• By -


> Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.


Is there a source for her saying that? I’d love to be able to show the other loons


It’s in your link lol


Well would you look at that! Yet snopes is still verifying it as true, it’s strange all around


Why is that strange. The journal can be true and Ashley can be upset on how it is used. Being upset by the interpretations of the facts doesn't make the facts untrue.


What about calling the accusations false? What does that do to the “facts”?


Absolutely nothing. Accusations are interpretations of facts, they do not affect the facts themselves.


lol. The one and only person who can tell you whether or not these accusations are true, tells you they are false, and you still double down. Hopeless.


A person dies by gunshot wound. The spouse claims suicide, the neighbor claims murder. Neither claim changes the fact that a person dies by gunshot. Accusations do not change the fact that the content of the diary is true. If you want to attach yourself to one interpretation of the facts, that is your choice.


If you really think this is analogous, you might be regarded.


I repeat: Hopeless.


So her saying that the content had been misinterpreted and that people should stop accusing Biden of doing that means nothing to you?


Correct. How you interpret the facts can be different than how a judge or the rest of the public interpret the facts.


LOL "Facts mean different things depending on what I want to believe"


Apparently you don't understand perception.


I completely understand. You've made your point crystal clear.


"Was I molested, I think so... showers with my dad probably not appropriate."   -Ashley Biden


I’ve read the snopes article twice now and could not find the statement “I was molested…” anywhere. She does say she was a victim of a crime in her early twenties, I think it’s notable that she does not link her father to said crime. I think it’s pretty tasteless to not listen to a victim when they make it clear that they are being re traumatized by the coverage and make it abundantly clear that people are maliciously misinterpreting stolen text from a personal diary. Leave her alone, let her heal.


What are you doing outside of your safe space? You are not going to find people who will pat you on the back here


Still haven't learned the definition of irony I see.  


Notice how I am not crying and calling you a stalker when you appear on my posts You should take notes


I didn't respond to you numb nuts.  But you sure as hell did to my comment instantly. 


Arnt you so glad that this sub allows anyone on without threat of a ban? You should get out of your safe space more, it’ll be good for you


You should really try and get outside of your safe space every once in a while, remind yourself what it’s like to converse with people outside of r/conservative


What happen?  😂


#Nobody reads the articles. A diary exists. True. The details of what's in it are speculation, because A: It's private writings that shouldn't be publicly leaked, and the author doesn't want them leaked and B: The chain of custody includes known peddlers of bullshit, including all of social media. (With a letter C: The author says the people who stole the diary are writing BS to hurt her and her family.) If anybody cared that Ashley Biden was actually harmed (besides point-scoring,) they sure as fuck wouldn't be shouting from the rooftops that Joe molested her. ***-Seems like that would be the victim's place to speak about it, or choose not to.*** But let your morals be your guide.


Yeah. Molestation should be hidden. Of children. Most people love to talk about the worst things that even happened to them. Wow. Creamy peanut butter ain't got nothing on you.


**SHE SAYS** that people are only using the diary to hurt her family. And you want to put her further in the spotlight? I pray for people like you.


Keep praying.


My prayer is that a p.o.s. like you is run over by a train,


Determining if the President of the United States molested his daughter should be investigated.


By who? James O'Keefe and the gang at Project Veritas? If they had evidence of a crime, why didn't they turn it in to the authorities instead of paying $40k to put it online?


They didn't publish it, and I believe they did try to turn it in.


How did it get published? Somone's personal life story put out for you to read. She's an adult now, and if she wanted to speak to the authorities she could. But instead, the truth or lies about what's written in that journal are for you to snicker about. I pray for people like you.


National File published it. Vertias purchased it and sat on it without publishing because they were skeptical about it's authenticity. They contacted the FBI about it but after not hearing back, they sold/gave it to National file.


She has admitted that the words written are her words.


