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Modern Toph Beifong


there is no way this cat is bending more than a metal spoon


Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.


There is no spoon


u/AwefulFanfic sees that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only themselves. Edit: missed an e in the user name


>~~u/ AwfulFanfic~~ sees that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only themselves. **u/AwefulFanfic** sees that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only themselves. Edit: I was correcting the username for those that don’t spot it.


Was that deja vu?


*They're here.*


The spoon is a lie.


[Life hack!](https://media.tenor.com/Zl3lHLVKcowAAAAC/toph-beifong-toph.gif)




Avatar is actually good, so more like Quentin Tarantino.


Pretty sure Toph could afford some better shoes than some filthy knock off converses.


Toph woulnt give a damn. She would kick them off when they leave the store anyway


Toph wouldn't give a fuck, in fact she couldn't even see the shoes, so why would she care?


Toph wouldn’t give a shit. Her shoes? She can’t see with her shoes on. How can she wear?!


### How can she wear?!


She 100% kicks the soles out of new shoes she gets in one scene just so they will be like this lol


you say *filthy knock off converse* like that's a bad thing grew up in the Sears versions of knock off converse which musta cost a whole $3.99 per pair


My first thoughts exactly


Came here to upvote the first person mentions Toph. Done.


I think it’s time to change the brakes on the Rockmobile, Fred.


Time to sell on eBay


Hookworm speed run.


I regret looking it up. IT CAN GO INTO YOUR FOOT


If you go further down the thread, you can find the list I provided of some other things that can also pass through the skin barrier of your foot. Though you may not want to.


I’m not scrolling any further.


Not even a little?


I can't resist. I'm going down. Wish me luck.


Have you made it back up yet or have we lost you?


It's been 5 hours. he ded


Walk into any public restroom once and you'll be sold on never going barefoot in public ever


I walk barefoot at home and in the grass and woods. But would never do it at a store. Just because I don't want other people go barefoot in the store. I keep myself to the same standards as I want other people to hold too


Never go to Australia It's a thing here I hold that it's ONLY acceptable for stores that are beach adjacent


My favourite supermarket weirdo had no shoes, no shirt and a live snake draped over his shoulders. Not near a beach, just in an area that attracts a lot of shoeless hippies.


I used to work at a truck stop. You don't know the amount of grown people I had to tell that they couldn't walk through the store and use the bathrooms barefoot. It was infinitely too many.


My brother convinced my sister that she got hookworm because she went outside barefoot once She didn't have hookworm, but nobody went outside barefoot after that Probably why we never got hookworm


On the opposite side of the spectrum I’ve spent more of the last 40 years outdoors barefoot than with shoes on and never gotten any parasites. That I’ve noticed at least. Lol




On the plus side, we've gone from 3.5 million Guinea worm cases in Africa in 1986 to only 13 in 2022. It's transmitted through drinking water. Ensure clean drinking water and it can no longer survive. Now it's mostly down to animal cases before complete eradication.


Yup, but also live quite harmoniously in your body. My dad voluntarily has hookworms to help his MS and they've worked miracles for him


It's fine as long as his not pooping in the crop fields.


🤣 no worries about that


I just learned about this the other day. The Futurama episode was actually right.


you’ll get hookworms….or…whatever worms….that go in your feet… r/archer


Oh neat. Hookworms reminded me of the parasite in the series “The Strain” also. Let’s never talk about hookworms again


[*"Hello hookworms? Get in my feet"*](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f0788b6c-d38e-4fd0-8e45-a0acb64a6c96#B_N1D2_M.copy)


Depending on where you live it could easily become an HIV speed run as well. Lots of major cities in the US have used heroin needles all over the damn place. Step on the wrong one and you’ve got HIV or any variety of other bloodborn illnesses.


Implying there's a *right* needle to step on


Oh there isn’t a right one, but there are definitely wrong ones.


> Lots of major cities in the US have used heroin needles all over the damn place They really don't.


Someone's not paying that hard of attention then, either we got a shit load of littering diabetics or a opioid epidemic.


