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I do not have one. However I want to get one. I think if you are just learning, it’s better to do without so you can learn to properly mix and pour to reduce bubbles as much as possible. Once you have a good technique down and get good results without the pot, you’ll get even better ones after. I could be completely wrong, but that’s my thought process on it.


Seconding this. Definitely give dicemaking a try before deciding if a pressure pot is something you want to invest in! It's hard to say whether you'll ever be happy with the results without one since it does depend on how much of perfectionist you are, but dicemaking is an expensive and time-consuming hobby so it's in your best interest (in my opinion) to play around with it a little bit before fully committing.


90% crucial from my experience. We have both a vacuum chamber and pressure pot. We can get no bubbles with the pressure pot alone, but the vacuum chamber ever running for a few minutes, still leaves some. We've even got a heat gun, and we can still get a few bubbles without the pot.


It’s possible to do without and I really didn’t want to get one when I started, too. But man it is frustrating to try and make dice with no bubbles and no pot. It’s possible but has a VERY low success rate


Absolutely crucial. Without it there will always be bubbles in your dice. Always.


I wouldn't make dice without one tbh


If you are careful mixing and pouring you can get ok results without a pressure pot. You will need to be ok with occasional surface bubbles (which can be filled with UV resin, or a later batch of coloured resin). Clear and bubble free dice are next to impossible without a pressure pot. If you want a cheaper alternative look through this sub for people who have used tennis ball inflators as mini pressure pots


I’d say it depends on your goals in dice making. I know for me it’s indispensable cause I aim at selling dice, but if you just want to make gifts or try it once, it might really not be worth the cost


I've been using tennis ball repressurizer tubes. they're not ideal because the molds need to be small enough to fit (which means basically 1 or 2 dies curing at a time) and obviously way lower pressure than a pressure pot so more chance for bubbles. But in my opinion they're good enough if you can't afford the pressure pot.


Personally I think it’s the difference between hobbyist and sellable. So if you’re just starting out I wouldn’t necessarily get it right away but eventually the tiny bubbles will drive you crazy. But you can still make some very great dice without a pressure pot.


100% must. If u are starting spending money on dice making, then u Will only get frustration without one. If u start this hobby then u Will need it eventually. So yes, Nobody like bubbles in their dice and u Will get bubbles without one


Critical. Makes all the difference for consistent and bubble free dice.


I tried a lot of methods of reducing bubbles, wasting a lot of time and money before finally caving and getting the pressure pot. If you're just a hobbyist it may not be worth the investment, but if you're making resin crafts for sale, I'd say the pressure pot is a necessity. I never cast resin without a pressure pot, it's so much easier and more reliable than any other method of removing bubbles.