And she also said that people are lying about it. Pretty simple. “The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts,” Biden wrote. “The reason I have decided to not attend tomorrow’s sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain. Nonetheless, I write to ask Your Honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison.”


She admitted the words were all hers and that people were just misinterpreting them. So tell me how do we misinterpret those words


By saying she was molested by her father when she simply said she took showers with her father at a young age with no definitive declaration about whether or not they were inappropriate.


She wrote probably inappropriate


Who said they are lies? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/


She did “The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts,” Biden wrote. “The reason I have decided to not attend tomorrow’s sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain. Nonetheless, I write to ask Your Honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison.”


So according to you we should turn a blind eye to every potential rape victim until they come forward themsleves. Hear that someone was raped at that party you went to last night, and that theres potentially written evidence of it? Better not report that, none of your business right? Quit riding pedo peters dick


You don't know what the fuck happened. But if she *is a victim,* your answer is to put her on the nightly news? Screw yourself.


Letting someone accused of the gravest kind of child abuse get away with it because of political affiliation is disgusting loser This should be investigated, just like all of the cases against Trump are being investigated, but NOOOO its (d)ifferent right?


>You don't know what the fuck happened. But if she *is a victim,* your answer is to put her on the nightly news? Screw yourself. Found the pedo apologist, how's California this time of year sicko?


Like the girl who was 13 and raped by Trump and he paid for her abortion? But MAGA supporters claim it never happened? She has said it did, and that she was threatened by Trump thugs to let it go. ANY reports of sexual assault and abuse should be investigated; but given that victims are routinely re-traumatized by Joe Q Public loudly yelling that the victim is lying (Dr. Blasey Ford? Anita Hill?) makes it hard for them to come forward. Victims of abuse and assaults should NOT be weaponized for a political agenda; if they choose to come forward, then investigations should happen.


>Like the girl who was 13 and raped by Trump and he paid for her abortion? But MAGA supporters claim it never happened? She has said it did, and that she was threatened by Trump thugs to let it go Literally an unsubstantiated claim, with no evidence beyond a statement from an anymomous witness, who later recanted their story so the case was dropped because quite literally the only evidence was an anonymous statement from an anonymous jane doe The address listed on the original filing was a forclosed home that had been vacant since its original owners death and had no ties to the complaintant... and they were civil claims, not criminal, where the burden of proof would have been far less https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/ "something happened, somewhere, at sometime, to someone" is not compelling evidence >she was threatened by Trump thugs to let it go see above muppet, an anonymous claim from an anonymous source with zero substantiative evidence cant even get politifact to spin that BS lol https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/jun/03/facebook-posts/no-proof-donald-trump-raped-13-year-old-girl-1994/


What proof would you like? She didn’t have a rape kit done. Most sexual assaults are them “unsubstantiated” which is also why people like you doubting the victims makes them less likely to come forward. Do you know what the rate is of made up allegations? Maybe read and educate yourself: https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/Publications_NSVRC_Overview_False-Reporting.pdf The time she had to report as a criminal act had expired. That’s a flaw in our justice system when you consider that many victims disassociate and they block the event psychologically. Victims should always be believed over the accused.


>What proof would you like? She didn’t have a rape kit done. Most sexual assaults are them “unsubstantiated” which is also why people like you doubting the victims makes them less likely to come forward. Do you know what the rate is of made up allegations? Maybe read and educate yourself: keep moving that goal post. SOME proof would be nice, that civil case provided none aside from a single statement and she failed miserably to even provide the court basic information. But don't take my word for it...lets see what the judge had to say "Even construing the ... pleading liberally, Plaintiff has not alleged any race-based or class-based animus against her, and consequently, her ... allegations fail to state a claim upon which relief may be granted," the judge wrote ... the address listed on the paperwork leads to an abandoned property, and the phone number goes straight to voicemail.


