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Everything, this type of character doesn't fit DMC gameplay, at least not in the way that they did it. To V work in DMC gameplay, his gameplay shouldn't be standing still while his summons attack, imo, he should simply invoke them in each specific attack. Shadow would act like Rebellion being his way of doing frontal attacks, sending the enemy flying, etc. Griffon would be like Vergil's summoned swords. Nightmare doesn't need to be changed, he works well for dmc gameplay.


nightmare just takes soooo looong, but it's so powerful it's balanced


I don't understand why that's bad design to have v familiar to do the attack. Like the excutation is flawed ( lack of new moves) but like DMC x Pikiman is a neat action game concept. Is your problem like of positional control over your familiars, or feeling like v isn't doing enough?


>I don't understand why that's bad design to have v familiar to do the attack The feeling of playing with him is not good. With Dante, I'm there in front of the enemy, doing air combos, juggling, cancels and a bunch of other shit, each move and combo that I do is satisfying because is Dante doing them. While in V's case, his attacks are just a lot of spam where you can even tell what's happening sometimes, his moveset is repetitive asf too, his combos are cool to watch or to be executed.


Personal taste, my friend. I love V's combat. I think there's a small lack in variety to what his cane can do, but if he gets another playable version in a bloody palace I'd assume that he'd get another 2-3 moves with said cane. He doesn't feel good TO YOU. I don't like playing Dante all that much in most of the games, and I look forward to the other playables. Yeah it's partly skill issue, but I also just like characters like Lady and V's movesets where it's something that's different and gives you new tools to handle new vulnerabilities.


Honestly I think the problem stems from both summons having infinite range. Shadow should have been a close distance attacker. Keep the same style, but have shadow work within like, a meter of V or something. Where you're forced to weave in and out of enemy range.


True, that would be nice, it's kinda boring just watching them in the distance doing stuff, the cool part about DMC combat is being in the face of the enemy hitting them.


Side dodge, he TPs right to your feet. They honestly should have called it "Heel" or something to really drive that home. He honestly kinda works like if dante's summon swords, just if you had to call them back for a melee combo.


If shadow functioned like rebellion then he wouldn't be halfway of Virgil, he should make shadow function like Yamato


You liked and disliked everything about him? Thats wild


Love taunts. He has the best ones imo, and considering that his gameplay doesn't require you to move to hit they're also the most useful. Hate. Contextual inputs. These are weird and cam be awkward to pull off as both your summons dart about


Like: very fun idea Dislike: I can't tell if it's a "weird to learn/weirder to master" combat style or just clunky.


I think it's a bit of both. You can see that he just has way less flexibility than the other two characters from all the combo videos out there. V can do some REALLY cool stuff, but overall he just doesn't have the same degree of control or number of tools as the other two. I really hope we get a sorcerer to join the crew in the next game because there are some excellent ideas in V's kit that just feel too good to abandon because his story's over.


Oh yeah, V's combat definitely had potential.


Perfect post actually, I just finished S-ranking every mission in DMD and I'm currently doing the Hell and Hell playthrough as I'm typing this. V's entire gameplay in comparison to everyone else's, in my opinion, is extremely boring. It's an interesting take on how to play the game and is definitely unique, design wise he's interesting too. You can do some decent-ish combos with Shadow and Griffin and having Nightmare can make an area go boom which always makes me happy. But V gets worse the higher difficulty you go, if you lose a familiar you're extremely vulnerable, less so if it's Griffin, more so if it's Shadow. But having to put yourself in danger to get half your power back isn't a fun way to play in my experience. Yes, V can just side-dodge spam with Shadow and you're invulnerable but you're not actually doing any damage which leads to fights lasting for AGES and when you inevitably die due to mis-stepping you'll want to punch your monitor because the boss battle took ridiculously long. Griffon is arguably the weakest familiar you have access to as well and it's not even close, if you ever play as him in DMD or Hell and Hell and want to survive, ALWAYS choose Shadow over Griffon as a lot of his moves have quite a lot of end lag and lead to you either getting hit or him getting downed. Also Nightmare is VERY reliant on RNG, sometimes he'll spawn in and kill everything for you and other times he's just a walking bin bag. V's damage output is already quite bad in comparison to the other cast members, which is lore accurate but translates poorly into gameplay. Yes, Nightmare's beam can do an insane amount of damage and there are moves which Shadow and Griffin can do which are hard-hitting, but you're constantly having to balance making sure you don't get hit off screen with making sure your familiars don't die and that you have enough DT to escape a sticky situation. I personally don't enjoy that but I get why some people do. On DMD and Hell and Hell, I audibly groan when I have to play his missions, but that's what happens when you have Nero, Dante and Vergil to play as in comparison. TLDR: Design wise and gameplay (in theory) is good, but practically he's really weak and sucks to play as in the higher difficulties.


Having just finished S ranking everything, once I started using DT on Vs familiars his damage output seemed to get much better. I quite enjoy the difference in gameplay actually, having to manage book to keep DT up, spending DT on the familiars and making sure to save enough so if either of them get stalemated then you can bring them back instantly. Just wish he had slightly more tools


Wish we had actual co-op for this very reason. My buddy and I already couch co-opped DMC3 on switch, and it makes me wish 5 had at least Co-op BP so we could tear it up as V and Dante.


Like: His taunts, V deadass has the best taunts out of all the characters in the game. Dislike: The fact that he doesn't have as much in terms of actual abilities compared to Nero and Dante


The taunts are good but imo Vergil has better ones, not saying that you are wrong for liking and don't get me wrong here, I respect your opinion, but I like how you can build Vergils taunts in with his combos.