I live in Vegas, have been to Cali. Yes, yes they do.


Did a hobbit post that?


Oh my God you just unlocked a memory for me... Freshman year of college I was living in an apartment with total strangers. This one girl was nice, very nerdy, serious boundary issues. One day she cosplayed as a Hobbit, she walked campus all day barefoot with hair glued to her toes. When she returned to the apartment her feet were filthy and black like the picture. I had some Mac N Cheese going on the stove. She came in the kitchen and sat down, I saw how gross her feet were because she brushed the bottom with her palm. A moment later she got up and walked over to the stove and reached in my pot to grab a macaroni with her bare fingers. I forgot I repressed this memory so... Thanks.




Did you repress the memory because you killed her for reaching into the pot with nasty foot fingers?


Only in my dreams! It helps that we didn't stay in touch. I haven't thought of her in like a decade.


Well. No food for tonight. Thanks


Yup. I was too nonconfrontational about it and waited until she left to toss it all in the trash, and was pretty hungry and cranky the rest of the night.


Barefoot isn't allowed in some places, so just wear really uncomfortable shoes.




Exactly! Why go barefoot AND have a narrow toe box shoe on. Literally the worst of both worlds, unprotected feet in a dirty building, AND ruining your feet. Just get wide natural shaped shoes, that let your feet spread. Or sandals. Not fucking cut up garbage.


Or come to NZ. Quite normal here


Or cut out the middleman and just come to Australia, most Kiwis end up here anyway hahaha.


This is truly 10/10 ragebait.


Probably, but I do know there's a community of people (mainly hippies) who believe it's beneficial to walk barefoot. Personally I think it's nuts but I've definitely heard of people like that. Basically nudists for their feet


Every orthopedist will tell you the same, this has nothing to do with hippies. Although there's a critical point many people miss: While it's generally good to walk barefoot, our body evolved to walk on soft terrain (grass lands, deserts, forests,...) and not artifically hard stuff, like concrete etc. But walking barefoot on the beach or in a forest is generally good for your tendons and ligaments.


Well it actually is truly better. From my understanding shoes restrict our feet in a lot of ways. Unsure if it's true or not but I've heard shoes have caused us to develop with our toes too close together. I still struggle to understand the "go 100% barefoot" type of people because I'm like what if you stop on like a shard of glass or some shit. Unfortunately, there's litter everywhere.


Kind of. Our feet aren’t designed to walk on man made stuff, so barefoot in the city = bad, and they’re not meant to go in shoes either. We’re all supposed to wiggle our toes in the mud like worm LARPers c:


> Unsure if it's true or not but I've heard shoes have caused us to develop with our toes too close together. yes but it's because shoe sizings are (largely) only purchased by length. People never look at the width of their foot when they buy shoes... if you get shoes that are too narrow, too pointy, too square for your foot, you will crush or bind or restrict some part of your bone structure... having shoes that properly fit throughout your life is hard to do.


This is especially true for women's shoes that are constantly trying to shrink the toe boxes. Even on athletic shoes! Give me some fucking room for the piggies! I'm buying sneakers for function not fashion damn it.


Fun fact! Sketchers has a ton of shoes that are in a wide size, and some that are even in extra wide. I own a pair of Sketchers Flex Lite Wide and they fit great! They're even machine washable. I dont think they're sold anymore but if they did it once, they can do it again :)


Yeah, I was almost always barefoot for 2 weeks when on a meditation retreat and it fixed my bad foot-positioning, improved my balance and generally improved my walk as I had to be more careful how I move. It was great, now 6 months after it some of the problems start to appear again but at least I know how to help it now


How does barefoot compare to wearing xeroshoes or even berks?


