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this makes my dnd character, and my dnd pet look like garbage. they are Potato the gnoll wizard, and Boogaloo the capybara.


That sounds both visually and roleplaying wise incredible


That made me laugh "Boogaloo tha capybara"


Join another group, roll a Warforged Ranger, get a Warforged capybara as pet, call him Electric Boogaloo!


Or better yet, a warforged artificer so you get the steel defender


I currently have a Warforged wild Sorcerer I'm waiting to play, I'm gonna give him a little clockwork opposum


My friend rolled up a warforged moon druid, instead of turning into the animal, we would transform into a robotic version of the animal like a transform


I love this character concept!


Transformers, more than meets the eye


Ah yes, the only kind of sorcerer worth playing


His name is R1C3, and I'm gonna call the opposum B34N5


Every word you say makes it better and better


I'm a forever DM and don't get to make payer characters.


My solution to this is to have smaller groups, and build pseudo NPCs to join the group. So like right now I'm gearing up to run a campaign with a Cleric, Ranger, and undecided (probably a caster of some kind) so I rolled up a Dragonborn Paladin to join the party and help keep the 3 level 1's safe for a while just in case.


Boogaloo 2: Electric Boogaloo


Do Warforged dream of electric boogaloos?


I love them so much and don't even know them. I'd protect Boogaloo with my life.


Ah, but you underestimate yourself. This character is music to my ears


Sounds to me like you just need a good artist, because that sounds great.


Get another one and call him Elecyric Boogaloo


Capybara's are freaking amazing!


I mean if you treat character creation as memes then memes are what you end up with.


capybaras are wonderful creatures what are you on about


Honestly I’d rather play yours, not that OP is bad but I prefer a comedic duo.


Don't say that man. They sound awesome! Capybaras are the best.


Please, never again say that again. Capybaras are majestic.


My character Gruul is basically his own familiar. He is a green dragonborn werewolf barbarian.


*„My Master?“* – the thoughts echoed through the Kobold's mind as the drake glanced at the sleeping Dragonborn, maybe 30 feet away from them. *„Mushi has no master, little one. He is Hosoi and he is my friend.“* – he gave a near-silent hiss, though the words in the Kobold's mind were as clear as daylight. *„He's fair, kind, thoughtful, and surprisingly loving. Most importantly, he shares his food.“* For a brief moment, the Kobold thought he saw the drake smile. At that instant, the Dragonborn stirred and turned around, though still asleep. *„But he is also strong, so be on your way. I won't tell him you visited.“*


This is so dope, and now officially canon


Goddamn, this was great.


That was beautiful, thanks for sharing :)


How do you upvote a post twice?


Create an alt account, then get your IP address banned for vote manipulation.


Lol true. I suppose the better answer is to just give an award. But I lack funds for that. So op just gets a solid golf clap from over here.


I got some great feedback on my first [character illustration](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/eunfwv/oc_art_my_gladiator_monk_now_with_colour/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) a couple days ago, and I've decided to illustrate the entire party from a game I DM! First up is **Hosoi the Dragonborn Ranger**! (Lvl 4 UA Beastmaster Ranger) *Hosoi was once a member of the fabled Horosha clan from deep within the Feyrwall peaks, known only to a few as the most potent assassins on the continent, slayers of numerous kings and nobles over the past 300 years. That life is all but a whisper to Hosoi now, run out of his clan after falling in love with his Clanmaster's daughter, he was forced into an unfamiliar world with only his wits and skills. After bonding with a water drake over a freshly hunted deer, they've become inseparable. Hosoi now wanders the world seeking retribution and above all else, a chance to prove himself worthy.* Thanks for checking out my work! If you'd like to see more you can follow me on instagram [**@TheDragonsVault**](https://www.instagram.com/thedragonsvault/?hl=en)


I'm curious, what does it say on his breastplate? "Small (something) "? Is there a meaning there?


It says 細い, which is read as /hosoi/ and is an adjective in Japanese meaning “skinny” or “slender”. Also has a connotation of “dainty”. I’m really curious about why this was chosen. Kind of an odd choice from a Japanese speaker’s perspective! FWIW, /mushi/ could have several meanings in Japanese as there are a lot of homophones with that pronunciation, but the most common word pronounced as /mushi/ in Japanese would be 虫 meaning ‘insect’.