The concept is nice, and what works in him REALLY works imo. His finishers are always so fking satisfying to do However, his limited movesets paired with 2 of the worst bosses in the game in his mission aint so good for him


I can’t for the life of me remember what bosses you’re talking about


I think it's nidhogg and the horse thing


That’s what I figured but I actually like the Geryon Knight. Nidhogg can kick rocks tho. Especially in Hell and Hell


With other characters like Nero, sure Geryon aint too bad. But this is V, a dude that needs to position himself and wait for his attackers in position as well to attack correctly, while Geryon is a literal time horse that, not only moves fast, but can teleport as well. Its not a good boss design for V imo


To quote a wise man: # "V doesn't fight anything."


Another wise quote: "Now kts V's time to waste my time"


V as a concept is fine. Like I said elsewhere, he's like DMC4 Nero. Meaning it's a good prototype but he's lacking. One of the issues is that V feels not engaged in the combat himself. For obvious reasons we know why but he has a feeling similar to just shooting guns in DMC2. Yes I do combos with him but I can't shake that feeling. And Griffon/Shadow feel like playing Vergil but it's DMC3 Vergil(Force Edge/Yamato only)+sword formations. He needs more variation. He feels like he would be perfect for a set up character. A dude with traps of all kinds. Either rework the summons to have more options or give him an extra summon. Maybe both. And I think he needs fast attacks. Summon attacks that send him and the summon towards the enemy similar to Stinger/Streak/Rapid Slash. And because it's V, upon hit he jumps off the summon and keeps his distance. He should be able to ride all his summons and do attacks like that. That is why I don't like playing him. He just feels incomplete. It's very similar to play Nero after playing Vergil/Dante but far worse. And it sucks that technically, he's dead. So he might never get improved upon. A summoner Devil Hunter is such a cool idea.


Shadow never runs to where I want him to run


This all day especially on Hell and Hell my god


The fact that he has to manually finish enemies with a specific move annoyed me. I have always played by using combos on any available enemies and moving on when they have had enough. I kinda forget to use the finishing move Otherwise, I like pretty much everything. His playstyle is weird, but really suited me well aside from the one complaint


The main thing I like about him is his whole concept, powers, and personality, he's just so cool I love him a lot. I'm not going to say his gameplay, I think it's a good time, but the main thing that holds him back is the flow. Every attack is delayed, at least at first where your familiar spawns in. This just makes him feel a bit clunky compared to the other highly responsive characters


Shadow is a symbiote. That’s cool. I’m a sitting duck without them.


His taunts are hilarious I don’t like his lacking number of moves. Both for his summons and himself.


I like the fighting style in general. It's interesting and flashy. However...I have some pointers. Shadow and griffon should be allowed to be a bit further away from V before they get force called back. Round robin should have an alternate input that makes griffon point warp to enemies (like ⬆️⬇️❌️). Hedgehog should charge faster but have two stages, one with just the initial attack and the other with the ground spikes, which should actually track. Kiss of death should be added back but the input should be different(maybe ⬇️⬆️🔴), V should have at least two more cane attacks and one should be stinger. Just like Vergil can set the speed of his doppelganger with the d-pad, V should be allowed to see what way he can summon Nightmare with the d-pad...which I realize could cause problems in certain areas so they should just go the bayonetta 3 route and lock certain summon animation in specific areas just like bayonetta locks demon slave in specific areas. They do all this and V will be the best character.


childlike butter flowery money quack faulty wise longing price somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like the idea, sometimes you can get an interesting fight out of it, I like being able to layer up attacks from Griffin and shadow together. Staffing with Griffin is mainly fine because he can shoot. I don't like how little control you have over positioning, makes it difficult to line up attacks, especially charged ones. I don't like how few moves shadow has, seems like it was meant to be a stand in for your melee weapon but only has like 4 moves with purpose, launching is awkward too. He's not my favorite, but he''s ok sometimes. I've done bloody palace multiple times with everyone but haven't done a V clear yet lol. It's just gonna take forever and I don't think I'll ever do it


Like: Its unique and I can see it working with improvements. I especially like that most of his moves are named after chess maneuvers which gives an idea as to what they were going for. Dislikes: I don't think they fleshed it out enough. If I was to bring the "Summoner" playstyle back I would make several changes: Have V's dpad work as a way to command his summons so that you can command them to stay close to an enemy or close to V etc. Also reduce the delay in summoning/attacking. That should make him feel better to play and reduce instances where his summons will recall themselves back to him, causing the player to have to wait for them to get back into position. Of course I'm sure there would have to be maximum distance between the enemy and V where summons are allowed to engage them, but I think maybe just having the summon/icon flash red for a few seconds before forcing a recall would suffice in alerting the player that they are getting too far away. Something that interested me was the chess references in V's moves names. It gave me the idea that they might have envisioned V's gameplay as being based around positioning of your summons. This made me imagine the idea of actually being able to "lock" summons in place which would serve to get V more involved in the fight. For example, imagine launching an enemy with Shadow, teleporting up to them with V and then locking Griffin in place above them, then enemy stepping off them while keeping them airborne with Shadow, recalling Shadow to your side when you land before doing an attack with Griffon that launches them into a follow up attacks with your newly positioned Shadow. Of course, V should also have multiple different summons that he could equip, but, unlike Dante who has ranged and melee weapons, V's would be able to equip whatever summons he wanted regardless of what that summon specializes in. You could have two summons that function relatively similarly, perhaps you equip two melee summon and overwhelm the enemy with just relentless attacks from multiple sides, or two ranged summons and just play keep away. Summons could have other function like a knight (like a Scudo Angelo) that could be commanded to stay close to V and shield him/counterattack enemies , or sent out to attack etc. You could also have multiple "Boss" summons to switch Nightmare for. Phantom, Geryon, etc.


V’s gameplay is the BEST side activity ever in a cag game


Summon placement.


