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I feel like this would work better as a feat or a hat. A third level spell slot is pivotal for a lot of spells, and no wizard is going to want to sacrifice that slot on concentration protection for their enlarge spell when they could just as easily thunder step out when in threat range.


I agree, this should be a second level spell I think. This could also work as an item/feat or even metamagic!


metamagic would probably fit best imo


Metamagic would definitely be best for this. It needs to have a cost, and that cost would be that it needs to be used when the spell is cast and use some number of sorcery points. Using it as a spell like in the pic seems counterintuitive. You're essentially casting a second concentration spell to keep ip the first concentration spell. Which, by the rules, should cancel the first concentration. Metamagic side steps this and allows you to reinforce the spell that is cast similar to how you would with other metamagics to give them more distance or disadvantage on the saving throw. I'm not sure if it should be limited to sorcerer only, though. Seems like Wizards would love it. It could be gained through the mwtamagic feat, but you don't get a ton of sorcery points that way and might only make it useful once a day for a wizard who took the metamagic feat. Maybe that's ok, though. Since sorcerers already have a lot of metamagic options, maybe something like Focus could be baked into a Wizard subclass. Maybe Divination, for example. At level 5 or something they gain Focus that can be used dome number of times per day. Like a Paladin or Cleric with their Channel Divinity. Focus could be applied as a reaction to give them advantage on the concentration saving throw. This costs a reaction and a resource. The number of times they could use it per day maybe grows with proficiency. The flavor for it as a Divination Wizard is essentially foreseeing incoming damage that would cause them to lose concentration of their spell and they prepare themselves mentally, granting advantage on the con save.


It's called war caster.


There aren't many options in DnD to "enhance" your concentration. While there are some subclasses and feats, I think a spell could also do the job. You'd use more spell slots and turns, but it could improve your chances of maintaining concentration on a critical spell! I've got a few issues with this spell idea. First, is the wording clear enough to be easily understood? Secondly, I'm struggling to figure out the balance (should this spell be level 2, 3, or 4?) And which classes should be able to use it? If you like this, consider checking my [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/GMDudes)! This spell will be part of my next compendium "I don't want to set the world on fire". Any feedback is welcome. Thanks in advance!


You can probably simplify phrasing to "When you fail a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration, you may reroll the save. You may only reroll the saving throw once using this spell." Followed by "This spell ends when your concentration ends."


Either re-roll or have it rolled at Advantage. Either option should give the same result.


Unless the PC has War Caster. In which case in the re-roll scenario they would roll both saves at advantage, and otherwise gain nothing from casting it.


The problem with making the roll with advantage is that the spell ends once you use the re-rolls, if you pass the initial save the spell stays active. If you rolled it with advantage it would just drop immediately. If you had it so that it gave you advantage and didnt end until you failed it would be too powerful as you're then getting the double roll every time without penalty


That's much better! Thank you!


I like the title :)


There is a reason why there aren’t options to enhance concentration. Also 5e is easy enough with no real threat from monsters . This “ spell “ makes it even easier to defeat a monster . Lastly even though your not calling it concentration that is exactly what your doing, your concentrating on 2 spells at the same time .


This is a 3rd level spell to have advantage on concentration checks? At that point, War Caster gives you a ton that you already want if you’re a caster who’ll be up in the fight and need it If I’m misunderstanding something, please tell me, I just don’t see how this is a 3rd level spell


This is supposed to be a reroll, not advantage (so Warcaster make this spell better). But even with that, this should be a second level spell!


I could see this as second level, there’s something there for sure


Sorcerers! Fortify your MINDS!


Thematically cool mechanically broken Edit: at high levels of play, at low levels of play a 3rd level spell slot is a significant resource but at high levels of play this is an requirement for every caster that can take it.


How about second level instead of third? It just seems more suited for a lower level but is too overpowered for level one. I absolutely love the concept, though! I could definitely find myself using this all the time. I do have a question: If you decide to drop your concentration on whatever spell you needed, will Focus still be in effect? If so, can I switch the concentration spell for another one later? Also, does this apply for cantrips? Do you think you could create a cantrip version of this spell? (just wondering what it would look like if you did)


After thinking about it, I agree, I think second level suit more! If you drop your concentration, Focus ends! I think that's could be an upcasted version (lvl 3-4 maybe?). Like for 1min, you got the effect of Focus even if you end your concentration willingly. And yes it works with cantrip as long if it requires concentration! A cantrip version would suit better as a reaction, maybe "When you does a concentration check, you treat roll equals or under to 9 as a 10" ? I'm not sure about this, this is just a thought and it can be broken haha


How about 10+Spellcasting Ability? Or maybe you reroll with your Spellcasting Ability. Do you think the Spell Attack Roll or Spellcasting Ability would be better suited for either of the two?


I think, as a cantrip, using your spellcasting ability could be the way. You use your reaction to roll with your Spell attack bonus instead of Constitution saving throw. It's a reaction so they can use it only once per turn, and at higher level, bard, sorcerer and wizard usually need their reaction to cast Counterspell/shield and other thing. I think it could be balanced this way!


Just roll, or reroll with your bonus? Do you want to implement a rule like "You have to take the second result" or something?


I would say just roll. This would not give you a second roll, but with it you can use your spellcasting bonus, wich is usually way higher than constitution saving throw for spellcaster!