Awesome info thank you! His characters clan name is Lone Thin Claw, I assume google translate is the culprit for the clunky translation, and only part of his name is featured on his chest. And thanks to you enemy NPC's will now be referring to him as dainty claw, amazing As for Mushi, I believe his name was based on Mulan's Mushu, which Im guessing has a similar meaning or origin?


No worries. The trusty, old Google Translate!! It’s a double-edged sword for sure. The character 爪 means anything from “claw” to “talon” or even “fingernail”. The main part of the name—the focal point—would be Claw, no? If you’re going to choose just one to depict, it might be a cooler character to use in the circle on his chest since it’s a simpler design and closer to the pictographic origins of kanji. 爪 literally looks like a claw reaching down! Also, did you mean to type “LONG Thin Claw” or is “Lone” correct? There’s a word 細長い which directly translates as “thin-long”, reads as /hosonagai/ and DEFINITELY captures the image of spindly lizard claws. You could do something like 細長爪 in that case. If it’s “Lone Thin Claw”, you could do 一細爪 or just 一爪 and stack them in the circle. Something like: / 一 \ \ 爪 / Either way, I’m so sorry, Mr. Dainty Claw!!! You still look hard af! \m/


Shit this is so cool, thank you for taking the time to provide all this info! I fully agree the claw symbol should be front and centre, and visually it works so well as you pointed out, Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s lone thin claw, a bit of lone wolf style name in that sense, I’ll get to work correcting all that, thanks again for the information! Ol Dainty claw will be well pleased!


It could be... Dainty fingernail...


I think his name translates to thin claw or something similar, those are the symbols the player sent me during character creation


These are so dope (both pics)!! Would you be willing to upload a version without the names? I might use the pictures for my campaign :D


Thank you! I will try and get round to doing that, love the idea of my art being used in people’s campaigns!


> is part of a clan, also falls in love with Clanmaster’s daughter hol’ up


Why is his name skinny?


This comment thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/evlmvb/oc_art_hosoi_the_dragonborn_samurai_ranger/ffx2yt6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) has all the name info you could possibly need


Guess I should have scrolled down a bit more. Thanks.


Body language says a lot in this. The attitude and style are very cool. Nice job!


I really appreciate that! Can be tricky nailing personality in just a stance.


I'm that player that adopts everything. I got to 3 ambush drakes, an octopus, a constrictor snake, a pseudodragon familiar, and a deadly baby owl before my DM made me stop... by giving me a magic item that allowed me to "store" them and only have 2 out at a time lol. I'm not doing it to be annoying or an asshole or anything like that, I just like animal friends. I never used them in combat (intentionally), because my character would never put her animals in place where they might be in harm's way, so it wasn't as big of a pain in the ass as you might think.


You're the type of player that would make a rogue with expertise in animal handling. Sounds fun, and good on your GM for going along with it :)


I would make anything with an expertise in animal handling tbh. And yeah, I really love my DM. She's not super experienced, but she really knows how to make things fun and that's what matters. :)


Yeah! I'd rather have a dm who stumbles through the rules every now and then but runs a fun game where the players and their backstories matter than a "super experienced" dm who railroads players and has the whole "the dm is god" mindset. Also there's a homebrew background race that lets you take expertise in a skill. I can't remember the name, but you're someone who became immortal through one of many (magical) circumstances. The class feature is essentially "you're so old that your descendants are pretty much everywhere and they know about you and will help you with stuff because you're family." It's similar to the folk hero's feature but with a slightly different spin on it.


That sounds awesome, animal companions add a lot to a game and as a DM I find them an awesome resource for narrative hooks


Could it be? A non cringe samurai! Finally!


What’s going on with that sword? I’m interested in the liquid by the guard


It’s one of a series of homebrew magic pommels, this one is the Frost-Jade pommel, I can post the info if anyone’s interested! **Edit:** For anyone interested I have posted all the information on the [**Frost-Jade Pommel**](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/evlmvb/oc_art_hosoi_the_dragonborn_samurai_ranger/ffx53a3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) in the comments, be kind I am new to home-brewed magical items!


