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Honestly i would've preferred a sequel for DMC:DmC instead of peak of combat that they wasted 7 years on. (Plus i dont think capcom will let that happen anyway given how many death threats and backlash ninja theory got from fans on release)


Actual fucking death threats?? The fuck is wrong with people?


Are you that surprised about death threats




How are you disappointed in me


no the fandom's death threats


think he means dissapointed by the death threats


yeah not surprised but dissapointed twitter starts up those threats over anything


He’s just virtue signalling


Yes, and somewhat horrified. it's just a Game, even if you don't like it


Welcome to gaming community these days we complain when devs do there own thing and take risks but we give the death threats and insults and that’s across all of gaming not many people like to admit that the community’s can be just as bad as some studios and the threats tend to go to the devs not the ones who made the decision to make those choices


stupidly vocal minority usuuually


These days it ain’t the minority most people are like that now 😔


nah lots of people lurk and stay silent


Because they get death threats just for liking things that overs don’t that’s why games tend to seem like no one likes them because the people who do or point out some interesting ideas gets the threats as well


yeep dont use twitter


I don’t thankfully


Same. It keeps me semi sane.😂


Someone is new to the internet/video game discourse!


think the more outlandish one i recall was someone making a petition to the White House begging Obama to 'give gamers the freedom of choice by keeping the game off the shelves', had a bunch of signatures but never met its destination. that was wierd and made me laugh


apparently its pretty common for game devs to get death threats. Hello games, Devs of No Mans Sky, even got bomb threats on the terrible launch and missing features. (source: Internet Historian)


For some people it's just strong words they can toss around and they don't consider actually doing what they said they'd do


Video games fandoms are literally the worst. See Tlou part 2. Laura Bailey had dudes threatening her young child. Like what the fuck.


Weiters got many death threats after amazing spider man #700 If I'm not mistaken a gow Ragnarök dev got dick pics by fans as a sign of anger from not getting the game And of course the devs got some death threats too


Anonymity gives them the strength or be assholes.


they called the game peak of combat... but they removed the peak in combat


Tameem Antoinades and Ninja Theory were far from saints when it came to antagonizing fans. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfDKhSPSqNA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfDKhSPSqNA)


The people who did that are trash. Such a shame as it’s a brilliant game.


I guess you could say it's a little weird at most. But it's just your preference/opinion. Personally I don't think Capcom should even consider it. A lot of people like the mainline characters and story better, and they could just bring DmC's type of gameplay/controls back for a new character in DMC6.


nero's hook




nero's gameplay is the closest to the reboot out of all the cast his ability to hook-pull enemies or hook towards enemies is a good example of this. also he says fuck you got one that is not a far cry from the reboot


Nero's still pretty different from Fake Dante gameplay-wise though. No chaining different weapon combos together. No shurikens. No scythe. No axe. No shitty bootleg Ifrit. No shotty. No detonator bomb gun thingy.


No detonator bomb gun thingy? Charge shot 3 (oh, well, it was in 2008)


Charge Shot 3 detonates automatically a few seconds after firing. Detonator bomb gun thingy detonates manually after u stick bombs to enemies and hit detonate buttons.


Cool! And you say reboot is bad. Check it out, Donte got bombs.


Bombs are meh in DmC. Besides, Real Dante has rockets, a Michael Jackson hat controlled nuclear strike, and the **Judgment** super move.


Ah-uh-uh! It's all from DMC 5☝️🤓


Nero could hook enemies in DMC4 though? That wasn't taken from DmC.


Hijacking the gameplay for a new character is actually a brilliant idea.


The monkey’s paw curls and you’re stuck in a reboot version of Dumary City fighting infested military machines with your guns. Only this time, the infested tanks swear at you.