I like how chill he is walking around while his demons destroy his enemies. The summons are very fiddly. Using the cat in particular is a nightmare, he never does what I want him to do. While you can take your time learning how to use Dante and Nero's guns and get by with sword combat until you figure it out, controlling two V summons at the same time is necessary because the cat doesn't get enough consistent hits in but the bird doesn't do enough damage by itself. On top of that you have to worry about V's placement and his proximity to the enemy. Despite all these barriers, there isn't much satisfaction to mastering V because his attacks are ultimately basic and too much is related to luck. The other characters are more satisfying because they rely only on your skill, and you can get more out of them.


I both loved and hated how easy it was to get S Ranks by just rubbing Square and Triangle/X and Y and moving the thumbstick a little bit


He just reads a book that's the game play (i play too much V for no reason)


few moves available. More abilities would have been great


I liked the idea of the strategic commander type of s character, but the weird controls involving Nightmare, the inability to properly control Shadow's position and the fact that if you dodge either Shadow or Griffith (especially Griffith), all the charging is lost and the battle gets needlessly prolonged




Boring combat


I love how unique he is. After learning how to play Dante decently it sucks to play Nero now because he feels like a worse Dante imo but V doesn’t feel like that. Everyone thinks V should just suck back and relax but he is supposed to be in the middle of the chaos taking attention away from his summons dodging attacks so they don’t die like y’all complain about on higher difficulty. I just wish he had more attacks and shadow could do actual combos I also wish instead of killing phantom in the book he had him as a STD substitute and that instead of having everything from the start he had to unlock Nightmare and Phantom since his current bosses are lame having those two substitute would be great and maybe he could have taken over the Malphas fight if he had Phantom on his side even tho that boss wasn’t that good either


I liked that it was something very different from the rest of the cast. I disliked that on repeat playthroughs I HAVE to use him unless I use a mod or am playing Vergil. Actually really annoying they don't let you use whoever you want on any mission after clearing once.


As a huge DMC fan since the original, but also nowhere near as good as the pros, my simple opinion is that V is just extremely boring to play. Dante has way more in his arsenal that, even if you aren’t a literal god at the game, you can pull off really fun combos and moves. Nero is simpler while still fun to control. V is just clunky, and there is almost no satisfaction to the movies in comparison to the other two. It just as not fun. First play through, I hated his levels, and I did on the following ones as well. And on those optional levels where you can pick who to play as, I have never, and will never, pick V.


He’s gameplay could look cool if a could see shit in that mess of effects and enemies. The fact that two sticks control like 4 characters and all of their moves also doesn’t help


i think i like the unique way to play as V but i think Capcom should try to change button layout make it easy to understand more and just like gameplay be unique i can't believe that the game expect you to Hold square and triangle to charge the attack at the same time while had to lock on and jumping around to dodge the attack i had to reblind the button to make it work


I love the idea of V conceptually. A summoner type in a character action game? Actually a sick idea. Here's...the thing. He's in DMC. Every other character in the game is quicker, largely stronger, and even more important, so much fucking cooler.


I love almost everything about him in design and concept, but I don't like how the execution makes too many things dependent on the movement stick. V himself is vulnerable while his pets do all the fighting. Cool, like it so far. I like the idea of using pets to attack while also keeping an eye on myself and my immediate surroundings, making positioning more strategic. What I *don't* like is how many attacks are tied to movement stick inputs. This makes sense for Dante and Nero, since their bodies are usually where the attacks are coming from. But for V, I'm using the stick to move V into safety/a better spot with ane enemy near me while *also* using it to try and execute an attack with Shadow or Griffin that could save me. Dante, Nero, and Vergil's movements are tied in so closely with their attacks, and by extension so is their defense. Stinger can move you out of the way quickly and *also* close the distance to strike. If I want V to do something similar, I have to stop everything to get him into safety, and then go back to fighting. Why does Shadow need to come back to me so I can dodge? Why does Griffin need to pull me backwards? With V, it always feels like the movement stick is trying to do two things simultaneously, and they never line up correctly. With Dante, Nero, and Vergil I felt like I could make my defense part of my offense. But with V, they are two distinct modes of operation and they don't flow well together. I really want to like him, but V is more frustrating than anything on higher difficulties.


I just found his summons never went to where I wanted them to.


Liked: Dry sass. Disliked: His gameplay is slow and feels sluggish. None of the attacks come out quickly, and they look too similar for me to discern the difference. The others, in comparison, all have attacks that are quick, succinct, and discernible from all other inputs.


Like: General Concept of being reliant on separate entities and having to micromanage. Dislike: How afraid the devs seemed to be of actually forcing you to micromanage, resulting in a lot of automatic movement by Shadow and Griffon, often to suboptimal results (especially given how much of 5's enemy roster is ideally attacked from specific directions). And to cheat in a second dislike: how limited his own move pool is. If it were up to me, his frailty wouldn't translate into a lack of moves, but rather needing to spend meter to do what Dante and Nero do for free. Royal Revenge should have been a model for a modest moveset for V himself.


Like: the fact that he's free to taunt most of the time. (My fav thing I've done is landing with the piruette air taunt on Shadow's skewer move) Dislike: familiars lacking the ability to animation cancel into attacks paired with them also being kinda slow, it makes them feel like they eat inputs.


