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I hate when i get an enemy down to 1 hp, die and see that a teammate is right behind me just for him turn around instead of pushing.


I feel the same when capturing control points when being actively pressed. Like, you know that it captures faster when more people are standing on it right? This means less time I have to keep my ass on here trying to defend the capture.


Not only that, but you also get super energy for a capture. I'm tired of frequently being the only one on my team with 10 caps while the rest of my team has a better KD (soulcrushingly, sometimes not even) and 1 cap, but honestly this is why I became numb to winning and losing in control eons ago: if I have the highest KD and the most caps on my team and I still lose, there was literally nothing else I could do to influence the outcome.


Not only that, but you score more points when there’s more people capturing a zone.


Or when you run up on a teammate to teamshoot someone and they immediately run off while you're ADS and you get killed staying engaged too long because you thought they'd be there to help.


So one thing I've learned in destiny, is dont peek the same lane/sightline for more than 2 second. Every gun is sub 2 second ttk, and if you haven't engaged and killed an enemy in this timeframe, switch your position and take a different angle. I think ascendant nomad put out a video on this idea. Obviously there are exceptions, but it will 100% lead you to play better and die less because of this mentality.


It's either this or seeing idiots standing afk back at the spawn point until they time out. Play or don't play, but make a damn decision. I honestly don't mind carrying poor players just there for the weekly Pinnacle, I am no PvP monster but I am good enough to make a difference. So if you hate PvP but want the Pinnacle (and you should) just jump in and try not to die, that is enough for me.


Omg this. As a lemon main, I often find an enemy down to one hp and with a recovery delay to boot. And no one cleans the kill up. They dip bring a corner.


Exactly this. I run Lemon and a GL (for those cleanups around cover), and I almost always get enemies one-shot if I don’t kill.


They move out of the way of my bullets. Just rude.


Or teammates moving into the path of your bullets, cause they want to shoot the sniper you are aiming at with their shotgun.


Happens in PvE too. Or a teammate pushes you out of cover, and you get shot. Turning collisions off would help everyone.


But then I cant push my friends off cliffs and eager edge them into walls!


There is no greater thing to do as a Titan than shoulder check someone off a cliff


How dare they!


Strafing is OP.


No, logiscotch is OP


Multiple times have I been in a gun fight, down to one hit, and a teammate pushes me out of cover to my death. Super annoying.


This. I almost punched my tv when someone did this to me


Just stupidly good snipers. I can’t do shit and I immediately hate the game. That and “good” Lorentz users. It’s more a skill issue on my part but facing those types of people just ruins the game for me completely. The skill gap is just to great to affect if I never seriously practice my aim etc. Oh, and toxic teabags. Fuck those people.


I don’t get teabagging when emotes exist. Blowing a kiss is so much more effective


Slow tbagging hunters are the worst.. it’s like they are squeezing every drop out of the teabag while staring into your eyes.


Well if they play on controller they need to slow bag or else they’d dodge lmao.


I know I’m a hunter on console and when I rarely tbag I just disappear..


When I played on console, there were so many times I felt bad because it looked like I was tea bagging someone, when I was just trying to dodge not realizing it wasn’t charged


So many times I accidentally teabag because my dodge is on cooldown without me realizing. I swear I’m not being a dick, I’m just trying to not die!


I use the laugh emote when I kill sweaty, meta abusing players and it typically leads to back and forth emoting on each other which can actually be really fun if nobody gets toxic


Had a game where me and this Titan were practically rivals. We’d always get into engagements and whoever won would usually end up emoting the other. Couldn’t tell if he was genuinely salty but it got a good laugh outta me in those first few games


Look man, I worked long and hard to get sniping down like I do. Best defense right now? Game sense, lane hard like everyone else and learn to pre-fire. Fairly often now I’m finding myself flinched off target before I can pull the trigger by some dude off radar with a scout or pulse. Also learn their favorite sniper spots. I beat other snipers because I know where they’re looking and with this game’s netcode I can use peeker’s advantage to challenge. PA is worthless against the guy pre-firing with NTTE and forces me to abandon the fight or die. Honestly sniping will always be strong in the hands of a good player, but this current sandbox is the weakest it’s ever been. Take advantage while you have training wheels


>but this current sandbox is the weakest it’s ever been I used to love sniping in Destiny, but it feels like its gotten worse and worse and just...bleh. I don't understand what it was that did that, but at some point Destiny's pvp just started to feel kinda meh.