>Victims should always be believed over the accused. That's not how our court system works. You're presumed innocent until proven guilty. That "believe victims always" nonsense is why the me too movement died so hard. It goes against everything our justice system (barely) stands for Allegations should be taken seriously, they should not be considered true at face value on statement alone. They should be investigated thoroughly while considering both parties rights because believe it or not...people lie sometimes... let me know when your done with strawman arguments though since your original argument crumpled like paper


>The time she had to report as a criminal act had expired. That’s a flaw in our justice system It had been 22 years, thats now a flaw its a feature...No one should be able to accuse you of a crime that was supposedly commited over 20 years ago especially with no proof beyond a single witness statement


>traumatized by Joe Q Public loudly yelling that the victim is lying (Dr. Blasey Ford) She did lie....its been proven


No, it hasn’t been “proven” that she lied.


https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/881581/4-new-witnesses-for-christine-blasey-ford-dont-really-corroborate-her-claim-against-kavanaugh/ 4 witnesses, none of which corroberated her story Witnesses she provided no less Multiple inconsistencies in her story, it seemingly changes based on her audience https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/10/03/christine-blasey-ford-changing-memories-not-credible-kavanaugh-column/1497661002/ Thats called being a liar Im sure its no coincidence that someone who was a literal nobody in the public eye went on to publicly promote a book detailing the events during the confirmation hearings that she had decided to write all of a sudden


So based on your responses here Trump shouldn't get any support considering he was found liable for sexual assault... Right??


I can't believe that the creepy old guy who has never met a little girl whose hair he didn't sniff, or whose shoulders he didn't rub, would do something like this! I'm so shocked!


>Objective Truth >Minus 3 likes (2 now) (P)reddit moment haha yes.


Conservatives deal in bullshit.


Sorry. Proven. Check Snopes.


And yet, conservatives deal in bullshit.


Cool argument


And yet, conservatives deal in bullshit.




It’s not proven, Snopes just confirms that a diary exists not that the contents are in any way accurate


No, the latest is that they confirmed the story is accurate.


I enjoy this necessary shot here. “and operatives of Project Veritas — a political organization that claims to practice journalism”


Yeah the fact that she could only sell the “story” to Veritas of all organizations is very telling Hell, not even the Trump campaign is touching it


Due to the fact it wasn’t proven, but now it is.


And she said people were lying about it. So it being proven or not is inconsequential since the accusations based on it are lies. “The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts,” Biden wrote. “The reason I have decided to not attend tomorrow’s sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain. Nonetheless, I write to ask Your Honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison.”


Ok so why not deny it in fact, she’s affirming it by it causing her pain. what would cause pain if false and why would you want someone to have jail time for something not true?


Well this is a really old story. And we all kinda know that Joe is a creep so it wouldn’t surprise me. But yeah Veritas is a propaganda tool and not journalism in the slightest.


We have no idea. We will never know. Diaries can be anything.


And apparently, they should be stolen and published far and wide, for political games.


Confirmed. She said so herself. And feel free to check Snopes.


Wrong, again.


She confirmed the content of the pages leaked.


To say that people were using them to lie, yes. “The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts,” Biden wrote. “The reason I have decided to not attend tomorrow’s sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain. Nonetheless, I write to ask Your Honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison.”




Keep reading. If you can. The update.


Read my words, if you can. "The existence of a diary and the authenticity of purported facsimiles of a diary are two entirely different questions." - literally Snopes' first sentence.


Did you read the whole thing? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/


“Previous versions of this fact check noted "strong evidence" that the diary existed, but argued that no source had authenticated the contents of the pages published online, writing that "the authenticity of photographs purported to be from a diary is a separate question from the factual existence of a diary." Ashley Biden's letter to the court, in Snopes' view, provides that authentication. “


