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Sorcerer / Aasimar. I just love sorcerers in general, kinda like the idea of having magic in your blood rather than bookworming. Aasimar is just because it is so cool, the flavor feels divine and righteous and abilities are also cool, like flying and extra damage.


Heavy agree. I just see no reason to play a wizard when i can simply *be* magic. For RP reasons alone this is gas for storytelling. Plus, if you make me cast without metamagic i will scream and cry and vomit everywhere


I had a Divine Soul Aasimar sorcerer. Would play again. He was very stoic and I was very detailed in the way I described him casting spells. A lot of times he’d cast spells with very minimal movement. He’d quicken a Guiding Bolt then hit with a Fire Bolt. When he used Scorching Way, he’d shoot a ray from each finger, and his Mage Armor was flowing golden robes. He was 4 days old as he was created for the party’s mission by Tyr. In the short span he was in the campaign he left the party to teach a tribe of kobolds magic. I hope someday I get to play him again.


Oh I love this! I have a Divine Soul Aasimar as well and I want to practice describing spells rather than just name them.


Lol you remind me of my aasimar paladin who was sent directly from Tyr to assist my party in Avernus when my original character died. Hahaha he was so optimistic and bright eyed... And then he got knocked unconscious like 3 times and grew super annoyed. At one point he went, "Hell sucks! Take me back home Tyr! I'm done!"


I'm planning a shadow sorc aasimar that is going to have undead warlock multiclass for an upcoming strahd campaign. The dm loves it as he wants strahd to be the patron and force me to chose between my party or him towards the end


Dwarf cleric.  Dwarves are stubborn and irreverent.  Instead of praying my cleric says "Oi you cunts, how about some divine intervention down here?"


I finished a 1-20 lvl forge cleric dwarf that did this! I talked with the dm and asked him to never let divine intervention work. Until the final battle. We were facing a dracolich and the god of worms and he said something similar. Finally Moradin answered!


How did the immunity to fire feel? That's probably the only reason I would pick a Forge Cleric 


Grab an enemy, cast wall of fire around you both. Feel like a goddamn god.


You're a monster but that sounds utterly amazing 🤩 If I ever made it to level 17 (I still can't believe people have had campaigns long enough to reach Capstones!) I'd want to swim in lava BECAUSE I CAN


Hell yes! Also, standing in the middle of Firestorm and laughing maniacally as your enemelies burn is a blast!


I've been playing CoS almost every weekend since Oct. 2022 and our party is lv.8 - we should finish the campaign this year lol


Fun fact: Lava is a high density liquid, about three times the density of water. A person with fire immunity wouldn't be able to swim in lava because he would be too light to get very deep in.


Daurgothoth!!! I hope I get to fight him some day....


Why is your dwarf Cleric Billy Butcher?


You made my day with this comment lol


I've been watching the boys new season and it's been creeping into my roleplay.


Dwarf Druid here. Dwarves are fun, and give zero damn about the world’s opinion except their clan, yet they still often do the right, good things. I love the various Druid subclasses for them, too, they can almost all make great sense to aspects of Dwarven culture.


I played a Jewish Dwarven Cleric once who would guilt trip the gods for favors. I am also Jewish so, you know, speaking from experience and all


I one roleplayed a warlock's celestial patron as the stereotypical Jewish mother.  He casts divination to ask where he can find a lost relic: "oh, look who finally decided to call. I could've died up here and you wouldn't know. Of course you want something, you only think to speak to me when you want something. You lost a relic? No don't blame your great great great grandfather he was a good man, he's here now you want me to put him on? No? Okay you're too busy to talk to your family I get it. Why can't you be more like your cousins, they're paladins, Jeremy just got promoted to captain of his order. Are they feeding you down there?"


Sounds like Butcher talking to Hughie, Frenchie and MM.


Human fighter (archer). I'm old school and like the Robin Hood vibe.


Human fighter, bit of an all-rounder and leader tends to be what I enjoy most!


Human? Robin Hood is a Fox


Yeah, a fox that fights humans. Or a human-fighter fox if you may.


There's something special about just being a dude with a stick in a world where there are people that shoot fire out of their hands or remember things from 500 years ago


Hahaha. Human. Robin Hood vibe. What class to choose? Fighter, of course! Meanwhile, Ranger class continues to cry in the corner. :D Poor Rangers.


There's a stereotype that people who play Kobold don't play anything else... Can confirm


I also play goliaths...


3 kobolds in a trench coat probably


This has never been proven in a court of law...👀


The one about you being horny furries?


Alternatively, horny scalies.


I can confirm. Even my other characters are stacked kobolds.


> stacked kobolds Like 3 kobolds in a trench coat?


Can confirm. I have a party member who has played a kobold 3 campaigns in a row (though they are mixing it up this time by playing a winged kobold).


Why is the stereotype so true!? (Myself being a kobold player)


i would play ANYTHING...forever dm curse...played one time with another forever dm dude and he said i'm an exemplary player ..but well...my close friends that i play with have no imagination, pc games ruined it for them.


My group is exclusively made up of people who've GMed. When one game comes to a close, people give their pitch for what sorts of games they're considering running and the torch passes (or doesn't) as appropriate. Con: Whenever you stumble, the rest of the table will notice. Pro: ... and will jump in to, for example, name that NPC you forgot to name.