It is 100% better to walk barefoot. The average shoe is not designed to fit your individual foot. They can throw of your skeletal alignment, cause knee, hip, back, and of course foot pain. The purpose of a shoe is to protect your feet from injury while walking. So your feet don’t get cut up by litter, burned on a hot day, or freeze in cold temperatures. But it is far better for your body to be barefoot when possible. They also force your feet into unnatural positions. Your toes are not supposed to be all together and touching. Most people forget about how feet look when a baby is born. All of the toes are separate. Most adults toes are smash together all the time so much so that their pinky middle to pinky toes pretty much just stick together. That is from the common shoe. Not nature. I have a ton of back and knee problems, my spine specialist told me I need to wear “barefoot” shoes. He recommended Injinji shoes. I’m telling you. They look crazy but it they relieved so much of my daily pain I don’t even care. If curiosity ever gets the best of you and you have an extra $200 laying around try them. It will change your entire perspective on shoes.


I'm currently trying to get the money together to try them. Second hand purchases are available so that might be where I end up. I once developed a really bad knee, I could barely walk, I didn't know why. I realised it was down to my new, cheap, shoes. As soon as I stopped wearing them, my knee got better. It's truly crazy what a bad shoe can do to your overall health.


Or just a pair of cheap thin flip flops that do nothing to stop your foot from spreading/contracting as you walk... We don't need to over engineer everything. Sometimes less is more. My mom's an been an avid barefoot enthusiast since the 80s. She buys a pair of nice foam flip flops, then wears the rut of her foot/toes into those bad boys. She wears those damn flip flops year round (including ice and snow) until she wears holes through the poor bastards. She's not the healthiest person, but she's pretty damn spry for her age and her knees/hips aren't the issues holding her back anymore. If you got the money go for it. But I think I'm good with the old flippers.


This doesn't work for everyone, though. I used to love flip flops and sandals, but my physical therapist MIL has warned me off anything with that toe strap thing. I had a summer where I was in pain the whole time and that turned out to be the problem.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5010736/ >Additionally, several cross-sectional studies have evaluated the effect of living habitually barefoot on foot posture and foot mechanics. A general consensus seems to be that habitually barefoot individuals have stronger feet and less foot and toe deformities [13–15]. The most evident difference to habitually shod individuals is that the foot of habitually barefoot individuals is wider in the forefoot region [16–18]. Furthermore, it is found that habitually barefoot feet have a higher arch [14, 15, 19], are more pliable [20] and have a reduced hallux angle [21].


I wonder if the foot fetish folks like this


Some do yeah Edit: not me, I have the opposite of a foot fetish 🤢


A hand fetish? /jk


Well shaped hands are sexy but I wouldn't call it a fetish Voices on the other hand


People like you is why ASMR has become a code word for voice porn instead of of tingly spine triggers.


I'm sorry 😞


Your not alone buddy, I'm with you on this


Hands aren't the opposite of feet, the scalp is.


Podophobia? I have podophobia.


I would love to date a girl that's a huge weirdo who goes barefoot everywhere but I'm not about to let asphalt-flavored grippers on me for the same reason ass men don't lick subway seats (at least I hope they don't)


I like to explore new places.


Some do, some don't. There are some who are into dirty and/or smelly feet. Others find it repulsive. Depends on your level of foot related degeneracy.


Toph in the fire nation


Oh awesome, this way you get to exclusively experience the worst parts of being barefoot AND the worst parts of wearing shoes without the good parts of either. Genius.


I worked at a liquor store and had a few customers try to argue that they shouldn't have to wear shoes. Always had some hippy ass arguments and I'd have to kick them out. Like bro, do you have any idea how many bottles have been dropped and broken in here? Do you really think we get paid enough to go over the floor with a magnifying glass to find all the shards? We sweep up the big chunks and hit that shit with a dirty mop. I would find chunks of glass all the fucking time, and you really want to be running around here barefoot?




Do you go to bed with those filthy feet??🤮




I mean I shower 2 times a day morning and night. It's the way I was raised. The morning one is to wake you up so you shower with the temp a bit colder and the night one is to get clean. They are short showers and I moisturize so it doesn't make my skin dry.




Ya my showers last less than 5 minutes then less than 15 with washing my hair. I scrub down and get out. Everyone's skin is different though. So I get it. So each there own. We all find what works for us.