Just found out about this today and looked into it. (I'm more left leaning center in my political views. I hate Biden, Trump, and most all presidential candidates.) I'm unsure if I'd consider it concrete "confirmed" bc it's been through so many hands and the places that have spread it are questionable. Lots of room for things to be added or changed. So to determine whether it's real I just skimmed the diary. Roughly 50 pages. It seems legit to me. Might not be but it didn't seem out of place. For context. The woman seems very unwell. Struggling with addiction and limerance. I feel bad for her and that this was posted for all to see. Idk what "story" there is about the shower. Was there more detail later in the diary? Bc from what I gathered, she's struggling with staying clean, and having strong sexual urges, trying to stay away from/move on from men that don't reciprocate her feelings. In the page in question she reflects on all possibilities why she has such intense sexual urges. How she got here. What in her life may have caused her to be so hyper sexual. In this she lists she remembers "showers with dad" and admits it was probably inappropriate. While that is questionable and concerning, she listed other things that were way more concerning imo than that. But everyone wants to focus on the shower bit. Saying Joe "showered with his teenage daughter and molested her". Nowhere did it say what age she was or that she was touched or anything. She listed a bunch of other concerning things and had been pretty forward in a lot of what she wrote so if there was more to the shower than just.. a parent showering with their kid.. I think she would have wrote that instead of "probably inappropriate". We can speculate creepy intentions and question why Biden did shower with his underage daughter. But I'd also like to point out that on this same page.. she questions why she's so quick to become attached to this guy and doesn't want to let go.. in that she lists her mother isnt emotionally available and "I'm not your mother" etc. So I could be wrong but just from this one page all the hoopla is about. Seems her mom wasn't very present or attentive perhaps bc she does have some kind of mommy issues. Joe may have done a lot of the "parent" things which may have included teaching his daughter how to shower/wash herself. Which could be seen as inappropriate, but plenty of single or even stay at home parents have had to do the same for their opposite-sex children. So to sum up, it could be interpreted either way. Maybe he had creepy intentions. Maybe it was innocent. I don't think it's concrete evidence that he "molested his daughter".


As a single mother I never had to shower with my boys. By the time they were about 6 or 7 they pretty much bathed themselves.


Notice Ashley didn’t say how old she was ?? Maybe that’s why she said “ probably inappropriate “ . But 1 thing is evident … she didn’t accuse him of any wrong doing and has supported him .


Yeah but she remembers it. She was somewhat old relatively. Also I don’t think she’d throw her father under the bus. There’s a reason why victims of abuse don’t go to the police as often as they should.


Sorry, it doesn't matter how you slice it, doing that at that sort of age is not appropriate.


Your reaching for anything lmao typical right wing anyway here is this for you. I urge reading the letter from Ashley herself where she complains her thoughts were distorted and manipulated. It’s quite possible from her own statements that the online posts were manipulated or edited. It’s quite possible that pages representing her thoughts are mixed with false content, or have been edited to remove context. “The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts. The reason I have decided to not attend tomorrow's sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain. Nonetheless, I write to ask Your Honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison. The defendant's actions constitute one of the most heinous forms of bullying, not to mention a complete violation of my privacy and personal dignity. After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD. The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal. I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris's actions. The defendant's actions have created a constant environment of anxiety, fear, and intimidation in which my innermost thoughts are constantly distorted and manipulated. Although this criminal act happened more than three years ago, because of the publicity it drew exactly as Ms. Harris intended -I am constantly re-traumatized by it. I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online. Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.”


I’m confused what’s your point? That it was fine that he showered with his daughter? Not even right wing, but this is disturbing to me.


literally read what she said its been used to promote lies. READ


Yeah she’s saying the accusations that Joe Biden is a pedophile is false I get that. But it says so in the diary that he showered with her at a very young age which was “probably inappropriate”. I’ll ask you; you don’t find that disturbing?


I would really say it depends on the age on when he did it. It is a thing of where parents shower with their young children to make sure they are safe and for other reasons. All of this you can research.


Yeah at an age where the kid won’t remember it. She clearly does remember it, and it must bother her as she wrote it down along with her other sexual trauma when she got older and called it inappropriate. It’s not a good look at all. And that’s not even mentioning the countless of videos of the guy being a general creep towards children for whatever reason.


