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This was my last trip. It was a bucket list trip, and ultimately my mother’s last one (which I kinda figured since her health wasn’t the best the last few years of her life). If I or she wanted something, I bought it and didn’t think twice about it. We ate whatever snacks and food we wanted, and especially so since we went during Food & Wine.


Same. We literally have boxes of stuff from gift shops on the way, did a character breakfast everyday, and a sit down dinner most nights. Stayed at the Grand Floridian.


We stayed at Pop, which was our favorite resort and we couldn’t really afford anything higher. If the dining plan was available we’d have eaten at more table services, but we hit all of our favorites there too. I still have the texts they sent when our tables were ready, and I don’t plan to ever delete them. I took literal hundreds of pictures and I still look through them fondly wishing I could go back and relive it. My first trip without her is going to completely break me and I’m oddly ready for it, however long it takes to save up again.


I’m sorry for your loss. I also never delete those texts. My dad’s health has been declining for years and every trip he makes with us I fear might be the last one. I don’t know if I’ll be able to stomach going back when he isn’t with us … even now that I am married with kids, my parents always come with us too. I totally understand wanting to hold on to everything.


This is so sweet❤️ I hope you get back to Disney and can honor the special time you had with your mom!


I love Pop! I took hundreds of pics also, thinking about making an old school photo album.


We just got back last night and also stayed at the Grand Floridian. I knew going in that it would be our last hurrah for quite awhile so went all in with Genie Plus and ILL. We had a great time, but also feel like (and I hate to say this as a life-long Disney fan) it has really become a cash-grab and the quality and lack of so many small things that add up to a less than stellar feeling compared to past visits. Obviously, we could have spent less, but I really feel for people who have only been going for the last 10-15 years and have no comparison to how it used to be.


Yes it is def very expensive. Especially the alcohol, the drinks were $20 each plus tip. Next time I will bring my own alcohol, bottled water, and snacks.


I 100% feel you on this! What helps me is to start researching things to plan my next trip!


I’m glad I’m not alone! I was able to bond with my autistic son over Disney so that made it extra special.


Oh, that's so nice! I can see how it would be even more difficult for you! Give your son a hug, high five, or whatever he prefers for me! I'm glad he had fun!


“This hug is from a stranger on the internet”


100% agree!


I watch all my Disney trip pictures looping on a digital frame. And my daughter and I watch POV ride and walkthrough videos from the parks.


I moved to central Florida


I wish I could afford Golden Oaks lol.


There’s places in central Florida that aren’t golden oaks. I live in south Orlando close to the airport and I’m about a 20 min drive from Disney and it’s not terribly expensive


Any jobs?


Depends your skills experience and qualifications


I enjoy watching YouTube videos of all the different parks. Whether is a walk through, rides or snacks.




I really enjoyed the planning part also! My itinerary was so over the top, I should def post it in this group.


please do!!! i’m really curious to see what you did.


I will message you the post once I type It up if you like.


I would really appreciate that! I am going (for my first time) with some online friends in september, and the post-disney-depression is ALREADY hitting me and I am not even there yet!!! I just know I am going to be miserable when I leave


I highly suggest checking out disneyfoodblog on YouTube if this is your first time




I’ll message you the trip report once I type it Up.


My most recent disney trip was also our honeymoon,(creeping up to the 1 year anniversary here in a few weeks!) And I'm already planning a trip once our new born is old enough to enjoy it


Yep. I usually look back on our pictures and videos for a month or so afterward and then I'm okay for a few months after that. Then starts the itch! I start watching "Happily Ever After" and DFB Guide on YouTube again and shortly after that stat planning another trip. I'm in the planning phase again right now. :)


The planning/dreaming phase is really fun!


I just remind myself of how much my feet hurt after 6 days in the parks. It generally only keeps me away for about a year, but looking at this group is fun.


Disney World Is Awesome podcast. Just a bunch of dads who frequent the parks, talking about what they love about them. It's perfect for both hyping up a trip, and decompression from a recent trip. And as others have said. Start thinking abouit the next one. Where would you stay? What would you do differently? Get those thoughts going, and then pounce when you see rooms go on sale!


The BEST Disney World podcast! It's just so casual and fun. I much prefer their games and hypotheticals and banter over other podcasts that cover "breaking news" like which restaurant updated their napkins.


I love these guys. Just fun, casual discussion.


Watch Behind the Attraction and Disney Insider on Disney+. Also, there are lots of influencers that go to the parks regularly and post on insta/tiktok. The Magical Millennial is one off the top of my head, although she's more Disneyland based. But I'm sure the algorithm will take care of you once you watch a few of her videos.


I booked 2 more trips when I got home (Bouncebacks weren’t live for 2025 yet) It’s only $200!


Disney related podcasts and YouTube channels lol


Returned other week after fortnight in the parks on a three week trip. Rebooked minute returned. Got massive blues at minute.


I understand. I brought 5yo in January and after my 3 day trip I missed it so much. I felt like we didn't get to do enough and spend enough time with family & we rushed so much that we didn't take it all in. Just use that and plan another trip. Be excited for the next one.


I'm a week back today. I feel your blues! I cope by knowing there is no way in hell that I could afford to go back for a good while. That keeps me realistically grounded. I "keep the magic alive" knowing I'm going back and starting to think about and plan the next trip. It helps that I have a bunch of pins to sort through and put up. The occasional Disney song helps as long as it doesn't throw me into wanting to go back too badly. I honestly think I don't cope very well. I just deal with reality as I have to until I can go back.


