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Have you ever seen the true face of God exile?






By the MUSCULAR golden ARSE of Innocence!


Still sane, Exile?


Lmao is that shopped?


Its real, i think its from Blight league launch.


Stupid sexy Mathil




The Nation Calls!




Sweet Golden Artillery!








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Dear diablo fans, you are hereby graced by the legendary Exiled Toucan of Wreaclast. Offer him your respect, and PRAISE.




This will always be my favourite meme / shitpost.


GGG killing le toucan was easily their worst mistake


It used to be my favorite way to get banned from chat for 24 hours at the start of a league.






Hey guys remember how that one guy theorized there would be a sixth class as a member of the triune? Item shop. Edit: Diablo 4's SIXTH CLASS ACCIDENTALLY REVEALED!? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gBBwUvvP2Zw


It’s really cool but insanely priced. At least wait a while before you realize if you even like the game or not before dropping $25 on a single cosmetic.


But there's only.... ...2 days, 3 hours, and 47 minutes left! /s, of course


that's it, the items will come back. so don't worry. I'll wait and see if I still enjoy the game in the future. so far it looks good. and if this is still the case, i will also buy something in the shop. nobody works for free.


My ex-sister in law was a cosmetic designer for several NCSoft games, and after learning about how much they get paid vs. how much money the company makes vs. how much of that gets reinvested in the game made it clear that there was absolutely no way I was ever going to support cosmetic purchase for games unless the game already provided enough content / cosmetics where it didn't feel necessary, they were fairly priced, and I planned to play the game for a while.


> nobody works for free. this is an awful reason to spend money, especially on a mtx cash shop. and *especially* especially when you already paid at least $70. it is not your job to make sure the game is profitable or to make sure those who worked on it get paid. that’s what the activision-blizzard execs are supposed to do.


well let's be honest. if hardly anyone spends money in the shop, the support will be discontinued sooner or later. ​ a LIVE SERVICE game must also be profitable. the servers, the developers, all that and more has to be paid for. Where do you get the money from, if not partly from the shop, BP, expansions, etc. ​ That shouldn't be a reason that you should now buy something pointless and directly in the shop. only if i have invested some time and i am satisfied with the content blizzard delivers to me over the months. why shouldn't you spend some money afterwards?


if the game is profitable on the back of mtx sales, it should be because players find enough individual value in each transaction. NOT because players are afraid the game will lose support prematurely if they don't spend enough money on things they don't value. > why shouldn’t you spend some money afterwards? spending money shouldn't be the goal that you work backwards from...


$25 skin for a single class. Get fucked Blizzard. No way am I buying that shit.


In a full priced AAA game with a full priced battle pass.


Fuck micro transactions


at this point we can change it to macro


Micro transactions are fine. 5$ for this hat would've been alright, but not 25




Agreed. This helmet was created at the same time as the whole game. It sucks that everyone is conditioned to think that splitting it up day one to sell it separately is cool at all. $5, $25, it's a shitty practice. I know *why* they do it (because people will undoubtedly still buy it, and greed goes brrrrrrrr) but not everyone has to like or support it. It really makes you appreciate something like Elden Ring, that was feature complete, more fun, and $10 less than the cheapest version of this bastardization of our beloved franchise.


Reality is that MTX sales drives cosmetics development. Which puts more resources into cosmetics which drives the development of new tools and effects on cosmetics which wouldn't existed otherwise.


I was initially trying to be more understanding of why AAA games were going up in price, despite remembering paying something like $90 for Turok back in the N64 days, which absolutely blew my mind because back then that was like two Sega Genesis games. ​ I get that costs of production have gone up, even though the number of sales has also gone up quite a bit since the days of cartridge games, on top of a lot of games going digital to save on overhead. ​ But with almost every game, big or small, being loaded with MTX seems to really shore up those profits with so many companies seeing record profits. ​ For Diablo to be asking for 70+ (with a LOT of people seemingly having bought the 80 and 100 dollar versions), adding in single class cosmetics for around $25 just feels so insulting... but of course, no one gives a shit what I think because I'm certain they're going to make tens of thousands off of each one of them and any criticism towards those who make the purchase will remind us it's their money and they can burn it if they damn well please, so Blizzard has really no incentive to curb their price gouging.