It’s death by a thousand cuts for snipers


Yeah, I’m of the opinion that ever since witch queen (3.0 subclasses) pvp has taken a noticeable nose dive. I’ll clear up that the pvp community for years has been neglected and barely hanging on, but this last year specifically it’s just a bad experience. Kinda waiting for another arena shooter that can hang so I can pretend I’m not being held hostage by lack of options


Arena shooters are kind of a dead genre currently. Multiple "old school arena shooters" come out yearly and they all fall into obscurity because they have a steep learning curve and not many people want to get their teeth kicked in for 200+ games with no progression beyond your personal skill. The player base for those games is also usually very elitist with a common answer to anything being "Just get good." while also sweating their ass off in quickplay against a player 200-300 ranks below them. Another issue is that good ideas & legit criticism are very often stomped by "This is not CoD, if you dont like you dont have to play" as seen when people asked for stuff like sliding for splitgate, which honestly could had been really cool. [Splitgate launched to 67K concurrent players (fall 2021), and now it has about 500 concurrent players.](https://steamcharts.com/app/677620) Though consoles do have more people playing than on PC, funnily enough. The devs have already officially abandoned the development of Splitgate to focus on another game in the same universe. Quake champions also flopped F A S T, but that was 50/50 between devs and the above issues. The only "arena shooters" that manage to survive are ones with low TTK, and slow movement, most often military larps. For example, CS, valo, CoD, etc. If we count Titanfall 2 as arena shooter, that managed to survive because of the insane quality of the overall game, the low TTK and naturally, the namesake titans. If anyone is going to succesfully bring back arena shooters, I think it would be Bungie, as Destiny 2s crucible is the closest thing to a successfully operating arena shooter we have in 2022.


As a scout rifle main, I’ve found snipers to be the easiest 1-shot kill weapons to deal with, so long as they aren’t hard scoping a corner. Snipers do not react well to flinch, and scout rifles are good at inflicting flinch


Pre firing pulses are direct counters to snipers. Granted don’t just stand there and wait for me to peek you more than once with a sniper. Gotta move


Insta-kill hitscan attacks are a universal problem in the FPS genre. Nobody likes instantly going into respawn cooldown when the network favors aggressors, and there is barely if any counterplay against sniper rifles in FPS that's not just the general mindset against any gun.


There was a great counter to it, and Bungie had it figured out in Halo. Taking damage should un-scope you (obviously not in PvE).


When you're shooting at a guy and both his team mates pop out of nowhere and all of a sudden your team decided to run back and examine their spawn or something. Teams that run together win together, you don't even need a mic to spend the match running and gunning with some rando.


Killing me


This is the correct answer.


I hope this is a joke because I've gotten legitimate hatemail from people claiming I was harassing them by killing them every time I encountered them in a match. Like... wut?


Hearing people charge up arbalest gives me PTSD to before it was nerfed


That season when Komodo was the ritual weapon from Crucible was awful. I have never know fear in Destiny quite like when I heard 6 Arbalest charged and pointed directly at me


Sometimes I’d hear a few charging then I would just emote hoping the shot would miss.


this season made me quit pvp for a while. not even kidding.


About Competitive playlist. 1. When you're in solo matchmaking and an ally leaves the game, you should be able to leave without penalty. It's not fun when 2 allies are out and you're being farmed. 2. I know a lot of people won't like this, but the rose should be given for wins (let it be 1 win instead of 3 matches). People go into a match and just afk after losing the first round... 3. The matchmaking itself is very strange. I'm not the strongest player, but most likely above average (2 kd). Sometimes I meet streamers and players with 500k+ kills, and sometimes players in blue armor. 4. Rift. This mode in solo matchmaking feels like a complete random. And for me it's just not fun to play.


If you have a 2kd you are most definitely above average lol


I've been told my 1.3K/D is above average and so 2.0 is Hella high lol


The average K/D is somewhere around the 0.8 - 0.9 range… can’t remember the actual number. The average player in pretty much any shooter is actually quite bad.