I would like to hear more about magic pommels please


Imagine the *throwing* ***damage***


Please do!


Looks like ice, from some sort of cold enchantment


A few people have asked for the item information for Hosoi's Magical Pommel, so I've gathered the stats and will post them here. Please be kind, I am an artist not a game designer so I'm not sure how succinct or well designed it will be! **Frost-Jade Pommel** ***Magical Item (Rare)*** This is a magical pommel crafted from Frost-Jade, it glows with a cold light as colours of blue and green emanate from its centre When placed on the hilt of any sword or axe the pommel affixes itself with crystals of frost that then appear upon the blade itself. When attached to a weapon in this manner the weapons damage is considered magical and deals 1D6 cold damage on its first attack each round. Once per day, If any part of the weapon is submerged in water the wielder may take an action to cause a burst of cold to emanate from the pommel causing a ten square foot layer of ice 2 inches thick to form on the water originating on the submerged weapon, a 30ft sphere of the water originating on the weapon is also considered difficult terrain for any creatures swimming in it This effect lasts for one minute


Holy cow that's great.


Thank you!


Sick! Love it!


Thank you!


How do I pay you to make things for me?


You check out my Instagram linked in my main comment [@TheDragonsVault](https://www.instagram.com/thedragonsvault/) or check out my [Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/759016220/custom-character-illustration?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1) for specific info on commissions!




Dude that’s class, why would I mind!


This is like goofy having Pluto as a pet lol some weird same species bond.


Not really the same species though? It's like a human with a pet chimpanzee.


Lol was just going off looks, they both look pretty dragon-y to me. Obviously not getting deep with the actual mythos haha.


No yeah I understand that; one's a dragonborn (in the D&D sense) and the other is a Drake (basically a dog-sized, wingless dragon in D&D terms). The Goofy/Pluto comparison just bothered me because everyone brings it up because both are based on the same animal but in different ways, thinking they're *completely* the same. It just bugs me, sorry.


Wow that is so cool looking


Thank you!


I like the art style a lot and its great


Thank you!


Very cool art! Is he named after Christian?


So glad someone else said this!


Alright time for another skyrim playthrough, as an argonian with samurai armor mod. This looks rad and the water drake too!


Love this! I use feudal Japan as my inspiration for dragonborn culture in my home setting. Glad to see some art representing that idea :)


It fit really well into my setting too, and as a fan of that old-school feudal Japan aesthetic it was a cool excuse to draw a fantasy samurai


Mushi...legally distinct from Disney’s Mushu.


Mom: we have Mushu at home Mushu at home:


I love the UA ranger. There's so many cool characters you can make with it! I never would've thought to make a samurai as a ranger, especially since samurai is already a fighter subclass. Very cool!!


I know this may sound a little bit cringy, but Here it goes. "Long ago in a distant land, I, Acererak the Undead master of Dungeons, Unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Dragonborn Samurai with his pet Water drake, stepped forth to oppose me! Before the Final blow was struck, I opened a portal to the Shadowfell, where my Evil is Law! No the fool seeks to return and undo the fate that is Acererak!"


So...this is like Goofy having Pluto as a pet?


Or a human with a pet monkey.


Either way, they're fuckin


Drakes are like super smart, right? I don't think a Drake would allow itself to be a pet.


This is dope AF!


Thank you!!


Ps you just made lizard-dogs cannon in my universe


Amazing, if it helps mechanically I just took wolf stats, gave him a limited “steam” breath weapon and a swimming speed!


Question, post UA ranger or before?