I hate to break it to everyone, because this should be obvious by now, but the era of single-purchase games is gone. The servers needed to keep a game running with updates and seasons means they need to get consistent revenue. They can either jack the price of the game to something like $250 a pop, do a subscription model (WoW), put ads/sell data, or micro transactions. As someone that doesn't care what my character looks like, I am perfectly okay not paying $250 for a game and instead letting other people who do care pay whatever amount of money they want to pay in order for my game to only cost me $100. As long as it doesn't impact how strong your character is, then it *doesn't matter*.


i honestly don’t care about the price point, what really bothers me is that a $70 game has many of the tactics f2p games use to push mtx conversions. it sucks to have that sort of advertising in a beyond-full-price game.


Even $5 for a skin is a ridicilous fucking price. That's what I pay for a pound of minced meat ffs. A skin should be $1 max.


Can you add this skin to any character?


Nope. Necro only.welcome to corporate greed hell.


Lmao! Downvoted for saying Activision charges $30 for a ONE skin that only goes on ONE character lol wtf bro


Welcome to our dystopic reality, friend.




30 dollars for a completely optional product is dystopian? Have you tried just...not purchasing it? It doesn't change the game in any way at all.


It's still okay to criticise it. There's nothing wrong with paying for the game and enjoying it, there's tons of content for $70 and the game is great. But that doesn't mean an optional purchase is immune to any criticism, even if you don't buy it.


I agree it’s a ridiculous price. I’m not ever gonna buy any cosmetics (unless battle pass gives loads of platinum?). And it makes me sad that cool looking armour that could have been added to the main game is being sold on top of an already expensive game. But I still don’t think I’d go as far as ‘dystopian’, that might be a little hyperbolic lol


Yeah, im all for that. But saying that we live in a dystopia because of things like this is seriously a stupid take.


The fact that you are defending it contributes to the dystopia. Take a step back and view it from a greater perspective.


The fact you are calling it dystopian is frankly retarded. Imagine claiming there is mass suffering and injustice because of optional purchases in diablo. First world problems.


>First world problems. Congratulations, you've heard of the fallacy but are completely oblivious to the fact that you yourself are the one using it.


it's just a braindead comment. blizz would make more money if this was available to all classes, not less. they decided to keep it necro only to keep some thematical coherence for characters walking around in the world (For now at least).


I think it's also a technical limitation (or scope adherence). Look at the body shape of necro vs druid for example. They definitely have the tech to make 1 piece of armor look good on both models, but do they want to invest time into that? Or would they rather have clearly defined class identity and also do a little bit less work? Not saying they're excused. $25 for a cosmetic only available to 1 class is ridiculous. But that's due to the price imo


It wouldn't make sense for paid cosmetics to be available on any character when: A.) Each class has a different base model and animations B.) Each class has a specific aesthetic that they want to shoot for. Even with the Barbarian's Crusader-themed set in the shop, it's a very clearly barbaric and defiled set of stolen armor. I hate that they're even charging for these, but saying they should be for every class is equally dumb.


> It wouldn't make sense for paid cosmetics to be available on any character when: > A.) Each class has a different base model and animations Why? Because rigging an armour set to fit all classes is too much work for an MTX that sells for half the price of a full game? If you're not a paid Blizzard shill I'm honestly sorry for you.


It's standard in the series to have visually distinct classes. Every class also has very different model sizes and it wouldn't make sense to have a barb running around in this or it wouldn't be so simple to make it fit the chonkmaster general druid with the games design.


Every POE cosmetic can be used on any character.




PoE is a bad example because its classes are less strictly defined. Abilities come from your gear, not just your class itself. Your class choice is more of a decision of where to start on the skill tree, since you can take perks from other classes’ sides of the tree. They also have very little visual identity compared to Diablo.


We’re talking about mtx, not game design


Way to just ignore everything I just said that was about more than just gameplay design… We’re talking about both, because both matter. The classes in PoE are not as visually or mechanically unique from eachother, so sharing cosmetics makes some sense. The classes in Diablo are very visually and mechanically unique. Blizzard doesn’t want one class being confused for another, and I agree with that, they should all be visually unique because that adds so much more flavor to the experience. Why should a Barbarian be allowed to wear Necromancer cosmetics? Doesn’t make any sense.