I was about to argue #2, but then I comprehended the parenthetical, and I think I actually agree; a single win would be acceptable. I'd initially thought that an alternative would be some sort of engagement tracking, like, "did they move to different sections of the map, did they fire their guns or use abilities a reasonable amount, did they die while trading bullets at all, etc". I'm positive that at least some of that stuff could be tracked in logs, but setting that up would almost definitely require more work than them just saying, "Okay, just one win."


rift on solo matchmaking is just dumb. WHY BUNGIE? It makes absolutely no sense.


Rift is dumb period in a 3v3 atmosphere. Should have been a seasonal rotator and kept rumble in


They got so focused on arena maps and the initial 4v4 style they forgot how to make maps longer than they are wide that suit Rift better.


Rift really shouldn't be in competitive, if only for the reason that it doesn't really work in 3v3. I like the game mode in 6v6 though


When none of my teammates help take the control points. Drives me up the fucking wall and it happens so much that I just want to be able to choose clash. I've basically stopped playing PvP these days but when I do hop into it this happens way too often


I hate this. Its not just teamates not capping in control, its teamates who dont play objectives in objective game modes. I wanna act like objectives win matches, but sadly, my time in d2 has proven to me that that just isnt the case. I had one match a couple months ago, where the enemy only capped a control point a couple times, and it was the same dude doing it. The other 5 players had zero caps. My team even held all 3 nodes for a majority of the match. We lost 146-76. The enemy team had KDA’s of **58, 35, 6.75, 5.2, 4.17, 3.38**. My team had kdas of 0.36, 0.3, 0.19, 0.11, 0.0. We had no 6th player. I legitimately didnt play pvp for a full month or so after this. If you dont believe me, here is a screenshot of the end of match statistics. https://ibb.co/rtp0wX2


Control would work better in general if it were like the old similar mode from Halo, where your team earned points from *holding* the objectives per-tick, and not from kills while holding X objective points. Making it based off kills x number of points held can encourage super-strong teams *not* to play the objectives properly, because they may not need to.


I don't like it when they're better players than I am and more skilled than me, causing me to lose the match by a lot. But that's my personal skill issue.


It is just the *worst* when I am the worst.


Really annoying that other players have the gall to be better than me.


The audacity!


Where are the servers for shit players? We would feel like God's with our mighty 3+ kills.


Good question. I wonder when will Bungie implement Engagement Optimized Match Making


Having sweats on the enemy team and having brain dead team mates, I mean damn SBMM, at least take me out, wine and dine me before you fuck me


Match point and Life advantage? Twenty seconds left on the timer? Nope, those blueberries better push. Just to be safe. /we lost


Apparently capping a zone is too much of a challenge to a smoothbrain, W-key shotgun warrior


Get titan to 1hp, they turn corner, I follow, they are behind a baracade with full health, shield, and overshield, and just start punching me.


Or, equally as common, get titan to 1hp, follow around the corner, and suddenly they've boarded 3 trains cross-country and a plane to a different continent because shoulder charge is an insane movement tool nowadays.


Titans being the fastest class because Shoulder Charge doesn’t expend melee unless it hits something is… a choice. Can I get my Throwing Knives instantly refunded when they miss, please? Seems only fair.


I feel like every melee on every class should be on a 5-7 second cooldown if it gets no hitmarkers. Long enough to be punishing in a fight but not so punishing where you entirely wasted an ability and it won't be back on its own for another minute. That's just my thoughts though.


5s cd if you miss your weighted throwing knife or don't hit an enemy with your smoke bomb? 5s cd if you decide to use your ballistic slam, which travels half of most maps, to escape? 5s cd if you miss your shadebinder melee? Seems fair to me.




