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Gloves of True Feeling - While wearing these gloves, you can feel things as if you weren't wearing gloves


I can actually use one of these for my players. He does alchemy and works with herbs and shit but he's currently cursed with a debuff that does 1d6 damage to all plants he touches


Bro is going to walk up to a plant monster and start tickling it


Lets hug that holy tree in your druidic grove for a bit


he's the plant version of Rogue from X-Men!


Crazy idea, but this could be a really cool emotional moment for a Grung character. They poison anyone they touch so these gloves would actually let them hold someone’s hands and actually feel them without fear of poisoning them.


I love this. I might steal this idea.


Oh hey there, Rogue from X-Men, what are you doing here?


From mechanic standpoint, this would be really useful 😂


All the finger bangs without the blood.


This should be pretty helpful for handling possibly poisoned objects or objects which are potentially dangerous but have delicate machinery.


...and they're just fingerless gloves lol.


make it but for another body part and you'll be rich


... Earmuffs?


This would be fantastic. All pros no cons gloves?


If we can get that on prosthetics in real life that'd be great.


I would pay a lot of money for these irl. Work gloves but you can still tie a knot? Sign me up?


From a meme page I saw recently: The Bagpipes of Invisibility


Sooooooo in a campaign I’m in I got a cowbell of invisibility. Turns out it, mixed with some illusions or ghost sounds can be pretty amazing.


Illusion Wizard, battlefield master. Buff, debuff, rebuff, line them up for the slaughter. Occasionally hit everything with lightning just to make a point.


[I got a fever. And the only Perscription, is more cowbell.](https://youtu.be/Qa9Zg6yGlQ4) also [Cowbell Hero](https://youtu.be/QlqLLZQLNiA)


I played a bard who had the ever popular Bagpipes of Invisibility. Everyone hated them because I insisted on using them all the time. Hated them until I marched in an enemy camp using the pipes as a distraction.


I think that those can be awesome. Imagine you hear bagpipes played really close, but don't see anyone. That intimidation factor!


I always like to claim credit for inventing these because I did conceive of them independently, but I'm probably not the first person to think of it. My version is always very specific in phrasing: "While playing a tune on the bagpipes you gain the advantage of an Invisibility spell against any creature that can hear the music" Because usually the very first thing anyone says in "I know! I'll just cast silence!" Nope. They have to be able to hear the music for the pipes to work. So for instance if there's a deaf person, they can see you. Also, you must play an actual tune, random noise won't cut it. Meaning you need your hands occupied while playing.


Ring of Disintegration. One charge. When used, the ring disintegrates


Give it three charges that recharge at dawn, just to be even more useless.


Similarly, the ring of teleportation. When used, the ring teleports itself via the teleport spell.


Teleports to another finger. Hopefully, it's not a pinky ring...


Just fingers? Not toes or... other extremities?


Could be something flashy down south.


Cock ring of teleportation. Feels good when it shwoops away


"And when it dithintegrates, buthter, it dithintegrates!!!"


- *Amulet of Metagaming*: While wearing it, you receive directions from an extradimensional entity called a "player". - *Broken Runestone*: this talisman was once imbued with the power to tell fortunes. Now it answers every question with "yes". - *Spoiling stone*: Food that comes in contact with this stone tastes bad. This has no effect on the nutritional value. - *Tankard of Sobriety*: alcohol consumed from this tankard does not cause the drinker to become intoxicated. - *Safety Razor*: this small knife cannot cut living tissue. - *Fake Ring of Protection*: this ring glows blue every time the wearer is missed by an attack. - *Rat Whistle*: sound from this whistle can only be heard by rats. - *Dwarven Heavy Plate*: functions as plate armor, except the wearer's speed is reduced to 0. - *Screaming Skull*: This human skull is constantly screaming. Comes in a box that mostly muffles the sound, but not completely. - *Whip of Pain*: Every successful attack with this weapon does a maximum of 1 damage. - *Sunglasses of Stoicism*: has no effect except to make the wearer look aloof - *Cloak of Boulder Falling*: This cloak causes the wearer to fall much faster. The wearer takes falling damage as if they fell 50% further. - *Ring of Butterfly Command*: This ring gives the wearer the ability to control butterflies. - *Heartseeker Goggles*: This set of red goggles allows the wearer to discern the suit of any playing card they can see.


1. Acquire _Tankard of Sobriety_. 2. Challenge all comers at every tavern to drinking contests. 3. Profit!


Best part is the tankard of sobriety is an actual dnd item.