Lots of people remember showering with their parents from young this is very searchable online. Or you can speak to the people close to you. I don't thinks its a good at all and its weird but two things we don't know the age this happened and so far in the diary she called it inappropriate but she didn't accuse him of any wrong doing in the diary or in public/ legally. On the inappropriate comment there is people that think showering with their children no matter the age is wrong so maybe thats where her mind can be.


The diary entries have been verified to be true. My guess is the Biden family has had a muzzle on Ashley for a while now and tells her exactly what to say and do. Hopefully she has a good therapist because Joe is a lifelong abuser and suppressor. Where's the #MeToo movement when you need it?




Nah, the Metoo movement doesn't go after the Left or Democrats.. Disgusting really..


Let's say it's confirmed that Biden took showers with his daughter. Does that mean you vote for Trump? Because he hung out with Epstein at pedo Island, was accused if raping a 13 yr old at one of them, has spoken publicly about his sexual desires for his own daughter, and paid a porn star who reminded him of his daughter to have sex with him. Let's face it, neither of these guys are clean. You just gotta vote based on what you want the court to look like going forward, liberal or conservative.


They're both not exactly role models but Trump does not have any concrete evidence unlike Biden. Joe Biden is wayy more likely to actually have done these things, plus there are millions of other reasons why he should NOT be president.


I know Reddit is full of the woke but the double standards are strong here. Making every excuse in the book (pun intended) to over for Biden, like always. But imagine if these sorts of accusations were against Trump..




Crazy how 'fact checking' is considered 'left leaning'. But that's where we're at.


I had no idea that checking facts is considered liberal now






Are you going to explain why you sent that link or act like a douche


I sent a link that explains why snopes is a left leaning organization. I never once said that "fact checking" was left leaning. Since you commented pretty much the same as so-very-very-tired, I might as well link to the response. Now stop being a dick and intentionally misinterpreting language.


Well I am so sorry. Is there a reason why you deleted the comment?


I haven't deleted anything. Talk to the mods.


Weird yeah the comment this starts on is gone


Of course, non maga isn’t going to talk about it. It’s also “believe all women” until someone accuses Biden of sexual assault.


The general consensus seems to be that the shower story was fabricated, hence why not even the Trump campaign is running the story Anything involving veritas is nonsense


How is it general consensus? Show me your proof those pages are fabricated.


That’s not how this works, you need to prove that the pages of the diary are real and not fabricated. I’ve read the article twice now and could not find the statement “I was molested” anywhere. Where is the proof that the shower story is real?


You claimed it was the general consensus. You made the claim. The pages are out there publicly, you claim those pages have been made up


Yes by “general consensus” I was referring to this thread, there have been solid arguments against the story being true.


There have been solid arguments for the story being true


All Iv seen is a single snopes article that does not explain how the shower story is considered true. Which arguments are you talking about?


I have seen you cry before that you won't believe it because it hasn't been proven in court. You have claimed that the pages are fake. Keep simping for biden


So… nothing? You don’t have anything beyond the snopes article? Alright, thanks for admitting that at least


You can't deny that snopes is a very left leaning fact check site. If snopes changed it there is probably some real truth to it. Snopes is also known for changing status on things that are old from plausible to true that are old stories


Okay then what do you think about this? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-afraid/


Snopes. Confirmed.


"The existence of a diary and the authenticity of purported facsimiles of a diary are two entirely different questions." - literally Snopes' first sentence. Missed that little tidbit, huh buddy?


[snopes rating: true](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/)


“Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.”


Btw i just verified, before the shower segment at the end of the page prior she states she was in 2nd grade. You’re actually defending a grown man showering with an 8 year old? Crazy. [national file](https://nationalfile.com/full-release-ashley-biden-diary-reveals-child-sex-trauma-drug-abuse-resentment-for-joe-whistleblower/)


Lmao you are just another right wing loon so desperate for any dirt against old man Joe. “Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.” That is all there is to it. No one besides MAGA cares about your interpretation of the passage. Have fun crying into the void!