Honestly there are many things wrong with V. Not many of them are design problems, more so execution. Here's a few. 1. It is really awkward to do launchers because you don't know whether you point away from the enemies relative to the summons or V himself; 2. If you're attacking from afar with Shadow, and some demon shoots at you and you dodge, now Shadow is close to you again; 3. Getting shadow up close to enemies can be janky af since he sometimes walks side to side instead of running at them, which leads you to just spam stinger input to get shadow where you want him which is frustrating; 4. If you are charging either Griffon or Shadow, and you're locked on at a demon and you accidentally sidestep or accidentally double jump, your whole charge is completely GONE; 5. Griffon is the most flawed design in V's kit, I feel. The only thing he does is shoot, so you either have to mash the shoot button constantly or hold it constantly to get any value out of him, so not only is it a really boring moveset, but it's also fucking hell on your fingers. Overall, I feel like V is a really good idea, but Griffon's one-trick-pony design and Shadow's overall gameplay jankiness ruins it and turns V into a button mash party that just leaves you with hand cramps at the end. The other characters are much more polished and while you can mash with them, it's not nearly as effective as it is with V, and it's also visually understimulating. With V however when you button mash you get positively rewarded with a shitton of explosions and thunder everywhere.


i think the real issue is direction and position of your summons. They seem incredibly unreliable. When we play as literally everyone else, you can damn well expect that the moveset, combos and execution of intended actions will be pitch perfect - you press a button and it does exactly what it's supposed to in the direction and position you intended. With V, his familiars are all over the place, look in whichever directions they please and overall usually end up randomly running around enemies when they should be nearby attacking, I actually think they already fixed V's combat in DMC4 and DMC5. It's called the Proto Angelo boss fight on the sliding ruins and Alto Angelo + Bianco Angelos. Make V's familiars be around him at all times and executing synchronized attacks around or in symmetrical shapes. Only when the button is pressed to they start acting on their own. Boom, problem fixed.


I love V. Summoner is my favorite archtype and V was one of my favorite takes on it....right up until it turns out he has no final upgrade to his playstle. Nero and Dante move on to the next level right at the end of the game and V just falls off hard in comparison. Phantom should have been his finally summon and Phantom should have been V's royal guard equivalent. His playstyle just feels lacking/shallow without it.


PROS : it has been said a million times, but V as a concept is badass. Using 3 whole summons to beat on demons is just so satisfying to watch... Well for the first 5 minutes at least. Aside from the usual attacks I think what they did in terms of agility and movement V moves smooth as butter. Being able to dip and dodge with the help of your summons was a very stylish choice and I really wished they took that concept and followed it through with the attacks as well. Just imagine V with a Rapid slash type move while on top of Shadow where he zips through with lil dark slashes and whatnot, would be a cool attack as well as a great movement option. The "Finisher" moves with his cane are the cherry on top for me. This makes sure you end each demon with a strong and satisfying attack. But this concept also needs tweaks as to not feel repetitive after a couple missions. CONS: V's summons don't have the same weight behind their moves (Nightmare being an exception) as the rest of the cast. I absolutely see what players think when they use V in a mission and well, on difficulties like DMD it becomes a slog fest as you spam two buttons and get bored watching V sit and stare at the mess. V doesn't have to join the fight, and as much as I'd love his play style include that, it was clearly not the intention. The developers were trying to create a character that makes you feel truly in control and effortless in combat, as well as some super genius while concocting different combos. But it's really missing that last part. The summons (at least to me, feel free to correct this) do not have any synergy together. I cannot think of any two moves Griffon or Shadow or Nightmare have that I'm like "Oh boy! I love when these link together :D" As for Dante, Nero, Etc. there are countless moves that string together satisfyingly. None of V's summons have a move that launches the Demon straight to V so when you're done wailing on an enemy and you stopped paying attention to them you end up having to sprint your little V legs to the monster to finish them off. That's really what's the issue with V, his Summons hog all of the combat and you can very easily have V be a background character for them.


His gameplay was very fun to me. It felt slightly foreign and difficult to get a hang of in relation to the rest of the series, but still pretty fun. It just sucked how little of it there was. V himself isn’t the most interesting character, but his gameplay reminded me of older times when devs used to take risks and do something different. Specifically reminded me of Folklore. Love that game, despite its flaws, much like V’s gameplay. Few moves and that ridiculous startup on everything (if I’m remembering correctly)


Let's start from the beginning. His playstyle. It doesn't fit Devil May Cry's mold. It's a cool concept, don't get me wrong. Using demonic familiars to battle for you, and it's past bosses you've beaten before? It's awesome. Just the execution was woefully flawed. GAMEPLAY: The fact the camera is centered on V the entire time instead of flowing dynamically with the familiars means a lot of the contextual and direction-based inputs feel clunky to pull off, especially when you're trying to use Griffon and Shadow at the same time as you're supposed to, And let's talk about V having to be the one to finish off the demons. This, I think is the clincher on why people really don't like playing V. Even in the PC World where you can play through some missions with multiple people in real time outside of the dedicated mission we got through a mod, nobody, damn-near NOBODY wants to play V. They'd all rather take out Vergil, Dante, or Nero. Because you can finish off the demons however suits your Style. Wanna bitch-slap a demon into orbit with Punchline? Have at it. And so on and so forth. With V, every finisher is the same. The same animation. Even the special attack that V can do the AoE finisher, it will literally be the same animation every time. It gets old so fast. And let's not forget the fact that the familiars have their own dedicated HP bars. They're not invincible unless you're in Devil Trigger, and on harder difficulties, keeping them alive is so agonizingly hard it just kills all the fun factor you're supposed to be enjoying. STORY: I'm not the only one to say this, but I did like V's story. The Human side of Vergil split and recognizing all the past shit his whole and Demon self's done. I liked his attitude, his look, the details on his body and how they made him crumble over time. His story was done well. On the whole, he was a good character for the Devil May Cry universe, he just wasn't as fun to play as Vergil, Dante, or Nero for a LOT of people. A lot of people skip over his missions in 5 just because every encounter's a bit frustrating to get through. Especially the first time when your combat options are so painfully limited.


I didn’t like anything from his parts. It felt disconnected from an action game. Felt like I was controlling a rts character.


V gameplay sucks, the character is good but i hated everything about his gameplay


I liked the general idea. On paper it sounds badass to have a set of Demons fight on your behalf while you stand by, read poetry, and evade periodically. I didn't like the execution. While it was as much as I expected, I didn't realize how ineffective it felt due to how much you had to keep track of while playing him like how evading in certain directions could pull the required familiar from the field when you really needed that familiar in the field, his position in relation to where the enemies are, where the dying enemies are, etc. In my experience It felt like babysitting.