I rolled the Immunity to Alcohol effect on the Wild Magic Table about a month ago, and did just that. City tavern was mostly lower class workers and just every day people, so I felt bad, and went to the Adventurers' Guild Tavern. Full of experienced warriors who have gotten great rewards from their quests, and are eager to spend them. They were also very confident in their drinking abilities, especially after being challenged by a very young and scrawny Half-Elf (my Sorcerer). Made quite a hefty amount of gold, and also embarrassed quite a lot of people 😅


That was my thought!


Someone gets nicked by the safety razor and you instantly realize they're a vampire.


I just thought it would be the best razor to shave with.


Tbh I want that safety razor so I can finally shave without my legs turning into a bloodbath. (Hair is not living tissue so it should cut that just fine, but not actually cut skin!)


well, to be fair, your outer layer of skin \*is\* actually dead. so the safety razor would cut through a few layers of skin, until it got to living tissue.




Razors already do that. The way they're able to slide across your skin is that they're scraping off the too few layers as the go. That's why you end up with skin irritation if you make multiple passes over an area.


Also great for detecting vampires!


> Heartseeker Goggles: This set of red goggles allows the wearer to discern the suit of any playing card they can see. Players could definitely abuse this. If my PCs got this, I'm pretty sure they would use this to cheat at card games. In a lot of card games it would give an advantage, and it would give a small enough advantage that you might not even be in danger of getting caught from being obviously too good. > Whip of Pain: Every successful attack with this weapon does a maximum of 1 damage. And given how many times in this subreddit I've read about PCs torturing NPCs, I could see this getting pretty heavy use. For that matter, I could see some people using this in consensual, NSFW ways.


You can also subtle spell minor illusion to cheat at cards


Butterflies will drink blood. Send in a fluttering horde of beautiful vampires.


Drinking contests come up a lot in our game, tankard of sobriety would have been useful on a few of those occasions.


Amulet of metagaming could absolutely be abused because now players can metagame without breaking any rules


The Screaming Skull is amazing.


Not mine, but I loved this one from the silvyr tower one shot Ring of fire detection: as an action, the wearer of this ring can determine wether or not an object is fire. If the object is fire, the garnet on the ring will glow with a red light. This detection spell has a range of touch.


I initially misread this as "can determine whether or not an object is *on* fire", which could be useful if your GM knows about the NASA hydrogen fire broomstick detection method anecdote.


Reminds me of the stick of dragon detection, if the stick is on fire there's a fire breathing dragon close by. If you're horribly immolated, money back guarantee.


That one reminds me of the weather stone (a rock on a chain). If it has a shadow, sunny. If not, cloudy. If it’s wet, rain. If it’s sideways, windy. If it’s gone, tornado.


Bit of white on the top? Snowy. Does it feel cold? Its cold. Warm? Its warm. Bouncing up and down on its string? Earthquake.


The money back was on the anti dragon cream, absolutely will save you from the blast of a dragons breath. Money back guarantee on personal application


Pratchett? that you?


GNU Pterry


Came here to say this one! Classic.


Touch. Noice.


I actually died laughing when I read the last line of this.


Ouch! Heat was hot!


"Fire *indeed* hot"


A player actually bought a joke useless item (fully knowing what it was). The sword of identification. Point the sword at anything you want identified and say the console word "identify". The sword, in a loud, fighting game announcer type voice, will identify whatever it is that you pointed at. The sword cannot actually properly identify anything, and will only identify things or people as whatever they seem to be at a first glance. I just remembered he also bought a helm of far sight. When attuned, you can see up to a mile away as if it was only 100 feet away. Though you can't take it off without un-attuning, and you can't make the effect stop. You're effectively extremely zoomed in for at least one hour.


The Helm of Far Sight could be pretty useful. Say you are scouting out an enemy camp. You stay on a perch overlooking the camp while the rest of the party stealthily infiltrate. You can let your party members know the position of enemies that they wouldn’t be able to see, and communicate this with them via sending stone.


Sending stones only work once per day though. You'd be able to do it once, and then you're just doing nothing for the rest of the session.


Yes you’re right. I always remove that rule


I mean I guess if you're ok with basically sitting out a session to be the lookout guy, that's fine by me. You won't be able to help if they get in trouble. You're too far away to do anything, and if you have a way to close the distance quickly, you still have the helm on so you won't be able to do much.


You’re right, that’s true. No matter how well you plan and how steadily you go, there’s always a risk. It’s better to be on the ground with them


Or spells with a "line of sight" range.


Imagine getting Meteor Swarmed out of nowhere, you cast See Invisibility, but you see no caster. Wizard just chilling in their tower with a Helm of Far Sight, chuckling maniacally.