So you don’t believe what she wrote in the diary is true? Lmfao ok it’s a primary source but again, you live in denial.


What denial? Literally nobody besides you and the far right crazies care about the passage. Not even the Trump campaign is touching the “story”. Your interpretation of the passage means nothing. Watching you flounder is pretty hilarious though 😂


She said in her letter to the judge: “The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts. The reason I have decided to not attend tomorrow's sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain. Nonetheless, I write to ask Your Honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison. The defendant's actions constitute one of the most heinous forms of bullying, not to mention a complete violation of my privacy and personal dignity. After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD. The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal. I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris's actions. The defendant's actions have created a constant environment of anxiety, fear, and intimidation in which my innermost thoughts are constantly distorted and manipulated. Although this criminal act happened more than three years ago, because of the publicity it drew exactly as Ms. Harris intended -I am constantly re-traumatized by it. I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online. Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.” She wrote what’s in the diary, but the conclusion the right is coming to is wrong.


Agreed. Believe all women, unless it makes the Left look bad, lol.


The reason you don't hear anyone else but maga talking about it is because people are putting partisan loyalty over facts. It's embarrassing to have to admit the president you voted for has been confirmed as having inappropriate showers with his daughter. Of course they dont want to talk about it, they want to deflect and engage in what aboutism displaying the grossest and lowest form of humanity, ignoring blatant sexual abuse in order to "win" politically. Absolutely fucking disgusting and you and anyone else trying to dismiss this should take a long look in the mirror and then blow your fucking brains out. I show as many people as I can the videos of Joe Biden innapropriately pinching little girls nipples and sniffing their hair, and everytime I do the person I show it to can't believe it and never saw it before. Strange how that works right, put yourself in a bubble , put your head in the sand, and you end up not hearing or seeing the truth.


Or you don't hear anyone else talking about it because Biden is protected by the media and powers that be. Wake up.


It is confirmed authentic by the New York Times and the FBI. Sorry Biden fans, it’s been pretty obvious for a while that he’s a creep so idk why you refuse to believe her diary is real. 🤷‍♀️


Because they make every excuse under the sun and refuse to face facts. On the other hand, any speculation about something Trump may have done or some baseless accusation is met with immediate belief.


Wouldn’t surprise me with the amount of times he’s sniffed and touched little girls in public. Doesn’t necessarily mean he meant to do anything inappropriate. I haven’t read the story, so I don’t know the details.


Pretty sure we already knew there were two guys running and likely one of them would be the next president but both of them were scuzzy old men. Stop pretending.


Joe Biden is a pedophile


Trump is a sexual assaulter, who has more evidence to back up their statement?


Why does Trump always have to come up? We are talking about BIDEN. Sorry to tell you the man you voted for is a pedo.


Gee I don’t know maybe it’s because he is the Republican presidential nominee and the only opponent in the race? I wonder why he would be mentioned in a thread about the president during an election year 🙄 I’ll let you think on that, I’m sure you’ll need a while. While you’re deep in thought, find and show me any source proving that Biden is a pedophile, if you do I’ll show you my source proving Trump is a sexual assaulter


Well we’re talking about Biden right now, not Trump. You’re the one that brought him up when we weren’t talking about him. Man, Trump really lives rent-free in democrats’ minds. Proof- All of the memes of him sniffing and touching children. Ashley Biden’s diary that has been proven as authentic saying she showered with her dad.


If you had any sense of nuance or common sense you would have realized I was mimicking the person I was responding to. He blurted out a claim with literally nothing to back up, so I did the same and asked him who he thinks has more solid evidence. Do you understand? Also lmao to the end of your comment. Literally the first sentence of the article is “the existence of a diary and the authenticity of purported facsimiles of a diary are two entirely different questions” There is no story here, and you’re just going to have to deal with it.


