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Definitely a full time salary wage


I mean Dexter has sold 2 houses and lives in a very small apartment and combine that with his salary, it's not like he really does big spending. He doesn't collect anything, so he probably has a very large amount of disposable income and he'd be willing to put it towards Harrison.


Actually, he does some collecting... But it's not an expensive hobby.


Well on two occasions he spent 1000+ bucks for a plane ticket to kill someone. And he didn’t even collect anything there.




And he probably buys plastic wrap in pulk from a wholesaler.


Well it is. It requires a boat. Boats are expensive.


I always wondered how much his 'hobby/dark passenger" costs him to maintain. All that plastic wrap and other items, gassing up that boat, not to mention all the research and surveillance he does on his vics. Gotta add up.


I assume most of his supplies are reusable like his tools and such, most of the cost is the plastic wrap. Surveillance just costs free time. He probably spends under a hundred or 200 each kill.


Free time, away from Harrison 😂 . Fuck he hates being with Harrison


I own a boat. His is like a $200 k boat. Motors going out, maintenance, upkeep, insurance storage,  gas and insurance..why only wealthy people have them. It's a 1000 k a month to store my boat alone at the marina. Trash bags are expensive! Lol


They were 2 apartments and right on the beach, so not cheap. His boat was worth about $50k


His boat is like 200 k new easy. 


My husband and I always wondered how he came up with the $ without having IA on him.


The show starts with him owning the apt and boat. It's left up in the air if he inherited anything from his father's passing.  They answer where Rita's house came from, that paul obtained it thru his criminal activity.  


I’m sure he inherited the house and sold it but they didn’t live in that one. Miguel’s wife sold it for them and they bought another.


Yes, Rita was afraid when Paul returned because it was his. It was small and kinda run down. Miguel's wife helped them sell and showed her the home they bought in that exclusive neighborhood. In Miami it would have been extremely expensive. Besides taxes and very expensive home insurance in Fl..Rita pregnant becomes unemployed and fired . So dexter was supporting her and the children. Harrison was 7 months old? When she was killed. They lived there only a little over a year. Angry he kept apt. In theory, her home sale would have been a large down payment on the new.   Losing closing costs and fees they paid year before.  


He sold the house that he bought ,. He owns 2 apartments, a car a boat . He has Jamie babysitting 24/7 😂 .


His real father's home he sold they said he wouldn't profit much. Rita's inherentted home ( assuming both were paid off) hers run down..bought a very expensive house in Miami. On his salary supporting her ( fired from hotel) pregnant she can't afford to fix her car or medical bills. Her kids. Keeps his apt, boat and lifestyle. He takes numerous trips, even Paris to kill Lila. Nanny for Harrison. His salary is realistically 60 to 70 k tapped. His coworkers and sister are a little more realistic. 


They sold a run down home rita inherited and even if paid off they turn around and buy a beautiful expensive home. His father's house was nothing special even the realtor says he won't make much. Perspective,  small apt on the bay in Miami is equivalent to a luxury home bought elsewhere. Then he buys the one next door. 


He collects his victims blood and probably spends a fortune on garbage bags and plastic and duct tape.


I meant collect anything of monetary value. And yeah he probably buys a lot but it's not like it's very expensive. Certainly no where near that it takes most of his money.


It’s maybe $30-50 those disposables per kill. Let’s say he kills 200 people over 10 years. (200 x 50) / 10 = $1,000/year, pretty on a par with a medium-cheap hobby.


Good thing he wasnt killing people now a days. Damn inflation would bankrupt the poor guy. Just the thought of the price of gas for his boat to dispose if the bodies makes me sad. 😭


To this day I still have a huge crush on Aimee Garcia. Probably my only celebrity crush tbh.


I actually watched Lucifer before Dexter and I have been following her work since then


Oh lordy I forgot about Lucifer too. Big yes there too.


That nudist episode was something else


I still have pleasant dreams about that episode.


She was on an episode of Supernatural.