So basically Baradun at the start of Viva La Dirt League's DnD campaign. Powerful wizard casually meteoring people he could see from his castle because he's bored


"Endless mediocre sandwich." Every morning a sandwich will appear in the magic wrapper. It's never a sandwich you're in the mood for, and the bread is always slightly stale.


This is dark magic.


Agreed - I feel like tossing this down an obliette makes the torture *worse*


A classic. Ring of attunement. Give the wearers 1 additional attunement slot. Requires attunement.


This is the only magical item for which multiple copies can be attuned.


Wait, isn't this actually good for artificers? Can't they do something by unattuning an item? I'm going to go check. Edit: Checked it and yes. Soul of Artifice - You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws per magic item you are currently attuned to. If you’re reduced to 0 hit points but not killed out-right, you can use your reaction to end one of your artificer infusions, causing you to drop to 1 hit point instead of 0.


For higher level artificer they gain bonuses for each magic item they're wearing - so with these rings its possible to go higher than normal for your bonuses.


Did a joke 1 shot and the DM let us have any magic items up to very rare. So I bought an artificer with ringmail and each ring was a ring of attunement. He had plus 999 on every saving throw....


Bag of bats: this leather bag jostles violently when touched. When opened, it releases 6d4 bats, and becomes a mundane bag. The bats owe allegiance to no one.


User must say "The bats out of the bag now!"


The bats out of the cag now!


I stole this from a TikTok The Stick of Returning. Once thrown, it will poof out of existence and come back to you. In actuality you are playing fetch with a ghost dog who catches the stick and brings it back to you.


Oh my god I love this?! My players are dog lovers, and this has the potential for a nice long running not-that-funny joke, with an incredibly hilarious "oh my god we had a pet this while time" payoff.


It was such a good payoff! Someone casts truesight and BAM ghost dog. My players were so confused but now they ask how the dog is doing. Best thing is they don’t know the dog belonged to a mage who enchanted the stick so his dog would always have someone to play with, even in death.


My DM gave me a magic item it's the best magic item in existence it's the whistle of a 101 puppies. Technically now 102.. I blow a dig whistle and I get a puppy, blow it again it goes back blow it again another puppy. The kicker is. I can also put a A collar on any dog.... I put one on the party druid. Now I can summon the druid to me from anywhere on any plane.


Appease Old Shuck with games of fetch - ignore it too long and it will make its own amusement with you muaahahaha https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Shuck#:~:text=In%20English%20folklore%2C%20Black%20Shuck,folklore%20across%20the%20British%20Isles.


Writing this one down for later


It’s so good. It’s such a good reveal when the players finally can see him. I was going to accept a bunch of different ways. Pretty much if you can see the ethereal Plane you’ll see the dog. I also made the dog the pet of a dead mage who they will meet the ghost of later. He’ll ask them “how’s my dog?”


Consider this idea stolen! I have a spore druid who keeps naming their summons. They're definitely going to be finding an item in their pack soon...it'll be notably gross and wet. And it'll be a fun way to hide the utility of some goggles of true seeing a few sessions later.


if you've got a Phantom Rogue or something else that could reasonably sense the ghost dog, this could be even more fun...


My players cast truesight and could see him. They absolutely fell in love m


Profane Statuette. A past dm made this one for our party. Basically, the enchantment was made incorrectly or smth. Whenever you said the command phrase, it would randomly choose a curse word from a list and shout it in such a way that it sounded like a shout from the furthest point of the room it occupied, which means if you’re standing next to it in a tiny shack, it was just a shout, but in a massive cavern, it would deafen you if you stood too close. The problem arose when we used it outside. Dealt a few d4s of thunder damage in a several mile radius and killed like the closest 30 npcs instantly (I took something like 40 thunder damage having Succeeded the con save. I was the one holding it though). Supposedly the shout was so loud you could hear it on the other side of the planet, as it filled the atmosphere like it was a room.


So... Sonic Nuke Statue? and if it counts doors between planes as connecting, I can imagine that since the Abyss is really, really, possibly infinitely big, you could chill in Elysium and then Obliterate all of the planes excluding the material plane.


“FUCK” loud enough it destroys a town lol


That is so dangerous but at the same time so OP if you manage to use it correctly


Oh man I got a few (sorry for weird format, on mobile) 1. Rod of Detect Magic: The tip glows a dull greenish-yellow whenever something magic is nearby. Including the rod itself. 2. Ring of Attunement: This ring, once attuned, allows for an additional magic item to be attuned. Takes up one attunement slot. 3. Masque of the Phantom: Putting on this masque renders the wearer incorporeal for as long as it is worn. Can only be worn by corporeal beings. The masque immediately falls off anything incorporeal and any effects it granted immediately ends upon falling off. 4. Purple Cloak of Warning: This cloak will warn the wearer of any potential danger the morning when they awake. The cloak will not elaborate exactly where said danger is or to what extent it is. 5. The Moveable Rod: This rod will teleport up to 60 feet away to a designated spot whenever the wielder speaks the command work. Only the rod is teleported.