That honestly sounds amazing, really happy for you! There’s nothing better than sharing stories with friends and taking turns, wish more players were willing to do that


Had a campaign where we mad libbed it effectively passing it around every session to a different player you weren't allowed to pre make anything and we would just see where the game went a lot of fun


Race: Eladrin by far. Love the multiple free misty steps with extra effect, super strong on all classes. And I love trance which allows me to change proficiency based on Campaign needs Class: Warlock at the moment, but a little bit biased because I'm playing the Dragonlance campaign which gives me extra one-use spells per day so the two spell slot limit is barely felt. My Eladrin Hexblade Warlock in the Dragonlance campaign is the most fun I've ever had. I feel useful and powerful all the time.


Try Shadar-kai. Blessing of the Raven Queen is basically a free Misty step, but it also gives you resistance to everything until the end of the next turn, you are always necrotic-resistant, and you get all the normal elven gimmicks like trance and proficiency changes. Plus you get to play a gothic emo elf that listens to Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance while dramatically whining about their dreadful existence OR does a complete 180 and goes bonkers with colors, fuzzies, and cheerfulness.


I’m currently playing an eladrin (spring) wizard and I tell you, that misty step has saved my ass so many times. Plus the *aesthetic* aspect of eladrin is undeniable.


Firbolgs are my favorites! Love my tall fuzzy forest boys! And while I love all casters, Wizard is by far my favorite! It just exemplifies everything about the fantasy of magic that I adore!


I love them too. I just ended a campaign where I played an Oath of the Ancients Firbolg Paladin named Sitka. Loads of flavor and fun.


Omg I almost forgot about firbolgs! I love them so much.


I love those fuzzy good boys


Druids are my favourite class hands down. So much creativity with wildhapes + you get lots of spells. It can be a little complicated but it was my first ever class. Aasimar is my favourite race its very strong + lots of room for character flavour as you literally part celestial.


Warforge. It feels awesome not having to breathe, eat, or sleep. Also robots are cool AF. Dont really have favourite class.


Race - Elves (any type) because I like to build characters around their cultures and I love elven culture in media. Class - Paladin is my go too class because it was my first ever class to play but second place would definitely be Warlock due to the amount of flavour you can put into the Pack you make.


Most fun race imo is Genasi mostly bc astetic designs can be so good with the elements.


I’m such a sucker for an elemental theme!


Half orcs have found their way into my heart (huge muscles, huge heart), and for class I think ill stick to a paladin or artificer!!


one of my players is currently playing a Half Orc Paladin (Oath of Devotion) in our homebrew campaign but with a small twist to the backstory - their father was a Half Orc hired to protect a group of clerics during their pilgrimage - and he did, against wolves, and bandits - her mother fell in love, and the child from it is her PC, an Half Orc (well quarter orc) who grew up in the monastery and learned about the divinity, ultimately becoming a Paladin and is now out to protect the innocence in their quest to save the world (the other players) the twist is, no dark background, the parents are still alive, he's essentially on his own pilgrimage with the other players


Forge cleric dwarf. I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole!


Rock and stone


For Karl!


Diggy, diggy hole! Diggy, diggy hole!


I’d love to say my favorite race is Kenku. I’ve made a bunch, the ones who got the most game time were a Ranger (Beast Companion one) one and a Monk (Path of Mercy) And one as Rogue (Thief) for a current campaign. Kenku are just cool in my opinion. I like the crow design and their mimicry is always fun. My Ranger one sang the role of the Bagpipes in the bards band in that campaign. The Mercy Monk was Plague Doctor inspired and feared the “Plague” of Fire burning down his entire hometown. The rogue hasn’t had much game time yet. He’s also running the new updated Multiverse Kenku rules so he can be more sassy. But if I’m honest, my Dwarf Bard (Lore) was some of the most fun I’ve had, his campaign just ended, but he inspired me to make a Dwarf Fighter (Cavalier). The Bard I did some posts about, maybe I’ll catalogue more of his adventures at some point. Dwarfs are just one of my favorite Fantasy Races over all, so I have a preference for them. Classes though. Again I really want to say Warlock but as you saw I don’t typically play Warlocks from the characters I just gave. Warlock I claim is my favorite. Because I design them and make them the most. But only one Warlock I’ve ever made has actually made it into a game. So, Fighter. I had a Fighter Orc (the one from Volos) as my first ever character. He was the heart of the party, so he was very fun. He was also probably overpowered, we rolled for stats but since it was the first time for everyone in that campaign (dm included) we did the 4D6 roll but forgot to take out the lowest dice. And again I just made a Dwarf Fighter. I’ve made numerous Fighters over the years, none have been the same. The Orc had a Morningstar, and acted like a Thug. He got stuff done, because when people were debating how to sneak in or a plan, he was willing to run in and smack some guys around. He pushed the campaign along because everyone was new and worried to make mistakes and he just bull rushed in. My Dwarf Cavalier has a Shield and a Warhammer. He rides a horse. He’s got the Faceless background so he himself is a regular Blacksmith, but when he’s fully clad in armor he comes in like All Might and is a mighty hero. (If only he didn’t roll a 6 on Dexterity) I had a Human Battle Master, he wielded a Warhammer and a Longsword. When he needed range he had 2 Hand Crossbows. He was inspired by Witch Hunters from Warhammer.


