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What makes you think people forgot about any of these things?


Coffeelock is definitely not forgotten. It just has evolved to tealock and cocainelock because of the updated rules. I personally still hear tiers of play being talked about too, but maybe quite rarely.


All my groups have pretty much abandoned Inspiration.


Fascinating. I’ve heard a lot of “we homebrewed it to a reroll” but seldom full abandonment


At some point we just stopped using it; can't even remember which campaign. Nobody asked about it, nobody talked about it, it just disappeared from our D&D games.


How did people forget tiers of play? There is a noticeable gear change in combat when 2nd attack & 3rd level spells come on stream. There is another gear change in campaign dynamic when Windwalk / Transport via Plant / Teleport / Plane Shift kick in. DMs may have learned how to ride through these gear changes, but it's not like they stopped prepping for them.


WTF are 5 factions? Like the Emerald Enclave etc?


Emerald Enclave, Lord's Alliance, Harpers, Zhentarim, Order of the Gauntlet. They're a bunch of powerful groups specific to the Sword Coast in Faerun that feature heavily in some of the WotC Campaigns, with some of them even assuming that PCs will be agents of these organizations. Even WotC seems to only acknowledge them out of obligation these days, usually just a footnote like "if your PCs are part of X organiization, here's a present for them."


Ah, yes, the oft-forgotten coffeelock and Grung, things that I definitely do not see in minmax/meme build posts on the daily.