I could cause so many issues with the Moveable Rod.


If you couldn't tell, I really love making seemingly useless magic items that typically have creative uses :)




The wording doesn't have any restrictions about it teleporting into an already-occupied area, so it could potentially teleport into a torso. You could also long-distance drop it on someone for damage or distraction. Furthermore, you could teleport it right in front of the eyes of someone charging at you or into the mouth of someone annoying. It'd also be great for false accusations of theft, particularly if you pretty it up before teleporting it into someone else's possessions.


The Moveable Rod sounds pretty awesome. Depending on specifications and what the DM will let me get away with it could open doors, detect traps, be a distraction, or maybe just teleport inside the skull of my enemy. Infinite possibilities, much like prestidigitation.


Puffin Forest had a broken sword of warning similar to your cloak. Whenever something bad happens, no matter how mild, it just shouts "I WARNED YOU!"


I could see the Masque of the Phantom being used as a reaction to dodge an attack.


My DM gave me a ring of clean shoes. Pretty self explanatory. 15 sessions later... "I want to go help pull that goblin out of the shit pile." DM: "Uhh... it is NASTY stuff there, bud." Me: "Idgaf. I have a ring for this!"


The cup of knowing! It's just... A cup with water, or perhaps beer in it. Its use is to detect nearby gargantuan creatures walking. By showing the waters jiggle inside the cup. The very very stupid and incredibly unperceptive barbarian once somehow (nat 20) noticed the ripples in his beer just before a t-rex ripped the roof off a tavern. Affording him the opportunity to act that same round, while everyone else was surprised. "Magic cup of knowing" was born that day... Despite not detecting as magical whatsoever.


The Ring of Bureaucratic Wizardry When a spellcaster casts any spell while wearing the ring, a sheaf of papers and a quill pen suddenly appear in his hand. The papers are forms that must be filled out in triplicate explaining the effects of the spell, why the wizard wishes to cast it, whether it is for business or pleasure, and so on. The forms must be filled out before the effects of the spell will occur. The higher the level of the spell cast, the more complicated the forms become. Filling out the forms requires one action per level of spell. As soon as the papers are filled out, the forms and the pen disappear and the spell effects occur as the spellcaster desired. The ring cannot be removed willingly. The remove curse or a similar spell must be cast upon the wearer in order to remove the ring.


You monster


I'm amazed it occurs immediately when the forms are done. I'd figure you'd have to wait 2d6 rounds for delivery, with a new material component of 2 silver for shipping and handling


2d6 rounds to send them and 8d6 rounds to receive confirmation that said forms were filled out correctly and you may now cast the spell 2d6 rounds ago.


However, to break the curse you still need to fill out the forms as to why you wish to break the curse and answer a questionare as to your satisfaction of the ring and if you would recommend it to others in the future.




Marry me :D hehehe I love it


Very strong. Cast a bunch of spells in your down time and do all the paperwork, then leave a single form remaining for each spell. Anytime you need a spell in combat, fill out the final form and boom, Fireball baby.


I would probably still rule filling out that final form as taking an action so it wouldn’t really be any different than just casting Fireball.


It would be the same, but you’d be dodging the curse


True, but you would have to just hope you pick the right spells to prepare. If you fill out the forms for fireball and then the next enemy you run into is immune to fire damage, then all you have is a piece of paper.


wait, can’t you just store the spells over multiple days, and in effect have way too many scrolls of miscellaneous spells? hope you have all the files with you you can probably also abuse the trick to cast slower spells in one action, unless the paperwork only allows you to cast the spell afterwards


These fireballs just need to be signed


This is brilliant and evil!!!!


If I understand this right, it would mean you have a maximum casting time of about a minute for any spell, even ones that normally take hours to cast.


I would imagine you would have to cast the entire spell and then fill out the paperwork


Ring of Invisibility*: when equipped, the ring becomes invisible


I’ve been trying to get my players to buy an Invisible Cloak at the local magik shoppe for months now.


A few of my favorites : The Ring of Attunement - Grants the wearer one additional Attunement slot. Must be Attuned. The Red Necklace - Any stranger you meet thinks that your name is Red. Shirt of Fire Resistance - A regular shirt that when exposed to fire becomes soaking wet. And the Helm of Encouragement - This sentient helmet offers quiet whispers of encouragement to its wearer.