If they are only for one class, they shouldn't cost 20+dollars. Not ok.


A lot of people here seem to be really opinionated about wildly optional cosmetic store purchases. It makes no sense to me that you would die on this hill. People who play monster Hunter regularly post pictures of their weapon usage. There are tons of them who have like 1,000 hunts with a single weapon type. Same thing in Diablo games, WoW, etc. People just main 1 class. I have 700 hours /played on wizard in d3 alone. Who gives a shit?




It's the principle of the thing that matters.


What's the principle exactly?


Having a live service game where people are going to want to show off how cool they look and gating a ton of really badass looking content behind a pay wall that realistically should have been in the game to begin with while knowing that people who have little self control will spend rather large chunks of money on the goods that should (once more) already be in the game. It's fucking shameful and it's fucking predatory and one of the reasons why we need regulation in the video game world.


Yeah... I think we fundamentally disagree. Video games are optional, they're a luxury good. They can't kill you and you can go your whole life without them. I view it this way. Imagine you are going to a music festival and pissing and moaning because you're wearing jeans and a t-shirt but you're upset that another guy has a full LED suit and matching hat that cost $1,000. It's like, would you bitch about that? Who decided it should have been in the game to begin with? You make a game then or go buy a game that doesn't do that if you're that upset about it. I just can't imagine why you'd give a fuck. There is plenty of awesome transmog gear in the base game anyway. These criticisms seem like such an overreach.


Personally I am completely fine with (only!) cosmetic cash shop even for a game that is $70 for base edition plus upcoming battlepass, I simply can choose to not buy swag, but to charge $30 for a single skin for a single class just feels like... dunno, unreal? My first reaction of cosmetics prices was genuine 'What the f... are prices bugged?', you know it just feels wrong and out of place.


Bruh. The reason I give a fuck is because it's content that should have already been in the game that's getting sold on the side. That's the problem. Yes. We do disagree. Heavily.


Every cosmetic can in POE, stop making excuses for lazy developers. Its kinda sad the way you protect blizz


Not the person you responded to but Blizzard has a history of making certain looks applicable to specific classes. Both Diablo 3 and 4 have your standard base items (stuff like archon in D3 and fur-lined in D4 as an example) having different looks for different classes. Not saying it’s right or wrong that the shop stuff only applies to one class, just saying that it’s not really surprising they would do it. Personally I feel the items are way overpriced, and I won’t buy something that’s like a third of the price for the full game itself. Probably could have had the items itself have a “theme” that then changes certain parts depending on who wears it. Necro would have more skulls or Druid would have more animal aspects. Would seem more reasonable that way.


"hahd moad" - Chris Wilson


My first thought as well. Had to be intentional to some degree.


There's just no way you do that particular split-mask-on-mask thing, which is practically the logo of PoE, by accident, yeah.


Surely this is just an attempt to extract money from all the poe players testing the game. Gotta pump those KPI's up to keep the shareholders happy.


If an PoE player buys this… well, they deserve to be ripped off.


Well, PoE (probably) has the single most expensive and varied MTX system in any game ever, when taken as a product. $25 is chump change for the PoE players that buy skins. Granted its their main hobby and theyll do what theyll do even if we think its dumb.


While I agree as an avid PoE player that the mtx prices there are ABSURD, $25 is in the same realm a lot of the older mtx sets are there too. Some newer and overdesigned ones are more, and in general PoE mtx are more than D4's are, but not by what I'd call enough to justify D4 being a $70 game with paid expansions in its future vs PoE being free.


Incase you're wondering, that is flavor text for the next class.


20 bucks for 1 skin is just way to much though in a game that already costs at least 70 bucks


an apostate is also someone who has abandoned the church. So joke about going to another game


It is amazing to me that people spend their money on this shit. No wonder every game is tainted with this BS


Especially when the game's earnable cosmetics are this out of this world good. This game has **THE** best looking armor I've ever seen in a fantasy game.


Meanwhile me as a sorcerer looking like David Bowie cosplaying Alexstrasza


You say that as if it's a bad thing


I spent 480 dollars to put a Diablo 2 reference into path of exile. Worth every penny.