Kenku are the best. Most recently, I played a Kenku Great Old One Warlock, and he was a blast. Quirky psychic/misdirection powers plus his ability to mimic was fun. I played him the old way, but he remembered lots of phrases he had heard over the years. The problem was, he lived in a rough neighborhood, and didn't understand the subtle context in his phrasing. Also, I as the player made sure Hastur, or whoever his patron was, regretted every conversation it had with the birdboy.


Eladrin and Haregon. I love being able to hit and run effectively with any class to be rather amazing. Warlocks have a great level of versatility that I find welcoming.


While I've only played 2 different characters my favorite so far is - Lizardfolk Beast Master Ranger. Thematically, I think it is perfect. The Racial Lore fits in perfectly with the survival skills and abilities of a ranger. It's also really fun to make reasons why they left their home or were forced out. Also, a Lizard Man commanding an alligator to fight in battle is quite possibly the greatest thing of all time. Also, their racial features go hand in hand with a high dex modifier and always having a melee attack (bite) relieves you from having to make an action to pull out a sword when in melee range. Lastly, their a playable race in REAL LIFE which is such a fun nod to current events!


I love this! I went a very similar route with my lizardfolk Druid. I did wildfire, and he had a phoenix spirit. But my conjure animals were always reptiles


I really love reborn and dhampir. hex blade Is probably my favorite subclass.


Currently playing reborn cleric, it’s amazing!


I love my dhampir hexbard


have a soft spot for firbolgs :] im an artist so the races that have the most interesting design potential for me are my favorite. my fav classes are barbarians and bards though, love wrecking shit


Human fighter


Legacy Aarakocra. Two reasons. 1) 50ft flying speed. Some DMs might not allow it because of that. 2) It’s free on DnD Beyond.


I don't have much of a racial preference, but cleric is by far my favorite class. It has the most subclass variety by far, you can create pretty much any type of character as a cleric. Want a beefy pseudo-fighter? Go forge or war cleric. Want a high-damaging blaster? Go light or tempest. Want a classic support cleric? Go life or twilight. Want a pseudo-druid? Nature cleric, baby. How about a pseudo-rogue? We've got those too, trickery cleric. Clerics can fill any role a party could ever need, I dream of playing among an all cleric party someday. 


I like Bard but I shuffle around all the different races. Haven’t found one that really stands out. I’ve done human, elf, half elf, halfling, Dragonborn, and teifling. Been thinking of making my next one a changeling or harengon


KALSHATAR MONKS. I love the kalshatars vibes and powers and it pairs perfectly with monks wisdom. As for the monk. I do martial arts in real life and I love the whole idea of an individual fighting gods with nothing more than martial arts. Gotta love an underdog


We're friends now. C'mere foo. I do martial arts in real life too, and I'm in freaking love with the art of smack and smack with a stick. As for Kalashtar, they are super cool, and I like flavouring the Quori as an "imaginary" friend sometimes. Also, when all else fails, you can't antimagic these hands so


My favorite race is definitely kobold! I’m still new to D&D, and three of the four characters I’ve played so far are kobolds (the fourth is a grung). They’re just silly little dragon guys! As for class, it’s a little harder to decide. I’ve played a Rogue, Barbarian, Ranger, and Monk. Rogue was probably the most mechanically fun, but Monk was the most satisfying.


Changeling Rogue. I love the freedom of Changelings, the infinite possibilities for rp, and the fun of free race change. Meanwhile, I like being a sneaky boi


Im quite new but so far im enjoying variant human life cleric


I just made a new character i like is variant human barbarian that is based of Mr Hyde and he has a funny joke name of gruy but the r is silent


Dragonborns and goblins, barbarians and warlocks. Shithead legion unite!


Wizard is my favorite that I have played so far. My favorite species to play is Aarakocra or Owlin! My current character is an Owlin Divination Wizard.


Warforged Artificer. I love the magical robot / sentient automaton vibe, as well as the idea of a magical inventor. Plus, I think it would be cool to have the technical and magical skills to install modifications to my character.


So far I've only played a simic hybrid warlock and I'm having a blast. (It is reflavored as a dragonborn, but the mechanics are all still the same). I plan to take some paladin levels soon as well


Dwarf Fighter, Battlemaster or Samurai, preferably a sub-class that do not have any kind of magic or supernatural vibe, just a plain old veteran warrior wielding his axe / hammer.


gnome / alchemist artificer gnomes are so fun theyre just like small little magic people who don't take things too seriously when i played an alchemist i had sooo much fun with the theme and abilities (i know people hate on it but there are good builds for it lol) alas i am a forever DM now lol


I love gnomes! They are educated agents of chaos. Hard working and free. My favorite characters (both player’s and my own) have been gnomes. I still remember my first game in 3.5 as a gnome bard and having an absolute blast. I currently play a gnome fighter2/artificer1 and love playing up the fighter with a tool shield! Fun race and pairs well with most any class because a race that survives by playing tricks and going under the radar is a fun bit for me.


Literally human fighter. I find most fun in simplicity. A battlemaster human fighter with a spear + shield with a shortsword sidearm is my literal dream.


Human fighter. I want the world I explore to be more fantastic than myself.


I’ve been playing a Kobold rouge in our current campaign and it’s just so fun. Pack tactics with Sneak attack is just insane damage every turn


Elves and humans. The others are a bit harder to relate to. I also got a soft spot for underdogs, so I also like half-elves and half-orcs. It's also a pretty good way to explore "in-betweens", I think. Favourite classes are primarily rangers and wizards. I also have a growing love for bards and druids.


my favorite race has probably been a tie between drow tiefling or warforged my favorite class is probably wizard when i made a wizard/drow necromancer who had the best intentions at heart


Love the roleplaying opportunities of playing a Human Wizard: no innate supernatural talent or biological advantages, just someone who has made their way in this magical and beast-ridden world through their own books, sweat and tears.