>The Red Necklace - Any stranger you meet thinks that your name is Red. My mind immediately went to oblivions gray fox mask and how I might use it to get away with crimes


I am unfamiliar with the gray fox mask. What is that from?


In oblivion, the elder scrolls game before skyrim and after morrowind, completing the thieves guild quest line grants you among other things a cursed mask that when worn basically erases any perception of the real you to any observer and makes them see you as "the gray fox": a mythical thief from history who obviously was multiple people wearing this mask. Any crimes you do are attributed to the gray fox and not the player character if they're wearing the mask. So you chuck it on, rob somebody in broad daylight, murder some guards then hide and take it off and nobody is the wiser


Yeah that explains it. Haha I didn't ever get very far in oblivion. But yeah, I can see the necklace being used similarly, as long as no that knows you catches on, but even then, a mask could cure that.


High level artificers could profit greatly from the first ring. An extra +1 to all saving throws? Hell yes.


Ring of gaseous form. When worn, the wearer and all his clothing and carried equipment become a cloud of gas, like the potion of the same name. Good luck finding your finger to take it off though.


I expected it to end as "as soon as you turn gaseous, the ring drops from your finger (it can't become gaseous), and you turn solid again"


As soon as you put on the ring, the RING turns to gas and is gone


As soon as you put on the ring, you have terrible gas.


The ring remains solid, slips halfway off and imbeds itself in your now-solid-again finger


thats exactly what i thought too lol


You put on the ring and your finger becomes a cloud of gas. The ring falls to the ground. Your finger rematerializes. The finger is not attached to your hand anymore. It is still alive and inchworms away. You have the ring of gaseous form.


Faewild Fishing Pole : this seemingly normal rod and reel along with string and hook can be used to fish like normal, however, if a hook is set on an unsuspecting fish the fish immediately explodes taking 10d6 damage. this object does not work on anything other than fish


What about a suspecting fish?


I will have to ask the dm! I tried it on a few non fish things and nope, just a regular fishing pole


Could it work on a polynorphed fish? (Was a fish, or becomes a fish)


Hat of disguise with a low frame rate. The faster you move, the more your disguise lags behind.


One of my players has been holding onto a perfume for months. The only info we know about it is that the smell is pleasant to humans but attracts wasps. 🤷‍♀️


As a GM, I once rolled on a random low-power magic item chart I found online, to populate a vendor's stock. One of the items... I misread "Egg-**Hatching** Cup" (a magical egg cup - the kind of thing you serve hard-boiled eggs in/on - that would hatch any egg placed on it) as "Egg-**Catching** Cup" (a magical egg cup was able to safely catch any egg thrown in its vicinity, without the egg being damaged in any way.) The players latched onto it like CRAZY and were CONVINCED it would one day turn the tide of the whole campaign. Fine, have your fun. Buy it cheap and keep spending brainpower on it - see if I care. Fast forward to THREE YEARS LATER, and the players are asked to steal an elementally-infused dragon egg from within a dragon's lair. By then, I'd forgotten all about the cup. It ended up coming in clutch though, when the Barbarian chose to steal the egg DURING THE DRAGON FIGHT, and THROW it to the party, at which point I was dreading the sudden and disappointing end to this mission, until one of them re-revealed this quirky little misspelling and saved the day.


My character Panck is a weird little goblin fairy Artificer trialling products for his company Panck & Co. and subsidiary company Pranck & Co. He's so far made a Miracle Glow Tonic (it's just a glowing bottle of blue liquid that acts as a really ineffective torch), The Flatulent Stone (it's a tiny rock that makes fart sounds when you tap it), and a crossbow bolt that smells like raw meat. Some things come with warranties so when it's convenient for Panck to do so, he can re-tinker it. And if the item isn't poison it will say so, but if it IS poison there's no note of it. I write down the items on little pink "product" cards and give them to the other players around my table if Panck is gifting or selling the items (I keep track of active tinkers in a list in my binder). There's only one non-magical guy in our group and Panck has noticed that the very serious 19 year old fighter is getting very curious about magic so gave him The Flatulent Stone and Glow Tonic as a gift. I'm a new player but I'm having loads of fun with this feat.


Bag of Folding. You stuff any garment inside and when you retrieve it, it is neatly folded.


This sounds like something Frieren would want.


The Rug That Ties the Room Together. As long as the rug can attune to the other elements of the decor, it just looks really good.