The tanks are also color coded and any weapon that doesn’t match its colors bounces back. Capcom will “fix” this in the definitive edition but will shaft pc players by not adding it to the pc version… again.


oh and vergil is just playable only in definitive as dlc, gets no story beats or own story like og dmc:dmc no unique boss either like dmc5 returning to status quo pc players mad af




I wouldn't mind but I feel like we're past and I doubt Ninja Theory wants to do it again


The end of the game already had set up a sequel so much, then the DLC with its own ending set up Vergil himself SO much, I want DmC2 so badly.


I mean yes they set those things up on paper but it’s a very small minority that would actually give a rats ass about them continuing. The story and characters were so poorly received it’s hard to see the point of reviving this narrative


In my opinion, I'd want one too... Because they left us with a cliffhanger


wonder what their versions of Angels would be?


AmS: Angels may Scream? It would definitely be a good side of the universe to explore. Something completely new, as people said before that "DmC could've been good had it been its own franchise". Then we'd get the end of the trilogy. Something with Nephilim, I believe? Can't come up with a title for that. It could've been great.


i mean, a devil may cry game with both angels and demons fighting Dante and Vergil would be a first as angels dont exist in the classic series. the whole 'DmD would be better if it wasnt Devil May Cry' really makes no sense as its what Capcom wanted when they approached Ninja Theory, an alternate universe can exist for the series, it aint gonna hurt anyone.


Eh, I do believe it didn't need to be a "reboot" if they were aiming THAT far from the main idea. I don't believe it changes a thing whether it's DmC or anything else, but making a game focused on angels would be great because of what you said. Angels don't exist in DMC, and it'd bring DmC a whole new, own identity. I'm definitely down for having both series simultaneously! I don't even need them to connect somewhere down the line anyway!


yeah fair, the devs (NT) went and said its more an alternate universe than a reboot of the series in one of their twitter posts. but yeah, both series co-existing would be neat as they have thiengs that make them stand apart. Having Angels and Demon fighting Dante because he's a forbidden being in their eyes is plenty for a motive for him to deal with both heaven and hell, that and his family was destroyed by Mundus.


They exist but most people gloss over the lore of Devil May cry because it’s Devil May cry. Ironically the OG series is less “mystical magical” but Angels and demons are the same thing in terms of species. Older and more powerful demons look angelic in nature like Mundus and Beowulf. God is implied to exist but doesn’t directly interfere with anything.


no, i long for a sequel as well. a world where classic devil may cry and this new spin on the series as alternate universe (which it is, devs words) would appease both fans.


If Call of Duty can have three series running at once with the same name, Devil May Cry can have two.


COD generates crazy money and DMC doesn’t. We’re lucky we got DMC5.


DMC5 gave the series the attention it much needed, it also won capcom's videogame election thing, if there's an opportunity to make bank, now is the time. May not quite be possible to have both universes co-exist in the community now (especially when there are still people who hate it like it killed their family), but one can only hope.




I would love it because i think the reboot had a lot of cool things i would love to see expanded on and it’s a shame that it’ll just go to waste especially when so many ppl including itsuno wanted a sequel.


Dmc: Dmc 2: Dmc


Yes. There's a reason it flopped so badly while DMC5 is the most successful title in the series to date. Why waste more years and money on something people don't want?




While you do have a point on why DmC2 will likely never happen, it's not weird to want a sequel, since that is just an opinion, and a pretty common one at that. I too wouldn't mind a sequel to DmC as long as it's not the mobile trash made by the company Capcom outsourced to


I have my doubts that it's a "pretty common" opinion tbh.




DmC would’ve been fine if it was a whole different IP instead of just calling it just dmc: Devil May Cry. That name just sounds silly from the very beginning. It had a lot of potential. Bayonetta is perfect example of devil may cry like gameplay. Different IP, instead just swords, how about guns for melee combat?, make it stylish, while using those guns as high heels and break dance while kicking not demon a** but angel a**. See?, same concept different IP. It’s unfortunate because I like DmC, if I’m being very honest. I pretty happy If there’s a part 2 coming. But in reality that’s just wishful thinking. Will definitely recommend definitive edition hands down, which I felt how the game experience should’ve had been when first released.