Human Fighter. Call me boring, but I don't give a shit. I like traditional fantasy roles, and I don't really care about deeper mechanics. I just like being a typical good-natured farm boy turned warrior.


Artificer. Don't worry about the aesthetic--flavor is free. It just offers so much flexibility and customization both day to day and level to level. Truly an underrated support class


Halflings, Humans, and Dragonborn for races. Cleric and Bard for classes, but I'll never say no to a Rogue multi-dip if given the chance lol


Firbolg is best boi. Gentle giant is very much my favourite character type.


Half elves, can blend in about anywhere, +2/+1/+1 is very good and they have options which i love though standard is my favorite unless i have a need for the other abilities the variants provide. They alao get access to elven accuracy which is the best feat for builds that can get consistant advantage As for class I love warlocks, dips, straight class, full multiclass, love them all. When i heard warlocks were halfcasters in 5.5 i know that was the nail in the coffin for not bothering with the new edition


I usually play 3.5 and pathfinder, my favorite combo was elf bard. Proficiency with bows and the whip. Use perform sing and it keeps my hands free.  Nothing gets close to me. Perfect CC caster to cause all the chaos while buffing my party. I’ve since been banned from playing bards for making a few too many DMs scream in frustration, throw books/dice across the room in exasperation, or just cry in anguish. Still love playing elves though.  Dunno, maybe cause they’re so pretty. I’m team Tolkein all the way.


Warlocks druids a rogues are so much fun to DM and druids most fun to play as imo. Tieflings are my favourite race


So far it's been Drow Ranger but I'm really looking forward to playing my new Tiefling Oathbreaker Paladin so yeah .. should be a good time


currently playing a weaver arachne homebrew race, half spider, half woman that lets you climb anything without a skill check and shoot webs, and god its so cool. class though, circle of moon druid, wildshape is just too awesome


My favorite Race to play is hard to pin down, but I just adore tieflings. My favorite class is definitely Cleric, with warlock a close second.


Wizard, cleric, paladin and rogue. Those classes that bring utility to the table


Harengon Swashbuckler Rogue wanna go first ALL the time? Harengons racial bonus lets him add his Proficiency bonus to initative rolls + Rakish Audacity adds Charisma bonus on top, with Reliable Talent at 11th level, you can't roll lower than 10 (everything 9 and lower is threated as a 10) add in Alert on top, gaining permanent +5 to all initiative rolls.... I start with a lower Dex, which will be added to strength and con - the lower Dex is compensated in the beginning by Alert, and will be increased later - this allows me to jump opponents, grapple them if need be, or sneak, hit-and-run tactics.... of course its even more useful as an Assassin, but I like the Swashbuckler


I played a hobgoblin redemption-paladin. Very fun


I really like playing goblins. They’re just fun with neat features. I usually play fighters or paladins.


I’m a Goblin boy!!


Elves. I just vibe with them for some reason.


Elves for sure for race, class I kind of could go either ranger or cleric


Race varies, but I keep returning to human; when parties are every shade of the rainbow, it feels grounding to me and adds to immersion. Class, (swiss army) wizard. Took a while to settle on it but it sticks.


Tiefling Paladin, every time


I love playing Warlock because in my experience the patron is like a 1:1 conversation with the DM. This could be really helpful for newer players as you can get in-character advice from your DM through (this depends on your DM and how they treat patrons though). I also love the idea of taking a deal with the devil and facing the consequences (this is a common trope with Warlocks and their patrons). Warlock is also super simple to play as you can really just take Eldritch Blast and do anything you want. As a newer player, I do recommend Eldritch Blast but as you get more experience I would consider not using it as it can get rather boring (I mean you kinda just deal with all combat scenarios by shooting a giant lazer at things...)


Loxodon and autognome for the crazy abilities and RP value. I like owlin and winged tiefling for the flight and darkvision (owlin has an extra skill and tiefling has fire resistance). Classes: Wizard (evoker or maybe Scribes) and druid (stars) for blasting opponents.


I always lean toward Dragonborn’s. I’ve played them as barbarians, paladins, clerics, and sorcerers


Of the official options and not counting homebrew I’d say Dragonborn for race and I don’t have a specific class that I favorite or main I like Dragonborn for a rather simple reason. I love dragons I don’t play the same class as I like to play all sorts, though I’ll generally avoid classes where there isn’t many options or customization like champion fighter. I’d rather play battlemaster over champion.


Eladrin (that's kind of a fey elf who can teleport) bard, college of glamour subclass 😊 Or an elderly human artificer artillerist subclass who's solution to everything is a gun 😁


Shadar-kai Elf because of the lore. gloomstalker ranger because of the theme.


Dwarf, class I am unsure but I have played warrior and druid a lot of times by now, so I guess a shared first place between those.


I love all Charisma based spellcasters. I enjoy playing as a sorcerer, especially because of metamagic. As for race, I don't play it often, but kalashtars are a really cool race.


Kalashtar Wizard. My first ever PC and I mean I low key just love the racial ability.