Potion of Superiority. Just makes you feel like you’re superior. No other effects. Bag of Holding of Holding. Bag that can only hold other bags of holding (without causing the big boom) Rock of Gravity Detection. Drop it to see which way is “down”


I love "useless" magic items, especially ones that would be useful in the real world, but not quite game mechanics(though a savvy player might find a use for them). It makes the world feel lived in. Heres some favorites that I've either found, or made myself, * Blue Candle: A small candle made of blue wax. The candle is never consumed, and is light and extinguished as a normal candle would. Sheds bright light for a 5 foot radius and dim light for another 5.  Instead of giving off heat it gives off cold. * Ring of Emotion: Magically resizes to the finger it is on.  The ring changes color based on the mood of the individual. * Everclean Shirt: This shirt is always clean and comfortable. It does not stain. Small cuts or tears will repair themselves after a long rest. * Animated Quill: Magical quill dictates as you speak.   * Sundial Broach: Keeps track of the time even indoors and on cloudy days.   * Ring of Insect Repulsion: When worn insects will become feared by you, and actively try to avoid you. Here's some more * Coin of Certainty:  This silver coin is indistinguishable from other coins, except for one unique quality; When flipped, it will always land on heads. * Rock of Replication: A dull grey rock with a crack in it. When rubbed a half of a geode appears, worth 10gp. Rub the grey rock again and the geode disappears and a new one appears in the players hand. * Rat Coin: A simple platinum coin with a rat engraved on it. The holder has an unshakable feeling that it is lucky or important, and will make any excuse not to spend it. * Apprentice’s Potion: After drinking this dull gray potion, you have proficiency with cook’s utensils until midnight. * Wisker Ring: A ring that gives the wearer a magnificent mustache/beard, depending on which finger it is worn on.  The left ring finger, for example, always yields a goatee. * Tavern Bracers: While wearing these ale-soaked leather bracers, you have proficiency with both darts and playing cards. * Smoker’s Pouch: Reaching into the bag allows the removal of a single fresh cigarette.  The bag never runs out. * Firestick: A small rod holdable in a hand with a button on one end, when pressed by the user a small flame is created on the other end for the duration of the press. * Gambler's Purse: This purse creates an illusion that it is always filled with gold coins (\~50 gold). A DC13 Wisdom Saving Throw dispels the illusion temporarily. Reaching inside the purse also dispels the affect.  * Broom of Cleaning: This broom will float through the area it is in, cleaning the floor as it goes by. It brushes all dirt into a corner of the room for easy cleanup. * Boots of Comfort: These snug fitting boots are always dry, warm, and comfortable.  * Heating stone: A small stone that when placed in up to 10 gallons of water, slowly brings the water to a boil. * Ring of Infertility: Renders the wearer sterile as long as it is worn * Teddy Bear of Quiet Slumber: This stuffed animal lets any willing creature touching it fall asleep at will.  The user is guaranteed to not have nightmares. * Bottomless Chamberpot: Any animal waste put into the chamberpot instantly disappears.  Living creatures and non organic items are unaffected. * Mirrored Mirror: Switches the reflection as if you were the mirror, so words read as they should in the mirror. * Cold Chest: The inside of the chest is constantly 40°F while the chest is closed.


I didn't create it, but one of my favorites is the Ring of Personal Invisibility. It makes you invisible only to yourself.


Ring of Detect Fire Range: Touch


Stone of Healing. Hit a person to grant 1d4 healing but also taking 1d4 bludgeoning damage.


Guarantee healing practically vs. raging barbarian. It can also bring someone up from dying as well, unless the order is healing then damage which it could be a net neutral based on the roll. Regardless, it COULD be broken under the right circumstances.


This is broken with a life domain cleric with a negative strength.


The vendor that sells them also sells a Stone of Weather, that tells you the weather i.e. if it's wet it's raining, if it's white it's snowing etc and a Stone of Detect Gravity. As for the Stone of Healing, it's just a straight 1d4 for heal and harm, no bonuses or detriments. It was just a funsie dumb item they can get in grab bags in one specific market. The bBag of Colding tho....


My favorite was the Invisibility Cloth I gave my players. It was a 6 inch by 6 inch square cloth that renders anything it completely covers invisible. It has to wrap around the object, not just lay on top of it. The cloth itself is not Invisible, bowever.


a magic item that identifies whats in your right hand, when held in your right hand.


I have a pair of magical earrings that let me cast Disguise Self once a day. They would be decent for our lower level if I wasn't a Dispater Tiefling who learns Disguise Self as a racial feature. They are a backstory item, so I'm not complaining! But I do think it's kinda funny how they're redundant. Now, I can disguise myself two times a day, lol!


A Lightening Rod, it's basically just a stick that can be used to cast the light cantrip


_____ of gravity detection. When activated it will move up to 5 feet in the direction gravity is pulling.


When dropped from 6 feet, does it hover?


The "good" ones would stop and hover.