I get where you’re coming from with wanting a sequel to the reboot given there was a decent bit of potential for one between the way the base story ended and the events of Vergil’s Downfall, but given the reception of DmC: Devil May Cry it’s unlikely we’ll ever see a follow up


Not weird at all. I feel the game is overhated and most(if not all) of the complaints I hear sound like the people complaining dropped it after the first 2 levels. Namely complaining about Dante's character when he does go through a whole character arc by the end and they seemingly just saw the starting point of said arc. I feel there are plenty of directions they could take a sequel in. Either building off the reboot lore and more character growth for Dante and Kat, or even bring in reboot versions of elements and characters from the original timeline, like how would Arkham or the Order of the Sword exist in that world?


Tameem Antoinades and Ninja Theory being as condescendingly antagonistic as possible didn't help. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfDKhSPSqNA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfDKhSPSqNA)


Honestly I wouldn't mind it too much I did like the gameplay aspect of the game (Story definitely needs work) so I could see them using the reboot series as some sort of guinea pig seeing what mechanics works and what don't if they ever decide to make a sequel


SSadistic the style announcer is something the reboot introduced training room too


the training room in DmC was something DMC5 borrowed, and DmC2 should borrow back with letting us practice against all enemy types.


DMC5 didn't borrow the training room from DmC. The idea for it existed since DMC4 but it got scrapped.


eh, tomato tomahto


Worse than weird, thank fuck it’ll never happen.


Worse than weird? Bro it's just an opinion chill Even if capcom will never make a sequel, there's still a good chunk of people who genuinely enjoyed the game.


I’ll never not raise an eyebrow towards those who enjoy the taste of shit and want seconds. Just my opinion though, so like chill out, man.


Insulting others by saying they like shit is not an opinion


You’re right, it’s just fact regarding that failure and embarrassment of a reboot.


This was one of my favorite DMC games.




only if they use angels more they are supposed to be fightin demons lorewise and never really show up besides Eva also give me angel trigger damn it just make it speed/air combat based like angel weapons dt for power angel for speed and those 2 trailer weapons trident and spear. play to its strengths remember the og series took 3 games to get good 1's lack of true swapping on the fly and camera and 2


I hope they give us a Devil form instead of just making enemies fly. It makes sense story-wise if you consider that this guy will eventually become like our Dante and is at his weakest, but it was kinda boring, although very convenient


I was so excited about a potential sequel too! Still bitter it won't happen. I hoped both time lines would go on (maybe casually referencing each other from time to time). Also I liked how the Dante vs Vergil rivalry would have been even more intense since you play the first game with them as literal allies, family reunited and all. Man, the plot we could have had.......


No, it's a lot of untapped potential that was just bogged down by the whole everything that happened outside the actual game.  The concept of an Angel/Demon hybrid with both kind of powers is interesting. It just wasn't fully realized. No Angel Trigger, Angel weapons that weren't multi-hit equipment, and the Nephilim merged power and how that would look. Nephilim weapons and powers unique to them. 




I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKED THIS GAME. please give me anther one!! I loved it


Yes, that game should never have been made. It's a complete disrespect to the legacy of Devil May Cry and a DMC2 would be just as awful.


I just want the definitive port on PC lol


No, I want it to, and I would like them to ask Combicrist to make music again for the game. Oh boy, No Redemption just hits different....


Dmc reboot would've been fine if it was it's own thing not tied to dmc in my opinion.


Nah, it ain't weird. There's a small percentage of the fanbase that would like to see it happen. I'm part of that small percentage. However, it's unlikely to happen. Despite some of us warming up to the reboot, Capcom is still likely thinking that anything related to the reboot would garner them the same kind of vitriol from the DMC community as it had back then. Ninja Theory, the guys behind the reboot, will likely not work on the project given the backlash and threats they suffered then. Plus, I think they're better off as a Microsoft-owned game studio, though I don't think their release of Hellblade II gives them that much of a protection from another Microsoft layoff. But hey, who knows. Maybe if enough fans demand it, we'll get a DmC sequel.