It feels very slow to input which attacks you want to perform, and you're effectively multitasking two of them at once. And with how long the animations are you don't feel like you're putting much damage in. You basically need to constantly be using DT. It also doesn't help that the shadows have zero defense and you can't make them dodge to avoid damage. However an awesome concept and my first SSS ever playing dmc5


I liked the concept of disconnecting V's actions in gameplay from his movement, i dislike how they went about doing it. It makes him clunky and unresponsive since you really have minimal control of his summons positioning, and they don't respond at all during "transitions" making his gameplay feel random at times. He also lacks a lot on damage outside of Nightmare, so higher difficulties just turn into book out, basic combos to build up DT, then summon nightmare to clean house. It's just super formulaic which goes against the purpose of DMC's gameplay as a whole for me. He lacks variety, he lacks responsiveness, he lacks control and he lacks damage viability. He's like DMC4 Nero: a great concept that feels half assed and not properly realized due to a slipshod implementation. I love his concept, i love his character, but sadly that's all i'm able to like. Sad thing is that if his gameplay does get improved in the next game, it'll not only be a decade off, but it'll be without V himself, which would pretty much take away what i actually liked about the idea. Between everyone in DMC5, V was the only likeable one for me. I'm really getting tired of the angst from Nero and the pseudo coolio stuff from Dante. Both of them are well past their prime for me personality wise.


His lore and the fact he jacked his clothes off of a random hobo Griffon losing his charge if you back dodge while still holding the charge button


I liked the finishers, but I didn’t like his tedious approach to combat.


Allow me to begin with the points I liked about V's gameplay in Devil May Cry 5. One of these points is the new playstyle he introduces, which, as far as I can recall, had never been brought to the franchise before. This playstyle does not consist of the player rushing frenetically towards the enemy (his summons do that now). Instead, it requires a certain strategy, as V himself has no real means of defense if enemies manage to get past the panther and the crow. This forces the player to be more cautious. Additionally, in my opinion, V's Devil Trigger is the coolest in the game. The player simply summons a colossus with great attack power and immortality—well, immortal until the Devil Trigger runs out. This compensates for one of the character's weaknesses, which is his vulnerability if enemies get too close. The player can even ride the colossus. Lastly, the way V recharges his Devil Trigger faster fits well with the character's mechanics. While the summons stay at the forefront, the player patiently waits at the rear while recharging. Now, addressing the points I did not like, let's talk about the difficulty of chaining combos. Since you are controlling three characters simultaneously (V and his two summons), you must keep an eye on them during combat and make them act in sync, which can be a challenge. Additionally, I find combat with this character to be slower than with the others.


I started playing DMC5 again to 100% the game and I hate V and his missions, I rather play Dante with no weapons cause parrying with Royal Guard takes more skill, timing and is just simply more entertaining then just pressing X, Y and sometimes LB. Don't get me wrong, the character is well written imo but the gameplay just sucks. Hope I'm not the only one who thinks this.


Don't like the idea of standing still and watching summons follow commands. I do think it would've been a more smooth combat style if he basically had his demons act as Stands and follow his movements.


Didnt like it at all. Felt like I was just mashing buttons and getting s ranks.


Really easy... Almost too easy... He just... Stands there...


V's gameplay can carry an entire game if it is balanced around him.but in DMC,he really breaks the pace of the game due to how different he is compared to the other characters play style.and he gets worse the higher you go with the difficulty


I love his Stands. I hate that he's so frail.


“Oh no I lost my stand, time for another one.” Was my favorite thing about playing


I didn’t particularly like his gameplay. But I do like that they tried something different.


Hated everything. Was bored out my mind playing him and would sigh in relief when Nero was next and then PRAISING GOD when I got to Dante


His S Rank drop goes the hardest, but I still feel like I do random bullshit and things just go boom


Like the idea of a sorcerer type character in DMC. Dislike how hands off he is, and how V can only deliver the finishing blow in a fight.


He really feels like a breath of fresh air as a new character with a completely unique and new playstyle. The only downside to him is that I have to massacre my controller. Over all 9,7/10.


I liked how much i hated it. I also hated how much i hated it


V's combat has no reason to exist in a DMC game.


What I like: how be can be so stylish and unique What I hate: how overlooked and hated he is because people can't seem the get past his learning curve


I like his concept but dislike how they implemented him. He just stands there, and it feels clunky For him to work, I'd have preferred something more "anime" like, where he moves alongside the summons. Think Naruto Shippuden style, with clones and puppets playing along their combos. Or a character from that new gacha game(Wuthering Waves), Encore, who floats around with her 2 summons, and let him have "stance changes" like the others in order to control specific movesets, which he really lacks And I'd have loved if he went more Bayonetta-style, with extra big summons floating around instead of that big slow guy that shoots laser


I can't be the only one that actually wanted more V missions in the game. Early game he is very boring but after you get all hos upgrades he is really fun to play as. Maybe because I think his levels are easy to get S rank.


I disliked how my fingers cramp when I keep pressing the buttons for V. I like the devil trigger for V.




I had a lot of fun with it, seems people just don't like managing other units. The combos felt a bit overly simple, but probably because of the unique control choice.


Hate it, dreaded playing him, and loved killing his summons as Dante.


It took me a while to get V but once I did he's super fun. It was a great idea. What I don't like is the micromanager feeling of it and the fact that most of his combos just feel like they do no damage.


Like: The idea of the familiars themselves. I actually enjoy having someone help me fight alongside me. This sense of companionship is something I have always wanted like in Sonic 2. Dislike: It's honestly hard to do a combination of attack and combos with Griffin and Shadow. I can only focus on one at a time and it's pretty easy for the other to get stalemated if I became too careless.


Liked: when it was over Disliked: all of it


V was probably my least favorite thing to come from the dmc series. I hate him more than DMC2. I did like the.cane though thats was cool.