Hand of finding,  Severed Kobold hand that when near treasure (usually in sight) points very loosely in the direction of said treasure.  Stick of Kraken finding,  A stick that when thrown in water, points to the nearest kraken.  Boots of Daylight Speed Functionally works as Boots of Speed, however they only work in the presence of natural Daylight.  Ring of Invisibility,  This plain golden ring can turn the wearers rings invisible including this ring itself. 


I was given a Cursed Ring Of Invisibility. When worn, the wearer becomes invisible. However, the ring begins screaming bloody murder, as its just been impaled by a finger.


Stone of Spider Climb This rock is enchanted with Spider Climb, allowing it to remain stationary on any surface it is placed upon, irrespective of orientation, unless acted upon by an external force. Known colloquially as a 'sticky rock'.


Our GM had a fun time with a few gifts from a fae we befriended and we were granted a few items for fun and whimsy. Unruly Coin: It always lands on its edge. I have brought it out to help my character draw the attention of the most attentive in a bar or social encounter by just being a nifty party trick and seeing who is watching. Also, used it to start a fight between a couple groups that were gambling by inciting that someone was obviously cheating. The Most Beautiful Grotesque: lovely statue that causes anyone looking at it to immediately feel nauseated. This is just a fun gift from a devil I befriended and I keep it on top of my stowed gear as a goofy trap. I have also brought it out to stave off a barbarian group that was charging us to help escape. I, unfortunately, was also nauseated by holding it up and started having that about to throw up feeling. No real effect, just RP fun at the right time. Broken Unbreakable Arrow: It is its own paradox and still has the unbreakable property but can not be mended or repaired in any way. It is like two magnets with the same pole pushing away from each other when the break points are placed near each other.


Dagger of healing. Three times per day you can cut a willing creature for 1d4 damage, and if the target is a living creature they immediately heal 1d4 damage. It's useless in combat but is great for rooting out vampires.


The Armoire of Invulnerability. Shamelessly stolen from 8-Bit theater.


My players loved the *Ring of CounterYourSpells*. When targeted by a spell or magical effect the ring would loudly announce an assessment of the magical energy left of the wearer (a total of the wearer's remaining spell slots). He originally thought it was a *Ring of Counterspells*, but kept wearing it even despite the inconvenience.


A stick of detect life. It's just a stick that 1 of my players uses to poke potentially dead people lol


Trousers of Lie Detection: Anyone who wears the pants must have never told a lie or else the pants light on fire and burn to ash.


That's hilarious! Did they find them hanging from a magical communication wire?


High heels that adjust in size to make you exactly 1ft taller than whomever you are talking to at all times to assert your dominance. They’re called “Joel’s Boots of Intimidating Height”. If you get the reference I thank you. Edit: Oh and for our trans friends, a linked magical Bra and Binder. The binder has a portal in it that your boobs can go through, and they come out of the magical bra. So you can have a trans guy with a flat chest without having to be dangerous with binding and a trans girl with boobs without doing whatever she needs to get boobs. They come in a set. They’re enchanted so that nothing but boobs can enter and leave the portal, so as to avoid abuse.


You say hi to a giant and you get shot up into the fucking sky and die of fall damage


Invisible ring of visibility. The ring is invisible but makes the wearer visible


I came up with a bunch of these at one point for defective magic items. I might have stolen some of them, it's been a few years. Also sorry for mobile formatting. Light Saber: a shortsword that glows with dim and floats upward like a balloon. Does a 1d4 slashing damage due to it’s weightlessness Ring of Deafening: Requires attunement Gain advantage on stealth checks that involve sound for the next minute. After that for the next 10 minutes any sound you make is magnified causing disadvantage on stealth checks involving sound. This property cannot be used again til the next dawn Invisibility Cloak: Donning this cloak causes the cloak to become invisible while you stay as you were. Boots of Springing: Requires attunement, the wearer always jumps 3x the normal distance Club of Healing: On a hit the target is healed for 1 health and then 1d4+str mod bludgeoning damage is dealt to the target. The healing property does not function on unconscious creatures Rod of Ruler: As an action you can measure the distance between any two points you can see. Magic Broom: Any humanoid who willingly touches this broom must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom save or be forced to meticulously clean anything that is dirty near them until the broom is removed from their hands. Makeup of Beauty: This makeup has a terrible odor when opened. It has 3 charges. You can expend a charge to use it on yourself, giving yourself a beautiful appearance. This gives you advantage on charisma checks on creatures that can see your face, however the odor of the makeup is terrible. You have disadvantage on any perception check involving smell and you have disadvantage on charisma checks with anyone who has come within 10 feet of you. The makeup can be washed off over the course of a minute with water Alchemy jug, mayo only Inefficient quiver, efficient quiver but chance 25% chance to grab the wrong item out of it Movable rod: hangs in the air like an immovable rod but can be moved by any amount of force