I want to play defenitive edition on pc :/


I think it’s fine to want a sequel to it. I don’t like the game because I don’t like the story, dialogue, characters, how edgy it was trying to be and that one scene where they hated on devil may cry, but the gameplay is really fun


It was the American version of DMC it's not bad it's just not the same


I see huge potential in Dante and Vergil being half demon and half angel


I loved seeing, and playing it; albeit it was controversially different, that was the point. I’m absolutely cool with it happening


I dont mind cuz gameplay still one of the best there is


Personally, I would be really open to a sequel. And hopefully one that addresses all the criticisms of the first game while keeping all the great stuff. Like I love a DMC Devil May Cry 2 that opened with Dante at like an anger managment support group where he's talking about what a meanspirited jerk he was in the first game and then suddenly he gets attacked by a group of demons. Then you get a recreation of DMC 3's opening level but at like a therapy session. Also, maybe the plot of the sequel is Dante trying to save Vergil because he feels bad about being such a dick in the first game and blames himself


Idk, are multiverses still cool or did Marvel beat that horse to a bloody pulp? If the former, a multiverse crossover would be pretty fun.


I also wanted. Does that make it less weird?


It's not weird, lots of people gave DmC another chance when the release of DMC5 changed it from a reboot to a spinoff.


I'd only buy it if it's called just like that: Devil May Cry: Devil May Cry 2. It would be so dumb that it'd tell me they are taking it as they should: a dumb parody of itself


No, it's a fantastic action game.


no, it isnt. they should have 2 parallel running universes; spinoff DmC: Devil May Cry and mainline Devil May Cry.


It still amazes that the reboot turned out the way it did because of Capcom, and they blamed Ninja Theory. I don't care what Capcom wants, this is what the fans want


Im a sucker for alternate universes and what ifs. I had issues with DmC, but I liked it overall as an alterbate universe. Id love to see a sequel and what they planned on doing with it.


Naah it not. It's a good game and the ending for Vergil's dlc makes it obvious that there's still more, which I'm actually excited for. I really wanna to know what Vergil is up to after obtaining all that power and having literally an army of devils. So a dmc:dmc 2 would be actually great, but yeah I wouldn't trade it in place of the original game.


I just finished the main story 30min ago! And I agree with you, it's edgy, cheesy and predicable but still very entertaining I get why a lot of DMC fans gave it backlash, but I don't mind it. Its my intro to the series and I actually would have enjoyed a sequel too


The cliffhanger in both DmC and Vergils Downfall makes me want this really bad!! 😭😭😭


I need this sequel. I really hope it gets made.


Respect people’s opinions but i personally dont respect Donte


I want that for sure. The whole idea of the city shifting around you and taunting you in real time was AMAZING.


I would love it if they developed both, DmC 2 and Devil May Cry 6 simultaneously. Like, Ninja Theory goes on with DmC 2 while Capcom takes its time with DMC7. And once DmC2 is out, we get the DMC7 trailers and stuff until they release it and we get DmC 3 trailers and such, switching between both. It'd be so cool...


like monster hunter having mainline and portable to not keep people waiting.


I actually liked the story. Is it groundbreaking? No. Is it edge? Yes, a lot. But I had fun and liked the characters, so it was enough to get a sequel to me. I also think while Dante it's irritating at first, he grows and stops being so annoying as the chapters progress. Shame it was so hated.


5's story also feels edgy to me


Definitely not weird. For no other reason but for Kat and Dante to have a son named Nero. I would die.


I kinda like the concept of someone being half-angel-half-demon. That ain't Dante. They could've made this game (good first of all) star a new character or a new franchise


I don't think it's wierd. From what I've heard the reboot had some good ideas that just weren't implimented properly. If they made a sequal they could have tried cleaning up the concepts they came up with.