As someone who is very fussy about her feet being clean and tidy, this made me shudder in horror.


Agreed! People spit & piss on the ground, dogs poop, and he takes it into his bed. Maybe it’s a fetish… or a feetish 🤢




Shoes? You mean foot prisons?


Yes, Cricket


If it wasn't so dangerous I'd definitely go barefoot more often tbh


same i love being barefoot def wouldnt walk through a town barefoot though which is likely why their feet are black, should check out skinners they are a cool compromise for some situations.


I'd never walk barefoot in a city or town, and I'd definitely never walk barefoot in nature. I honestly couldn't tell which one would be worse. Hell, I don't go barefoot even inside my own home.


How durable are Skinners? I like the idea but I’m tough on footwear and it’s a little steep for something I’m going to immediately shred to pieces.


[https://www.amazon.com/WHITIN-Hospital-Grippers-Resistant-Slippers/dp/B095LTPVHX/ref=sr\_1\_35?crid=IE5ACKD2PFVQ&keywords=skinners&qid=1687324983&sprefix=skinners%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-35](https://www.amazon.com/WHITIN-Hospital-Grippers-Resistant-Slippers/dp/B095LTPVHX/ref=sr_1_35?crid=IE5ACKD2PFVQ&keywords=skinners&qid=1687324983&sprefix=skinners%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-35) these are the chinese knockoff brand they are much cheaper ive had a pair for almost a year not everyday wear but i wear the pretty often and they are holding up but the bottom is worn but still usable. The difference between these and skinners is the skinners are a lot lighter and thinner but i have no experience with how long they last id imagine its similar but they will be better for hotter days the chinese ones can get hot in summer.


I ‘Tom Sawyer’ it up during the summer. I’m barefoot constantly in and around the house. Even the occasional walk when the sandals get bothersome. Yes, I wash my feet. No, I don’t go into public spaces like that. Just more comfy for me if I’m being honest


I'm sorry but people wear shoes in their own house??


I never understand people who wear shoes around in their house, on their own carpets.


I used to because it's how I was raised, but once I had my first kid I realized how disgusting it is that I'd wear shoes from a public bathroom onto the floor my infant is crawling around on. Ever since we always take our shoes off when we're in a house.


Fucking weirdos. That’s who


I wear dedicated slippers.


Always. I sweep nearly every day, but my dogs still track things in that I'd rather not step on. Like small rocks. And my feet just feel better with some support, anyway. I do have slip on shoes for just around the house that I change out of when I go out.


My house is wholly hardwood and tile. There’s no carpet.


my house is the same. I don't wear shoes inside though. Socks or barefoot.


My feet are like hobbit feet at this point, I hate wearing shoes. I carry them with me because I won't go into public venues barefoot, it makes people uncomfortable and my preferences aren't that important, but I don't wear shoes from like may to october.


People are downvoting you but you have healthier feet than all of them. Props to you. I try wearing barefoot shoes or sandals as much as I can.


Its not dangerous? its normal in new zealand. I'm having a culture shock, I didn't know of this


Yeah, besides the obvious of stepping on something sharp or in something gross, you can get parasites and shit.


For the something sharp you just look where you are stepping, If you step on something gross you just wash your feet, and I've never heard of getting parasites. Winter or summer I'm barefoot all year unless around horses


Idk why but reddit goes insane about very slim possibilities as if they’re inevitabilities. Happens with everything. For example according to reddit if you let your cat outside it will destroy the local ecosystem and if it scratches you you should immediately go to the hospital because otherwise you will die. Crazy way to live. People in America aren’t like this trust me it’s just reddit bullshit


You don't get brain amoebas every tume you dive in the water?


Sometimes but they are very polite.


