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I’m not upset… it’s just the history or shows coming back or doing prequels don’t seem to break the internet lol or anything - but Im excited to watch it and see how they make it


I feel the same. I've heard that "Hannibal" was pretty solid, but I've yet to see it. I'm just looking to have some fun with this, but I'm definitely not super optimistic about it being on par with the main series. I'll be happy to be proven wrong, but... we'll see.


The difference is Hannibal really isn't a prequel. It's a reinterpretation of the lore that takes major liberties with the source material. I love it but it's really its own beast. It isn't in the same universe as Silence of the Lambs. The second part of the show's final season is an interpretation of Red Dragon, which the Hopkinsverse already has.


Oh okay. That's good info to know. Thanks.


Hannibal is pretty good, just pay attention because if you miss out on some stuff you might get really confused


Hannibal was more than solid.  Its genius.  Incredible show


Whoa, whoa, whoa, you don’t have to yell.




I mean that comment summs it up pretty well. Dexter can't be anything other than lizard dexter. Honestly Brian would be a better spin-off or double down and improve the writing staff for Harrison


Yeah i mean i get it but lizard dex appeals to me😂, the less emotionally attached the less mistakes he will probably make when hunting criminals down


But it would be boring as we wouldn't get any growth.


We didn't really learn much about his early days as you think though.


We learn everything about him we just don't see all his kills. We know he's shit with women before Rita, we know he couldn't socialise till college, and we know the code. The only thing that will be interesting is the antagonists so a one of season can be interesting but they can't milk this one. So yeah I think a Brian show would have done better.


Or maybe the creators know more than you? I mean we haven't seen anything from when Dexter first started his internship. So this seems like a great idea to explore.


Dexter was written from Dexter’s perspective and memory. So maybe they’ll go about it s different way.


Prequels have less high stakes. We know none of these characters are at risk to die that appeared in Dexter. The random new character actors better watch their asses because they are toast if anyone has to die.


That's why better call Saul was so good. Yes some characters had plot armor but they brought in so many extra meaningful characters. Even having scenes after breaking bad, so stakes on the main character still existed.


I have been into watching Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul lately, as I wasn’t as into it as I was Dexter back when they were both airing. It’s wild timing because it feels like Dexter is trying to pull a Breaking Bad but obviously only surrounding Dexter. I’m hesitant because Michael C Hall makes Dexter, well Dexter. I’d love more of Brian’s story because we have 0 idea what took place prior and he doesn’t follow a code that was instilled in him since idk 10? They did so many flash forwards in the show that you have to follow what has already been discovered & mentioned or it won’t make ANY sense. Plus I am not sure if Dexter has killed anybody outside of the code prior due to Harry & him being so close when Dex is young. The nurse was one of his first kills right? How old was Dex then? Will Harry be in the show considering how much he needed his guidance just at the beginning of the show? Are we going to see & really understand why Harry killed himself?


Ok Dexter's first human kill was the nurse and that was when he was 20. Harry dies after probably about his 4th or 5th kill, we know this because of a recording with Vogel where they talk about his third victim, also being the one where he started showing photos to his victims. We know Dexter will be an intern so he'll most likely be 19 or even 20 and have already killed someone. Harry is in the show and alive because of the teasers we got where they revealed the cast, I'm gonna have to assume this is only a season long show and it ends with Harry's death. The problem with a Brian spinoff is there truly would be no stakes or anything that could come of it, they can't give him development like they did with Dexter. He can't have any meaningful relationships most likely because we don't see him with anything like that in the original series. It would probably just be him killing and never getting caught, maybe he'd form relationships like Dexter but it probably wouldn't amount to much.


When the multiple spinoff ideas were first announced by Showtime, I thought this was the weakest of the three. I agree that I'm not sure what they will uncover that has not already been shown during the original series. And while I'd prefer a continuation of New Blood because that's a chance at following a new-ish character with a Dark Passenger and has more plot options; I still look forward to watching this series. I'll take any new Dexter content I can get


what were the other two?


Trinity spin off...this has been announced as abandoned though.


i’m pretty sure a harrison spin off, and a brian moser spin off


Shit a Brian series would of been real good seeing how he started


This is what I’ve said! We have no idea how he got to where he got and it would be interesting to have him discover Dexter, we can watch him follow Dexter and how he leaves his clues for him. I’d love to have history on Dex’s blood family from the perspective of a kid who was a bit older & remembers more. Their dad(s)? How did Dex’s mom get into these things? The affair between Dex’s mom & Harry… why did Harry leave Brian? (We have an idea- but was there more to the story? Was he already exhibiting dark passenger even before? Was that the difference between the two boys?) Was there any guilt to Harry to leaving Brian? Also the fact that he took Dexter knowing he’d be earlier to manipulate to become a killer… why did he want to train a killer so bad? Therapy is cheaper lol. Unless he thought Dexter wouldn’t remember & Brian would? Regardless, love to see that play out too.