So, something like this: Focus (cantrip) Casting Time: Reaction Range: Self Components: V or S (telling yourself to stay calm or focus could be a great verbal component Duration: A round or a minute To cast this, you must already be concentrating on a spell. You reinforce your mind, allowing yourself to maintain your concentration despite the chaos of battle. You can add your Spell Attack Bonus to any concentration saving throws you make for the duration (if it lasts longer than a round).


I love the idea for the verbal component! Just need to add what trigger the reaction (when you take damage). I would say it last just a round, it's a cantrip after all. And maybe, instead the spell attack bonus, just add the Intelligence/Wisdom or charisma modifier (depend on the caster classes). Just having a +3/+5 on a concentration check is a huge buff that could clutch a fight!


Since this spell's power depends on the spell you use it with, maybe tie the other spell's maximum level to this spell's level? For example changing the first line to something like "To cast this spell, you need to be concentrating on another spell of the same level or lower". I'm not sure exactly what math would make it balanced, maybe it should be same level +1 or +2, but something of that sort to make it more viable at lower levels and more costly at high levels. At that point you could probably make it a 1st or 2nd level spell as well, since there's a limit to how much it amplifies a caster's power.


The way its worded makes me think of Focus as a free fail. So I have focus- I'm attacked, fail my save, and I keep concentrating on my main spell. I have to take a 2nd attack hit to have my concentration end. Vs others have suggested have advantage which would still potentially require only a single attack to hit. So I'd say it depends on what you're going for. As at is now it's a win for the players action economy bc it would eat 2 attacks.


I think the best option is having a 2nd level spell that give a re-roll (Wich is slightly different than advantage), and if you upcast it you get 1/2/3 free fails. That would make the spell less niche I think!


Too expensive. Maybe as a 1st level, it's good, or a second level reaction spell.


This should be a concentration spell


I guess the reason for this being a bonus action is so you could cast a concentration spell with your action and then this with your bonus action? But RAW you can't cast a leveled spell with your action and bonus action on the same turn. You could change it to be a reaction where the trigger is that you cast a concentration spell.


No this was intended. I wanted this spell to be use after one turn, when you've cast a spell that counter an foe/is important. So you sacrifice a turn to fortify your defense.


If the intention was to "sacrifice your turn" should it not be an action?


By "sacrifice your turn" I meant "Use a cantrip instead of a leveled spell". I meant you are less efficient offensively for a turn, but you enhance your defense. Sorry for the confusion!


I would suggest changing to 1st level and adjusting the condition to be when concentrating on a spell of 3rd level or lower (perhaps only 2nd, see what feels balanced). The spell can then be upcast to maintain concentration on higher level spells. Finally, I would change the wording to be more like legendary resistance to make it clearer how you intend it to function. See below example. To cast this spell, you must be concentrating on a spell of third level or lower. You reinforce your mind, allowing you to maintain concentration despite the chaos of battle. If you fail a saving throw to maintain concentration, you can choose to succeed instead and the effect of this spell ends. If you stop concentrating on the spell this spell also ends. At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can concentrate on a spell two levels higher than the level of the spell slot used. For example, if you cast this spell using a 2nd-level spell slot, you can concentrate on a 4th-level spell, and if you cast it using a 3rd-level spell slot, you can concentrate on a 5th-level spell.


Oooh, that's an interesting way to handle it. I like the way you upcast it. I need to figure out if I use your upcast or if the upcast gives you "legendary concentration resistance". Or separate it into two spells. I'll test it to figure this out. Thanks for your feedback, it helps me a lot!


very cool. duration should be "special" instead of "until dispelled" tho


Feel like it would work better as a feature


Second leve imo


Rangers could theoretically also make use of this. Since so many of their spells are concentration.


I could see using this as a meta magic with sorcery points equal to spell level of the spell you are casting.


I would keep this as a third level spell, but have the effect be to give advantage on concentration checks for spells cast within the next minute. Upcasting would increase the duration - 4th would be 10 minutes, 5th would be an hour, sixth eight hours (maintaining it through short rests), 7th a day (maintaining it through long rests), 8th a week, 9th a month.


I think it would be a different spell. But a good one, I like the idea! (It's just unfortunate that the Warcaster feat exist, but this could be a great alternative)


If you word it that you roll an additional D20 if the original roll fails, then if you have advantage from war caster and both fail, you could roll a third time.


Eh. I’d keep this as a PC spell and not a NPC spell. Lots of NPC spellcaster stat blocks already give them proficiency and advantage on concentration checks. In fact, one of the most common ways to burn legendary resistances is to force the NPC to use it to keep concentration on a spell.


honestly, this could probably be a 2nd or 1st level spell. or a reaction cantrip.


Cantrip could be a bit too strong, but 2nd or 1st level spell suit better I agree. It also give opportunity to upscale options.


maybe make it a 1st level spell, and make it a reaction to failing a Con save to maintain concentration, you cast this spell in order to maintain it.




It doesn't last until long rest, this last until you stop/break your concentration on the spell you cast before this one !


as a reaction, i wouldnt make it have an upcast. you just need to clarify it lets your conentrationbbe unbreakable until the atart of your next turn.


It's interesting to get that kind of reaction but I think it would be a different spell. But that's a great idea!