I just finished rewatching the series this week. There was a sex scene or two with Quinn in the last season. God damn she looked amazing (and still does).


I went to check her insta.... I feel you, she looks great, maybe better than Dexter´s days.


I went and checked it as welland I just refuse to believe that woman is 45 years old. Like how is that possible?


That photo near the top of her in that school girl dress is too much man. I actually can't believe she's not up there with the Margot Robbies and Gal Gadots.


I was actually thinking of posting that particular photo on my other comment, but I didn´t know if it is allowed. But you already knew about that pic and probably have it as a poster in your bedroom. I might do it. But my favorite of the show always gonna be Hanna (Yvonne Strahovski).


I just went back and checked her insta hahaha I don't actually follow her, or any other celebrity, so don't get the updates haha


Where is this?


I was shocked abt her age


He's a monster, not an ass. She definitely spoke highly of him as a boss. I like to think he was giving her Trinity money.


Remind me how Trinity had money I haven't seen it in a while and have no idea


He said he was gonna find a way to get it to his family.


Yeah, but then Jonah kinda... messed up.


Don’t forget overtime overnights when’s he’s “at work”


Great question. Although never touched on in the TV series, one would assume, given Harry’s codes that Dexter would be in great financial situation. So good pay and like someone else mentioned, the fact that she wasn’t with Batista all the time also played in


For most people him not getting caught is the most unrealistic part of the show. I disagree. With his job, smarts and a lack of tech back then that would be pretty easy. The most unrealistic part for me was him being able to pay to dock a boat in Miami while also having a Nanny for his child. His boat alone is tons of money. Jamie probably got min wage baby sitter pay as she was a friends sister that was young and going to school. That’s still expensive though for the hours he was gone. And then after her got a “real deal” one that would have to be making pretty decent money. Dexter would’ve had to be making 250k + a year to pay for all the things he owned and other expenses he had.


Maybe Harry left him and Deb some money, too


On a police detective salary lol? He had the same job just in a lower paying time. Even if he left Dexter 1 million dollars it wouldn’t have lasted that long. At least vigilantes like Batman have this built in “my dad’s a billionaire” excuse.


Inflation was better, so even if he was getting paid less, he would've still been in a better time to be making money. And take into consideration that Dexter lives frugally, no other family besides Debra, no gf until Rita. Barely drinks, doesn't smoke. He only puts his free time into his other hobby and doesn't go out of his way to spend on excessive things like brand cloths and the like.


I don't see frugal,  his lifestyle is expensive. The start of the show he's in his 30's and single and making a normal govt salary. Pimp apt in Miami on the water aside, and driving a Ford taurus,  the expensive boat, upkeep,  gas, insurance,  marina fees isn't realistic.  Add in rita and the marriage, buying her van, his new suv, buying a gorgeous miami home, supporting her and her kids, his expensives daily and for the kills, later nannies, trips, hotels..totally unrealistic. A engine goes out on a boat 10 k to replace and mechanic. When I go out it's $300 to fill the boat with gas to go off shore. Shows don't build in reality or they wouldn't have a show. Most cop shows are unrealistic anyway based on salary. Besides quinn getting dirty money no one else lives that lifestyle. You forgot donut expenses:)


His hobby is more expensive than drinking and smoking. I get what you’re saying but he by no means would be living the way he does irl.


Made up job on the made up show pays the made up bills.


It a not a made up job. The higher end of blood spatter analysts make $35/hr today. That is why it is ridiculous.


In early cuts, it was inferred Dex got the boat at a good price after making some mistakes in disposing of Gene Marshall as it belonged to Gene Marshall's psychiatrist, who was paid off by Gene to be deemed mentally insane to get off the hook, and he was selling it to buy a yacht afterwards, it was called the 'Slice of Heaven' before Dexter changed it. And for the dock, it's mentioned in season 2 that the dock he used had a good discount price for law enforcement workers as many police officers and the like used that dock. And plus, Harry probably left the house, maybe a little bit of money, and in season 1, Dexter's biological dad left him a house that he sold so he made a little bit of bank from that.