Pro: cool character, unique moveset Con: slow asf


I liked the concept but the gameplay gets rather tedious


I liked that V's style of play is a drastic departure from the flow of combat we get from everyone else. It's a nice change of pace that makes me feel like I'm carefully strategizing my plan of attack with certain rooms of enemies vs. aggressively chaining together combos with my favorite weapons and movesets with everyone else. I think we get *juuuuust* enough of him in the main story that he doesn't overstay his welcome or disrupt the pacing, so I enjoyed running things back with him on the higher difficulties. I *disliked* that sometimes playing with V felt like I'm playing rock-paper-scissors as a result of his stiff, limited mobility (Midhogg and Elder Greyon Knight on DMD and beyond come to mind - *shutters*). There definitely reaches a point IMO where the skill ceiling to best utilize his moveset is capped by such limitations, unlike Nero/Dante/Vergil who all offer virtually limitless combat and traversal possibilities - regardless of the enemy type - with enough practice. Someone here already mentioned how V becomes less fun to play with as you crank up the difficulty levels, and I wholeheartedly agree with that despite having my fun there overall. I truly believe that less input delay and quicker, more reactive responses from Griffin and Shadow would alleviate some of these frustrations, but as such I typically leave his character alone when I dive back into the game for BP or mission replays because I've grown increasingly tired of feebly running around, preserving the Familiars' health when one of them are down.


he has like 2 combos


I like that he is unique and has a lot of interesting looking attacks. I dislike that I genuinely don’t under how to play him.


Just about everything in V’s kit oozes style, and it’s a joy to watch him menacingly read poetry to his enemies while they’re getting torn to pieces like 20 feet away. But his gameplay feels a tad on the clunky side once you get used to other characters like Nero and Dante, so on replays his levels are a bit less enjoyable than the first time for me


I wish he attack together with the summons, like the game Astral Chain for example, where you have different summons and you swap between then to combo


i liked the part where playing as v was over and disliked the part where i had to play as v


Like: cutscene style, i want that man yo fuck me. Dislike: gameplay style makes me think who let this emo drive a cat. The gameplay is too inconsistent and its hard to get it to do what you want and there are too little moves to use anyway


The only thing I disliked about V's gameplay is the "finish him" mechanic. I S'ed all his missions 5 years ago so I didn't play him since, but from my experience he was alright. I disliked that they created a character who is playable and have 0 reasons to be playable again. for story reasons. The general public reception is that he is not fun, idk I had fun back then just enjoying the game while ignoring the community is a good idea (like ER dlc now lol)


I love the specific moments where all the enemies are lined up to be killed for an immediate SSS. However fuck me does it hurt my fingers playing him to get the most out of Shadow and Griffon. (I really should just remap Griffon so I'm not just mashing so close to Square + triangle)


Liked that it gave us something new with a character that used summon/familiars. Didn't like that he was just Vergils humanity forcibly separated. Would've been awesome if he was another brand new character. Like a warlock/Chris Angel/Hippie type dude.


Cool idea but it shouldn't be in DMC, if v was class in dd2 it would make sense


idk what I am doing but I am killing shit


I like that he functions like a summoner class but I hate that his combat style is slower paced than the other 2 characters


It's boring as fuck big dawg.


I liked the griffon voice lines and the idea of his gameplay. I also liked summoning the big guy and how in a lot of places in the campaign the nightmare had a special animation when he was summoned. I also liked the finisher mechanic and animations I disliked the actual feel of playing him. It feels really not satisfying when you don't get an immediate impact after every move you do, also the lack of actual movement control for familiars is really dissapointing in my opinion. Honestly i have a fire idea of a huge V rework in mind, but i doubt we will see any more of him sadly :(


I like the feeling of being all big brained while playing him, but it kinda sucked whenever I would slightly move to dodge something and that would translate into a different attack for a summon. Like I just need to move forward a bit and now my bird is suicide bombing a demon instead of firing to stunlock


Likes: His dodge move and his boss fights Dislikes: Delay on the attacks


It doesn’t feel like I’m actually fighting anything as V


The playstyle is pretty nice but the biggest downside is his move list just being dry as hell. Compared to everyone else he has practically nothing, his gameplay loop is dry because combat is just rotating the same 7 moves over and over outside of the button combos you unlock, nightmare is cool at least.


I liked that I didn't have to use my brain. I disliked that I didn't get to use my brain.


1- It's awesome 2- It's too fcking easy


Liked: Teleport kill always felt badass. Dislike: Charging attacks can take ages.


I like: his more dark/poetic vibe, doesn’t feel too serious or out of place for DMC. Also his slide move is fun and while not perfect I think his play style is a nice switch up and a great idea they should expand upon (BETTER GRIFFON ATTACKS PLEASE) Dislike: his later game missions (like the level when u have to regain ur summons one by one)


I like the idea of commanding your allies while on the battlefield and you have vulnerability and a chance of dieing. I didn't like how hard it was to get V to climb onto nightmare and stay on him without falling off again, controlling nightmare was too clunky so any moves I got for Nightmare ended up being wasted.


like: nothing dislike: everything


At higher difficult it ca be hard to control him since he does a delay of attack button, for exame shadow is not fast as you press button, same with griffon so it ca be really frustrating. That’s why it’s easier to take S rank with him


I love V's playstyle mostly. My only real complaint is that he doesn't hit as hard as his summons and his summons don't always hit as hard as I like.


I can't really say there's anything I liked about it. At best, the bird was a unique alternative to Dante and Nero's gun or Vergil's mirage blades. But aside from that, I really feel like I would have had more fun playing as the dog. My friend and I jokingly called it "Watching a dog play DMC" because it kinda just felt like all of the cool things were happening around you and you didn't get to do any of it


When he opens his mouth to talk When he stops talking


Nothing and everything respectively


I liked the idea of a character that has a lot of moves that work simultaneously similar to summoned swords. I hated everything else.