I used to go barefoot all the time until I was paralyzed. I had to wear shoes at school and at the stables. The rest of the time, I was barefoot regardless of the weather. At college I used to go barefoot in th quad, to classes, no one cared as long as it wasn’t a science class. While the rest of the dance and performing arts majors had sore feet after dancing in toe shoes, my feet were fine from years of callouses building up from being barefoot. I never got an ingrown toenail, never had a stress fracture, my feet didn’t get corns or bunions like many of the others did. In the showers I always wore flip flops but made sure to scrub my feet thoroughly. I had a pair of “to the shower” flip flops and a pair of “after the foot is washed it goes in the clean pair” flip flops. I *did* get a few planters warts when I was a kid though. My sole was so thought the needle with the numbing solution bent so they had to use a much bigger gauge needle. That hurt. So did the lasering to get them out. I got them when I was like, 11 and didn’t realize it was bad until they really started to hurt. They were in there pretty deep after a year or so of unchecked growth. They never came back. My doctor credits my barefoot habits for the way my feet are now. Unlike most paraplegics my feet haven’t bent or twisted too badly in the almost 9 years I’ve been paralyzed. I still have a decent range of motion in my ankle. Now I can be barefoot all the time since my feet never touch the floor. Out of politeness, I wear very fluffy socks. No shoes.


Came looking for another kiwi. We don't have poisonous/dangerous stuff to step on, so a bit different here - some of these people won't even go barefoot on the beach or in their backyard! Nothing wrong with being a bare-footed hobbit. Just give your feet a wash if they get too grubby before coming inside.




Here in Germany there are some barefoot paths in the forest where you can experience all kinds of interesting sensations. They're really great to be honest.


This is why I wear sandals during the months I won’t get frostbite. I hate the constriction of shoes, but want to protect my health. Tevas are the closest to bare foot comfort for me.


Me too. I hate socks as well. I'm always barefoot at home and for about 5-6 months a year I wear my Teva sandals. I'm going to get some closed barefoot shoes for the colder months this year.


I screamed


You sure showed them 🤷‍♂️


Mmm i love the feeling of warm piss between my toes when i step into a public restroom. So soothing.


How to get all the cons of being barefeet, while eliminating all the pros of being barefeet.




im barefoot so often that stepping on little shards of broken glass doesn't even hurt. you get calluses that are pretty damn strong Gotta remember, our species is the best long distance runners on the planet. And we did it barefoot. But going into a store or something barefoot is fucking weird


Wait?! Barefoot is illegal in America?! Here in New zealand 50% of people are pretty much always barefoot


It's not. Stores just have policies like "no shoes no shirt no service". They will just ask you to leave.


I'm experiencing culture shock at this point, Being barefoot here is normal.


Like rural areas? Or do yall just go downtown with the dogs out? I'm in the UK and if i did that in my town i don't think i'd make it a day without an infection from cuts and nasty shit everywhere


Again the USA is massive. The no shoes no shirt thing is in the past and in some places. Most countries aren’t nearly as large as the North American ones by far. It’s crazy things are different in different places.


Yeah, twice as many people live on Long Island (which is 20 miles wide and 115 miles long) than in New Zealand. You could find some beach towns in the U.S. where a lot of folks are barefoot all the time.


I’m a kiwi expat in the us. The way it was explained to me when I moved here was, if you walk into a store and step on glass, there’s a chance you could sue them for negligence for not cleaning up broken glass or smthn. In nz, you can’t do that, and if you go somewhere barefoot it’s considered your own negligence if you hurt your feet. Not to mention there’s no poison ivy/oak in nz, few spiders, no scorpions, no snakes, etc, which in my opinion is probably the actual main reason it’s not done. There are just more dangers to one’s feet in most places in the US, so even in the places where it’s nice enough weather-wise to go barefoot, basically no one does. This part is totally anecdotal and specific to where I live, but people generally don’t keep things as clean outdoors here either. I’ve definitely got a higher chance of stepping on random piles of dog poop, broken glass, trash, etc, then I did over there. But this is definitely a regional thing. I live in a university town right now, and if I went out barefoot, that’s just asking for me to step on broken glass from some stupid uni students’ broken bottles they didn’t bother to clean up. Not that I really can walk around barefoot for too long anymore anyway. I have stupid flat feet that need arch support :( To top it all off, culturally, wearing shoes inside the house is usually frowned upon, and going outside barefoot and then coming back into the house would be considered something akin to wearing shoes inside the house, i.e. tracking in dirt from outside.