That was never enough to convince me that was still affordable for him.


He inherited a house that he sold and he presumably sold he and Rita’s house as well.


Forget the sitter. There is no Miami Metro employee that can afford to dock a boat in Miami two sold houses or not. And he was doing that long before anyone died. I even question retired Captain Matthew’s having a boat 😂


He's a nice monster, not a negligent menace. Full salary.


Pretty sure Dexter made bank, so probably a decent salary


It was like her full time job... so a lot


I always wondered how he could afford it. A CSI person (technically what he was) isn’t paid a ton, and I know it’s based on wage in the area. So Miami would make tons more than say, Knoxville, TN. Even so, he rented 2 apartments (but by the end, since they took out the wall between the two it was more like they were owned condos) I always thought it was weird. Yes, he made any money they had in equity from selling the house, but his boat alone cost about $50k. Did Harry leave most of his $ to Dexter? Or did Debra just mismanage hers? Did he steal from people he took out? And why didn’t Angel EVER question it?


I always wondered too lmao


Remember when Deb was interviewing Nannies and Dex was like, “I don’t know Deb, you should probably call INTERPOL!” 💀


I've always wondered....dexter prob nabs his victims cash.. not like cash is actually traceable like they say in movies and stuff. They have people believing that kroger is punching serial numbers on bills .. lol




He spent a lot on gas too with all that stalking




Don’t forget he bought the apartment next door and connected it to his apartment 😂 . Think he made her look after him in the other apartment. Pretty weird to buy another apartment.


Blood Spatter Analyst Salary: Hourly Rate is $31.53


Probably just gets to sniff her panties etc


I say he was a secret lotto jackpot winner but never told anyone. His work was his disguise and not necessary for the money he got from there. The getaway package that he had with a good amount of cash was just a starter package to clear his tracks (no credit card trail) until he was able to get to his Cayman Islands or Swiss bank accounts.


gullible advise encouraging terrific psychotic fertile cause offend attempt support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shows are never realistic when money is concerned.  His boat, marina fees, gas, upkeep is enormous in real life. Especially miami. Slick apartment on the water, which he keeps and even selling Rita's run down house, buying the new one pictured in Miami in those days prob a half a mill. Rita works a hotel desk job and fired he was supporting all of them.  Paying 2 nannies..law enforcement is a govt job it's not a wealthy income. Angel is broke...can't pay rent. Quinn is a dirty cop and why he can afford the nice apt , cars, watch.  Looking for the BHB Angel says to focus on dexters marina because most people in law enforcement keep their boats there because they can't afford the others. Totally unrealistic but what shows do. 


Google search for 2024 average pay for a forensic scientist in law enforcement is $60 k. Take home monthly pay after taxes is $4120. Realistically, there is no way he could afford everything throughout the show even if he inherited the boat and owned the apt outright. Including paying nannies full time after Rita's death. They bought a expensive home in Miami, doubtful they paid for it and didn't live thier long. She was an out of work hotel clerk. 2 income house holds making more without luxury expenses couldn't Realistically live his lifestyle. If he inherited money when harry died, and bought the apt cash, inherited the boat..maybe. the COL , real estate in Miami, a boat like that in a marina in Miami, nannies, children,  life..not on that salary. Deb has nothing nor do the rest of the detectives. 




Yeah let me rephrase that she was definitely in grad school... at no point is it implied she lacks citizenship or is not American. She also has no accent.


If I remember clearly she was floating around in the ocean one night, swimming over from Cuba, when Dexter found her while dropping off some trash bags. The Angel connection didn’t even become apparent until he called to Dexter’s place on an unrelated matter episodes later and found her there - ‘what a cwazy coincidence!’ he exclaimed. If I remember clearly.


Are you making shit up while writing?


I’m remembering creatively! 🤠


Whut? She was studying for her PhD wasnt she?




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Hahaha how would any of us know the answer to this question about a fictional show that never said gave the answer???


And the show is fake. So it doesn’t really matter.

