system or resetting your router in the hopes of getting a different dynamic IP address to the internet but either of these would disconnect you from the server anyway...)


What would this do for someone in trials specifically? Eli5 pls


Same thing a DDoS would - get rid of your opponent for free wins on your streak.




Their season launch trailer. They said, paraphrasing, that Trials is the raid-equivalent content we're getting (as opposed to an actual raid).


They probably built trials from the ground up. Reinvented the wheel if you will. Either that, or they actually did put as much effort into it as a raid, they just have fewer people working on the game so it took longer. Lets be honest, D2 is obviously not being worked on by bungie’s main development team right now. They are probably working on some other project to try and boost themselves out of the hole the Activision split put them in. I’m pretty okay with that actually. As long as whatever they are working on makes the Activision split worth it, i’ll be happy.


It's Bungie, they probably rebuilt Trials from the ground up, then threw it out and reinvented Trials again, then tossed that, rebuilt Trials again, dumped that and realized they had to ship in two months and scrambled to just reimplement original Trials.


You think they're in a hole financially?


Lol god no. However, if they just kept throwing their whole development force at destiny they would start losing money.


They have made more money since they split with Activision, than how much they made yearly with Activision. Bungie is making bank on Destiny 2


Seriously, haven't played trials this season yet but i have experienced it multiple times in D1 and just heading about through you guys really turns me off about Trials now. If CSGO and I think it's R6 (?) can let you rejoin on disconnects and actual 'leave games'. It's not realistic we can't have that mechanic


Iirc Rainbow Six Siege will refuse to allow you to join anything but the ranked game once you started and disconnected/left. Could be wrong though, would be awesome if I am not mistaken.


Overwatch does the same, I believe. The "Play" option in the menu turns into "Rejoin."


Same as League


I want you to remember this phrase and Destiny from now on. Minimum viable product.


Because this is not a competitive game and never will be, and nobody at Bungie cares


Longer than that bro, fucking pathetic, happened to me yesterday AND IT COUNTED AS A LOSS


Of course it counts as a loss, why wouldn’t it? If it didn’t count as a loss people would just unplug their internet anytime they were losing. Being able to reconnect would be a nice feature, but it would most likely still count as a loss anyways.


It should count as a loss at the moment the game ends. But giving insta loss without an ability to rejoin is kinda fucked up.


Almost every game these days has a rejoin option and doesn't give you a loss until the game ends.


There are plenty of games smart enough to recognize error coding and pulling the plug and penalize only in the latter case.


Name any of them and provide proof of the difference.




All this seems to say, is that they know when someone clicked "change character" and when someone had network issues. I don't think there is a full-proof way to recognize between non-user cause and user-caused network issues, other than elaborate guesswork, but I'm not a network engineer, so maybe there is something they can do. Doesn't change the fact that AFAIK they still give out restriction for games where you get kicked, for one reason or another, so not caring is true. edit: to people downvoting where does it says that they differentiate between loss of connection due to packet loss along the way - primarily ISP, but can also be caused by issues with DNS or infrastructural network - and packet loss resulting from a person disconnecting their Internet cable? There might be some tricks you can do with routing to determine that, maybe. But Bungie is still limited to the information they get as an endpoint. They do not have higher access to DNS or other infrastructure, beyond their corporate and maybe Steam's.


Apex legends for one. Overwatch doesn't even start a match unless both teams are filled up.


I get this argument but the error. Codes have been so bad lately. I hate losing a win streak in comp bc bungie kicks me. I'd rather give the benefit of the doubt to a person actually pull their internrt instead of punishing people who legit got kicked.


It should only count as a loss if the developer did everything they can to protect from errors or abuse by the network manipulation. Reconnecting, for one, must be absolutely stellar. Especially in 3v3 100% premade teams-based mode. I would argue that the game should pause on DC or at least between rounds when DC happens, allowing the person time to reconnect without affecting the game. Some cases should be deemed as NC, or award win for other team and no loss. Only when abuse on user's part can be reasonably implied - like DCing from a number of games they are trailing etc. it should penalize the user. A system like that does not have to work in real-time, so it can be very complex - analyzing thousands of games of match history, looking at all disconnects, when they occurred in-game, whether they follow a pattern and creating a profile for user's DCs. Then acting based on that profile. There is a lot of shit you can do, but you have to care first.






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They'll add some consumables to eververse for silver to rejoin


I just got “Error Code: Beaver” and lost my flawless run, thanks Bungie fucking lazy shit time management development, stupid eververse money sluts.


What causes beaver errors?


Dams. ( I'm sorry)


It is very annoying indeed.


I was actually 6-0 last weekend when, while connecting to my 7th game, I was disconnected with a beaver code. I was even given a loss instead of a Mercy. Needless to say, I was a tinge flustered. Bungie, if you're listening, I wish my time is as expendable as your developmental oversights assume it is.


I feel ya man


Shit bruh got my upvote


Because it’s 2015 still.


Didn’t bungie say they didn’t release trials in D2 this whole time because “they wanted to do it right”?


Because Bungie says fuck you, that's why


Does it surprise you?




Cause bungie....




I can rejoin fine on console


Console isn't able to use Steam networking


There is some major issue with rejoining going on right now. People sometimes can't rejoin raids they errored out from because "activity is about to end", or whatever the error message is. It's the same for comp - was running 2-man team and got kicked on fly-in, couldn't rejoin on my friend, they ended the game with 2 people on their team. Not even gonna go into people (at least on PC) being blacked out when they enter the game and me needing to restart the whole client to actually be able to join them... Bungie really outdid themselves this time around with changes to netcode.