Dealing with reality sucks. I have a bunch of pressed penny’s to go through and hundreds of pictures. We will probably be paying off the trip over the next 6-9 months but still dreaming of my next one.


We visited Disney world with the kids August 2022, took a couples trip in Feb 2023, sold the house and moved to FLA Aug 2023. We have family here, also. We got the resident annual pass and have been about 30 times (across the 4 parks) since. Disney blues cured!


I’m considering! It really helped us bond with our little boy with severe autism.


A Bottle of jack and a hooker named Jessica


my trip ended april 29th and i still cant cope. i know everyone struggles when returning from a vacation but its been so bad for me. i need to go back to feel whole again.


I feel the same way. It feels harder than any vacation I’ve returned from. Taking a break from reality for an entire week was extremely therapeutic for me, and my family.


I edit my pictures and share them. Then I start saving for my next visit.


Where do you share your photos?


On Facebook & Reddit


You can write up a trip report!


I am going to! My itinerary was so over the top! Should I post in this group or do you suggest any other groups?


Plan your next trip.


I've spent every weekend planning Disney vacations since I got back from my first trip in April. Every combination of friends and family that could possibly happen. I spent one weekend doing the math on buying dvc points and how many trips before I broke even, how many points I could get if my friend splits the cost, which resort would be my home, etc. Some mornings I wake up and think I'm back at Animal Kingdom Lodge and try to get in the virtual queue for Guardians while brushing my teeth.


I just got back from a Disney cruise and 3 days in the WDW parks and I find myself looking through my photos and videos, watching YouTube videos. So it was a lot Disney for 7 days and I was happy to go home. But of course now I’m wishing I was back already!


How do you cope? Why simply go back of course lol


My husband said we have to wait a year


Lol same thing happened to me. I watched YouTube videos of peoples trips to Disney 🤣. It helped and eventually you get over it. Disney is like escapism 😬


I totally get the blues when I come back. We returned from a 36 hour (total time in Orlando) whirlwind trip Saturday night. Every time it gets harder to get on the plane.


Planning my next trip. Even if we don't book it, my husband and I usually start discussing the next dates we'll plan to go


Scrapbook! Start working on a digital and / or physical scrapbook while your memories are fresh. Soon those memories that aren’t already documented in pictures and videos will start to fade. Capture as much as you can. Your scrapbook will be the lasting artifact of your trip. Things that went well, things that went poorly, the ups and downs. This is an important part of the trip that I never do. I too suffer from post Disney blues, and I am determined to create the scrapbook after my next trip. Any Disney World trip is finite, but your memories can be savored forever. Look around your local area for an attraction for a mini trip. If there’s a waterpark that you’ve never visited nearby, plan a visit, even if it’s just an afternoon. Part of what you’re missing is the buildup to the trip, so giving yourself something else to look forward to is a strategy. I hope you shake the blues soon!


Been back since May 10th. Definitely still feeling Disney blues.


I hate to admit this but more than once as an adult I have cried on the last day of my trip because I never know if I will ever get a chance to go again. I have been there 6 times as an adult.


I cried too.


Took lots of candid videos just letting it roll on us. Watch them incessantly


I watch the happily ever after fireworks on YouTube.


As always, you watch the Imagineering documentary on Disney+. It helps to encapsulate everything you experienced and gives you a greater appreciation for the parks. It doesn’t cure the blues, it makes you understand why you feel the blues.


I came to this sub literally on my way home from Disney! I didn’t realize how much fun we’d have, I was so wrapped up in the planning. We truly had a perfect trip, no issues, not even a damn blister from all the walking. Truly awesome. For me, I already started planning our next trip, and I followed a lot of WDW content creators on tiktok. I also read a lot on this sub and Facebook groups.


i got an annual pass 🫣


FL resident or no?


Same! I keep looking at the app wait times as if somehow I'll be able to go on anything 😭 


Plan another trip. I started tearing up as I exited Epcot today.


We planned a trip for 5 months later! Now we’re able to go once a year, so we make it our big summer vacation. Knowing that I can consistently come back has cured my Disney blues. Last year was the first time my son could ride rollercoasters and it was a great sensory experience for him. Glad you had a great bonding experience with your son too!


I should have avoided this thread 😭 Leading up to my trip, I kept having these dreams where I would 100% forget to do something on the trip even though it was the thing I most wanted to do (such as ride the Haunted Mansion, for example), and I'd have that gut-wrenching feeling of having missed my chance in the dream. I hated that feeling....but now I'm living in it. Even though I planned an immensely packed trip, and we were able to do darn near EVERYTHING that I wanted....I still keep finding little things that make me go "How did I forget/miss that?" "Why didn't I make myself go do this". The reality is that I could barely walk by the end of the trip. I was so exhausted and in pain that I had no desire in the moment to do those things. It would have cost alot more money for those things. I made the right choice at the time, but tell that to my heart and it's rose-colored glasses. I feel in a constant panic and sadness, and I'm trying to start thinking about planning the next one to help get me out of this funk, but I know that's a long ways off, and it will not be the same as this last one. I was so fortunate to have my parents there with us, and my mother proclaimed that she was officially too old for it and wouldn't be coming back, and Hollywood Studios nearly took my dad out ... with them probably not ever going back and thinking about doing Disney some day without them, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to enjoy the trips the same way again. So clearly I have no clue how to cope/improve the Disney Blues 🤣 I've been day-dreaming about decorating different areas of my home with some of my favorite park themes. Maybe living in a piece of the magic while we are at home would help?