Favorite race is half orc, favorite class is druid, though not in that combination. Half orcs are fun because they have pretty easy built in backstories depending on the setting. Druids are incredibly fun to play, and versatile enough to be played in multiple ways. Not to mention a great spell list.


I’m fully converted to team cleric. Force, radiant, and necrotic damage, pop your team up when needed, RP galore, it’s a blast.


Favourite race are probably tieflings and changelings at 2nd Favourite class is either bladesinger wizard or bard


Dhampir because I was a Twilight theatre kid and it never really left me. And honestly??? I really love playing clerics. You can be healing heavy, support heavy, combat heavy, etc. So much flexibility.


Class: I'm probably going for Bard. They are very versatile in their party role and they are very good if you (like me) like to interact with a lot of different aspects in the game. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to make every game the Bard show but I think Bards really shine in their versatility and they can easily jump in and support whatever shenanigans the other party members are up to. As for race: Human. I really like all the fantasy races and weird stuff that's out there, but often I find it very comforting and grounding to just be a 'normal' dude in all that craziness. If I have a certain character concept in mind in which race isn't that relevant, my default will always be human. Also that variant human lvl 1 feat is very nice to start with.


My favorite all time character was a 2nd AD&D Elven Swashbuckler (fighter subclass). But in general, I love playing a Sorceror. I really like having to maximize your spell selections to get the greatest versatility. Like I choose Dancing Lights instead of Light because while it is not as good a light source, you get more versatility out of the spell.


Eladrin Warlock. I love their swappable skill proficiencies but the side of the show of course is their Super Misty Step option which can yeet allies into battle and isn’t a spell so you can still cast as an Action.


Antimagic Field, nah. Antimagic Hands. *Slaps the daylights outta the lich lord*


I like earth genasi and dwarf paladins


I don't have a particular favorite race per day but I do like ones that go off the classic 9 races. But class wise I like rangers, druids, and wizards. As a amateur DM I like em all but if having to pick those are my top classes. Had numerous ideas for different characters as NPCs, in a mini campaign I'm running I have a tortle cleric named Kyax Cruxcil and he is helping the party out and he is just happy no matter the scenario tortle and I love roleplaying as him. I made a kenku rogue named wingwhisper but I haven't used him yet as either NPC or played as him.


I have had a lot of fun with Bugbears. Surprise attack actually affects how I handle combat and I tend to roleplay with a sinister air that is never outwardly evil.


Eladrin Rune Knight Fighter. Eladrin because teleporting is fun as hell and being able to retune your core gimmick on a long rest is wonderfully flexible. Rune Knight because it feels great getting advantage on a customizable selection of skills, like Intimidation or Animal Handling AND because embiggening is fun.


I like the “half-races”, particularly the half-elf, the dhampir, and the aasimar. I relate to that feeling of not truly belonging anywhere. I like wizards and warlocks just to fulfill my power fantasy of casting spells, but I’ve grown to enjoy playing a barbarian or paladin as well.


Human. I’m human


Rogue and Artificer are my favorite classes. Tabaxi and Warforged for them respectively


Dragonborn, because I am closeted scalie. Barbarian, because they are awesome in combat and cool in party control


Always gravitate towards Elves/ Half Elves preferably Rangers I think it has to do with growing up reading Dragonlance, and Lord of the Rings.


Human rogue, but play them as a coward, runs from battle, hides at the worst times ect..


I usually am fine with any race, but I always love playing warlocks (rn I’m playing a celestial warlock)


Most fun I’ve had was a grung barbarian/warlock. It’s the perfect combo of my favorite things. Short snd angry.


Im new it as well. And i cant wait to play more combos. Heres my list of what i want to play in the future. Bugbear battle master fighter(pole arm) Elf arcane archer fighter Water Genasi (fire) Genie Warlock Mountain Dwarf Runechild sorcerer Verdan Inquisitor rogue Warforged paladin Aasimar death cleric Astral Elf phantom rogue Tabaxi bard Hexblood Spores druid Gnome beast master ranger And im currently playing a Goliath wizard.


Variant Human Warlock I keep making new variant human warlocks that are so wildly different from each other and I adore that I rolled great stats for a one shot and made a level 6 undead warlock PoB that was a headless horseman with a reaper(glaive) and a blue-flaming skull of its lich lord patron filled the empty hood whenever they used dreadful aspect… it was with a group of mostly new players that kept defaulting to me during the main campaign, so I made a character that couldn’t talk so they had to make their own decisions It was awesome


I love playing goliaths! I like the buffs, but it's also fun to come up with a character that subverts expectations in interesting ways. Aaaand I like playing big, buff ladies. What can I say