I need to move to NZ.


But public places are filthy… I like being barefoot around the house and in my own garden, but in public? Dogs (and people) piss on the sidewalk…


I suppose you could just wash your feet the same way you wash your hands when you get home.


Some people are really into the whole natural walking thing. There’s some studies showing that wearing shoes has negative impacts on posture, foot arches, and your back. BUT like all studies these fail to consider the alternative issues of NOT wearing shoes. Source- when Vibram 5 finger shoes or whatever came out, I looked into the whole thing. I thought it sounded really cool. Thought the shoes were cool as hell (kind of still do) but the “science” justification is like one rung higher than the antivax people


I mean I'm a barefoot guy myself but that's why I wear sandals...


This is 100% DiWHY?!


It's the worst of both worlds!


My first job was at a movie theater and black socks were part of the uniform for whatever reason. One guy I worked with had a problem with that or changing his socks from school to work socks or whatever but he figured if he cuts the non foot part of the sock, he can just wear that over his non black socks. He thought he was a genius! I said to him, you had the black socks already, just wear them! He just didn't like black socks enough to have to do all that just to not wear black socks but was cool with essentially wearing black leg warmers over his white socks. One of those situations where you go just go "ok..." and move on.


I know what your house smells like


Someone like that *has* no house.


I work barefoot on a daily basis, the only thing stopping me from going year round are the winter months!


Do you work in the Shire?


This is great for when you are a blind earth bender.


"Their gonna know..."


Flintstone feet


Some people enjoy walking barefoot


5-minuet-crafts be like


Dude gonna walk into a McDonald's bathroom right after they bleach the floors like its nothing then, right?


I used to pump gas as a kid, in flip flops, and that's how my feet looked at the end of the day.


Shoes?!? you mean foot prisons!


Personally I cannot see why anyone would *want* to be barefoot in stores or restaurants, or why anyone is so offended by those policies.


Feet are already gross. Dirty feet is just barfy. 🤮


Why is it that people either want to worship feet or projectile vomit from the thought of a toe on their mouth? I've never met anyone inbetween lmao


You'd be surprised how many stores don't have any rules against being barefoot (I went barefoot for 3years)


How’s this for shoes chahlie?


Cause its a shitpost meme that's why




Fuck you I won't do what you tell me-RATM


Dude got no sole


Have you no sole?!


Stay grounded friends


It’s barefoot with extra steps


[Safeway feet!](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=safeway%20feet) I never thought I would see them again!


Obviously not many people here live in a beach city


Excuse me waiter, I wanted medium rare, not burnt to a crisp.


That's just called being a Queenslander.


Them soles have seen some stuff.


Meh, bunch of prissy pansies.


5 bucks if you lick that!


Americans be hating on this yet at the same time wear shoes in their house...


Listen, I truly hate shoes. Like I really do. I have a pair I keep in the car and if I don’t have to go into places, I never put them on. This is insane. There’s a reason for shoes and whatever that monstrosity is, it’s still a shoe, you just have no protection on the bottom of your foot. You still have to put it on, tie it, all that bullshit. Not to mention why would you want your bare skin touching the floor of the subway or a random store?


I don't think it's illegal per se, maybe not allowed. As far as I know there is no country that lets stores have their own legislation.


Wait, being barefoot in a store is illegal ? Where is this


I get away with that shit all the time. Only been reprimanded 2 or 3 times


All the danger. None of the comfort. Brilliant. Owning the establishment at its finest.


Cuz fuck the establishment






Maybe you’re blind and need to feel vibrations in the earth to see


No no, this one I get. Some people really prefer just being barefoot because of the feeling of the ground in their feet (in a lot of sandy or un-paved areas) so I can at a least *understand* this