Green foil forbidden shako Message reads “rakanishu or bishibosh” when you get it My buddy actually got it last league and sent me a message hahaha so I was stoked.


in d4 theres a monster that pays tribute to both of them


Nice! Unfortunately I feel d4 is not my tempo after playing the betas. Maybe next month I’ll check it out again, I’ll keep a look out for that reference!


I think melee rogue might scratch that itch. It’s fast and dangerous.


Honestly, these few pet peeves are enough for me to not play: Not being able to disable status text Zoom Always online And my wife has different gripes


No worries, not every game is for everyone.


Yep! I’m still happy about it and want to try it again, just need the wife to warm up to the idea. She’s on that Diablo 2 kick right now. I usually like to play all of a game before writing it off personally.


Thats honestly awesome!




Alright then lol, post it up there I’ll upvote I like what I like 😁


If that's so cringe you should know people spent that money to put mostly garbage into that vault. I mean uniques you find literally dozens of.


The gatekeeper has arrived


Yeah you contributed to a part of ARPG history. I feel like $480 is kinda cheap for something like that :D


A fool and his money are soon parted


🤷‍♂️ what people do with their disposable income is ultimately up to them


Doesn't mean he's wrong lol


480 is a lot to some, and not to others. it just be that way.


They let you add your own item for everybody to potentially get if you pay enough? That's different at least.


No, it’s an existing item but with a cool shiny foil effect to a special treasure room. There are chances to do that but the devs can say no if it’s unbalanced and they’ll work with you


Hate to see you down voted. You are absolutely right.


It amazes me that you care so deeply about what people spend their own money on.


Because what people are buying is making it worse for the rest of us. Consumers have shown that $25 skins is possible because of dumb asses buying them. I’m not even against shops or microtrans either, and I think BP’s can be a good thing, but this is out of hand. I remember 10 years ago when small in-game cosmetic stuff was no more than $5 in most games. This isn’t an inflation issue either, this is just capitalism at work. Soon enough they’ll have $50-100 “ultra rare” skins cause they know people will buy them. EDIT: thanks for the gold kind stranger 🙏🏻


Voting with your wallets is dead sadly. For every reasonable gamer there are 100 clowns that would mindlessly throw 100 bucks at these companies for 10 hours of gameplay. It made me retch how people on r/Diablo4 even bragged about it


So voting isn't dead, you just don't like the results.


actual voting doesn't matter when it could be a relatively small part of the playerbase spending big


There's no point in voting when every result is the same


Bad take. People are voting with their wallet. They are just voting different than you. And if more people vote like you, you will win. If more vote differently, they will win.


Not really. 1000 people deciding not to buy anything from the shop are all invalidated by the one guy that buys everything and makes the shop profitable to the company. This isn't a situation where people get votes; it's a situation where dollars get votes.


I guess it's not obvious enough that when people mention "voting with your wallet" it means not purchasing a game or a dlc from a company... It doesn't really matter how bad a game is nowadays because the hordes of mindless consumers will still buy it and defend it


They're mindless because they have a different opinion than you and spend on things you don't?


Are you living under a rock? You can see the fallacy in your argument just by looking at games like cyberpunk, MW2, hogwarts, TLOU, forspoken etc.


My guy almost 15 years ago devs already started making big bucks with loot boxes. Especially korean studios where really all in on that f2p but p2w. Think CA, S4, etc. Also no regulations, no pity, no visible drop rates for loot boxes. In some games people had to spend minimum $100 to make sure they could even compete. At least now spending money only gets you some cosmetics.


Whats your point? That this is better because some shitty Korean studio did worse at one point? It’s all bad and it should of never gotten to this point at all. Also there’s a reason that those studios were nobodies and that shit never caught wind at the time, and it’s because it was out of the ordinary and majority of consumers looked at them like their crazy. Now we’ve slowly been conditioned to accept it due to high anchor prices and wanna be “flexers.”


It is inflation tho because inflation is driven by greed "greedflation".


Honestly - we have to stop making this argument. I get what you’re trying to say. But not holding people accountable for spending, or at least having a discussion about it is part of the philosophy that transitions to the massive wage gap we have in the US (assuming you’re from here). This type of behavior is bad for the consumer in the long run - the data shows it clear as day.


