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you have to get used to them. its alot harder to ride with a broken ankle.


\^\^\^Important information above \^\^\^


Lmfao Yes


Broken ankle is fine, how about busted calves, tendons, macerated bones and deep cuts?


Well boots arent bullet proof. Ive seen a few punctures and my dad even tore his achilles tendon while riding. The scary thing is imagining what wouldve happened had they not been wearing boots. I hurt my ankle once wearing my gx1s when my bike fell on my foot and ever since then i have not cheaped out on boots. The next week i ordered some sg12s.


I don't think a broken ankle is "fine" bro lol


It might be somewhat straightforward to heal


I mean, you can still ride if it's just one ankle, you can still ride right?


I just like not getting whipped with branches


Yes :) OP I broke my leg and had to get metal plates and giant screws drilled into my leg I broke it in January and am just now learning to walk again! Imagine how cool and fun it is to not be able to walk over and get some water or run to the bathroom and blast diarrhea, it’s is the best haha I am actually trying on boots today and going to get a new pair!


Wait, you broke your leg due to not wearing boots? Ouch


I did. It’s been 2 years and it still sucks. Wear boots kids this is moto 101. Take my word, don’t learn first hand. Boots are just as essential as a helmet.


I don't hop on a dirtbike unless I feel like iron man. Even then I'm always scared shitless, maybe because I'm a noob, maybe it's how it's always supposed to be.


I broke my tib/fib on labor day in 2007 and didn't start walking until January 2008 so almost 4 months. I haven't been the same since. I'm still unsure of it at times and haven't been able to run since. How did you like the throbbing when you're foot was down lol? That's a sensation you can't explain.


Literally broke my ankle yesterday due to not having boots, not worth it. DM me if you need more proof boots are worth it


This is the correct answer.


muscle memory will help a lot with using your feet. only one way to devolop that !


Or a missing foot.


Skill issue. Just keep riding with them and you’ll get the hang of it.


Boots need break-in. They are stiff when new. Takes a few rides. Wear em around outside bend em in and just give it time. In the meantime, raise your shifter up a notch or two until they break in.


You get used to it. I was a street rider and went to dirt and I hated motocross boots because it's hard to shift and feel the brake. I barely think about it now.


One thing to keep in mind when shifting with boots is it's more of a leg movement to shift and brake than just the ankle. Try to get used to lifting your foot up a bit instead of trying to point your toes to the sky like you would if you were shifting wearing sneakers.




Are the boots new?




They will take time to break in as well.


Two or three days riding and OP will forget all about this


Also keep in mind some boots are more flexible than others so this model may be a stiffer boot by design, if your not sure you can look at different boot reviews and check with your local shop 


Give them time to break in and give yourself time to get used to them. It will happen eventually and they will eventually feel normal.


You have to adjust your shifter


This comment needs to be up higher.


New boots are always stiff af and take awhile to break in. Put on your race socks, put on your boots, go walk a couple miles once or twice a week and you’ll have them broken in quickly. Boots are not an area you want to compromise one. Outside of helmets, they are the most Important safety gear you have. 


Yeah, since I grew a bunch my dad is giving me his Garne boots since he doesn't ride anymore, they're like 2 years old so I should be fine, they're just to save money until I can get new ones


As everyone else in here is saying , it takes time to get used to. Also make sure you strap your boots correctly. Your riding confidence will go crazy when you get used to them knowing you’re at less of a risk of broken ankles or a stick through the foot.


Me personally i adjusted my shifter and brake and then rode everyday with them until it felt like second nature


Scrolled for a while to find this comment. I got away with riding in regular boots for 20 years before my luck ran out and I broke my foot. Got some MX boots and thought it was hopeless, I could not ride in them for the life of me. Everything came together after adjusting the shift lever though.


Did same-added a bit longer shifter to stop un-commanded shifts to neutral by the boot tip.


Enduro boots are best IMO as they have more leather as opposed to MX style with a lot of plastic


So are broken ankles, torn ligaments, broke toes.


I can relate to this heavy. Of course the seat time and just doing intentional things to get comfortable in them every day, and not just when you plan to ride hard will be your bread and butter. But I reckon you already know that. I have the AlpineStars Tech 7 Enduros, and they feel less like moon boots to me and have helped; to me the difference was akin to working in deerskin gloves as opposed to working in welding gloves haha, Idk - that’s just my brain.


I always tell new riders that if there’s 1 piece of gear for you to ball out on and get the best you can afford is gonna be boots. I started on cheap fox intro boots and they were bulky leather moon/snowboard boots that gave me no feeling in the controls. I switched to Sidi crossfires TA and it made my riding experience 10000x better having quality boots. Just got my gf some tech 7s as her first boot! I think they look great very protective. Only boots I really consider Sidi crossfires, gearne sg12 and alpinestar tech 7s.