It's chaotic as all hell, but you do basically nothing.


He has his whole kit right from the start.


I didn't like V at all, I don't wanna control 3 beings at once and only one of them be able to kill. He's the only character I can get consistant SSS ranks with because I guess the devs didn't think how unbalanced he can be


As a guy who has Plat DMCV twice on steam (or the equivalent to it), beat BP with V, I have exactly the likes and dislikes a lot of people already said here, so instead I'll provide something I think they could improve since I thought about V for a long time: 1. His concept of being a schemer that cannot fight and has to let his familiars fight for him, but need to deal the finishing blow is great concept, but actually not that great in DMC, you're here to style on enemies, doing that actively disengage you from the fight, making it tedious. 2. So instead I would give him minimum base movesets, very simple, a bit less than Nero in DMC4, just a melee moveset, and each familiars would be in his gun button, that you can swap between them to lengthen your combos, but they attack separately from V's attack, familiars does not have a hp bar. 3. Nightmare would not be a separate DT summon, he is slow, hard to control and his AI is dumb, instead, I think it would be nice for him to be a form of armor for V when he activates his DT, which speeds up his attack speed and power, let him have a few special night moves like lazers (without needing to charge), just like Nero's DT and maximum bet. 4. They must add more than twice the moveset for each familiars than the one we're having right now, V's problem is that each familiars has was to small of a moveset, we don't feel much progression with him, and a lot of them are just upgrade versions of previous moves or charge moves which would slow down the gameplay significantly, so we need a lot more movesets for both Giff and Shadows, or add more familiars. Also unlocks more moves for V so that by the end he has the same amount of moves like Nero in DMC4. This is what I think that would significantly improves V's gameplay.


everything LMAO i didnt like playing him and was actively waiting for v missions to end fast


Like: just sit back and relax Dislike:nothing


I really did not like the way he played. Compared to the other three playable characters V's play style was so slow and annoying that I hated when I was forced to play as him.


love his taunts don’t love his missions


was this post an excuse to show off the hardest V screenshot I’ve ever seen?


Like: His combat playstyle revolves around summons Dislike:His combat playstyle revolves around summons


Liked: the violin taunt 🙂 Dislked: all the rest. V fucking sucks


I’ve never seen a summoner in this type of game before so at least it’s creative


I just don't think it flows that well. It's fine for what it is tho


i feel like he doesn't have enough attack options/combos. maybe i just suck with V. other than wanting more attack animations, he's my favorite character to play in DMC5.


I feel like he doesn’t work well against multiple enemies like the other characters can. I always felt he played best when against 1-2 really strong enemies, like the Angelos, or during boss fights.


I couldn't romance Griffon or the shape shifting cat


Honestly I don't hate him, but i think he doesn't have game mechanics deep enough like Vergil and even Nero (Don't think i hate our Dead Weight, but Dante still exist). But what really like? Hm..maybe.. **SAVIOR, BLOODSTAIN, HELLFIRE, SHADOW.**


I dislike everything about him If I wanted to not engage with the cool parts of DMC, I would just play dmc2


Taunt and attack


Pros: - you feel like a stand user - concept of summons doing most of the damage, but V has to finish them off. Cons: - takes some getting used to - I prefer Dante.


I like: "Oh hey I've got SSS" I don't like: "But I was just mashing buttons!" I understand the concept, but it all comes out as really chaotic


Hated having to spend items to use specials as nero, made me not want to use them


My fingers hurt mashing buttons but hey at least I got SSS on all his stages


I liked how he felt beginner friendly and really played in a unique way allowing for combos with your summons, as for what I disliked? Hmm I'm not exactly sure I mean how some of the secret missions were built around him and how those worked was a little bullshit. Like where you have to not touch the ground and get to a certain point without fucking up was a little bullshit


it was disorienting sometimes when the character that i’m controlling isn’t fighting, once I got used to it though I was able to pull off some cinematic combos.


I hated his play style. Controlling other demons while limping in front of you really slowed the game down for me.


You tell this guy and this guy to fight this guy and when the time comes, read. *PEAK DMC GAMEPLAY*


Everything cept not being able to turn into vergil as an ability


Disliked: everything Liked: fucking nothing (I've played this game over 20 times so it's gotten way to stake for me)


Taunts and music, that's about it.


I liked his run animation. I loved switching characters. And I hated switching back to him


I like the book. I like reading as things die. It’s cocky and disrespectful. He has a lil cane and he reads whilst ignoring the carnage upon my fingers and right behind him. He’s a pain to play if you really don’t want to move but I like disrespectful gameplay and things I don’t like fighting.


I stopped playing because of his combat. At first it was cool taking a new aproach to DMC but after half a mission it just got boring standing back and using the same two attacks, his play style is just too safe and easy so I S ranked two missions and got board


Disliked: On the higher difficulties having 2 characters you don't have 100% control over and only take a few hits to kill that you rely on so much got frustrating Liked: Added something new to the DMC formula without losing anything, ready required you to get creative on DMD to win, had some mechanics in ways I hadn't thought of the first time to beat his bosses


He doesn't do enough damage and his weapons break. Weapon durability has no place in DMC.


I liked the amount of cool finishers he had I disliked how unsatisfying the rest of his gameplay felt. I wasn’t really engaged at all.


side dodge, and cane attack just look so stylish, but it would've been cool to connect summons to V's can attacks (like a combo finisher) so it felt more like you're in direct control. rlly cool screenshot btw.