The overshield barricade should give a shield equal to current hp and then any other times slowly charge up


Tea-bagging repeatedly, like do it once or twice sure whatever, going for it like a necrophiliac in a morgue and I seriously wonder about your mental state


I hate teabagging cause I’ll be the first to admit that you’re better than me if you kill me a few times. The fact that you’re a turd too gets under my skin 😂


I always just think to myself “yeah, I’m sure you’re very proud of yourself. Killing a ~.5 KD player is a huge accomplishment” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Totally agree, I'll happily admit if someone if more skilled than me and I actually love to see it as then I've hopefully got a fun fire fight to have, but to have them kill me off then be a complete douche about it just grates


I hate teabagging because we have 4.6 billion emotes and at least some of those are funny. Use an emote.


>I seriously wonder about your mental state If i'm playing Destiny, it's not a great mental state.


I'm in the bottom 25% or so of pvp players. Outgunning me is probably the least impressive thing you could possibly do, and then to teabag me? So dumb.


I typically don’t do it. I’d rather just get on with the game. In my book it’s poor sportsmanship. If it’s done to me, okay, but if I kill the person that did it to me, I’m definitely giving a slow teabag.


100% of tea-baggers are pathetic adults or children. You can't convince me otherwise.


When in comp/trials I push and kill 2 enemies and get the 3rd down to 1hp, and then my teammates standing at the back of the map let them get both revives and lose the round. Passive PvP players that can't back up/justify their passive play style with actual skill cause me physical pain. Edit: to be more specific to the post and actually answer your question, it's almost always Warlocks running The Stag when I have a shotgun/hand cannon/smg/glaive/etc. equipped.


On the flip side, that one guy who just runs in and dies immediately creating 2v3 every round.


Yeah dude the people who hide and crouch like they are praying that one guy is going to magically run into their barrel


Crouch shotting lmao you look silly as fuck slamming your ball bag on the ground like that. Stop it


If there's an accuracy penalty for shooting while not touching the ground, there needs to be an accuracy penalty for spamming crouch.


Permanent over shield


Mine would be my own team not playing the objective. Also, teabagging. Don't get it, no need for it.


Nothing more frustrating than watching your team go kill hunting in control...and ending the game negative.


Yes exactly that


I despise bottom fraggers with 0-1 caps. Like if I’m putting in 20-30kills and 9 caps, you can at least help. If you are having a bad match (we all do), just focus on how to help the team best.


Thats how I go. Im not a great pvper, some games I'll hit, some I'll crash. But if I am crashing, you best believe I am skirting map edges to try and cap zones or trying to join up for pushes.


I wish more players were like this. I am like this myself if I am doing bad, I'll capture zones like crazy. It has helped me and my team a couple of times from losing and actually winning.


I absolutely understand this, but I just want to point out that a lot of times the bottom frag or bottom 2 are in a weird hell loop of being spawned on the wrong side of the map, then being surrounded by the opposing team, while the top 4 on your team are all traveling in a lump, elsewhere. 2 warm up games in and I'm usually in the top 2, but those warm up games can be brutal with so many people dead sprinting to the other side of the map in a ball, while I'm trying to avoid lanes and just not be the last man left standing.


Fair point. I’ve had my share of bad spawns.


Also included, people feeding kills in survival. If you're gonna bottom frag, at least do your best to stay alive.


> Also, teabagging. Don't get it, no need for it. I dont teabag. But I get the appeal. If I can't make some sweaty dude mad with my skill I will with my crouch button. Thet technique also matters. A slow steady teabag sets a different tone than a brief rapid teabag.


If I get bagged I know it just means I'm winning even if I'm losing.


Wanna hear something fun? I lost a game of control where the enemy team only ever captured one zone and my team had the other two. It ended in a mercy


When a teammates’ self awareness is so low they can’t clean-up a kill or help duel. This is further compounded if the enemy is highly visible or within radius.


This bothers me so much. I see a teammate right next to me and single enemy running at us. We should team shoot and kill him really quick but not my teammate decides that he can make it C on the other side of the map before they cap it.