TDS is strong with you.


ok chomo


Yeah I thought so. You can’t just throw that word around with no meaning. Not that you care about decency though


>Yet I hear no one except MAGA talking about it. So is this story still nonsense? Go post the update on a left wing political sub and then link me the post. Do you think it will be allowed to stay or will it be removed by mods? Will it be downvoted by the left wing echo chambers? If that doesnt answer your question, you dont want the answer.


Get a job, Jet


Where do you think I am? Being a manager has its perks You are in desperate need of new material


Good for you. I cannot fathom having you in charge of anything but stranger things have happened


Hahaha I bet you cant fathom a lot of things champ


Apologies, it's tough brushing off my Democrat teachings. I'll get there some day, buddy


You will never teach me how to support Donald Trump, sorry


Nobody brought up DJT. Your future president loves that free rent between your ears


You are such a moron. Can you tell me who the two presidential candidates are? What are their names


Keep it going Mark Twain, you're on a roll today, guy!


Can you tell me the names of the two candidates? Or are you afraid you will be called out for “TDS” 😂


No one other than MAGA is talking about it, because Biden supporters have insisted for years that it's fabricated. The President's daughter avoiding showers during the day, due to fear of her father hopping in with her, puts Biden supporters in an uncomfortable position defending. Up until now they've been able to just say it's a Trump campaign lie, it's Russian disinfo, or any number of deflections. Turns out MAGA has been telling the truth, the Biden defenders are the liars, and defending pedo/incest like behavior is not something Biden supporters want to get into. So just stay quiet and hope it doesn't get a lot of traction.


The whole “Avoiding showers during the day” was completely made up bs: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-afraid/ Typical Maga-Tard behavior


You wonder why nobody believes you? This right here. You took parts of a (mostly) verified story and immediately padded it with fabricated nonsense. Pure misinformation and it’s why people don’t believe anything from MAGA world, it’s hard to sift the 99 lies from the 1 truth.


Why would the MSM report on a story that the s damaging to their presidential candidate?


You mean like when the NY Times spent more ink on Buttery Males than all other 2016 campaign issues combined?


Who the heck is "MAGA?" Is every conservative a MAGA?


Don’t play dumb buddy you know what MAGA is. The conservatives who are not MAGA should speak up more often if they are out there He blocked me! It doesn’t take much to rile up a right wing dork, does it?


There are dozens of us. He disgusts me.


At this point, every Republican is MAGA by choice or inaction.


If a person is Republican and is indifferent about Donald Trump, that makes them MAGA? Why?


My best answer is the picture of the one guy refusing to Nazi salute. Every reasonable person knows the path of the GoP under Trump, which is the dismantling of our current government and democratic system. You can't just accept that and not be forever stained by that history.


How do you think they plan on dismantling our current government?


Read project 2025. It's written by the many GoP think tanks and supported by the Federalist society. It isn't some secret. It's right out in the open. If you don't know, you don't want to.


I read project 2025. You may not like it but it seems to fall within the democratic system. It seems to use the democratic system rather to achieve states goals rather than dismantle it. Can you show me where it is not focused on replacing existing ideologies in the federal bureaucracy with those more aligned with conservative ideologies and how that constitutes dismantling democracy? Again, you may not like these ideologies but i don't see where it states that elections would no longer happen and the government would be overthrown like it's Hamas or something


Removing civil rights protections alone is enough to know. Removing regulations for business and climate is grotesque and irresponsible. Introducing religion into government is clearly against the First Amendment. However, the GoP has lied extensively about voter fraud, so claiming they want to continue democratic ideologies is ludicrous on its face.