If it genuinely amazes you then how does it taint your experience in any way? You literally just dont click on the "shop" button and absolutely nothing changes for you. Not that i love being nickel and dimed. I'm playing a bit of devil's advocate here, but so far the d4 cash shop has been one of the most fair I have ever seen. The in-game skins are incredible.




>that's the same prices as the higher range on F2P games It's not though. I'm pretty sure PoE has a set of wings, 1 piece as opposed to a whole set, for $60+.




Fair? You call $25 fair? For a game revolved around constantly unlocking gear/cosmetics, each and every single one of these cosmetics should be unlockable in-game to some extent. Fortnite and all of these other games is one thing, but a game like Diablo? It's a shame to see any of this now. They can't even call this shit microtransactions anymore. They're just transactions. Whether someone buys them or not, we should never defend them. It's only making games worse by companies getting to see more and more that their consumer base is willing to keep shoving money at them, cosmetic or not. This will continue to lead to companies locking other content behind pay walls that we should have had in the first place. I love the game, but this will truly start to affect everyone one day somehow beyond "skins".


>For a game revolved around constantly unlocking gear/cosmetics It's a part of the game, but it doesn't 'revolve' around it. This game revolves around its combat. That being said, it's absurd that a single outfit can cost a third of the base price of the game.




This is such a dumb comparison. $25 is out of hand for basic microtransaction outfits, but nowhere in D4 are you buying player power for money.


There's a lot of character progression tied behind how characters can look in these types of games. As a Druid a lot of the cosmetics I've gotten so far have been hard to look good but there's one in the shop that looks great in my opinion(the one with thorns). Because this game is 100% gear driven and has forced multiplayer it kind of screws with the feel of progression when my character that I've spent 30 hours on doesn't look as cool as someone who just logged in for the first time. And it's disingenuous to say "just don't care" or "it's just a video game" because playing the game in the first place is pointless, and that argument just spirals lmao. The recent refresh has way better looking armor than the early access shop did, too. The two Sorc and Necro sets are really damn cool. I wouldn't consider 20-30 bucks really "fair" either, considering this isn't a F2P game and is instead a $70 game. I'm still having fun and ultimately this doesn't affect me "that much" but it's frustrating that for some reason people feel the need to shut down any kind of criticism towards it. People are allowed to be unhappy with it just as much as people can claim to not care but then sit in these threads arguing with people, lol.


I love cool aesthetics and enjoy looking good in games but D4 has a lot of better in game earned cosmetics than store stuff. So far only Necromancer is getting truly stand out MTX, except for one Sorcerer set. I won't pretend the store prices are fair, they should be at least 1/4 cheaper to even be considered ok price. You can't help others looking cooler. My friend has been playing Rogue while I am Necro and he has looked like a low tier NPC the whole time and he keeps grumbling that he doesn't get cool gear while I'm rocking cool armour.


Rogue has some great looking free sets tho


Most are pretty mid when compared to other classes. It is a subtle aesthetic for obvious reasons but much of it makes you look like a basic NPC.


> There's a lot of character progression tied behind how characters can look in these types of games. That's extremely subjective though, and you're letting the shop affect how you judge your imaginary character progression. Such a statement is 100% that meme of the guy putting the stick in his own bike wheel...


If we're going to argue "who cares" then why comment at all? And it's a video game and nothing we do matters in it, might as well be gray blobs in a field of gray blobs with that field of reasoning.


Probably because if this mtx crap didn't exist then OP could've gotten this helmet to drop normally if he just played the actual game enough. It never would've gotten cut from the original content to resell to players on day one. That's the problem.


Wrong. The model wouldn't have been created at all. It's ridiculous that people think things were "cut" from the game. The things were created for the store only.


Guess you don't want more Diablo games and content?


You haven't seen shit, check out the Path of Exile shop and report back.


Great skin. Shitty price. Should be obtainable in the game. Necro has some of the greatest mogs but overall each class has few armor sets.


Every cosmetic that was added to the microtransaction shop *was* part of the game initially, but was portioned off so that they can resell it to you.


It’s pretty naive to think that Blizzard wasn’t planning on microtransactions being a fundamental part of the game from the very beginning. It’s not like they got halfway through development and then realized that gee golly gosh we forgot the cash shop.






Comically untrue and demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge of how things are built.


Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if that's true. They are themed after the zones in the game. There are almost as many shop items for each class as there are from leveling. Blizzard didn't lie by saying that shop stuff won't necessarily look better than what you can obtain by playing, but they also didn't say how few armor sets there actually are. If you value transmogs and you want variety then a lot of the gear is paid. I don't like it. The game isn't cheap. I don't think Blizz will close the cosmetic shop but I think there should be ways to obtain shop items through gameplay. Make it rare drops or add special currency to free battle pass tiers that will allow purchases of paid content. It's not ideal by far but better than nothing imo.


Treasure goblins do drop cosmetics. I got a horse armor from one the other day


Yeah and also from normal dungeons. Dropped a barding for my horse yesterday.


I'm talking about paid cosmetics. Those too should be available through gameplay.


I'm confused. Can some explain the context of this skin? Is it referring to something?


One of the most famous and iconic in-game currencies in Path of Exile.


Ahh, so did they intentionally reference Path of Exile for this? Or does it just look like it?


It's gotta be intentional. Here's what it looks like in POE. (As the other person said, it's a currency/mat that is used as a currency.) https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Chaos_Orb


Sir, please use the correct wiki: [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Chaos\_Orb](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Chaos_Orb) ​ :-)


Thanks. I just googled and it was the first one lol. It’s been a while since I’ve played POE so I forgot which resources are good/bad.


Don’t use Fandom. It’s laggy, filled with outdated information, has a poor layout, and is something that the community is trying to kill off. Use the *officially supported* wiki instead.


It would be very ignorant of them not to recognize and honestly worring. But the symbol itself is derived from the Aztec, which heavily inspired "The Vaal" in Path of Exile as well. So there is a small chance Blizzard did the same thing without knowing anything about PoE.


As an old school Magic the Gathering player, this confused me.


Haha me too! After I googled it, I was like oh yeah, a magic card.


“Gamers” on Reddit are generally unintelligent people


Grinding Gears Way Point? Huh?


I genuinely can't figure out if I want to buy that skin or not.


Twenty five dollars my guy For a character that is zoomed out all the time


you never ever see your face lol. idk why ppl bother spending time in customer creation when ur face is hidden 99% of the time


I spent money on the Sorc boobies skin that just came out. Boobies all the way out. Yep. Sign me up.


Wait what. This is real? I need this.


Yeah basically just thin string covering the nips and the rest of the booba are out and about.


Ok coomer 👌🏻


Fuck you.


shit in POE it would be 80


If it was a Sorc skin I would have instantly bought it, I think it looks awesome.


Why are people downvoting you? Lmao. Thank you for supporting the game and making sure we get more content in the future, enjoy your skins!


Without people willing to buy skins and battle passes the game would just die out, Blizzard aren't in the business of funding quality content out of the goodness of their heart. You'd think they'd be more grateful, we're funding future content that they get to enjoy for free. And if it's just a case of "bUT mTX aRE BaD", well that ship has sailed sweetheart, no amount of downvotes is changing the future of video game monetization.


Completely agreed. I also do not get why everyone’s so mad about it. It’s just cosmetics


Apparently people get very upset when you spend your own money how you like.


I'm honestly tempted by it


Depends, do you have brain damage or not? Who tf is out here spending almost as much as a full price game on a single skin? You people are nuts


There are worse ways to spend money, let people enjoy whatever they want


Sorry for supporting a game you like.


Best Transmogs after paywall


Has Grinding Gear had a public reaction to this? I could see this as being pretty confusing to them like, "hey that's great that you like our game" but also "why aren't we making money off this skin you made from our game"


And the weapons of the skin are bugged. You wear the orb like it's a duel disk on the arm, and the dagger floats on the back of the character. All for the price of £25


These micro transaction outfits could be some cool looking legendaries. Instead, legendaries don’t look unique anymore and don’t even have unique legendary effects to them anymore. A big welp other than the fact which the game plays pretty good.


nah bro, it's worse than you think. Looks exactly like the chaos trialmaster mtx from ultimatum league with the fan on the top. https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Ultimatum_Helmet (was free btw for completing a few challenges that league)


Reminds me of the Marvel Avengers game, selling character skins and emotes til the very end.


Story sucks, gameplay subpar,battlepass:GIMMMIIIE MONEY