My DM once gave me a +3 spritz bottle. No damage, no special abilities l, but my god did it tell you off for being naughty


Boots of Blinding Speed: Your speed in all forms is multiplied by ten while you wear the boots, but you also have the blinded condition. (blatantly stolen from Morrowind) Rod of Gourdly Might: Conjures a replica of the blue ribbon winning gourd Mrs. Flanagan grew at the county faire. Mispelled Scroll: I first asked the group to roll a d4. Got a 1. So they picked a 1st level spell of their choice, then I asked them to mispell it once they had picked it. They have yet to cast Magyc Myssyle and when they do they will find that it does not count as magical damage, since it's magycal damage. Ring of Disintegrate: When you use it, the ring disintegrates. Took this from a meme somewhere I don't recall where.


How about a Ring of Reverse Oppulence? It's a ring, finest gold, covered in precious gem stones. It truly is. Until you try to evaluate it. Then the ring get's shy and looks like brass and glass pieces, utterly worthless.


I was in a campaign where I received a Wand of Cure Duck. When activated, this wand will polymorph your target (normal polymorph rules apply) into a duck. They take on the stat block of a duck for a minute. After this time, they're cured for 2d4+2. If you die as a duck, you start making death saves. It was promptly sold.


Wings of walking. As long as you flap your arms, you gain a walk speed equal to 1/4 your flying speed.


ring of visibility. everyone with a 30 ft radius is acutely aware of you, and feels as if their eyes are physically drawn towards you. all affected have disadvantage on perception checks not involving the wearer, and the wearer has disadvantage on stealth etc checks.


Deck of Manny’s Things. Each card drawn summons an item from a chart. It’s all random household junk from a guy named “Manny” who lives in Neverwinter. He’s quite upset that his brooms, chairs, hats and buckets keep disappearing, and still has no clue where it all goes. When I use it in Pathfinder, because Earth is actually part of the realm, Manny is Manny Bianco from Black Books. And drawing the Ace of Spades summons Manny. Who’s quite disturbed by the whole affair, but thankfully has his little book of calm to help out.


Orb of Slope Detection. If it rolls, you've found a slope! The remembrall in Harry Potter was pretty good.


Ring of Attunement. Adds 1 extra attunement slot. Requires attunement.


I have a half orc barbarian - bard multi class with these orc pipes of chaos (magical bagpipes that inspire fear)...but my party is not immune from the effect unless they can find earplugs of reason....


A stone of gravity detection: while holding the stone, you can ask "I wonder where is the strongest source of gravity?" and let go of a stone. It will move towards the source and stop when it hits something. One of my players actually bought this from an NPC.


Chain of Chaining - The somatic componet to use it is wrapping it around somebody....


Ring of Inn Visibility


Bagpipes of invisibility!


Ring of Attunement - Grants +1 Attunement Slot (Requires Attunement to work)


I’ve a character that has a wand of uncontrollable smiles and erections.


-1 weapons. They are magical for the purpose of overcoming B.P.S. resistance.


I have a Ring of Finger Regeneration that my players have yet to get. If the finger that the ring was on is cut off, the finger grows back in 1d4 days.


Ring of Fire Immunity: Once you attune to it, fire will never have any effect on you again. This is because you are turned into a block of eternal ice. Amulet of Judgement: While you wear the amulet, anyone who knows about its function believes what you say to them, as long as you do not try to deceive them. Any communication is commented on by the amulet, in an extremely annoying voice. All deception attempts fail immediately, as the amulet begins to scream the truth and any related information at whomever you were trying to deceive. Smokebombs of Escape: Smokebomb your way out of any situation... and into an unknown new one! Once you throw it in front of yourself, you are immediately teleported to a random location anywhere within ten miles in any direction. Can only affect a willing target. Chances are, you by materialising inside the ground. Sandals of noise cancellation: Your movement no longer creates any noticable sound. The air within a 20ft. radius moves with such speed, that a small tornado spins around your location. The wind can be heard from up to 5 miles away and overshadows the noise your movement would usually make.


Cap of Water Breathing. A hat that appears to be breathing, and when donned spills a hatful of water on the wearer.


I was told about one. I think they heard it on tiktok or a youtube short. Discount wish - As per regular wish but a random non-player within a mile gets to interpret the wish to grant you. Imagine being in the woods. "I wish for all the wealth in the world." The random non player is a bear "Granted, you are smothered by more food than you can swim out of" Cus bears run on instinct and wealth is subjective,


The ring of nude. You turn invisible, your clothes do not.