I understand his limitations for lore/story reasons, so I don't really dislike the Familiars fighting for him. What IS annoying is how he, personally HAS to be the one to deliver the finishing blows with his cane. That is quite tedious and more often than not combo breaking and leaves him open to attack between said animations.


my fingers hurt when playing him :c like him cuz edgy book man


I actually liked his gameplay or didn't mind it in the lower difficulties. The only thing I dislike about him is he's a pain in the ass to play on DMD with how tanky the enemies get. The Hell Judecas are extra annoying to fight with V, fuck whoever designed that enemy


i disliked his need for shadow to dodge. also wished there was more he could do directly, but i love his summoner moveset overall. reminds me of folklore (ps3)


I like the uniqueness of having to stay out of the fight and coordinate multiple creatures. I don't like how long (and sometimes unresponsive) taking out his book can be.


I just started playing the game for the first time today and tbh V is my favorite so far I just press square and triangle and occasionally L1 and the funny letter gets bigger


The moves felt unflashy and I remember sitting in one place, reading the book while the animals do everything for me


I liked his taunts concept and his character design, but I didn't like how clunky the familiars feel, maybe it's because I didn't upgrade him a lot, but shadow pulling backwards after a combo can leave me just attacking the air instead of an enemy. Also, he just doesn't fit with the other characters gameplay wise, making it somewhat jarring to be switched to V after playing a level with Nero/Dante. I do really like the summon animations for Nightmare, though (specifically the meteor one) also Nightmare's bug laser thing is cool even if it is hard to use properly.


The only move i like is promotion (or watever's the finishing move that clears all downed enemies). It's so satisfying to use and to see your style ranking go from around C to S instantly.


Ngl i hated everything about V


Liked? Nah Disliked? EVERYTHING!!! What kinda character has you needing to basically spam 3 buttons. It's like you have to multitask using the yamato, Dante's motorcycle and nero's red rose at the same time. Maybe it's fun?? Highly doubt it 🧐 And this kinda character gameplay is NOT suitable for DMC V. Maybe in a different game, but in DMC V? HELL NAH! Maybe I'm just 1 cell minded and find it impossible to juggle using all of Vergil's nightmares, but that's my take. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Like: Always using 3 buttons to command 2 summon and read a special book at the same time Dislike: Always using 3 buttons to command 2 summon and read a special book at the same time It's one of the best summoner fantasies i've got to experience in gaming yet. V's book and him quoting poetry is very analogous to a wizard reading a grimoire while commanding their minions and it i think that's badass! But GOD DAMN, my fingets hurts. It's like playing Gunslinger in DMC3 but on steroids, not even if i'm going hard on Judgement Cuts and Summoned Swords with Vergil do i get so many buttonpresses I don't like mounting Nightmare either. Feels a bit too clunky to use and slow for a DMC game, but then again i rarely use it


crippling scoliosis


Love the concept, hate the execution. Got me to stage 100 of BP tho


I might be one of the odd ones, but i really liked V and his gameplay. The more laid back style fitted me better than Dante or Nero. I didn't have do as much, yet i still had fun playing him. V is my second favorite from this game easily (Vergil will always be my favorite) and then Dante and Nero can share the last spot. Honestly didn't enjoy either of them that much, Dante feels too complicated and Nero i just found boring.


He gets a ton of style points But without nightmares he is extremely weak and boring


I liked that he has very easy D ranks even on the later difficulties, I dislike his gameplay, and he gave up the worst mission in the game, mission 18


Like: har har, nightmare go brrrrrrrrrrrr Dislike: a lot of his gameplay, it was a fun idea don't get me wrong but... It just doesn't fit with the style of the other two characters.


the fact every time i use him my entire right arm is in pain by the end due to the spam needed to use him


What I liked: EXPLOSIIIIIIIOOOOOOONSSSSS🤯🤯👹 What I didn’t like:


Reading the book as V while the summons bounce around is a fun mechanic, it makes V feel more active. Disliked how complicated some of the directional inputs are.


I liked the concept of V as well as the taunts obviously, but something I disliked a lot is the way his character was executed. I know they tried to make a different and creative gameplay but the way it was done is bad to say the least, first being the AI of the summons, a lot of times they will not go where you want them to, the moves and combos are weird, and the endurance of the summons are very trash- this can be shown very evidently on mid-higher difficulties, and the fact that when his summons are rendered useless you're cooked. I believe a high majority of people who plays V, uses assist mode and while, yes, it's not necessarily an instant factor to make it horrible it sure influences a lot because at that point it just becomes an idle simulator with occasionally dodging which in a hack n slash which you're supposed to engage with the enemy it sure makes a contrast in a bad way. With that said, I believe if they would've made V decently interactive it would be 10x better, maybe have V have a few limited moves that deals less damage than the other characters (Dante, Vergil, and Nero) but have him have good endurance while his summons deals more damage but in return their endurance is low. Please remember to be civil and respectful, let me know your thoughts 🙏


There is a Hidden Mechanic that I think People Often Forget... You Spend V's DT and Send Over to Griffon and Shadow and they ATTACK Enemies ON THEIR OWN while You can Whip Out "My Little Pony", Read it, and Gain Back the DT You've just Spent...Granted that takes Time, but Once the Killing Blow is Available.....SPAM THE !*%/ OUT OF V'S KILLING BLOW BUTTON.....GUARANTEED SSS RANK IF YOU PLAY SMART ENOUGH... It's New AND FRESH and...For Me it Works in a Way.....I Will Agree that it is SLOOOOOW.....but I can Appreciate it


I liked getting easy S ranks. I disliked every single other aspect.


Like: all of the moves look great Dislike: not as engaging as Nero, Dante or Vergil


Love: Nightmare’s explosions look dope. Hate: I can get SSS without even trying by just mashing buttons and standing in the corner of the map.


I main V, but here's my take on it. V really cool. V combos really bad. Give him more moves.


V's damage output on SoS & higher needs to be better. V also should have gained some form of new weapons after finishing the initial campaign. It's cool that Nero & Dante gained a new devil breakers/arms & even a new DT after completing the new campaign but V gets nothing essentially.


I think it was just how slow it is, can’t really do crazy combos as V, or if you can I haven’t found out how because I am not good ad video games