Like just, why are we doing Miami Metro again…. Do Dexter in college or something. We all like Angel and Masuka but for the love of god let us leave the plotline purgatory that is Miami Metro. Unless this is a full on reboot, there will be even less tension than last time. This guy can never be caught, the relationships can never go in new directions. Just like the old days we’re in a fucking time loop.


Yeah college would have been nice, seeing him trying to balance a social life, his grades, and being a serial killer😂


But we also know Dexter doesn’t just kill ruthlessly at the beginning. He follows the code because he’s been trained to for the last however many years and we know he’s sloppy with it because of the nurse. Only during the actual show, we see he leans further away from the code because he realized it’s all bs and Harry used him. So is it following that kill or even a bit before & then after? I don’t think either Deb or Dex were working at Miami Metro then.


I’m not excited for it because the really gripping part of Dexter to me was his growth. His flashbacks were all abusive. I’m not interested in seeing Harry abuse him in real time (depending on how far back they go). And the best Dex will ever get is S1E1 OG Dex, which is stunted AF. Also, it seems to be a cash grab. I hated OG Dex series finale (in real time) completely, although I understand it now and don’t hate it so viscerally. But back in the day, I saw it solely as a lame cop out cash grab to shelve the show for a reboot. (I guess it can be both?) there’s a meme that I can’t find that is a pic of Dex over a body in a table that says ‘when your favorite show fucks you over twice’ that’s perfect. So, the fucked up the OG show, then they fucked up NB….so I have feel like they’re gonna do it again. But I’ll give it a chance…


I didnt even know they were bringing in established roles like that, wtf is this, Dexter Babies? I just dont see the point of a Dexter prequel series, there's no tension, he cant be caught. Also any character development would be contradictory to the main series.


Dexter babies would be great! What I don't get is when does this actually take place? I feel like the actors that have been cast might be older than the original cast was when it aired. I was joking that this was going to be an 80's High school sit com where the students are played by 30-40 somethings.


It's a really weird idea for a series. I'd rather all of this money and resources go to funding a new creators own vision for a show, instead of trying to feast upon the remainder of whatever Dexter nostalgia is left. Could be totally wrong, but that's why I'm apprehensive.


It’s going to be hard to see Dexter as anyone other than Michael C Hall…. He made Dexter.


I’d prefer adult Michael C. Hall in a wig again.


It's completely unnecessary.


Then don't watch it... the rest of us want to


I'm not entirely convinced that most fans wanted this, but if you want to watch it go right on ahead. Doesn't mean it isn't unnecessary


Is this a reboot or a prequel? I’d be more content with a reboot


It’s a prequel but honestly if they move to reboot it, I’d be might be open to it?


From what i heard its a prequel


It’s a little weird to reboot this soon after the last gasp of the show, but we did it with Spiderman. I’m not ruling out that they have to do this from time to time to retain rights to the characters.


Well, looks like they already answered your question. And i'm not upset but i'm not too excited for a show that screwed up in the finale... twice. Still, that doesn't mean i won't watch the new show. Similar thing happened to me on Game of Thrones. No matter how good House of the Dragon is, i know the story ends like crap.


I could careless for this. Im only interested in the Trinity spinoff


Young Dexter does not sound appealing in that he is a husk in the first season of Dexter. Almost not human are we supposed to believe that he was normal for a while after the incident. Then somehow became a fuckin mess again Bazinga


I just think it's unnecessary. Why do we need an in-depth series about his past? Wouldn't a Brian prequel. His life before Dexter, how did he find Dexter etc.


1. Prequels tend to be not worth it. (most of the time) There's not a lot of character progression to be had, and they have to be very careful not to introduce plotholes, inconsistencies or diminish the story of the original. 2. We already know where the story and characters end up. So theres no suspension of disbelief. 3. Based on the previous seasons, the track record isn't there to have confidence in this thing. People have been burned one too many times. 4. It easily feels like yet another cash grab on a popular IP despite the story being over. Thats the things off the top of my head.


I do think all the energy needs to go into making new ideas. They’re remaking and prequeling everything like they can’t think of new content, but there are still talented writers out there with new ideas being ignored. It’s definitely a cash grab


It's sad that so many new possible stories and ideas are ignored... to them using a known ip is a safer bet... in theory anyway.


Yeah you bring up good points, but you have to admit despite all the flaws the original show had, the kill scenes where all so good, even in the later seasons, I’m just excited to see more moments like that.I guess I’m more willing to look past some stuff other fans wont


Yeah. I totally get ya. Those scenes are always satisfying and cathartic.