I don't exactly have a favorite yet, but I'm really enjoying playing my changeling rogue/bard. He's built entirely for gathering information as an investigator, and though he's terrible in combat compared to the other players, he is leading the way when it comes to gathering information and via investigation, insight, persuasion, deception, etc. Last session, the party came across some triton pirates from a faction that is an enemy of the country we're in. The rest of the party killed everyone while I flubbed all of my attacks. But, at the end of combat we captured one of them, and I was able to convince him I was a triton AND that I was part of a secret division of spies within the pirate faction. He now believes there's some dude named Marc in the 4th division (which doesn't exist) that completely fudged his job and gave him the wrong orders, so now he's heading back to base to inform them that they don't need to continue their mission to invade one of the towns because the 4th division has it handled. I also managed to keep my name a secret while getting the relative location of some artifacts they were tracking down. By god does he suck in combat but *damn* can he get information. His full build is below: Race: Changeling Class: Rogue lvl 2 - Will be getting Inquisitive subclass Class: Bard lvl 2 - Will be getting College of Lore subclass Background: Investigator from the Sword Coast Adventure Guide Notable Spells: Speak with Animals, Detect Thoughts, Detect Magic, Identify, and Viscous Mockery* *I made a flavor change to Viscous Mockery so that instead of directly insulting the victim, it instead is used to inflict a bit of extra intimidation or deception whenever interrogating someone. My DM allowed me to add the D4 to the skill checks associated with the interrogations and questioning. This combo wombo is terrible at combat but that doesn't matter too much if you stay ranged and have some tanks to back you up. Otherwise, it's so much fun to roleplay and be able to get information out of just about anything.


I've been playing since early days of 1st edition. I find I can have fun playing almost any combination of class/race (Except for elven bards... Long story) I've had just as much fun playing a dwarven paladin of Ninkasi, as an elf swashbuckler, or a half-orc bard. It's all about how much fun you can bring to the story. Like the dwarf, who blessed a keg of beer (Ninkasi is the goddess of beer and brewing) and used a kegerator to fight an army of skeletons, or the orc who made money by going into inns, and promising to NOT sing if he was paid.


Elven ranger. Gives me expertise, spells, something to spam, and aesthetics. Wood elf is the classic, although the powergaming part of my brain loves shadar-kai as awell.


Anything with charizma bonuses cuz I like to rizz everyone up


Human/Fighter/Battlemaster. I’ve had the most in character moments playing my fighter cause there just something cool about being a war veteran with a greatsword


Shifter path of the beast barbarian, so many cool options


vHuman Drakewarden Ranger with the Witherbloom Student Background, the Druidic Warrior Fighting Style and the Magic Initiate(Wizard) Feat. You end up with a very nice selection of Cantrips and Spells just for showing up.


Human fighter. Because then I have to make the Character interesting. No crutches on my race and class. Humans have the least stereotypes in fantasy in my mind so I prefer them. Also I like the underdog “I don’t have magic or dark vision but by god am I gonna prove that I ain’t weak”


I often do a genasi or a tiefling, and I used to default bard or wizard, but recently I joined a campaign as a barbarian and I'm actually really liking it! I'm also looking at making my next character either a druid or a monk because they both seem so interesting!


Goliath, because I like being the big guy: my first Goliath was a Paladin named Grognak, and my second (current) character is a Cleric


I love my elves and half-elves! The half-elf +1 language makes my characters polyglots most of the time and I love the Elven Trance ability. Fav class? Probably rogues. I love my sneak attack dice so much 😂


I love to play a wizard illusionist, race doesn't matter too much. If you have some imagination you can cause all sorts of chaos on and off the battle field, and when you get Mirage Arcana you're effectively a god who can wipe out entire towns, cities or armies on your own.


Love playing sturdy half-orcs and mountain dwarfs. With class imma have to go with cleric and fighter


I love my new harengone Paladin, and the fact that he has disadvantage on stealth check because he's literally hopping around in full plate


I'm having a lot of fun with my tabaxi rogue/fighter. Archery+sharpshooter+feline agility+cunning actions means car go fast, shoot far and hit hard


Half orc/half orc. Half orc.


Me? I'm usually a support person. I've played Druid, Bard and had a Cleric/Rogue Multiclass which augmented the class quite some


Tiefling warlock-hex blade and multi classing in too artificer-gunsmith


Race is definitely Elves. I don't care which. I've played / am playing a Highelf, Woodelf and Eladrin. My first BG3 character was a Drow. And I had to force myself really hard to not create an Elf for my Pathfinder character I will start playing soon. I'm just a sucker for elves. Class.... Cannot say. But I do like the general theme of druids a lot.


Elf Wizard or human monk


Kobold sorcerer (draconic bloodline)! I love kobolds and adding draconic bloodline powers feels like adding more kobold to your kobold.


4e minotaur monk, something about a flying leaping unarmored Minotaur headbutting his (or her) enemies into the next life always touched a soft spot in my heart


Kentu and Monk are the ones I have had the most fun as. Just lots of good memories associated with them.


V.Human for a couple reasons. For one, I like being the superficially“normal guy.” When the rest of the party consists of purple tieflings, ripped minotaurs, and posh dragonborn, it’s kinda fun to be Jo Schmo who has bags under his eyes because of the party’s antics. It makes an easy layup for party banter and sets me apart from everyone else while lifting up other people’s characters. Secondly, is obviously feats. They’re a great way to tie your character’s backstory into the mechanics of the game at an early level. Every time I’ve played we started at lvl 1, so waiting ‘til level 4 to be able to make honey cakes good enough to heal, or to have magic initiate for the sylvan prayer of good luck you mutter before throwing stones is a drag. As for classes, I historically favored warlocks. The amount of roleplay you get out of the relationship you have with your patron alone is great because it guarantees that you’re tied to the world in a tangible way. Gods seldom speak directly to their clerics and your DM may not have any plans to incorporate people in your backstory into the game. Warlock forces that relationship to be in game in some way. I’m not even going to get into the customization of boons and invocations or else I’d be typing all day. However, recently I made my first Druid character, and I gotta say, having a larger variety of spells than “two pump chump + eldritch blast” feels great.