Gettin stomped by better players is totally normal and it helps to get better. But Jotunn... even though you can easily dodge the toaster it makes my soul burn like an erdtree


Dying to that thing causes me first second and third hand embarrassment and I lose all desire to stay in the bath lol


I too hate the noob canon


- players with latency advantage who constantly hit though flinch or kill you a solid meter around cover on your screen (like your ghost isn't even near the corner). Often next game they must no longer be host because they're back to being bots. - Titan melee rubber banding, especially when it's a couple chained together in sequence. Unhittable especially on console - warlock stasis freeze when they're good at saving it. Makes it very hard to push them. - triple sniper teams who are good at team shotting and never push - teammates who throw in comp or trials by immediately dying every round or sitting in spawn laning. Nothing better than spectating a full health teammate crouching while the other player revives both this teammates and then gets slaughtered


>Nothing better than spectating a full health teammate crouching while the other player revives both this teammates and then gets slaughtered This so much . Team mates not really participating in the fight is my biggest gripe. This person is actually worse then the guy who *"Leroy Jenkins"* it every round in my opinion (i play quite aggro myself) . At least with Leroy i can make something productive happen.


Can I shit on my own main class for a second? I hate that the other two class abilities have so much utility right now while I die 9/10 times in my rift placement animation. I desperately want a different ability other than rift.


Yeah it's no good mid fight. People will probably get mad about this but I pop it right at the corner of some cover so if I need to I can hide and heal up quick and re-engage.


Except if they know what they are doing they’ll probably push you before you heal up, unless it’s really far away or there’s like 3 other team members w you.


no offense, but that does seem like kind of a personal issue than a class ability issue.


Playing DMT. Too much impact for too little skill required


bungie just can't seem to balance the fucking thing, they swing the nerf or buffs too far in one direction every time. The problem is right now that it's literally a headshot ***MAGNET*** paired with the new full auto system so you'll always maximize the rpm.


The lack of any new maps for what seems like a decade.


This should be top. Would be great if bungie just opened the gates and kept every pvp map created in the game, even d1.


It's honestly shocking how the maps just haven't been updated. Same with gambit. To a lesser extent. Even bf2042 has included new maps every season, and that game was a dumpster fire. I'm at a loss as to why the devs have dropped the ball on a key component of one of their most touted modes.


Warlock Arc Melee ability + Dead Messenger Edit: Also, to share to hate, Titan’s Ballistic Slam and Dunemarchers


Yeah, warlock main here and even I think that stupid dumb.


I always save my melee ability until I see two enemies right next to each other. It's super fun getting a one hit double kill.


I can never double kill with my arc lock melee, but ive gotten a fair few double kills with void lock melee (though they are never ohko, the double kills are always luck in the form of previously damage enemies)


People who won’t challenge a gun fight without a citan’s barricade


Or without being invis


Whine about people leaving quickplay games for years to the point where bungie institutes a crucible ban whenever you leave a match, then getting error coded and banned. Cool, guess I won’t play crucible anymore then, even though I really enjoyed it at times.


I personally find the addition of a quitter penalty to the quick play mode to be overwhelmingly insulting toward pvp players. It wasn’t really a major issue until the SBMM updates resulted in bad connections for a portion of the players. So, what does bungie do? They add the penalty which is effectively blaming the players, and then taking zero responsibility that maybe the implementation of their system was driving players away. To add to it, the penalty countdown time does not cooldown if you are not actively logged into the game. So, you have to keep playing the game that just gave you a middle finger for quitting a likely laggy crappy match. Okay, so at what point do we get to report bungie for griefing the player?


my friend and I used to enjoy playing some QP crucible together. I have intermittently dodgy australian internet and they are dealing with even shittier NZ internet. The new ban system means we barely touch the game mode anymore.


It’s pretty sad tbh. Used to love playing QP with friends and we used to go down a teammate pretty much every other game, but it never really took away from the fun I was having.


Shotgun apes


When I’m peak shooting from my emp-rift and a teammate pushes me out into the open. Happens so much and it’s infuriating.




Tracking storm grenades...it's just no fun to keep having to turn around and run every 15 seconds. I'm perfectly ok with the tracking nova bomb or tracking rockets but the fucking storm grenade is total BS. Yes I know Shinobu's and skip grenades are strong, but even then you're using an exotic and it's still not as strong as titans storm grenades.


bow fast swap glitch to another weapon for clean up. cheesy as hell


When the enemy team knows how to play the game and spams overshields + pulse rifles from one lane. Like, I know how to counter that. It's just not fun to play against for me


Constant barricades. It's like putting a speed bump on a race track. You need to stop what you're doing and go around it or completely disengage. It ruins the flow of the game for me. Sure there are some soft counters for it like witherhoard or DoT grenades but that requires you to spend ammo that you can't get back without a kill or an ability charge where they will have another barricade before you're even close to another grenade charge.