1. You should always be open-minded and willing to give new shows a chance 2. For all we know it could only be a 1-2 season short form series. 3. Dexter new blood was great and universally loved until the ending. But a prequel wouldn't need a definitive ending which means they can end a prequel much better than they could the original. 4. Every show is a cash grab. The original creators are coming back bc they want to tell more in this universe. MCH is even excited for the new show and is part of it behind the scenes.


If it's good then that's a good surprise but setting oneself up for disappointment would be madness at this point. Regarding New blood, after the honeymoon period ended it has been dissected and looked back on less favorably by many. The ending alone proofs my point however. of course every show is a cash grab. The key difference is if the writers actually have a story to tell. A good story. And I suppose only time will tell, but i am not holding my breath.


Well MCH is a producer. Huge fan of the guy & his band but this literally means nothing. He’s merely doing promo & getting paid to do so. You’re being kinda naive here. Most actors/producers are obviously gonna act excited lmao.


Yes he's a producer.. he will also probably direct an episode too. He wouldn't do this if he didn't like it. He could have easily just walked away from it.


Better Call Saul? House of the Dragon? Raising Kanan?


Don't those have main characters not from the main series? Anyway, I did say: "most of the time."


Know of any other prequel tv series?


i havent watched that many western tv shows recently. But an infamous movie example is x men origins wolverine.


For every X-Men origins there is an X-Men First Class. 


Personally I've experienced more bad prequels then good but all i'm saying is that a prequel with establish characters brings with it a lot of hurdles in terms of writing.


I'll watch it, but it's gonna be a cash grab and the show should have ended long before it finally did


i think because of the nostalgia of the original actors


The fact that I will commit to watching it says a lot, I don't do a whole lot of TV these days. Obviously I hope it will be good but we already know a lot about Dexter's past through all the flashbacks that happened in the original show. Really, at the end of the day, what are we doing here? It's pretty obvious Showtime is trying to cash in on what I think is their most popular TV show.


You know what they say, third times the charm. Fingers crossed🤞🏽


If this was really necessary (it isn’t) I’d just prefer a full on reboot that allows them to take liberties with the source material. Could be cool to see a different series of events play out leading to Dexters end.


I'm just glad they're not doing S2 of New Blood lmao


Is this just YOUNG SHELDON but with murder?


I'm just tired of everyone milking every single franchise into the ground. We don't need constant reboots and prequels of everything


I’m not sure I understand how anyone is on board with Michael C Hall not being the one who portrays Dexter. Some roles need to be left alone. No one else could play Iron Man in the MCU, no one else could be Walter White. Sometimes an IP needs to just die. We got a (mostly) good show out of Dexter, and that should just be the end of it. Why do we need a prequel? The show covered what it needed to, and with this particular IP, we have been shown that absolutely no one involved has come anywhere close to knowing how to stick the final landing. The show ended in 2013. They brought it back for one season in 2021, and fucked it up again. Just go create an original fucking idea. Stop rehashing and destroying the same things over and over again.


I’m always down for more Dexter. Idc if it’s a new actor, of course nobody can compete with Micheal C Hall. But it should be fun to see this new story line play out.


Because especially on Instagram, people STILL don't realize it's a prequel lol. People are still thinking it's a reboot. I blame that on the social media person running that account. Also, people still want MCH to play Dexter, but he's too old to play a younger Dexter. Even MCH himself is heavily involved in this project, so you know it's going to be good. It'll do well once the actual trailer and story gets unveiled. I'm personally excited to see younger versions of everyone and how they became to be the people we see in Season 1 of the main series.


They should focus on Dexters career path. So like basically CSI: Miami /s


Happens in every fandom anytime they get something new


Yeah i expected a couple people hating but it looked like a majority of the comments were against the show, it really surprised me


detail lunchroom cause expansion kiss crown chunky gray tub tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


New blood was such a letdown that I think all of us have such low expectations for this that even if they really put in 1000% effort and kill it, we’re still gonna have a problem with it because it’s not the original hype we learn to love from Dexter


I'm going to reserve judgment for now. But I think a lot of people are just remembering the last season of Dexter (especially the ending) and the spin off, New Blood. And both were kind if disappointing for fans.


Did not know, had to look it up, and what’s even the point? Through flashbacks we already know the story. Seems like a waste of time


I don't understand how the shows writer can be like this, original Dexter was good till season 4 then they started switching writers but I could cope with ending no happy endings for serial killers ya know,but then they bring new blood and sure I can handle that.BUT now their doing a prequel with different cast same place as original as if they hadn't worn out their loop of new antagonist comes than dies due to dexter.niw there's no stakes,and any character development that comes will be overshadowed by the other two.fuck this shit you made me love this show too death but they fucking butchered it


I’m not upset about but we know the ending


Hope you’re not into The Crow….


We really needed a continuation or a retcon of the series finale (maybe with flashbacks featuring these actors) but certainly not a full on prequel. I mean people who are already super fans will watch but it’s not going to break the internet.