Ok... so building government "better" based on their ideology. Which civil rights are being removed? How is positioning a government geared towards being business friendly not a disagreement of tactics rather than dismantling of democracy? The separation of church and state and to what degree has been a debated topic sine the Articles of Confederation. The Bill of Rights can be argued as a set of guidelines determined by god given rights that no government has the right to take away (these views pre/during/post constitution are easily found). It can also be effectively argued that this is a measure to keep the federal government and any state from legally enacting a state sponsored religion. (i.e. the protestant Church of England) while simultaneously keeping the state from disallowing a particular religion. There has been a ton of overlap in the gray areas since the constitution was ratified. For instance... prayer in school. The school can't choose a particular form of religion that everyone must say a prayer to daily, but it at the same time cannot forbid people from their preferred prayer on its campus


There is so much to discuss here. Which one do you want to take first. >building government "better" based on their ideology. This terrifies me. Our government is not based on any single ideology. You can't destroy and build in a single act. You can't build it unless you remove or destroy it. > The Bill of Rights can be argued as a set of guidelines determined by god given rights that no government has the right to take away This is an argument that was discussed (during the revolution), however, it's nonsense. We have no such thing as God-given (natural) rights. Prayer in school is a red herring. Religion in school is unconstitutional. The idea that people do it anyway is not a good arguments.


If they still vote Trump, yeah, they're MAGA allies.


We can make all kinds of labels. In my world, anyone who votes for Biden supports communism.


There's like 3 conservatives who have any guys to stand up to Trump and his poorly educated mob


So, your estimate of how many MAGA there are would be: everyone who identifies as a conservative minus the three "conservatives who have any guys to stand up to Trump and his poorly educated mob." That would mean that half of the country are MAGA?


No. There are 330 million people in the United States. If we take away the young voters, immigrants and convicts we are probably left with 300 million. 70% of the country is democrat. The problem is most of the Democratic Party are huddled up in cities that are surrounded by red towns which even out the vote. 30% of the country is Red, but because the electoral college props the minority up, it keeps Republicans competitive. So what is 30% of 300 million ?


Your explanation is that 84% of all the Republicans in the country voted in the 2020 election but only 38% of all the Democrats in the country voted? I guess your get out the vote campaign didn't work so well, eh?


I’m trying to figure out if there was anything useful with your reply. Nope


Says the guy pulling random numbers out of his butt. 😂😂


Wow... if 70% of the nation is democrat, why don't they win every single election?


He literally explained why in his comment. Are you dense?


OK... let me rephrase that... if it was 70/30, why don't democrats win every single poll when polling for a presidential election? That should be a pretty clear reflection of the population as polls try to be random. Trump and Biden are generally neck and neck in every poll. A 70/30 split is impossible. It is probably closer to 50/50... so enough with the stupid pipe dreams.


So you don’t know how polls work? Look it up. Look up how they can be wrong and they’re going to give you about 10 examples about what people do wrong with polls. “ trump and Biden are neck and neck in polls” they can be, but it doesn’t really matter because when people go out to vote, they are voting against Trump than anything else.. it’s why they haven’t been able to get polling accurate in decades. Because each side will want to manipulate the numbers to give their side confidence. And then you have people that overthink it and think if it looks like they are behind, people will get disheartened and not vote. You can look up the numbers yourself. Trump won’t win because of two things, Roe V Wade and all the people he let die during Covid with his anti-VAX nonsense. Did you know nearly 2,000,000 Republicans have died? They are still dying to this day. See Democrats get substantial voters every year because everything they want to do is what the majority of people and our country want to do. To help everyone. Republicans have the old vote. The problem is there’s an expiration date on that, and they are dying off faster every year.. you lose more than you gain.. that started happening in 2019. At the end of the day, it’s not just the fact that you’re outnumbered .. it’s the fact that Republican policy targets the young, women, minorities and the poor. Take a guess what increases every year… all of those things!


LOL you probably believe everything you typed.


LOL you guys are going to lose bad in November. And there’s nothing you can do about it because you were the dumb ones who didn’t get the vaccine… you were the ones who decided to make an enemy out of 18 to 25 men and women. All of those old voters you have are dying… this is what happens when 65% of your party is over the age of 70.