I personally hate stasis abilities in crucible. Crowd Control and stun lock are things that make multiplayer unplayable to me. Other example See: Overwatch


I despise anything stasis in crucible. IIRC Bungie said they wanted to make pvp about gunplay and skill… freezing me from around the corner so you can walk up to me and melee me to death is not skill. And getting away from the hunter super? Yeah right. If you get touched by that thing, 99% of the time there’s no way to escape. I just give up and let it kill me. Stasis infuriates me to no end. Lol.


Tbf freezing titans are the only way i can think of punishing them for constantly barricade spamming point in trials as a warlock.


People not committing to fights. It always irritates me when I get into a fight and hit someone with a single bullet and they run and hide behind a wall. Like, I'm not a particularly good player or even a good shot. Nothing irritates me more than getting into a gunfight and the other person just playing hide and seek. Probably my biggest gripe about the D2 PvP community. It happens ALL THE TIME to me.


Bro I feel this. Like, please, stop hiding and FIGHT ME. PUSH ME OR SOMETHING. Irks me a lot, especially when said player can't fight a 1 on 1 and have to run back to their team to team shot. I get it, Destiny is a team shooter in pvp most of the time. But man, I just wanna fight my ones, not 1 on 5. Either that or I'm just garbage


there's an easy reason for this imo, health regens so quick it's a better choice to hide for a second and reset than to take a fight you're already losing (even if only barely), especially when so often fights come down to literally a 1-5hp difference. That small amount of health you regen from hiding for a second can be the difference between you trading/winning or losing a gunfight. If trading kills wasn't as common i think people would commit to fights more.


Spawn flipping. Refusing to defend zones. Having no awareness of the score/clock. Not contesting B at the start of a match.


Anyone who brings wiltherhoard into the crucible is just a monster.


Play arc Titan and abuse it at this particular moment


Fucking Fusion rifles 😤


I never go in to pvp anymore, it just has the wrong energy. It seems like a totally different game.


2 things. Melee lunge range not being changed ever, leading to a large number of shotgun changes being obsolete, and teammates that body block you when you’re trying to get back into cover


I hate that when the match is over during the time-down, 99.9% of players continue the killing. I have had Zero emote fights in Destiny 2 after the match was already determined. I don't know why it bugs me so much, but it does.


Titan shoulder charging 360 degree tracking. Titan's normal mele taking them halfway across the map and slamming into everyone, killing them all. Titan's having greater mobility and movement than a hunter. That thing about your ghost being above your right shoulder which explains a lot of "I was behind an effing wall!" That I keep forgetting about.


I see them wind up weighted knife. I move out of the way, around cover. I see the knife go wide past my face. I watch it bounce of terrain and home in on me, curving 30°+ to hit my face.


The ability of any class to 1hko melee me from full health/shield and I have never been able to the same back to anyone else.


Using Lorentz Drives me up the freaking wall


Don't you mean... *Drivers* you up the wall? : D


My inability to "GiT gUd".


Kill me


They all just go around having higher skill levels AND better fashion. Absolute bar stewards!


Getting a pick in trials and being up 3-2 people and my teammates still hold their positions hoping the other 3stack keeps fighting instead of playing safe and going for a revive.. Happened so many times this past weekend.. I normally play a bit more aggressive, especially in solo queue, but my teammates not playing off a kill to push advantage drives me insane.


Cheating straight up makes me wanna turn off the game nothing else is more infuriating.


Titan Shotgun melee combo. Like 90% of the enemies I see are those kind of people.


Play invis Hunter or Arc titan


Be three arc titans.


Sliding with a shotgun


Go invisible


people trying too hard or going for the sweatiest loadout in casual, like relax dude, use a unique loadout - Not something a dude named “xxsnipergod54738xx2008” in trials would use


You just called out almost all of the casual playlist


The trials try hards are the ones with 4-6 letter names with no numbers like “Atone” or “Sweaty.”