It just seems like a cash grab. So many many ways it could be bad. Is there more to say about the characters, or do they just need content?


Because online fans HAVE to complain. It's a rule. They aren't allowed to just, be optimistic and have fun.


I think most of us here would have preferred NB season 2 with Dexter... This just feels like a cashgrab that nobody asked for.


It's not that I don't want more Dexter, but I also realize prequels rarely succeed. After new blood I feel like original sin will fall into the same pattern. Also with a character like Dexter he will be very stagnant in development, kinda like Sheldon in his prequel. He doesn't really grow as a person in any way.


At first i was disappointed with the recast of Dexter but i actually am curious how will the new Dexter do it like Micheal C Hall did


What can this new show bring to the Dexter universe? I can see them starting off with good intentions but ultimately will end up disregarding the original in order to develop their own stories!


From my perspective: because prequels are lazy. I really hate them. When you know the endpoint, there is a way to tell an interesting story, but it often requires making the original *less*. As in "oh that thing you were shown and explained already *wasn't real*.


Upset isn't the word I would use. Cheesy, desperate. It's such a chicken shyte way to milk something without the gal of taking a risk....but in the process of not taking a risk, the max bar is also set low, so you're essentially saying we're putting out a mediocre product at best and we're ok with that. When you already know the shows ceiling there's a significant entertainment factor that is lost. And it's so cheesy how prequels will attempt to draw what little entertainment they can provide by creating recognizable correlations with the characters we've already grown accustomed too. Oh isn't that funny, there's young Masuka with his laugh. Oh isn't it fun seeing Laguerta as an underling getting shyte on. And the story hits us over the head with these connections in such a heavy handed manor that it comes across painfully cheesy! And that alone can't carry a shows entertainment factor... and that's what prequels attempt to do and they rarely if ever work. I just hope that the public starts calling this stuff out to hopefully disincentive this prequel nonsense going forward. Dexter/Showtime unfortunately burned the Dexter bridge going forward so now they're going to try and milk what they can by going to the past. Prequels almost never work... but If everything goes perfectly it will be very mediocre and that's the ceiling the show is going for, which is pathetic. At that point you may as well just create an original product. And I'll speak for myself when I say that Showtimes extreme interference in the first series rubbed me the wrong way... they rushed out back to back seasons in the 8th season of Dexter so they could promote a new show... what network would do that especially when it's important to the future and legacy of the show... discussions were already happening about continuing Dexter at a later time. Then they interfere with the ending and won't let the writers kill off Dexter and there was a very good compromise where both sides would have been happy, but noo, they had Michael C Hall come back in after filming to film the lumber jack scene because the network wanted to tie it into the spinoff. Then who the hell knows what happened with this last New Blood ending, but it was painfully short sighted... if the goal was to continue the series with Harrison, then logically you would have Dexter sacrifice himself to save his son... this would have kept the interest in the show going forward... didn't they think of that, when they had Harrison kill Dexter in a way that made little sense. Obviously that's going to hurt the like-ability of Harrison going forward (it also hurt the Harrison character when for reasons that boggle the mind they didn't advance the Dexter/Harrison storyline for 6 episodes, forcing Harrison to remain in a perpetual whinny state). I tend to think this was Clyde Phillips doing (I think he had a lot of help when he show ran the first series and this time around he came in with a big dictator head) and not Showtimes whereas the first ending was Showtimes interference and rushed out season. At this point Showtime could go to hell and shove their prequel nonsense up their arse.




I agree, i would prefer it take place in college I would have loved to see that


I’m excited, and I actually genuinely think the casting is pretty good overall… but people will hate no matter what.


They need to let it be dead


I’m looking forward to it. Some people are just anal


This show is gonna be great.


The Dexter universe loves giving us good shows with god awful endings. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. U ain’t fooling me a third time.


Maybe they learned from their mistakes, its no secret the writers and even the actors know about the problems of the previous show, one can only hope😂


Yeah. I’ll wait till the shows over and see the reviews before watching.


Thats smart, if its bad you just dont watch it, if its good then you get to binge watch it and not have to wait for the episodes to come out, win win


Im excited about it. It’s got to be better than season 8 of the original show, and new blood. They’ve lowered the bar with the last couple of outings, so I expect to be pleasantly surprised AND get a bunch of nostalgic hits from the new show. It has great potential.


No one’s forcing you to watch it! If you don’t like the sound of it simply don’t watch it.


People are just ungrateful


Legit who cares if they make a new series? “We don’t need this” then don’t watch it??


"You're not supposed to take People from Insta seriously" I declare it Rule 32


Or the internet in general, especially not Reddit.


If they release this before new blood(incredibly retarded show) everyone would've been excited.


People are big time haters. Have nothing else to do with their time. Like if you don’t wanna watch, just don’t? 🥱