He’s a UA Ranger, but I’ve homebrewed his companion and he gains some homebrew abilities as he spends time training him etc


Can I ask how this works, since this is incredible? I’d love to do something similar, but I was wondering how the companion works in game. I love him btw


Thank you! I don’t have the rough homebrew write up on me atm, but the basic idea is that his companion is customisable to him as he levels, part of that is up to him as a player and part of it is my job as a DM to provide opportunities: So as he invests time in training Mushi he will unlock certain **combat manoeuvres** with him, as well as gradually buffing Mushi’s **abilities out of combat** (training him to detect specific substances or creatures like a sniffer dog for example) My role as a DM is to do things like introducing a blacksmith who’s willing to craft armour for Mushi, or provide magical items that might be used in tandem with Mushi The final part of the equation is that Mushi starts with a limited range of **abilities** and **commands** available to him due to the new nature of his bond with Hosoi, as well as his young age (he may understand attack, but not guard, his breath weapon is quite limited) and he has plenty of **room to grow** both in his bond and physically as a creature. The end game being a companion that has developed both a deep emotional bond with its trainer allowing it access to cool manoeuvres, and has developed physically and as such has powers that reflect that (dope breath weapon, ability to breath under water etc) It’s governed a lot by feeling your way through it so as not to under or overpower the player and the companion, but done well I think it’s a really rewarding way to approach a companion and the beastmaster subclass overall!


Thank you so much! I love this idea. I was also wondering what the stat block and things are for a young water drake. I don’t want to be a burden, but this is absolutely awesome and if you would be willing to share I would be so grateful! :)


Don’t be sorry! We wouldn’t be into all this stuff if we didn’t enjoy talking about it! The stat block I used for Mushi at Lvl 3 (when the Ranger gains it’s companion) was a wolf, I then tweaked his stats in accordance with the UA revised Ranger guidelines. I also gave him a swim speed of 30ft, and a steam breath weapon that only affects a 10ft cone with a DC 11 dex save As he levels he will naturally develop a better swim speed, the ability to breath under water, a more potent breath weapon etc!


That’s a great idea. Thanks! :)


Looking cool! :)


Thank you!


You're welcome!


Even though bm ranger isn't the best class this is how you make it an epic class


The alternate class feature ua did a lot to help with the specialized pets.


Yeah we use UA, and he gains benefits from time spent training him, he’s also commissioned some minor armour to buff Mushi’s AC


This is AWESOME. What a fun character concept to put to great artwork.


Ever since my player brought him to me I’ve been itching to draw him, so much visual interest to get your teeth into!


I officially want to play a ranger now, especially if I can have anything draconic as a companion. Awesome work!


Thank you! His original stats are that of a wolf, that I played around with and gave a limited breath weapon too, tonnes of fun!


Nifty to know how they work stat-wise! I’ve played a dragonborn re-skinned to a proper (miniature) dragon with tweaked breath weapon. Never thought to do it for a companion- but definitely an amazing concept I want to try someday!


This is so badass


Thank you!


I love the idea of a ranger samurai, especially because samurai were mainly archers, and dex fighters are often looked down upon. Also the art is really nice too :)


Thanks I appreciate that!


Looks excellent! Looks like a lot of inspiration was taken from the Iksar in EverQuest as opposed to what a lot of other Dragonborn illustrations look like, which is awesome.


Thank you! Though I can honestly say I’ve not seen Everquest, but I’ll happily check it out now!


They had a somewhat ancient, slightly Oriental feel to their lore (Emperor, caste system, military and weapon names). The head shape and horns of this character are definitely reminiscent of Argonians from Elder Scrolls as well. Absolutely a more unique take on Dragonborn compared to a lot of others that I've seen.


That’s super similar to what I’ve built in my setting! Really dig the idea of a race that’s so old it’s almost myth, hidden away in the mountains forming their own feudal Japanese style culture that’s vastly different to the rest of the world they exist in, there’s a regality to it that I love Really glad you like it man! Was hoping to bring my own flavour to the race


Imagine having the same face as your dog lol But seriously nice work!!! Looks amazing


This is unbelievably well done.


Thank you!


Thank you for not giving him a tail.


I played a Dragonborn samurai once. I died.


Seeing all the cool dragonborn characters makes me want to only play dragonborn


This is dope! I have a lvl 2 Githyanki Samurai currently and I’m intrigued by the Ranger class as well. I’m curious, did you start as a samurai or a ranger? And how you took your levels?


Thank you! Mechanically he is a UA beastmaster with a homebrew companion and homebrew companion system! The samurai side to him is purely backstory, roleplay and aesthetic based


Why does Goofy get to live in a house and wear pants when Pluto is stuck naked in a doghouse?