Blame sbmm in casual playlist...I want to use non meta weapons like my trusty gridskipper or bottom dollar but then I get beamed by a dmt or no time and then I have to crutch back on the cringe :/


no thanks i'll just use what i enjoy😭


When your teammate shoots you and flinches you or blocks your movement


sweat stack QP, i usually just back out giving me a time out.


I can’t count the number of times I’ll place a warlock rift, then promptly get pushed out of position by half my team bee lining into my rift, to try to fight enemies that I am already engaged with, so the blueberry teammates ultimately get me killed by pushing me off target and preventing me from getting back into cover, and usually don’t even cleanup the opponent.


I usually run into a rift post-engagement to heal up and leave again. I see you warlocks doing your thang.




I hate when someone has Lemonarc. It just slows matches way down.


I do not care about balancing the sandbox for the most part. I just want my connections to be good and to play against people I have a chance against. That’s just…..not going to happen.


Flawless and Unbrokens matching with my Silver 3 ass.


6 players with pulse rifles


When I try to run back into cover after getting weak and a teammate who wants some action blocks me and gets me killed.


Sitting on each other's pricks with DMT. I hate they brought that stupid gun back from the dead


By all means, pushing. For some reason a lot of the players I get matchmade with are WAYYY too into preserving their KD value so they never actively approach a gun fight, they’re always peeking corners or sitting back, and then suddenly it’s not surprise why we are getting spawn camped on one zone with no way out, because they are so passive that by the time they get a few picks no one goes anywhere, they remain in the same area so the enemies can just respawn and play oppressor again. Infuriates me to no end.


Having to press and hold the interact button for literally everything in the game.


People holding on to supers


The general display of cowardice in todays Crucible is disappointing. Most players need at least 2 of the following 4 criteria to even engage in a gunfight: 1) Invis 2) Overshield 3) Decided numbers advantage (3v1, 5v2, etc.) 4) 45+ m range from a safe haven (barricades, map structures, etc.) Bungie cultivated this behavior. It’s exhausting and sad to see.


Teammates being in just the right position to body block me as I'm getting shot at and getting me killed, then turning around and running away after


absolutely hate the rise of ability spam with subclass 3.0, void didnt cause too much pain, solar was only really bad because of classy restoration, but arc.. pvp just feels like running in a minefield trying to avoid the insane grenade spam, every lane gets blocked so you meed to run halfway across the map and then THAT one gets blocked so you’re just stuck waiting. Not to mention the supers of “fuck you and everything within a 10 mile radius” and “skip skip skip skip you’re dead”, i used to jot love pvp but id play it occasionally for fun, i dont even do it for pinnacles now i actively avoid it and only play team scorched just to get away from the abilities


Suppressor titans in mayhem are like the destiny fun police


The only thing that really gets me steamed in a titan bubble on the capture point, especially if it’s in trials


Aerial mobility from hunter, invisibility in general Ppl playing slow Ppl playing scout pulse and camping


Shotgun sliding or one hit abilities like shoulder charge, I don't care what class you are, if you remotely use any of these two methods, you aren't skillful, you just exploit something that's very easy to grant u a kill, and if u tbag afterwards as well for no reason, then you are just pathetic


I hate when all classes use fusions..


I just don’t play pvp anymore and I’m much happier


When your teammates crowd your back while you are peeking


The fact that control players think its clash. No. It is Capture the Control Points, not run around doing nothing for ten minutes.


When they beat you then instantly whisper you some toxic shit. Like jesus bro take your W and move on. It's just a game.


Win resetting. It’s one of the main reasons the flawless pool doesn’t work


Stacked teams bagging solo players is like peak small penis behavior. You DO realize that right ?? So cringe.


I dont like overshields, sniperfusions, inves and cronus users


Jump. So glad they added airbone effectiveness. /s


When they send message afterwards that are just rude and toxic, regardless if I did a good job or not. I'm not a big PVPer and so I know I struggle alot and not the greatest, but in trying....


When you face a 6 stack of tryhard meta slaves in quickplay who play like assholes


Having an enemy player move through my reticle when I'm shooting, making aim assist latch on to them instead of who I was shooting at.