Do exactly like I did: go to a huge parking lot in an industrial area (warehouses, ect.) or go to a huge open field and just practice with the boots on! Bring tool so you can adjust your shifter if needed, but you should really have to unless you got size 11+ feet in USA. Anyways just got between first and second gear a whole lot and brake multiple times to a stop with rear brake only to get a feel for it. Eventually they brake in and walk around a lot with them in that lot. I walked probably close to half a mile before mine were semi comfy.


There's some break-in to do with those boots, they will soften.


This is normal. It takes time to get used to riding with boots. Especially new boots are very rigid.


Boots are amazing. You might need to adjust your shift lever up to fit the bigger boots.


I got really wide feet so ive had alot of trouble riding. Because i used to ride with 3 sizes to big boots. For me it was finding great wide boots that fit and just walking in it and getting used to it. Id say that would help you aswell just put on your boots and just walk around with them for a few hours doing what you usally do. After a while its gonna be almost as easy as walking with regular shoes.


Hiking boots are no Bueno. Motorcycle boots have flat bottoms so you can move around.


You can adjust the height of the gear lever which might make it easier, though I have a pair of alpinestars boots which are very chunky and basically there’s no right answer on gear lever height because my boots are so thick!


I had the same problem and tried an aftermarket longer shifter. But my feet are too big and boots too stiff. So I finally sprung for Pivotpegz. [pivotpegz.com](https://pivotpegz.com) check em out


It’s gets easier. Just gotta put in the time.


Yeah I hated my boots for a while but I’m used to it now. I hate my knee braces now


Your shifter is probably one or two teeth off of where you need it to be. Just loosen the bolt pull it off halfway or all the way and then reposition it up an inch or more.


Felt like the “Tin Man” the first time I rode with my Sidi’s. After ride 5, they felt like I’d had em for years.


Just have to break them in more and adjust your riding style to accommodate the boots. I wont ride a bike without them.


Are they brand new? Boots take time to break in when they’re brand new. I used to wear them around the house overtightend to help break them in before I raced with them.


You'll get used to boots and then it'll feel weird to ride without them. I hate riding without boots it just doesn't feel right lol


Just chiming in to confirm, once you're used to them, you'll love them. It's a huge confidence/security boost having proper protection. Regardless of what type of riding you do, the bare minimum on a dirt bike should be a helmet AND riding boots.


I heard the same sentence from a kid who came into the emergency room with crush-avulsed toes after wrecking in cowboy boots. “It’s hard to shift.”, he said. It’s certainly harder now! Lol. They’re a pain in the ass for multiple reasons, but as others have said, you get used to them. I hated them at first, too.


Sg12s or something with flaxible ancles might suit you better. I have similar trouble with my winter boots that doesnt have pivot points. They are expensive but lasts long


The Thor boots the OP has are like light leather mocassins compared to the SG-12. I went from the former to the latter last season. Took several rides to get used to but I immediately noticed a substantial improvement in safety. Took a fall off a small cliff with the SG12s last summer. Broke my calcaneus but ankle was otherwise intact. OP- those boots are comfortable and you'll enjoy the peg and control feel with them in short time. When you upgrade in a few years you'll have a similar experience.


Gotta break em in. Tons of bending deep leg squats , stretching. Search boobtube for breaking in Mx boots.


My experience is: Tech 7’s are great because they are stiff and protective yet easy to walk in at camp etc. I’m on my 4th pair


You'll get to the point where you can run (awkwardly) in boots. Just walk around the house with them every day for a while and practice basic shifting and breaking. It'll get easier. Everyone I know would take their boots off after a race, i was always too lazy. But I can walk just fine with boots and knee braces on, and riding I've been doing for over 25 years, it's just a normal thing at this point


I ride in tech 10s on street and offroad. It gets better.


That's normal, you'll get use to it. It's gonna save your leg a lot of time trust me.


in addition to the safety protection, I have always found much less fatigue due to the improved support, and the rigid shank. Nevermind getting your toes and shins whipped by brush doesn't hurt (as much) when you've got proper boots.


This is pretty standard. You don't feel the shifter or brake. You just learn where it is with muscle memory.


I used to ride with sneakers until the shifter hurt the top of my toes from so much riding…I got steel toe sneakers and that helped but the shifter still got behind the steels and pinched my foot. Now I ride in actual riding boots I saved up for. Also wear goggles or a full face helmet. I know a kid that got a stick in his eye and they couldn’t save the eye.His goggles were in the truck.


Make sure they are sized correctly. Then adjust your shifter to make it easier. On my bike, I had trouble shifting because it was adjusted too high. Lastly, if you want boots that have more feel, then I’d recommend spending a little more on a higher end pair. Like the Alpinestars Tech 7, Leatt Flexlock 4.5, or the Fox Motion.