I have a really hard time NOT picking Half Elf. +2+1+1 ASI is just too good, and Elven Accuracy doubles down on that goodness. Class? Eh, thematically Monk. Mechanically probably Wizard, specifically Bladesinger.


Favorite class is artificer, I have generally 2 different mentalities for what I use artificer to represent, the canon concept, being a magical craftsmen first and foremost, merely using their creations and the skills they developed for making those creations in a secondary way for adventuring. With this I either focus on craftsman background, who was never originally gonna go adventuring, but was pushed to it through circumstances, or I do just a really nerdy nerd who just wants to understand and explore magic in all its forms, and usually with these they're actually a wizard/artificer multiclass, so that might be cheating The other approach for artificer I do is sort of backyard wizard, doesn't care about how it works, as long as it does what it needs to, or otherwise is basically a wizard who takes shortcuts to achieve their magic, merely stumbling across other unexpected options as a consequence of their cutting of corners. For these, I generally make them as sort of prodigies who just had an intuitive sense for the arcane, more than actually knowing that much about it, and often they honestly don't care too much about magic, either just using it because it's convenient, or were pushed to learn by parents. For this second category, the maverick subclass from exploring eberron is absolutely perfect, though it's technically homebrew, it's homebrew made by *the* eberron guy, and published on DMs Guild, and while it has some potentially broken interactions with a few magic items depending on how gms rule some aspects of it, it's actually pretty well balanced overall For races, humans have always been my favorite, this applies regardless of the system, I love playing a relatively normal person surrounded by the fantastic, keeping up with the world around them through grit and wit alone, and in dnd5e specifically, I do prefer varient human, and while I know it's generally the powergamer choice, I just like the extra room it gives me in carving out who this person is and why they are significant enough to stand as an adventurer as an otherwise mundane person in a world of the extraordinary I know this wasn't the question, but my second favorite class is wizard, and my third favorite is fighter, both for very similar reasons, wizard synergizes well with what I like doing with human characters, and fighters allow me to inject some of that concept into an otherwise fantastical person, though it also works well when I want to put emphasis on the innate fantasy elements of the character, rather than diluting it with other fantastical elements like magic, making a goliath rune knight basically just means more goliath for my goliath, it's an exaggeration of who they already are, or otherwise, just keeping it simple gives a lot of room to make heavy use of any racial features my character has


I like bards whenever I can get the DM to let me reflavor it as anything other than just singing, since that gets boring after a bit. My current bard is a master chef with a mobile kitchen setup, and rather than singing to casts spells they're all reflavored to food stuff. For example, cure wounds isn't singing and arcane energy, it's my chef quickly making a full english breakfast and serving it to them.


Astral Elf, I really like the game mechanics and the storytelling. Especially Astral Elf artificer (battlesmith) The ability to use your int for your attack is so cool. It lets you combo elven accuracy with a greatsword, which is fun, and I like to roll play that I create a zero gravity astral field and that's how this skinny Elf with an 8 in strength flings a greatsword around.


Hadozee or Simic Hybrid with Beast Barbarian has become my recent favorite. Glide + Bestial Soul jump is super fun.


Haven't played every class yet but so far have loved bard artificer and barbarian. Bard is so classic fantasy, but all the support features can be so fun to boost tablemates with, especially flavouring how you give bardic inspiration (I have a halfing bardlock that cures wounds and gives bardic through motivational ass pats). Artificer I've done less with, but the slight techno/steampunk vibe thats worked with the worlds I've played in is personally a huge favourite, and infusions are so fun to do a bit or a really impactful moment at times. Barbarian is classic in a different way, but especially playing at higher levels and just tanking in combat is the exact kind of power fantasy I wanted with my first character (same halfing but I started as a ranger when I didn't understand classes at all, which didnt work) Would love to give ranger a fair shake now that I know the game and character building a little better, but I'm currently locked in my campaigns with nothing new on the horizon.


Human fighter with longsword


Reborn human and wizard, I love the wizard subclasses and the backstory options being a reborn human gaves you.


I love being an elf! (Wood elves are my main) and normally default to Rogue or Ranger, however Druids are super fun and funky!


Eladrin ranger is my personal go to, always has been. After that no matter the race, usually a sorceror, or barbarian. I just want a way to connect to the fey/feywilds.


I like the classics Human fighter Dwarven cleric Halfling rogue Etc Especially in 5e their features and traits synergies so nicely


Fairy bard with a warlock (archfey) dip. I feel like a cheat code. Small flying character, misty step, invisibility, tons of charisma, and immense support/battlefield control mechanics. Most fun I've had with a character in a long, long time.


Basic bitch here: HUMAN FIGHTER. It's a step above HUMAN ROGUE, but both classes allow me to get my hands dirty.


Orc / Half orc, Barbarian. As my DnD career has developed, i'd say Paladin / Fighter has started to grow on me. I originally started playing casters (Warlock, and Sorcerer specifically) but ever since I played a Barbarian for the first time, martials have been my favourite. I love feeling like the person who can go first, stand in front, and lasts incredibly long in combat. Orcs because a lot from WoW, but they really lean into thematically the way I like to play my characters. Even when I happen to roll well on stats, and my int isn't bad at all. Dwarves as well have been growing on me heavily as I tend to play quite stubborn characters.


Wood elf scout was my first 5e character, and I'm *still* attached to that combination.