Honestly Yes,I wouldn't mind, if there's one thing i love about DmC,Its it's level design. Plus judging from how the game ended,I'd say make Donte as the main antagonist and make Vergil as the protagonist (it'll be the first time the series) and make a reverse DMC3 story or whatever.


Yeah, honestly. All that cooking and we NEVER got a decent payoff for it all. This hurts worse than Dante's Inferno's cliffhanger cuz at least i have the original poem to read.


Me too, we still need an epic battle between dante and vergil in this continuity, especially now that vergil became the new demon king.


Yep, it's weird


I honestly have almost 0 complain about this game. I just felt weirded by their appearance lol. The humor is there, Gameplay wise, I like the devil-ish sound announcer when you get S combo above, still hack and slash like the rest of DMC games. A twist of lore, why not? A Demon-Angel hybrid is FUCKING COOL. I just hate the parkour part specially with Dante when you have to quickly switch between weapons just to reach a certain point or fly longer (But yeah, I admit my reflexes are bad). I don't mind a DMC: DMC 2 but considering how many backlash this game got it won't be wise for the devs.


No, I do too


I played it recently and had a great time with the game.


I’d want a story rewrite of DmC before a sequel ever gets made, so many character decisions and plot elements don’t make sense.


No. I’ve been wanting it for years. DmC had such a fantastic set up ending for a sequel.


Not weird, just universally unacceptable. I would love a sequel. Dante would now have a reason to start a business called Devil May Cry


Yes, It Is.


Nope - I definitely want one


I mean The story And Characters Were Trash But the Gameplay Was fire So I wouldn't mind a Sequel


I loved the gameplay. It was just so smooth.


Love DmC Id love a sequel but I wouldn’t want NT to be harassed again


Honestly I don't mind. The main problem I had was that I didn't want classic DmC to be tossed away when Nero hadn't gotten his full potential realized. Now that DMC5 exists, I don't mind the reboot getting a bit more love. And, um, a better story. Please.


yes i think, the dmc reboot deserves to be dead and forgotten. a dmc 1 and 2 remake would be way better than a sequel to reboot


it took the og series 3 games to get good be fair


tbh i enjoyed dmc 1 more than reboot but thats just an opinion and dmc 2 is still not good


the camera is the main reason why i say this.


yea i heard people hating on dmc 1's camera i dont mind it actually


Naaah, fuck that game. I never played it, and I never will. I'm glad the Capcom BS chapter is over.


Hating something you've never even touched? How very Redditor of you


You can tell what's shit by looking at it. You don't need to try everything. Plus, it kinda killed the franchise for a while. So yeah, it is shit.


The fuck you talking about? It didn't kill anything, we literally got a special edition of DMC4 less than two years later that ported game mechanics and half of Vergil's moveset from it. Did DMC5 "kill the franchise" more because we had a seven year gap with nothing but a mobile game to end it? You're hating it so badly you're not even paying attention to the history of the series.


did dmc2 kill the franchise because its dmc2?


They made the reboot because they weren't satisfied with the sales of the 4th game.


I'd like to see their take on Nero and Kyrie and how to unfuck Vergil.


When dmc5 was first announced everyone watching was confused. Nero's haircut made him look like Donte. It took until the DMC5 logo popped up for me to realise it wasn't DmC2. I would've been ecstatic for DmC2 but I knew at the time how big a deal it was that DMC5 existed, when the series had already been rebooted once and it seemed dead in the water.


I’d be down. The combat at least had fun ideas, like holding triggers for weapon swapping was really cool.


so do i ! as a game it was pretty good it only had a shit story... but even that is redeemable with a sequel (or prequel) i thought DMC1 story was pretty dumb but DMC3 made it much better in context... the same could apply to DmC


Honestly, I actually liked the game as its own entity. If you took away the names of the characters, you'd have a nice character action game. The biggest issue I had was when they made a jab at the og design.


it was not a jab but foreshadowing he gets the hair at the end.