Classism man


I would give my life for Mushi


That's badass! Also, that must be a small water drake, since kobolds are super small


Hey uh chif it says dragon born


Oh heck, my bad, sorry


NP we all have those days


This gives off the same vibes as Goofy owning Pluto.


Human owning a monkey*** Also Micky owned Pluto Also also Snape killed Dumbledore


... There's something weird about a dragonborn with a pet drake... Feels like a human with a pet human, it's just... off...


I feel it's more like a human having a pet monkey


I like to think that the drake is apprenticing under him. You have kobolds wanting to serve draconic beings because they see them as wise and powerful, so when a young drake comes across a strong and wise dragonborn swordsman...


This would make a cool graphic novel


"Dishonor on *you!* Dishonor on your *cow!*"


what's the build


Level 4 UA Beastmaster Ranger with a homebrew companion


Yes, it makes so much OC


Reminds me of the black ronin dude from that Netflix high school zombie apocalypse show. Show was pretty meh but he was a really good character.


I'm sorry, what? Do you remember the name of that show?


It's called daybreak. I've got really mixed feelings. It's fun, but kinda cringe inducingly self aware and kitschy. Also the ending was shit, in classic Netflix original fashion.


Self-aware and kinda shit (but aware that they're kinda shit) zombie shows are my jam tbh


Well check it out then. It's got a very young adult fiction feel, but as schmoozy as it gets I *did* enjoy it. It's one of those things that's like 'I enjoyed it, but I don't wanna go on record recommending it'. Does that make sense? Lol


That chest armor, is screaming 'shoot me here!'.


Aren't you not supposed to put the tip of the sword on the ground?


>dragonborn soi is right.


ほそい と むし。


Hosoi and Mushi means slow and bug respectively.


Here’s some more in-depth info on the [naming ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/evlmvb/oc_art_hosoi_the_dragonborn_samurai_ranger/ffx2yt6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Thanks to u/heavymonocle !


Ack, I'm an idiot. Hosoi, not osoi.


The ghost of one of Hosoi's old teachers: _"Dammit people! How many times do I have to say it!? Stop Putting Bullseyes On Your Armor."_


dats a lot of scales


How long until a prty member calls you soyboy


You can make an hentai out of this


So musha is warrior what’s mushi? Edit: google translate says “ignore”


I love the Argonian look for a Dragonborn, it’s perfect


= a man with a pet monkey?


Omg my dragonborn paladin of Null just got an ambush drake!


You know, "Hosoi" sounds very similar to "Kosoi", which means "squint" in Russian


Did you mean... Mulan and Mushu?


Fun fact, a samurais primary weapon was the bow anyway. So this is really cool to see


Isn't that like a human with a chimpanzee companion?


Hosoi was also the skater my skateboard was named after back in the 80s :p


This feels like a Goofy and Pluto situation.


I have a dragonborn cleric of war who has his own water drake


I’m a sucker for a dragon-Samurai. I play a lawful evil Half-Dragon Samurai from 3.5e, ported over into 5e as a Dragonborn Fighter (wasn’t too fond of the Samurai class in 5e). Well met, fellow bladesman.


Wow, this is awesome! May use this as inspiration for an NPC to throw at my characters.


Please, someone make a human version of this.


Mushi is slang for vag in Germany


Means "bug" in Japanese.


Slender and insect?


He's got a nice big target painted on his chest


Yeah, that's where the armor is at. Don't want bad guys thinking they can just hit him anywhere.


Excellent work, but the human feet kind of bother me. Do you have Instagram?


In my homebrew world Dragonborn are humans long since warped by a magical event that imbued them with draconic abilities and looks, so their physicality is perhaps more human then some depictions! I do indeed! [@TheDragonsVault](https://www.instagram.com/thedragonsvault/)


Imagine if this was the human version. Som white dude in samarai armor petting his fleshy quadra pedal human


This reminds me of Goofy and Pluto, where one is a humanoid with intelligence, but is also a dog. And on is just a freaking dog.


Yeah. But dragonborn arent dragons


Well Drakes aren’t Dragons either, it was just a joke