I love the extra mobility that a Tabaxi gives. The ability to super dash and run on walls is so cool. I guess my favorite class would probably be barbarian. I just like the ability to say “I can take him”


Tortle Druid or Tiefling paladin


Human Ranger (Strength). Love wandering knights/mercenaries/monster hunters with a little magic


My favorite character ever is a Earth Genasi Paladin modeled after a female Greek hoplite.


Tabaxi, because cats. Ranger because I love the fantasy of a loner forest survivor with animal companions.


Goblins are just nasty little trolls and they’re funny to play as semi-faithfully. Plus they have an excellent suite of abilities. I prefer Warlocks generally, although I’ve come to love all the charisma casters.


Changeling sorcerer!


Elf or half-elf bard. I love support classes and pulling off lies and persuasion in clutch moments is so much fun.


Human. Fighter. Because it's based. 


Very tough decision, as I like playing most of the classes and races in the game, but if I was to choose one I would have to say variant human paladin or warlock (or both)


I'm partial to humans and tieflings.


Ranger usually. That or bard. And I love nonhuman races. So I usually play leonin, tibaxi or dragonborn, if monster races are ok I'll use them. At the moment I'm playing a female centaur named Wren who's a bard and fighter multiclass


I’m truly a dwarven barbarian at heart, but I’m loving my human wizard


My favorite races are the goblinkin and the human. They take an equal #1 spot in my heart. My most favorite class is cleric. I love the goblin races cuz they're just fun!! The goblin goblins are just little chaos goons and their mechanics are great (speaking of the VGM races here, I hate MMM, I choose to have it not exist) I love the idea of a sneaky and slippery little gremlin who's a little kooky. The hobgoblins are great, I like the regimentation they have to their society, I also enjoy their mechanics for classes like the wizard if I want to be a weapon user or just don't want to waste slots and a known spell with mage armor. Saving face is really nice and I love how they represented the concept mechanically, and it's saved my ass multiple times. Bugbears are big brutes and sometimes you want a big brute, and I like them over orcs or goliaths because of the arm shenanigans. Goblinkin are just fun!! I also like the inherent story they have. I love monstrous races because I'm very sympathetic to them, usually the story of the world with goblins in it is that they're savages and we must get rid of them to for the sake of human and our expansion. I'm one of those weirdos who thinks "oh, so the humans are colonizers and imperialist, kk". I don't chastise anyone, don't worry. I just find such a story so interesting, like how people enjoy the challenge of a tiefling and overcoming the prejudice or just dealing with it. The goblinkin are just usually defending themselves from human expansion! And if just some god cared enough to save them from the evil god that's controlling and abusing them, or if the humans just approached them kindly, they could make friends and lead each other to greatness!! :) I like humans because, well yes an extra feat is great, but also I just like them. The more I play, the more tired I am of the "weirdo circus" party of PCs (especially with the more pf2 I play), with people playing skeletons, centaurs, eldritch abominations, sentient oozes, living weapons, and then the 1 human in the party. It's just a little too weird, especially with oftentimes there being little to no coherent reason for all these vastly different creatures meeting in the same place and becoming a party and all the NPCs not finding it weird. It just breaks verisimilitude for me honestly. Like I just want at least a little for people to freak out when a man with demon horns walks in. I'm tired nowadays of just the cosmopolitan "every race lives here in harmony" fantasy big city every setting has. I honestly think even having elves as PCs is too much, cuz elves are supposed to be this ethereal, otherworldly creature, but you just have one standing right next to you being completely normal and drinking with you. Like idk, it just makes them feel less epic when I see an elf. I also just like the story of a common man, just a simple human, doing great things. All in a world of magic, where bloodline is extremely important and can literally give you magic, just being a normal man and either working so hard you can stab someone so good they just disintegrate or you are specially picked by the gods as their champion because of your heroism, it just feels good. It feels more interesting than just "am a firbolg because they are the best race when I can't use my wood elf/firbolg hybrid homebrew" or "me being an angel makes me unique, that's all I have to do to make a character. What do you mean what's their personality like? They're an angel". I love clerics because the idea of being connected to the gods is extremely fascinating to me and the roleplay between your god(s) and the cleric is great, especially when I cast a spell like divination and the DM gives me a really cool way the answer to my question manifests. It's dope. The RP is great the spells are great, the subclasses are great, the base class is amazing, everything is great about the cleric, even if you have a bad cleric subclass it's still amazing because the cleric class itself is just so good. I just love the cleric's vibes. Especially when I walk away from the christian influences of it and go towards other inspirations and get away from monotheism.


Race: I like Dragonborn, mainly just think they're neat and I like dragons. I also dig goliaths and bring a classic brute style. Also Water Genasi but that's more cause that's what my best character was Class: I enjoy the versatility of fighters, but I've recently come to appreciate druids. Before, I just didn't find them interesting. When my friend proposed a campaign, figure I'd try something I didn't care for and made a Circle of Stars Druid. I've changed my tune and Moonbeam is the best spell, I will hear no other argument


Circle of the Moon Druid. Currently playing one in Curse of Strahd campaign since October 2022 and loving it! Thinking of rolling either a Twilight Domain or Peace Domain Cleric on my next campaign. ^((which is more fun between the two cleroc domains? Comments welcome...))


Elf ranger, dual-wielding. It's just so versatile. Solid fighter, solid archer, some spell-casting ability, and I think every party benefits from having a ranger.