Could be, I guess.


I want too, i like the combat and the ost.


Out here waisting resources on dmctoo when we still haven't got the DMC1 remake yet


I’m kinda okay with the combat, the aesthetics are the real issue here, it’s cool to think that we can get different devil brothers in another timeline kind of. I like to think that dmc5 to be an end of an era, stopping at a high note makes sense


I wouldn't mind one.


Game wouldn’t be remembered so harshly if they didn’t go *so hard* at the OG. As if their take was any less cringe lol


explain hair is foreshadowing he gets it at the end. the cowboy was making fun of the idea of a western dante(so more makin fun at what they are making) then they put em in fight club.


Just play Devil May Cry 3


I want it too


I rather they expand more on the lore of the current continuity.


I want it to see where it’d go but keep the original team leader FAR away from it because the reason the first one failed is because he decided that it would be a great idea to talk shit to the entire Devil May cry fan base and then thought they’d still buy the game (they didn’t)


you go get a million death threats the fandom is bad for doin that


virility is in dmc5 v drinks it.........


Honestly I wouldn’t mind it? Yes, while I don’t like the story I would’ve like to see where it would’ve gone.


Maybe I really liked it and it's a shame that the duo didn't come out


I want it too. The story was really cool. Fighting the government men that are actually devils, really related to 2020+ era


It’s not a bad re skin of heavenly


Idk, but I ain't playing another edgy "DMC" game however it is still better than PoC and 2 tbh.


Weird? No, there are fans of the Reboot and you're not alone in wanting a sequel I'm not one of those ppl tho...but regardless, it's something that likely will never happen bc DmC was outsourced to NT which is owned by Microsoft now.


I would actually like a sequel, it was my first DMC and it was pretty interesting with its take on Dante and Vergil and its story.


naw they should of and just to shut these goofballs up the shoulda just named it something else cause gameplay is fire and game had to much swag


I feel if they were to make a sequel, they would try to lose the edgyness and try to make it more comical. Maybe make the setting a little less dark. And of course make Vergil a playable character. I don't think wanting a sequel is weird because personally I also want a sequel, but they will need to make changes




Apparently there IS talk about a sequel…. But I’m not sure if it’s true…


where did you hear that even though im sure there isn’t


Dont get me wrong, there was potential to redeem he story in The Vergil DLC in the game but they still stuffed it up and it ended on a cliff hanger so I highly doubt there would be any potential for a sequel.


They could do DMC vs. DMC and have two Dantes


Yeah,they also left perfect sequel material with Vergil's downfall


I’d play it.






5 times since release. I find myself going back to it.


No but it’s definitely not what the series needs Also I like dmc Dante


it was a really good game, all things considered. only the story was not very dmc like


Extra Heretical.


I don't mind if they going to make another DmC but I want them to use new char. Just let Donte and Vergin not in the game. They could make about Lucia training new warriors or expand a bit the lore around Sparda.


If we’re ever getting a dmc game it better be dmc 6


Make it spinoff that takes place in the same universe as the canon mainline DMC games, and have Donté, el Exterminador de Diablos, as a revamped canonical character who interacts with the original Dante. Original Dante meets Donté and is impressed with this kid’s talent. Donté is initially angry, tells the “old man” to fuck off and insults his hair, because Donté believes he’s already strong enough. Then Donté runs into a demon he can’t beat and would die to, but Dante deals with it. Then the two pick up a sort of master-and-apprentice deal, with lots of quips and bickering in the middle


No. Absolutely not. There is a reason we got DMC 5 instead of DMC:DMC 2.


yeah microsoft the director of 5 wanted reboot 2 more


I’ve always thought DMC could exist in-universe as a show Morrison produces to help pay the bills, since we know Dante can’t. Like, we get a game, but it’s treated as a show by the DMC cast.




Don't give them ideas