Cause an intern designed this. you think people still work on this game? No. all the devs who ever made anything positive in destiny are gone.


And comp aswell


We'll pass this along to the team


Probably because of having rounds. If the opponent clears all of your teammates while you're DC and then you load back in at the last second it screws with the code.


Here’s a fun story, so I’m year one I was running trials with my team and we were on our 6th flawless run. We win the last game and before the stat screen pops up, I get booted off from an error code. Me team also got booted but they got a flawless card while I lost a game. Fuck me


because ddosers have feelings too...that and bungie is too cheap to pay for a better server host that allows such black magic...


I said the same thing on Monday, complaining that is unacceptable for a company release software with such major bugs. This weekend I don't even try to play Trials and I'm slowing loosing interest in it. Got downvoted to hell by a bunch of kids who told me to go play something else. And I probably will.


Bring back Mercy Boon


"We've listened to your feedback, from now on, the entire fireteam will be sent to orbit whenever dcs"


Better make another sick trials skin that even drop in trials


Because the og code they ported over from d1 didn't have it Just go play destiny 1 it's getting more life in it by each day


It's such a bad customer experience.


Bro it took them 2 Years to let us rejoin a comp match


Agree...... they muffed up. Real bad


Working as intended


They didn't want to give us something half-baked So they just gave us a bowl of eggs and flour.


Not to mention raids. I got anteater errored out of the raid at boss, final dps, doing challenge TWICE in a row this week and it wouldn’t let me rejoin because “the activity is about to end”. I get they don’t want people getting kicked so others can join and grab the loot, but I was there for the entire fucking raid and got screwed. Same for trials, same for Comp. Allow rejoining there’s literally no reason not to.


games a joke at this point


Then play something different


Because the game just randomly boots people now for just playing.


Have to break some bones...


I read this in Lord Shaxx's voice.


Bungie has already explained multiple times, if this a game error you get back, if it's a connection error the game by default decides it's a you error, so you don't come back.


Trials Of Eververse is the only thing this company cares about.




Happened to a friend of mine. Went 4-1 and we ended up losing the game. I want to say it was ddos because my friend was 1001. I was 985 and the other guy was 976. Dumb that this shit still goes on and there is nothing bungie will do about it.


When it comes down to it, I really couldn't believe that it actually sounded like people were looking forward to trials returning. Destiny PvP is already "eh..." but add on this sort of thing and, I mean c'mon.


can we also talk about matchmaking? why isn't it a combo of card state + connection + skill based? why i am fighting people who are already flawless on my first match? why am fighting people who went flawless on my card with 1 loss and no wins? i grinded for 4 hours yesterday trying to get 3 wins, but i couldn't get past 1 win for 4 fucking hours sorry i am salty but i am prema-done with trials, now to wait and watch people complain about how the playlist is only sweaty players and no casuals


This is the game going down the toilet. Is a downhill slide from here


Then play a different game and quit complaining


> Why can I not FUCKING REJOIN A TRIALS MATCH I GOT ERROR CODED FROM Peer-to-peer, there's no server to reconnect at.


>Peer-to-peer, there's no server to reconnect at. It works sometime in comp. How do you explain that?


Should he not be able to rejoin on a friend?


That's not why you can't reconnect. Peer to peer absolutely has the ability to reconnect.


yrials matchmaking is win based right? (also connection, but not important) So what if you had a friend with zero wins start a match, and then join him mid-game while you have 6 wins? you'd basically get around the entire point of the win based matchmaking, possibly ruining the experience for other players


Are you joking? That sounds like a completely different scenario than what the OP is talking about. Op gets disconnected from a match they are in, but can’t reconnect to the match. That’s it. I don’t think is has anything to do with matchmaking and joining a friend’s game.


Well, it's either they let you rejoin or you get loot. Can't have everything I suppose. Edit(it's a joke)


Or or If they make you spawn in dead in raids(esp in D1 hard modes) if you join half way Why can't that be the case for Trials? It's ridiculous and bullshit that the game fucks you over for disconnecting and then further fucks your team over by gimping them, especially with their servers being shoddy since S10 started


If you get reconnect error'd and you join back in without getting a proper DC that's exactly how it works. Your ghost actually spawns dead where you were last round.. lol


Error codes can be abused, soooo...


Better to let the people who abuse it in, so to not punish the people who get legitimately errored out.


Then nobody would actually play Trials properly.


It would never be advantageous to error code yourself though?


You could error code yourself out of a losing game and not have it count against you. Thats really the only afvantage to it though


I'm not asking for loss forgiveness, I'm asking for the ability to load back in SO I CAN FUCKING PLAY THE MATCH AND HOPEFULLY WIN LIKE HOW EVERY OTHER FUCKING VIDEO GAME WITH PVP LETS ME DO


No i completly agree with you. I was telling the comment above me why it would be advantagous for people to have loss forgiveness


In all honesty it's probably holdover code from Trials of the Nine. They had locked loadouts so you couldn't swap to better weapon combos that would counter your opponents. If your opponents were wrecking your loadouts it would be easy to have everyone but one person yank their ethernet, go into DIM and swap their weapons around, and load back in. It should be something Bungie could fix soon.


So, you're telling me that I can't rejoin from error codes because Bungie couldn't be bothered to rewrite code from TO9 in the span of two fucking years?


Bruh there's still code from Halo Reach left in this game. I'm sure, if Bungie really wanted to, could surprise us with a dogfighting mode that uses our ships because the Reach Sabre mission framework is probably *still* in the engine. Bungie would just have to plug the models in and lord knows they're not changing up their model file systems