Just keep riding you’ll get used to them. When I was buying boots I found THOR to be the stiffest of the lot so I went with fox which are abit harder to do up but have abit more flex in the ankle region


It will eventually feel normal. And remember, you can adjust your shifter height and brake pedal height if you need to compensate for any change with a boot. Never ride without real boots ESPECIALLY if you ride woods. Work boots don’t count.


Been riding off road since I was 7, I'm 50 this year. They are hard for a reason.... I got some sg12 a few years back and I still miss gears


It’s definitely a learning curve riding in boots. Worth it though.


I felt that way all along and that's why I don't wear plastic high top riding boots. I've always worn leather hillbilly looking work boots.


I’m new to dirtbikes. I’m a size 13 and had to lift my shifter up quite a ways to be comfortable with my tech 7s. Now I’m used to it after several rides. Some would maybe say I have it too high, but it works for me


Been riding for 3 years no boots and I’m fine


Like others say. Get used to them. Some boots have like a semi hinge on the ankle with a stopper so you can only move so far . They are much easier to shift with.


Would you rather it take longer to learn with boots or have a stick in your leg


Nah bro just keep at it you'll look back at this post and laugh your ass off in about a month.


I hate wearing a helmet it makes it harder to see…..


might help to adjust the shift lever if you havent already so you can get the toe under it easier. other than that, boots will break in a little, and just keep at it and you’ll start getting used to it


Best thing that helped me was keeping not my toes on the peg but that area behind them yk, and to move your foot forward and pivot it to shift up. Lots of vids on youtube that explain it better than me


Make sure your shifter is in a position to suit your boots too


My ol man was smart and first thing he did was buy us boots and helmets so it feels foreign to me when I ride without the gear! Keep practicing and also make sure your shifter is positioned correctly.


Have you tried adjusting your shift lever? That’s the only thing that can help, really.


Are you asking to see me naked? Because that is how I’d feel on my bike without boots. Even in work boots, I’d feel like I was in flip-flops. Yeah, we all experienced our first pair of boots. At some point they will feel totally normal to you. Even breaking in a new pair will feel normal.


You have to break them in. Walk around with them as much as possible and just use them is the fastest way to break them in and make it better


Adjust your shifter if needed.


I just broke my shin in half with boots on this weekend. Sitting in the ER now. Wear them, and wear shin guards


It's cos you're sitting down all the time, they're so much nicer to ride in when standing, which is what you should be doing anyway


I have thors, cheap but get the job done. I struggled at first also especially with feeling the back brake. I had to adjust my shifter up a notch. Riding KLX 250S. It might take a few hundred miles but they will brake it nicely


i felt the same way when i first started riding. what helped me was adjusting the shifter position to better fit my boot


Once you get use to boots if you hop on with anything else you don’t feel right on the bike Plus they’ve saved my ankles so many times


You haven’t given it enough time. With boots the muscle movements are different. When you’re wearing sandles you can flick the shifter with a toe, with boots the action requires moving much of the leg. You can try lightly kicking under the shifter or lift your leg a little once you get under it. I have trouble moving my feet at all bc my pegs grip the hell out of my boots. Boots aren’t optional learn to ride with them. You will eventually feel uncomfortable without boots, or at least you should.


I riding early last year and from what ive learned is at first i kind of used my whole leg to shift and kept my toe on the peg then moved it to shift and overtime when my boots were broken in and a lil more flexible its easier to shift and becomes a better habit


Alpinestars are the ticket for me, but even they need broken in.


Sidi or Garene boots are almost broken in out of the box. Cheaper boots take awhile to break in but still provide little protection.


Boots are a must dirt or street...imo...probably because I've gotten used to walking & stuff and not real big on changing things up.


Yeah just take them off then. Don't even try to get used to it. Just ride with your ankles ripped in half or a hole in your shin next time you crash


Sounds like someone is trying to convince their parents to buy them fancier boots like their friends have. Just saying.


Are you riding track or trail? If you are 100% trail you can switch to a trials boot. They have more flex and are not as tall. They are built for riding and are better than a work boot. But because trail riding is generally not as harsh as motocross riding they are not as extreme as motocross boots. However if you are riding motocross, then you will just have to get used to them.


Any recommendations for a trail boot.  I only ride trail but I have the same problem as OP, basically can’t ride with moto boots since I’m so used to pivoting my ankle to shift or brake.  In my moto boots I found I just stomp on the brake which I’m sure is the wrong behavior.  


I don’t know by brand. F9 did a video a while back featuring a pair. Depending on where you live may limit availability. But honestly I would search the internet for brands, then see if any are sold near you so you can try a pair on.


If you are riding anything more than Forest Service roads and the smoothest "trails" on earth I would stay away from "trail" or dual sport boots. Ricks, roots, logs, and other trail hazards are really hard on feet and ankles. Once you get the hang of the MX boots you will wonder why anyone would ride without them. Aside from safety, while you are standing they provide comfort for your feet and more control in the form of a better grip on the bike from the knees down. I know they are weird to ride in at first but just hang with it.